33111 111111 WM‘MH .MWM The proposatlto found 1111 .'\tii‘.‘!'lt‘tl.ll l('('- ’tureship at k‘1tliilll'itlIJ't‘ L'niicrsity 11113 l‘k‘jklct‘ 1 Cd by 105 voting to i The Coldstrcttnt Flumds 11:11. Lonâ€" don on tho 20111 101' 1101111111, together with 21 body of 11101101111119)†polico. Mr. John ’1‘110111111‘011l 11119 oniinont w 11:11 , engraver, died on '1‘1111:.«.-.111y 11151 :11 Rousing tori, 11.11119 new of cightyon: yC'ttN‘. ’51 1.111 11111. .3. In 1111? 3111111: 111' 1111‘ mm {rotititnttly plity ‘ the kanave, and 11111111111 tho (la-11w. It. has lJt?CliI't‘.ttlllt‘1{t’tlilittt stiittitnorors‘ 0:111 ultra} and t5't'»'(‘ill' without any interrup- ..~ tinir 11'01'11 their 111111111132 .‘111 SEN1‘11111-3N’t'AL Yot .1;.â€"I\1y dour x, ytill you 51111111 my 1.11 1111' 1111.- ‘3 B10111 dirk-1111111 ntzitzv nt-i'ts 11m in your lot, nu. it is 11 very 11111: (itit‘s‘litltl 1111011102“ :1 1111111 I 0:111:01 tiIgltt 11112111111111 111111 1*o1ni: or 1' in“ ‘ E.‘ :1‘}, Li), K 1],] VJ “it†E: ï¬g: border bcl'orc he is solit-r without 111131.13 tlit’ duty. I 1““ i.. :1 $1111 mo, ll suil '11 start" 11111111313 " that 1. who 111‘.\'1‘ SitLIVntl. ntaclis ot’thous....d; should ho without ln't'iiil ntyisclt'. A Loves wro‘io ti» “ Dolt‘t'tulili- 1111131111}r .) to his nwot-thoart :â€"â€" you 1111: no (lllltï¬t‘t 111211 ‘ 1 Dr. *{KI’nC‘ï¬k-Eitji’} , GQRMIELY 1’35 FERRIS, Licensed! 21.111311011001151 Sai’cs (LNHZIZEYZ £0 with Wrath/111211116, J. GUltMLEY. .1, 11111111.“. Gar'tilev, P1). Eli’tiouville. 1’1), \1arkham,.1an. 4. 11515-3. 31 €011§111111113 11111EnglinltPhysician FUR .tb‘l‘lilfl. l:\“(‘.ll’llt.\"l‘ (IONSI‘MP’E‘iON. li‘ili‘llthll'lltljh‘ (11" “117111 AND 0-1.1) 11111;, .t 1;. . No Matron 1'3! 113141111. 45‘ EAST (3155111513 51., wv.IG-. cagwmxth MANUFACTURER 011‘ ’ PURE AND UNA-\liUtu'l'leRATl‘lD- W VHV‘lV‘ CONE hhl 1111111111 1 I 363 Yongo Street, Toronto.I 1 \V, G. C. trails at all the Stores~ l‘ufweiiti‘i ' 10101110211111 liltiniiotid 11111 evoiy two weeks. 1 2nd Slllllilit‘s (Iotit'octtonnry 01.111. kuids at the Lowest \liltnlosztlh [1110851 .1 uly 1‘1), 11185. Toronto r Mount†I 5 in introducing thi»; remedy to the pulvlio. 11111 l'ropilelor w1>11 1111101 11 l'ortli as 11 Cull‘i 01‘ 1‘1'1‘ry Disease incident to tho 11111111111 raw. but iii lilit11_\' cases (11.11111:Itï¬il])l't§\'61111\(" 1n.- ll la \1'1-11 1‘.llu\\'li tli:1t 11.1111y div-1151'» ()l'l'JitlHlL‘ l I. 11.11 the only Physiviiins in the Stain who .Mlk (tie members 01' the. lloyal (loin-go t :éi-rgi-nns, London. May be (11111151111011 limit 1; 11,61001111]1111‘11101111115:11111110tiilliglllflllovui‘y 11:11-10 and Fyinptottt ot'iiiMniMn I '1'11o treatment they adopt is tlto result 111' 111»- 1. tam-1's ol'iitiity yinii's’extonsivo ullt‘l.:tlt}(tt):~~b|’ttl practice in London. A. MOSH SUILN’I‘ITLC 1,5,1'11V'1'L'4N. An instrumont tortltoi- ire ot' (tettitzil Dubi- 110111‘)‘ wt 11.11 liitt>li in It our pi :‘lctlu’u, 11nd 3511301111011thSttliitl 11pp111111d. A Q1211;th .vl.) Willilt‘tl to shoot :1 1711111 {11101011101110ltililtt‘itl liih‘ print-inks at tit“ Muilt‘ 111111", 11v suylnI» . Friend, 1.11m" Mantis in thc utiy 111 my 5111.. 2 . it 1.. ’u'/ go I. 01 . INTERNA'I‘IUKA}. burgh ourlin,r cl next littir (11'1- ',l'hc thought dots lirt-dit to 111.111 1.1... ' I’unc/z. 111111111115 11 now 5011921111111. Widows. i- 131(31111(1Pl)ttl'11111‘,£ lllt‘llljt‘lYL‘V on 111v t'iitm'ol piles ot'tltoir 11311111. Who hilyn‘ civilization is not 1111 "min: ‘3 T110011. :11 liliitl‘i‘l oiitlie low; 111~ London which 1111\11'1‘15'11 11111111511011. ("itirt‘ly itt-iptits ,lztptuiiti ,1'titto1'1tllhlztttic in 1111: 5:111 1h: '10" Mr. 11111111†sonw 111:1: . if ‘ “111011 1 312311111.†1111‘ \lt'itiil ‘llln'lililhl‘ll. .‘i“l\\'t)(ltlI 1-1 1' it';1ii:(-tl~11witli I, . 1".‘11'111‘11’ 1111 11.1:1 1.;1'1191'11111111. it,‘ tho“ 1.111111111’†31111119111 111111 511" (111m: 111.9131. 111:1. Tilt‘ 1111111111111! ('11 HS all-«111111? 111‘01111 (ii-"(1 int.“ the amount 1.11 , 111111 1 1. 1‘11 N ort ltâ€" (‘10.(10’1.1.11'1‘4‘1111‘801.1111“1.10111101111111 \Vcstorvt lliillwuv- ,W...u,1».wr.u. auwn-MV." .mmwmz rm‘fl‘1m41_- 1.1 191111.:“11‘311'1rti4 I “A i N a Acil~121hu 1 t}. 111‘ Tltc [‘iililisl or of This (91.011111 ' to announce that very 1111111 11111 :‘o.ieiiii-1ii,s iii the- puhln dion of this journal 1111 be lllftllU iii the routing year. ‘A new t'ouni oi b~ 1.111111 i.pc<‘l."l'_" for 1111: Ghomc hue horn intpintieil from tliottt~lolii-:it1~d Fir '11:.~li tuttiidry oi .llillor 6L". 111131111111, littnlturgh The quality ot'tln: paper 115.311 in 1.3. ping the journal will be much btipurior to that lit‘roiol'oro oniployml. Arrango- 11111111511111 now 17111111}: mode [or greatly 111(11‘1-5113‘ .gd'1‘1‘lctri'aphio tachltii. 11111 1'1111'5 ot' ‘d'ruors, Pmpfnteis 111111 Coirostmtnlonts. will be strongthcned. litt'tein‘od 12.11.1111 will 1H}. put forth in livery (1:111. 111111111 to t't’tHlt'l' '1‘1111; (11.111311; ; and more worthy tliiin ever hot-1111) c1 tho itiliilti‘tlmi l (:lri'ulritiou it 11115 (or so many yoitisynjoyod throughout lli' 1~tt Airtoriou. Th1: your 1: 1.1 hiiiiiy to be u 1110‘11 event fnl pvt-ind iii the Itistnn 111' Canadaâ€"u \ear in ‘ \vliitl'i the cnriont events of tho 111y will be 01' the tit-111.1951 1.110109. to our} inhabitant in tho l country. l The new Parlimnuntary Buildings will. early iii the coming sprung. in; opetitd for the 11151. time at 1.11111“ 1.1. I A iI per (Iii 1tpe, 12ml iiily. ot' [Vitriurnnl 1ill1.~‘!»1UllN. iiioro propotl) (1111. he trod iii t'rom 1511) :31! days, by instrument, when mod coir- -in».-s. 11111111111115 Seminal \Voaknchs. 1V0. . leortnanently 1' 11118 “>10 01' t. ‘ ninily with mod 11.11: t shoptttntl :15 :o the titerits 1,11'1111..rin.<tru- tiit’t‘l, pledgo Iliulitw‘lvt'h that in any instani't whcro it may prove unstit iottii'y. tittor it fair trial. the humor Will 1111 rot'unilvd 11y l‘otttt’iliiig 11111 lllm'ti‘lltllt nt in good ordor. Price 'Pon L‘ol- 12111;. by 1111.111 or explosn. YUUKG MLN TAKE PARTICULAR NOTKCE. Those who have 1‘1I11l1't‘11 Lll(111115(‘.1\{‘5 by :1 cer- tain practice 11111111110111!) who†aloneâ€":11 habit 1'1 mitt -:t.ly loin 111-11 trnin il 1:1nitpai.ion.<. or at <1'huol. 'io till‘i'tx oi' \‘t'llit‘ll iit'o 1|1fjltllVit‘11 even when asleep, and i1 11"‘1 mired, r0111ch 11;: 'ngo 1:11po1siiiio 11nd tituxti'oys boilt 'iiitd antibody. should apply iittittcdtzttely. S ‘11'-;11111~e 15011111111 1 tito most 1'oriiii11al-lo onuinios 10111-111111, 1111' no- thing one in the 1111'.- cutalopno 1,1' liiitnaii 111.5- Uiht‘h‘ charm so tttmn'uctivr :1 drain tipt-ii 1111‘ human Nt'hlifll], (li'an'iiiI ‘ tints through '1 low yuan: 111's1111'ei'iiip‘doun to .n 1111111111..) 13111110. it doslrtiys 111'? norva -<j.st'uii rapidl .wustor awaytltoonergicsot11111, \ manta. dictiiliggeiiit’nt, piovutlte‘ the proâ€" topinent 111' the System, disqualtlim 1‘01 git, extort-1y, Lrttnitams, and all otti'ilih ' 1111p news, and hat" tho sutlhierwrocltcd in body and mind ircil pun-ii to consumption 111111 I :1 train 111' 0'1'115 more to ho dreaded than deutl. 1.11)“. its 1111)::571111‘> ot' t 641' i 1 111111 . 1“ SUN$ in ANY i‘AitT (111‘ Tilt. won“) » iittty in st 51'11.~~‘1t.lly treated by foi'wtirdiitgrt c111 rm 1 (11‘! |11 nt' tttoi.’ .1. no. ‘1111"‘::< 1.11. Autos , 51.x,481“;:xst(291;.~1ge( LllZ'Lt‘ tit-111:. \‘l'cst ot Jillicuttb‘trect. .i\,‘.‘. l ; 1111111111131.) .1111. . LIERAQ Y 111? LC CIAT'IOI‘J. 1‘11“; .li‘iiflfllli‘i'llll 1N has ti'rtustnrrcd their 1.1.111111t‘i' to the ‘ llk‘nAmi ’ Book Storm. \vhero {Sn-tiliulitcrs and 0111915 may 'J‘ut‘tlit' 1;.)11KD oreiy Friday ul'tot'noon, 1113!. 410 t‘ I o‘clock. i‘..'.'., ' I A. SCOTT, Librarian, Richmond 11111, June 11. lctls. 1-11' EDW. SANDERSON, ' v ]'()1‘. 1111;1'31'1‘11) Counties: 011' York 1111 :1 Feel. lehidCllf‘C--1.tll 20. war 1):"31'11 (701109 «ion ol' 51111111111111. 1‘.0.Adilrcssâ€"-15u11011111110. Pitt-tins reuniting Mr. Sandorsou’s services can make ariangt-inunta 11111110 111211.114) 011101.. .ltinuzii'y 4. 1611.71, ill 111‘) will-111 Iitn l'l‘ftttll of 1111.111‘1110 use o1. 'P’to (luynrntnt-nt 1“ philgeil to pt‘onntit to Parliament. at thooiwiinp o; to 3:1‘3511111, ltilllrfl' l 11 11111 for coniplutlng lit‘.\‘0111‘15111‘1’51111111 1‘1" 1111 lil‘ll‘111\ltllllltï¬hl or :1 lilll t‘“"lllit"111111{ï¬ 1":\\‘ l'kvilcrul (fl)lt*‘llltlll.l1 lot“ (7 1 :.1o..o.l 1-11 1 on tile lll'it‘l'llllc‘. oi' it‘lll't'ht'il 1t;oii 11y 1- tion in lllL‘ popttliit‘ branch. * 0n the 17111 North, 1. iii. 1111.1 Atiierit-an V1‘1‘13111y ol‘ torlpt‘ov I will 15111111.: to an 111111â€"â€" and 111011r‘flot‘aliil‘15 1111' its l‘t‘itt’witl, or ll'tfl-ilr' ations to “11/011111! change, Will he watched with orn‘iivst 11th Just. .’\t'r.’iiigeitit'|1i.« 101' nortriiritq pownsion it.â€I and 01111111111! the ‘(lt'lll \‘t'mt it‘l‘llllllY 1111' not. t'ci-tictit. \vill >poc1l y be 11.111 to tlimu '1‘111: (‘11.01112wi11 (1L'1'tll1‘ spot-.1211:1111'11121111, 1...]1 has liitiici‘tt) lu twct‘tlhiuIL1 Co;:iiiec..d with tho bliliIit‘t‘t. l 1 1 1 “Univ, lititiU ll'iih tho suttlmnrnt or†tlio ('onxtitiitiii'i't‘; question tiii.t 11 no long 11114.. 111.‘ Pio- » vinco, 13111110111115 1114 1111115 allot-ling tho tnaio t 1.111 prints-wot llll‘l (tot-tit I‘.‘ will lie tiitownl open lut‘ Considctittiou. among them witlj beâ€" 1 11111.11 .titig and Currency. EnlarI 731.:1111s111nil otherwiseitnprov» 11331111» 1111\‘1'11511 A‘Vilvlé‘i1!l>tl1)‘V11:L\(I()‘111L157- Ketlnt'to‘t 111' 111(- Custoins’ t‘aritl', . Juli-rect on 11111111111. (ipening up now 'i'utt'itorv to settlement. 1 Free land grants to “1012151 whiz-is. . .A 111.1111 sit-1’11 1.1.1'5 And many 1:.1ic.‘ 1*. WI. itipor...;it su' :11. l 'J'lte stiltIir' ‘ _illfl’ll‘l output of 111i il-e'o. limiztin'mv. trtltni in tho tl.~'1'u<..ion and F“ )Tiitllt'l'h‘, '1 11:11 111.11 ~1- 11" ‘ an active p.11: i...il from tho stin'mts oi inior 1 1111111011 at tho (-onimriid 1-: itr 511121111011) . it is )ltildtlhlllf‘d11111111] 115(‘411111‘111‘1 1‘11) 1:111:11-st l.‘.’1- .I toiligonuo and the I‘t‘llLJZU ini'oiinatpnl will continue to be .unnd. 211111} 1}A1.l.Y (111.!) \llllcollllllllltlt)110 tin-111.11 from the -’tlii-o at {3115 per anunm. p- '111|) ’ "r111 1.111111111211, 1211‘. can 110 procutod 11p wily 1.1.11 1111 1114111113511 1111 1111: cities and towns tlziouglton ‘ 11111 Provint‘e. 'i 111'] \VlCl'ililFf (31.01111? I will 111:1!) 1111 111111-11 iiiiprot'tul iii the 10111451111. ' ' ' ' 1‘ 1111:111 ‘ and tho imw >1 :oitisn typo wit, .1 11 grieztilt liti;)10\'- ('11 appetirnutm. A11 E'tll’tll‘ tizir tut-'1 1111;31pr \\ll(1~£‘51])(‘111111111111' it 11. 1'1 ‘ 111111113011191.1.11111‘1111 tlii> 1:1)111111'1. 1’1 t'tilIt atiiip'cd 111." under , ii \vm)lt’~:t ‘11 to 1111- y‘illtilt‘ttlluii 111‘ with: lllttat 1v .A111 )11‘11'.‘ ,o 1'.111111111:-u ittl'l . and 'U ‘1 “l (:1 int/y -i \1 l 1011131" triiiiltr-in rttiii‘n: 11‘: 1.1111 llttitllllttlkti: avd within. "lit ‘51 31.;111111 of 1“ ii:\ \‘ii‘ 11111 1:11:- wlll 0111111111114 to his 1111~ 111141 111.11 [Hi-‘1)- [19"111'ELCV. y The 'w. 1." 3111111411011 :11 '1‘ \VI) 11 (11.11111: '11†continue to be} )lfu‘illï¬â€˜ per nunntn,’ ‘.\l’.‘1‘1}liU"> 111ml) 1 {Knitt- payable st irtlt' in ittlviittte. ot' 111-"..111- purine-t lt=tvn â€"hitt 111.111 1111 151111 .l:1'.'i.1‘\‘. $1111 1'1'11 it the 11111.11 11.1‘111 rliiu 111411 'iiioi'e tit: 14313.11.» pripvr 111.1 Y.1i‘li.iutp.1iri\itiunt. 1‘11} 1::cnt .ti-M lni 1~lw'<\'~ in 1:.l\'1t‘iiie. limit In ipct‘ to ad unwed sopru 1.11;. / lid 1 l . l .. . 1 ., .. _ I 1 All tsiu pzinpw 11:1 :111'111. iii any duh 1111151 be 1 .. . ‘ . l [1111.111] '1) 11-1D 1’1t:|».1.lil-n \\'1i'31|t’.(1111'i’)llt’ 11! was 11".! . rt 10 any 1111111111: 1711." war. tot-y .111»! 113 Mini 11.1719 ‘ H “c 11 re. mini 11} 111* lift tlti: '~.~1!1 \t 11h em 11 11111.11-111131 < 1111); 1.1111111?! 1111mm11111.1hatinitaomiporllnn111'the I» i l . 13111 li’lViil . blood ' PPR 1: lâ€"Jl‘lio r (1111111. $111111 :1» all ornutton~ .in 11111 $5 Ix l):l.1llf~7t1.\.‘§’.Ԥ V 1111‘ ll'l‘il 111.1) DU- 11‘13'11‘7 iVii‘illlClNliï¬, pi'hpaiod trout tlto <f't'llllit‘11'1(ll'llli‘ 1.111 121' hut-hat), Follow U1 {.1 (form are iiiitly 1.111111). 111111thoiretlltzacyprode ii. Illtlllxhltt’l o1'1‘21.~ts,ntto:t1:11 1:01in the A l’l"i'> men 111 (2111211111111, 1111*; 1’. 111‘ 11051. '1‘1'111) 1.0111) .‘1 1011 ()1“ LONDON. and sitting Mugirtrvtes 111' Marlborough Strevt, ,p Street. 150w Street. «\11. Medic-til Mon VI... .1\l \‘fo-ztniinstor, \l’u‘é 151111 by the Cltrgy 1111‘“. and minus. 1111151 t’LJtllllitlUil ‘./..L, N. 11.1.10111 / Ull. BUCHAN’I‘ 513.11.54th ill/1.11 131111.15. 1‘71.1.~l{_\'<)\‘.'.\ 1'A("1‘ that 52111- .11 if: the 1! «inst purilii r 01' 1111- 11111115 world. Kl‘ii'd’ \‘(Pl'lt 111.1101) ’.o\\'t-l< i't‘;jttliitll--Atitl lll‘ilrll’ tho 1111(1'1'01illl Those l’ills strike 1111110 root 111' 11110111115011.1911. ttutl are tin- tito cure ot‘ 1-1'L~"\'.'ilitiottt. int-11111111111 11 is :1 1-. ‘3 '\l’_\ 1111.1 111.11.1’li- 1.11'1112111111 1.111111". Conn pl'tiuts. (11111111711 \Vt~:1ltite~s.‘(innt, ltlttit-nin- yi 3111111, 1111111115. S' .tNit. tuttnbann. Pains iii the Limbs, 11141111- it(1ltt‘.-, Sort- 'i‘ltroatu. attil U-VUI'V rumplnint t‘itlthtl by it"t'gliliritios oi the lion'le oli- rtrut‘tml pfli'r'lili'ul'lili.111.11(lt‘lt‘i'it‘l‘flk‘fl Iii"l nit- ltealthy blood. ’I‘lu-se Pills work their 11': 1' 1.) 111:1 very roots (if eairlt (limit-so, cleansing 111‘ their illl<~ittVIt‘. osnvt-iall.‘ wltvro int-rt-uiy 1111s 1)t'1711 1‘11"",(I111110111'l iii.{ every tinlitki-‘iht‘ 121-- t'lllllllliliil‘ll.1111‘1101111101! #111111'11lt‘v(1,11‘..‘\iJIUlO $15.91 "ovtltt‘d. and all the tutu-1111118 acting z. wording to itntnio. 11111 111111 111' 111‘01111'01111‘ 121111.“. \vlioio hol'ore thov 111111 been sad and 1).) not hesitateâ€"410 not, do- 11 clean :1111111111'11 must111111;oar-loa11body. il yeart burdens. lay l 31.13111) body will Contaltt [11110 liiotil, “lion . tho slo'nmth. lmdy. 1.11:1 blood are pnro. from rogulnting 911d cleansingr 11111 bowels, lioalth is (tui'tttélt, lltiit’: >1.ll<e a1thetootofyoiir'rilinmit, [1311111, 1 wy. look to yourstouirinh. Oneiiial ol'thtwo ‘l’ill; will t'n'tcn (‘Uthit‘ll()l!. “H.111 iii liottit's. E1115, 11.11.. 213. 911., 4:. Cd. div- '41 Ht Itiiittnnnzl hill, .1111111,1.‘?G.3. Slitzhiitt 1111 13:11:11 Eltoto ! ’3 {31.1185 COOK. Prop ‘ietcr- _ .m 1 1.11’1111‘1 11.11.14 is C’Hil!t‘r‘.t€(1 with this 1 I. Fiit'r'l 1111' .\»‘i,\6~1111)11L‘.\‘, 111.1114. (loner-11>. Min-1i \'(:. Every ntimtzimt paid to thc .31; edits: “t tin (him xiiie its will pay up in . 1:11111‘c111once1.11116011111111111'I'ravnllois. 11Ҡl ‘1 -‘“ " l 1““ 1"; step-o lantmh‘ 1111»: 11111111 every moranv .11., {11' I M: to those rules on I f.,,. ’tnrmim. 111 7. 14.11.. ; returning, learns r;n"r_‘1oi.1.u “11:1; *vrt’ l 'l’orHuJ. ,tI hull-11351311111. ...E~I")it'dii 15:10 WN, Publisher (3.11111 ' 111111;; and u CJI'C'PL’i “Geller always 1.11 nitutw mine. ' ('1 in“ ()I‘lï¬ll/‘IC kimono, no; lgl ,.liti;u:td 11111, June. 15135. 1;. Dr. .luii's 1\' Son. in 1:1'111-1‘ to satisfy 1111‘ 1 . LECENSED AUCTIONEER, - 111321Nihiitlï¬lliillcï¬s it; 1.011;; 1.1111. j 11 go 111' 141151111111â€. (113.. ï¬rthâ€"a ‘ SilGA R-COATiQ 1) 1 ['1 Man “union and ‘ 11853111 :11 11m beginning, wante no‘ I 1.111111 (301115,:11111 111111211 distrens is 1111011 (mum-11 , 111.111 a C01 notion tit-1.11111 111nm tho 1511111111111.â€" ‘l‘hin ri-ntiut 1h vuil 311:11111-11 to llitlth'a tllubt‘ “ping;;inc...â€1it'tlholoi'a3111111115i111 1112011 known to tail to {‘iii‘t‘i 1.1‘11111 whorv it luv-111111.11 lltl‘tl. i\11.n\‘1:oopiu u 111) ituvu 1101‘“ 3:1] iniIIII’U‘I'I 'Il'lllI;"I"‘;I(Iâ€-'1'I["I {mill Itho {tilllt'lt’du'illilillt‘litliitllt‘1L’1111151’01‘1I11111Y tours. HA1†VH1 ‘ J m 1 “'1†“AC up) 1“ Plume. I III I II II I III IIIIII‘I I-II I to 1.11: ai-iit'lu nomad therein by ioint'iung 1111 w .1 n w ‘ 1:: 1'1. ."* t ‘. w - - ~ IIInI\ L 'Itwll “111- l l I ‘â€-“I ‘l I H I‘Il (.ortihCntotn us 11111101111 dollar 2111111115 article. if: i '1‘1'1,‘ l‘\ 111 '1 )l‘ 1'! .1‘ i - . ‘ 1'1tttli‘:t l'llitlltllltlrg‘til:‘ll\ll\" llie‘ldllmllnvL11':‘ii111 .i‘ I "a “mum “WW w‘lmll‘l‘ '1 mil." 1"†“’lll 1’" 10'" 1 ' . .1 1r-.« . . , I 1‘1’1 ill 01’ )1 t'Hti ~11 ‘ it ix '1’lo ‘1 1km“ '11 wlll'dl'd 10 1’1â€) "3‘ 1101‘ :11 mire. 'lhvie are no ‘ i \I- ’5 ' > 1‘ V ~1 ‘ it: . » ' » l ' (111’11111iiirgrilnl-i-ui‘liuldim-hr: ‘ii‘r; 'llllInI‘ 'll “"11 (v'r‘l'lll-(i'lll'S 111111 limit-torn (\Vury‘ 0m. ,5 it‘llï¬ltilltiniiil‘tiTit-:1Ill'otllt’tllti- till-it 1-11.] 1110 [1,} “ll-0 1†391‘ ill IND-1' llla lllll will!" “ll his or he). I,“ I I ,‘ ‘ ,I I ‘ II ‘“ ’ l . tioiioy. 111111 tl'llttt‘. 11711111‘1101] tho cer- pnvu to 1.1111“: 11.111 1119511131 l.;1‘II,,I,I. “M on. TI.†1]â€v\\1'tl.h ' , ,,. I 'l'lile route. 1' l<;1ttnro \lnuu 1.11111, (70111110111111 l' ' l l I l 'i "I 'l v m Mn" 59 um 00111111111110 1101\“111 'l'urntiii‘iino or Mutt-nit ‘OF “0 pi‘l'w’ “mm ‘HH he mml'mlml‘ \“ eiwl‘ ." ' v ’ , I- the cvrtthcntes its lollowsz lor unythiag \\hicn c1111 .11 u y \.'1i\ inIium 1111' I) _ I. . Stoniutm ‘I it 11111.~ ii~ a 11min. 1,. 1.1LnI1Ir a 3.10.] "1‘ l'“ I 3 (HIS-1 IBIIVB 101' $1, elovt-n int 192 npputlto. lningiitg tho 1111511115111 11111 stomach . lllllgl ll'l t“_“'.‘"“" 10" fifllh 0â€â€œ llllll'm‘“ . - A . 1 1 1‘ . 1.. . . . . ., ' I 11110111Ir’1’11111)‘ actinu . 1! 11m: 11111111 talioii lit 1Ԡ4510f “1*.Ilt.itnI>11.1111n11> 11 11116 oppon thoFe who have ttiewcnlttNl.totttt=t‘li 111111511111111"lIlIllll “1‘ All†“ 1"“ “llâ€: Ill‘ll “l 51"“l'tl‘lml i~111aut: 1111.11 "1.111.191 ilii- Stomach to iltgi‘w 1 'll’1 “"1 ‘3'“‘I‘l ll‘Il'M“ ’l‘l“ 1' " 1:: W111! :1 1110.:- I ‘ 1 . l 1: l 1'. i 1 vi 1.1 . . 1 . Sin-h paitiClm ot too1l,t-;li.1:li 1.11.1111: it (111 )1. i 1’}LL “1 Wind»! 1H1 11111111111. oi oi lilothlllt tlicri-liy tanning :I'C?11(Aw\11(.‘.‘>bl,lllHl11111111: - w<_\11“â€"r"â€5 “'lmlhI ~\ll “N'f'l-‘i1511151lltlhiitll‘l‘bï¬t‘tl c1111 bi) olive fly ietnt/‘ycd 11y tiio tlbu at 111:: "3 “KI {I 0'†Plu’bwlld Aâ€. 15 Hindu“ LINN li‘einotly. new ml" ’ w..- niuttd not go 11) Now Yuk. 11.111111 1 l’g'p ()1.‘ .1 [1'31"] 115‘ . . , . 1 - , I 1. t . ,1 Moxn-o. 5011111 otini' 11111110 711111’ 1111 tor 1111 ' [ii-1,1,1 oi" .uts,â€".l_.tit it 1" 1‘ had iii our 111.1. 1111‘ 11'1111‘11 .HH‘ To 121: £01.11 run 31 BATH, mnntrv. 1111111111415 1211111133 child ho adilri‘l 3.11;. Gem“: (mm “mâ€qu (2.0, to thtslin‘t ii' 11 \1'c1'oittu:1a~1~1it_\, but 1 wi11 011», “names II ;II ‘ 50 to Mr» 1, , ,1'.\ I 1. 1,. ' ». '.._ , , ', " “'~v----\'l ,I. 1.1 111 on p itttii \\ 111d .i.1pt.1d in 1111 11111113111 3m} JIM] “1.11),.†and [annnwthb tt::ii.II 1.115 I111.‘ :1\II .111>.1Ittli :ltt) Irtood on it: Casu‘ ‘I,,.It,(,,I.II_IIIIIIII 35 is 7 ‘own I'.)1itll.iIlt-’Jll, 111111 1 \'.'1.-ll it >1111 to 11:. 511‘ 51,060,“. “II«,,IIIII,,ICI,IIIII SIP it can uln 111s ho. 1111111111111 on as .21 1111111» ‘I.I.I.\:I1I.,.,.|I(,SI†II 1:3 1. 7. I11 ...~lo .so long asI 11 l\‘ pro mu I‘lltlt! no .xuâ€" 12in) phmmnd 11,..CRIIIII I“ I‘It; .'. “HI l;"!lllit)tl(ioln’_\' I the I'i“(ll)11Lt1).". M". Jon.\ I,â€") H .{II . . . . 1 . l).\Y.\1-l,ltlitilmttltnflllté nr. ’ ' I Hi .. .1 t. 4 .1 (I 1 I, 'I at , I I' ' , 1tt..1d11.clotld\1_lngI- I I 1i,1il()(;l,11Ll()\’i11 11111111 Bracelets. 4 " h -‘ \ ict1 r111 b intro \1*.1‘1~11 ll) 1561 1. v r .- II I) II ’ II S- A ‘I" I; ~ I ~ I 4 1 1111( liaseo 110111 11111111111111 5 “ 1U otiN .\\'.'\’ , 1,511 ~» ~t c 1'. :1~»-i :11...1:1'c1; iii-111:1. 2 U110 ( I -I. .. I. I I » » II I . 1. 1.110111 no («nuns and I111lilI11ltt‘i‘lilttllHllI11Il"iii/\‘ihitlï¬ 1.! 11 your. 1:, “mud (I‘h..;I,I.I,,IIIIII_IIII 6 u 20 nearing: ot your l'iim 1211.1111111301‘ 1 was“ tittinrtti. upâ€; It. ‘ ,.,i,,.,,.,1',t;._,,(t 1 411,05 4 u 10 1011" 11: 111111 nhor ti ' 1; [llt't‘d bottles. 1 \1'11~l.- m,†J ,Iw .IIII, if VOIIIIIIO I _ - .1 1 1 . . ontiroly t. .11311, 1 rec. uninhd I‘ to thtl'V 0111’ ’ “IOIFIIDS I; h 6 .xlliltllllg 111.111 1.1ibtllli;.lIl-1ll. \IU\I:1~I,I1I\IL S $000 (IIIIaII ()Im] aIIIIdIEIIICNId "‘ll‘u‘d“ ‘l'l‘L’ 0‘“ 111‘01;1‘ltes....,...,,.._.. 4 19 l 7 I101} “1‘1 11- Jet 1'1‘1’1 "'11 II II ‘I I â€",\A/ ..I I. .1 1, m. I 1"‘ll"’lâ€llc‘ l"'l‘lâ€â€˜m' . 1'l1JEUIHme1.811)â€)!15 . ... 4 H 8 Mr low ‘ lltf‘flr‘ i‘w'iiv. 3.1 inn) 1 r v V 1 . f ‘ ' ' ' _ ‘ I , ’ ‘ ‘ =,1itltl Lo .11, (11ml. 1.1111 Litteriild 1)c1.r n,-â€"liavin;Ir 1111 111111.11 tinio pint .mcti 1 . 4 ‘ G in power: 15111 111’ your Pain l.i':.11i1::.tor. 11nd trS‘ 141113011" int .~ . .I. . . . . 11 . 11:11:15 gloat moot-.1 L7t'. With :11 Lttitliilt 11(‘(1 I ’ HIISIIII I I II 5:. 5†H w r- . -‘ ' iv:tii:. ‘1. 1" 11'. - -' - .- I Itf‘tilt 111(1111111011“ l H 'II lI“Il‘ 1" I‘llol_r~' “1,000 Gold Fob and Van \‘v atcti 1 time very 111114;“ ..,. 11:11-11 p.111; 1.11L1111111111rlll in FMâ€,- . n 50 ,, 6 IIII .I III IIII .IIIIII IIII III.I_ I IIIIi IlIIl Ilt‘ll II llTI-IIII \IIII'I ll :kI ‘5 Isbl‘I IIIllI' I“! . 11.1.1111 1101.31.11 Ves‘ 11111111111 1». ltlt‘S d “ ll ('1‘ .iI‘ .(. \. I' '3' ‘1'. 111 . .110 i 1‘ t L: I I i , t 1. , , -, 1711111 1 have nwd i'. in my 11.111111' for v: 11-115 ‘ MILK] it“:“Lilliâ€:“WW but. 3 :1 1L . 1 .1 ' ‘ .1iii:l,1 limttt ........... (1 ’11‘11’.‘ .‘L in! ‘1‘, 1': L‘ . .. . I ll“ ['l '5†lI‘IIia'W“ ‘ l L ' 1;!) ‘fIUI‘I ltIl .lIi'tlil 1.1.111 lliiti'itncs,.1oiicils.etc 4 “ ' 7I 1111 "' '1‘5' ‘5 '(‘ln 11';I {11(1‘ ' ,| 1 .. 'I l ,' ml- ‘l‘ d l m†‘\ 1.1-] u l l L." “1 1:.‘1tl1llllniaturt- 1.',1!'ltots.. .. .... ‘. at] “ h 1.10 Sin; lioadairhc. 1111' 111111711 she has tiiod va- 4 III); MIIIIIIIIIIII I “Ch†“II III ' 1 1 - . . . . - 1 t z I \ ' Câ€"‘n ‘. I ruins roiitvtlu s wtih tho 11.1101 nevi-rill pliybiri» QI IIIIIIg ,I g 3 II ‘20 hits. 1111(11'111]!IU\'6(11'1 ailti'u. bile listit to bel (. ,. .l, .. .II I ’1 . I . I. I ,I I , 3,1011 (111.11 10Utllplcih, (,rosses, I101 Natural (1111‘s at h tune 11111111115 .11 1.1) any III 0 H E‘I I . ' . ’5..--...:r-nc--.u-un- ~ .to-. 'r H 1.41 ' n‘" â€" . ,. ,. . t In t , 111I11I111I1I: hiin llt’ltt(((iI101II\ Ito t \I111u :IrIIIIflII [tIIIIII (IUII, RIII IIII I, ,I II. rilslo medicine, .sho Wits oniirnlr c1 ted oi the _. .l (V I I I, I I , II II III , I I I II . . I‘.i,tllltl,(,111~1‘1. 11111 Hlll‘N 4 ‘ ll (.1.~e.1>o. \11'.1.iv1».i.sn1111.111.i. 11111 1101201111111. . I.I II 4 I \. I I I). I I I 1 I. I.. .I . I » II rm. 0. 1111-9111111 uignot 1.11135 1. 50 ‘ 10 iii Jf‘llUHHg the. 111.111>i(,, ant. .111 L.\t,’3111.’111IH(.()JI11I;1 ,_ ,)-,I ,KI I n I. routch 1111' (.0111; and Cutl'llls. Yotirx ii 11;, n'.’ I'I'HUH‘MJ ',‘,‘â€"Il““ “HM " 10 ~ 6 _ V ~ 1,111 1. lei-ts Ladies Jow'clt‘yâ€"Jet ' JIIH." 1.3.11'1'111, II I! (w’IIli ‘ ' r u 1- 1.! 1.1........-..-... .J O ‘ ‘1 ’3 v ‘11 P1 11- - r 1 ' L-XLtEC .1. I\ 'ti.1l' 0 .‘~»~t.< 1.3111055 Jewelryâ€" I (litizivod’eoi .1:tl!.....-.. 4 " 15 lot lthtuutaiic, apply t‘tio remedy to the .I; (.01) Got“. pIUII SIIWI.!;X1CI.I;UH ‘ parts etlt-cted once or thllt’ a day. 111. not 111* 3 ’ (“Mum (“we pulpit. 4 .1 10 1;.I- 1I- I.~i ~.- .11; 1- ‘I1 . 1w . . 111I1111 to pntIplnnIt on. I 1111111 1\ no 1.111511. u. Mm.“ (mm ppm. IIIIII (IIIM MIIIIII_ l\. 11111.01‘11113 (2121111511. 1131 11: 11x11. I M1 “app...an Iâ€, I I 3 .1 p0“ Spurs}, AI 15.111111 17.11.11 l’IetIis and Gold Exten- I 1111.1ittot>......... . (3 “ 11: , .. . 1 1 . .1 r . . . . . llptbo tho (11111 11111} 1.1I1I11I1 to tloar 11.111011) IIIUIILII. m, (minus and Dumb I ,~ (1 1111 11.» 1111.15:1ti\.I It \tIii 111 .1 1:11.“.1 iiiIiI'dsâ€"I “I: (1m,S IIIIHIINII†5 u 5UI 31111: 1111‘V1Iill 111.11-lttit-ss. 1111111 out the Fl'\1‘till",{.lI§I{H1HSilvel'ti;(®[t)lï¬..., _ I If .1 50 111111 >(llcltt’SN. 111111 1-:1iinoltto hool. Sw'oiiiiiun 1., 1. V H. .-. . , , . IIIIIII bu IIICaIIIII IIIG “III†“II I a I..,tutl 1.11111 111111 1.11.1 (Hike ’ ‘ ‘ “3‘ I 1111911115................ v90 ‘1 511 131’. 191.1}:111 Cl Til. l'l-llt 1)()'I.1X- Ilind tip the ('nt “'1111 :1 clout. and alluring ‘ 5111151 Dozen Silver'l'tt:t«&ipo1tii&. .3111) to .6211 the cloth i'tilli the i‘onit-dy. ‘11‘ 3‘ “ Tulilu Spoons 5111;41:ch and1“111(>:............... 211 “lUtI‘I‘ Rheumatic. (‘lii!.1ll.."11.‘-TS. The same. as for llfttjs'l'ld) 1" . .11 "1111.0 tho that 111111 11.1: l‘. I 1.1.1 I '1'1111'1l111113111“. “'11 t; littt'lil, and put it; tho 11111131; 1 with imiy on 553111;: to (ill 13.113: t.\‘ 1111‘: PACE. piiwo (11 111111111 wool with tiii- 1.:ii- '.'.tlo’ 11.11 tlztcté tlio 1:111:11 1.1.1311111111. and take it dint-c out Ithe bltlliiutili in cold nutcr or Migur. 1 110111} 111110.11, 111111101110 1.11.siiii- with tho l.iiiitiiPtti: 111111.13 :iiill ynigflo tlio .‘E'r in with the 511.110, oi'a‘liglttiy jdilttttil with \vutier, ovoiy l't-w hon s. (701.10 A111) Cl! l'ltir Tl'l'lll, 1'1 :-tti:111 ti91t>poiintu1 it) end wan-1' o1 it, tukcn every littlt hour, it‘i'c- littll't‘a. . 1()11A.\1P ()1). PAlN IN 1111“. 51031 \(211.l fin adult itiziy 111110 suitill tunpnontttl 1111 1Cold ' >1 ,IIiir. when r1 iptitvd. l 1I €111,115 .'1\'i) (10110118. 'I Fin; “113111111.†nun-pitoiiitt. throw lilllï¬‚ï¬ a day, .1 rspt-t'inlly on 141111;: 11- 111-11. 11‘ tliol‘t is 71 (titli- ('llliI\' ot‘ hit-tithing, 11111111: 111; L:t.(‘>l with [1111, i‘tlillt‘tiy. 01.121111 lltHllllli‘. l it 1»! fl A , 211211111211 11111 11111111111111. tmtmiI anti in evury ltJth' and county iii the, undue: Agents vantth 'throtighnut the United State and Cunadus. . " I fl...“ liranolets, Slot-vs Buttons, Silver Spoons and Foiks.I(_,lups, (111110 llmkets, 1&c.II worth Eight Hundred '1110u- sund Dollars, The Entire Stork 01' a large lzitroitrmc. str retiring; from business. 1'111'1110 lilll‘ptiss 01' closing nut the stock a. the iniiliou pus>iblgt 1111111. tho nttdnrsipni-d have dist-ide on 11git-iitrlhtrihniion made as: tolititvs. EACH AVE) EVERY 111110.11, no 111.1'1'11311 lion \‘Al 111111.11, 1:1.1-111 «01,11 1'1)115‘?1. A (‘w‘ti “Mn 01‘ (411011 rii'tiiie with its value prinu-d upouI-tt. l.’~‘ plan-d in an ettvolopn and ~L‘ttlDti~tll(‘St‘ citvelot‘ns ate thoroughly iiiixotl .‘Hil'iXl'tiâ€"tl'o .vriitt agents in every regi- titlillll‘:\'.1'111‘i :11.\o111111115:Hunticlitvill111; allow- 1'1 111 t “.t\' on cvoiy (4‘\'1'111UiilL/‘ oxdnicd by liit‘itl. pr-ividtu that: runii1titntio amount-1' to out; dollar. Agents will collet‘t 21') cents tor: (H'l‘l'y (luriiï¬caio. 111111 riatnit i5 1:111:15 to us. 11371111116phiinlr. say only what is new ‘sai'y and 111' prompt. Ad truss, 11} \V. 1V0. 1 June 9, 18115. (1111.1. 11 &_Ct).. l}1‘l\'.\ 11G .3 Maiden Lane, New York. ,‘I. 3111 SICK 11111\1).\ (11111. \1111 1110-1"II(1 with 11112 11111111111111. 11111111119. la 111N111 into. 1111' ivory huh" llUltt' until iciiot olduiiii'd. l lilr‘tlAnti 011‘ 11111 l.t'~'l‘.ll.l.\‘l>'t:E‘él't'tttx,‘ l 1.05% tit“ .‘iltl’lll't‘t'i‘ 1) 1311.12. u‘tt ‘ 1. 1 ‘ ‘ 11.100 times l.i\i-i.l \\'1111 the; A tonspoonl‘ul 1111\‘11‘1111‘11. «11.; a 11:11, 11111110 or :11 :r rating; llioihn iii-Ply 111-111: ‘L 11111 tlltlltlilt'lw ! iiiiint-nt 1111(‘(1 1.1 twiito 11 day. 11111111 llrilt‘i‘ll \t'lli ‘if'im: 1111 obtained by 1111. 11pplii-zit11n ot the rmumlt «Manually intiin 11hâ€" , l '1‘ ‘111' 1111111111. 211 (12....U 1.; «rote. Iitticlt ol 1111111 in 1219 I l 1111 V11. ‘ t . 1 . . . 1 ho 0111 rank need no 1‘0111'5'11 11111 1111: i It l'lllilt‘tiY. Ltotu . ‘11111111‘!’ it: L1": 1 ""1'1‘. 1’11‘112111-11 1.1 titre linpriott. s 1‘1'~‘ili(‘.1100. 41h (LVV. Put up aitdI ('t‘llls ouch, hear- slgtiztture [hut-â€" : 1114 1911111111191 15.1-111‘0 9.31:1 5?.) int: .:.c Eil'Oltlit'l-‘llh‘ tuition 151.111 by Diligi lttllldt‘msiot' “Vest \ork, lï¬tl'd in liotllus at ' 1 'tni; ottttnxitL 1111 11111111121; 11.1.1131 l . 1 1 l I ._ I1 Ps’iwniusuitt 1N 1R-idâ€"1't'.lxlâ€1i(/11:D 111‘ 151373, 1 1 l l 1111.leandimportiintimprnynitmiitnlinv- it... my been put to tilts hinnltii‘e. 1‘1 '1‘111‘. it now tht itio>t pri'icttt lit-tote the pub . and >1 at u dist'tnco can vt'lit‘t ;. T2111" o 2111.111 71/1, . books 1'. o l U ES-Vliltl' work, Scientiï¬c, Tiioological or Fic- '; tiotis, whotitut' puh‘idted 111 Britain 01‘ America. can bn 0111.11in at the Publisher's \1'11 have. direct Ammunition-Lion wttlt 1511111111,:11111 with this facility can bring goods much liix‘lti punctunlly and expeditiously 1111111 tum t'otiiilcrs. "is insttinces of tho choapness of our prices we appoint a list 111' some 01 the I 1111011 constantly on 11111111:â€" JUSL'pltun’S(10111111810\VUI'lLSIIIOIJU hand- some volume.(11111511711911). . . . . . ..$2 011' Keith’s. l‘thdonu-s oi' the 1111111 0111.11 (311115111111 Ptoligion. det'ivi-it tron. tl'e liloral tuttihitotit of Prophecy, (pt'o‘ luselyliltixliated‘)†.,... Laird 01' Logan ; or Antwdotes anti Tale, , illustrative ot' the “’11 and llutnour :L'ttttl"flit.’t‘ ol 1",» prompt and 511111 1..:l.v'oi\'.:it.tl 111.711 they will 111-1 aid-1 10 11min“; it to their 1111â€"1 i No more 111'1 king Houdiniâ€"w, i No mom in' -1;: btituit‘snl i‘io 1111111110 in man-I 111;; any g.t,.i.ot.1. ttowover11"111:11.o 01'1itiz.vI\,on tthe bf’i'llï¬ Machine, either in caixilnlc. clotl. orl 11““11101; and tor lwi" 511111 11111110». ‘li'tlltil'n. 11111 .indi-i's. shot; binders. or gaito: titâ€" . ting. 115 111511 11:: for (-voi'y v.1:in 01' family lsotiittg, they have no superior, and will be sold int a much loss prii‘e than any other titztoliino :zapalilu oi" dot: r 111115111119 rnnue of work. S.-ttilfor1)o~ ntive Catalogue iit'styles and pri†= . A [luv i'cspcctttlrlc 4151111115 will ho uoal lwitli liberally. l A 111:1} s the 11")\"1il Saving Machine, 47 I l 3.1iadt':ty,lyo.r 111.1 . l l I ‘ 111'." 5 Milton 1111'» 11.: I. 1. l 'l l Ext» 1'.‘ ‘1‘ wk. ‘Siiiitli‘s. ot' Sco1lutirl...................... iton‘s. Archbishop, .tllllllletfl workv, 11101101111111.1501110 volume. ......... 1 Pzdcj’s Complete 11111115, in one 11211111- M‘rillï¬voluillth. Pun; iluziins, 'Onr ltottvenlv .1“1'tt110'l'; or, God 11 1111111516 and Strength ;’ ‘Clirist Aloneâ€"n Book for All;‘ ‘ Welcome to Josnsï¬ â€˜Tltc llctter 1.1111119 "1‘I1is do in \Vittcl‘eIe, (71111111551518 of Jewolry. hiltig<,1’it\r- L 'I 8111111171, 111111111111, lClusp Dre 111;; Cases $1.133 to 1 ‘Mar 1112 link. 15 cts. THE YORK HERALD if 11, 71111 11111. or OF BOOKS: I N t M EDICINE AND MUSIC. ' 111': Proprietor 01 the above Establisl met-it begs to call the trim-lion 01 the inhabitâ€" ‘IlIlS 01' tho 11111 and neighborhood. to the retront 1 ~1lditi1ins madu to his 310151101 interesting 111111 Readable Books. being a snpetior Plans 111' lite- i-zitttie ltythe “inst otninent authors 01 well- lznown reputation and populailt)’. 1_}u(1-.\‘(;l()1‘I\' iti 11m Heavensâ€"131‘ \Vm. 1.011011. 1’1iiit:ipal ot' Queon‘s College, Canada, $31.51). Good Wordsâ€"vols. for 181.11 and 18123), $1.117; (131411, I Praying and “’orklngâ€"Ily tev. “'m. Steven- son. H71, 1'12. My Ministeria' Ductisel, 8' Parish Papersâ€" HT‘, ms, The Grover Thoughts of a Country Parsonâ€"â€" 615. llurn P081118. 1'2in. cloth. gilt 0t1§[(‘Fâ€"Jâ€")11t'ts. 11.14New1.ife-B\'Bushnell. 153nm 010111. 1.111311 itixnericnceâ€"lly Rev. Dr. I 5y Net-innit McLeod, D.1).1 1;. (ilatk. .5th15. Forty Years Experience iii a Sundm School-â€" 15y 'l'yng. 41) 0N. . iluchttn’s Dottiestic only Shuts. the Canadian Sunday 1‘11‘11001121‘01161‘-10 (its iiah and his Friendsâ€"ti cts. lltinyun‘n Pilgrims Promos â€"3ll (ts. Pitt} '1'ntti’<h 1’5111u\(.1(1_\',111 . ionâ€"6950111. fours 01' Zion, ~wlth Tonic Sulfa Notation-u 1" (:11: I‘hmnron’s 1.141111311111110 Rook- Church Prayer L’oulis. 111111135, all prams. Advctitttrus in the Gold Fieldsâ€"â€"25 cts. M odioine. cheap edition, :) lustaments. at 1N 1’1 CITION . The lVavr-rly Novelsâ€"311 MS. The \Vrunlt Ashoreâ€"«2111(- The [loving 1Cng11><hinanâ€"â€".. 1:15. The 1101117111011 111' (‘oinmun 1.111‘-â€"-51“cts. 1.110Forty-11V“Gllaltls!lif111â€"-5Ur315. P1111 \‘tlar, ur Voicm from tho Hanks-$51215. 111110111011 111111 ltiflcsâ€"-i35 cls. FANCY STATIONERY. Albums for it? Portraits. Ill} cts. Albums tor i111 Portraits. $1. ‘ Allttinm for 724 Portraits, (Cape Morocco.) 11131111114 for ‘34 Portraits, (1111110612111 13‘}. (.w‘eut’ts Walking Canes. from 41) 1115110151, Poti Knives, with 1 blade. from 15) to 211mm do. do. 3 do. 51; 1:15. (Lieautitullv ï¬itlsliod.) ' l btrong (Itzisp Knife. 1 blade, 25015. Scissors, 1112.5. 11111111 llitlibz-r Halls. 111 1:18. Slate Pictures. 1.3 ms. 13’ PeriodicalsSupplied \Vuokly 1.1 \loiithly. (5:11 1 Richmond 11111. May 211'. ’65. 1 ON .NNRVOL'S R1'21.AXAT1()N' and EK- HAUSTION. New editions onlargod to 1111) pages, illustrated 11y 11111 Anatomical Colored l Engruvlngs .ou.§:ce1, Just published, prict: 1;. V:[~l.111‘3511117.1“1V FRIEND :11: greatest 110111- . c111 \‘Vork ut'the Ago. U“ Youthful indis- . . 0110115 7111110011>01111011111111)61111Ht’1111810 .\i.'ii~ rizige, describing; the Anatomy of tho [(1’111'1) l ductlvo blystoiti in health and dim-aw, ittllil pointing out the Mt"? 11.11am ot' pet-trot myâ€... 110“ to manhood: with 111' Ex-say oit Sittgh‘ and ‘ilitriii'd l.il'o.1:rnt;iintnt! ii 1,1'1’51 riininn known :ictho l’rovotttivo 1.oiion_ [H‘t‘cltttiltlg the pos siliility 121' Mittiitnittiition. Also to 1W 111111 li‘miinll Agents in all parts of tho world, l‘IK'i'il ALTH‘ 1" {(111 '1 11111‘111. EA 1 it‘llll‘ii‘i‘l). prim 1111.,\\'111(:ll contains dii'oction:~ for the gtlillfltlt'ï¬itfll11111101115. Hosts. 1. $1.. 1’t;ttuv 1k Co are only 111 be (:Uliï¬llliftitttlllt‘il'ttlxiliï¬â€˜t](ï¬tt,NU.111,1;1‘111013 ‘ Sti'eot. 03:1'1111'1 Srnol. LoiillonI its tltev nevor. under any circumstances. trawl eithpr at lionir or abroad. 111111 they ltvrobv caution the l’nhlm against any pomon u~in;rthoirn:1mo. and as a further precaution against ti'aud. the Pnblu- is1101111111111191110111â€)?{hairviiodlliini‘sure geâ€" nuine. tintin the Sllllitllllt‘tl I/‘IIC-rilfli/id of that. nigttatnre.isutttachcd to their ditl'eront wrap- G15 ERATIVE AND Museum: I’mvnn REGAI‘NED BY '1HE USE OF 1:1.1: 511131 Not-11» ' 1111 10111111111 CHEAP 1‘1... 11111.1; 111‘11‘1-1'11111y l‘ltii‘nliipâ€"U} 110v. 11.1 ESTABLISI: MENT. Urdch vt’o 1110 an 01 undermsnttoued dSH‘t‘lp- tion of PLAEN AND 15:“? 1273.3 €15.33 Will be promptly 1.11 ndetl to :â€" '1 . BOOKS, FANCY BILLS, v 1517513711155 CARDS, ClRCULAliS, LA \V F0 1? NS, 1311.1. HEADS BLANK CHECKS, DR A F'l‘S, PAMPULETS 1 LARGE AND SMALL POSTERS, Parry/’3 Cordial Balm (if Syrmcum Established nearly a century, and known throughout the world as the GliL‘A'l'ES'l‘ RIC~ GliNl’litATtHl; a never-failing remedy 1’01 {Jpei'n-atoi'rhtn, loss of manly power, produced 'byearly ludicretions. ’12- any other cause.â€" 1: enriches the principal vital fluids, enabling those who have (ititilllud themselves incurable 1 into to 1111111 the most sacred obligations ot marriod 11113. Price 11s. per bottle, or four quantities in 0110. 3.35., which 53105115.; and 111 £15 bottles, oil'octittg r1 saving ot'£l 1525. l‘EItRY’S CONCENTRATICD‘ DETER- SIVE ESSENCE, a routein for Syphilis in all its Sta; «.3150 for puril'ying the system from cutitutttitiaiiot.. recommended for secondary symptoms, 111011211115 011 the head and face. eu- Iitrgoutent 01' the throat. tonsils. and uvula; its llt‘lloï¬ttitll influence on the system is undeni- able. Prica 115. and 33s. per bottle, 21150131 saving: of He. ‘ (» PERRY’S PATENT CONCENTRATED ,' ESSENCE 01“ (JOI’AlllA AND CUI:.L"' SUGAR-COATED GLOBULES, the most spot-111' ’toniedy known. The Globnles, con- taining the Q I..tessettce of Copaiba, Cutiehs, Buchu. 1’11... at 1.1.1511 cure, \'-. ithout tho possibi- lity 01‘ failure, (lotion-1111213. obstinate Gleet,t 811112111113. 11111., intniedmtoly 5111111111111: all 111- flaiumatory notion; Encttsed in sugar. free from trtz-te or smell. 4»; (id. and 115. per box. 1111113111 Dni’rnm Upon Punt: 1’1.oon,â€"â€" 1’Elllt‘t‘"S l’UitlFYlNG t‘i’i‘lUllt‘lC PILLS. tin int'ttltitilo cure for all 111501159.» 01' the skin, such as Scurvy. Scrofula, Ulcers, 1loils.. l I 'Rflllloillliel'flllce 01MB. or Sacramon- , 1111 Meditations ’ " important Ques- tmns;’I "l‘he Great Cotnt'ortor;’ "l‘he Moining Sacrï¬ce :’ "l‘he 1.‘venit g Srinritico ;’ and ' \Vcrds of (.‘ontl .1. or SJlace inb’orrotv,’ cloth 1111111...†cts mend llilIJuiiu 1“, hit"? each R611 1"; Blotchus, Pimplos on the face and body, «Soc. Prim 11:. and 1139. per box 5011 at. Messrs. ti. & L. PERRY &. Co’s. Wholesale Depot, No. 19, Bei‘tters Street. 011-1 ford Street. London, Agents: lliiwttr 5L Co.. 75I Fnt‘t'lngdon Street, London. In... 26.11165 And every other kind of Letter-Pr. Printing. OUR ASSORTMENT OF 1:. I 1.. lliï¬â€œ it ‘51I ï¬ â€œ1111. ll“! “111.1 1 liIIIIIIII 15 entirely new and of the latest. patterns. large vaiiety of new Fe: Cards, &ci1,just roceivod. WP on n , i=1 1 I 1 I ..II. liking-La l1; imttantas PROMPTLY 1111111113 est WAsz & ' Colisâ€" FIRST PRIZE WANZER’S . Combination as; ï¬ingcr ruminimr snwrno Mommas. 11E ONLY PRIZE awarde for Fumilv Sewing Macltineshv the Judgus at the ll’l'tivillï¬lï¬i I‘I‘x'niilitien, held in London. E'an 12-1111. 25111.213111 11111127111,was 1511311 1.0111. M. ‘n'mizor 1% Co. ’ " i They also took the First, Prize for Family Sowing: Machines with R, \1, \Vanzer 81'. Co’s Combination. at the Provincial Fair held It I'i‘oronto, 80111.1.5‘2. 221, ‘34. 25111111211. 18112.nnd :vl'oo first prizes was awarded to their Singer {01‘ mnnttt'actory. ' I The Fitsl Extra Prize was aim given forges. 1 and 53 Singer's Manufacturing Machines. 01' a similar character weie also awarded ‘ . l‘ii'. s S; Co’s. Family Sewing Machine and ,. ‘VHDZE ’ '\\'ztnzci‘ 31. (70’s. {singer’s Mitclllres over all othurs, by the 131111111 01 Arts and Manufac- ‘ieurnI at the Merlin-trim institute, Toronto. They also took Flint Extra Prizes at. 1110 several (7011111) Agilitnltural Fairs-«at Hamil- ton, Paris, (11111, St, Thomas. 1501‘]ltlsVillOJVhH' by, (Iohourtz. llowinanville: it. tattIevor) til-ac. where they have boon oxhihilod. I 113’ \Vaitzer t“; (111’s (Totnbinntinn and \1‘1111zer&(‘.o,’s. Singer, excel any; Machinrs that ever vwrv inuntttnctnwo in the United Stratos- oi' Canada. 11. M. \VHH'IA‘I' &. (lo. 12FJXVBSIlCI‘PPdFF1 in unl- ting: the most valnnhlo proportion ot'tho Wheeler tV. \\'tl>-on and Singer Machines. and tomor- ing tittier points which \voie not desirable iii a First Clans domestic whole. by Hiding some new inventions (tor which they have st‘tzured a patent 111(lélllfl(11't)1lavflFllf'(‘Pelll‘11 iii producing 12 perk-Ct Sowing i‘ltlt'liitlf‘,\‘t'11181111011127 sinipiu iii itstiiiicipies Is emily understood, requiring Ions titan an ordinary amount 01511111 in its oporailiin. 11s ai'iuirato construction rvnilvrn it little 11111110 to grit out of rs‘ptzir, and it is easily’ adjusted. Tho public, on exaittiinition. wil be (5011\‘1111‘131101115 ndv: nlnges over all other: notth usu. Every t'uniily rhould have a \Vun- Mr K: (Lofls Combination ltiantily Machine. All Genuine \Vanzer A: (.‘o.’.< Sewing Mn- Chinosbear the 11111111110111. M, \Yuultvl' 1X U0., t 11511111111011.0‘. 31.1». tiling. I") PtKl‘JP» CROSBY, Agent. ‘Ricbtuond 11111. Junie B, ’65. 1.11‘ Good \l'ords, for July. Sunday lV’lngitzitio, for July, 'Chamhers’s Journal, For .1 nne ()rtlersrocolvod for all the Periodicals and Magazines at _ SCOT] 3 Richmond 11111. June 1813') Truth Stranger than Fiction. A STARTLlNG WORK! FEMALE LIFE Allithti T1115, 111111 A NARRATIVE 0' Many Years Personal Experience. BY MARIE ‘.V ARD 111113 81' £1. MBRMDN E11113}! 1 r112 ‘67 ‘lllA'l' one ltalt'oi' the wnr'rl "annotima- glue how tho other 11111111116.†is no lless true than line: and tho lesson the adage allordn. our expeiii-nco 1.1111 observation (111in 1111111.»; to ~voril'y '1‘111‘11. too. when \ve COHhidel‘ the over-varying phases of human passion. 1111111111: discordant 1511111111115 {min which all 1 novel and 1'mii1tiral sects are moulded. it cut M:ni'1'ol_\' boom “uprising that a faithful record 101‘ 111111111 event» should exceed in singularity the \\'11(11'n1(1|’ti.’1|11 of romance: or that CTIIIIC‘H. both strange ztnd unnatural. should be penic- y 11111111 in a far 1111' mutiny on the outrkirta of ‘civilizaiion. which people in another state of sot-1111} would 11L‘\'L‘|'1tllï¬ï¬‚111("105511119‘, Know- I‘iiig. as 1 do know, the evils and horrors and inlumiitiations 01 the )itlrlll-EIH 1~ tom. the de- lgmilniiou it Itnposes on lieutales. and 1110 con- .xrtpmut vices \\1I1(.'11 extend through all the raittiiimttions of the sucirty. a min ofdutv tn the world has induced me to prcpnro the fol. lowing narrative for the public nyo. The to- mantic ltir-idonts (without-~11 Willi my expeti‘ 0111'». many nxay think borderingr on the ninrn vrlous, To them 1 wouid 51113111111 thit- nan-av live 01 in) life only proves. what has so often been proer bonito that, “ TRUTH 15811111110111. THAN FICTION. â€"A-zlliors Fri/‘11“, '1‘1iobouk rotttains 4-151 pages. with ntigrav- lugs. is neatly bound in cloth. and will 11. sent to any address, pestrpuiu'. on rccuipt of price, $1.25. A Companion to Female Lifts. little Lite among the Mormons, 13v AUSTIN n. 11mm, This, like the nltove,'is a work 01' great and unusual interest. and will be eagerlv read as acotnpanlon volume to “ FEMALE LIFE.†It is a large 12"“). volume, neatly bound in rilottt,iilustz.,ted with engravlngs‘, and will b. sent to any address post-paid. on receipt of price, $1.1111â€"or on receipt of $2.011, we will sand both the above works, postage prepaid. BIEKENS’ LASE‘EREAT WORK 1 G R E19 7 X PE CTfl ’I‘IONS, BY CHAS. DICKENS’. Complete in one volume. 121110. cloth oxtrn lllSU‘flletl with steel engravings. Will 1). mt to any address postage paid on receipt e ptioe, $1.011. PHOTCGRAPIH ALBUMS, Now so indispensable to every fan‘ily. are be 1111: manufactured by us in every variety A style and ï¬nish. 1)(‘,St‘.l‘lpli\'0 Circulars wit prier will be turnished on application, am‘ any style 01' Album sent. by mail post-plid on receipt of price. Booksellers. News Agents. Book Agent! Canvassers, Peddlers. and others will do well to order a package or our Books and Albums. They will find them exceedingly popular, In terms liberal. 10111? 1.01111 & Traveling Agent: wanted everywhere for their sale. For single copies. or for terms in quantiï¬er, 1111 other iitl'ornmtion, apply to, or address, JNO. EDWIN POTTER. Publisher. No. 617 Samson 81., Philadelphln. PA, AMERICAN MONEY TAKEN 47:154.; c 1109. 181.15. “swing Machines. I , 1 x 1 111111 1111111111 1’