Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 6 Apr 1866, p. 3

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TWO Engagements have taken plaoe at Paras, Northern Mexico. In’it‘hgvfi‘rgt the Liberals were deflmedgfi but hhvfng; been reinforced, they attaék'ed; the ' French ’ under Baron DU BRIAR, who was killed, together with 100 of his man, General Douay was afterwards besieged in‘ Paras Church, but held out until reinforced. Fruit is incomparable better at' breakfast then at any other time, it'hoixth. so 31%}er Be‘én in Englad, \vherb, having the best fruit in the world. we studiously preserve it for the exact moment when its flavor spoils that of the wine. We have seen human being eat strawberries andcream withNgla- fitte. Alittle fresh fruit is' at, break ast a perfect digester; ' What is th‘gworst‘seal a. man can sit on ? ~8e1f-con-coit. In all Sexual Diseases} as Gonorrhea. Stric- tllre. (Heat. and in a” Urium-y and Kidney complaints. they act like a charm. Relief is experienced by mkva n sh.qu hux : and from {our to six boxes gvnerrllv “Tum a cure. ' Flour 19 ML... ..... Fall Wheat bushel Spring Wheat do Bariev . do l‘aaso do Oats v v do Potatoes do an ton Slrnwwdo ... ... Huhor'fllfi ... .... Eggsii'fidoz.......n Applesfibrl "...... Are warranted in all cases, for due SPEEDY and PERMANLNT CURE 0| Semial Weakness. Ureth- ml and Vaginal Discharges. Glam, Sexual De- bilily and diseases of the Biudder and Kidneys. Tlley arcs adapted for male or female, old or young. and M6 the only reliable known for the cu-o of all diseases arising from and do not interfere with busineSSPursuits, and N0 change :y' Diet is nccussury. BELL’S SPECIFIC PILLS ! PRIVATE CIRCUIARS to Gom‘mmou only. sent {me on receipt of direclcd envelope and stamp. If S‘nu new! the Pills, cut out (his advertise- ment for rol'ereure, and if you cmmot procure them of your druggist, do nut be iuqmsul on by any (Idler remulq, but enclose the money in a letter to Dr. J. HMHN. Consulting Physician, 44? Broadway, New Yor’k, Box. 5079, and they will be sent to you secure from ohsexvalhu, bv teturn mail. on receipt of the money. l_\'-‘.3.’ Sold in boxes contuining 60 pins, Priné One DoHnr, or six boxes, Five Dollars: also, in large boxe'z, containing {our of Lha small, Price Thma Dollars. The Greatest Medicine of the Age Bryan's Life Pills, Entxrely Vegetable, are admitted to be the Best Family Medici", for general use, Purifying the Blood and cleans ing the system from nil impurity. A sure antidote for sickness, and a refuge frnm Sounow. PAIN and DISEASE, Bryan}; Life Pills, reguiue’ thefiomach, Liver and Bllliary Se- cretions. which is the uhicl'cause of Nervous- uesn, Guddiness. I‘imness of Sight, Headache. Sick Stomach and mher kindred complniuls. Hundreds of Certificates can be Shown They have been used 1ij :housnnds with success SBryan’s Life Pills, are adapted for all ages and constitutions. 'l'hev are compole of the ncxive pl‘lllt'lples of “orbs anrl Roots,cu!lod from our fields and fnresls, They are mild but certain in their operationâ€"producing: neither cramps, wiping. pains or sickness. They may be taken by all ages, sexes or cnnéiliuns without fear. Bryan‘s Life Pills. Cure Handnche. Bryan‘s Lil}, Pills, ‘Cm'e Sick Stomach. Bryan's Life Pills. Cure Gidd‘uess. Bryan’s Life Pills, Purify the Blood. A Box of Bryan’s Life Pills will cost but TWENTY-“VB CENTS. and ‘will accomâ€" pligly all that is reprfsentod. ‘ ‘. They are oiogafitly pm up hv the proprietor. the inventor of Bryan‘s Pulmonic W'qu‘s. a modioine long and favorably known to the .Amprican Nnimu. If you wish Bryan‘s Life PHIR. and cannot gut {hem of your druggist. dam rake any other, but send Twenty-five ceMs in a hatter to the promiewr, and you wiH get them by return 0 mail. Addmsfl. Dr. J. BRYAN, 442 Broadway New York. Box 5079. )y-25 Dr Harvey’s Female Pills, The mosl infallible and popular remedy ever l known, for all dieeases of the female sex. They have been used in many thousand cases with unfailing successâ€"and may be relied on in every case for which ihey are recommended, and particularly in all'cases arising from Obstruction or Stoppage of Nature, no mailer from what cause it aris‘s. They are effectual in reswring to health all who are Iufi'ering from Weakness, and Do‘hlliiv, Uter- ine Discharges, Nervousness. &c., 610,, &c.. find they “ Aci like a charm.” in strengthen- ing this svslem. 'l‘housands of ladies who have sulfqu for years and tried various other i‘omodiesfiulvuiu. owe a'renr‘wal or their health and slrén‘gtl) wholly in the efficacy of Dr Harvey‘s Female Pills. They are psrfectly harmless on the system, may be taken at any time with perfect safety : lout durin g the curly aluch of I’Nguanny [hay should not be taken. or a miscarriage may be the result. They never cause any sickness. pain or distress, Ewh box contains 60 Pills, Prise one dollar. WThey be Used Withouf Eetection. Dr. Harvey’s Golden Pills. A remedy for special 08.56.“. four degrees Mrongor than the above; price Five Dollars per box. . n A ,.,, n,,,,_...- ., 1 1- .. n I A vanm CIRCULAR to Ladies with {'me anatomicle engravings. sent free on receipt of directed euvelupe and stamp. [E0111 this out if you desire Dr. Harvey's fills. and if you cannot procure them of your drugglsl, do not take any other, for some deal- ers Mm are unpriucipled will recommend other Female Fills, they can make a largar profil on _but enclose the money and send direct to Dr. J.'BRYAN. Consulting Physician, Box 50 9. 449 Broadway. New York, and you will receive them securely sealed from observation. by re- tro mail. 157-25 Important to Lfllfilfls. A gentleman who sufl'ered for years {mm Nervous and Genital Debility. Nightly Emis~l lions. and seminal} VVeaknesg, the result of youthful indiscretion, and came near ending his days in hopeless misery, will. for the sake of suffering man. send to any one a misled, lhe pimple means used by him, which efl’uctad a‘ gum in a few weeks, after the failure of nu- merous medicines. Send a directed envelope ‘ and fan «out: and it will cost you nothing. Agldress; EDGAR “Tawny,‘St'aticiiiwifi28m I! 39W 915% @123" v. 95 raw. G L A I) Purify the Bleed ERRORS OF YOUTH. TO RONTO M A R'K ms. Youthful Indiscretion, FOR Tm; uixromunnz. N E VV S 'l‘uromo, April 5, ....$515@s7 g 25 @ 1‘ (ocamooefioo 0â€"waguua'cn cue: v-wmvu List of Letters a l EMAININGIin the Riehmond Hill Post 1 Office, on lst April, 1865 : Brnnskill, Mrs. Copeland. W. Donor, Emanuel. Elliot, Sarah Jane. Elliot. Mary Ann. Granger, llenr} I Grain, George, (‘6; ilelmnlwy. .l. H :lemkuy. F. Johnson, K. Kershaw, W. Kursweli. James. Lyon; lhrna. Minnessey. Arthur. Nolan, Michanl. O’Brien, Miss M, A . O’Brien. sts Mary L. Owens, James (2) O'Brien, An-n', Patterson, Miss. Rumble, John, Rumble Thomas. Richardson. J. Rumble. Robert. Rn‘th. Thomas, S. Simpson, James. P35311175 3F EEWM. BIRTH, At Gi1f01‘d, County Simcoe, 'on Easter SUHday, 15L inst, the wife of Richard Flood 0f 3 da11:."hter. live, Reuben. Mier. Charles. Nlulholund. John. 1N returningthanks to his numerous frinnds and customers for their liberal supporl since he commenced hlhiness, begs to inform them that he has removed 10 Richmond H.” to (In: Store immediaxely opposite {Ears ison’s Snddivry Estabihhm’t, \nd formmly occupied byMr. Jenkins. whure, owing to increased accommodation, he he has greatly inert-med Ins Stock of Exclusively for Ladise, An invaluflllle treatise of 100 pagos. by Dr.J. Harvay, publisligd for the benefit of‘the sex. On receipt 91' Twenty cents, it will be Sent post pa:(!. in a sealed envelope to all who ap- ply for ix. Address. Dr. J Baum-442 Broad- was New York. Box 5079, ly-25 &c,. and will make it a point to keep a seloct stock of Goods for the Seasnn. He therefore respectfully Invites his old friends and the in- iehahitauls of the unighhorhnod to call and in- spect his Stock. feelmg confident he cunnnt he uniersold, n'or surpassgd by any house north of Toromo, Third Edition. Fifty Thousandnâ€"IGO pages, hv [15%|ch E. BELL, M. D. A caution, ad- dressed to youlh, [he married. and those Con- TEMPLATxNa MARRIAGE. Sent by mail past paid. on receipt of TWENTY Cums. A careful perusal of this small book has been a BOON To THE Ar‘x-‘x'llcnm. and has savpd thousands from a life of misery,‘ and an ’uutime‘y grave. lt treats on‘the"'evils of Youthful _lndiscmlinn, Self-Abuse, Seminal Weakness. Emissions, Sexual Dis‘earsesL Genital Dability. Loss of Power, Nérwixsuess, l’ermalure Discay. Im- potence. &c.. &c.. which unfit the sufl'ere tum! fulfilling the Obligations of Marriage. I"? oddress, DR. J. “RYAN. Consulting Physi- yo.‘ Box 5079, 442 Broadway. New York. ly.25 THEPRIVATE mmm ABVISEB .4: *1 a ‘mlw&®%% mm "Mum" ‘lm w “W W“ "mum: " ‘1' GROCERIES, H ARDWARE, HOUSE TO RENT .. Farm l’mduce liken Richmond Hill.AprE16. 186?; Selfâ€"cmflaixmr! house in the Village of 4 . V Richmond Hiil, consisting of twn and n l‘nlf‘dtnriet There are two acres of ground and a ymmg orchard attached. Also. a Ssah‘m. Good Cn”nr.~and Soft water Cider“. For further pariiculars, uppiy to . HESsnim' Departan of the Common School will re-op'en (l).V.) on Wednesday Next, the 4th Inst. Evory pupil must come provided with the following Banks and apparatus. viz. :â€" A 4th or fill) Nmionnlilleader. A School Dictionarv. Sullivan’s Spelling Book. Spperccded. Sangstcr’s Elementary Arithmelic. Hodgiu's (Large or Small) Geography. melarls Intellectual Arithmalic. Edwards or Pinuork’s English History. lmnnies. Englsll Grammar. Slate and Pencils. Copy Books with Head lines, Pens. 111k, and B ottilig-yaper.'nd um. March 3m, 1566. SCHGGE NG'I ICE JOHN WATERHOUSE, A Sfl'ap or Satchel for carrying Books to and from School. -Order of Lesson during We next quarter :â€" On Mondays, VVednesdnys. and Fridays, â€"Roadin;:. Spelling and D4-.fining"from the Nam)me Render; Spelling and Dipl‘atioufrom Speliing-book. Snpemeded ; Arillmmlic and \Vliiing. 0n Tuesdays, and Thursdays, Geography, Grammar, History. and National Arithmetic. From the abova, paranis may observe whal lessons their chidrmn h ve (n prepare each evening. and it is specially requested that they see that the Books are actually brought. home and the‘ lessuusszu I131 2mm flamertissmwta. VILLAGE OF THORL‘HILL, guiding * Lots, FOR SALE HGTEL STORE, NAMELYzâ€" Lot No. 1.â€"; Acre, suitable for building Lot No. 2â€"; do do but No. 3cm} do and Frame Cottage ‘ Lot No. 4â€"} do do ' Lot No. 5,â€"l do and Large Brick Hotel Lot No. 6â€"3 do suitable for Building Lot No. 7.â€"-~ do and large frame dwelling Lot No. 8.-â€"â€"§ do brick store and dwelling Lot No, 9,â€"§ do and two brick dwellings Lot No 10."~l; do and Frame Cottage LolNo 11,â€";} do do do . Ldl No 11â€"} do do do Lot No litâ€"3 do - ' do do LolNo 14,â€"], do do do ' Lot No 150â€"3; do do’ do All the abcve property will be sold on libel" al Terms. For further particulars apply on ‘the prexlilses to D. MCDOUG‘ALL. Thowhifl. March-W 1856: Ifcad Master. Richmond Hill, March 3012:. 1866. 43 DVVELLINGS, MANHOOD! A NUMBER OF IN THE Minnessey. Arthur. Nolan, Michanl. O’Brien, Miss M, A . O’Brien. sts Mary L Owens, James (2) O'Brien, An-n', Patterson, Miss. Rumble, John, Rumble Thomas. Richardson. J. Rumble. Robert. Rn‘th. Thomas, S. Simpson, James. Stephenson. Wm. Sheppard, Edward. Thompson, Samuel V M. TEE-FY. RM P. CROSBY. ugh... 42-4w 4341‘ in] AT J. HENDERSON’S Edited by NORMAN MACLEUD, D. D..â€"-0ne of 11er‘MajL-sty‘s Ccaplgflns. Read the “ HEMLD’S” Monthly Notices ofthese Periodicals Or an anlditinnal copy to anyone \le0 will furnish their local Bookseller with FIVE new Sulxscribnrs’ names. Club terms on application at A FRESH MET a? ENGLISH BOOKS THE SUNDAY MAGAZIN Messrs. btrn‘huu 8:. Lu., wul scnu Specimen Copies (ree, and oflvr one (5| the ele- gant Volumes of GIFTS & PRESENTS THOSE NEW PRETTY PRINTS! F you have not""seen those Pretty Prints just call at W. S. Pollock’s. Who has uver 4! Patterns in IonIes and Ashworth’s best Qualifies of first rate vaiue, Late GA REBEN fl 0E8; A§CQTTU§ fiicfimmzd Hill .' UBLIC NOTlCE is heroby given that the Richmond Hill County Grammar School is now free to pupi‘s who may he auxi - (ms to acquire a superior ed ucmion.-â€"Appiica- lion to be made to the Head Master. By order of the Board of 'l‘rusiees. Grammar School. 800d Words, Sunday Magazine BichmondHilL March 9, 1866. Supplied on the best and Kowest terms. a! SOOTT’E, ILL' parties indebted to the Subscriber eilher by Note or Book Account. are re- spectfuliy notified Ln-pa'y up the same imme- diately, and Lavoid .‘funher annoyance and trouble. V W; J.,”GALE. Oak Ridges. March 23. 1866. GOOD WORDS,” OR “THE SUNDAY MAGAZINE.” STRAHAN & CG’S. MAGAZINES; Richmond Hill, \Iarch 14th, Standard Periodicals. liiCI} MOND HILL, March 23rd, 1866 Montreal; 50 St. Peter astr'eet. 1868. Those favoring us with a call, will be fully convinced 'that no other house in the trade is in a position to offer such inducements to intending purchasers as those offered at Myers’ Boot and Shoe Store, Richmond‘Hill. DEAR READERâ€"l I take the opportunity of infori‘ning you of the arrival of mu: STOCK OF SPRING AND SUMMER BOOTS and SHOES. The Goods haveall been made with special reference to the WANTS of the Trade in Richmond Hill and'surrouuding country. ‘ N0 pains have been spared to make every “line” ofBOOTS and SHOES equal, in point of QUALITY to ORDERED work, and not sur- passed by any in fashion or style. Richmond Hill, March 30, 1866. (If? Prompt and cheerful satisfaction given for all failures in work. THE ARGOSY; A MAGAZINE FOR THE FIBED‘IDE AND THE JOURNEY. 12% CENTS A MONTH: $1 50 A YEAR EDITED BY THOMAS GUTHRIE, D. D“ Author of “ The Gosizél in Elekiel,” “ Speaking to Ihé Heart,” &c Wm. H: MYERS’ BOOT and SHOE RICHMOND HILL Trusting you will favor us with an early call, I remain yours respectfully, FOR MARCH AND OTHER NOTICE. “ Good wens are worth much and cost littl«-.”â€"HERERT. 15 CENTSA MONTH; $1 75 15 CENTS A MONTH; $1 75 A YEAR. RICHMOND HILL. HAS BEEN RECEIVED, AND WILL BE SOLD CHEAP Spring and Summer Circular. G. A. BARNARD’S M. TEEFY, ARRIVAL 0F SPRING 80008. RAKES&&, m m L Secr’g d? Treas. BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED PROFUS ELY ILLUSTRATED. SUITABLE FOR. ILLUSTRATED. 4l-Lf Vi. H. EE‘YERS. HAT House and Lot. No. 6. helonging to thei Canada Presbyterian Church. Rich- mon Hll. will bu land for a term of yams. ’l‘ne 'l'uum will be allowed a stipulated amount fur repairs from the remal. 06018 in wi-izing will be raceiyed by the trustees. GEO. P. DICKSON, Secr’y. Richmond Hill. March 9, 1866 40-4w Richmand Hill" Burying fironnd! LL " parties having ground enclosed or i marked olf as family burying grounds, are herebv notified that such enclosed or marked ground, not occupied with gravesâ€" cannot be secured unless the sum of two dollars for each unopened grave ne Jnrthwuh paid for. a limited number. saysix graves. 3’1 9 feet each, as the maxiomlml can only be secured by one family,‘ i" ‘ .1. PUBEIC NOTICE “’hen payment is made in accordance with the avae it wi!l be considered ‘pavment only for the first. opening of a grave and a re-open- ing of a grave will be subject to a new charge. such charge to be regulated by the congrega- tion at annual meetings. The trustees will not hold themxivas xe- sponsible after this notice, should burials take place on marked of? ground, unless the above regulations ore complied with. Richmond Hill, March.9. 1866. \VANTED, 'A FARRL \ 7’AN'I‘ED to Lease a Farm from ‘ghirty I to fihy acres cleared. with good dwell. ing and out houses. between Richmond Hill and N ewmarket Applyâ€"1f by letter (post paid) to Barrie, March 9, 1866.. A YEAR. GEO. P. DICKSON. C. G. MARTE. BARBIE P. 0. 40-4p Z-tf 43 Secretary. 4U-4w any of Graduate of Toronto University. Free to all pupils qualified under the Statute and regulations of the Council of Public 111- structiou for_ Upngr Cgiiada. In order that the classes may be properly arranged. intending pupils are requested to prcsént themselves at the commencameut of the Term. By oxdur of the Board of Trustees. AGENTS WANT-ED. $150 PER MONTH. A- M, LAFFERTY', Esq, B. A., HE Granite State Sewing Machine Co. wish to employ a few Good Agents. in every county to introduce their New Family Sewing Machine. A salary paid from $50 to $150 per month. or a large commission. This Machine sells for only $15, and is really woth 3556: it will accomplish every descrip- gi'wn of sewiimmpc RICHMOND HILL ' mum ,ERAMMAH swam-y V TILL be re-npened. after Easter ‘vabatioh, on 'WEDNESDAY. the 4th of April, by over coal (lama-{lie finest silks and muslins. Every Machine warranted and kept in repair for thr’ee' wears. Single Machines, wixh full primed dimmion snm exprass free on receipt 03 $15 in a registered letter. Those wishing agencies should sand for our privam circulars to Agents. Address or call on The Granite State Sewing Machine Company, R. T. BUSH &, C0., Canada Manufactur- ers. X4 King Street East. Toronto, (7. W. Heac Offices in in Grant BI‘MKih and Canada. London. England, Glasgow, Montreal and Toronto. I Toronto, March 23rd. 1856. The Lowest POSSIBLE RATES, For N ewmarket, Aurora. Markham and Richmond Hill. }'_IAV[NG b an appointed Agsnt for this .. Company, one of tha oldest and most reliable English Companies,l will be happy [0 aflbcl assuranco against Loss or damage by Firempon eveJy description of property, at Riihmond Hill. Alamh 14:11; WHEREAS there exists in the neighhoiâ€" hood very strong indications that 01L exists in paying quantities in several locali- ties, it is highly desirable that a Company should be establithed to test the matter, and obieili itif poss1ble. A70. 7 ,_ flsyal _Ea_o_ch_a_mg_e, _Corzlhill, and G. A. BARNARD, Agent I u encouroging, character exist in the greatest abundance on Mr. Klink’sffarm; I}; mTlés‘ east of Gamble’s toll-gate. It is proposed to sink a well there, as being the place most favorable for operations. [N051 Pall Mayll,1London. I Incorporated by ROYAL ‘ Chartcrgin 1820. };IAV[NG b an appointed Agsnt for this .. Company, one of the oldest and most RICHMOND HILL PETHQLEUM BIL COMPANY ! Since in the opinion of man well quali- fied tojuglge, {MGNS OE Q1 _.of a.mo_st The Land can be obtained for ten years, for or-e-tenth of the Oil. Ten acres have already been leased to secure the site. The probable cost of sinking the WP.“ will be about $2,000, abqut o'n'e-half of which will be required to pi'ocin'e material, and go on with the \vdrk. ‘ As the successful?prosecutiott'j76fiqie en- terprise will cout‘en untold advéififézges of wealth and prospela'ity on our‘i’rillagé and neighborhood, it is Roped that sufi‘ic'ien‘flfé‘upfi port and encouragement mayr begisférfgtfi justify its prosecution. \' ‘ ' " - Lundun Fire Assurance Company, ‘he capital- of the Company is 150 be $2,000, in 40 Shares of $50_leach"; two shares entitles any memberie beéb'imé a di- rector- ‘ ‘ ‘ L“: i‘ V»... .‘ , .. .- 71‘irstclpss Stabling and cariont attendance.â€" ‘Ferr'ns 156 grate. ' ‘ 'l‘oromo, Feb. 6, 1866. w .1455- ' 35 Richmond Hill, Nov. 30, 1865. TI 3 W'm . Atkinson’s Richmend Hill. March 16. ’66. The Commercial Hotel. H. LEMON, ‘BRQEEQE’ngR. 10R. tha Counties of Vrk, l‘ec'f tario. Residence 2 Lot 8, 61h 0 Markham. Post Officeâ€"Unionvillo. Sales attended on the shortest notice' and on reasonable terms. 35 GLO UCES‘TE R 110 USE, With immediate payment of n]! Losses. JOHN CARV'E‘éFI}; LICENSED AUCTIONEER, J os- Gaby, Proprietor. Good Stablng and an attentive hos always in attendance. Februalv 5. 1866. 36 At WM. 8' POLLOCK’S in good Blue and B“owu Denins : Lilac and Dark Prints' in choice pnterns: Striped Shining : Factory and bleached Cottons: Ginghams, &c.. of first-rate value, are being sold to make roon for a new aud large assortment of spring goods.â€" Late (LA. BARNARD. CHEAP'COTTON GOODS Richmond Hill Fed. 7, 1-866, , Sec. dc T was. Richmond Hi", March 30m, 1866. TIMOTHY," May be had cheap at PROS PECTUS FOR SALE. Nelson Street, Toronto CLOVER, AND ' ‘FLAX SEEDS, (Late ’l‘homas Cantos.) YONGE STREET, OF THE M. TEEFY, Vrk, l‘ec'f and On- ligt 8, 6th concession J. of 50 news, on Yonge St'efl, éhout half- Way between Richmond Hill and ’l‘hbrnhill ; or he will sell 46 :1ch with the Farm House angfgrfii’puildings. March 16th, 1866. THE Parlnershin hereiofore existing between the undersigned as Tanners and Carriers, is this dav dissolwd by mutual consent. All debts to be paid to J ncob Lawrence. ' JACOB LAWRENCE. ALW. L. WIhKINSQN. YON GE STREET. micmâ€"Fhr'me 46 acres, _ {vigh Farm House and build‘ngs. SOS-dollars an new. Possession can be had on last April. [866. 'N. B.â€"A BAY MARE, 6- years old for Sale. (on time if required.) HE Advbrlise- Aofi'ers For Sab his Eerm, of 50 news, on Yonge St-efl, éhout half- TERMS zâ€"A usinall payment down, and n 1:112:91“! Iq‘pay ghe balance if reqqlfed; DISSOLUTIDN of PABINEHSHIPIfiEEr J52 -' 14 lies of York and Pooh Colipctor of Notes. Accounts. &c. Small charges and plenty to do, Henry SmelsTé'r. T MENSED AUC’I‘IONEER. for the coun- W. D. Stark, Thornhill. Eglington . Feb. 95.!866' SPRING OF 1866 HE Subscriber bags to inform the Public that he has leased the above Hotel. where he willkee'p constantly on hand a good supply of first-class Liquors. &c. As this house possesses every accommodation Tru- vel ers can desire. those who wish tostay where they can find every comfoquro respectfully in- vited to give him a. call. ‘ AMEinto the premises of, the Suhgcriher, . LoLNJ. 32, 2nd Con. Vmgllan..nbom the middle ‘of Octobefilagfi, SMALL FARM! riety of Richmond Hill. Dec. 1865. TO LOAN on the security of , Farm l'roparly, in Yonk and Feel. No Commimion charged. Apply per- soualiy, or if by leuer pre paid, to BOYD & STAYNER, Barrioters, die: STRAY STEER. A Black &' W‘hi‘fé‘Mully Steer He looks like a 3-year-old“; The owner can. have the same by proving prgperlfixfnndypayiug‘ expenses; . H _' V, V ROBT; ROBINSON. Vaughan, Dec. 1.1865 26-4 GARDEN AND FIUWEB SEEDS, which he will dispose of at very roduced prices for Cash. Catal-ignes on application. Thomhill. March 1865, 39-4w Vainghan, Dec. 1.1865 DENTISH‘RY. NEAR CHURCH S’I‘REET, IS prepared to Whig upon any who need his professional’servicqg‘r i; order to preserve their teeth, oryéfig'e e 'etii and supply new tegqh’inzt'hg most , r'Q ed, :0. Alsoto regu- lawmmmwse tho; ed."- February 19. 1866. ,AireTighi and Frost-Proof Bum! W w. c. Réafiéfioi D. 3-, HONEY ! RIONEY ! : 1" S" les,Cow-house. Orchard. Wells of Hard and‘ of\ Water. and other conveniences, elimited en lo! 48. Is: Con. Vanghau.-â€"-Mill street, Richmond Hill, filigree Acres of Land. good Barn. HIES'EIJéEg-Zéb Lof FOR SALE "flu fliarfi‘OR T0 RENT. A): 5 JOHN DE LA HAY. Rich'a Hm. Jan. 25. 1866. 34-3m Mn. WM. C. MACEY. ‘ ' 3.. Simâ€"Your Air-light Door seems likely to me twith liberal favor from the public. -- -‘ ‘Je require spinathing of the kind 19 fender omiside doors proof against air and .froslâ€"‘Ethis invention “MI doubtless meet the ‘casey-and will be found both cheap and efficient: It commends itself to the judgement oft hose who investigate. the mattengfigshb 'n’g calcuiéted to save fuel,§11dto render nfa’rfi yiesidenc'e more healtliv aad ath-acliva. n _J_.~A..J .L_ _._: Having adopted the principle in: my resi- denne. you have thereby the test evidence. that I consiner your patent worthy the attention of the public. ~ Simâ€"Having tried your "Patent Air-tight and Frost-("v 9f Door,” 1 have reason to believe that it is an excellent conlrivance, and calcula- ted to contribute much to the comfort of tho-e who adopt it. I am of opinion that much less wood will be required to heat a house in the winter season if your patent is applied to the outside doors of a residence. Mn. WM. MAcm'. SIRâ€"I have examined your model of newly invented door, and consider it superior to anv thing I have seen for stopping draughts and frost, and think it will greatly save fuel, save health and prevent damage from frost. It is likewise cheap. Yours, &c.. MR. WM. MACEY. DOLMAGE’S HOTEL, Laskay. March 2nd 1865, Apply on the premises to 95 King Stfeet East, Toronto, JAMES LANGSTAFF, u. D. manna Him July, mag , .53 EGS to intimate lo the Public in Markham a‘ud Vaughan, that he has on hand a va- PATENTED. JUNE 16, 1865. 3 Run-1mm) HILL. July 20th,1865. LATE VAN NOSTRAND’S, MACEY’S FOR SALE ON Yours truly AMOS'WRIGHT, M.P.P. RICHMOND HILL, July 15!. 1865. G. J F. PEARCE. Lot 39, lst Con. Vaughan. Rlcnmosn HILL. July 4. 1865. 'Y‘Eeifi’hollfled it. ~ I e. and alt work warranted. M. 'I‘EEFY, Postmaster, Toronto. 3943i 21~y 37-3 .53». ' Richmond HiHhJuneleGSr LAKE HURON FISH; HERRINGé; -LL Persona indebted to the undersigned. either bv Note or Book account. are m- quasted 40 cal! aad some the same as soon as possible. Richmond Hill. Den. 7. 1865. Also, fine Table Codfish and North Shore Her- riugu,'ju§t received. of excellent quality. and at moderate prices. Wm. S. Poilock’s, late ; - G. A. BARNARD’S: Richmond Hm. Feb, 29, 1866, 33 t may be interrestinfi to those that owe me. to know that all debts due me, if not paid by the first of March, next, will be advertised in tho YORK HERALD as I can’t be at the trou- bie and expense of running after ihemâ€"uojoke. you’d better believe it i HOMAS COGHLAN begs to inform the inhabitants of Richmond Hill and sur- rounding coumry. that he has leased. ‘or a number of years. the Cabinet Shop and Store from Mr. Webber. where he will manufacture and keep‘on hand a good assortment of RICHMOND HILL. Fob. lot. 1866. Bedsteads, Bureaus, Cupboards. Drensing Stands, &c . which he offers at extremely low prices. Also a large assortment of Room Paper, Bordering. White Lead, Paints and ‘ olor. Raw and Boiled Linseed Uil. Machine Oil. Rock Oil, Varnish. Turpentine, Benzene. Glass. Putty, Glue, 510., &c Parties Furnish- ing. l’apering, or Painting their houses. will do well to call before purchasing elsewhere. Where he will keep on hand Flour, Shorts, Bran, Oats. Pause, Oatmeal. Cornmeal. Buck~ wheat, Bacon. Hams. Cheese, Fish. and ’z‘vene‘ ralGroceries of the Best Quaiity, for ‘salo. at Pricga that cannot be surpassed. Household Furniture, Chalra. Tables, J. M. PATTERSON. J. LANGSTAFF. I ESl’ECTFULLY announces that he has changed his time of visitingthe following places, and after this date will be (Sundays excepted) in n. m ... Richmond Hill, Jan. 12, 1866. PAT‘fERsoN at: LANGS'I‘AFF‘ Licensed Auctioneers, YORK, PEEL 8L ONTARIO. DRyN g5“ Stoufl'ville .. .... . . ’lélh of each an'll. Brougham .......... ..19th “ " Malkham Village.._...l....20lh “ " Brown’s Corners. . . . .~ . . . 211% " " Thomhill......... .23Id ‘9» “ Richmond Hill. . . . .24th “_ “ Maple . . . . . . . ............26Lh ". “ Burwick.... ......‘......28Lh " " Kleinburg...............29th ” " Nobleton................3ilth " r‘ Luskey.. ...; .315! " ;‘ Aurora.. ..nn.-o-- list “, " Sutton..... ........... 3rd " Where he will gland to any busix‘l‘e's's mining ‘0 ally'firanch of his profession. FLOUR, FEED, Provision agd Grocery Start, February 16. 1866. SURchN DENTIST- DBAGUN’S‘ FAMILY mm!an Aurora, June 7, 1865. The safest and best Medicines in u’éékin Canada. “ Act gently yet ofi‘ectua‘ih’; may be taken dur: Mg any emplaymont, at any time. and even by the most delicate female. .DEACON'S STOMACHIC VEGITABLE ASjbeen appointed agent, for the Comi‘ty 01' York, for the above valuahle Medi- cines. which haw been before the Canadian pubiicfor thepasl seven years. and have given universal satisfactionâ€"he can therefore. with confidence.- recommend (hundreds of Testimo- nials couid be glven if required, shewing the benefit derived therefrom.) their use for their several virtues. ! BITTERS, ' " ”" As a general Tonic, or Strengthening Medi' Cine to brace and invigorate the frame. “0119 can be better. ' G. BARNARD DE'AC'U'N'S FAMILY VEGITABLE PILLS A soothing and astringent applicanon ; and, as far as an application can be of any service, more sonthing and much more astringent. than any hitherto prepared. The maj'ority of cases find speedy relief by its use. DEACON’S WORKING MAN’S FRIEND OR HEAL ALL. An excellent remedy for Rheumatiem, Erysl- pelas, Strains. Bruises. Cuts, Chilbluins. Sore Throat. and violent l’ains Ill Back or Side, the ofi'ects of the Heal All in the above cases are astonishing, frequently removing all pain in a. few hours. DEACON’S VEGITABLE COUGH PILLS One or two Doses generally remove the cold. DEACON’S Mixture for Cholera, Diarrhoea, and Summer Covnpluints,equa| to if not bet- ter than any other medicine mads. For Cuta, Cracked Heels, and all kinds of sores on Horses and Cattle. DEACON’S Eruptive Ointment for I“- kind of skin diseases. ‘ DEACON‘S unrivalled .Cough B1lsam, for Coughs, Cold.» Consumption. Asthma. &c. DEACON’S Antibillious l’iHs. None bet- terin use. ‘ BIBLE SOCIETY DEPOSITORY, SCOTT’S BOOK STORE; RICHMOND Hun, August 10 1865. He would also call attention to his é‘tiék i'ISEETEEEé: DEACON’S PI LE OINTMENT. .3 vun "can. HI.........u.. )nd IIHL 0-.- k............ ‘ a 5 € 4 i ( :rg............... ’n-u.............. 1.6 o a... .onn.-o.. SALMON TROUT and ' WHITE FISH, RICHMOND HILL DEACON’S LINIMENT. FOR THE COUNTIES OF Bloomington. GEO. SIMPSON P. CROSBY. 27 Thornhi", 31-6m. 36-31! J-tf. 37-1

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