Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 30 Mar 1866, p. 3

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I r l ‘- slam p. ' Princess Helena will be married on the 9th July, in St; George’s Chapel, Windsor to Prince Christian of Augustenburg Tun Barley CROPSâ€"«kn enterprising pro- " rJ’duce buyer of Brantford has received a let- ter from a Buffith house, in a position to be well posted in such matters, from which the following is an extract :-â€"“ Ifyour peoâ€" ple will only sow barley largely the pre- senlpprrng, [we can assure them it will be wanted at good prices. We solicityohr aid its-inducian your farmers to raise their usual cm, of barley. A combined effort is being mil. e to» reduce the tariff on barley to 5 *cents per bushel, and we think it will be successful."â€"â€"fl'rade Review. â€"â€"â€"â€"'â€"-. TO RON'I‘O M A RKETS. Toronto, March 30. From :39 brl................$5 r5 @ s7 47 Fall Wheat 39 bushel........ 1‘25 @ l 40 Spring Wheat do ........ 100@ 104 Barlev do ........ l) .55 @ 0 65 l'oasav do ........ 0 61 @ 0 65 Oats do ........ U30@ 0352 Potatoes do ........ 0 25 (lb 0 35 Hay'QQton ................. 7 00 @ 10 (10 Straw do some: 800 Butlarifllb................ 014@ 020 Eggs??doz................015 @ 017 Apprenpsrr ......... 150 (g 2 06 GLAD NEVVS roa rm: uirronrvans. “They be Usedâ€"Without Detection. i and do not interfere with business pursuits, and No change If Diet is necessary. - BELL’S SPECIFIC PILLS ! Are 'warranted in all cases, for the SPEEDY and PERMANENT CURE ol Ssmial Weakness, Ureth- rol and Vaginal Discharges. Gleet. Sexual De- bility and diseases of the Bladder and Kidneys. They are adapted for male or female, old or young. and are the only reliable known for the Hire of all diseases arising from Youthful IudlscretiOn, in all Sexual Diseases, as Gonorrhea, Stric- .t‘me. Glam. and in all Urinary and Kidney cbmplainls. they act like a charm. Relief is experienced by taking a single box: and from four to six boxes generally effect a cure. Sold in boxes containing 60 pills, l’rit's Ono ,Dlilla'r, 'or six boxes, Five Dollars: also, in large boxcs,corrtaining four of the small, Price 'I'hroo Dollars. PRIVATE Cmcurrtns to Gentlemen only.i sent free on receipt of directed envelope and If you need the Pills, cut out this advertise- ment for reference, and, if you cannot procure them of your druggist, do not be imposed on by any other «main, but enclose the money in a loner to Dr. J. BuYtN. Consulting Physician, 449 Broadway, New York, Box. 5079, and they will be sent to you secure from observation, by return (trail, on receipt of the money. 1y-25 Purify the Blood. The Greatest Medicine of the Age. A lure antidote for sickness, and a refuge from Soauow. PAIN anJ Drsmsn. , Bryan's Life Pills, Entirely Vegetable, are admitted to be the Heat Family Medici/t for general uso,1‘urifyingrhe lllood and cleans ing the system from all impurity. #rg‘an’s Life Pills, ’ lath the Stomach. Liver and Billiary Se- which is the chief cause of Nervous - 'rddiness. llimnesa of Sight, Headache. ,"""Si‘€k'Stomach'and other kindred complaints. ., “Marat continuum ba Shown I ' ‘ Theyibava been used by thousands with success Bryan’s 11% Pills. . an :o'dapled for all ages and constitutions. They are composed of the active principles of Herbs and Roots, culled from our fields and forests. They are mild but certain in their operationâ€"producing neither cramps. griping. pains or sickness. They may be taken by all Ages, sexes" or conditions without fear. _ Bryan'sLtfc Pills. Cure Headache. Bryan‘s Life Pills, Cure Sick Stomach. Bryan's Life Pills. Cure Glddiness. din/(rat’s (Afr: Pills, Purify the Blood. A link or Bryan’s norms will cost but TWENTY-FIVE CENTS, and will accom- r plish all that is represented. They are elegantly put up by the proprietor, Ills inventor of Rryrtn‘s Pulmonio lVafora. a medicine long and favorably known to the American None“. If you wish Bryan’s Hfs Pillsand cannot get them of your drtlggisl. dorlt lake any other, ' but send Twenty-five cents in a letter to the proprietor, and you will get them by return a ' maih Address. Dr. J. Burns, 442 Broadv'va‘y New York. Box 50711. ly-“fi ERRORS OF YOUTH. A gentleman who sufiiercd for yours from Nervous and Genital nobility. Nightly Emis- sions. and seminal. Weakness, the result of youthful indiscretion, and came near ending . his days in hopeless misery, will, for the sake of suffering man. send to any one : filioted, the simple means used by him, which effected a cure in a few weeks. after the failure of nu- merous medicines. Send a directed envelope ‘ and ten cents and it will cost you nothing. Address, EDGAR Tamara. Station L. 128th It,. New York city. 1v-20 _.‘_...._.. Important to LJIIIES. ' Dr ' Harvey’s‘Femalc Pills, The most infallible and popular remedy ever known, for all diseases of the female sex. They have been used in many thousand cases with unfailing successâ€"aud may be relied on in every case for which rhey are recommended, and particularly in all cases arising from Obstruction or Stoppage of Nature, rimmatterrfrom what cause it aris's. They are ofi'ootual in restoring to health all who are suffering from Weakness, and Dabiliry, Uter- ino Discharges, Nervousness. &c., &c., &c.. and they " Act like a charm." in strengthen- ing the system. Thousands of ladies who ,hayxosul'l'ored for years and tried various other , remedies in vain. owe a renewal of their health ,nud strength wholly to the efficacy of Dr- Harvey‘s Female Pills. They are perfectly .harmless on the system, may be taken at any time with perfect safety: but during :Irc early stages of Pregnancy they should not be taken. or a miscarriage may be the result. They never cause any sickness, pain or distress. Each box contains 60 Pills. Price one dollar. DrJHarvey’slGolden Pills. ,A remedy for special cases. four degrees stronger than the above ; price Five Dollars per box. A Parvrtrc Cmcnua to Ladies with fine anatomical engravings. sent free on receipt of ,fdirectod envelope and stamp. ‘ 'lITCut this out if you desire Dr. Harvey's Pills. and if you cannot procure them of your druggist, do not take any other. for some deal- ’ ' are Who are unprincipled will recommend other Female Pills, they can make a larger profit on -â€"but en'dloso the money‘ and send direct to . museum. Consulting Physician, Box 50 9. 544'). Broadway. New York, and you will receive thorn securely sealed from observation. by re- urg mail. ly-QS Exclusively for Ladile. An invaluable traiitiso of 100 pages. by Dr.J. Harvey. published for the benefit of the sex. On receipt of Twenty cents, it will he sent post paid. in asealed envelope to all who rip- ply for ir. Address. Dr. J BRYAN. 442 Broad- was New York. Box 5079, 13'425 MANHOOD! Third Edition. Fifty Thousandâ€"100 pages. by [looser E. BELL. M. D. A,caulion.ud- dressed to y’o‘ittil. the married. and those Cori- rsMPLA'rish Msaaiscrz. Sent by mail post paid. on recolpl of 'l‘wrm‘f'r Clans. A careful perusal ofthis small book has beeii a Boost TO THE Arr‘mcrsn; and has saved thousands from alife of misery, and an 'untimely grave. it treats on the evils of oothful lndiscrotion, Self-Abuse, Seminal Weakness. Emissions, Sexual Diseases, Genital Debility. Loss of Power, Nervousness, Permalure Decay. 1m- potenco. 5ch 6rd, which unfit rho sufi'era usnr fulfilling the Obligations of Marriage. fv od recs, Du. J. BRYAN. Consulting Physi- ga. all 5079, 442 Broadway. New York. ly.‘25 MARRIED, On Friday, 23rd, inst, by the Rev. Mr: Atkins, Maple,Mr. James Walker, Vaughan, to Miss Ann Busby, of Wellington Square. fitm ancrtimmeu l6. RICHMOND HILL COUNTY lllMer’ernnn TILL be re-opened. after Easter vacation, on WEDNESDAY. the 4th of April, by A. M. LAFFERTY, Esq, B. A., Graduate of Toronto University. Free to all pupils qualified under the Statute and regulations of the Council of Public 1n- struction for Upnor Canada, In order that, the classes may be propsrlv. arranged. intending pupils are requested to present themselves at the commencement of the Term. By order of the Board of Torso-es. Ill. TEEFY, Sec. (6 Trans. Richmond Hill, March 3nth,1866. 1 r ‘ V HOUSIt IO RENT L J Self-contained house in the Village of Richmond Hill, consisting of two and a I'alfStm'ies. There are two acres of ground and ayoung orchard attached. Also. a Ssnblo. Good Cellar. and Soft water (Sister-n. For fllrtlrer' particulars. apply to P. CROSBY. Richmond Hill, March 301b, 1666. 4w SCHOOL NOTICE HE Senior Department of the Common T School will re-cpen (D.V.) on Wednesday Next, the 4th Inst.. Every pupil must come provided with the following Books and apparatus. viz. :â€" A 4th or 5th National Reader. A School Dictionarv. Sullivan’s Spelling Book. Superceded. Ssngster-‘s Elementary Arithmetic. Ilodgin‘s (Large or Smgll) Geography. Stoddarts Intellectual Ar thmntic. EdWards or Pinnork’s nglish History. Lennies. Englsh Grammar. Slate and Pencils. Copy Books wi:h Head lines, l’ens. Ink, and B suing-paper. A Strap or Satchel for carrying Books to and from School. Order of Lesson during the next quarter :â€" On Mondays, Wedrresdars. and Fridays, ~lleadrng. Spelling and Drfining from the National itcuder: Spelling and Dictation from Spelling-brick, Superceded : Arithmetic and VVriiing. ()n Tuesdays, and Thursdays. Geography, Gratttrnar, History. and National Arithmetic. From the aliortl. parents may observe what lessons their chidreu h vs to prepare each evening. and it is specially requested that they see that the Books are actual 1y brought hernia and the lessons. 1 It 91 G. Ii. PORTER. Head xliaster. Richmond Ilill, Maer 30111, 1866. 43 FOR SALE IN THE VILLAGE OF THORN HILL, A NUMBER OF building lots, bmeLINe-rs. HOTEL & STORE, NAMELYzâ€" Lot No. l.â€"-â€"l Acre, suitable for building Lot No, 1â€"; do do 1.0! No. 3,â€"} do and Frame Cottage Lot No. 4 ---i do do Lot No. 5â€"1 ('0 and Large Brick Hotel Lot No. tipâ€"g do suitable for Building Lot No. 1â€"} do and large frame dwelling LolNu. 8.-â€"§ do brick store and dwelling Lot No. 9.-â€"§ do and two brick dwellings Lot No 10.â€"-l do and Frame Cottage Lot No 11,â€"% do‘ do do Ldt No 12,â€"} do do do Lot No Iiiâ€"g do do do Lot No I4.--l do do do Lot No 15,â€"5; do do do All the abcvc property will be sold on liber al Terms. For further particulars apply on the premises to D. MCDOUGALL. Thornhill. March 19. 1866. 4‘2- 4w AGENTS WANTED. $150 PER MONTH. HF. Granite State Sewing Machine Co. wish to employ a few Good Agents. in every county to introduce their New Family Sewing Machine. A salary paid from $50 to $150 per month. or a large commission. This Machine sells for only $15, and is really worth $50: it will accomplish every d'escrip- , tiwn ofsewing, except bntlon holes, from an over coat down to the finest silks and muslins; for three Years. Single Machines, with full printed directions. shut express free on receipt 0} $15 in a registered letter. Those wishing . agencies should send for our private circulars .to Agents. Address or call on Tlie Granite State Sewing Machine Company, R. T. BUSH 61. CO., Canada' Manufactur- ers, 14 King Street Each. Toronto. C, W. Heac Ofilces in in Great‘Britair.‘ and Canada. London. England. Glasgow, Montreal and Toronto. Toronto, March 93rd 1866.. . ' 4 “rmmm manna. rrnvrsnn Every Maelm‘e warranted and kept 1“ “Pal? Supplied on the best and lowest terms. at .. n ,, ,.7. 1868. . ARRIVAL [ll SPRING 80008. I863. _â€" HS. M’YEHS.’ BOOT and SHOE Spring and Summer Circular. _â€"__- DEAR READER-3 , I take the Opportunity of informing you of the arrival of obr STOCK OF SPRING AND SUMMER. BOOTS and SHOES. The Goods have all been made with special reference to the WANTS of the Trade in Richmond Hill and surrounding bourrtryt I No pains lievtS been Spt‘m'ed to make every “line” of BOOTS and SHOES equal, in point of QUALITY to ORDERED work, and not sur- passed by any in fashion or style. V Those farming us with a call, will be fully convinced that no other house in the trade is in a position to offer such inducements to intending purchasers as those offered at Myers” Boot and Shoe Store, Richmond Hill. Trusting you will favor us with an early call, I remain yours respectfully, W. H. MYERS. (if? Prompt and cheerful satisfaction given for all failures in work. Richmond Hill, March 30, 1866. 43 fizz: :2: : Rtrm I! Wtzz: SPADEQ, SHOVELS, GARDEN H 0E8, RAKEs&d, AT J. HENDERSON ’S RiCHMOND HILL, March 23rd, 1866. 42-tf STRAHAN & CO’S. MAGAZINES. “ Good words are worth much and cost Ii!tle.”â€"HEBERT. ,CENTS A MONTH: $1 50 A YEAR BE AUTIFULLY ILLU STRATED. GOOD WORD‘S, Edited by NORMAN MACLEOD, D. 1)..-â€"One of Her Majesty's Ceaplarrrs. 12g,â€" 15 CENTS A MONTH; $1 75 A YEAR. PROFUS ELY lLLUSTRATED. THE SUNDAY MAGAZINE- - EDITED BY THOMAS GU'l‘IlRIE, D. D.. Author of “ The Gospel in Ezekiel,” “ Speaking to the Heart,” kc. 15 CENTS AiMONTH; $1 75 A YEAR. ILLUSTRATED. THE ARGOSY, A MAGAZINE FOR. THE FIRE-SIDE AND THE JOURNEY. Read the “ HERALD’S” Monthly Notices of these Periodicals, Massrs. Strabun &. Co., will send Specimen Copies free, and Offer one of the ele- gant Volumes of “ GOOD WORDS,” OI “THE SUNDAY MAGAZINE.” Or an additional copy to any one who will furnish their local Bookseller with FIVE new Subscribers’ names. Club terms on application at Montreal; 50 St. Peter Street. A FRESH LOT OF ENGLISH BO SUITABLE FOR GIFT & PRESENTS SCOTT’S Richmond Hill .' THOSE NEW Pilllll PRINTS! l5 Ijust call at W. S. Pollock’s. Who has own 4'! Patterns in Hoyles and Ashworth’s best Qualities of first rate' value. Late I G. A. BARNARD’S Richmond 'nnr, March ram. 4r.rr OKS To BE LET. THAT House and Lot. No. 6, belonging" to thei Canada Presbyterian Church. Rich- mcn II”. will bu leased for a term cl f sea... The 'l'ndltt will be all owed a stipirlated amount for repairs from the rental. Offer-s in writing will be received by any of the trustees. GEO. P. DICKSON. Secr’y. Richmond Hill. March 9. 1666 40-4w RICHMOND HILL Grammar 8611661. F E 2 UllLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the Richmond Hill County Grammar School is now free to pupils who may he anxi - one to acquire a superior ed ucarion.â€"Applica. tion to be made to the Head Master. By order of the Board of Trustees. M. TEEFY, . Secr’g/ cf: Treas. RichmondHill. March 9, 1866. 40- Gord Words, Sunday Magazine FOR MARCH AND OTHER Standard Periodicals. Richmond Hill Burying Grunnd! pUBLfé Home}: O O LLYp‘arlies having ground enclosed or marked off as family burying grounds. are hereby notified that such enclosed or marked ground. not occupied with gravesâ€"â€" cannot be secured unless the sum of two dollars for each unopened grave oo Jor'tlrwtrh paid for. a limited number. say six graves. 3 ’t 9 feet each, as tho maxiomum can only be secured by one family. When payment is made in accordance with the above it will be considered pavmentouly for the first opening of a grave and a ro-open- ing of a grave will be subject to a new charge. such charge to be regulated by the congrega- tion at annual meetings. The trustees will not hold thermives re- sponsible after this notice, should burials take place on marked off ground, unless the above regulations ore‘ complied with. GEO. P. DICKSON. Secretary. 40-4w ‘R‘ic'b'mond am, March 9. 1866.- a o o T T’g. chnnrosn Hui..â€" NOTICE. ' Ll. parties, lr‘r‘debred to the Subscriber . either by Note or Book Account. are re- spectfully notified to pay up the same imme- diately, and avoid further annoyance and trouble. W. J. GALE. Oak llidges‘. March 23. 1866. 49-3 Barrio, March 9,1866. El), A FARRE, â€"_.o.-._ i ' ANTED to Lease a Farm from thirty to fifty acres cleared, with geod dwell- ing and out houses. between Richmond Hill and Newmarket Applyâ€"1f by letter (post paid) to C. G. MARTEN. Barrera P. O. 40-4p chnnonn HrLL. Fob lst. 1866. lnndnn lire Assurance Company, No. 7, Regal Exchange, Cornhill, and No- 7, Pall. Mall, London. lncorpoultcd by ROYAL Charter, in 1 820. AVING b en appointed Agent for Ibis Co pary,one' of the oldest and most reliable ‘ngiéh Companies,1 will be happy to affect assuranco against Loss or damage by Fire. upon every description of property, at The Lowest POSSIBLE RATES, With immediate payment of all Losses. G. A. BARNARD, Agent For Newmarket, Aurora, Markham and Richmond Hill. arthmond trrrr. Illnrch rlrh. «tn-y PROSPECTUS' OF THE RICHMOND HILL PETROLEUM flll COMPANY ! WHEREAS there exists in the neighbor- hood very strong indications that OIL exists in paying quantities in several locali« ties, it is highly desirable that a Company should be establithed to test the matter, and obtain it. if possrble. Since in the opinion of than well quali- fied to judge, SIGNS OF 01 of a. most encouraging character exist in the greatest abundance on Mr. Klink’sfarm, 1}; miles east of Garnble’s toll-gate. It is proposed to sink a. well there, as being the: place most favorable for operations. The Land can be obtained for ten' years, for one-tenth of the Oil. Ten acres have already been leased to secure the site. The probable cost of sinking the well will be about $2,000, about one-half of which will be required to procure material, and go on with the work. The capital of the Company is to be $2,000, in 40 shares of $50 each; two shares entitles any member to become a di- rector. As the successful prosecution of the en- terprise will confer untold advantages of wealth and prosperity on our village and neighborhood, it is hoped that sufficient sup- port and encouragement may be given to justify its prosecution. Richmond Hill, Nov. 30, 1865. Guardianship Notice 1 . OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on or after Friday. the lfith day of February next. application will he made to the Honourâ€" rblo Samuel Bealey Harrison. Judge of we, Surrogate Court of the United Counties of York and Peel. at his chambers in the Court House of Toronto. for the appointment of JOHN EYI‘IR. of the township of Markham, Miller. us Guardian of Mary Steckley, the in- fant chi'd of John Stockley. late of the town- slrip of Markham, deceased. I‘ownship of Markham. 18111 January, A.D. 1866. FOR fiALE. TIMOTHY, , CLOVER, AND FLAX SEEDS, Slay be had cheap at Wm . Atkins 011’s Richmond Hill. March 16. ’56. 3-1-3 #1 The Commercial Hotel. Nelson Street, Toronto. H. LEMON, PROPRIETOR. First class Slabling and careful attendance.â€" ‘l‘errns moderate. Toronto, Feb. 6, 1866. 36 son in; GA R ‘rE R. LICENSED AUCTIONEER, OR the Counties of York, l‘ecl and On- tario. Residence -. Lot 8, 61h concession Markham. Post Ofiiceâ€"Unionville. Sales attended on the shortest notice~ and on reasonable terms. 35 GLO UCES’I‘E R H0 @3131, YONGE STREET, J 05- Gaby, Proprietor. (Late Thomas Coates.) Good Stabling and an attentive hos in attendance. Februal v 5. 1866. always 36 rrrmmrrscllurlrlrrlrr HE Richmond Hill County Grammar Schdol will be ro-opened on Monday February 12th, 1866. SMALL FA iiiâ€"iii 1 FOR, SALE ON YONGE: ETREET. HE Advertiser Offers For Sale his Eerm, of 50» stiles, on range Sl'cel, about half- way between chhmoud Hill and 'l‘hornhill ; or he will sell 46 acrfls with the Farm House and Farm Buildings, TERMS l~â€"-A small payment down, and a l’llg time to pay the balance ifrequlred. PRICEzâ€"For the 46 acres. with Farm House and buildings, $.68 dollars an abrfi. Possession can be had on lst April, 1866. N. B.â€"-A BAY MARE, 6 years old for Sale. (on time if required.) g G. J F. PEARCE. Lot 39, lst Con. Vaughan. March 16th, 1866. T [1 E Partnershio heretofore existing between the undersigned as Tanners and Carriers, is this day dissolvrd by mutual consent. All debts to be paid to J acch Lawrence. JACOB LA W R El'CE. V W. 1:. WILKINSON. Eglinglon , Feb. 96.1866' Henry" Smelser. ICENSED AUC'I‘IONFER for the coun- ties of York and Pool. Collector of Notes. Accounts, size. Small charges and plenty to do, Laskay. March ‘2nd 1865, fill-ly SPRING__OF 1866. W. D. Stark, Thornhill. EGS tointimnta to the Public in Markham and Vaughan, that he has on hand a va~ riety of GARDEN All] HOW SEEDS, which he will dispose ofat veryreduced prices for Cash. (lalal )glltls on application. Thornhill. March 1866. 33-4w HONEY ! .RIONEY ! TO LOAN on the securit'of Fulfil Property, in York 3and Pool. No Commission charged, Apply per. serially, or if by léllel‘ prepaid. to ' BOYD do STAYNER. Barriolers, drc, Toronto. 37-3 DOLMAGE’S ' HOTEL, LATE VAN NOSTIIAND’S, THE Subscriber begs to inform the Public that he has leased the above Holel. where he willkeep constantly on hand a good supply of first-class Liquors. tlzc. As this house possesses every accommodation"'1‘ra-‘ vel ers can desire, those who wish tostay where they can find every comfort are respectfully irr- vited to give him a call. Richmond Hill. Dec. 1865. February re, 1866. 2841' §TRAY sTEiis. AME into the premises of the Subscriber, Lot NJ. 3:2, 21rd Con. Vaughan, about A Back 8r While Muly 8166 He looks like a 3-year-old. have the same by proving properly_and paying expenses. ROBT. ROBINSON. Vaughan, Dec. 7. 1E65 66-4 D E N T I S T R . w. c. ADAMS, o. D. 3., 95 King Street East, Toronto, tartan CHURCH STREET, IS prepared to wait upon any who need his profr‘ssional services in order to preserve their teeth, or relieve suffering and supply new teeth in the most approvedstyle. Also to rogu- late the teeth of those who need it. Consultation free. and all work warranted. June. 1865. 21-3: HOUSE & LOT FOR SALE good Barn. OR TO RENT. " Stables. Cow-house. Orchard, \Vells of 1TH Three Acres of Land.' Hard and Soft 'VVater, and other conveniences. situated on lot 48. fat Con. Vaughan.â€"u\lill street. Richmond Hill. Apply on the premises to JOHN DE LA HAY. Rich’d Hill. Jan. 25, 1866. 34â€"3111 lir-lighl auralâ€"r66 roar PATENTED. JUNE 16, 1865. S 3 by J. WINDEAT. Esq, M. A., Headt‘ltdster By order of the Board, M. ’I'EEl‘Y. Secretary. RICMOND HILL Feby. 8. 1566‘ LAKE HURON FISH. HERRINGS, â€"~ SALMON TROUT and WHITE FISH, Also, fine Table Codfish and North Shore Her- rings, just received. of excellent quality. and at moderate prices, Wm. S. Pollock’s. late G". A: BARNABD’S. Richmond Hill. Feb, 29', 1866, 33 CHEAP COTTON GOODS Ar WM. 8- POLLOCK’S in good Blue and _ . Brown Derrins: Lilac and Dark Prints in choice psterns; Striped Shining : Factorv and bleached Cottons; Ginghams. &c.. (if first-rate Value, are being sold to make man for tynew and large assortment of spring goods.â€" are (1. A. BARNARD. Richmond Hill Fed. 7. 1866. o F 07- , Stlck a Pm There. t may be interrestinfl to those that owe me. to know that all debts duo me, if not paid by the first of March, next, will be advertised iri tho You: Hanan; as I can't be at tho trou- ble and expense of running after ihemâ€"no joke. you’d better believe it l GEO. SIMPSON 36: 31f RICHMOND H1L1., July 20th, 1865. Mu. WM. C. MACEY. Sumâ€"Your Air-light Door seems likely to meet with liberal favor from the public. We require something of the kind or render out-side doors proof against air and frostâ€"this invention will doubtless meet the case, and wille found both“ circa) and efficient. It commands itself to the judgement oft boss who investigate the matter. a's being calculated to save fuel,an'd to render a family residence more healthy aa‘d attractive; Having adopted the principle in my resi- dance. yoll have thereby the test evidence. that I cottsiuer your patent worthy the attention of the public. Yours truly AMOS WRIGHT,'M.P.P. chnnoso IIrLL, July lst. 1865. Ma. WM. MACEY. Sm,â€"-â€"Ilaviug tried your "Patent Air-light and Frost-t “r‘af Door,” 1 have reason to believe that it is an excellent contrivauce, and calculaâ€" ted to coutrrbutc much to the comfort of tho-e ‘ who adopt it. 1 am ofopirrinn that much less wood will be required to heat a house in the winter season if your patent is applred to the outside doors of a residence. M. 'l‘EEFY, Postmaster. chnnroab HILL, July 4. 1865. MR. WM. )IACEY. Sinâ€"I have examined your model of newly invented door, and consider it superior to anv thing 1 have seen for stopping droughts and frost, and think it will greatly save fuel, save health and prevent damage from frost. It is likewise cheap. Yours, &c.. . JAMES LANGSTAFF. M. D. Richmond Hill. July 1866 -53m List of EMAlNlNG in the Richmond rrrrr Post Office, on Isl March. R565 : . >ndelsmr. Miss J. Urunskill. Mrs. Baker, Margaret,9 Bowman. 'l'lromas, 2 Bode], Mary Ann Cain, Marv Ann Campbell. Margaret Coghlan. Thomas Curren, Thomas Chicane, Joseph Demon. William Doner. Emmanuel Easpy, E iza Frazer, Agnes Gray, Catherine Gibbs. John Garnish, Richard Granger, llenr'y Gorman. John Grant. George, 15 Gaby, Joseph Steel. G. Guviller.1‘i. A. h‘bicld. Catherine , demnrlngn'av. Miss J.'l'onrkins, Sarah Jane Hogan. Catherine M. TEEFY. RM. Johnson, 1t. Keel. Francis lvauder, John 1.yr\et,Nrcholas. Jun. 2 Minnessey. Arthur Mler. Charles McKenzie, Hannah McAfl‘rcy. Maggie O‘Brien, Mary L.- U’Brieu, Annie O’Brien, l}, A. U’( )ormor. Michael Patterson, Mss ltltrnble. Thomas humble, John. Jr. Richardson. J. Sheppard. Catherine A Stevenson, Nat. Stephenson, James. 3 Simpson. James seamless“. LL Persons indebted to the undersigned. either by Note or Book account. are re- ques'ed to call and settle the some as soon as possrble P. CROSBY. Richmond Hill. Dec. 7. 1865. 527 RICHMOND HILL Cabinet Establishment. HOMAS COCHLAN begs to inform the inhabitants of Richmond Hill and surâ€" rounding country. that he has leased. ‘or a number of rears. the Cabinet Shop and Store from Mr Webber. where he will manufacture and keep on hand a good assortment of Household Furniture. Chairs. Tables, Bodsteads. Bureaus, Cupboards, Dressing Stands, &c . which he offers at extremely low prices. Also a large assortment of Room I’npur, Bordering. White Lead. Paints and 1 olor. Raw and Boiled Linseed Uil. Machine Oil. Rock Oil, Varnish. Turpentine. llonzorro. Glass. Puttv, Glue, (km, the Parties Furnish- ing. l’aporlirg. or Painting their houses. will do Well ro call before purchasing elsewhere. _..._. He would also call attention to his FLOUR, FEED, Provision and Grocery Store, \thre he will keep on hand Flour, Shorts, Bran, Oats. Posse, Oatmeal. Cornmeal. Buck- wheat. Bacon. Hams. C Pse, Fish. and rlone- r‘al Groceries of the Best- nality, for sale, at Prices that cannot be surpassed. ‘ Richmond Hill, Jan. 1‘2, 1866. PATTERSON 6; LANG-STAFF Licensed Auctioneers, iron THE covn‘rrns or YORK. PEEL 8L ONTARTU. J. M. PATTERSON, J. LANGSTAFF, Bioornington. Thornhill, February 16. 1866. 37 ~1 Ds. N. .r. PECK, 31-6m. , ,L,L,__.,#_i,. L_.__.;. L SURGEON DSNTIST itESl’ECTFULLY announces that he has changed his time of visitingthe following places, and after this date will be (Sundays ' excepted) in Stoufl'villo . . ltilh of each month. s... -.... Brougham ..19th ” " Markham Vrlloge . . . . . . . . . 201k " " Brown’s Corners... ......21st “ " Thornhill . . . . . . . . . ......‘23rd “ " Richmond Hill . . . . . . 4. . . .24t11 “ “ Maple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Qfilh “ " flur'widt . . . . . . . . . . . .... .2811] “ “ Kleiuburg . . . . . ..........991h " " Nobleton. . . . . .3tlth “ -‘ baskey. . . . . . . . . . .3151. " “ Aurora . . . . . . . . . . ...--.. 1st " “ Sutton...” . . . . . .... 3rd “ " Where he will attend to any business per‘ taining to any branch of his profession. Aurora, Juno 7, 1865. l-tf ssssslr’sirlllrrlv restraints The safest and best Medicines Canada. G. A. BARNARD ’ ASE‘v‘ieen appointed agent, for the County of York, for the above valuable Modi- cines. which haVo been before the Canadian public for the past seven years. and have given universal satisfactionâ€"he can therefore. with confidence. recommend (hundreds of Teslimo ‘ nials could be given if required, showing the benefit derived therefrom.) their use for their several virtues. DEACON’S FAMILY V TABLE PILLS Act gently yet effectually; may be taken dur- ing any employment, at any tirrro, and even by the most delicate female. DISACON’S S'l‘OMAClllC VEGITABLE ILIT’I‘ERS, . As a general Tonic, or Strengthening Medl' clue to brace and invigorate the frame. not” can be better. BEACON’S 1‘1 LE OINTMENT. A soothing and astringent application ; and, as far as an application can be of any service, more soothing and much more astringent. than any hitherto pr'epm'od. The majority of cases find speedy relief by its use. DEACON’S \VOIEKING MAN’S FRIEL'D' Olt HEAL ALL. An excellent remedy for Rheumatism, Erysi- polars, Strains, Bruises. Cuts, Chi'blaius, Soro‘ anoat. and violent liains in Back or Side, the cfl'ccts of the lion! All in the above cases are astonishing, frequently removing all pain in a few hours. . DEACON’S VEGITABLE COUGH PILLS One or two Doses generally remove the cold. BEACON‘S Mixture for Cholera, Diarrhoea, and Summer Complaints, equal to if not bet. ter than any other Incdrcinu made. DICACON'S unrivalled Cough Balsam,for Coughs, Cnld~‘, Consumption. Asthma, the. DRAGONS Antibillious Pills None bot‘ terin use. DEACON’S LINIMENT, For Cuts, Cracked Heels, and all kinds of sores on Horses and Cattle. in Else in set DICACON’S Eruptivo OTntment for” all kind cl'skin diseases. RICHMOND lllr.r., August 111 1865. 10 am Serials streaming SCOTT’S BOOK STORE. Richmond Hill, June. 1855. 1

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