Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 13 Apr 1866, p. 3

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In Idnpted for all ages and constitutions. They Ire composed of the active prinoiples of Herbs and Roots,cnlled from our fields and «m» éfiWThoy nurmild‘hm'coi‘laih'iai their operationâ€"producing neither cramps, glipimr. plinn or sickuass. They may be taken by all Igos, sexes or cnndilious without (var. Brya‘n‘xrlafc Pills. Cure Headache. Bryan‘s Léfa Pills, Cure S‘ck Stomach. Bryan's Life Pills. Cure Ciddness. Dryan’s Life Pills, Purify the Blood. A But of Bryan's Ufa Pills' \\ I'll enst but TWENTY¢FIVI€ CENTS. ami wi‘l accom- plish nll that rnprrsonlm'. 'P')’ '6? i1; Addl'eas. UÂ¥.ji§;Â¥:fl,ua4é'1310;}: was Newjofl; you; 5079, 1!.25 Exclusively for Ladise, I An invahmible treatise of100 pages, by Dr.J. .Harvey, published for the benefit of the sex. On racgipt of Twenty cenlé, it will he sent , post. paid. in a spaled envelope to all who up ._I |\ . H. __ ‘ .. l_‘ :. A JJ - n no matler from what Cause it aris°s. They are effectual in rvsmring to health all who are Ilufi't-ring from Wrakuess, and Debiliu', Um- ine Discharges, Nervousness. &c., &c., 6&0, Ind'lhey “ Ac( like a charm.” in stranglhelh ing tho svstem. ’l‘housands of lndhs who have suffered for years and uin various other remedies in vain. owe a ronpwal 0" their health Ind strength whoily 10 the efficacy of The Inml im'aflihle and pnpular remedy ever knownY fnr all diseasoe of Ihe female sex. The-y have been used in many thousand cases with unfailing successâ€"and may be relied on in evory case for which ‘hey are recommended, and particularly in all cases mixing {mm Dr Harvey’s Dr. Harvey's Female Pills. They are perfecny nlnrmless on lhe system. may be taken 3' my time with perfect suloty: but during #24; mrly stages If Pngnmscy 1/1011 should not 05 L'wlzun. or a miscarriage may In: 1/“ result., They never cause any sickness. pain or distress. Each box contains (30 Pills, Price one dollar. A-romody for special cases. fum- degrees pix-anger lhnu [he above; [JX‘ICB l'ive Dollars Per lmx. Obstruction or Stoppage of Nature, A Fun/Arm CIRCULAR to Ladies with fine Inalomicnl engravings. sent free on receipt 0! din-cred rnvelope and stamp. [ETCul this out if you desire Dr. Harvey‘s Pills. and if you éalmot procure them of your druggist. dn no? make any other. for some deal- ers‘ who? are nnprinclpled will recommend other Female Pills, they can make a lag‘gm‘ profit 0') â€"â€"but encloselhe money and send direct to Dr. J. BRYAN, Consulting l’hysluan, Box 50 9, 44‘) Broadway, New Yvrk, and you will receive them securel) sealed 1mm ob;ezvallon. by re- nre mail. 13‘ 25 THEPRIVATE MEBIflAL ABVISEE 'I'Imy uro PIGE‘HII)’ put up [W the prm; ' thr- inveutor uf Brl/rm's Pub/tunic IV ,H, :1 medicine Inn}: 'ana favorably known to the American Nnucn. If you wish BTU’HI’S Lira l’il's, and cmmm in them of “MY druygist. dent lake any other. on send 'l‘weuty-fiw cenls in a [finer to me- proprietor, and ynn will an them by return 0 mail. Address. Dr. J. Bun“. 442 Broadway New York. Box 5079. ly-‘25 A gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous and Genital Dehility, Nightly Emin- sinus. and seminal Weakness, the regult of youthful indiscretion, and came noarending his days in hopeless misery, will. for the sake bf suffering man. send to anyone a misled, the simple means need by him, which efi’ected a cure in a flaw weeks. after the failure of unâ€" mefoué medicines. Send a directed envelope undeten cents and it will cost you nothing. Addrusn. EDGAR 'I'REMAIN, Station L. 128th New Yotk city. 1y-2Ji ugu‘llte lho Stomach. Liver and Billiarv Sn- crolinna. which is me chiel'cause of Vurvom- no», Giddiness. Himness of Sight, Headache, Sick Stomach and other kindred complaints ' Inlay-6d- of Certificates can be Shown They have been used by thousands wiLh success Bryan's Life Pills, Entlrely Vegetable, um ndmitled to he xha Best Family thr'nin for general use, Purifying the “icon and ulcunb ing the system from all impurity, >1f3‘ouneed1he Pills, cut out [his advertiseâ€" mom (or ml'eronue, and if 3011 annual pmcum ‘hem of your drug'glal, do uni Ilc [ml/“sod an 111/ any other remedy, but enclose) the monk; in :1 [char to Dr. J, Buvm. Cnnsuhing l’hysiciun. 44') Broadway, New \"oxk, Bux. BUT.“ and lhey will be sent to you secure from ol»:mvw:i'~n, bx return mail. on receipt of the uwne} . I} ‘7' ~O The Greatest Medicine of the Age A lure nmidote for si'tklwss, and a rel-lng- frnm SORROW. PAIN auJ DISEASE, van‘n: CIRCUIAHS to Gentlemen only. mu. free oureceiplof directed envelope and TIP. Youthful Indii-zcretiOD, In I" Sexual Diseaaes. as Gonorlhea, Stric- lmo. Gluel. and in all Ummry and Kidney cumplaimalhoy act like a Pharm. Relief is .XDIriOIlOFd by taking a single box ; and from four to six boxes generalh‘ ell'ecl a cure. Sold in buxes {humming fix) pills, I’rive One Dollnr, or six bnxes, Five UuHars; also, in Inga boxmmomuining {our of {be small, Price 'I‘hre- “nuns. . , v. . .. V . "H" “Human. 5. _ .. , . They no adapted for male or l'amale, old or young. and are the only reliable known [or the this of all disouses arising {mm An warranted in all cases, for the SPEEDY and Punnur.“ Cmuc oi Semial 'vVeakuebs, UreLh- nl Ind Vaginal Diechargns. Gleet, Sexual De- HNLV and diseases of the B'nddur and Kidnovs. Ind do not interfere with buSillt‘SS pursuits, and No dmuga ry“ Diet is necrssary. Flour ‘9 bl’ht‘. us- In Full When! btmthL Sprhig Whom do .t Bumv do .L hm flu u 03“ 66 is famous: do .. Hay w [on .u. .u. n. Smw do . . . . . Button-19 lb Egg: do: Apploavbrl BELL’S SPECIFIC PILLS ! lmpress the smallpoplxlation with the ad-‘ Vantages that would accrue to them wcre 1 their island tranfarmed into a German for tress, with a splendid harbor. Important to Lflflllg‘s. Conunrml‘kifl ANNEXAION or“ Humo- LAXD nY GERMANs.â€"The Germanw me cus- ting I longing eye on Heligoland, which, :hey my, originally belonged to Slesvig- ‘Holateiu. Some attempt is being made to Ill-y be Used Wi‘hout Dutection, ERRORS OF YOUTH. Purify the Blood. Bryan’s Life Pills, Dr. Harvey’s Golden Pills. Bryan’s Life Pills, 'GR THE UNFUR'I'UNATE |\ol|l |\---I-- Female Pills, Toronto, April 12, 40 (H &u,. and will make it a puinl to keep a se‘ecl stock of Gnods for the Seam", He therefore respectfuliy Invites his old "rinnds and [he in- iehulmnnis of [he [H‘ighborhnnd to Cull and in- spect his Stock. {Ln-hug confident he cnnmn he undersnld, nor surpasscd by any house north of Toronto. Farm Produce taken in exchange. "V’fl‘wmond Hi“. Aprii 6. 1866. 43-“ SCHOQL NOTICE Wednesday Next, the 4th Inst Every pupil mustcnme provided with the following leoks and apparatus, viz. :â€" A 4”: or 5th National Reader. A School Dictionarv. Squvnn’s Spoiling Bonk. Superwded, Sungslor’s Elemenlarv Arithmetic. Hudgin's (Large ur S nan) Geography. Stoddarts Intellectual Arithmetic. Edwards or Pinnur-k’s English History. meies, Englsh Grammar. Slate and I’omzils. (‘upy Bucks wigh Head Since. Fens. Ink, and B citing-paper. A Strap or Satchel for carrying Books to and from Schoo‘. Order of I.e<scn during the next quarter :â€" On Mondays, VVednesdnys. and Fridayfl, â€"Roading. Spelling and I)! fining from the Naxional Render; Spelling and Dictation from Spelling-book, Superceded : Arithmetic and Wriiiug. 0n Tuesdays, and Thursdays, Geography, Grammar, History. and National Arithmetic. From the above, tmronts may observe what lessons their chidren h v0 to prepare each evening. and it is specially requesle that thev see that the Books are actually brought. bomb and the lessonss..t h \l 1N rMurniug thanks to his numerous frilxnds and custmner: fur their liberal support since he commenced hminess, beg»: to in'm'm lhom that Ile' has rnmnwd to Richmond IL” [0 the S are imx "‘dlnmly opposite And (‘m'meIIy occupied hyMI'. Jen kins. \rhure. owing to inorsneod :culm'modnliun, he hi: has month in small his Slrck of Supplied on the best and lowest terms. at Selfâ€"contained house in the Village of Richmond Hill, consisting of two and a l‘alfSturies. There are two acres of ground and a voting orchard atxaclwd. .Also. a Ssahle. Good CellarV and Soft water Ciatern. For further particulars. apply to “Myra m» j] ‘ "I Mu.- L.H.n~ w vuML‘H «nun mm mm - v I 7 om :e. on [at April. 1305 Brunskill, Mrs. M‘nnr’s’ (Iupeland. W. Nolan. Uuucr. Emnmw‘. O‘Brien I‘lllinl, Sarah Jane. O’Brien Ef'linl, Mary Ann. OWeus. Granger, Henry! O’Brien (ham, George, (36, Punt-Isa Helemkay. J. Rumhlo Helemkrw. F. anwe Johnson, H, Richard: Ker.~huw, \«V. Humble Kory‘di. James. ‘ Rn th. '] Lyon. Barna. - Simpson Lee, Renhen. Smphun: Mior. Charles. S'mppmw Mulhuland. John. ’E‘hmnpw RENEE F- RWW. Him ism!» S «Mi ‘4 y Embli- hm’t, Good Words, Sunday Magazine B A 1% D W A R HOUSE TO RENT April :2, 1866‘ Richmond Hill, March 30th, 1866. 7 HR SHOP adjnhflng the “ Harald " Ulflce wiI he lot {or a long or Shuxl term or years. Thom in' a good opmqng for a Watchmaker or Tinsmith. Apply at Ihia Office, ‘ At Ridm-md Hill, on Thursday morning the 113th inst, Mr. John Lin- J'oot â€"aged 53. The funeral will take place on Sab- bath the 15th inst“, {at 10 o’clock7 gun. Friends and acquaintancas are invited to attend Without further notice. Richmond Hill, April WALKER.â€"On the 7th inst, at Galesburg, South “Illinois, Mary Ann, Daughter of Henry Walker, Machinist, late of Toronto, C. \V. REE? EHfiHES % I fififi EH gram WATERHOUSE, ‘ T )ird Erhtion, Fifty Thousandâ€"100 pages. hyRomcR'r E. BELL. M. I). A cumion. ad- dressed to youlh, the married. and those CON- TEMPLATING MARRIAGE. Sent by mail post paid, on receipt of’l‘WHNTY Cums. A careful perusalof this small book has‘ been n BOON 'I‘O Hm Arfl'r‘mfun. and Ii'aé sav‘zé'd lhollsands from a life of misery, and an umime‘y grave. h treats on the evils of Youthful lndiscretiun, Self-Abuse, Seminal W'eakuvss, Emiwsions, SeXuaI Diseases, Gvnital Dehilily. Loss of I’U'wer, Nervousness, l’erumtum Decay. 1m- putence. &c‘. &c‘. which unfit the suffers “um fulfilling the Obligalibhs 01' Marriage. I'V address, DR, J. BRYAN. CunsulLiug Physi- lzy, Box 5079, 442 BroadWay, New York. .List of Letters W, FMALVING 'in the Rivhumm Standard PeriOdicals. Richmond Hill, March 3Ut'n, 1866, ‘rv‘-vvvv Elfin aUfi-éittim'uwntg E Sen‘ ior Department of the CommOH School will re-open (D.V.) on Strawberry Plains A pply t3 FOR SA 1.413. MANHOOD! TORONTO M A l’» K HTS. FOR MARCH AND OTHER WILLIAM HODGE lhpufioxu Hun. G. H. PORTER. Ilead JIasle'r. DIED the Rivhumnd “in Post M. TEEFY, I’.M P. CROSBY. liichmondl Hill. 4") 3w l\' ‘25 THOSE NEW PRETTY PRINTSTIRTChmnnd Hill Burying Grnnnd! F you have not seen those Frau)" Prints just call at W. S. l’olluék’s. Who has oer 4) Pattern: in Hoy'es‘ and Ashworth’s best Qualities of first rate value. Late « Or an anlditinnal copy to any new Suhscrizvers" n‘mws. C VILLAGE OF TIIORNHILL, R Messm. Strnhun & (30., gant Vulumes of A. FREfiH LOT OF ENGLISH BOOKS “GOOD WORDS,” OR Building Lets, FOR SALE Lox Nu. 8,â€"5 'do brle store and dwelling Lot No. 9.â€" do and two brxck dwallmgs Lot No 10.» do and Frame Collage N-‘W Lnl No 11,â€";1, do do do Ldl No )2.â€"% do do do Lot-No iiiâ€"g do do do Lot No [11,â€"]; do do do Lot No l5.â€";‘; do do do All the abcve property win be sold on liberâ€" al Towns. For further pal‘iiculurs apply on the premises to GIFTS S; PBESEN TS H01?ng STORE, SE’QTT’fi3 ThornhiH. March 19. 1866. Lot No. 5, Lot No. G.‘ Lot No. 7 Lox No. 8‘ Lot No. 9‘ Lot No ‘0. Lo! N0 1], Lleo )2. Lot No i3. Lo! No Mr, Lot No l5. LL parties indebled to the Subscriber either by Note or Book Acvnunt. are re. spectfuliy nmifivd Ln pay up the same imme- diately, and invoid fur'her annoyance and trouble. W. J. GALE. Oak Ridges. March 23. 1806. TH E SUNDAY MAGAZINE. Edited by NORMAN A\lACLEL)D, All the above, and many Goods not mvntbned, of every style and qualily, WC Offer and a'wny- Svl! It low and Uniform pricPs. A can is n-npvclfully requested, as we are sure it will pay those who may want any of me articles. "W. H. MYERS. / MADE OF THE BEST MATERIAL. v m I WMWW ‘ ‘1; ‘ u. u 1| l ,‘ . u, _ p, I. 2‘ ‘1 ‘ u a ‘ H u“ ' ‘an “mum Mm Wm: " Wu WM” h‘wmm " “ “‘u ‘ 1L 1“ Sflflfiflflg (gfl WQHFPS. ALL’ COLL ARS WARRANTED SAFE SINGLE & DOUBLI‘JHHAARNESS, AT J. HENDERSON’S CHEAP AT THE RICHMOND HIEE PREMIUM HARNESS ESTABLISHMENT! Saddles & Harness \Vbere you will find everyxhing in th» line. W'e always keep a good Slock on hand, censisting of W 1% TE‘EE TEME DWELLING-S, G. A. BARNARD’S Richms‘mF Hill, March 14th, - 4l-lf GGQD STRAAHN & CD’S“ MAGAZINEE fiiantroal THE ARGOSY, A MAGéZlNE FOR THE FiliEa‘IDE AND THE JOU R. RiCHMOND HILL, March 23ml, 1866. B.â€"â€"Patterson’s Shares and Land-sides on hand. Cash for Richmond Hill, March 30,1860. aims, Oils and Colors, Author of" The G NOTICE. 15 CENTS A MONTH; $1 75 A YEAR. Turpentine, Benzine and Varnish, PLOUGH LINES, POINTS. Sac. &c. 15vCENTS A MONTH; 75 A’ YEAR NAMELY :â€" A NUMBER 01“ HAS BEEN RECEIVED, AND WILL BE SOLD CHEAP IN THE D. MCDOUGALL. [EDITED BY THOMAS GUTHRIE, D. D Eusiuel in Ezekiel,” “ wxl one who will furnish [heir local Bookseller with FIVE Iub ‘wrms on application at BEA UTIFUIJJ’ ILLUSTRATED PROFUSELY XLLUS'rnATEfi.‘ send Specimen Copies free SL ITAFLE FOR TO BUY YOUR 4.2-4w ILLUSTRATED. “THE SUNDAY MAGAZINE.” 42-3 LL ” parties having grou’n‘d’ enclosed or f marked off as family bnr_\ing grounds, are herehv notified that such enclosed or mawked ground. not occupied with grnvos~ cannot be secured unless the sum of two dolhrs fur each unopened grave no forthwuh paid for. a limitsd number. saysix graves. 3 N 9 feet each. as tho maxiomum can only be socured by one family, When parnwnt is made in accordance with the ab.>ve it will be considered pavment only for the first opening ol'a grave and a ro-open- ing of a grave will be subject to a new charge. such change to be regulated by the congrega- tion at annual meetings. The trustees will imt hold themiivns le- sponsible ai‘zer this notice, should burials lake place on marked 0‘? ground, unleas the above regulations are complied with. Richmond Hill, March 9. 1866‘ PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the Richmond Hill County Grammar School is now free to pupils who may be anxi » (ms to acquire a s‘niperior ad ucmiouâ€"Applina- xion to be made to the Head Master. By order of the Board of Trustees. WANTED, A FA BN1 PUBLIC NOTICE Grammar School. V 7A‘N'I'ED to Lease a Farm from lhirtv ’ to fifty acres cleared. with good dwell. ing and out houses. helwoen RichmondHiH. March 9, 1865 Richmond Hill and Newmarket Applyâ€"1f by letter (post paid) to C. G. MARTEN. L Barrie, Marci 9, 1886. FREE! peakmg to the Heart,” &c. me of Her A’lajusly’s Ceaplulms RICHMOND HILL eter fitreet. GEO. P. DICKSON. , and offer one of the ele- M. TEEFY, Secr’y (2 Treats. 9,. 1866 40- Hides and Skins. Bum: P. O. Secretary. 4U-4w 42-tf As the successful prosecution of the en- terprise will confer untold advantages of wealth and prosperity on our village and: neighborhood, it is hoped that sufficient sup: port and encouragement may be given to justify its prosecution. Richmond Hill, Nov. 30, 1865. The Commercial Hotel. First class Stabling and careful attendance.â€" ‘I‘erms model-me. W m . Atkinson’s Richmond Hill. March 16. ’66. TIMOTHY, The capital of the Comwzmy is to be $2,000, in 40 shares of $50 each; two shares entitleé‘auy member to beeOme a di- rector. JOHN CARTIER, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, OR the Counties of York, Peel and On- tario. Residence 1 Lot 5, 61h concession Markham. Post Officeâ€"Unionville. Sales attended on the shortest notice“ and on reasonable terms. 35 GLO UCES TE It I10 USE, YONGE STREET; Jos- Gaby, Proprietor. Good Stxbling and an attentive hos always in attendance. Februalv 5. 1866'. 36 - The Land can be obtained for ten years, for one~tenth of the Oil. Ten acres have already been leased to secure the site. The probable cost of sinking the well will be about $2,000, about one-half of which will be required to procure material, and go on with the work. (WM. 8' POLLOCK’S in good Blue and Hmwn Denim : Li|lc and Dark Prim: in choice paterns ; Striped Shining : Factory and bleached Cations; Ginghamn. 610.. of firstvrate value, are being sold to make root] for a new and large assortment of spring goods.â€" Late _ a. A. mama» Richmond Hill fed. 1. mm Since. in the opinion of man well quali~ fled to judge, SIGNS OF 0l of a moat encouraging character exist in the greatest abundance on Mr. Klink’a farm, 1'; miles east of Garnble’s toll-gate; It is proposed to sink a. well there, as being the place most favorable for operations. WHEREAS there exists in the neighbor- hood very strong indications that OIL exists in paying Quantities in several locali- ties, it is highly desirable that a Company should be establithed to test the matter, and obtain it-if P‘osmbiei RICHMOND HILL PETROLEUM [Ill COMPANY ! Toronto, Feb. 6, 1866. For Newmarket, Aurora, Markham and Richmond Hill. Rithmond Hill. March 141.11. 41[.y The Lowest POSSIBLE RATES, G. A. BARNARD, Agent No. 7, Pull MaZQLOndon. ' Incorporated by ROYAL Charter, in 1820. HAVIXG b en appointed Agent for this . Company, one of the ofdast and most reliahlo English Companios,l will be happy w affect assVurauco against Loss or damage by Fire. upon evmy description of properly, at No. 7,‘]€s]1al “Eachange, _Cor{ehill, and R. T. HUSH & (70., Canada Manufucmr- ers, H King Street East, Toronto. .C. W. Hoac Uflices in in Grant Hntair. n‘nd Canada. London. England. Giasgow, Montreal and Toronto. lnndnn Fire Assurance Company, The Granite State Sewing. Machine Company, 1 wish to employ a few 630d Agents. in everv county‘to introduce their New Family Sewing Machine. A Hilary paid from $50 to $150 per month. or a large commission. 'l‘his Machine sells for only $15, and is really worth $50: it will act‘bmplish every descrip- liwn of sewing, except butlun holes, from an over coal down to the finest silks and muslins. Every Machine warranted and knpt in repair for three veers. Single Machines, with full primed directions. snnt express free on recoipl 05 $l5 in a registered letter. Those wishing agencies should send for our private circulars to Agents. Address or call on AGENTS WANTED. $150 PER MONTH. HE GranHe State Sewing Machine 0 Wish to emnlov a {raw Gnnd Aunms‘ i With immediate payment of all Losses. May be hud cheap at In order that the classes may bo properly arranged. intending pupils are requested to present themselves a: (he commoncnmom of the Term, By old»: of the Board of Truteos. Graduate of Toronto University. Free to all pupils qualified under the Slntuto and regulations of the Council of Public In- slrpclioli fox: Upuer Canada. A. M. LAFFER'I‘Y, Esq., B. A., RICHMOND HILL mum GRAMMAR SEHUUH . LEMON, PROPRIETOR. HEAP COTTON GOODS Sec. Richmond Hill, March 30th, 1866. Tbron't’o‘; March 23rd. 1866. PROSPECTUS F OR SALE. Nelson Street, Toronto. ILL be re-qponed. after Easter vvucution, on W EDNBSDAY. the 4th of April, by CLOVER, AND FLAX SEEDS, (Late Thomas Comes, OF THE M. TEEFY, 'rcas. 0F 95 King Street East, Toronto, HEA‘R CHURCH STREET, . IS prepared to Wal‘t upon any wh‘a’fie‘ed his professional» sen/lees in order to preserve their teeth, or relieve suffering and supply new teetli in the most appmvedstyle. Also to reg’u- late the math of those who need' it. Comtfltatlon'free. and all work warranted; Jum. 1865. 21-y We require something of lh‘o‘ kindle render out-side doors proof against (m and frostâ€"this invention wiH doubtless meet the case, and will be found both cheap and efficient. It commands itself to the jlfdgem‘em oft hose who investigate the manor. as being calculated to save fuel, and to render a family residence more healthy and atIractive. Hav'ing adopted the principle 'm' my resi- denne. you have thereby the rest evidence. that I consiuer your patent Worth‘y the attention of the public. Simâ€"Hmfng tr’l‘e‘d‘ yom" "Patent Afr-fight and Fresh: 'mf‘ Unor," l have‘re‘ason‘ to believe that it is an excellent c'omrivanc’e, and ca‘cula- ted to c‘onfr-nhme much to Ihe comfmâ€"l of thwe who adapt ig. I am of" opinion that much less woo‘d Will be required to heata house in the winter mason if your patent is apphed to the outsido doors of a residence. 1TH Three A-cre‘n of’ Land. good Burn. Smbles. Cow-house. Orchard. Wells of Hard and Soft Water. and other conveniences, ~ilunlud eu Int/18. Isl Con. Vaughanâ€"Mill street. Richmond Hill, Mn. WM. MACH. SIRâ€"I have examined your model of newly invented dam, and consider it superior to nuv thing i have scan for stopping druuglns and frost, nnd think it will greatly save fuel, save health and prove”: damage from frost. It. is likewise cheap. Airâ€"Tight and Frost-Proof Door! Mn. WM. U. MAC". Simâ€"Your Aihtight Door seems likely to meet with l§heral 1'“er from {he pnhlic, Rich’d Hi“. Jan. 25. 1866. MR. WM. Mmcmv. AMEinto the promises of the Subscriber. Lot NJ. 32, 2nd Con. Vaugl‘mr, about the middle of October last,‘ A Black 8: White Mully Steer THE Subscriber begs to inform the Public that ha has leased the abovo Halal. wherehe willkeep constantly on hand a good suppr of first-class Liquors. &c. As this house possesses every accommodation Tm- vellors can desire. those who wish loslay where they. can find every comfort are respectfully in- vited to give him a call. DENTIST-RY. Richmond Hill. Dec. 18'65. w. c. ADAMS, D- D. s-, HOUSE & LOT FOR SALE ORTORENT. STRAY STEfiR. HONEY ! RIONEY ! VI T0 LOAN on the pecuriiyof 5, Farm Property, in Ymk and Peel. No Commission charged; Apply per- nouaHy. 6r if by letter bro [midi-to February 12. 1850. riety of which he will dispose of at very reduced price; for Cnsh. (Talnl miles on applicmion. Thoruhill. March 1865. 39-4w GARDENAANU HUWEH SEEBS, ICENSED AUG/PIONEER for the coun- ties of York and Peel. Collector of Notes. Accounts, 61c. Small charges andplemy to do, Lnskay, March 9nd 1865. » 39-ly Henry Smelsera SPRING OF 1866 .I. the undersigned as 'I‘annefs and Curriors, is this dnv dissolvnd by nmttal consent. All debts to be paid to J acob Lawrence. JACOB LAWRENCE. a __ A A L l “W. L. WILKINSON. H E Partnernhén heretofore existing between the undersigned as Tanners and Cnrriarn March 16th, 1866. Eglin gum. fab. ’25.:8-66' DISSOLUTION nf PARTNERSHIP N. B.â€"A BAY MARE, 6 years old for Sale. (on time if required.) W'lr’ERMS aar'nnll payment down, and a hug Lime tonpay Ehe bglnuw itirequlrredL HE Advartisar ofl'ers For Sn!e his Eerm, of 50 notes, on Yonge Sven! about half- way belwéell Rléhmoud Hill nilu"l‘h‘d§'n|11if‘l ; or Ile,.wi|| snll 46.ncrvs with the Farm House anagram uildibg’s‘; H-nuMuz "A ___,n _,,,,,, ,. u DOWAQF’§;H QTELs Apply on the premises (0‘ PKlCE:â€"Fbr- the 46 acraa; v‘vittharm House and build‘ug‘s‘ $88 dbliam lu‘ acro'. Posseusiou can be had on 15! April. 1866. JAMES LANGSTAFF‘, n. D lush-mi Him July mo .5: YON GE STREET. SMALL FARM! PATENTED. JUNE 16, 1865. REFEREE? GE S‘ : EGS lovimimata to the Public in Markham Elvd Vaughan, that he has on hand a va- Yours, 6w" LATE VAN NOSTRAND’S, MACE'Y’S Rlcnmuxu HILL. July 2001511855. Yours truly AMOS WRIGHT, MP3? RICHMOND HILL, Juiy lat. 1865. u Stark, Thornhill. RICHMOND HILL. July 4, I865. FOR SALE ON G. J F. PEARCE. Lot 39, 15: Con. Vaughan. M. 'I‘EEFY, Posimaster. BOYD &, STAYNER, Barriolers, Jul: JOHN DE LA HAY. Toronto.» 34-3m 43a. ‘ Richmond Hill, Juno, [8%. 37-3 Act gently yet efi'ec‘tuallyz may be taken dur- in‘g any employment, at any time, and Won by the most deli’cate female. DE'AC'ON'S S'I‘OMACHIC .VEGITABLE BITTERS. A soothing and astringent applicxtion ; and, al‘ far as an application mm be of' any service, more sonthing and much more astringent. than any hitherto pmpm‘vd. The majority of easel find speedy relief by its use. DEACON’S WORKING MAN‘S FRIEND 0k HEAL ALL. ‘ An excellent remedy for Rheumatism, Erysi- pehs, Strains. Bruises, Cuts, Chi'blains, Sore Throat, and violent Pains In Back or Side. “16 effects of the Heal All in the above crises are astonishing, frequently removing all pain in a few hours. DEACON’S VEGITABLE COUGII PILLS One or two Doses gene'rally remove the cold. DEACON’S Mixture fo’r Cholera, ITiarrbml, and Summer Complaints, equal to if not bet- ter than any other medtcine made. DEABDN’S FAMILY MEDIflINBS HAS Ham appointed agent, for the County of York, for the above valuahlé Medi- cines. which hava been before the Canadian public for the past seven years. and have given‘ universal sati<£nctiouâ€"-he can therefore. with confidence, recommend (hundreds of Testimo- nials could be given if required, showing the‘ benefit derived therefrom» their use for‘lhah‘ several virtuos. As a general Tonic, or Strengthening Medi- cine to brave and invigorate the frame, nono‘ can be better. ‘ Stoufi'ville . . . . . . I [81h of each month. Brougham ..........- ..]9th “ " Markham Vxllage . . . . . . .-..20th “ “ Brown’s Gamers”...- ...2|st " " Thomh'il'l...>.‘.... H..‘.-23l'd “ " Richmond Hill. . .~..... . ..24th “ “ Maple...................‘26Lh " " Burwick” . . . . . .........23[h " " Kleinhurg,......... . . . . . 29th ” “ Nublelon..-.-u...........3Uth‘ “ "' .3131: " “ Aurora........ lst " " Sullon..... ............ 3rd “ DEACON‘S unrivalled Cough 1311213me Coughs, Colds. Consumption. Asthma. bin. DE‘ACO‘N’S Antibillious Pills terin us'e. For Cmq, Cracked Heek. am? all kinds 0‘ sores on Horses and Cattle. DICACON’S Eruptive Ointment For I]? kind of skin diseases. Aurora, June 7, 1865. DEACON’S FAMILY VEGl'I'ABLE PILLS BIBLE SflUlETY DEPGSITORY, The safest and best Medicines in use in Canada. Blcnmnnu HILL, August 10 1865. G. A. BARNARD‘ l ESI’ECTFULLY announces that he has changed his time of visitinqthe Following places, and afterthis date will be (Sunday: excepted) in Where he Wi‘ll attend to any business per-1 taining 1.6me branch of his profession. SURGEON DENTIST DR. N. J. PECK, YORK. PEEL & ONTAfiI-O; PATTERSON & LANG-STAFF Licensed Auctioneers, fl “Where he will keep on hand Flour, Shorts, Bran. Oats. Puase, Oatmeal. Commeal. Buck< wheat, Bacon. Hams. Cheese, Fish. and Gene- ral Groceries of the Best Qna‘ily, for sale. at Pricvs that cannot be surpassed. Richmond- H-il', Jan. [2, 1866. Household Furniture, Chairs. Tablefi, Bedsteads. Bureaus, Cupboards. Droysing Stands, &c . which he ofl‘ars at extremaly low‘ prices. Also a large assortment of Room l’apur, Bordering. While Lead“ l’ai'nls and ('olor. Raw and Boiled Linseed'Uil. Machino‘ Oil. Rock Oil. Varnish. 'l‘u'rp’entilie, BPHiBIIP. Glass. Fully, Glue, &c., 610‘ l’artles Furnish< lug. Papering, or Painting" their houses, will dd well to call before purchasing elsewhere. FLOUR, FEED, Provision and Grocery HOMAS COGHLAN begs to inform the inhahinams of Richmond Hill and sur- rounding oumry. that he has leased, ‘or u numééf 0 ‘ypnrs. the Cabinet Shop and Store from Mr: W't‘bber. where he will manufacture‘ and keep on hand a good assortment of RICHMOND HILL Cabinet Establishment; LL Persons indebted to the undersigned. either by Note or Book account. are re- quested to call‘ aad settle the same as mm? as possible- Richmond [1111. Dec. 7. 1865. NOTECE. SCOTT’S BOOK STOREc t may be interrestinfl to those that owe me; to know that all debts du» me, if not paid by the lint. of March, next, will be advertised in tho YonK HERALD as 1 can’t be at tha trou- bie and expense of runningnl'ter ihcmâ€"uo juho. you‘d bclwr believe it E GEO. SIMPSON Rlcxmmm HILL. Fob lat. 1666. 36-31f Also, fine Table Cudfish and horth 55mm Har- ringa. just l‘rceivcd. of excbnenl quality. anu at moderate prices, Wm. S, l‘uilock’s; late G. A. BARNARD’S. Richmond mu. Feb, 29, 1866, 33 LAKE HURON” FISH. HERRIN’GS, He would alsoca“ auteution to his’ DEACON’S [’1 LE OINTMENT. I. 5 UUI'UCIU. . u a h‘il'l. . loud HI“. . . ck. aurgl.....». l0".rsrr....- y.‘.....v a........ .. .oo-n ...-.n Stick {3,- Pin There. DEACON’S LINIMENT. SALMON TROUT and WHITE FISH, FOR THY. COUNTIES 0F . .281h . .29Lh . .3Uth‘ . .3lst . ls 3rd P. CROSBY. 27 None bet-- 91»6‘m. Stdl'ég l-tl'

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