Mr. Henry Newton, son of Mr. Jus. Newton, Elgii. Mills, and formerly an energetic and pushing ixszzistant with Mr. J. K. Falconbridge, who a'few years ago carried on an extensive business on Rich- mond Hill, has returned to his native place and is about to open a general store on his own account, at the Elgin Mills. Mr. Newton has lad consider- able experience in som‘, ï¬rst class housm both in Canada and the United States, and, even as a pushing business man, will be a valuable addition to our trading community. He will open in abut th ‘ee {weeks in the shop lately occupied by Mr. John szterhouse, (who has 1; oval to Richmond Hill) with an entire new :15th 01’ goods. From the debate which took place with respect to Confederation, in the Nova Seotia Leghslature, we may learn pretty accurately how the matter stands there. Until something is done in New Brunswick; although the reeling-is evidently most favourable, no positive steps will be takenâ€"in fact the Governâ€" menthave, and necessarily so, from their 3positinn, no policy except a conditional one ofassent, if New Brunswick clears athe way for them. For Nova Scotia rto become a part of the, Confederation, while New Brunswick, as hostile or neu- tral territory separated ti from the rest, would be plainly foolish and ridiculous ; but as soon as the barrier is removed, her consent is certain. That there will be some modiï¬cations of the Quebec scheme, before confederation is an ac- complished feet, :is most probable. The objections urged hitherto, have been rather to the details than the prin- ciple, and their being harmonized with conflicticg interests, unanmity would re- 1 sultn At the same time it is perhaps unreasonable to suppose that the Pro- vincial authorities would be any more successful in the next attempt than in l the former one. in devising a measure that would be wholly acceptable. Con- cessions must be made; but we are of opinion that it is rather by the arbitra- tion of the Home Government that they ‘will be ultimately granted, than by mu< tual agreement. The refusal of P. E. Island, if con_ tinned, will form no obstacle to the un- ion of the three remaining Provinces with the Canadas; and after a short experi~ ence of’ her single blessedness, she will doubtless for the advancement of her dignity and interest ‘scck admission of her own accord. The signs of the times with respect to the projected union of the provinces, are most promising. The recent tri- umph of Cenfederation in Newfound- land, a colony which a short time since was found in determined opposi- tion, has been followud within the last few days by the signal defeat of the Anti-Confederation Ministry, in Newâ€" Brunswick. For Some time, in both provinces, the gradual change of feeling has been quite evident, and for the late legislative action, those Who have watchâ€" ed the political atmosphere, have been fully prepared. The firm attitude of the Home Government, and its strong recommendation that the measure should be adoptedfhas not been without legitimate effect, and we may safely con- clude, that irrespective of all personal changes, no :further opposition Will be offered. CONFE DE RATION APPROACH ING. RICHMOND HILL. MAR. 23, 1866 implementsâ€"J. Henderson. Noticeâ€"W. J. Gale. Building Lotsâ€"D. McDongal. Granite State Sewing Machine. New Printsâ€"G. A. Barnard Assurance Agentâ€"G. A. Barnard Public Meetingâ€"Amos Wright Farm for Salc-â€"G. J. F. Pearce Seedsu-Wm. Atkinson Fifth Lectureâ€"Meclianics’ Institute. Stralian & Co’s Magazines. ' To be Let, G00. 1’. Dickson. Public Notice, G90. 1’. Dickson. 'Wanted a Farm. C. G. Marten. Grammar School, M. Teefy. List of Letters, M. Toefy. Dissolution of l’urtnersripâ€"Lawrence and Wilkinson. Wood Wantedâ€"William Sliver. Garden and Flower Seedsâ€"W. D. Stark. Lardâ€"William Atkinson. Licensed Auctioneerâ€"Henry Smelser. Money to Loamâ€"Boyd & Smyncr. Stray Heiferxâ€"W. Dcvclin. Cardâ€"Putters & Lungsmfl‘. Northern Railway of Canada. Express. . Mail. . . . . RICHMOND HILL TIME TABLE Mail Train.. £xpress. . . . . SUBSClhnE FOR The YOIk Hrald, $1,00 a year an): {90:3 géemib. New Advertisements. An Old Acquaintance MO\ 1N6 HTOVING aoum. . . . . . . .....]0 0-7 A.M 6 54 r. m This old. established. and thoroughly reliable Asï¬uance Company has opened an Agency in this village, for-the county of York. Mr. Barnard, the agent, offers to hike risks at nexrly the former rates" and guarantees no after chip-twp of inâ€" creased rates, atle ust till†the expiration of the time you have paid for. This is an advantage the public must and “ill flppl'fl:€\:. We think our readers can- not do hunter than give this company the preiemnee. It was moved by Mr. Newborry, seâ€" conded by Mr. James Newton and carri- ‘od : “ That with a view to the adoption “ of' vigorous measures, a committee be “appointed composed of the following “ gentlemen7 viz :â€"Mossrs. Jas. Newton, “ Geo. P. Dicks-onJ Amos “fright, Robt. “ Marsh, A. Law, 1) Boyle, Jas. Lym- “bumer, G. A. Barnard: P. Crosby, T. “ Coglan, J. Newborry, J. Hamilton, G. H. Porter, Dr. Langstaffand Wm. Har- rison. Three cheers for the Queen having‘ been heartily given, the meeting adjourâ€" ned sine die. The resolution above was unanimous 1y adopted. Mr. Porter concluded by arguing the necessity of utilizing the present oppor- tnnity before the ground was occupied by others. In support cf this View, he called at tention to the fact that a large amount of American capital had already been at_ tracted, and that so much more favora- ble was this Province found to be for manuf'aeturing purposes than the United States, that the New England monopo- list; were crying out leudly for more pro_ tection against our products, and were in no posrtion to compete with us on our own soil. He advocated the establish- ment of a Flax mill, as being calculated to stimulate a new and proï¬table branch of agriculturai industry, namely the cul- ture of Flux ; or the erection of a W0Olen factory, as likely to create a market for home produce. Our \Voolcn fabrics had deservedly acquired a high repatation for superiority and cheapness even in foreign markets, and at the present time the fac- tories could not begin to supply the de' mand. London Fire' Assurance Com. pap y. “ tablishmcnt of homewmanuf'actures, and “ it would be highly conducive to the “ general interest if such were establish- “ ed amongst us.†The next resolution, which was moved by Mr. David Boyle and seconded by Mr. James Lymburner, was as follows : Resolved, “ That as the cheapness of “ labor, abundance of material and free- “ (10111 from taxation, together with the " duty on foreign manufactures, dis- “ criminatcd strongly in favor of manu- “ facturing in these Provinces, and is “likely to attract large investments of “capital, we should make an effort to “ attract it to our village, by holding out “ inducements for the establishment of a “ Woolen Mill, Cabinet factory, or other “ enterprise which would create 3. mar- “ ket for home products.†Mr Porter being called for, to support the resolution, alluded to the immense advantages which the Canadian manuâ€" factureri‘possesses over his American competitor, in the points referred to in the resolution, viz :â€"â€"labor, material and comparative freedom from taxation, and argued that these advantages, together with the difference of duties, almost guaranteed certain success. The public meeting, advertized in our last week’s issue, took place, according to announcement, in Dolmage’s hall, on Monday evening last. There was a very fair attendance considering the disadvan- tageous circumstances of the occasion. â€"â€" Eight o’clock having arrived, Mr. Law was appointed chairman, and Mr. Por- ter secretary. After a few introductory remards by Mr. Law, A. \Vright,M.P.P. in a happy and well conceived speech, ‘ urged the necessity of local manufac- tures being established with a view to promoting the prosperity of the village. He showed that in consequence of the abrogation of the 1{eceprocity Treaty, better opportunities existed new, for proï¬table investment in manufactures than had existed for many years, and re' ferred to the remarkable prosperity of the village of Oshawa, as an example of what might be done by the united action ofa few enterprising individuals. He looked upon our situation, and other in- cidental advantages in respect to ptm’ey and material, as by no means inferior to those of many places in which large and prosperous factories existed, and was of opinion that by the adoption of proper measures, capital might be attracted and establishments permanently located, which would conduce materially to the general wellbeing. In conclusion he moved the following resulution,which was ; seconded by Mr. G. A. Barnard, and was carried unanimously. “That as the late abrogation of the “ Receproeity Treaty will subject many “of our most important manufactured “ imports to verp heavy duties : a most “ favorable opportunity exists for the es- Public Meeting. V Vv'e are glad to observe the alacrity displayed in ibrming, drilling and arm- iog for home protection. Nothing done in that direction will come amiss, should any serious raid Qn onr province be atâ€" tempted, but it is well to bare in mind the necessity that may arise from a gen- eral call of the whole service militia, in which case none but the exemptions proâ€" vided for by law would be recognized.-â€" Globe . THURSDAY, APRIL 5.â€"â€"Important Sale ofsuperinr Farm Stock, &c. on lot No. 33, 1st Can. Markham, (Thomhill) the property of Mrs. \Vllliam Parsons: Sale at 10, am. Gormley & Fertis, Auctioneers. to arm more than two descriptions of military forcesâ€"the Volunteer Militia and the Service Militia and a police force under the title of' a “ï¬lter or Frontier Police- All other defensive bodi s that may be formed, must provide themselves with won. pons, at their own exp‘ense or that of tne municipality in whose defense they not. No exemptions from service, at any point, can be allowed on the ground ‘ of connection with the home guards. A good deul of commendable activity has been displayed in many towns and cities of Canada, in the enrollment of Home Guards, for the protection of the lives and property of their citizens in case of emergency. Most of these orâ€" lganizatious have been formed under the mistaken idea that the Government would furnish them with arms and ammunition and some of them with the understand- ing that their members would be :illmred to stay at home, in case ofaganeml Cflllâ€" out of the militia of the Province. Tne Governmout, however, and very wisely so have refused all applications for arms ‘ coming from such bodies, on the ground that they are not authorized by Luv Even in the States the celebration greatly disappointed public expectation. Appearances indicate that Fenianism is almost played out, and that before our real military preparation, its warlike bombast, sham courage, and ï¬ ghting attitude are rapidly subsiding. Rumors are afloat that New Brunswick is to be the point of attack. But our cousins are well prepared, and the knowledge of that fact is sulï¬eient protection. From all parts of the province news has come, to the effect that the much talked of, and in some excitable localiâ€" ties, much dreaded anniversary of Ire- lands Patron Saint, was one of the quiet- est witnessed in the province for many oears. The loval spirit displayed by the St .Patrick’s Society, and by the Irish Catholics generally, ougnt certainly to “indicite them from any further thought- less aspersiyn, and quiet the bitterness which has too long existed in the minds of the extreme protestant party, and runite as all more heartin in common devotion to our Sovereign and govern- ment, under whose mild rule there is too much civil and religious freedom, for sedition to ï¬nd a foothold. On Thursday evening last the 15th inst, a very large and enthusiastic meeting was held in the School House: at Thomhill, for the purpose of organl- zinga Home Guard for the defence of the village. ' Mr. Robert \Viles presided over the meeting in an able manner â€" eloquent and patriotic speeches were de livered by Mr. J. Lane, Mr. W. A. I’ilpatrick, Mr. J. Chapman and Mr. W. J. Lane. The latter gentleman was greeted by the audience with great applause. Over sixty names were er, rolled. Mr. R. Wiles was appointel Major. Four Captains were also 211). pointed, viz. : Mr. J. Lane, Mr. Thos- Carr, Mr. M. Cogswell and Mr. John W. Cook. Three cheers were then given for the Queen, and the meeting? was closed. ‘ We cannot close this brief and impcr feet notice, without alluding to the very superior munner in which the lecture was delivered. The Dr. threw himself fully into the spirit of his ,subject and rose almost to its level, thus adding that life and feeling Without which the ï¬nest compositions are powe’rless. The thanks- of the Institute and the community are due to Dr. Reid, Whom, we hope, we shall have the pleasure of soon hearing again. HOME GUARD AT THORN HILL A large and highly respectable audi- enee turned out to hear the above gentle- man’s lecture on “ Edmund Burke,†in the Temperance Hall, on Tuesday even- ing last. Although the learned gentle- man’s address was longer than most of the lectures we havejiad this season, he was listened to throughout with the most profound attention, and on concluding loudly applauded. The lecture gave the greatest satisfaction, and deservedly so. It was characterized by rare felicity of expression, and elevation of sentimet, and its graphic description of Mr. Burke’s manner of life, character, writ- ings, and great public aratorical efforts, was full of valuable information and in- tensely interesting. DR. REID’S LECTURE. Sale Notices. Home Guards. No Body Hurt. ' Markham, March let,,.1866. Bnt having already trepassod too much on your space, I must conclude, hoping if your correspondent should again come before the public, to be able again to meet him with his own weapon, I hold that every tavern established more than is necessary for the accomâ€" modation of travellers, is an established curse, to the country. When we ï¬nd only sufï¬cient for such, we find them kept up with a certain amount of respect- ability, which is not the case when maintained by those Whose only business is to kill time. Those who resort to the tavern. do not do so at ï¬rst for the love of drinking. but for the company, and those who have no other attraction are not likely to be found far from home Let us enter the tavern on an eveningand ‘ there we may see the conï¬rmed inebriate ‘ Who nothng but a miracle Will save from a drunkards doom7 also those who have come to pass the eveningr after their days workâ€"when those inebriatcs havoa passâ€" ed away, these are the ones who will ï¬ll their ranl:s;but where have theyeome from The greatest number we will ï¬nd are those who live in the neighborhood of" the tavern, and are no worse than theusands of others who by living farthâ€" er away escape the snare Let us go back a little way from public roads, where such places of entertainment in many localities are unknown, there drunkenness is almost unknown. Those who seek social amusement resort to the family circle, or to such places as tend to intellectual benefit and social harmony. But tell me7 sir, of the corner which has its spot where “ drouthy neebors, nesbors meet,†and I will tell you of the corner which has its tavern victims, and all the evils arising from tavern education. till “ Birds of feather flock together,†would increasing their haunts stop them? Would not those who J. D styles “ twin brothers,’ ’ ï¬nd their mates if' every other house was open to their call ? as many voting places as voters it could not increase their number But with the tavern is it so ? No, it holds Wltl i ) itself full power, to turn its thrusands who enter, from respectable members of' society to ï¬t subjects of tavern riots. â€" Take your own Village with its ï¬ve taverns, will your correspondent pretend to assert that if ï¬ve more were added it would decrease the number 01" drinkers ? increase drinking, than an increase in polling bï¬oths Would increase voters.†This, sir, is a remarkable pm‘agmph. Was it a flash of inspiration, 01' revealed to him in a dream ? I scarcely think that such would enter the mind in a common way. To compare the tavern with the voters‘ booth iS‘\’.‘0.'SC than ridi- culous. The voter goes to the bmth al- rcniy made a voter, and if thu e were ' the ’ render such articles as come under Tavern Riots. To the Editor 0/“ the York Ifefald, SIR,â€".In your last number of the “ Herald,†my attention was attract- ed by a communication under the head- ing of “ Tavern Riots.†The cause is one which has'l’ong demanded the atten- tion of public benefactors, and I was pleased to se% that one had at length come forward in the laudable work; but alas! beforeI had half read the article through, I was forcibly reminded of the individual who went out to prevent murder, but committed suicide. It was indeed the most remark- able piece of originality I have seen for some time. Emerson tells us to beware when a thinker gets loose in the world, â€"â€"I infer from your correspondent’s ideas that he is such a one, therefore I give him chase, lest he should do some mischief. But, sir, every person should have his due; J. D. shall have his.â€"â€" His remarks on the evils of congrega. ting in taverns for amusement and public meetings, abolition of gambling‘ in such places, placing more power in hands of the inspector,â€" are all worthy of attention,â€"â€"but with other portions of his theory I diifer. He says : “ Let us have free trade in taverns, it will work well,â€"it would decrease drinking‘and bar-room riotings.†Or make it plentiful and it will decrease its consumption l Such is his argument, for he says it‘ will “decrease drinking.†Every one knows that the beneï¬t of free trade is to the act, as much as possible within the reach of every one. Turn to the page of history, and there we can point to many things which are now within reach of all, were then almost unknown by the dearncss which heavy duties and licenses were the means of miking them; yet your correspondent lays down the theory that to make the 'iouor traffic at free one, (which of course ‘wo‘ald make it much cheaper,) to be the best means to advance the temperance cause. Evu‘y child ought to know tlut such duties do not, in reality, come out or" the tavern Herr, but of the consumer, and free tradel would be for the beneï¬t of such, throw- ing it much more within their re ich. It would also be the means of keeping open many more of those greghclcsv which area curse to every town and village in our Country. But readingr a little further 0:) I perceive that he ad’vo- catcs such an increase by allowing any person, on giving certain bonds, the libs erty to open, where. evcr he pleases. He says: “Suppose we had atown with ï¬ve taverns and "twenty drunkards â€"--â€"men who drink daily, ï¬ght almost daily, and pitch glasses at each other,â€"â€" suppose the same town had ten taverns and twenty drunkards, and as every . tavern keeper has histwn ille supporters, by the increase of from ï¬ve to ten, each tavern would only have two steady drunkards instead of ur. An increase in the numbeevo.£ m Mme "‘ “ ‘ lrror wounded writhes in pain And dies amid her worshippers.†(fwrrwpnnbmm A most melancnoly accident happened at the village of Meaford, county of Grey, on Saturday last. which resulted in the death by drowning of two residents of that village. The circumstances were these .- A Mrs. Crossley went, as was the usual custom, to a. mill pond on the Bigheud river in the im- mediate neighborhood of the house for wa- ter. The middle of the etx-eam was open and in this open space the woman put: down the pail, and while in the act of lifting it up» the ice beneath her feet gave way and shel ‘ was of course, plunged into the water. Her husband who was at the house, on hearing the shrieks of their son, a lad of nine years, rushed to the spot just as the drowning woman was-floating under the ice 3. little downstream. Running upon the ice he lay down and reached forward to save his wife, ‘ but, unfortunately the ice beneath him too gave way and both went down together to a watery grave. The body of Mrs. Crossley was afterwards found; but no trace of where- abouts of the other body has yet been dis- coveied' except that it was seen to float over a mill-dam a little below. Three children are left, one of whom is a child of nine month old. They will all be provided for by the municipal Council and by a sympa-‘ thizing community. On Thursday night last, during the prevalaizce of a great thunder storm, a barn was struck by lightening, on a farm belonging to Mr- Christopher Hisie, near Gorinley Corners, 4th Con. Mark- ham. The building with all its contents including 25 sheep, 200 bushels \Vheat, and farming implements, Was totally consumed. CASE OF DROWNING AT MEAB‘ORD‘ Vaughan Agricultural Society.~Tho annual meeting of this Society will be held at Burwick on the 29th instant. 6:? The next regular meeting of the Methmics’ Institute mil be held in the Temperanc: Hall, on Tuesday evening next. Aid. Bouiton moved, seconded by Capt. Clarkâ€"“ That a committee, con- sisting of the chairman. Mr. Manning"y Mr. Ridout, Mr. Macdonald, Mr. R0110, MnCnate, Mr. Hzmes, Capt. Taylor and Mr. Beaty, call upon the Mayor and ask him to reconsider his resigna- tion on the board of‘ directors of the Ontario and Huron Ship Canal comâ€" pany.†Mr James Rollo moved, seconded b“ Capt. Taylor -“ That, in reference to the question of the proposed vote of the board of the company to indemnify Mr. Capreol, this meeting has fully consider» ed the matter, in connection witï¬"fl;e clear decided legal opinion thereon, signed by .thme of our most eminent counsel, learned in the law, and cannot see any valid or objection thereto; but on the contrary, View it us a necessary not ofjustiec to Mr. Capreol, and at the same time the only mode of' enabling him to submit the proioct to the con- tracting capitulists of Britain.†hgard with the deepest regret that the Mayor has decided upon the resignation of' his position as a pI'OVEQiUY'lfjl direcntor of the canal comnzmy. and this mee'bmg desires to record its disappointmerif- at such a course on his part when in the present incipiency of the project, the very existence of the company and es- tablishment of the work depends on prompt and judicious action.†Mr. Alexander Manning moved, secâ€" onded by Mr. Ellis,â€"“ That the vast importance of the projected Huron and Ontario Ship Canal, as affecting the commercial interests of the province, and particularly the prosperity of this city, makes it peculiarly desirable that the city should, through its municipal ofï¬cers, have its due influence in the management of the undertaking. a. point Which was satisfawtorily secured by the present Mayor being named in the char- ter as one of the board of provisional directors. Mr, .T. D. Ridout moved, seconded by M13 T. D, H‘arris,â€"“ That \‘ve have The fallowiug resolutions were then adopted :â€" Speeches were subsequently delivered by Mr. Rollo, Mr. F. \V. Coote, Mr. J. D Ridout, and Mr- Alexander Manning, each of whom spoke stroneg in favour of the propriety of the directors granting bonds to Mr. Capreol to the amount of $60,000; and expressng their belief in the ultimate success of the canal. Mr. James Tilt was appointegl score- tary. Hon. Mr. Robinson was requested to take the chair, and upon doing so, briefly explained the object of the meetingâ€"â€" namely, to express regret that His TVorship the Mayor had sent in his reâ€" signation as a member of the 1302er of Directors, and of considering the pro priety of requesting him to Withdraw his resignation. Gemmel, John McBride,J. Tilt, and Aldermen Vickers, J. E. Smith, Boulton, Thomos Smith, Mid Council- men Bell, Burns, Tinnng and Cle~ monts. MEETING OF CITIZENS LAST NIGHT. Last evening a meeting of the citizens was held at the Queen’s hotel for the purpose of discussing’ certain matters connected with the construction of the Huron and Ontario Ship Canal. The following gentlemen were among those present 1â€"Hon. J. B. Robinson, Messrs. Alexander Manning, Capt. Taylor, Capt. Clark, Mr. Rollo, J. D. Merrick, J. D. Ridout, James Beaty,jun., W. J. Maedonald. Thomas Storm, â€"-Fowler, F. \V. Coate, George Ilzrwke, T. D. Harris, John Buwthra, J. E. Fllis, Huron and Ontario Ship Canal. The meeting then adjourmd. Serious Loss by Fire. Lrvmu’oon, March 8.â€"vFlour dull and nmnial. Wheat quiet and steady at 10s to 103 6d for winter red. Coan very dull an! dbclixled-3d;salcs at 285 6d for mixed. Beef active and ï¬rm. Pork ï¬rm. Bacon ï¬rme'r. Butter quiet. Lam :3;de upwards. Produce market-â€"Ta.110w ï¬rm. Ashes stea~ dv. Sugar ï¬rm. Coffee quiet and steady. Rice quiet and steady. Petroleum quiet and steady ' THE LATEST Mnnxms.â€"~â€"Tlie Times says ; English funds continue weak, the markets being influence at‘prescnt by results of the diï¬culties of the joints stock discount com- pany, with regard to which nothing further ofa definite character has yet transpired. The discount demaned at the Bank contien- ues havyâ€" all other establishments being disposed to restrict tneir transaction with in the mosr cautions limits. Of the total number of persons arrested under uhe suspensions of the habcus corpus Act, up to Tuesday night, 176~42 are Irish Americans. Sir John Gray‘s m )tion for the Irish Church has been ï¬xed fnr Tuesday. The resouimiod he proposes is, that the Church estabfishmeut in Ireland is agrievous wrong to the people of that country, and its con ï¬ned maintenance prevents them from hm" ing conï¬denco in the justice or in the W5» dum of the Imperil Parliament. The Post asserts that public feeling is: dead about Reform. The Times continues to protest against dealing with Parliamentary Reform; and leaving untouched small sores. PARLIAMENTARY REFORM. The Times" soy‘s»:â€"-“ We have reason to believe that at; meeting of the Conservative party, held yesterday at the house of the Marquis of Salisbury, It was resolved that no opposition should be offered to the introâ€" duction ut‘ the Reform Bill on Monday next, but during the interval between its intro duction and the second readingâ€"which it was understood would be ï¬xed For after Easterâ€"the party would consider what course should be pursued, and, Lord Derhy would take another opportunity of meeting his supporters.†Shanghai, Eeln-uary 9.â€"Tca. unchanged Silk inactlve. Exchange 65. 4M. INDIA; The Dombay mail of Februsry R‘rd is re ceived. The details are unimportant. Cot.- ton declining. The shipments of the week were 14,000 bales. Exchange 23. 35d Calcutta, March l.~â€"Exchauge 2s. 35 Canton, February 15.â€"â€"Tea unchanged, Exchange 43 73d. The linnitczzr says a: majority of the pleni- puteuxiarics have alrewly been invented with the uecessm-yp‘owers to attend the confer- en‘cer relative to the Principalities, ab‘ouk to be held at Park. The 'I‘urkls‘h‘ corps of observation on the Danube is stated at rwer 23,000. The reserve corps, 18,000 men, is m be stationed at S‘chumvmla. IL is stated that Austria» will probably take precautionâ€" ary military measures in Transylvania» and Bukowiua. near Bordeaux next Geiiigi‘lbmï¬ AUSTRIA AND PRU53IA. _ The anlnn Owl says a. Gar-man crisis! iS_ imminent. The Prussian Goveinment ha“ desputclied to Vienna z: summons in respect to Holstein, which is as peremptory in its tones as its demands. Bismark isfll'eady to face a war and its consequence& Austria must at once take up its gauntlet or yield to the pretensions of Prussia in‘ a summvliat ignominious manner, The F_'°.2|Ci\ Government has issued a cir~ cuim. no a“ ‘hc Maritime Powers of Europe requesting th- ï¬npport of the exhibition of fishing boats aim A-uflemems) to b“ huld near Bordeaux next Seplif‘ww- Sat]erthwni_th,s circular of the evening of the 7111 says 3â€"The dealings in American securities have been on a. somewhat limited scale; tozmrd+ the close 01' last week there was astrong d5p().siti()11 to buy 5-20'51'mnds and on Suhn‘dq‘, prim- to the Australasian news, they were brought up to 71, but have since receded on sales to realise proï¬ts, dosing at TIL-i. Railroad Shares h we sympmhized in the downward movement. III. C. closing at 77;} to 78);, and Erie; at, 53;; to 572 1. Ofï¬cial returns ofo-itieh exports for Jan- uary show an increase of 27 per cent, over that of last year. America Look by far the largest portion of the increase. Fhe Monring Post contradicts its an- nouncement that Disraeli hand proclaimed umonghis friends his readiness to assume the Government with the obligation of bringing in the Reform BU]. The Post now says that Disraeli made no such an- nounccment. Consols are steady, but rather ï¬rmer. Discount is unchanged. The Bank rule re- mains at 7 percent. The Momiug IIcz'ald says ameeting of the supporters of Lord Derby was to be held on the 8th, at the residence of the Marquis of Salisbury. ‘ In the House ofCommons, on the 7th, the annual bill for the abolition of Church rates was debated. Messrs Gladstone and Bright spoke in favour of the question being com- promised some way or other. The Billwas passed to a second reading by 285 to 252. The announcement of the vote was received with loud cheering. It is thought that the vote indicates an early solution of the ques- tion, although the present Bill will doubtless be rejected by the House ofLords, as usual. THE FENIAN CONSPIRACY. The Owl says the American Government has intimated that it is in possession of full information as to the movements of the Fe- nians in the United States, and will not per- mit any aetslobnoxious to the British Gov- ernment, of which its laws can take cogni- zance. Fenian afl‘airs are unchanged. Un- important arrests continue to be made. The Dublin Evening Mail says the number of prisoners committed in Dublin since the sus- pension of the Uabcas Corpus is 173 PORTLAND, March 18. The steamship Peruvian which left Liver- pool ut 2 p.m. on the 8th,:zmd London y on the 0th, arrived at this port at 6.30 this evening. ' The steamship Maravtcm, from Portland, arrived at Liverpool early on the morning; the 8th. The steamship City quaZtimm‘ï¬, from New York, arrived off Crookhaven early on the morning of the 8th. The steamship Bremen, from New’ York, arrived at Southampton on the night of the 7th. CHURCH RATES BILL. Arrival or the Peruvian. AMERICAN FENIAN S. DISRAELI AND REFORM. THE IRISH CHURCH. THE PMNCIPALITIES ENGLISH MARKETS. BRITISH EXPORTS. FRANCE. A Honmnw DiscovrnY.â€"Seven barrels of human remains were found at an early hour yesterday morning upon Eagau avenue, just south of the city limits. Two of the barrels were of full size, and the remainder sinall. and all contained the dismembered fragments of not less than half a. dozen boa dies. Legs’ arms, and headless trunks were there packed in sawdust, and when exposed, presen-ed a horrible sight. Some were in a; advanced state of decomposition, while- others had apparently been takenï¬from the grave but a few days. They were undoud‘t- edly remains brought from the dissecting isble’and were thus left without an attemm m buriu1.â€"C'/Licagp paper. l A TERRTBLE CONFL.&v(ï¬mTION.-Bufl'al0, ‘Murch 17th.â€"The ï¬re this morning in the New York eentrial freight depot was cansed’ hy the upsetting ofa can of kerosene oil near a stove. The flames spread‘ ra'pid'i'y and communicated to the splendid elevator belonging to the same company. Both buildings were entirely destroyed. . 1i large number of loaded cars in the depot, and piles of freight awaiting shipment, were‘ an destroyed. There was about 400m!) bush)- els ofgrain in the elevator, but little 041‘ none ofit was saved. The grain was insured The loss on the elevator, depot. and freight eonnot be mw correctly stated,but is estima- ted at over one million dollars. The loss will fall on the company. ‘ The London Star has reason to know that the relations between Austria and Prus- sw. are at present in a. much more critical condition in regard to the Duchies than is generally supposed», and it. even hiuCSï¬ at this possibility of war between them. Prian Alfredâ€"The Daily Telegraph says Prince Alfred is to be advanced to the rank of full Captain in the Royal Navy, thus; passing over one intermediate stepâ€"1.11M of' Gomnmndc-r. It is pleasing to know that, the provincial government has already received ofliru _ of volunteers companies which make a total of 130,000. ‘ A bed of combustible mud has boeu d‘s" coverec in India. The Indian railway con“ panics are bugimming to employ this curi- ous material in their locomotives Sir Mo‘rfcm Veto is engaged in the pre- paration of a work on the industry and resources of the United States. The carpenters of Guelph are on a Strike †for an apvauee of 23 per cum in their wages. k with all the disposable troopé in the Wear, lndies IThe exoixemcnt here has very much abated. The Mlmtrealers generally lrelieve that the Roberts and Sweeny faction must give )lieir supporters something for their money, but that the attack will be on the Upper Province and on New Brunswick, but not on Montreal or Quebec. They deem it ulnar madness to attempt the cup- tnre of either of men cities» They are, however, actively arming, 80 Mikey muy guard the city, in the event of the troops and volunteers (ping matted: slmwhere. An oilicf‘r of the Royal Engineersi that orders were sent to Eugloud, ï¬ve week! since, for 10,000 soldiers, to he landed at. Halifax, who will‘march fmm thence tm valn'unswicli, where the vulnerable point; is feared to be. These troops are expecï¬emfl in ten days, and on their arrival. New Brunswick, it is considered, will be safe. TllC_Slll,’)E‘r of mu: Aztu'dneuud Pig/adds are even umv in the Buy of Fundy. Sir Fred'- eJ-‘ick Bruce has ardent] ahe West Indian. aiuudcron to sail immediately for Halifax, The Six Nation Indians, Iroquis, .colo- mixed on the Ottawa. River, under a descend: ant of the celebrated Brant, last evening,- teudercd tne services of 1,500 .01" War bmves to the Government- New York, March 17.â€"The iVorW‘r‘ special Manter telegram says; The Grov- ernmcnt has just receiued :1. letter from an oliiciul in Windsor, (5.» W.,. stating; than the Major of Detroit had info‘rimd him that he cuusgd an inquiry to he humid into the ex»- tent of the Fenian movement in that day, and discovered there was likciihood of an attack from that point. The Government has also been notiï¬ed that the American Government is rending truops'to Buï¬uio to prevent any attack from ihul quartcu The total strenght of Sweeny’s force, or gunized into regiments and battalions, up 90 date, is given at 53'000 men It is stated that behre a month passes, the number will be double. ('ontibuliuns of money and munitions of'wur continue to pour into the troasury and ordrmcc departments of both bunches of the brotherhood. yelxzterday‘ but nothing of their prosceediii’gs was given to the public. The funds and rifles are still flowing in, both here and at. the Sweeny headquarters, and it is- reported that Sumo important features are now in process of development. It is currently" re< qorted tlmt O'Mahony has within 8) by days sent elf an expedition of 2,000 men to sumo point. unknown to the public. A BIG JOKE ox Fxxxw.iy.â€"-During last week the Feniuns at Detroit decorated the fumes with mammoth posters, to arouse the enthusiasm of the brethren or the eel:- bmtion of St. Patrick’s Day The proclamw tlon concluded with the, pious inwcation. “ God Save the Green,†which some secri‘ legions wags took abvautage of by having a lot of slips printed bearing the simplet words " horns †which were invariable found past- ou the original posters. The etï¬ect was 'that divxnc interqosition was largely invoked in behull of the “‘ Grecnhorncs. NEW YORK. Mnréh 20.â€"aIn this city ( l n , I o the central conncxl 0t Fomaus at Un‘nm Square were in secret session all through Arrived from New York, the Flyng Cloud at Leghorn. Arrived from New Urleaua, the b'quanda, at Barcelona. The ship Sc/rymnbeck, from London for Philadelphia, is at Lisbvn, very leaky. LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET, March 9.â€" The sales of cutteu for the week foot up to 74,000 bales, inclucuding 6;500 barles to o speculators, and 13,000 bales to expor< era. The markei is ï¬rm, but unchanged for American. White Egyptian has advanced §d to 1d Sales to-day were 20,000 bales, in- cluding 7,000 bales to speculators and ex: porters. The market closes buoyant, at unchanged prices. Orleans fair, 20%;“ middling’ 19%. Mobile, 20d 3 fair, 19d; mibdliug uplands fair, 19 13-16d f middling 18§1L Stack is port 366,000 bales, includ- ing 204,000 bales of American. The Manchester market was active,- with an advancing teudancy. Breadstufl's very dull, except fox-corn, which win; advancing. The provision nmrkets are ï¬rm. Lard has an upwards tendency Loxnox, March Sir-«Consok! dosed at 86 1086; for money. The weekly return of the Bank of England shows an. increase of bullion of £84,000. American securities.â€" U. S. 520's, 70% to 601‘; 5 111. 0., 772 ; Eries n, » oi" t0 LONDON, March 8.â€"-Breadstuï¬'s quiet and steady. Sugar flat. Coffee ‘ ï¬rmer. Tea ï¬rm‘ Rice quiet. Tallow tends upwards; sales at 49:; 6d to 503. SHIPPING NEWS.