Anderson. Miss 35. Bruuskill. Mrs. Baker, Margarel,2 Bowman. Thomas,_2 Bhdol, Mitry AH)“; Cain, Mary Ann- Cnmpholl. Margaret C‘ogï¬lhn. Thomas Curran, 'l‘homns Chicane, Jhsvph De nion. William Dom-r. Emmanuel Rnspy, Eliza Frazar. Agnes Gray, Catherine Gibbs. John Garnish, Richard Granger, Henry German. John Grant. George, 15 Gaby, Joseph Gnviller. E. A. J‘oh-Isnn. R. Kneal. Francis Lauder. John Lynel, Nicholvs. Jun. 2 Minnossey. A‘rthur Mier. Charlc‘s McKmmie. Hannah DYcAm-ey. Maggie O’Brien. Mary L. O’Brien. Annie O’Brien, E, A‘. O’Connor, Michael’ Patterson. Miss Rumble. Thomas Rumble, John. Jr. Richardson. J; Sheppard; Catherine A Stevenson, Nat. Stephenson, James, 3 Simpson. James Steel. G. Shield. Catherine . . . ‘ . Heinmingway. Miss Jfl omkms, Sarah Jane 1151ng , Catherine LL parties having ground enclneed or mar-Rod 03' as family huning groundaI In henehv notiï¬ed um such unclnsed or Jna-kvd ground. not occupied wilh gravesâ€" alnnot be secured unless the mm of two dollar! for ench unopened gravu he forthwith paid for. a limited number. sm‘six graves. 6“ 9 feet Bach. as tho maxiomum can enly he secured by one family, 'l‘hotruslees will not ho‘»d themselvras m- sponsihle after this notiee, should burials lake plum on marked o‘T ground, {HIIBSS‘HIB above ngulutious ore compliod with. Richmond Hill, March 9. 1865 Richmondmll. March 9, 1861;, PUBLIC, NGTECE When payment is made in accordance with the uhwvu it will he cnnsidared pavment only (or tho ï¬rst opening of a grave and a re»opon- i'ng of a grave wille subject to a new charge, Mich charge to be regulated by the cnngruga- flan at annual meetings. The Inosl infallible and popular remedy ever known, for all diseases of the female sex They \ have been used in nmny thousand cases with unfailing successâ€"and may be relied on in every can fur which .luey ma recnmnwnded, Ind particularly in all cases mix-sing from to ï¬fty anma clmlrod, with good dwell. in; and out how-es. between Richmond Hill and N ewmarket. Applyâ€"4f by letter (post paid) to Burrie, March 9, 1866 Richmond Hill Burying ï¬mnad! , ANTED to Loam a Farm {mm thirtv to ï¬fty acrea clnarod, with good dwell. FAT House and Lot. No. (‘. belonging to I he Canada l’rvsbvlorian Church. Rich- I'non “ill. will In: Ionsod for a term of years. The Tenant will lm allowed a slipulated ampnnt for repairs from the remal TUE Partnership heramfnre existing; hetwem the undersigned as Tanners an Carriers, is this dav dissolvv d by muu‘al consent, All debts to b6 paid m J, accb Lawrenga. JACOB LAWRENCE. W. L. WILKINSON. UINJC NOTICE is herahy givr‘n Ihat [he Rir'hmond Hi3] Ceun'y Grammar Schanl is now free In pur-i’s who may he Hllli - on» to nvqnirn a superior B‘hll".flii0[L-APlI“(‘n lion 10 ha made In Ilia Head Master 15)“ order of the Boa/Id of Trusst WANTED, A FARE†DISSOLUTION of PARTNERSHIP L remedy for special cases. four degrees ‘flronger than the above; price Five Dollals per box. A l'mvus CIRCULAR to Ladies with ï¬ne lnatomicnl engravings. soul free on receipt 0! directad envelupe and Hump. nr:n U’ij this out if you Home I‘m. thvoy': l'alln. and if you cammt prucurewhom of _\our dmggisl. do not mks anv other. for some (lo-ul- uu who are nnprinclpled WI“ I'chmmond mlmr f'ollmle Pills, [hay can make :1 lalgur proï¬t on ~bu| out-lose the moxwy and sand direct to "r. J BRYAN. Consulflru l’i1_\'si('lnu,liox 5f! 9 44‘213r0ndway. New York, and you will racein Hum «evuroly seahsd lrum Ubsclvaliull. by re~ In mail. 13‘ 25 (mks in Wéiling will be received by anyvof the [rm-mes. “ Egungmn. Fob... 26. 1856 335. G Grammar ï¬sh They are perfectly harmless on the system. lnly he taken at any lime with prrfet't sututy: ht: (luring :lac curly stages 15/ I’ngwuncy 1/ng alum!!! put b5 (alum. m‘ a mismnmgu mug In: tlu result. They never cause any sickness. pain or distress. Each box contains GU Pulls, l'rico one dollar. G'ICU‘. P. DICKSON. Socr‘y. Richmond Hill. March 9. 1866 40-4 Obstruction or Stoppage of Nature, no matter from Wth Cause it m'isr‘s. 'l‘hay lie ofl‘oclual in rvsloring to health all who are nufl'ovillg from Wnakuess, and Debilin', Ulvr- ine Discharges, Nervous-Hess. &c., Sun. &c., and “my “ Acl like a charm.†in stuenglhen- ing lhn svslem. 'l'housands ol' lndlrs who have uuï¬brt‘d lur years and “le various ullmr ralliedles in vain. owe a renewal or their heullh and strength wholly to the efï¬cacy of Address. EDGAR 'l'ngmkrnrv','Stgtibï¬ï¬‚iLbiQBIh IL, New York city. 1y-2') Drr Ilï¬l'vey’s Female Pi 11s, A gentleman who sull'ered for years from Nervous and Genital Debility. Nightly Ernie- liona. and seminal Weakness, the result of Youthful indiscretion, and came near ending his days in hopeless misery, will. for the sake «I' suï¬â€˜ering man. send to any onea ï¬licted. the simple means used by him, which effected a cure in a few weeks. after the failure of nu- merous medicines. Send a directed envelope lnd ten cents and it will cost you nothing. AI] n 39mm aflmttimmw t2}. Important to LflDIES. ERRORS OF YOUTH. EMAINING in the Richmond Hill Post r (Dflii'e, on Is! March, 1865 : 'TO LEW. Dr- Harvey's Female Pills. DrJHarvey'sEGolden Pills. RICHMOND IITLL List of Letter‘s GEO. P. DICKSON. C. G. MARTEN. N. TEEFY, Scer'y (f: 77608. 3, 186K. 4J4 M. TEEFY, RM. Bu:an P. 0. Secretary. 4U-4w 40-4w 4D-4p Two years Old. ITas been running at large on ‘l'ne fourth concession of Vaughan. for some time The owner can have her by proving property and paying expenses. bE'AR CHURCH STREET, Sprepnred to wait upon any who ueod‘his professional services in ordb'r to preserve thaw ï¬eeux, 0r relieve sufl'eting and supply new teak in me most npprovadstyla. Also to regu- late the wmh 0.1; Lhose who need it. Consultaaion ftee. and all work warranted. .A. RED Iâ€"IEIFER Vaughan, Feb. H. 1866 D ENT 1 STRY. STRAY KEEPER. w. c. ADAMS, 0- ms†" IT†Thz'ee Acres of Land. gnnd Barn. / Smhlvs. Cuw-luuwe. Orr-hard, \Vanof Hurd and SI,“ Wular, and mlwr cmwvuinu'as, "hunted an In: '18. In! Con. Vuughau.â€"Mill street. Richmond “1'â€, 7 HF, Subscrihnr hwy in inform the Public that ha has leased the above Hntel. whN'e ho willkewpConstantly on hand a good snmylv of ï¬rst-Class Liquors. &c. As [his lmnse pmsm. . every m-commndnlinn Tra- vel on: (23111195110. those who wish lusluy whnre tlmy can ï¬nd ovurv cmni'url are respectfully in; vilerl to give him a can. lichnmnd “in. Dec, 1E65. 284T VA M [C in'n the promises or the Subscriber. Lu! N) 32, 2nd (Inn. Vaughn", about (he middre nf 0 (-ohsr Fast, He looks “he a 3 \MH' n'd. The owner can have the same b) proving propeny a: d l:a_\ing exl‘euses. Rich‘d Hill. Jan. 95. 1866, Vaughan, Dec. 2. 1‘65 February 1‘2, 1866. $TEER. HOUSE & L OT FOR SALE ORTORENT. 1“'1†feet Split Wuud, to be delivered on [he L'nmpmqfls Grounds. Bummvilln. on or lmfure me 515: of Marrh. Tenders will be received up to the 1011: of March. hv Fevrurur)‘ lo M. U Butlouville, Feb. lrï¬ï¬. . p T0 LOAN (I) the securiiyof' , j j Faun Property, in Ymk and Pec]. No Commisziun charged. Apply per- sonaliy, or if by letter pre-paid, to BEECH &E§APLE 7 which he will divpm‘e of at very reduced prices for Cash. (Tami guess on applicalion. Thornhill. March 1866. 39-4“: riely of NEON EY ! MONE GARDEMMD HUWEH SEEDS, ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the coun- ties of York and Feel. Colleclor of Notes, Accounts, &c. Small charges and plenty to do. SPRING OF .1866 June, 1865,. DOF.W"5VG_5_’_$R__.HOTEL, Apply on the premises to Henry Smelser, 95. King Street East, Toronto. AME into the pI’PmisoS of the undersigned. Lot No: 28. 3rd Con. Vaughan, Laskay, March 2nd 1865. V3706 5) WA NTED. HE Markham Oil and Mining Company will rer-eive tenders for EGS m intimats to the Public in Markham and Vuughgm, that he has on hand a va- 25 (JORDS LATE VAN u Stark, Thornhill. BOY!) & STAYNER. Barrioiors, sS'c. WM 81‘! VER. of good JOHN DE LA HAY. WILLIAM DEVLIN :66. 27 4t OF ROU'I‘. ROBITCS()V. i.) 264 NUS'I‘RAND’S, Toron tn‘ 5-1-3") 39-1), 39-4w Lamp Chimnies, Lump Burner-5', Wicks and Lanthoms, with a general assortment ofevery- thing ever had. wanted or thought of in a Country Store. Lats G. A. BARNARD’S. DZJL‘.._»IJ "le mu. 1 um): PEENYLWIE W [EM-MAN MICK [ML Fanny Sax‘uney Flannels in great variety of colors. maï¬a): Wiucev, Tweed, snark-t audlfancy Flaunek'ShirLs. eVar o‘fl'e] make. Lung; Strung, Warm and? Humble, fwm 83.1311; f9 l7sr B‘d‘ e‘a‘cï¬' Elephant, Machine and Paint OILS, (YQAL DEL TAM-E38 in great: VARIETY Before the assu-tmam is broken. Good Factory Cutton', from 8%! per yd. Good Bleached Canons, from 7511 per yd. Good l’lain VVince_\'s. fmm 8H m [M per yd. Good Cobuurgs, in vuious colors. from ls 3d per Mi Good 4â€"4 Browm. Grey and Black Mohairs, 105‘! per )‘d' A nice lot of Checde Winceys,l IOd per yd. Blue Denhns. froma7§d per yd“ Black Mamie Clolh, trunwls per yd. Union 'l'weeds. for Boy's Wear. {mm ls 3d'per yd. l Ladies’ Gray anti All-wool 'I‘we‘ad and Full’d Cloth, froln' 234M from Is 321 pa per yd, Iain excellent asnur Heavy l’eleriham, 2 yds. Wide, 55 per yd; wnnl Socks.- fl Heavy Blue Linsev Wuolsey.fro-11 133d per yd" Ladies \Vhlte Cali Heavy \Vhimey Blankets. from $310 $8 pa'ir’,‘ to 15 each. White Flannels, ï¬â€˜onl ls |04d per pd. Widra sphndid assortment of Wool Yam. in all colors-and prices. It being imuom‘ible to enumerate the prices of 3'“ salisfy the public that A great’variely of men’s heavy all wool Twer'd Pants, from 105. per pair, A great variety of men's heavy Black C'éussim’ere Pixms, from 153 (5‘ Ellyper pain A large lot of all lVool Canadian Tweed. Pull Clothyllroad' Elulh Cassimere.’ Doeskitt‘ Beaver Cloth Not to be surpassed if equalled With Cheaper or CHEAP AND SUITABLE GOODS M. S. POLLQCK has now rvcciw (1 his Fall Stock. consisting 6f the largest. Jwapeflt. I and marl varied nssurnnem of goods. suitable for lhé romlng mason}. aï¬'éfad on Rich- mond Hill, which hay- been purchased prior to the rncrnl advance in the umkeï¬yund will bu found ucharï¬ngï¬' MW in p"iue. Quietly adhering to the old udaga A: the host mama†nfconvlunnng husinassâ€"â€"ulike so 1713 a ‘vantago of the consumer and the tr dosnmnâ€"â€":md acting on {how pliucipies he is determined FEM HM TEE EEEIEJTEEY ENE} THE CITY ! RH.“ Our Arrangement. Policy uess, has been to vsmhlixh Terms: Cash; No Second Price. Insamwsmm EAST, 33 and 40 MMET SQUARE, His Advertisement is not an Empty Beast: INSPECT OUR LARGE AND VARIED STOCK. EN‘EEB G008 Dress Gocds, Woollens, 7 Napery, Shawls, Blankets. C cttons, Mantles, Flannels, Linens, Hosiery, Shirtings, Winceys, Gloves, Carpets, Yarns, aberdasherv, Damasks, Tailors’ Trimmings. REA DY-MADE CLOTHING, &c. &c. TORONTO. Nuv. 2, 1865 Or an additinnal copy to any one who will furnish llieir local Bookseller with FIVE new Suliscribers’ names. Club terms on application a! Smwii Praï¬is @m’ck Returns ' FALL “ï¬Ã©ï¬ï¬‚. E865, PMNGLE & CGMSY Road the “ HERALD’S†Monthly Notices of these Periodicals “GOOD WORDS,†OR “THE SUNDAY MAGAZINE.†Messrs. Slrnl gant Vohsmes of Edited by NORMANâ€"VIVIAEEVOD, D.‘ THE SUNDAY MAGAZI‘NE. To attain which com lctul it is onl necessar Hmt on should rive ) Rio’hmnn’d mu! N... 1, 13133. Also m‘oxcellent assortment o Fine flavored Young Uyson Tea. 35 6d per lb. Pure do Mayune do, 45 6d per'lh. Old Hysou Tea, unequalled; 4s 6d per lb. Fine strong and full flavored Black, Japan, and Jams Teas Trusting that his Customers may Road I Learn! ! Mark ! ! 1 “X'I'ENSION and Tunpmvnmenls of Premises and Stock now 1 Departments, embmcing the lending descniptinns of GOOD W STRAHAN & CO’S. MAGAZINES. Polite and attentive assistanls. Montreal; 50 at. Peter Street. TIE-IE ARGOSY, ~ v .... A MAGAZINE FOR THE FIRESIDE AND THE JOURNEY; 12% CENTS A MONTH: $1 50 A YEAR Author of WINES AND mavens; “ Good words are worth much and cost littlr."â€"â€"-HEBERT. 15 CENTS A MONTH; $1 75 A YEAR 15 CENTS A MONTH; $1 75 A YEAR. ‘nhun & C0,, wil} send Speeï¬nen Copies free' and offer one 0! (be ele n “ The Gospel in Ezekiel,†“ Speaking to lhe Heart,†Sic. EDITED BY THOMAS GUTIIRIE, D. D.. and chzef ohivct (his mason. and since commencing busi- mutunl appreciation between ourselves and all classes of WE] FFA L In BE A UTIFU LLY ILLUSTR ATED. PROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED. ILLUSTRATED. per pair. Gems Cloth’GloNsrfmm‘ 1: l0; to 53 per pr. Girls \Vhite Lambs-woul'Hose; (heavy) ls 3d per pair, Ladies’ Gray anti Fimc‘y La’m’hs‘ï¬viool: Hose. from Is 38 par pair. An excellentasuuflmont‘of Chiï¬irens Rumba- wnnl Socks.- from 6. d to Is per pair. Lade White Cambrio} andkerchioï¬, from 46 to ls each. All-wool Scarlet Flannel, from Is 9d (0 25 9d per yd. lleavy Canton Flannel. from ls 3d per yd. Choice Fanny Flannels for shirts. from ls 6d per _\‘d' v _ Fancy Wool Muflierq, from Ladies' Cashmere Gloves, Goods in a circular, the following list wi s‘also the East ascorzindm of men's offered luv the neighborhood. our‘ own :m 48 (Mic-53‘. of Her Majesty‘s Ceapla'ms. and saIisfy their wants will†lOgd 10 3s 9d each. from 9d 1025 6d complete in an u- a call, and arid Mn. WM. MACEY. SIRâ€"I have examined your model of new}- invented door, and‘cnnsider it superior lo-am‘ thing I llhve seen for stopping druughts nud frost, and think it will greatly" save holy-Java heatth and preVont: damage from from, it is likewise 'cheap: ' Smiâ€"Havhlg tried your "Palent'Aiiï¬tighl nnd‘ Frost-3 'r'af ï¬ber,†1 have reason to believe rh’at'it is an excellent contriV‘ance, and‘c‘alcula- red‘to contrlhuw much to the comfort of thme who adopt it. 1 am of opinion that. much less Wood will be required’ to heaba house in the winter seasrm if your patent is applied to the outsiée doors of a residence. II‘uï¬ng’ ndbpted’ the [irihcip‘lo ih’ my re‘si- denne'. you hav» thereby the test o‘flffbnce; that I7 consiuer you'r patent Worth)? the altéu’lion of the public“. V‘la' requii’a’sdumthing of the kind to rende‘r out-side doors Woof aghin’st‘mr and“ frostâ€"this iuvamibn" win“ doulnless meet jhn case, and will be found be“? cheap and‘ efï¬cient It commands itself [6 the judgement aft hose who investigate the matter, as being calculated to $1196 fual, and w‘remfe‘r afamily-rosidaucu more Healthy and' attractive. Airâ€"Tight and Frust-Pmuf Door! Mn. Wu; C. MACH". ‘ Simâ€"Yraur Air-ligh‘t Door setr'ms" liliely‘lo meet with liberal fago‘r fro") t_he pubï¬c. MR. WM. MACEY. Monday February 12th, 1866. by J. WINDEA'I‘. Esq, M. A., Hendmustf} By order of th Board, M. 'I'EEFY. RICMOND HILL Baby 8. IBCG' Also, ï¬ne Table Codï¬sh and‘North Share Her- rings, jusL received. of excellent quality. and at moderate prices. Wm. S, Poi‘oc’k’s. lath Richmond Hill. Feb, 29, 1866, GRAMMAR SEHUULHE-UPENED HERRINGS, LAKE HURON Flgfl. Supplied on the best and lowest terms. at MM, BARB. NOETICE. AT ATKINSON ’S Vaughan Jan. 18. 1866. sopT-st, Allfll’orwhs indebted to the undersigned. either by Note or Book account. are re- qneswd to call and settle the sums as soon as possible P. CROSBY. Richmond Hill. Dec. 7. 1865. 27 YON GE STREET. J 03' Gaby, Proprietor. The owner is requested [0 prove property. pay expenses. and take him nwm Band Words, Sunday Magazine (“tam into tlnogpromisos of the Subscriber. let 1 4L. rehr of thn Isl con Vaughan, about the ï¬ts] of ()rlobor last A Yearling Bull. t may be invarreslinfl to those that owe me. to know that alI debts duu me, if not paid by the ï¬rst of March, next, will be advertised in tho You: meALn as I can’t be at the trou- bie and expense of running afler ihem-â€"uo joke. you'd better believe it ! GLO (ICES TE R iio USE, Good Stabling and an nuanlive hosilor always in allendance. Februmv 5. 1866. 36 RichnxD HILL. Fob lst. 1866. tWM. S‘ POLLOCK’S in good Blue and 131mm Deming: Lime and Dark Prints in choice pnlerns : Striped Shining : Faenry and blanched Cotlons; Gingham. die, of ï¬rst-rate vnluo, are being sold to make men for a new nud Inrge assoruueut of spring gods.â€" Late (5. A BARNARD. Richmond Hill Fed. 7. 1866. OR Fha Counties of York. Peel and On- mrio. Residence 3 L018, 6th concession Markham. I’ost Ofliceâ€"Unionville. Wm . Atkinson’s JOHN CARTER, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, Cash for F145: Seed. Richmond Hill. Jan. 26. ’66. Sales attended on the shortest notice- and on reasonable terms. 35 First class Stabling and carcfuf'aiwndance.‘ l'erms moderate. ~ CHEAP COTTON GOODS The Commercial Hotel. H. LEMON, PROPRIET' Toronto, Feb. 6, 1856. .hAME'S LANGSTAFF. M. D. Richmond Hill. July, 1N5. 5-311! A CHOICE LOT OF LARD PATENTED. JUNE: 16, 1865. Standard Periodicals. HE Richmnmj Hill County Grammar Saéltbbil will bb‘re-opened on [H May b best thing in the world for feeding nulé, owing to its fattening properties. e had cheap at Stick a Pin There. X‘oqrs, &‘o( OIL CAKE! ‘ e , RICHMOND Hum. July 20th, 1865. Nelson Street, Toronto. MACEY’S SALMON TROU‘Ij’ and WHITE FISH, 1308:]? IBRUARY, AND OTHFR Yours tinl’i; AMOSWRIGIIT, M.P.P Rr'c‘n'na‘ï¬n HELL, July f‘st;-]86'5. (Late Thomas Coates,) Stl‘tiy' 11311] i.- Rim-moral) HILL. July 4. l865. RICHMOND HILL. ME 'I‘EEFY, Postmh'stér, G. A. BARNARD’S JOHN SNl-DER. GEO. SIMPSON Secretary. 36-3tf 4t Her Majesty,» by‘and'with the densent of the Legislative Council and Assembly 0903.- made, enaet’S'as’follows: ' ' Tarcs‘imposcd on Dogs in U. C'.’ 1. There shall be levied annually in every .M'unieipality in~ Upper Canada, upon the qwner of each Dog therin, an annual tax of one'dullar for such animal. Assess‘ers to ascertain Owners‘of Dogs and amnunt of Taxes: 2. The asse'ssoys'ef every Municipality, at the time of making" their Annual Assess- ments, slmlllascerthin the nurnber of dogs liable to be taxedâ€, and shall enter in lists to lbe'mafle by them; the name of every person in their respective Municipalities then own- ing or keeping any dog subject tn the above tax, the nmnher of dogs kept by such per- son, and the whole amount of tax to be paid gby him. “1 Ownersi‘o give the Required Informa- ‘ Pénaltyfor Default. †3'. The owner or possessor of every dog :ili‘able to such tax, shall, when required by ithe assessors, deliver him a description, in writing, ,of every such dog owned or possess- ‘ed'lby him,- and for every neglect or refusal ‘to do so, and for every false statement made in any description so furnished. such owner or possessor shall incur a penalty of ï¬ve dol- lars, to be recovered by the clerk of the .municipality before any court of competent jurisdiction. Money/8' Collected to be a Fundfor Fag}- ing Damages done by '])().73. 6. The moneys so collected and' paid to the Clerk or Treasurer of any Municipality, shall constitute a fund for satisfying such damages as 'majkarise in any year, from dogs killing; or injuring sheep in such municipality and the residue, if any, shall ful'lll part of the assets of the municipality for the general purposes thereof. Persons Harbouring Dogs, to be deemed Owners thereof. 16. Every person in possession ofany do: or who shall suffer any dog to remain about ‘house or premises for the spaeekot'twenty day's previous to the assessment ofa tax, or previous a,in injury, ellasingr or worryingr :of'silieep or’any such ~zittael: made liy such 'dbg. sliall be deemed the owm-r of such (loinr for all the purposes of this Act. Vaughan, January, 1865. Kniflc‘vt‘t’b' {mpose a tax on Dims, and to provide for the better protection ofS-hecp in Uppev Cgmada; By order of the comma; Vl‘HvE Assessor for the Township of Van< ghan will forthwith proceed to carry out the provisions’of the Act of Parliament, passed during the last Session, for the TaXing of The attention of tf‘ie public. is- hereby calfed’to the accompanying Extract from the saiCFActL As the successful prosecution: of the en- terprise will confer untold advantages of wealth and prosperity on our village and neighborhood, it is hoped that sufï¬cient sup- Port and encouragement may be given" to Justify its prosecution. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that 0.11'01' nftepl’riday, the 16111 day of February next. appl’itation will be made :0 the Hondur- rbIe Samuef Beuloy Harrison. Judge of Me Surrogate Court of the United Counties of York and Peel. at his chambers in the Court House of Toronto. for the appointment of JOHN EYICR. of the township of Markham, Miller. as Guardian of Mary Smokiey. the in- funl chi‘d of Juhn Shackle): lam of the town- ship of Markham, deceased. MUNIEIPALITY 0F VflUGHAN-I I‘ownship of Markham. 18lh January, A.D. 1866. Richmond Hill, Nov. 30, 1865 The capital of the Company is- to be $2,000, in 40 shares of $50 each; two shares entitles any member to become a di- rector. Since in the opinion of many well quali- ï¬ed to judge, SIGNS OF OIL of a most encou‘raging character exist in the greatest abundance on Mr. Klink’s- farm, 2; miles east of Gamble’s toll-gate. It is proposed to sink a well there, as being the place most favmable for operations. The Land can be obtained for ten years, for one-tenth of the Oil. Ten acres lime already been leased to secure the site. The probable cost of Sinkng the well will. be about $2,000, about one-half of which will be required to procure material, and go on with the work. Guardianship iNéiiâ€"iréém! WHEREAS there exists in the neighbor- hood very.‘ strong indications that OIL exists in paying quantities‘in several lo'cali- ties, it is highly desirable that a Company shoï¬ld‘ b‘e establith’ed to test the, matter, and obï¬gin‘ it_if possxblear Thornhill Skating Rink. .L emuing season, 'tllld the managers wull endeavor to render il as comfortable as possible for all those who may patronize them. Tickets may be procured at» Scott’s, Rich- mond Hill: Montreal House} 'l‘luornhiHY and m the Newton B;qu l’Qst Ofï¬ce, at the follow- ng prices :â€" S'mgle Tickets. . .. . . $1 00 for the season. Double do ...... l 5!) do Famlly do .... . . 2 00 do Juveniles do . . . . . . U 50 do Thornhill, Dec 29, [865. u ? w And Sell at extremely low prices Done in a superior manner, and everv descrip- tion of work manufactured 10 order on the shortest notice. R chmond “1â€. Due. 20, “£53. 29 RICHMOND HILL PETROLEUM OIL CUMPAH‘Y ! HIS institution is open 10 thé public for lhe emuing season, and the managers wnll TinMï¬ï¬hs’Sllop in this Village. adjoimng the “ Yerk H‘nrald †Ofï¬ce, where he will keep always on hand a general stock of Copper, Tin, Sheet kw; Japan EGS to intimate to the inhabitants of Ricliv mdnd Hill an’cf‘neighborlmud 033:1 Ere has opened a A. CAMPBELE, NEW TINSMITHS’ SHOP ! On Richmond Hill, HAVE TRGUGHENG PROSE’ECTUS EXTRACT G; J‘. F. PEARCE, Clerk OF THE 34-3 GEO. A- BARNAED’S. Richmond um. Decfflo! 1865. 5-29 ‘ ' M. S. POLLOGK has: now on hand an V excvllcnt assorhnunt nfMan’s, Women and Childlen’s GLOVE-5, in all sizés of vari- nus maleriai: Boy’s \Yoolan Aberdeen Gloves, from ng to [.adiés’ "lolh Gloves, from ls 10,] to 3% 68 per pmr. ‘ Ladies’ Wool Mitts, from ls Ingd'to 25 3d per [min ‘ Men’s Kimjwnod'Gloves, from l‘s’ 3d lo 525 3 1‘6 pair- . ,. Men’s Clu'lh NV! Lined Kid Mitts and Glovqsq ï¬o‘m 2s (M 10 5s per pair. Alc‘o', WOMHL Cuffs. Gauulkats angliï¬aï¬iérs in great variety. Lam “Farm Winter Gloocs. Lndies’ .98“ Hal f Barrels 7.},(1 per pair. . Boy’s Woolen Riugwood do from 7H“) 15 pm' pair. _ _ Lndies’ Cashmere Gloves, f:'o-m-l0§d,to,?,s 3d} BIBLE SflClETY IPEPOSITORYV SCOTT’S BOOK STORE. Richmbhd'lliâ€, Jan. 1?. ’66. m DEACON’S LINIMENT. Fbr Cuts, Cracked Heels, and all kinds of sores on Horses and Caitle. RICHMhNI) “ILL, August 10 1865. Richmond Hill, June, 1865 Coughs, Coldk'. ter‘ in use! DEACON’S Eruplivo Oihtment fnf'gll kind ul'skin diseases. A seething: and astringent applicuion ; and, as far as an applir'nrinn can. be of any service, more Naming and much more astringent, than auv hitherto prepared. The majority of cases ï¬nd speedy relief by its use. ' DEACON’S' WORKING .MAN’S FRIEND OIL HEAL ALL. An oxneIk'nt remedy for Rheumatism. Erysi- palm, Srraim. Bruises. C11L9,Chi|b|nine, Sore Throat, arrd'vinhmr P213115 111 Back or Side, the efl'ecrs of the flea] All in the above cases are astonishing; frequonrry removing all pain in a few hours; One or two Doses generally remove the com. DEACON’S Mixture for Cholera,lniarrhcea, amT’Snmmer Complaints, equal to if not bel- ter llum anyolher medicine made. DEACON’S VEGITABLE COUGU PILLS , BITT E RS. As a general Tonic. or Strengthening Medi- cine to brace and invigorate the frame, 110119 can be better. HA‘S‘fbabn appointed agent. for the Country of York, for the above valuable Modii chms, which have been baffle the Canadian public for the past seven years. and have given universal satisfaclionâ€"he can therefore. with conï¬dence. recommend (hundreds of Testimoâ€" nials could be given if reqiiiwd, skewing the beneï¬t derivad therefrom,) their use for their several Virtues. DEACON’S FAMILY VEGI’I‘ABLEPILLS: Act gently yet effectually: may be taken dur- ing any mnpluymem, at any time, and even bv the most delicaie female. DEACON‘S S'I‘OMACHIC VEGI'I‘A‘U‘LE: DEAï¬ï¬‚N’S FAMILY MEEEWES‘ Aurora, June 7, 1865 The safest and best Medicines in use in Canada. G. A. BARNARD Stoquille . . . .. . Brnngham . . . .. ‘ Markham Village. . Brown’s Corners. . . Thornhill. . . . . . . .. Richmond Hi†. . . Maple.,. . . . .-.. Hurwick. . . . . . .. Kleinlml'g . . . . . .. .. NOMc’tun. . . .~. . . . .. L-asltey. .. . . .... Aurora . . . . . . . . . . Swim)...†[{ESI’ECTFULLY announces that ho hast changed his time ol'visitingthe foilowing: places, and afterlhis date will be (Sundays‘ excepted) in “z 'Where he will keep on hand Flour, Shorts, Bran, 0mg, Peas», Oatmeal, Curnmeal. Buck- wheat. Balcon. Hams. Chtwse, Fish. and Gone- ml Groceries of the Best Quality, for sale. at Prices that cannot be surpassed. J. M. I‘A'I'TERSON. J. LANG-STAFF, Bedsleuds. Bureaus, Cupboards, Drawing“ Stands, &c . which he offers at extremely low prices. Also a large assortmeut of Room l’npur, Bordering. Whim Lead. Paints and; ( elm, liuw and Boiled Linseed Uil. Muellixm Oil. Ruck Oil. Varnish. 'l'urpentinn. Benzene. Glass. l’ut!_\', Glue. 620., ((10 I’m-lies Furnish- ing. l’upuring, or Painting their houses. will do well 10 call before purchasing elsewhcru. DB. N. J.’ PECK, PATTERSON & LANGSTAFF‘ Licensed Aucï¬an’é’ers, $URGECN DENTHSV Richmond 1111‘, Jan. l2, 186:3. YORK. PEEL 8L ONTARIO. Where he will attend to any business per- taining to any branch of his profession. RIQHMOI‘TD HILL C abinet' Establishment‘ THOMAS COGIILAN begs to‘ inform the' inhabitants of Richmond ILIL and surv rounding country. Xhat he has lensed. ‘or at number 111' years. the Cabinet Shop and Stm‘a' from Mr Wume-I, whom he will umnuf‘acturo and keep. on hand a good upsmmwut of FLOUR, FEED, i’roï¬sion and Grocery Store] February 18. 1866‘ Hausehom Fun-mun}: Chairs. Tables, Cheap as USU-DJ. DEACON‘S DEACON’S He wouh] also call uttéution to T175 DEA‘CON’S‘ PILE OINTMENT. pau' “119...... ...r am .4. H1! Village..........‘2( sCorners......... ill....... )nd Hi“ . k...-. H'g...............‘2E Splendid White Fish, in you 11 ICOL‘ TIES Oll‘ A utibillious unrivalled Cough Bdsam, for Consumption, Asthma. 610. WM. ATKINSON 32-h: .231’4 .24th 26th .QRXh .29Lh .3ml1 .3 I st . lst 3 d IBth of each month. ‘29:!» †'- .‘2(Mh " -‘ l’ills by the lbs. *‘TSON’S. Provision Stof‘o; None bet- Thornhi†Sl-Gun. l-tf 37‘1