Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 23 Mar 1866, p. 3

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an adapted for all ages and conslimtionn. «V are composed of the aciivo principles of "orbs and Roots. culled from our fields and forests. They are mild but certain in their operationâ€"producing- neither cramps, griping. III! or sicknen. They may be taken by all an, lens or condizions without fear. Brya'u'l Life Pills. Cure Headache. g erapli Wu P1110. Cure Sick Stomach. ' Bi‘yau‘a Life Pills. Cure Giddiness. Bryan’: Ltfd I’ilLv, Purify; the Blood. A Box of, Bryan’s Lifm l’ills wTIl cost but ' ‘TWEN‘TYvFIVE CENTS. and will accom- plifl} all that is ruprasenled. lU’Cut this out if you desire Dr. Harvey’s fills. and if you cannot procure them of your dcuggist. do not take any other, for some deal- are who are unpriucipled will recommend other Female Pills, they can make a larger profit an 5â€"bit! enclan the money and send direct to Dr. J.IBRYAN. Consulting Pliysicmn, Box 50 9. 442 Broadway. New York, and you will receive “1.1.1 accurer sealed from observation. by re- Iro mail. 1y 25 I A PRIVATE CIRCULAR to Ladies with fine Chuomjcul engravings. sent {me on receipt. of directed envelope and stamp. _ Exclusively for Ladiso, 3n invaluable H‘eatise of 100 pages. by Dr.J. Envoy. published for the benefit of the sex. On receipt 'of TWenty cents, it will he um you paid. in hsealed envelope to all who ap- jfly for 1!. Address. Dr. J Buns, 442 Broad- Iu, Now Yosk, Box 5019, 5-25 The Incsl infallible and popular remedy ever known, for all diseases of the female sex. They luvo been used in many thousand cases with unfailing successâ€"Bud may be relied on in evory cuss for which nlney are recommended, uiid particularly in all cases arising from no matter from what cause it aris's. They an ofl‘eclual in restoring to health all who are oufi‘oring from Weakness, and Dobility, Uter- ine Discharges, Nervousnuss. &c., &c., &c.. and they “ Act like a charm." in strengthen- ing the system. Thousands of ludles who have suffered for years and tried various other runodios in vain. owe a renewal of their health and lnength wholly to 1113 efficacy of They are perfectly harmless on the system, may be taken at any time with perfect safety : tut during :Itc‘aurly stages qf Pregnancy they should not be taken. or a miscarriage may be 1/“ result. They never cause any sickness, pain or distress. EuCh box contains GU Pills, Pric- one Gollar. A romedy for special cases. four degrees Ill-anger than [he above; price Five Dollars POI: ng. ‘ Important to 121121525. A [antlamnn who nuflbred for years from Nonoun and Genital Debilily. Nightly Emin- lio'ns. Incl usminnl: Weakness, the result of yauthfnl indiscretion, and came near ending his (lava in 'Iupolons misery, will. for the sake "f Iulfuring man. send to anv one u filiuled. the idmplo moms used by him, which ofl’ucted a cure in a few week-z. after the failure of nu- merous medicines. Send a directed envelopes and Ian cents and it will ‘Cust \ou nothing. Addrmu. EDGAR ‘lumuus'. Slulluu L. 12811) .. New York city. .lv-Ea') Dr Harvey’s Female Pills, Obstruction or Stoppage of Nature, THEPRIVATE MBBIEAL ABVISBR 'If you wish Bryan’s 'Lfife Pills, and cannot go! th'em‘df'yhur druggin‘t. dont take any mher, 5m ne’nfl Twmty-fiva cents in a Iottor to lhe Mfimor, mu"! you will get them by return 0 mi“. "Address, Dr. J. BRYAN. 442 Broadway Now_York. 1301:5079. ly-QS _ They are elngmifiy put Im hv tho panriMor. the invomor of Bryan‘s I’ulmnnic IVq/‘zrs. a mnd‘rine lung and favorably known to the American Nation. Bryan’s Life Pills, Entu‘ely'Vegetable. Hundreds of Certificate: can be Shown They have been and by thousands with success eran’SJLife £11ky I A sum antidote Tor sickness, and a refuge Tram Sukxow. PAIN and DISEASE rumble the Slomnch. Liver and Hilliary-Se- creliuns. which is the chiefcnuse of' Nervullx- “on, Clddinesa. Himuess of Sight, Headache, Sick Scomnch and mine: kindred complaints. are admitted to he the [lost Family VMuiicin. for genoial use, Purifying the Biood and cleans ing the system from all nnpurit)‘. The Greatest Medicine of the Age Pluvxnc CIRCUIARS tn Gentlemen only. um free on receipt of directed onvolope and a;a_n_1p. "you need lhc Pills, cut out thin advertiseâ€" mom for reforeuuo,‘nud if _\ou cmmot procure lhem of your druggist, Ill! nu: 1.4: imposed an by any (It/tar remedy, but enclmo [he mom-y in a lc-tlu to Dr. J, BRYAN. Consulting Physician. 44‘] Broadway, New Yotk, Box. 5079,and they will be nut (0 \‘ml more from ohservuti’m, bv return mail. on. receipt M the money. ly-25 In all Soxunl Diseases. as Gonorrhea, Stric- hm. Glut. and in a” Uxinary and Kidney vomplninls. they not like a charm. Relief is nxpariencvd by taking a single box : and from {our to six boxes gnuerallv effect a cure. _,“r .â€" .0. ~---~-- 5- ll\"0ll' Ullrhl a Uull'a Sold in boxes containing 60 piilu, Prion Ono Doll-r, or six buxes. Five Doilars; also, in large boxes, containing {our of the slut“, Price Threo Dollars. Are warranted in all cases, for me SPEEDY and PEBMANLNT Cum; ol Semial Weakness, Ureth- rel and Vaginal Discharges. G-eet. Sexqu De- bmly and diseases of the Blfidder and Kidneys. -r .w. . ...v "nu-nu. uuu xxlulluys. Thor-{gm adapsed for male or (bmale, old or young. and are the only reliable known for the cure of all diseases arising from and do n'ot' interfere with business pursuits, and No change If Diet is necessru' j. BELL’S SPECIFIC PfLLS ! l’omoes Lily 195ml .... Flour brl.-........ [all W mat 19 bushel 8 ring Wheat do arlev do Pom ‘ db ‘ Out- do . [onion do . A fainin harried West were poisoned in Guelph on Saturday last by eating cakes ili which horsepowder had been mixed in mis-’ take of‘ bakiog soda. They were all seized With ~violent pains and vomiting and had a nan-9w escape from death, but were saved by paompt medical attendance. ERRORS OF YOUTH. W'g‘hey__ ‘be Used Without Detection, Dr- Harvey‘s Female Iills. JBIQfau’s Life Pills, Purity the Blood. Dr.ZHarvey'sEGolden Pills. Youthful Indiscretion, TORONTO M A RKETS. FOR THE UNFORTUNATE. Tor'uhw, March 22. 15 @ $7 47 luv...” 125 @ I40 - . h 104 n 55 @ o 65 nun). 0 81 F you have nat- seen those Pretty Prints just call at W. S. Pollock’s, Who has over 41) Patte‘n‘ls in Hoyles and Ashworth’a best Qualities of first rate value. I the Richmond Hill County °Grammar School is now free to pupils who may be uni - ous to acquire a superior ed "cationâ€"Applica- tion to bo made to the Head Master By order of the Board of 'l‘rus|eas. THOSE NEW PRETTY PRINTS! UBLIC NOTICE is the Richmond Hill Sécr'y 778084 RichmondHill. March 9, 1866. 404 LL parties indebwd to the Subscriber either by Note or Book Acuount. a re re- spectfully notified to pay up the same imma- dintely. and avoid furlber annoyance and trouble. W. J. GALE. Toronto, March 23rd, 18(6‘ Oak Ridgod. March 23. IEGG grammar School R. TLBUSH & (‘0., Cannda Manufacturâ€" ers, H King Street East. Toronto, (‘, W. Henc Offices in in Great Brnuir. and Canada. London. England, Glasgow, Montnou) and Toronto. The GranitehState-Sewing Machine Canipany, HE Grnuile Slate Sewing Machine Co. wish to employ a few Gourl Agenlfi. in every county to introduce their New Family Sewing Machine. A salary paid from $50 :0 $150 per month. or I larva commhsion. 'l‘his Machine sells for only $15, and is really worth $50: it will accomplish every descrip- tiwn of sewing, except button holes, from an over cunt down to the fines! silks and muslins. Every Machine warranted and kept in repair for mice Tears. Single Machines, with fnl printed directions. snnt express free on recoil)! OJ 33“; in a registered letter, Those wishing agencies should send for our private circulars to Agenls. Address or call on AflENTS VVAN'I‘ED. $150 PER MONTH. Lot No. 5â€"4 (‘0 an: Lot N0. F â€"â€"§ do suit Lot No. 7 â€"§ do am LotNu. 8.â€"§ do bru but No. 53,â€". do IIII Lot No 10...; do am Lo! No H.-â€"§ ‘80 Ldr No l2.-â€"-} do Lot No litâ€"g do Lot No M.â€",§ do Lot No l5,â€"â€"â€"£; do All the abc v0 propel-{y n! Turma. For further the promises to Thornhill. March [9‘ Lo! No. 1.â€"; Lot No. 2â€"; LotNo 3,â€"3, [.01‘Nn. 4 â€"1 Lot No. 5â€"4 Lot N0. F â€"â€"§ Lot No. 7 â€"§ LotNu. 8.â€"§ but No. 9.â€"‘ Lot No 10.»; Lo! No 113-} Ldl No l2.â€"-§ Lot No litâ€"g VG. A‘BARNARD’S Biwan Hi”, March 1411!. 41-1! Building Lots, HOTEE: “STORE, VILLAGE OF THORNHILL, FOR SALE On Saturday, the 17, inst, at his Brother residence 10th Con. King, Mr. Duncan Wilkieâ€"late of the Village of Maple. DWELLING-s; ' FREE! yoluaul uI tum ulna“ 000K nus been a 5001: T0 1ch AFFLICTED. and has saved thousands from A life ofmisery, and an untimely gruVe. ll treats bn lhB 'Bvlls of Youthful lhdiscretion, Self-Abuse, Seminal Weakness. El issious, Sexual Diseases. Genital Debility. lLoam of Power, Nb'rVOusness, I’ermnluro “stay, In» polenc‘a. 616.; am. whiéfi unfit Ill‘é 'sufl‘ore um: fulfilling the Obligation of Marlmge. rv bddress. DR. J. BRYAN, COIIsulllug l’hysi- 10. Box 5079, 4‘42 BrbnuM‘y. New York. Third Edition, Fifty Thousandâ€"100 hates. b‘yRoBrzk'r E. BELL, M. D. A cuuh‘on. ad- dressed to youth. the married. and those Con- ’I'EM ana MARRIAGE. Sent by mail post pai . on receipt of'l‘wmu’rv Crews. A careful perusal of [big small book has been a Bdo'N T0 £23133 flflbcttifitmtfltfi. RICHMOND HILL NOTICE. MANHUOOD! NAMELYzâ€" ‘â€"; Acre, suilablo for building â€"-§ do do ~33 do and Frame Cdttng‘e â€"i do do â€"â€"I ('0 and Large Brick Hotel â€"§ do suitalglo foyABuildiuvg r Late do am do hm do I!" do am ‘80 do do do do pl’flpefly A NUMSR 0" D. MCDOUGALL. {855, 4-2. 4w IN THE M. TEEFYi and largo'frame dwellin brick store and dwalling nud two brick dwelling» and Frame Cottage do do do do do do do do do do My will be snld on liber 1er particulars apply on mm. hereby give-n that County Grammar l)'.25 :ENININING in the Rir'hmnnd Hill Post Gift :8. on Isl March. 1855: Anderson. Mias J Johnson. R. Brunskill. Mrs. Keal. Francis linksr, Margaret. 2 Lander, John Bowman, 'l‘homas, 2 Lvnet, Nichol-s. Jun. 2 Bodal, Mary Ann Minnessay, Arthur Cain. Man Ann Miar. Charles Campbell. Margaret McKenzie. Hannah Coghlnn. Tnomas MnAtfiey, Mflggia Curran, Thomas O’Brirn. Mary L. Chicane. Juseph O’Brien. Annie De Inon, William O’Brien. E. A. Donn, Emmanuel O'Connor, Michaei Easpy, Eliza Patterson. Miss Frazur. Agnes Rumble. Thomas Gray, Catharine Rumble, John, Jr. Gihstohn Itichnrdsnn. J. Garnish, Richard Sheppard. Catherine A Granger, Henry Stevenson, Nut. Gorman. John Stephenson, James. 3 Grant. George, 15 Simpson. James Gaby. Joseph‘ Steel. G. Gaviller.E. A. Shield. Catherine Hemmingwav. Miss J.Tonikins, Sarah Jane Hogan. Catherine M. TEEF‘Y. RM. Richmond Uili, March 9, 1865 When pnymcn! is made in nccordance with who ‘ah 1w, it will be considered pavmem only ior We first opening of a grave and a roâ€"opou- ingz of a grave will be Subject to a new charge, much change (0 be» regulated by the congrega- tion mammal msetings. The trustees will not hold themselvns res spoufii’ble after this nnticegshould bum: ls take pim'e on ma?de 0”“ ground, unless Mnembuve rogulnliol‘i‘u we ‘complic‘d with. LL pnrlies having ground encloSétl ON” A marked 05' as family burying grounds): are herebv notified lhat FIlf'h enclosed or maked ground. not Occupied will) arnvos~â€" cannot be secured unlqss the sum of lwo dollars fur each unopened gravu he forthwtth paid for. a limited number. snvsix graves. 3M 9 feet each. as [ho maxiomum can enly be secured by one family. HAT Hou‘ifi and Lol. No. 6. belonginglo 111m Cnunfla l‘reshyvorinn (.‘huruh. Rich- mon H ll.- will bu leased for a term of yea'rs. The '1' 1mm will be allowed a stipulated amnnnL for repairs from the remal. (HF-rs in wriliug will bu receiyed by any of the Inn-lees. Richmond Hill Burying Grannd! Richmond Hill, March 9, 1866 PUBLIC NOTICE Barrie, March 9, 1866 ' ANTED to Lease a Farm from thirty to fil'ly acres cleared, with good dwell. ing and nut houses, helween Richmond Hill and Newmarket Applyâ€"1f by letter (post puid) to C. G. MAR'I‘EN. WANTED, A FARM For Newmarlmt? Aurora, Markham and 'l‘lyg Lon/est PGSSIBLE RATES, G. A. BARNARD, Agent Richmond Hill. Rithmond “in. March 14d». ‘AVING 1) en appoiniod Agent fnr this .Compauy,ouo -of the Oldl‘.§t. and must reliable English Companies,l will behappy to affect assurance against Loss or damage by Fire. upon eveJy duscxiption of property, at MIi“1ifi"}1};izj’LZZ'&ZX.""’ m lnéorporated by ROYAL Charter, in 1820. No. 7, ng/al ‘L'gaich.¢z_h.‘q‘e,l;00r§hill, and SCQTT’S, lnndun fire Assurancp Company, Supplied on the best and lowest terms. at VViIh immodiale payment of all Losses. Goad Wards, Sunday Magazine TO BE LE‘f. Standard Periodicals List of Letters FOR MARCH AND di‘iiick GEO. P. DIQKSON, Secr’y. GEO. P~ DICKSON. RICHMOND Huh. Baum}: P. O Secretary. 4§)-4w 40-4w 40-41) SIRâ€"I have examined your model of' newly invented door, and consider it superior to anv thing I have seen for stopping draughts and frost, land lhiiik it will greatly save fuel, nave health and prevent damage from frost. his likewise cheap. Yours, &c.." JAMES LANGSTAI'I'.’ M. D. Richmond Hilly July: 1"“; 533. MR. Wu. Mum. Simâ€"Having tried your "Patent Air-tight and Frost-f ‘1")f Door,” 1 have reason to believe that it is an excellent contrivance, and calculu- ted to contribute much to the comfort of these who adopt it. 1 am of opinion that much less wood will be requiréd to heat a house in the winter season if your patent is applied to the outside doors of a residence. MR. Wu. MACEY. ._-._. w“.- ..v... um pun-nu, We require something of the kind to render out-side doors proof against an- and frostâ€"this invention will doubtle<s meet the case, and will be found both Cheap and efficient. ll commands itself to the judgement oft hose who Investigate the matter. as being- calculated to save fuel, and to render a family residence more healthy and attractive. Hav'illg' adopted? Vtil‘e principle in my resi- danne. you havo thereby 1.H6_(espevidence. that I consiuer the public. Mn. WM. C. MACEY. Sunâ€"Your Air-light Door seems likely to meelwi'h liberal favor fro") the public. ‘In bEAR CHURCH STREET, IS prepared to wait upon (my who need his profi‘ssional services in Older to preserve fixeif math, or relieve sufi'evilig and supply new teeth In the most npprovadstyle. Also to regu- late the teeth of those who need it. Calls’ulml‘loh free. and all work warranted. Jam. 1865. 21-y ‘ ‘ 71TH Three Acres of Land. good Barn. Stables. Cow-house. Orchard. Wells of Hard and Sol] Water. and other cunveuivnces. nituated on lot 48. lst Con. Vaughan.â€"-‘~Mill -L.,_. n:.|.__, A, J nu. street, Richmond Hill ~‘ JOHN DE LA HAY Rich’d Hill. Jan. 25. 1866. 34. HOUSE 82 LOT FOR SALE ORTOREN'T. Vaughan, Dec. 7. 47:65 DENTISTRY. He looks like a 3-year-old. The owner can have (he same by proving properlyfihd paying expenses. ROBT. ROBINSON. -" . n _ _.-_ AME into the premises of the Subscriber, 1 L91 No.32, 2de Con. Vuuglmu. about the middle of October 195th“; , K A" maek‘" “g;“'m1Â¥e"mun‘y Steer HE Subscriber begs to inform the Puhlic that he has leased the above Hotel. where he willkeep constantly on hand a good snppr of firstâ€"class Liquors, &c. As this house possesses every, accommodation Tra- vel‘ers can desire. those who wish lustay where they can find every comfort are respectfully in- vited to give him a call. Richmond Hill. Dec, 1865. STRAY STEER- ir-Tight and Frostâ€"Prouf Dom! r' - - v v v . . “:r'wv Poul. No ComllllsFloll cnarged. sonaHy, or i1 by letter pre~paid, to February 19. 1866. Apply on the premises to HONEY : M01" EY : TO LOAN on the Peburitybf 5, Fgm} I'l-pperlyz in York and riety of which he wilf dis 0% r... no.1. n-...n ‘ I fut Very redu'c'bd prices fur Cash. CamI:;guésiég‘dbfifcfih‘éfl: Thomhill. March 1866. PATENTED. JUNEi 16, 1865. @333 3 ~ RICHMOND HILL, July 201h,1865 ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the coun- ties of York and Pool. Collector of Roma. Accoums. Jae. Small charges and plenty to do, Lnskay, March 2nd 1865. BD-Iy FfifiDENfiNfl FIDWEHEFBS, SPRING OF 1866 Henry Smelser, THE Partnership heretofore oxislinghatween the undersigned as Tanners and Curriors, in this dav dissolwd by mutual consent. All debts to be paid to J acob Lawrence. JACOB LA W R ENCE. W. L. WILKINSON. Eglington . Feb. EG,lé(;é: DOFWEPFIS HQIEL. March 16th, 1866. MSSOLUTiUN of PARTNERSHIP 95 King Street East, 'i'oronto, N. B.â€"A BAY MARE, 6 years old for Sale. (on time if required.) m.-. mum: . u. new In: norm; .1. of 50 acres, on Yang‘s Skeet, about lmlfi way between Richmond Hill and 'l‘hornhill ; or he will 551146 acifisrwith mo Farm House and Farm Buildings. TERMS :â€"A small payment dpwn, and 3 lug lime to pay the balance if requlred. PRlCE:-â€"For the 46 acres. with Farm House and huild‘ngs. $68 dollars an alérS. Possession can be had on In April. 1866. l HE Advertiser Offers For Sale his Eorm of 50 acres. on “main 8mm .5..." 1mm YON GE STREET . c. ADAMS, SMALL FARM! EG GS to intimate to the Public in Markham and Vaughan, that he has on hand a VH- LATE VAN NOSTRAND’S, MACEY‘S your patent Worth the anemiéfi Yours truly AMOS WRIGHT, MJ’P ktcfuwsp HILL, July 1st. 1865; M. 'I‘EEFY, Postmaster. RICHMOND HILL. July 4. 1865. ‘. Stark, Thornhiil‘ FOR SALE ON G. J. F. PEARCE. Lot 39, let Con. Vaughan. BOY D & STAYNER. Barrioton, &c. APP'S‘ Per- Toronto. 34-3m 33-ly 39-4w 37~3 ALL Persona indebted to the undersigned. either by Note or Book accouny are re- ques ed to call and settle the same as soon as poasi‘llo - P. CROSBY. Kichmofl’d’ Hifl. Doc. 7; 1865. A 27 NOTICE. (m reasonable terms. F01? LE6 Counties of' York, Peel and On- tario. Residence : Lot 8, 6th concession Markham. l’ost Ofliceâ€"Unionville. The Commefcial Edgeâ€"1. First class Slnbliné and careful attendance-.â€" Terms moderate. JOHN CA RTER, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, Wm . Atkinson’s Richmond Hi“. March 16. ’66, Toronto, Feb. 6, 1866. TIMOTHY, IOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on or uflen‘Friday. the lGih day of Fehraary next. iwpitcatian will he made to the Honour- rhxe Samuel Bealey Harrison. Judge of tne Surrogate Court of the United Counties at York and Peel. at his chambers in thevCOurt House of Toronto. for the appointment 0! JOHN EYER. of the township of Markham. Miller. ug Guardian of Mary Steekley, the in- fan: chifd of Jo‘hn Stuckle)‘. late of the town- ship of Markham, deceased. l‘ownship of Malkham. 18lh January, A.D. 1866. As the successffl pros‘ecfition of the en- terprise will confer Untold adVantages of wealth and prosperity 0 our village and neighborhood, it is Hope that sufficient sup- port and encouragement may be given to justify its prosecution. Richmond Hill, Nov. 30; 1865‘ The capitnt (if the Company ii? to be $2,000, in 40 shares of $50 each; two shares entitles My member to become 5 di- rector. Guardianship Notice ! The Land can be obtained for ten years] for oneâ€"tenth of the Oil. Ten acres have already been lea'sed to secure the site. The probable coét o‘f sinking the Well will be about $2,000; about one-half of which will be required td fifo‘c'ure material, find go on with the work: Since in the opinion ofkman well quali- fied to judge, SIGNS OF 01 of a most encouraging character exist in the greatest abundance on Mr. Klink’s nfarm, 1;} miles east of Gamble’s toll-gate. It is proposed to sink a. well there, as being the place most favorable for operations. Sales attended on the shortest notice- and WHEREAS there eXists in the neighbor- hodd very strong indications that OIL exists in paying quantities in several locali- ties, it is highly desirable that a Company should be establithed to test the matter, and obiqin it_if Possxble.‘ ' ' May be had cheap at PETRULEUM UH CUMFRNY I ‘. LEMON‘, PROPRiETOR. Or an additional copy to any one who will furnish their local Bookseller with FIVE new Subscribers’ names. Club terms on application at Ulnama- uunlluu u, um, mu send bpecunen Copies free, and ‘oflw We 01 the ele- gant Volumes of “GOOD WORDS,” OR “THE SUNDAY MAGAZINE.” Read the “ HERALD’s” a I, J â€"â€" - ~â€" --vv~l VA lleeLlAv . Messrs. Strahnn &, (10;, Will send Specimen Copies free, and MM Kant Volumes of Edited LU§INATEU~ 1‘ 'I‘ 11* E SJU N333; M A if; A Z? N E FOR SALE. PROSPECTUS Ne_lson Street,» Toronto lited by NORMAN MAcuzon,‘ D. D.,-â€"One of Her Maicstv’s Ceanlmns STRAHAN & Co‘s} fiAGAEHVE Montreal; so 31}. Peter Street. CLOVER, AND FLAX SEEDS, THE ARGOSY,‘ ‘ g 7 A MAGAZINE FOR THE FIRESIDE AND T1113 JOURNEY.- at“ His RICHMOND HILL "wwv wirw wuv Vlad/W: â€"J.Lnunn1'. 1‘2; CENTS-“AMMO'NTH: $1 50 A YEAR EDITED BY THOMAS GUTIIRIE, D. D.. Author of" The Gospel in Ezekiel,” “ Speaking to the Heart,” 8w " @0062 words are worth much and cost little."â€"HERERI" 15 CENTS A MONTH; $1 75 A YEAR. 15 CENTS 'A MONTH; $1 75 A YEAR. BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED; PROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED Monthly Notices of these Periodicals, 34-3 ILLUSTRATED. Persons Harboufing Dogs, tbbe deemed Owners , l 16. Every person in ppsse'ssion of‘any‘dog or who shall su-Ef'ersny ,dog to remain abeuf his house or premises for the space oftwenty days previpusto the assessment of a tax, or previous to any injury, chasing or worrying of sheep .01: any such attack made by such dog. shall be deemed the owner of such' dog for ll the purposes of this Act; lW’Ji-‘lm’y 1m.- Owners to give the Required Informa. tion. Penalty for Default. " i 3. The owner or possessor of every dog liable to such tax, shall, when required by the assessors, deliver him a description, in writing, of every such dog owned or possess- ed by him, and for every neglect or refusal to do so, and for every false statement made in any description so furnished. such owner or possessor shall incur a penalty of five dol- lars, to be recovered by the clerk of the municipality before any court of competent jurisdiction. Moneys Collected to be a Fund for Pay- ing Damages done by Dogs. ' 6._The moneys so collected and paid to the Clerk or Treasurer of any Municipality, shall constitute a fund for satisfying such damages as may arise in any year, from dogs killing or injuring sheep in such municipality and the residue, if any, shall form part of the assets of the municipality for the general purposes thereof. ‘ Her Majesty, _ by end with the consent of the Legislative Council and Assembly OfCa- nada, enacts as? follong ; _ Taxes imposed on Dogs in U. 1. There shall be levied annually in eveny ' Municipality in Upper Canada, upon the nowner of each Dog therin, an annual tax of gone dollar for such animal. Assessors to‘ d.scé2;{qin Owners qf Dogs l and ar‘idozint Qf Taies. 2. The assessors of every Municipality, at the time of making their Annual Assess- ments, shall ascertain the number of dogs liable to be taxed, and shall enter in lists to be made by them, the name of eve‘ry pe‘rson in their respective Municipalities then own ing or keeping any dog subject to the above ‘ tax, the number of dogs kept by such per; son, and the whole amount of tax to be paid by him. EXTRACT’ -An Acf £0 impose a tax on Iiogé‘, and to m-ovide for the better protectiod of Sheep in Uppér Canada: By order of {he Councii, The attentionwofi the public 'isi called to the accompanying Extract from the said Act. Taxing .Qf flogsj. V._.._.r u- . wu’ I ghan will forthwith Enioceed to carry out the provisions of the Act of Parliament, passed during the last Session, fqr thé THE Assessor-for the Township of Vau- (Iln‘ln urn] {‘nv-Huuid. ...... .1 A_ MUNICIPALITY III VAUGHAN?! It may be interreslinfl to those that owe me. to know that all dohts dun me,'if not paid by the first of March, nuxt, will be advertised in tho YORK Hum”) as I can't be at. the trou- bio and expense of running after ihemâ€"no joke. you‘d better believe it 1 RICHMOND HILL. Feb .nuo lulu n. H-ownflknins: Lilac suds Unrk Prim: in choice paterns ; Striped Shining : Faclcry and bleached Coltons; Ginghams. flux. of first-rate value, are being- sold to make won for a nia’w add large assortment of spring goods.â€" Lain ‘ G. A. BARNARD. Richmond Hill Fed. 7. 1866. Late At ~M; S' POLLOCK'S in good Blue and 5’0wn‘l)enina: l.ilnn m": n...:. n_:_._ __ _ 9”...“ Also, fine Table Codfish and Noth Shore Her- rings, just received. of exceIIent quality. and at moderate prices. Wm. S, Poilock’g late G. A. BARNARD’S. CHEAP COTTON GOODS Richmond 11m; Feb, 22. 1866; HERRINGS; LAKE HURON FISH. Monday February 12th, 1866. by J. WINDEAT. Esq, _A.,7Hendmaster By order of the Board. M. TEEFY, ‘ , Secretary, RICMOND HILL Faby. g. 1666' GRAMMAR SEHUBl HE-UPENED Good Slabling and an attentive hos in attendant: Februau‘ 5. T866) J as Gaby, Proprietor. GLO voles TE 1: Mi 573E. Stick Pin? Tm: HE E; Richimoxu'i .va County Grammar Séhaul Will be re-opened ( n SALMbN TRo'ifr and: 3 WHITE FISH, (Late Thomas Coats-g, YONGE STREET. G. J. 13‘. PEAfiCfi, (jerk. Her Majesty’s Ceaplalllmsl GEO. SIMPSON Ist. 1866. 35.3“ always A f ' D I i But-ma h'fli‘.'\l')cc. 2), 18:5. 38 per pair. hadiee' Wool Mitts. from Is 10):} to 2; 3! per pair. ; Men’a Ringvioo‘d” Gloves. from In 3d to 9- 3 per pmr. A - Men’s Cloth mid Lined Kid Mitts and Glenn from 29 6d tn 5s 6d per pai'. ‘ Also, Woolen Gufi's. Gauntlets and Mum"! in great variety. Lute pg. 4. BARNARD’!” _ ,v.. .z‘..7 ' pm pahrL _ ; Ladies' Cashmere Gloves. from logd to 2s per pair. ' ' I Lndies’ C!oth Gloves, from la’loid to 35 (id " 'M. S. POLLOOK has now on hand in excellent assortment of Men’s, Wonh‘én and Childlen’a GLOVES, in all sizes of Mr?" ans material: . Warm VWinter Glbocs. Boy’s ch'oluen Aberdeen Gloves. from 31d.“ ' 7M pei‘ififlir. ' Boy’s Wublén Kingwood do from Hdtol Richmond Hill. Jan. 12. ’66. ‘ Splendid White‘Fiah._fn"_~f‘.l 3 Half Barrels or by tfié lb? Richmond Hm, Juni. 1865' mam PISHé BIBLE So’cIETY' nnm‘slToni,“ SCOTT‘S BOOK ST‘ORE‘. A soothing and astringelit appficttion : and, a far as an ppplicatifim (tilt In of any benign” morq s‘bnth’ing‘ and much' fipfirq;mritx£e’g¢. In) any, Mth‘orlo prepareds .Ti'ffi majority of case. ifind speedy relief by its use. H‘ ' ' mucows‘ WORKING MAN'S FRIEND F‘d} Cuts, Cracked Heels. and all kinda of sores on Horses and Cattlo. ‘3 . i v . n DICA‘CON’S ,Erupuve Oi‘h'lment tor all“ kind' of skin‘ di'séasea. DEACON’S Antibmiou’s Fina. terinuse. h r '« . you; mama” mm, Au'giz‘u {o 1865‘ DEACON’S unrivalled Cough Balsam, for Coughs, Colds..;Consumpti,on. Asthma, 15:. DEACON’S, VEGI‘EABIJE COUCH PILLS One oHvio D6353 go‘nemlly remoyo‘ the cold. DEACON'S Mixture ,for, Cholep, Ditii-rbél, and Summffi Cbmpluilftsfeqml to’ if not bot- tor than any other-medicine made. ‘ 4 0B. HEAL ALL. ;, An‘é‘tcel‘lent remedy for Rheumatism, 231k pains.“ Strains. Bruises. Cuts, Chilbluim. on; Thic’a't. and violent Pains In Back or Side. the: effng ‘flathe Hog! All in the nbovo can“ In nstd'ifisfiing, frequently removing all pain in I few hours. ‘ . :' -,‘ ." . As a general Tonic, or Strenglhoning Medi“ cine to brace and invigorate the frame. now can be better. ' '. ‘ " r -’ I ASE-17%" a pointed agent. for the Con H quk ,p for the above valuable Mela? cines: ivhich’ have been boron the Canadian public for the past seven years. aha hivp"giVen universal satiefactionâ€"he can ‘thorofom. with confidence. recommend (hundreds of Testimo-‘ nials’ could be given if required, showing thoj benefit dende therefrom.) their use for their‘ several virtues, ‘ V - ~ J DEACON’S FAMILY VEGITABLE PILLS: Act gently yet effectually; may be taken dor-‘ ing any employment, at any time. and "I by the moél'delicate female“. , ‘ d ‘ DEACON’S, STOMACH-IC VEGITABLE' BITTERS. . - 1‘ , Cheap as usual. DEA'JDN’S FAMILY MM! 1‘}... “r... ....a L-.. “ALL” 9. #1: . taining to any branch of pggguion Aurora, June '7, 1865. 1. The safest and bent Medicines in is? In Canada. Brou’_hum ........... ..19th 'Mnr th‘dm Village. . . . . . . ..20th BroWn’S Cumers.. . . . . . .. .219! Thomhill......... flan-23rd Richmond Hill. . . . . . . .94“! Maple..,.......... ...26|h Burwfck..'.. .281h Kleinhutg. .29Lh Nubleton . . . . . . .‘.3(uh Lnskey...........;......315g Aurora........ .a:£.--.. Ks ’ Sutton...u .. 3r: Where he will attend to my lngixi'oibs“ AA ___. l_,,, , 4-..“..- II I. 00 lo I. I. II “I M. u' .1 u I. d u u; u" .I u." ‘1. .4. _¢,_. par? I ESPECTFULLY. announces that he has changed his time of vieitingthe following places, and after this date will be (Sunday: ,,,_ n l .I excepted) in Stoufl'v‘ille . . . . .. . . . . . I8ll1 of each month. Broiz’ghum........... “1th “ " $3930st DENTIS'F DR. N. J. 'PECK,‘ J. M. PATTERSON. J. LANGSTAFI“ YORK, PEEL & ONTARiOS February 16. l866. PATTERSON & LANG-STAFF Licensed Alictioneersi FOR THE COUNTIES 0F Where he will keep on hand Flour, Shgm,’ Bran, Oats. Pease, Oatmeal, Common]. Buck-Z wheat, Bacon. Hams. Cheese, Fish. and Gone- ml Groceries of the Best Quality. to: nip. 3| Prices that cannot be surpassed. Richmond Hill, Jan. [2. i868. FLOUR, FEED, Provision and Grocery Stow Bodsteuds, Bureaus, Cfipbondn. Dre-pin. Stands, 61.1: . which he ofi‘u‘é‘ ht extramely low prices. Also 1: large summon: of Room Paper, Borderin . White Load.- .l’fll’nu and ('olor. Raw and iloilod Linmd Oil. Machin- Oil. Rock Oil. Varnish. Turpemino. Beaming Glass. Putty, Gluo, &c.,&c. Panic; Furniu'h- ing. Pnpcring, or Painting chair hon-'05. will do well to call before purchasing olsowhou. HOMAS COGHLAN'Kaép in inform m. inhabitants of Richmonfl Hill and hung, rounding country. that ho has? leased. 'or a, number of yam. the Cabinet Shop,“ Id Star. from Mr Webbar. where he will mu “twin” and keep on hand a 'good assortment of a __ Household Furniture, “ 9395*}1'3- "39191138, RI‘dHM'ogD inn}; Cabinet Establishment; ‘. BARNARD He would also call Attention to hit DEACON’S, FILE OINTMENT. DEACON’S LINIMENT. WM. ATKI VSON'S. Provision Bron. Bloomington. mm"; 37 -1 31-6-n. l-tr

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