Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 30 Mar 1866, p. 1

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()fiico nppmiw RAYMUND‘SHU'REL, Richu'wnli Hi”. ‘ ‘ Deads.'}lorlgnges, &c.. drawn up with neat» .Iygss and dvsl‘utch, A‘VIDV MCLEOD begs to announce that he has Leased lhu above Hotel and filled . it up in a manner second to none ,0" \unge 5!. where he wili keep constauuy on hand a guml '(zis‘upplyyof first-class Liquors, «$20. This Imus-0 '_pos$nsses eVery uccommodakion TmnHers mm desire, those who Wish to stay where they can find every comfort are respecLl‘ull) invited to put up at this esxablishmenL mascuch arm watch GEORGE SIMSON, Proprietor. CHAS. CL KELLER, T'I‘ORNEY - A'i‘ ~LAW. somumm in Chancery. Conveyanum; “Ln: ()Hicu In Vinforia Buildings, ovothe wa'Hdch ulllue, Brock Sheet. \Vhilby. Also n-Brauch ()[l‘me in the village of Bea- varton, 'l‘uwnship of Tlmxuh, and,Cuuuty of Ontario. M. TEEE‘Y, 38%., Notary Public, COMMSSSEWER IN IHE QUEEN’S“ BEECHg The Division Courts in Ontario, Richmond Hill, and Markham Viilage regularly attended. W'hilby June 2, 166.3. Rll’l‘CHl TAHLING for Sixfy Hones. Â¥nod Pnsu turnge. Loose Boxes for Race Horses und Studs. ‘ Righmond Hill. June_ 9, ‘Mouthly Fair held on the premises, first Wednegday in each month. Agency as usual. JOHN M. REID, M. 1).. 808. (IF YUNGE AND CGLBUEHE 8173.; ' r THOMAS SE1)1\IAN,_ Carriage and] Waggon MAKER, UBIDERTAKER CUMMISSEONER IE‘X THE 91! (JUNYI‘ZYANCML, AND LIVISION COURT AGENT Aurora. June. 1865. &c. &c. (Sic. Roiidonceâ€"Nsnrly opposite the Post Office, Achmond Hill. ' 'dsfi Mr. Geo. Burkiu is auzhux‘Er-cd to caElc-m,z1ud give receipts for Lim. Richmond Hill, June. I (55 1 Llerk of the 3rd Division Court, ' CONVEYANCER, AND ILI. generaHy he fuuml at home hora)" half 11am b‘ mm. and from I Ln 2 p.111. All partivs owing Dr J Lung {Yarn “Ky;le ed to call and pay promptly, as ho has pay mews now that must he met. Member of the Royal College 9f Surgeons England, ' No paper discontinued until an arrearagcs are P‘lid : and panties refusing papers wi Iwul paying up. will be held accuuz‘mblo fiur the luhscriptinn. ' All udverlisemeuu )HIhUshod for a less period than one month, must be paid for in advance. All leuers addressed to the 15de musL La;- post-paEd. JAS. LAN DR. :1 euro or twenty Hues, do . . . .. . . 6 5H fiAdverlisemeuts without wrixten direcnous inserted till forbid. andchurged zwcordingb‘ All lransitqry advertisenmnls, hum Hrangr‘l's or irragulal customers, must he paid fur \vhon hundrd in fur inscr'iuu. Each subsequent insertion .. . . . . . . . . . Ton lines and under, firsl insertion.. . Each subsequent insertion. . . . . . . . . . . Above 1811 lines, first insertion, per line Each Subsequent inéenion. per line. . . Una Column per twelve munth. . . . .. Half a column do do .Qua'rle: of a column per twelve months 0nd column pal six “10111115.. . . . . . . . Hnlfn column do .........¢ Quarter of a column par six menu's. A card of ten lines, for one year A card offlfieen lines. do A card oftwenly lines, do Haw? . l‘ 1 'm..mkm»aanl~ M19865: = x And dispatched to subscribers, b) the earliest mails. or other agaveypnce, when so desired. rThelYoan HERALD will always be fou’nd to 1:: «Mali: theintest 6nd rims: impmtanl Foreign . Ind l’rovilicial Novizs 6nd hlarkeis, and the -' grba’tjes! care will be taken to reudei it au- uptable to the man nfbusiness, and a valu- able Family Newspaper. r 1 TERMS :â€"One Dullar pei‘ annum, lN A1). VANCE; ii" not paid within Two Months, One Dollar and Fil'iy'cents will be changed. Fix lines and undqr. first inscrtiqn....$00 50 “LAW CARDS. JAMES M. LA whfifiu, Richmond Hill, June 9. 18(15 EVERY FRIDAY MORNING June 9,1865. Opposite the Ellgiu Milk. fitmiums flixcttnm. DR. HosTETTE‘R,” RATES OF ADVER' ‘ISING. RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. (In)? 193% finals ‘3'39{:uifihe ,‘bn THORNH ILL AURORA. IS“PUBLISHEDI EL ,EEQUSE I RICHMOle IHLX EEEé’S BENCH 11m 1m ofi§ii}_gs "vlox'tgnm-H‘ h ullumiuu ‘lâ€"tf ()0 13 (H) 7.3 Q0 ‘20 ()0 ()7 on 02 50 00 3:) 0O 2!; (EH 4:) (m 25 (‘0 18 (m 4 (m r R. H. Mall, 4 ‘ “ax/Eh‘emi'st 81 Bruggist, ‘ RICHMO "ND HILL_ ‘ , CKNO WIJ‘HiG ICI) by 800 Farmers, Fru- J: I Iosaiwml Uenllmnun and ()lht’ls (“ho ‘ hang them workng in \Yclla, waning m depth [from 10 [0 133 (UN). In be LL11 LASH‘ZST V ‘UI‘xKIfiU. MUST DUHAULE. and L‘LI‘Th: ' ‘VLQW 'Bfiww- ' ‘ .ti’tifiqjfigwggp [young , . ‘9')... Z x .31 Even Puma: Estrzzanted Efifififié :fl‘li, N 10.3“ ) 151m. .nm‘ J. H aywvard’s pun d Io sidenceâ€"Lot :4) Youge Shunt. Vuughm. )1‘1(,,5/l(-rn‘u Io nolil‘y lhu‘puhhc that heihas Irurcha n". [he I): iness and gmxd will of J. Hayward’s estnlythmont, and that he is‘ pmx‘amd lo furnish BREAD and FANCY CAKES to those who may honor him with Lhcsir patronage. Pic-Vic pumps and Tea Mfietings supplied at the lowest possible, rates and an the shorts; "HIE Subscriber begs to inform his friends . and 15m public generally, that he has opwned (m HOTEL in the Village of Maple. 4H! Cm}. Vaughan, where he IIUINéS,‘ by atten- Lim; m the cumi‘mh of (he travelling commu- nity. to nae/"it a share of their patronage and upport. Good Smbling. Km, GEO. MCPHILLIPSéL SUN, Profimia] Lam! Survoyars, SEAFORTH‘ (I. W. lichx Railroad Hotel, Maple ! ROBERT RUMBLE, Proprietor. DAV”) EYER, ‘Jun., Slaw & Shingles x‘éfiaszacuwm‘ ') ii-‘N'JENF‘Eâ€"Lni 5? mi Cb“. Mnklmm i on lhv. {Clgiu “ilk Plank Rum]. A ling“, Slovk MST/\wa aml Summms. IU‘DI mustnnlly on hnnd.'1ml snld afllw ‘ewusl Prices {Ij’ Call and rxamiuc filocl; before pLH'uhus- i'lgekmvlwre. DOD rnrcmnmndutiun for Travellersâ€" T Wines. Liquors and Canrs of the hext brand aiways on hand. Good Smhliug and attentive Hustler in ,aueudance. ' Junu 7; Maple. Jan [836. EMF. TMUEEES, WATER SPEI‘JITS, CISTRONS AND PUMPS z > STEAM “hugs! Triommu,‘ Sepicmhcr’l ; at the umivo $01111 pangstam Urdu-‘15 fur [hue Pumps addresssed to 0. 1’0 WELL. Newton Brouk, LVV \Viufll‘t'CeiVe prompt animation. K01“ on hand, SA\VL\"U At the luwust possible hues. S’IW 'Millnn 10152.3,L’nd (Ion. Mmkham. 2% mxilvs ermul' limimmud HUI b u: Hunk Houd liiulunoud IL”, June 26, lo‘UJ The BC 5-; bLSr 1 {ways 1 r One of the O‘ldds‘. and (‘ht‘flpt‘él humus in Lhu lmdu. 1L? Give John a call when in Town‘ 'l'ommu, Lek; 106;). :17 SEIQ'G Liam Ewr 'fl'oznguui 3; Grovcd mmmwc TO 0mm, Mnnufin-zurur and DenTer in all kinda, of Men’s Women's and Childrvn’s BEE m S r! f we Y m EMES bus? 0 mm P453 1V0 Addressmu{ichulpud Hill‘ JAMES BOW MAN, [SSlliBl' ezf Marriaga Licenses, ALMHLA MILLS I'vlurklmm, Nov, 1, 12:65. (’11) ua!‘ LQQEQ AT 'HEIS View:in Lima r0 Junn 7, 185 EDMUND SEAGER, ‘Emizwizzfi Lam Sun‘eyor, «fie. RICHMOND 111ml. January 1 f1. 1906. 53mm! I NEW SERIES. ICU-S )‘especlmlh to inform his customers and ilxojnuhm; Illflillci~plcpn1K1d [U do Val. VB. No. 43. 35 \\ ask Mariam Square». 2 of Km; :a‘m-ot, ample EIotel erers strictly aHended to 10nd Hill, Jane, 15.53. 111 any quzmtiiy, and Mauut‘acmured and for Sale by JOHN BARRON. lG, JECG A B R A II A M E Y E R RICHMOND HILL AND YONGE S'T'EEGENERAL ADVERTISER PO W E I. I. R. H. Mall, Efi‘emi’st 8: Bruggist, RICH .\ RI) VA! L [78. 32 - 1y TORONTO. on shun notice flaming, «Sic. (mm: prompr ouxs wmln » my heapost. llf 4-157 I-If‘ Iâ€"h‘ 3'2 Illa!) ‘ He thought ] wns‘asleep in my bed,’ returned Nelly, Trying 10 smile. But the thought lthul the carrier had aclually- seen her falhcr since shu left home was 100 much for her, and she cried. ' ‘ Where are you g ring, child .5’ ‘ To Edinburgh] 1 ‘What on ezmh are you going' 10 do in Edinburgh.’ ‘ I am going to my brolher Willie :11 the college.Y ‘ But the college is over now.’ ‘l liim\vll1al,’said Nelly.’ ‘ \Vhal’s his address then P’ the carrier went on. ‘ I Don't lmow,’ answered Nelly. "ll’s a lucky thing that I know then. But you havc no business to leave home this way.’ ‘ Oh ! yesl have.’ ‘I'm Shula your father did not know of it, for when he gave me a lunar this morning to‘ lake to Willie he did not say a wind abom you.’ ' Willie he did not my} word about] ‘So the carrier gave her the letter, you,’ . v _ land got a little boy of the lahdv t 7 . ‘ ' I . He mongm ] wflsasleep in my ‘ lady a t? show her the way up Ll-C bed 7 mmmcd NCHV rjxrvibo m j \Vcst bowâ€"«a street of tall houses, smile. But the tli(;u,ul:t the: the l so nanow mat you fimmm have a - ,_ 4 ‘ ' \ a w i '- e carrier had actually seen her tallieribadi'n , “in?” am“ ‘l “Om Wm (low to Window, But these. houses since she left home was too iu'uch; , for her, and She “18¢ are all DUltL‘Ll down nov, I am ‘I can't go back with You now ’ _ 5m”. 10* 55“" and W" Ema“ Nelly Q .d “I '. ' g V ' U! ,wmtt up has vanished. From the ‘2“ . e cmnm" "O 3/0“ m“: t=°lVVest Bow they went up a stair 0“ wnh me“ limo the High Street, and thence St) the carrier made her pill. (m into a narrow Gun“, and then up a her slwes and 8100kmÂ¥3 “I'll” was? Win ling stair, mul- so came to the a kind man and had children ot‘mm” where “fin-Acts tmlging was_ his own. Then'he pulled u'ut some, i There the limo, [my ten Ne[]y_ Shaw that P310le hiSC‘J'130d madt’l Nelly knocked two or three times her a little bed (m the tarpaulinlbpfm-c anybody camp; and when that C(JVtHEd rill lUSl Wile-Y6 “WW at last a woman opened the door, W35 3 mil bundlb’ benea‘h- The” l what (to you think the woman did he “fled hm “l? 0“ ll: 311d POVCI'Cd‘the moment she enquired after her over with a few empty sacks- Willie Pâ€"She shut the door in her The") Nelly “'35 30 happy and face witha fierce scolding word. warm, and Clebr‘ablei that. f01': For Willie had vexed he' that 1119‘!)de “me She: fell: {35‘ a-‘IL‘CP- lmorning, and she thoughtlesslv t t l l VVhUD. .iahe awoke once more and turned lowards the mud, whom chould she see s‘andlug lhere but the carrier, staring at lwr. And his big strong Muses siood in Ihe road 100. wilh {heir (‘aris behind lhem. They “ere 1101 in the least surprised. She conid not help crying, just. a “Wafer joy. ‘ Vv’hy,-NeHy, what on mrth are you doing here .7 said the carrier-f ‘ \Vuiling for Nollv. warm, and CQXTJKONablegthal. lUl‘eFor Willie had vexed lie' that the third time she fell last aslucp. Elmomling, and She thoughtlessly When 8118 \VOke “9 gave l1?rflook her revenge upon thy, with- somel fbread almd cheese for llt‘ll‘hnt even asking her a question. bTC'ti 351, am SONIC Waler 0m 0 'l‘hen‘ indeed'for a ~moment Nellv‘s 'a brook that crossed the road. andlpourage gave way. All at oiice llhlen Mllylbzgan t0-1301; afoul-her. l she felt dreadfully tired, and Sat "16mm Ia 90350 an “10 SUB down upon lhe stair and cried.â€" was shining; 'and'Whe country look~ lAnd the lady was so angry with ed very pleasant; but NBlly lllOllg‘lfifl Willie What- she forgot all about the it a stljunge coumry- bile Could little girl that wa'med 10 See him. see roucn farlhel‘. And corn was‘i So for a whole hour Nelly sat growmg CVCI‘YWlIC"9, and llJCl‘Ci upon the stair, moving only a little It was only dusky duwti yet. There was phentv of time. She would sit dtmn agar: for a little white; for the rock had a homely look to her. It had been her re {age all night, and she wasnm within: to leave it. SO'she team-d hm’ arms dn' hvr kncvs, and gazed out uptm the dreary, grey, misty. flat before, her. Then she {Osmand turning her 12341 ’ t.., mat 'édflkfiflréf‘cd ,. dJ 5trat, as he taught. Jumper to find lambs, he worth] mach her to find her brother. And thus she fell fast 21510th again. Continued from 0er last. , “’hen she \Volié she could n01 ,lhinli‘ where she was, or how she got there. It wasa dark drizzly morning, and her feet were cold.â€" But she. was quire dry. For the rock against which she fell asleep in Iho night, projr‘clod so far over hvrhend that it had kept all [he rain off her. She could not have choscna boiler place, if _she had been able to choose. But» 1he sigh! around her was very dreary. In honl ,lny a swampy ground, creeping away, dismal and \Vl'L‘lCll ed, to lhe horizon, where a long low hill closer] it. Behind her rose a mountain, bare and rocky, Ll] which noilhcr allt’k‘p norslwp- herd was :0 be SEMI. _ ller hoan svomed lo haxc vanished in thi- night, and lcl'l hcr (‘ithl‘ in a dream or in another world. As she came 10 horsvll, the {var grow upon hrr that (‘llllCl‘ she had missed hi‘r wav- in [he dark, or the :m‘rier hurl gone past while: she slepl, cilher of which was drono‘l'ul torcomemplnle. She hogan to feel lnoigury loo. and she had not had the l'ore‘sighl to bring even a piece of oalcnké will) her. Little Mary and 11%? Brother. fitmim (C hummus)“; SHELL, . F REDAYJM‘ARUH' 39', . 1866 you,’ answered Let Sound Reason weigh Wwer‘w'it/z At length the cart sloppf‘d at a ' ublic house in Hiemass'markc-tw P 9 a wirlc ,opun place, will) slrangP .nld houses all around ;it. and a hqu rock, whh a‘caslle. on its 10p. lowering over it. There Nelly got down. " ' ’ a ‘I can’t go will] vo'u till l‘vo loaded my cart.’ said lhc Currier. ‘1 don‘t want you 10 go willilme ploasv,’ said Nelly. ‘ I think Willie would miller not; Please give me father’s leilcr.’. L Rvaching the browtp‘f. an omiâ€" ncnce, they saw Arlhur‘éfiSeul (as [he carrier said the hill-was called) once more, and buluw it a greal flagged ridg‘epf What ‘N‘eflylook lo lbe broken .rbcks. ' B‘L’Il'fhe carrier told her it was the Old ToWn of Edinburgh. Those :filrroe-l‘ooking spliht<*lԤ on Hue (iclgé'lofi the'muss were the rbofs, ,gabléis _ and chim- neysrof the great hug: (i; once in- habited by the nobifil‘yi‘of Scotland. But when you ' *ov' near the «liduses. 49.11. 11%.! ' «by-100k- Eng fur they are {a TM poor p-0ple, who cannot liet‘p them dean and nicn. ‘ ‘ ' ' ' But, cérlainiy, my chi’dren, if you will excuse your Scorch papa for praising iris own country’s capi- lal, l don’x believe \here ever was a city lhal looked so grand from [a ziisiancg as li‘i‘al ()id ETown ('if'Edin- burgh. And when ’you get into _1!ic Siraels, you can fancy yourself 'iiuiidwds of ytgars back inylyhe story of Scaniami. Seen tiiusihrqugli lhe persiwciix‘e of lime or disifipce. ii is :1 grqu marvel ii)’ev02‘y one will] any imaginulion a1 a“ ; 'an'd il was nothing [055 1r) liilie Nelly, even when-she got into Hie niiildie' of it. But her heart wasrsofull of iis dog dulies towards her biack lamb of a br()lhcr,llial 1118 myshops, and the suga1‘~pium shops (could not draw ixl towards ’ their mines of" wonder and wealth. i A! 19ng111,slze sme(L {gu- away. a great. hiil lhat looked like a crouch- ing lion. , '.. ‘ Do you see that hill?‘ said the carrier. ‘ Oh !’ said Nelly took her oycs: off it of éiggizlagqi11. " I’m just looking at it,"3n§wercd Nelly. , ' I V ' ‘Edinburgh lies at 1km fom bf that hill.’ " Nplly thought it a very long way to Edinburgh, though Il‘xe‘rarrier was kind to her, and gave her of cvcrphing he had himself-{except lhc 'WhlshCV .which he did “not think good 101‘ 1101‘. ’ ‘w - And so lhev journeyed on. ‘The day was (leaked all over with sun- shine and min ;- and when the rain’s iurn came; Nellv would creep under a corner of Ihu tiarpalr linumil it was over. 'l‘h‘éy slqp! purl of the 'night at a. srqa'll town they passcd through. Are we near Edinburgh? shé‘ ask- ed. > - ‘ was not' a sheep to be sucti; and 11mm were many cows feedjng the fields. - ‘Oh, no !' answered Hlelcfig‘rier, ‘ we are a lung way from Edin- burgh pet.’ Hy ’; and“ scarcely it Iill'if Went out sucgf andkflp let people pass. I She felt dread’ Popular Opinion.” Nelly slept and slept till it was night. When she awoke it was dark, but a light was shining beneath the door. SO she rose and put on her frock and slices and stockings, and want to the kitchen; ‘You see I he’s not :come‘ yet, Nelly,’ said the landlady. _ , ‘Where can he be-l’iéturned Nelly, sadly. ' “Oh, he‘ll be drinking with sbme nl'his~ companions in the public- house, I suppose.’ ' ‘ Where is the publicâ€"house 7 ‘There are. hundreds ef them, child.’ ’ ' ‘ ‘01]! do cried Nelly. home ‘ I know 'the place he generally goes lo,’ said a young lradesman who sat by the fire} He had a garrelâ€"romn in the house, and knew Willie by sight. And he told the landlady in a low voice where. il was, ‘ - ‘ You don’t ho’you ?’ ‘ Well. I‘ll show you {be way if you like ; but you’ll find it a rough placé, [can tell you. You’ll wish yourself out 01 it pretty soon, with or without V'Vilhe.’ ‘ Yes, I do,’ returned Nelly, con- fi‘demh. ? ‘I won’tgl'cave it without him,’ said Nelly; lying on her bonnet. ‘ Well, if anylhing can get W‘ill‘ie out 0t his bad Ways, this'lillle day‘- ling will-d0 it.’ V * ' ' 2 Thou sfie made her go to ‘Nill‘ie’s lied, promising to let her know We moment he came home. In a few minutes she went up In Nully and took her 'bonnet off Noily submitted without a word: 'l‘nen slre mng her a cup Of 19.37; and whi'e Nelly was taking it she askedl‘hera great many queélions. Nelly en'swercd lhem all, and film; .iamllady steared with amazomct at the child‘s courage and Iesolulion, and {bought will] herself--â€" ' Stop a bit," said the landlady You don’l think 1 am gaing 10‘ let the child out with nobody but ‘you 10 lonk after her 9’ ‘ ()nmé along, Ihen ma’ma.’ The landlady put, on :her bonnet, and out they all 'wem into the street. What a wonder it might have been to Nelly! But she only knew that she was in the midst. 01 great lights, and carts and carriages rumbling over the stones, and win- dows full 01 pretty things, and crowds at people jostling along 'the pavements. ln all the show she wanted nothing but Willie. want deemr'imogher lxearl ; so that before she knva what was going on in herself, she qulet _10qu the chiid ; fur she was a kind-hearted woman though,st was sometimes cross. With a sore heart Nelly went in and sat down by the kitchen fire. And the landlady and her visitor. sat and talked together, every noi'v and then casting a look at Nelly, who kept her eyes '00 the ground, waiting with all her soul til Willie should ‘come. Every time the landlady loolted, she lodkédjsuoner the next time; Nelly’s sad lace ‘ Biess me 3" she Cried :' ‘ have you been there an :lhis lime? Why didn‘t you tell me you were Wilie’s sister? Come in. You won‘t find him in \hough. It's not much of his compahy we gel, Itcvan tell you.’ ‘ How should I know where he is“! At no good, I warrant. But you had better come in and waip fol 11’s your only chance of seeing him belore lo-mormw morn- ing.’ ‘ " ‘ I don‘t'wam to come' in then sobbed Nel‘ly.’ Please 10‘ tell me where he is ma’ma. ' - The landlady, her wraih by Illis assuaged, was vexed With hersélf and ashamed that she had not let the child in; ' ' ftu miserable! but had not. the courage lo knock again for fear of having the door shut in her’l'ace yet more hopelessly. ' At last a woman came to the door: :" Nelly rose trem- blifiglahd stood behind her. The door ripened ; Ih'e woman was wel- comed; she entered; The door was again closing when Nelly cried out so agonyâ€" ' ‘l’lease _ma’ma_;. I} want 10 see my brother Wilhe l" and burst into subs. i911 me, please. sir,‘ ‘I want to get him think he’ll mind you, The passage was dark in which Nelly'tfound herself; but~she saw a light at the further, end, through thekey-hole, and heard the sounds of leudztalk. and louder laughter. Before the woman had ‘olosed the outer-door, she had reached this reom ; nor dtd the womari- follow either to guide or prevent her. A pause came in the noise. She tapped at the door., ‘ Come in !’ criud some one. And she entered. Round a' Iable were sealed four ygm'lhs. drinking. Of them, one was Willie, wiIhflushed face and flashing eyes They all stared when the Child stoua before them, in her old fashioned bonnet, and her little sha..vl pinned at. the throat. Willie stared as much. {as any of them. ' Nellv spokefirst. , V . ‘ Willie! Willie !’--she cried, and would have rushed lo him, but the table was between. 5W0 don't want. mistress.’ said the'young man. But. we‘ll just see '1ha1 no harm comes to her.’ " D’yc mink I'm no; 'cnough for that'?’ .said the wolmamifitll a scorn. " Let‘ me See wh’O' dra‘r‘és 1b 'téuch her! ’Bfit'you-fna’y stay Where fi'du are, ilayou like, the air is lree.’ ’What Ho vi'a'm here, Nelly? W110 the deuce lat you come here I said Willie, not quite unkiudly. ‘ You're {etched ;”1hal's 5311,? said one of Ith‘e‘m with a sneer.â€" ‘ Mother sent for you.’ ' ’ about Willie. Let me in.’ She took hold of Ihe woman’s hand, who draw it away hastily, and'slc‘pped‘ back a: the same time and let her énler. She then resum- ed her place at the door} ‘ Devil 3. (fine of you shallr'come in 3’ 'she said, as' if jusiifying the cliiltl'p admission by the exclusion of the olllers. with me. wilh me. ‘1 can’t now Nelly, you see,’ he answered. Then turning to his companions, ‘ How conld the child haw: found her’way here If He said, looking ashamed as he 'spoke‘. 117,,,v , l. I u v ‘ Nobody: w111 say, a word to you,’ inler’posegl Nelly. ‘Be a 'good boy, and dnn't do it agaifi,’ said the third raising his gl35s to his lips. v Willie med ‘0 laughybut was evidently vexed." _ So 5a.}, ing, she" closed: the door’ will] ,a IaumingJuuuhz: ‘Go along?" said" another. and mind you dbn’t calch'il when you get home ! ‘ What afe you . standing then: for Neilyfl.’ he said _sharply: This is 'noplace' for you r ' ‘Nbr'fnr yod either, Willie,"re tamed Nelly. without moving. ".Molher wants him,’ said Nelly. ‘ She’s veyv' ill. I heard he? cry about Wiilie. Let me in.’ 'Thls softenpd the woman a little, and she hesilaled a little will] the latch in' her hand. ‘ We’re All very nanglnyfaren‘t we, Nelly 1’ said the first. ‘Come ! come !’ interposed the young tradesman pulling his loot belWeén the door. and“ the post; don’i be ’foOlish.‘ Surely you wont go to keep a child like lhat from speaking to her own broIHerl Why the Queen herself would let her m.’, ‘Idon’t much like the look of this place said the landlady. ‘ Oh! there’s no danger, I dare- !say. if you keep quiet. They’ll l'ncver hurt the child. Besides, her lbrnlher ’H sue to Illat.‘ ‘ This little girl.‘ ‘PIEase ma’am, l’m his sister.’ ‘ We want no sislers here.’ And she proceeded 10 close the 'door. ‘I dare say the landlady It'- membered wilh shame that that was. just what she; had doncilhal morning. , Presently the dam was opened, and the young man asked alter Willie. ‘13 he in 9‘ he said. ‘ He may be. or he may not,’ answered a fat i’rouzy woman, in a dirty cotton dress. “ Who wants him 1' ' ’The young man led them duwn a long. dark close through an arch- Way, and then imo a court off Ihe close, and then up an outside stone stair lo a low browed door, at which he knocked. TERMS $1 00 In Advance. ‘ I want' you, Whole N0. 303. Oh 1 \ViHie. Come home please come home ‘Then'i‘Nelly 're'm‘e'mber her fath- er’s letter, which the chrrier had given her. And-.Willie took it and satdawn. with his back to Nelly; toad it thrbugh. Then1 he 'burst out crying, and laid his head on his firms and went 'on crying. And Nelly go't ttpbn a bar‘ol‘a chairâ€" for he. was down on the tableâ€"and leaned over him. and put her arms round his neck, and said, crying herself at the same time,â€"- And W’illie liftéd his head; and put his arms round Nelly, and drew her face to his, and kissed her as he used [0 kiss her years ago. They went home withe the car- rier next day And I needn't tell jou anflhing about it. . He didn't é'ay much. He held out his his hand with half a smile on his mouth. and a look in his eye; like a moon belors a storm. ‘ And his mother His mother held out her arihs, and drew him down t0:her'bosom, and strok« ed his hair7 and prayed God to bless Willie, herboy, ‘ Willie .9" ‘ I “‘ ‘ You mioln as‘ Well have Writ- .6 v te’n,’ he sald’. ‘ 4 - ‘ Nobody 'said a word to Ihe black Ian’xb when Jumper brought him home, Willie.’ ' got home. They made more of \Villie than they did Ochlly. ' "And wasn’t Nelly sorry?’ No ; She never noticed itâ€"she was so busy making much of Willie too ‘ But I hope they didn’t . scold Nelly for going to fetch VVilllie 7’. ,M'lgen she went to bed that night, her father kissed her and said.â€" ‘Thc b'wssiu' 0’ an auld Faither be upo’ ye, my wee baim Z’ ' 2 ‘And wasn't his fatherglad to see Willis: 3” ‘An’d Nélly§v§éren't the glad to see Nelly ?’ ' Willie was silent fora. long, time Then he said. - * ‘How._ dld ,3; cqlne here Nelly ?’;. ’ > Apd’Neuy 101d filial the” whole A‘ There Scotch new,’ exclaimed the Whole company. 1 And in one moment papa, was en the floor, buried beneath a mass of children. The chief thumbsucker, after kissing till she Was s‘upld,vrecovered her Wits by sucking her thumb diligently for a whole minute7 after which she saidâ€"‘ If we had been wolves, we would had been dangerous. pupa.’ ‘ ‘It was Very foolish of 'ymi, Nell. ' To think vou could bring me home if] didn’t choose’!’ ‘ Bin you'do 910519;: (1011'! you ‘I don't know, Wilfie, ‘ but. ' ‘I don’l thi'nk she'll ever get beiter. I’m, sure .father dosen‘t tlnnk it either.’ .. ‘ _.-'..J JV.» .uu. ~uv~ n uvly 310W,- - V _ . . ' ‘ And now ybu’ll come home with me, Willie] W'th tLe-V' got into the house he said, abruptly. ‘\Vhaf’s the mat [or with mother, Nelly?" Now Willie could not getout, so “small was lhe 100.71 and so large We table, except one qr other of those next him rose to let him pass. Neither did. Willie, _lhe.rc10re jumped on the table, kicked the tumbler of the one 'who had last spoken into lhehreast of his- shirt, jumped down, took.NeHy by the hand. and 1ch the house. > . But Willié said never a; word, for" he was not pleased with Nelly, qr with himself, or with his friends. . ‘ The rude boys!’ said Nelly‘ ‘ I would never go near the ; ggain, If] was you, Wilfie.’ Two of them were silent, new, because they were afraid of Willie, for he was blg 1 and stream The third, however, ,Irusling to ..the others, saidwilh a nasty sneak-- fiGQ Witlfits lfllle siéterwto its -L a-‘t ‘ niammy !” ‘Itrill you what,’ he said, ‘I'll go when and where I like}, ‘ Oh, yes; do as you’re bid,’ they cried, and burst out laughing again. Eor they despised Willie because he was only a shepherd’s “son, al- though they liked to havehis Com- pany because he was clever. But Willie was angry now. ‘1'” just take the little fool to mv lodgings and come back directly.’ said Willie. rather stricken at this mention of his mother. 7 Do goraway Nelly, he,said, O grily. T . ‘» Where am I to go? she. asked. ‘ Where you came from.’ " 'That’s home said Nelly,’ ‘but [can’t go home tonight, and l shan't go home without vou.â€"- Mother would die. She’s very Ill, Willie. I hegrd her crying last night.’ ‘ It seemed tp Nelly at theme. that it was only last night she left home. ‘ ‘Qh l ygstell. Tell hs how they .{ .‘ . Ia 5, “TV-4,"?! _ "Come and kiss me and. I’ll To». give vou,’â€"said the'seoon‘d.‘ x; ‘ You1 sh'an‘t have Lyoui‘ Brotfier ,- so you, may trudge .home without him,’-said the and. ' And then they all bustvoullaugh- ingtexcept Wlllie... . . ‘ And then. they, all went to bed.

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