Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 9 Mar 1866, p. 4

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“One bumper at parting," as the man said when he ran ugninat the pot. What paper has (he lax-goat circulation ? Counterefit fifty-cent currency. Leisure is a very pleasant garment, but i‘ is a very bad one for constant wear. New York is estimated to be worth nix hundred millions of dollars. Very Tumâ€"«A n‘mgist rate asked a. pri» sonar if he were married. ‘No,’ reph’ed the man. ‘ 'J'hen,’ rejoined his worship mnid peals oflaughter, ‘it is a good thing for your wife,‘ It. has been estimaml by Sir W. Herschel that eighteen millions of stars may be neon in the milky way alone, Struvo estimates for the whole heavens 20,374, stars, The other dav, Mr. Inwrenca Macdonn‘ld, n icouish sculptor, was stabbed by IOmG gcoundrels in the streets of Rome. Thou: h 'Severely wounded, it is expocwd that £0 will recover. The London Times has n daily (‘ircnlafion of about 60,000 copies. ' Juh‘n', Waltor, the persent publisher, is the third of that name who has been connected with the pnpor, it having been started by 1118 grandfather on the 1st of January, 1785. It iszunny to see a young lady with both hands in soft dough, and n. monqqitto on the end of her nose. TWELVE SPANISH IRON-GLADE Elm 1mm 1H ENGLAND.â€"-We undoratzmd lha‘. 1he Spun- ish Consul at this port has received from his government instructions to expedinle with All possible haste the ordem new- in hand for the constmetion of several steam iron elada on the Mersey. There Me, altogether, twelve of these war ships building in dili‘er- cntpzirts of Great Britain for the Spanish government, and similar orders have been sent to London and other onlporta. Now that internal (liliicnllies have been somewhu ullayed by the disbanding of Prim’s volun- teers these instructions have a. mi her peenlim significance. A surmise may lie indulged that the speedy completion of the vessels may have some reference in the not over pleasant relations of Spain “'1”! others South American republics bCSldCS Chili. JVu-r specialiy for Tun GLOBE has been imported from the celebrated Scottish foundry of Miller & Richard, Edinburgh. 'The’ quality oftho paper used in priming the journal wilj be much superior to that heretofore emptayed. Arrange- ments are now being made for greatly increnw ed Teiegraphic facimies; and the corps of Wrixers. Reponerfi and Correspondants, wifl be strengthened. Increased ofl'ox't W1“ be put forth in every department to render Tm; 0mm: more worthy man ever before of the immmmo circulation it has for so many years enjoyed [higughout British America. _h..... . 1,, A. _ ,4 ___ U. A 1866 is likely {o be a most own! ful period in the histor) of Canadapâ€"n \‘enr in which the current events of the day will ha of flu; deepest interest to every inhabitant in the cnpfltry. _ u . .H -‘ u -n w will also be much improvod in the yrar 1566. The paper will he of superior quality, and the new Scottish type will give it a greatly improv- ed appearance. An editor has b05311 engaged, whose special duty it will be to condense uml nry-migo the matter for this mlilion, and to se- lect intelligence spatially ndnpied fur Country cadets. A pnilion of each. wmli’s paper will no. devolod to flu: publivntlon nf some internalâ€" Jngz tale; and the mnrkels and prices current will continue lo be given with promptuess and accuracy. when {ms Ruth very rude to Benz? When she pulled his ears. and trod on his 001‘“. vil‘he Pacific Ocean covors sevnly-eight millions ofmiles; the Atlantic lwomyfivo millions. Photographic ulbums, with musical boxes concealed in the covers, me, at present n novelty in London- Arrangements for acquiring possessim'l of, and opening the Myth-West lorritmv for egg. llomonl. will spredily be mmln. and to than: 'l‘m: GLOBE will dovom special attention, M i: has hitherto done to everything Gonna-clad with the subject. With the settlement of the connlilufimml question thnthns so long distracted lho l’ro- Vince, numerous questions nfi'ccliug' 11w mate- rial progress of this country will he thrown open for consideration, Among those will THE DAILY GLOBE will conlmue to he mailed from the office at $6 per mmum, payable invariably in udvmme. but Cull be procured rogulnfly frmn the vows dealers in all the cities and towns throughou the Province. 'UHT. VJIGEKLY GLOBE The 'Wm-‘mj' (1mm: will continue to ha published :11 TWO DOLLARS pez'nlmum. payable stricth in ndvance. Somr etrnptimm 10 the rule of advance payment have bean heretofore madeâ€"hut from tho ls! ol' Janumv, 1866. no paper will he sent from the 011130 wi‘houl prepayment. Payment must he always in advance. inch pnporis nddressed separately. All (he papers included in any club must be mailed to one l’os‘lrofllce. When additional names an added In any nub during 1116 year, they must be sent to the hian Officp by the person who made up the Club; and the monoysenl with such additional names must be such a proportinn of the year’s FUlISCl'lpllml at the Club rate us will pay up to llio oxpiralion oflho Club, The Government is plodgod to present Parlinmnnt. m the opening 0: the Seer-:10“, sit} a Bil! for completing the Confudex'minn of British America, or a Hill onmhiwhiug n 114 The Government is pledged to present in Pariinmnnt. m the opening 0: the session, either a Bill for compioiing the Confedex'micm of all British America, or a Bill oninhiwhiug a new Federal constitution for Canada nioueflmwed on the principle of Reprnsentatiou by Populaâ€" tion in the popular branch. Oulhe 17th Max-oh, 19%, the Amuican Treaty of Reciproci‘.y win came to an endâ€"â€" and tho negot‘vutiuus for its renewal, or prepar- ations to meet the change, will be Wamth with osmch inlnrem. Enlarging the Canals, and otlmrwiw Improv- ing the Internal Navigation of the rouuU-y. Reduction of the Customs’ ‘Farill’, Interest on Money. Opening up new Territory to settlement. Free lund grants to actual euttlors. A flames-tend lmw And many other vitally important subjects. In the discussion nnrl settlement of all these matters. 'l‘nm GLOBE will, as hcx'elofnre. take an active part: and from the 9011mm of infor- mation at the command of its conductors, it is not doubted that in itscolumus the nnrllest in- telligence and the most ruliablea inronunlion will continue to be found. When may A man he said to breaknm heâ€" foge he gets up ‘3 When he takes a roli in i866. PIWSPECTES 18%. The publishev offluz: Gun”: has lo announce that verv great improvements in the publication of this journal will be made in the coming your. A new fount of beautiful 1v so east 5.: v _-.‘ Tie;in Pmliameninry Bu'x'ulings will, (sax-1y in Hue coming spring. be opened for the firat lima at Ottawa. No 'oxcomion will begundn {0 {21min ruies on any ground whatevv THEMEEBE {QEWSFE’FER (:‘Innv: (/‘rrh Tomatoi Nov 151 The subject of Banking and Currency, Ei’d'it nub iifixmar. no.1: BROWN, 0F and sitllug Mspishntes of Marlborough Street, WthminMnr, V/uzship Streol, Bow Street. &c. Used by the most celebrated Medical Men (llorgymen. ahd othora, Avvlonn body will Mnlnin pum blood, when (lin rlomach, bndv, and Mood am pure. from regulating and cleansing the bowels, health is certain, Begin at tlm beginning. waste no time: slrilce at the root of your nilmmt. Again, 1 any. look m yourmonmch. One trialol’these Pills will fawn convimion, RE within We reach of all,by the use of . 1H1. .HUCHAN‘S VEGETABLE DO- }; ESTJC MEDICINES, prhpflrcd from tho Prescriptions of the late Dr. Buchun, Fellow of (he Royal College of Physicians, 6.0.. &c.â€"â€" Cums are daily made. and their efficacy proved in thomand ofcasos, attested before me Alder- men at Guildhall, THE RIGHT HON. THE LORD MAYOR OF LONDON. DR. DUCIIAN’S SUGAILCOATED SARSAPAI‘LILLA PILLS. It is a WELL-KNOVVN FACT that SAR- SAPARILLA in the greatest purifier of the hlood in Hm world. KEEP YOUR BLOOD Pllflllllâ€"Tho Bmvnh regulm‘llâ€"And DEFY [he DOC-TURN! Tlmne Pills strike at fhe root of anch Ilieenge, nml am for the cure of. ovary ailment inmrlental in Man Womnn and Child, mmh cm nll orupfions on the Skin, Indi- gestion, liilinns, Livnr. and Stomach Com- plaints. General YWeakness,Gout. Rhuomu- tism. Lumbngo, Pnins'in the Limbs, Head- aches, Sore Thronm, and every complaint ream-0d by irmgulnrities of the bowels. 0b- strnctcd perppirnhnn. and (letoriomtod and 1m- healthy blood. Thene Pills work their way to the very roots of each diseasn. cleansing in thou-passage. especially whom mercury has been taken, and removing every unhenllhy M:- (‘umulnu’nm till the blood in purified. me whole system renovaind. nml all the functions umng according to nature, the (lmios of life become a pleasure, where lmfum they had been and and weary hnrdena. Do not heFimm~dn not do- lny ! n alarm stontnch must make neman lmdv. Residmmc--I.ot 2Q, rmr 01" 3rd Concession of Markham. l’.().Address~â€"Buttonville. ‘ Pum'os roqnixing Mr. Snnderson’s sex-vibes can make arrangements at the HERALD oflico. January 4, i865, 31 Sold in hotties. at Is, lfid” 28. 9a., 48. Cd and lie. ' Richmond nm, June, 1865‘ Dr'. Amos & Son. in order to satisfy the most Fknplicnl a‘: la the merits of their instru- mamfl pledge themselves that in any instance where it may prove unsatisfactory, after u fair lrinl, the money will be r'ofundad by relurnhg tho instrument in good order. Price Ten Dm- lai's, by mail or oxpmss. Yunso may TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. Thnao who lmveviniured themselves by a cer- lnin pmctiuo indulged in when alone-«a habit froqtmmh lonle from evil companions. or at school. tho oflbcts of which are nightlyfolt even when nslnop, and it" not cumd. random marriage anofir‘illlc um! llf‘f‘lt‘Oj'S both mind and body. should npnly immotlinmly. Self-alums is onoof the mmt t'urmidnhle enemies to health, for no- thing chm in the dim cntnlogue nl‘ human dis- eases causes so destructive a drain upon the human nyslmn, drawing its thoumnds of vic- tims through a few of sull'uring down to an nntinmly gmvo. T1 destroys the nervous system rapidly, wnmtes nwnylho energies oflifa, cansms montul derangement. prevents the proâ€" per develop-an of the system, (lisqnalifios for marriage. novicty. business, and all earthly happiness. and lonves the sufferer wrecked in hotly mul mind,prodisposud to consumption and a train of evils mom to be dreaded than death itself. Hemmlfizanpiness 62 Long Life. 'I'iu- {rem-(mentihey adopt is the result of up- wnnis ofl‘nirty yem‘s’ extensive and su’ccessi’ul practice in London. A EEO-51' BCIENTITIC XXVENTIO‘G. An ins‘u‘unmnl for the cure of Genital Debi- lity, or Nocturnal Emissions, more properly known as Seminui Weakness. 610. Can be permanently cured in from 15:0 20 days, by the use of this instrument, when used con- ointly with mndicinos. ’ Richmmm Hill Hotel ! THOMAS 0001;. Proprietor- LARGE HALL is connected with this j ‘ Hotel for Assemblies, Balls, Concerts, Meetings, (Ego. Evory mtenfion paid to the convcmonce and comfort of Travellers. A Stage loaves this H010! every morning {m- Tm-nmn, M 7, n.m.; rcmrning, leaves 'I’nrnhmnl haiflpnst I} p.111. Hum! Smiding and a careful Hosflcr always :1 ziifirxdm‘rc “ R E the only Physicians in the State who A «re members of the Royal College Snrfionfilloudon. May be consulted from 8 o’clock in We morning unti19 at night, in every atmo and symptom of dimnse. IIIS.;\SSOCMTION has transferred their LI BRAIN" m the ‘1“:wa ’ Book Store. where Btuckholdora and others may Tocure BOOKS "very Friday afternoon, from 41.0 8 o’clock. 1‘ M, . EDW, SANDERSON, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, GORMELY a; mums, Liccnsefl Auctioneers: Counties of York and P001. Sales (mended to wiiv'z,‘ prompzitude. J, GURMLEY. ' J, FERRIS, may be successfully treated by forwardinga correct tit-{nil of their case. Dr. 3.13109 ab Son, 48 EAST GENESEE ST.. BUFFALO) NEW YORK, Address Dr. Amos & Sow, 48Enst Genesoc Street. three doors “lost of EIIiCOtt Street, Bufl'ulo. N, Y. 1 A'. SCOTT, Librarian, Richmond Hill, Juno 9; 1865. l-tf {Jensult am (PM English Physician FOR ASTHMA. mcmmw CONSUMPTION, IAEIRMITIES OF YOUTH AND 01.1) AGE, &c. Ritbm'o'gad Hill, June, 1:366. Gor'niey. P.O. Markham, 1m. ‘. 1865. RICHMOND HILL LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. PERSONS H! ANY PART OF THY. VVORTI? Nor Mun-cur}? Used. FOR THE UNITED @Mie? Unionville. RC. 31 1-H I-tf Grant benefit will wfton he' obtained M an applicaton of the remndy nxterna‘lly to [he nh‘-’ domen. in case of severe attack of pain in tho Bovels, No ‘evil result ncgd he f‘ém'ed‘ fr‘om (his remedy, notwithstanding its gren‘. power. Prepared m the Froprieiot’s residence, 4th Concession West York. 0.2V. Put up and sold in bottles at 25 come back, boar- ing the I’ropriotor’s Wrifion signature thusâ€"â€" Sold by Drugiam uvd Smrnkeopm's, price 25c! A teaspoonful in water or sugnr three times 8 dny. hofnre or after eating: for the Liver. bath“ {1001; lwtwom: the rhoulders with "u Linimem oncn or 'wir‘e :1 day. HCEWE P ECEN'E‘ and important improvements lmvâ€" L ing been put to this Machine, renders ii now the most perfect before the public, and persons at a distance can order a Machine with u guarantee efits prompt and safe delivery,and that they will be able to manage it to their en- tire satisfaction. No more breaking noodles [â€"7- No more missing stitchssl No trouble in mak- ing any garment, however delicate or heavy,on the mime Machine, either in camhric, cloth or leather; and for dress makers, shirt makers tailors. hut binders. shoe hinders. or guitar fil- ling, us well as {or every vmietv of'fumily sewing, they have no superior. and Will be Held at a. much less price than any other machine capable of doing the same range of work. Sand for Deséi'iptive Cata‘ogfie of styles and prices. A fmv mspoctabln Agents win he deal with liberally. CONFECTIONARY I Name the 0111sidn with tho Liniment; clear. nnd gnrglo (he iusxde ‘wilh the name. or slightly diluted with water. every few hours. COLIC AN!) CHOLERA MORBUS. For nn nduh. n mnnll tenspoonful in cold wamr or sugar, taken every half hour, if re- quired. ' An ndillt may take I; small tnnfipoonful it? cold water or sugar. when roqnimd‘. For rm adult. n tonspnonful three times a dnv, ospecinH}Y on going to bed. If therr is a diffi- cul'ty of breathing, baths “'0 chest with the remedy. - - Wet lhoJmnd with the Linimmm and take a dose internally ovary half hour until roli'efis obtnined, DISEASE OFTHELIVERJNDiGESTlON, LOSS OF AI’I’I'ITITE BILE. 0R ' BILIOUS COLIC. Address (fie HOWE Sawing Muchiné, 473 Broadway, New York. ' New York, 1 383 Yonge Street, Toronto. “I. G. C. culls am all the Storesbotween Toronto and Richmond Hm every {wu weeks. a'nd supplies Confectionth of all kinds at the Lowest Wholesale prices. Toronto, July 20, 1865. 7 Bind up 11m cut with a, cloth. and saturate the cloth with the remedy. SPRAINS. 'I‘OUTHACHE 0R PAIN IN THE FACE. Wet a piece of cotton wool with the lini- mem. and put in the tooth: lmlhe the face with the clear Linimum. and Lake a dose on the stomach in cold water or sugar. CRAMP OR. PAIN IN THE STOMACII. FOR BRUlsns; Bathe xhe pm-t freely with the clear remedy as often as necosmxrv; II will in 11 great meas- ure prevent blackness. take cm the swelling and sorouosg. and cause it to 110111. Swellings can be troalod the same way. FOR FLESH CUTS. .‘N introducing this remedy to tho public. the Proprietor does not wish to set it forth as a curer of every Diseasn incident to the human race. but in many cases acting as a preventive. as it is well known .thut many diseases originate from Colds, and much distress is often caused from a collection of wind upon the Stomach.â€" This remedy is well adapted to remove those calamities : in cases orCholom Mnrbus itn has been known to fail to efi‘nct n cum where it has been tried. Many people who have been afflicted with Rhoumntic l‘ains for many years. I'nvo been cnrod hv the means of this remedy. It has in mnny crises lIN‘n known to cure the fumst violent Cough hy the administration of rrom min to flour doses; it is film a rcrtain Cmcdy forthut (lrcrtni‘nl (iicr'nsr‘s, Sore Throat: it is one of the host rommhcs that can be ap. plied to Bruit-rs and {rush cuts. This romvdy is n pu'ro Vngr-tahlc Compound, containing no Acid. 'l'ln-pontiiinu or Mommy, or anything which can in .nny way injure the Stomach ; it nets {in a tonic, creating a good Pppetito, bringing the nrgnns of the Ftomnch into n healthy nation. it has been taken by those who have ttmwenkefitstomach/with good eil'ect; it will mmhlo the Stomach to dlgest SIJch particles of foothwhich before it could not. thereby causing grant distress, and that distress can be etfectually removed by the use of this remedy. ' Buttonvilln, Markham. Mn Joxm Pawn. Nov. 30. 186]. Dem- Sir,-â€"l lnving fnr some limo past been in possession of ~X'nur l'uin Eradicator. nml Lesâ€" led Ms grcnl value, 1 can with nli cunfidrm‘e recommend 1'! to tho pnlilic. l was for a long time very much affiiclcd milh Rheumatism in my limbs. from which 1 have been omiroly frcod by the use of your valuable Medicine: nnd llmve used it in my family for various other things to gnod‘ofl'nct, My wife was fur many years at times very much nfllicled with the sick heudavho. for which slichs tried vn- nous remedies will] the aid of several physici- nns. and all proved a failure. She) used in be fur several days at n time unable (0 do any workâ€"lmving been induced to try your valu- able medicine, she wus entirely cured ofvthe disease. “'0 have also found it very beneficial in relieving the Phthisic, niid_all;oxcpllent remedy for Colds and Coughs. Yours truly, JnHN Srwzn. For Rheumatic, apply the remedy to the parls ofl'ecwd once or twice a day. Do not be ufrnid (0 put plenty on, as {here is no danger of Cold, or (my evil Iosult by its use. Bathe the feel with the remedy on gomg to bed 6 need not go to New York, Japan, Mexico,or some other plnca ufur 0!? for the pronf of this,â€"-but it can be lmd in our own country. Hundreds ofnumos could be added !n this list if it were necessary. but I will only add two. which were handed in for publicaâ€" tion., This romedv Imsalgitharm stood on is own foundation, and I, wish it an}! to do no ; Mn Erwicamr. it can nlwnys he dopmulud on m4 a genuine nrticle so long ns it is: propurml undm‘ 1hr su- pormtandmwf of the pmprietur, Mr. JOHN PAYNE, and hoarng his wr'men signature. Read the following, " Victoria Square, Ixfnrch 30, 1861. JOHN PAYNE, Esq â€"-â€"l)om‘ Sirâ€"I suffered much fr! m Rheumatism for upwards o! ayanr, bu! homng of your I’niu Eradicmm I was induced to try it; nnd after using three bottles. 1 was entirely cured, I recommend it to every one suflcring from Rheumatism. Youw (Q0. , “1 c-‘ FROSTED FEET AND CHILBLAINS. Baumxsnnu m 1845»l’1-;urEcn;D IN 1862, The same as for Rheummic. PURE AND UNADULTERATED . Gâ€"fiCASTEhL COLDS AND COUGHS PAYNE’S SICK H [CADAOHEL THE ORIGINAL §EWH€G kiMWEINES DIRECTIONS. SORR THROAT. MANUFACTURER 0F [’niu Eradicnmr I was induced m- using three bottles. 1 was I YPCOmll‘lPlld it to every one Ulcummism. Yourmfi'c. HUMPHRICY WHITE. Son. A F 0 RT ‘0’ N E Y EMPLWMENT'EDR”EVERYEHBY. AGENTSâ€"We want agents in evnry regiâ€" ment. and in every town and county in the country, :1an those acting as such will be nilow- 0d 10 cents on every Conificatc ordered by them. provided their remittance amountw to one; dollar. Agents will collect 25 cents for every Certificate. and remit 15 cents to us. 52.000 Corul. Opal and Emerald ijoocl'les.... . . . _., .... . 2,000 Mosaic, Jet. Lava. and Florentine Ear Drops .‘ . . 4,500 Coral. Opal. and Emerald Ear Drops.-.. .... .... .. 4,000 California Diamond Breast l’ins-....... . . . . . . . . . and Gold.... .... ..'.. ... 6,000 Sets Ladles’ Jawelryâ€" Cameo, Pearl. efc. . . . . . . . 6,000 Gold Pans,Silver Extension Holders and Pencils. . . . . . 6,000 Gold Pens and Gold Moun- ted Iloldors.... .... .... . 5,000 Gold Pens and Gold Exten- sion Holders.... .... .... 5.000 Silver Goblets and Drink- ing Cups . . . . . ......... 3,000 Silvm‘ Custom. . . . . . . . . . . . 2.000 Silver Fruit and ano Baskets .... .... .... .... ‘ , mm UOZEN. 5,000 Dozen Silver Tea-Spoons. $10 to $52k) 5,000 ” " Table Spoons and Frurks.............‘.. .20 “100 A Certificate of eaqlx"nrtir:lo with its value printnd upon it. is placed in an envelope and sealed-â€"these envelopes are thoroughly mixed and sold for Twentyâ€"five Cents nm:ltâ€".-the per- son receiving one of those onvvlupcs is entitled to the article named therein h} returning the Certificate to us with one dollarv and the article, no matter how valuable it may he, will he fur- wnrdad to him or her at mice. Ther are no Hank Certificates and tllOl'E‘fUrt‘ (ivory one is sure to get, llt least. the full value of his or her mnnoy. Should the article nanmd on the oer- liticato not suit,any other which he muy select of ['19, same value will be substituted. We sell the certificates as follows: One for 95 C(s., five for :2], New“ for $2 'Jnrtv for $5, sixty-{Eva for $10, mm hundred for $l5. 'l'hiR dislribmion M1th :1 fine oppor- tunity for Agents, as ’wlmt lady or gentleman Will 1101 invnsl TWPTN’I‘Y‘l-'I\E (7L 1% \\‘11h n pros- pect ol'gnning fivn hundrod or n “IOHFKHId times as much. All orders must he addressed to us at our old stand No. 15 Maiden Lane, New York. , 3,000 Gold Feb and Vest, Watch Koys‘... .... . . . . . . . 4,000 1'0!) and Vest Rxfibon S ides 4,000 Snts of" Solitaire Sleeve llut- 10119,Stnds, etc . . . . . . . . . . . 3.000 Gold 'l‘himhles, l’cnciis.ekc 6,000 Miniature Lockets . . . . . . . . 4,009 Miniature Locketsâ€"Magic Spring ........ ... ..... 3,000 Gold 'l'oothpicks, Crosses, etc. . . . . . . . . . 5.000 l’lnin Gold Rings.... . . . . . 5.000 Cimsed G01 Rings. . . . . . . 8,000 Stone Set an Ignel Rings 8.000 California Diamond Rings. 7.500 Sets Ladies’ Jewelryâ€"Jet fl?Write Mainly, say oniy what is necessary and» be’prmupt. AcPa‘ross, . GIRARD W. DEVAUGII & CO... V’Vazvshes, Chains, Sets of Jewelry,§;Ring<,Pins Bracelets, Sleeve Buttons, Silver Spoons and Forks. Cups, Cake Baskets, &c. worth Eight Hundred 'l'hou- sand Dollars, , The Entire Stock ofa largo IMPOR'NNG Hons}: retiring from busiunss. ' ’ For the purpose of closing out the stock a. the earliest possible date, the undersigned huva decided on a greatdistribulion made as followm. EACH AND EVERY ARTICLE, NO MATTER HOW VALUABLE, mam; son) l-‘OR $1. 2.000 Qlln'mlaine Chaime and BGGKS? a “Um-hes .. . . 300 Lnr} cs'h‘mld and Enmnoled- Case \Vntnhcs . . . . . . . . . . . GOO Gonts’ [Liming-Case Sil- ver “'mc'hos . . . . .. . . . . . . ‘ QUU Diamond Rings. . . . . . . . . . 3.00” Gold Vest and Neck Chains 3,000 -- u u 3,0(30 Gold Ovnl Rand Brace‘uols. 4.000 Chasm] Gold Brncolnt‘ . . . . '0 {'1 Gum-d Clnins. .‘ . . . . . . . . . 6,000 Soln‘aim and Gold Broo‘hos 2.000 ann and Floremine Branches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Agents wanted 'thrm‘ghontflhe United State and Canadas. AM. or wmcn Am: TO m: 501.!) FOR 81 EACH 300 Gmlts’ Gold Hunting (71150 > No. 15 Maidan Lam, New York June 9, 1865. b-Bm LIST OF A RTICLES. 300,000 .... $50 to $150 to 7] THE YORK HERALD. BK, STE’TE’WEY Agents: : BA Strem, London Sold at Massrs. .R, & L. PERRY&. Co’s. Whnlosnlo Depot, No. 19, Berners Street. Ox- ford Street, London, an infallible cure for all diseases of the skin, such as Scurvy. Scrofulu, Ulcers, Rolls. Blotches, Pimplns on the face and body. &c. Price Us. and 33s. per box Eemblishefl nonriy a century, and Imowv throughout the world as the G lUJA'i'EST RE- GENI‘ZR/I‘LTOR; a “aver-failing remedy fol Spormu‘mrrhm. loss of manly power. produced by early indiscroiions. or any olhor (mime.â€" [LU-ricims the principal vim! fluids, enabling Lhasn who have downud themselves incurable at once t0 fulfil the most sacred obligations of marribd 13121. l‘rino 113. per bottle, or {our quantities in mm. 335,, which saves 119.; and in £51mlties. ctibctiiig a saving ol‘£l le. SlVlC ESSENCE. a remedy for Syphilis in all its slums, also for purifying the system from contamination, recommended for secondary symptoms, llthCllOS on the head and face. en- lm'gcmont oftho throat, tonsils. and uvula: its beneficial influence on the system is undeni- able. Price US. and 338. 1361' bottle, also a saving of Us. I’ERRY’S PATENT CONCENTRA‘TED ESSENCE 0!" COPAIBA AND CUBE" SUGAR-COATED GLOBULES, the most spcpdy Remedy known. The Globules. con- taining the Quintessence of Copaibn, Cubebs, Buchu, &c.. at once cure, without the possibi~ lity of failure. Gonorrhma. obstinate Gleet, Siricture. 010., immediately subduing all in- flammatory aciim]; Encnsed in sugar. free from taste. 0' Fmell. 4s. Gd. and Us. per box. , I ’7' 11mm" I)E}‘ENÂ¥73 UPON Pun]: FLOOD.â€" PEBIEXTS I’URIFAYING SPECIFIC PILLS. Aisio to [)0 had from ail Agents in a" parts of the world, EXTRAOTS FROM THE SILENT FRIEND, price 6d., which contains directions for the guidmwo of patients. Mossijs. R, at L. I’rznm' 6'; C0. are only to he consulted at their losidenco, N0. 19,1381'ners Street, Oxford Srent. London, as they never, under any circmnstancon, travel either at home or nhroad. and they herobv caution the I’uhlic against any person using their nanm. and as a further pro-caution against fraud, the Public is notified that, none of thnir medicines are ge- nuine. unless the snhjnined fnc-similic of their signature is atttached to their different wrap. pars. , _, V. ..... n u" “unuu, Principal of Queen’s College. Canada, $1.50. Good Words-vols. for 1861 and 1862, $1.37; car-h. Praying and Workingâ€"By Rev. Wm. Steven- FOP. 57; Me, My l‘flinistnrinl Exyerience â€"B_V Rev. Dr. ' Ruchsnl, 87; NS Parish Papers~By Norman McLeod, D.D., s7; cts. The Graver Thoughts of a Country Parsonâ€"- _ 87% cm. Burns‘ Foams. 19mm doth‘ gilt edgesâ€"5(‘vctg. The New lu'l'e -Bv Bixshlmll, IQmo 0104!. 40015 Tho Bonk of Finhxiw anhin-ltv RI“! \9 HE SILENT FRIEND, the greatestMedi- cal Work ofthe Age, on Youthful Indis- crotions and consequent [mpediments to Mar- riage, describing the Anatomy of the Repro- ductive System in health and disease, and pointing out the sure means of perfect restora- tion to manhood: with an Essay on Single and Married Life, cnntaining a Prescription known as the Preventive Lotion‘ precluding the pos- sihihty of contamination. Perry‘s Cordial Balm cf Syrzacum llun .) (‘18 Soup: of Zion, 3 Ms. GKNERATIVE AND Muscumn I’owxa REGAmEo BY THE vsa or THE I’mpriewr of the above Establishment begs to call the attention of the inhabit.- (Hts of xhe Hill and neighborhood. to the recent additior‘w made to his stock of Interesting and Readable Books, being a. superior class of lite- rntul: by (he most eminent authors of well- .lumwn reputation and popularity. Forty Y I'm I‘prarimme in a Sunday Schoolâ€"- By 'I'yng, 40mg. ’s Domestic Medicine, choagedition Bucl FANCY STATIONERY. Albums for _]‘2 Portraits, 30015. Albums for 24 Portraits, $1. Alhums for 24 l’m‘trnils, (Capo Morocco.) $l. Albums for 524 Portraits, (Morocco) $75. Gent’s Walking (Janos, from 4!) to fillets, [’eu Knives, with I Made, from 15 to Woes. Clasp do. do. 3 do. 50 cts. (beautifu‘ly c..:.,1..J y iiuisliod.) Sirong Clasp Knife. 1 blade, 25 cts. Scissors. M cls. Dressing Cases $1.53 to $2. ’ Marking hit. 15 cts. India Rubber Halls. l0 cts. Slate Pictures. 15cm. [1? Periodicals Supplied Weekly or Mgmhly. ‘51 Richmond llill. May 26. ’65. \ ‘ l ON NERVOUS RELAXATION and EX- HA USTlUN. New editions enlarged to 190 pfiges, illustrated by 100 Anatomical Colored Eugravings on St‘ool, just published, price ls. FANCY STORE. God's Glory in the [lenvgnsjâ€"By Wm, Loitch Thomson’s Lr Church I’rm-c all [7r we}, Advcnun'l-s 1n Thu \Vns‘nfly Novelsâ€"30 (:13. Tim \Vrm‘k Ashoro~-4J PL“. The Roving [inglixl‘unanwâ€"in M9. The Homzxm-n of (fiummm) Lulu-~50 cts. The Forty-Two (:‘rum'dsmnn-u-bn cts. The \‘Vary or Vuicm from the Hunksâ€"5150‘s Riflomon and Rifles '35 015. SCIENCE, RELIGION, POETRY, MEDICINE AND MUSIC. , _, u . . . u V\ only 50 ms, Tim (Tnnndinn Smuhv Si'lmol Rockerâ€"10 cu. Kal- m-d his Primuhâ€" I; ('IN. “HIIj'Hn’H l'i!;_rrims l’mggmssâ€"IZH rm. Tho Scolds}! l’sulnmdx', in ’l‘nnir- flulf‘. Nuh‘a. NEW, LST OF BOOKS an 96.1805 I’ERRY’S CONCENTRATED DETER- rooms. 19mm doth. gilt edgesâ€"5(‘vcfg. w lu'l'e -By Bixshlmll, IQmo clo'h. 40015 mk of Family \Vorship-By Rev. ‘1’. Clark. 50 cls. Land and {hp Ihmkâ€"â€"$§'2, vyor Books, Bibles. 'J‘Gslumouts, m Fartingda the Cold Fieldsâ€"~25 cts‘ N FICTION ms l’mgymssâ€"IZH rm. sulmody, in Tonic Sulfa Nota- AND Tunic Solfa Notationâ€"â€" The York Herald I‘s entirely new and of the latest patterns, large varioty of new PAMPULETS AND PM “mm wwww % ® “Linn “Him “‘I % Orders \‘fo the an of undnrmontloncd deecrip- lionuf LARGE AND SMALL ‘ POSTERS, Letter-Press Printing. Fe: Cards, &c.,just rocoivnd WORDEHS PRUMPTLY EXEL UTE :55 BOOKS, FANCY BILLS, J ESTABLISHMENT. BUSINESS CARDS, Will '-0 prompfly attended to :â€" OUR ASSORTMENT 0F CHEAP [i116 eV'oxy other kind. of PIAKN CIRCULARS, BLANK CHECKS, LAW FORMS, AND DRAFTS, AND BILL HEADS W'ANZER 82 00‘s New so indispensable in every family. am lie" ing mnnnfnntnrvd by us in ovnry variety n‘ Mylo and finish. Descriptive Cirmxlars with prices will hn turnislinrl on application, and mw style of Album sent by mail post-paid on receipt of price. 5 It is 711mg“ 12mm volume. ncnfly Mama cloth, izlustmlcd with (\‘ngmvings’, and wi" lm sent to any ndrlress post-paid. mi rncnipt of price, $1.00â€"0r on rnccipt of $9.00, We will send both the above works, postage prepaid. Buoksnllcr‘z. l‘Yr-ws Agents. Book Agenln. Canvnsm's. Peddlers. and others will do well to order a lanckngn of our Books and Albums. Tlmy will find them exceedingly popular, and‘ terms liberal, Sewing Efiachines; This. like the above, is a work 0'? gait and unusual interest. and Wm 1m oagorlv refit} m: ucumprmion volume to “ FEMALE LIFE.” .Complelc in mm volumn. 12mm cloth ox‘h-a’. illstrutcd with HM! rngrnvh‘gs, Will 'bo mat to any nddrcss 1205mm paid on redeipt 0 price, $1.00. N0. (M7 Samson St.,1’l:ilade1phin,'l‘a. AMERICAN MONEY TAKEN AT SPAR, us ‘92865. 1 For singks copies, or for terms in quantities. it'n other information, apply to, or address, J‘NO. EDWIN POTTER. Publisher The book Contains 44?) pages. with nngrn‘v- ings. is 1105111)’ bound in cloth. and wi‘llll'n snnt to am address, postâ€"paid, on receipt of price. .“H 25'. 1000‘ Lead 8; Travciing Agents wrmied everywhere for hair sale ‘6- HAT one-half of the world cannot Imu-I . gino how the other half live,” is no loss truo than trite ; and tho lesson the wing! atl'ords. our experience and observation. daily“ lands to vorily Then. too. when we Consider the over-varying phases of humannpassiun. and tho dismrdmi: oiomonts from which all novel and fanatical socts are moulded, it can chrcoly seem surprising that a faithful record of actual events should exceed in singularity the wildest dream of romance : or that crimes, both strange and unnatural, should‘ he perpe- tratod in a fur all. country on the outskirts of rivilizntinn, which people in another state of society would nc‘vor imagine pnssihlfi. Know- L‘rrg. as I do know, the evils and horror; and ahnminntions ol' the Mormon system. the do- W AN%ER7Q Combination «1% Singer PREMIUM SEWING MACHINES. ‘1 g‘cndnlll)!‘ it impoer‘s on females. and the con- qunmu firms whir‘h extend through a“ tho rnnlifipnhnns 0f tlm society. a sense ofduly to the world has induced me to prepare the fol- lowing! narrative for lhn public eye. ’rho- ro- mantic incidents cnnn‘r'cmd wilh my experi- mwe. mapv m'at.‘ lh'mk' Mrderin on tho mar- veIons,~ To them I'WuI'J'nd snvfl' iat' this narra- tive of my life only proves. what has no oflon been prova lmfim: HIM, “ TRUTH ls S’nunmm T" N FIc'rmN.-Anthurs Pref/mu, A Companion to Female Life. Maia Life among the Mormons, BY AUSTIN N. WARD; HE ONLY PRIZE av‘nrde fur Fumin Sewng Machines by the Judg’us a! MC Provincial Exhibition, held in Londoa. Sept. 24th. 25t|1,§26Lh md 2711:, was given to R.,.M; \lflnzer & C0. They also look the First Prize for Family Gombiunmion, at the Provincial Fair held l Toronto. Sept; 22. 23. 24. $15 and 26. 1862,4m also first prizes Wa‘s awnréfofi to their Singer for mnnufactory. Ths Firsf Extra Prim wn‘s filso given for Nag, l and 2 Singer’s Manufacturing Machines. l’rizos ofa similar charm-let wére also awarded Wanzer’s Co’s. Family Sa‘wi‘ng Machiuoaud VVanzer «V1,. (70‘s. Singer’s ,Mucllines over all othurs, by tho Board of Arts and “finial?- suro, nt Hm Muchanics luslilnte, 'I‘m-anto; 4 They also look First Extra Mites at .1116 Severn! (Immty Agrirtullural Fairsâ€"at Hamils' 14m. I’nris, Gall. St, Thomas, UcamsvilleJVME- by, Colmurg. iowmauviHe: in fuc'lievér)‘ phcf where ley have been vxluihimd, ll. M. Wan'mr (‘21. Co. havnsnccoedad in mi'iâ€" ting the moslvnlnnhlo pi‘npnriies offlm \Vhoaler A}, \Vilson and Singer Muchim‘s, and ramp"- ing those poinls which wore not desira‘hlp in_ a First Class dLHHOSllC m‘liclo, li\‘ adding some now invmitiom (for which they have securefi a patent in (Ianndaflmvn sncvnoilud in prodqcin‘fi 1: perfect Sewing Mn(‘liiim,\\' hich being simple in iv: principles is (\nsil} understood, requiring less than an ordinary amount of skill in its npvrminn. lls m-cnrule r-nnstmolion renders it little liable to got out. ol‘ropaiv', and it is easily mljustml. Tlm puhlir', on vxmninnlion. wil be convinced of its mlvrn'nges (\vor 11” minors now In usn. ‘ Every family should ham 1: Wail- zm- (Iofls (Tmnhinntimi Family Machine. All (lunuinn \Vauzm‘ 64:, (703:: Sowing Mn- chinns hour [he slumpof R . M, VVnuzer & Cm, Hamilton, (M the plum. II? \thmr & (10):! Combinafinn and VVanzer (V. C035. Singer,oxr‘ol any Machines that owr worn munufnctuwe in the united Slntns or Canada. Good \Vnrds, for July, Suntlny Magazim‘, for July, Clmmlwm’s Journal, (0!" Jnnc FEMALE LIFE AMONG THE MCBRMONS! Many Years Personal Experience}; BY MARIE W ARD v’ THE WIPE 53? A MGRMN ELBER! Truth Stranger than Fiction. chhmond Hill, Juno. 8 Orders rnonivod for all the Periodicals nnd‘ Mnguzinw at Richmond Hill. Jnnr: 1905 A STARTLING WORK’! EIEKBR‘E” EAST GREAT WE‘RE! GREJJTI XNJCTATIONS, BY CHAS. DICKENS’. They also Wok the First Prize for Family ‘nuwipg M‘uchihes ~with ILA M: Wager 90 I PHOTOGRAPH AEBUMS, PA HR ER CROSBY, Agent; FIRST PRIZE A N A‘RRA'HVE 0! SCOT'I S Hr

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