This ym 21866 is likeiy to be a most evnnt ful period in the history of Canadaâ€"n yaar in ~ which the current events‘ of the day will be of Hhe deepest interest to every inhabitant in the Bn'l‘ntrv. » ‘ Th; new Parliamentary Buildings will, enriy in the coming spring.'be opened for the rim time at Ottawa, - Clams On 16]: Ton mo, Nov 1 .7: When additlonal names ara added {0 nm‘ nub (luring the year, they must '_b_e mm. {o the “Gnome Ofï¬ce bv the person who madly up the Club; and the moneysnnl wixh such additional lflllbl. be: ~uch h proportion of the year's n n m ll :_~ (f: 1?» mm as will pay up In dw ran‘nlioD of llm Club, ' “<2 (nun-[Eon wiFi he made lu 1216:: cm: on ’ .d \vlmh-ver.‘ "I‘ho Government is pledged to present tn. Parliame'nt, at the opening of tha session, either a Bill for completing the Confederation cf all British America. or a Bill establishing a new Federal constilulion for Canada alone. based on the principle of Represeululion by Popula- tion in the popular brunch. 0n the lTLh Marrh, 1866.: the American Treaty of leciproci‘y will come lo-an andâ€"â€" '“m’ ,‘jxe‘hagollalions for its renewal. or prepar- éï¬ons 10‘,;;g-ellhe change, Will be watched with earnest inleicsl.‘ , The ‘VVEEXLY GLUBE will continue to he ï¬llbllshed at TWO DOLLARS per annum. myuble strictly in advance. Some exceptions 1;)th ru'e of advanca paymunt have been ï¬lerelomm "mileâ€"hut from the lst of January, 1866.110 paper will be soul from the: ofï¬ce million! pl'epgrmont, Payment must he always in advance. Each paporis addreasgd separately. n nu uu. nu:- Arrangements for acquiring pcjï¬sessgon of. and opening the mthï¬vegl germoriy my set- tlement. will speedin be mad“. am. ‘0 HIP-$9 “l It THE GLOBE will devoie special ntloxuion, N has hitherto done to evothiugconnucLed with the guhject. _ All the papers included i}; any club must be mailed to cup Jfogscvufligs‘e. ‘ FREEMASONRY seems to flourish among the Anglo-Indians. There are upwards of sixty lodges in India, workng under the Grand Lodge .of England. THE VVICEKLY GLOBE _will also be much improved in the year 1966. The pup-or will be 01' superior quality, and the new Scottish type will give it a greatly improv- ed» appearance. An gdimr has been engaged. whose-special duty it will ho to condemn; and arrange the matter for this edition. and 10‘ se- lect intelligence spec'nll)‘ adhpwd for country oaders. A portiun of each week’s paper will no devoted to the publication of some interest- ing this; and the markets and prices current will continue to be given with promptuess and accuracy. - At Trowbridgc, in Wiltshire, a disease has broken out amongst. the fowls.‘ They are affected mth spsmns, a‘yellowish mueuous runs from their beaksLand theia combs turn black. I The publisher of THE Gttosnhas to announce that very great. impro .‘ements in the publication of this journal will be made in the coming your. A new fount of beautiful trpe, cast specially for Tat: Gnosx has been imported from tho celebrated Scottish foundry of Miller & Richard, Edtnhnrgh, ' The 'quality ofthe paper usea in printing the joutnnl will be much Ellperlor to that lleretut'oromnpluyvd. Arrange- ments are now [wing made for greatly inc-mas; ed Telegraphic facilities; and the Corps of VVrlters, Reporters and Correspondents; will be strengthened. Increased 'oll'ort Will he put forth in every dt-parttnentto render Tun GLOBE more worthy than ever before of the immense circulation it has for so many years ienjoyad throughout British America. With thousemement of t-he constitutional question that has so long distracted the Pro- vince, numerous questions affecting the mate- rial progress of this country will be llnown open fonconsidemlion. Among these will beâ€" The subject of Banking and Currency, Enlarging the Canals, and otherwise improv- ing the Internal Navigation ofthe country. . Reduction of the Customs' Tariff, 4 Interest on Money. Opening up new Territory to settlement. Free land grants to actual settlers. A Homestead Law And many other vitally important suhjects. In the discussion and settlement lot†all these matters, 'l'mg Gnome will, as heretofore. take an active part; and from the ounces of infor nmtinn at the command of ite conductors. it is not doubted that in its columns the earliest in- telligence and the most reliable information will continue tolie found. f‘l‘ll E DAlLY GLOBE A recent American critlc describes Carlyle as “ a divinised man with a touch of devil in his inhabiting spirit- - ' La Putz-2'11, of Nagles, relates that their is in the Hospixal for Incurabies, in that city, a woman with an enormous appetite, who eats every day ï¬fteen pounds of meat. seventy eggs, a dozen pears, six pounds of bread, and three quarts of macaroni soup. > When a young lady promises her hand to her lover, on‘a. bright night, she mav‘ b3 laid to have made a “star engagement.†What stone should have been placea at the gate of Eden after the expulsion.- Admantine (Adm ain’t in.) ‘ will contmue 10 be mailed from the oflice at $6 per annum, payable invariably in advance. but. can be procmed regnlmly from Ilse news dealars in all the cities and towns lllrouglwu the Province. A Melbourne paper says that the coun try to the south of Ararat, exmemlin; toward Skipton. never in nan-former season exhibi- t-ed such a pleutiturle of game. The plains are described as being literally overrun with flocks of wild turnkeys. The bakers of Richmond have “ consoli‘ dated,†and now malxe such small loaves of bread that according to the jocose Exmnincr U Ann nun “an†“My. cm MM 1mm :n "ML One ofthe Boidest of Swiss guides has been heard to vow, after crossing the danâ€" gerous strait where the current from Chan- cery Lane encounters the main strewn of ieet street, that if once restored to his native cliffs and glaciers, nothing should again tempt his to risk the perils of Londnn. ,The Turkish Government, in View of the possibilities which the bold and clever revolulion at Bucharest may involve. has stationed a crops of observation of 23,000 men at Ronstchouk, on the Danube ; and will collect a reserve corps of 10,000 men at Schumla. A Wumron’s RETURN To Own L1H;â€" A general who left Minnesota for the war as captain, and was luevetted Brigadier- General for gallant conduct in (the ï¬eld, gives an account of how “ they let him down easy 7’ onhis retirement to civil life. At Washington, hé was General H. ; at Madison, Colonel H. ; at the ,‘0wu “here he orgamsed his cmupany the cry was, “‘ How are you, Captain ‘2†and when he got to S --â€"where he resides, every ‘boy’was shynting, ‘ Hallo, Sam l†“ one can easily put'a ï¬ve event loaf in each cheek, a. ten ceutloaf in the middle, and them whistle Yankee Doodle without difï¬- culty THE WERE EEWSFRFER 1866. PIWSPECTUS 1856 GEO RGE BRO WN. Pubhshar 0F 3i†hmmd Hm, Juno? 1955. A. Stags lemma this Hotel everv morning for 'i'orontu, m 7, u.m ; returning, Janus Toronto at half-past p m. (had §gnblmg and a careful Hosllor always n aneudunce. FORV‘THE um'rw‘ ° Cblilltiés onoi-k andJ’é‘cL LARGE HALL is connected with this 1 Hotel for Assemblies. Bulls, ancuns. Mt-mings, &c. Every {mention paid to-lhe (-mwenience and eomfon of 'l'ravellers. RE within llm reach of all, hy'the use (.f DR. BUCHAN’S VEGETABLHDU- MESTIC MEDICINES, prepared from the l’res‘criptions of the late Dr. Buchan, Fellow of [he Royal College of Physmians. & 0,, &c.â€"-â€" Cums are daily made. and \lmir elï¬cacy proved in tllou§and of cases, attested before the Alder- men at Guildhall, DR. BUCl-IAN’S SUGAR-COATED SARSAPARILLA PILLS. It is a VVELL-KNOVVN FACT. that'SAR- SAPARILLA is the greatest purifier of the blood in the world. KEEP YOUR “LOUD PURPLEâ€"The Boweer rcgularll-And DEFY tho DOCTOR!!! There Pills strike at the; root of each disease, and are for the cure of everv ailment incidenlal tn Man Woman and Child, such as alleruptions on the Skin, Indi- gestion, Biliuus; Liver. and Stomach Com- plaints. General VVeakness,Gout. [illnema- tism. Lumbngo. Pains tn the Limbs, Head- aches. Sore Threats, and every complaint CatlFl‘Ll by irregul’rities of the howels. oh- etrncted perspiru‘lon. and deteriorated and un- henlthy blood. '1'!er l‘ills work their way to Ihe vet-y mots of each disease, cleansing ini then-passage. especially where mercury has. been taken, and removing every unhealthy ac» stimulation. till the blond is puriï¬ed. the whole system renovated. nnrl all the functitgrs acting according to nature. the duties of life become a pleasure, where before they had been sad and weary burdens. Do not hesitateâ€"do not de- 1 lay‘. a clean stomach must mu'ke aclenn liod)‘. A clean bedy will contain pure bleed, when the stomach, hudy, and blood are’pure. from regulating a 1d cleansing the bowels, health is certain, Begin at the beginning, waste no time: strike at the router" youruilment. Again, ‘ 1 S8)" lonlt to yourstotnach. One trial oftltese,‘ Pills “in force conviction. ‘ l Sold in bottles. _ at ls. 13d" 28. 9d., 45. 6d. and Us. I ‘ iichmoud Hiâ€, June, 1865. Richmond Hill Hotel : THOMA COOK, Prpprietpr' and sitting Magiitrales .of Marlhnrough Street, Woshniuster, Worship Street. Bow Slreel. 6'10. Used by the most celebrated Medical Men Clergymun. and othors. Residenceâ€"~Lot 20, rmr of 3rd Concession of Markham. I’,0. Addressâ€"Buttermilk. Partios requiring Mr. Saudarsou’s services can umka arrangements at the‘l'inmu) ofï¬ce: Healthï¬agbpiness & Lang Life. Junuary 4. 1365, ‘IIIS ASSOCIATION? has transferred their LIBRARY to lh-e ' ’ Book Store, where Sluckhoiders 'and othersxmay 'v‘ocure BUUKS every Friday afternoofl. km: r'ato 6 o’clock. RM, « .. _ ‘ , EDW. SANDERSON, . LICENSED AUCTiONEER, 'l‘hu lraa'lmémthoy adopt is the I'ésï¬liof up- wards ol‘chirty years’ extensive and successful practice in London. - A MOSI‘ SCIENTIFIC INVENTION. An instrumeul l'orlhecnre of Genital Debi- Iitvx‘. of Nuclurua| Emissionsl more properl) knowuas Seminal VVoaknc-ss. din. Can be permanently cured in Hum 15 to 20 days, b) the use of thiqinstmuxem, when used cou- oinfly with medicines. RE the onlv Physicians in the Slala who [1 me mambers of the [Royal College Surgedns, Louddu. May be iconsulmd from 8 o’cldc‘k in the morning until 'Jutnight; in every state and symptom oi'diseaso. ‘ ’ Dr'. Amos & Son. in order to satisfy the most skeptical as to the merits of their instru- 1nent.,pledge themselves that in any instance where it may prove unsatisfactory. after a fair trial. the money will he refunded by returning the instrument in grand order. Price 'I'en Dol- lars. by mail or express. YOUNG MEN TAKE PARTICULAR NOTIFY}. Those who have injured themselves by a cer- tain practice indulged in when aloneâ€"a habit t'x‘equeul) learned from evil companions. or at school; the effects of which are nig‘htl‘yfolt even when asleep, and if u! t cured. renders marria‘gé \xnpossible and destroys both mind and body. should apply immediately. St‘lli‘allltsfl isoneot the most l'ormidnhle enemies to hvalth, for no- thing else in the dire cutaloguu of human dis» eases causes so destructive a drain upon the human sg'etom, drawing its thousands 'ut' vic‘ tints through a few years of suffering down to in) untimely grave. It destluys the nervous system rapidly, wastes away the energies at life, causeshmcntal derangement. prevents the pro- per development of the system, diquuzililit-st marriage. society. business, and all em-thlx happiness. and leaves thesuï¬â€™mer wreckod in hotly and mind,prodisposed to consumption and a train of evils-more to be'dreaded than death its-eh". ' ' ' A. 'SCO’I‘T, Librarian-y Richmond Hill, June 9. 1865. 1-“! Consultthe Old English Physicii FOI‘ may he successfli|3y treated by forwardinga correct dulml of nhuir case. Address Ur. Amos SON, 48Enét‘Genesoe Strum. three doors West of EllicouSli'egl, Bufl'nio. N.Y. ‘ . g 1 1 ' ASTHMA, INCIPIEN'I‘ CONSUMPTION; IL‘JFIRMITIES OF YUU'fllLANU OLD AGE, dtc. Dr. Amoas cza'S’on, 48 EAST GEN‘ESEE s12. ' .GQRMLEY»& M13313 1W UAETELL I icc“ ‘ 1“": ; ' " - ï¬ 4 . MANUFACTURER or ’ J ié’twnemis ié'PURE‘rï¬ND'UNADUL'I‘ERATED 4 THE RIGHT HON. THE LORD MAYOR OF LONDON. BUFFALO, NFAV YORK: _ RICHMOND HILL . LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. PERSONS In ANY PART OF THE “’ORIJ‘I No‘ ,Miutury Used. ‘ Hr I-tf 31 Address tï¬o HOWE Sewing Machiï¬e‘, 47 <3ri‘aiiwsyjANew Y0!h_ V . Finn). for De-.~aripflve f‘alaiogue of stvles and prices - A fe’qy respectdbtu Agents wiil be deal with .liberaHy; ~ ‘ 1' - ‘ ‘ ECEN'I‘ and importan improvements hnv- 5mg Iveanjut to this Machine. renders it How the most'pn-rfect Deï¬ne the public, and persons at a disu'mce can order a Machine with n guarantee of its prompt and safe deliverynnd thm they will b‘o able to manage i't to their en- tire salisfaclion. No more breaking llt‘Cdlfls !â€"_- No more missing stitchvsl, No trouble in mak-’ ing any garment, howeverdelicaze orheavy,on the same Machine, ailher in cambiic, cloth or leather; and for grass ymknrs. Hu’rt. makers taiiors. hat ‘jihdex‘s} shoe bixzdara. or guitar ï¬t+ ting, as weli as for eVery vmieï¬vflof famiiv sewingzflhhy lhavé no sllperinr,'§nd “)‘m 1m $013. at a limchfes: prioe than any other machine gapyn‘hlk of doing: the same range of work. Nu evil I‘esull need be feared from this remedy; lxplW‘ithE1{dillg‘:i§R great' power, . Pmpm'ed' at lhe_Pr0prie!or’s residence, 4th Conceésioni “’efl York. . Ch‘vV. Put up and sold in bottles at ‘25 cents each, hear- ing’ the Piopriem'r‘s wr'mmn sig'natum Huh-- Sold by vl)rugiizta‘ and Stdrokenrews. price 25m SICK'HEADACHE. Wet the bend with the Linimmxt. and take a dosg internally every half hour until reliefis ' z obtuiï¬ed, Great beneï¬t w’ih ï¬fien bn obmined hv an npplicaton of'tha 'remr‘dy externally {0 the ab- dnmeu. in case of severe :{thck of pain in Lhe Bo‘vels. - HOWE SEWING MACHINES An adult may take a‘ sum†tenupnonfu] in coid,water"or-sugar. whgn rnqnired. COLUS AIND COUGIIS. For an aduh. a leuspuonf'ul Iln-ee time:- a 53“, especiafly on going 10 bed. If [harm is a difli. why of breathing, bathe tl‘e ,chest with me remedy. 1 ¢ PA teaspomiful iu warler‘ 'or sugnrvt‘nl'ee times a dan'hefu're or-hsfi’er hating: 1m the Liver. hathu freely between the éhoulders' with the Lillinï¬em once or 1wir-«3 a day, ' For an adult. 21 Lean teaspounl‘nl in cold water or sugar‘, taken every. half hour, ifro- nuirea. We! a piece‘ of cotton wool with [ha lini- Inant. and put in the loolh: bnlhe the face with the clear Lininan and take a dose on the stomach in cold wan-r or sugar. SORE THROAT, Bathe lhe mits‘xde with the Liuimem; dear. and gun-git; the inmde with the same. or slightly diIuLed with Want every few hou s. CHAMP OR PAIN D: THE STOMACH. DISEAbE OFTHELIVRR‘JNWGESTKON, LOSSDF API'E'i‘I’I‘iG BILE. on . . muons 001,10.- Wigmï¬ï¬icinn, 53150 _wn:A emirer c'ili’Q-d 9f the 311*? SW? hate ulsoifoundflt vef)‘ thaneï¬uiu! né’h‘mm‘g 1he‘1’h1luiéx‘ï¬ï¬mx‘d 2m e‘X‘c‘zsl-leut remedy for Colt‘xand Coughs. Yoler tx-uIy, Jmm Sx‘xvnn‘. Bnflm [he' our! freely with the clear remedy as nl‘lexras nevessan'; It will in a great "1085- um prevent blackness, lzlzt- out the swelling and soreness. and cause iv. to heal. Swollings can be treated the same way. H'cammemi it to the public. I was for a long time véry mijch afliicted n ill: Rhenumlism in mv limbs. fitunlivhiuh I have been emirer freed by “18“ use of yaur valuable Mudit-ine: nnd lhave med 'it in my famiiy for vuriuus other things to good efl‘sct. My wife was for mnmvvanu q; (igwgsyory mush afflict“? with the sikflmadach‘e. figwwhich she [)qu tried va- I'lOllS remedies with the aid of seven! pinsit‘i- ans. and all proved a ('nilu 0. She used to be for severng days at a time u|m‘o!e 10 do any workâ€"Hmï¬ih’g bee’n induced 10 My your thl- Bind up the cut whh a cloth, and Saturalu the clolh'with [he remedy. SPI‘AINS, The same as for Rhoumatic. ' FRUSTED FEET A‘H) CHHJBLATNS. For Rheumatic, app'g‘ tho wmedy to [he pans eï¬'emo}! one" or twice a day. [)0 not be afraid to yin! 'plénn‘ on, as? (here is no danger of Cold, or any evil nesul! By its use. Bathe the feel with the remedy on golng to bed 'I‘OQ'I‘HACHE 0R PAIN INTHE FACE WT. G. GI, cilia at ‘a‘H Hm Stpres between Tux-onto and Richmond Hill every two wecxs. and supplies Contbcï¬onary of all kinds at 1hr Lowest Wholesulv; prices. anomo,July 20,1865. w ‘ r. , ',_7 _ 1‘ . Buttonville;Markham. 1"“. Join; PAYNE. Nov, 30. 1861. Dear‘ Simâ€"Having for some lime past been in pgssessidn ol'yonr Pain ldxadicmor. and tus- (Mm gfenl Value. I can with all conï¬drncq Pain Eradicatgr. Thia remedy is a pure Vegetable Compound, ,comaining no Avid. 'I'urpeunne, m-Mexcuryl or anything which can In any wav injure the Slomacn ; it acts as a tonic. creating a good appetite. bringing Lhe organs of the slmnac‘h into a heailhy aclion . it has been taken hv those who have the weakest stomach with gnud eï¬'ect; it wsll enable lhe Stomach to dluast such particles 'of qud,which before it could not. thereby causing great dsstress. and Lhut disuess can be effectually removed by the use 9f this remedy. [Nintruducingthis remedy to the public. (he Proprietbr down not wish to set n fonh as a CUTl‘)‘ Ufcvery Disease Incident [0 (he hnnmn rues. hut in many cases noting a: n pre~emive. as it is ,well known uhnt many diseases originate from'Culd's. arid much. distress is often caused I'Imn a coilecliun of mind upon the Hnnmch.â€"- This gamedy is w»!l ndnpwd Ie rwnma these 'cfhlauiilies : in cmes ofkfholern Muylrus it n has hosen known to fail to efl'nct an aura where it hn“ heel) tried. Manvpeopin who have been amicm’d with Rheumaiic Pains for many )eflrs have been cured bv the meam of this relnexh' II has in many. cases been known tocnm the ï¬noslviulem Cough by the administration of rrum ono to tour doses; it is ul.‘~'n a certain Bluedy for that (1115mm! disanSrs. Sara Throat: it is one of the best réhzuiies that can be ap- plivd to Bruises and fund cuts. “’3 need not go to New York, Japan, Mexico, or some minor place afar 05' {or the ypronf' of (hmâ€"but. itcau ho had in our own couniry.‘ Hundreds ofnumes could be addod to lhis ï¬st if it were non-(35ml). out 1 wi!) only mid two. which were handed in {or pnthnw t'mn. This remedy hashnh rm nhmd on Ms own foundation, {and 1 wish it’snll to do so 1 menu: always- be depended on as Agenuina arli'clé so long as it is prepared under the MP perintendeucy of the pv-oprieuuj, Mr. J0me FAME. and l-enrii‘g'his wrineu siguamre. Read die foilu‘wing, , " Vicmrin SqunmnMarch 30, 186). loan PAYNE. Esqâ€"Dem S' ~I sixï¬tl‘ed much fr! 111 Rheuumlism for upwards 0! a 3'9an bn' heaving ufyour Pain Eradjcnznr I vas induoed to try it: and shear using three boules. l was emiloly curt'd; ‘ I reconunmzd it to every one su‘ï¬cxing from Rheummism. Yours. Ne ' HUMI’HREY‘VVHITE, Sen. Esnszx-‘u D’m l'R45-’â€"PERFEC1EDIN 1869, COLIC AND CHOLERA MORBUS. 363 Yonge Street; Toronto. PAYNE’S THE. ORIGINAL FOR FLESH CUTS. DIRECTIONS. FOR B RUISES Ym-k, Japan, afar 05' {or the had in our own could be addod g,- “Q li‘mp...f.‘....... . . . . . Rchmond Hil_ Juno 5“, S953 BOOKS! . AGENTSâ€"W’s want agents in every regiâ€" ment, and in every {gum and county in Lhe cpnmry, und‘fhow acti'ng 3551 such wiH he "Unw- ed ll) «evils on‘ o'ver’yl Coluiflcuiq Orth'red‘ by lhe‘ï¬l. 'pru'idcd their rmniltance amounts I0 one dollar. Agents win coile-rtflï¬cems for every Certiï¬czxtv. imd rmh’h 15 cents to us. (I? Write phmxh'. say only what is necessary and be prompt. Address. A. E 0 E '1‘ ET N B Z EMPLBYMEHT F83 EVERYBHDY. , snd‘ GUM . . . . . . . . . . v . . . . . 6,0‘ 0 Sets ’ szd'zes’ Jewelry-â€" Camvo. Pam-Lem . . . . . . _. . 6,000 Gold I‘vnsï¬ilvbr Extension Ill-Max's mm! B'nmzi‘ls. . u. . 61,068 Gull-ll Pens and Goid Moun- ted Holders.... ... . . 5.000 Gold Pens and Gold Exteu. ' 'sizm Holders. . . . . . . . . . . . 5,000 Silver Goblets and Drink- ing (‘nps ... ....... .... 3,000 Silver (iasturs . . . . . . . , . . . . 2.000 S'ï¬ver Fruit and Cake BI'OAtthGS/....-:i.- ...... 9.0(T0 Coral, Opal and Emcrald a V “(ï¬nches . . . . A . _ , _ . . . ‘ k. 950%) Musuisr. Jot. Lava. a‘n-d Fldremine Ear Dmps . . . . 4,500 (Tori-l. 0pm. and Emerald Ear D:ops.. .. . . 4,060 California Diamond Breast Pins-1.. .... ........\. ... 3,000 Gulul Fob and Vest, W'Mch Keysnn .... .... .... ... 4.000 rub and Ves‘ Ribbon Sides ‘.4,000 SNS n! Solitaire >leeve Bul- J ' r PER [101! x. 5,000 Dozen SHWa-r Tea-Spoons. $10 to 5,00? " V “' Table Spuuns tons,S(ud<,etc.... ' 3 3,000 Gold 'l‘himbles{ Pol)cifs.elc 4 GJHH) Miu'rama'e l‘mrkels. . . . . . . . 2 50 4,003 Miniélme Lockets~MagM Spring........ 3 3,000 Gold 'l'edlhpicks, Crosses, etc nn................ 9 5.000 Plain (Enid Ring?“ n. . . .. 4 5,000 Chase-d Guld kings, . . . . . . 4 RJ‘K‘H Swim Set and Signet Rings 2 50 SAM“ (Y‘a'li'l‘omin lfiamnnd Rings. 2 7.500 Sela; lmdies’ Jowolryâ€"Jet For the purpose of closing out the stock a, the earliest pnssih'la (12/1leY the u ndNMgned huvn decided on n gremerilnuion made as follows. nun Ah!) nvuuv AH'I'IDLL‘, no MATTER HOW VALUABIJI" $01.11 For: $1. ‘A Certiï¬date of each article with its value primed upon it. ié placed Ill an envelope and sealedâ€"these enveloyes are lhuroughly mixed and sold for ’l'wmly jinn Cenls' eachâ€"the per- son receiying one off lglese envelopes i.~ cmlglvd to tho article named theleln hr relm'ning llm Ceruï¬cale to us with one dollar and :he article. no matter haw vuluablt it may be, will bu lur- wardcd :0 him or hm- al once. Thvro ‘are no B nuk Certiï¬cales and therefore every one is sum to gel, at leasl. Illa l'ull value of his or her Inuney. Should the article uanmd on the cor- hï¬cala not suil,any othar wmuh he may select of the name value will be suhs‘liluled. We sell the cvnifxcmss as lolluws: One for 25 cts.. ï¬ve for $l, eleven for $17. Ihlru‘ for $5, sixlylivo for ï¬ll), one hundred for $15. This dislrihulion affords a ï¬ne oppor- (uuily for Agents, as what lady or gmxllemnn will not invest TWENTY Fwa cm rs With :1 pros- peét ol' gelling ï¬ve hundred or a thousand Units as mnclL All orders must he addressed lo us al our uld stand N0. 15 MuiJuu Luna, New York. 3.0f 0 Guld Oval Band’ Braceiols. 4 “HO Chased Hohi Bracth . . . . . 220% ( halelaiue Chains and Guqu Chains†. . . . . . . . . 6,01’10 Suhmire and (-‘uld'Bmo 4105 2,000 ,Lavu and Floxomiue Agents wanted ’throughout the United State _- Ind Canadas. The Entire Stock era largeVImroRTmo Housm renring from business. Wan-hos .. 3011.,Lad ssiï¬uld and Enullwled- Cass Watches...~. . . . . 600 Genm’ Hunting-Case Sil- ver 'Wmchesu . . .. . . . . . . 9M) Diamond ngs... . . . 3.00“ Gold Veslzmd Sack Chains 3,-‘NJU Watch-9g, Chains, b‘ets of me'vehy, RingsJ‘ins ‘Braï¬cel‘ets. Sleeve Butloué. Silver Spoons and Forks. Cups. Cake Baskets, Jae. worth Eight Hundred lhou- sand Dollars. ALL or wincH Am: To In: SOLD FOR $1 EACH 300 Gonls’ Gold Hun!ng (Tusk) I N0. 15 Maiden Lane, New Juno 9. 1855. ilh GIRA'RD W. DEVA-U‘Gll 5a C0,. and Forks. . Baskets . . . . . . ‘0 f; - <9 . {3391'th 29/ k LXST OF ARTICLES. 800,000 ...1‘2; us my; ll. w) to $15 20 2f] “ Hm 4lo :75: m 26.1865 York 3m 20 H H H) 20 IU l L, I iriAgShtrsrszmcLu' &. Co.. 75. Fartingdon Streut, London. So†at Messrs. IR. & L. PERRY&. Co’s. Wholesale Depot, No. 19, Burners Strong. Ox- ford Street†London. ' HEM/m wanos UPON I’UM: I’Loon.â€".. PERRY’S PUIUFYJNG SPECIFIC PILLS. an inl'allihle cure-for a†diseaSeH of the skin, such as Scurvy. Scrofula, Ulcersr Bails. Blolches, Pimple on the face and body.' &‘c. Price [15. and 33s. per box I’ERRY’S PATENT CONCENTRATED! ESSENCE OF (‘Ol’AlBA AND CUBS? SUGAR-COATED GLOBULES, the most speedy Remedy known Tha Globules, cou- . taining the Quhtessence of Copnilm, Cubelm, Buuhu, &c.. at utce cure. \\ itliout tho possmiw lity ol'failuro. Gouurrhma. obstinate Glect,I Stricture, etc , immediately subdung all in- flammatory action; Eucased in sugar. free from taste or smell. 4s. 6d. and 113. per box. ) Established nearly a century, and known {hrouglmut [3.0 world as the GREATEST RIC- GENERA’PUR; a “war-failing remedy for Spermuwrrhm. loss of manly ‘powar. producer; by enrrlv indiscraiious. or any other cause.â€"- it enriches the principal vital fluids, enabling- those who have deemed then'ise'lvvs innurabh at once to fulï¬l tho most sacrad obligation: u' married life. Price 11s. per bottle, or fun: quanlilies in one. 635., which saves lls. ;‘ and in £5 bottles. effecting u saving ol‘ £1 [98. I‘ERRY’S CONCENTRATED DETER- SlVlC ESSENCE. a remedy for SVphilis in all its spagusï¬niso for purifying {he system from contamination, recomn'mndrd for secondary symptoms. hlotches'on xhohead and face. en- largement ol'lhe throat. tonsils. and nvuln; its beneï¬cial influence on the system is undeni- able. Pric~ HS. and 33s. per bottle, alsoa saving oflls. Mesms. R. 31, h l' :mu! & C0. are only to be consulted M rhnir residence, No. 19.13I3l‘l)(‘l‘5 Strem, ()xl‘mrl Sree'. London, as (hm navor. uudnr any circumstances. travel ehhor m how or nlmmrh and thev harnle cnminn the PuMEc ag‘ximrmly pomm wing thvir mums. and as a further urI-nnuliou against fraud. the Fuh'io is nnliï¬ed that none of their merli ~inos are 38- unine. u "less the subjuined fuc lilic of their signature is attached to their dlflerent wrap. pars. ' Perry’s Cordial Balm (f Syrzacum ON NERVOUS RELAXATION and EK- IIAUS’NON. New editiKIIIS-Qlllfglgfld lo ISM) pages, iHuNII-ated by NIH Annlomical Colorrd E‘ngraviugs on 850%], Just published, price ls. THE SILENT FRII‘IA'I), the grants-s! Medi- > rm] Work ol'xhu Age. on Youthful Indis- crations and (wusaquem lmpcdimems to Mar- riage, descrihing the Almlomy of the Repro~ duclivo Sys‘tï¬m in health and dis-vase, and po'iming out the sure nmans of perferv reswrav mm to manhood: with an Essay on Single and Marv-ind Life, anlaiuing a Prescrigmnu known aflhe Pravnmive Lotion, procinding the pus sihihly of ccntammmiun. Gmmu'nvm AND MUSCULAR l’owxa RmArNEn BY '1 ME USA or Also to lw ha'd hnnmll Agents in a†parts of the world. EXTKAOTS FROM THE SILENT FRIEND, prim 6d., which contains dxreutiom. fur the guidance of pariems. ï¬nished.) ‘ wrung Clasp Kuife.1 Made, 52501:. Scissors. lllcls. Dreming Cases $1.50 to $2. Mmking Ink. 15 can. India Rubber Balls. 10 99.8- Slnte Pictures. 15 31s. [Ci’ Periodicals Supplied Weekfy or Monthly. 3 T Y0 R ERALD EH; ‘ WWI-WM, HF, Proprietor of the above Establishment begs to call the :-r(enli0n of the mlmhil- ams of HIP Hill and neighborhood. to me race-m addia‘iuns made; to his stock of Interestng and andlee Banks. being a superior class of liteâ€" rature by the mm! mniueul nulhurs of well- knuwu repulaliou and popularity. Richmond Hill. Mst 536. ’65. l’rinciï¬al of LQu'een’srrcaleger-‘C-éhadgz $1.50. Good Wordsâ€"vols. for 1861 and 1862. $1.87; each. ‘ Praying and \Vnrkingâ€"Ry Rev. Wm. Sloven- sm'. 07} Ms. My Wlilï¬alt‘l’ifll Experience â€"By Rev. Dr. Enamel. 87-} £15. Parish l'npersâ€"By Norman 'McLeofl, D.D.. Hi cts. ‘ The Graver Thoughts of a Country Parsonâ€"- 87; ms. - Burns’ Poems, 12mm cloth. gilt edgnsâ€"ï¬ï¬cts. The New Life ~83; Bushnell. 121m) clmh. 4001s The Monk of Famiiy Worshipâ€"By Rev. W. n n. x - FANCY STATIONERY. Albums for 1‘2 I’orlra'ns, 30 018. Albums for '24 I‘m‘zrails. Alhums for 24 l’mtrnirs, (Cape Morocco.) $1. Altml'ls for ‘24 Pmlraits. (Mumch $2. ' Gem’s Walking Cams. from 40 to 50cm. Pen Knives. with I blade: flom 15 mva cm. Clasp do. do. 3 do. 50 cts. (behutilu‘ly FANCY STORE. God“ ( [cry in the} Heavensâ€"EV \Vm. Leimh The \Vaverly Novelsâ€"«30 cls. The W reek Ashureâ€"-â€"4h| an. The Roving Englishman-«25 cts. The Romance of Common Lifuâ€"Â¥5(‘cm. 'l‘he Forlyvï¬vs Guardsnmnâ€"â€"5H 0:9. The War, or Vozves frnm the Ranksâ€"~25 cls Riflemeu and Rifles ' ms. SCIENCE, RELEGIGN, PQETRY, B. Clark. 500m: NF 7 J Forty Years Expnrieuce in a Sunday Schoolâ€" Bv 'l‘ynu’, 4OCIS Buchnn’s Domealic Medicine. cheap edition, rmlv 50 ms. The Ca‘nadian Sundav School Reciterâ€"IO eta Rahami his Friendsâ€"(S cm. Bunynn’s l’blgrims Progress-36) (Is. The Scullish Psahuody,in Tonic Sulfa Noln~ ionâ€"~25015. tjougs of Zion, with Tonic Solfa Notation-- :icts. Thonnon’s Land and tlle.Ruokâ€"â€"$‘2. Church Pl yer Books. Bibles, Testaments, at all prices. Adventures In the COM Fields-â€"25 cts. NEW LIST; OF: BOOKS MEDICINE AND MUSIC. 1N FICTION. w- uaoms P mmv mm: .9: Fe: Cards, &c.-, just rocoind. PM is entirely new and 6f tho latest patterns, large vanier of new Letter-Press Printing. Hm MB WEE LARGE AND SMALL POSTERS PAMPHLETS AND Orders \‘fo the an of nndermontioned descrip- tion 0f BOOKS, FANCY BILLS?- ESTABLISENIENT. BUSINESS CARDS, WiH I1: promptly attended to :â€" OUR ASSORTMENT 0F CHEAP And evmy other kind of JOB PLAIN CIRCULARS, York Herald BLANK CHECKS, LAW FORMS, AND DRAFTS, AND BILL HEADS Now so indispensabie to every farr'xb'. are ho ing manufactured by us in ovary variety I Mylo and ï¬nish. Descriplive Ciréulargyil prices will ha lurnished on appflication, ant any style of Album sent by mail post-puid as receipt of price. JNO. EDWIN POTTER. Publisher- No. 617 Samson Sn, Phil-dolphin. h, AMERICAN MONEY may '41 gun. Complete in one volume. limo. doth' o'xtrl Iuslraled with steel engravings. Win h 0 out to any address postage paid on receipt c- pxice, $1.00. Booksellers. News Agents. Book Agent! Canvassers. Peddlers. and others will do web to nrder a pnckaqenf‘ our Books and A|bumh They will ï¬nd them exceedingly popular, Ala terms liberal, It is! a large lQmo. voluma. neatly bound in clolh,_i5lnstrated with engravings’, and will be sent m any address post-paid. on receipt uf price. $|.00~â€"0r on receipf of $52.00, We will send boll: [he above \\’Oll{S, postage pre’ppid. n09. i865. wanted everywhere for their sale. For single copies. or for .terms in qnutiliu. ith other information, apply g9, ornddrou, Sewing iï¬iiachinés. This. like the nhqve, ié a work of giant gnd unusual interest. and will he engeer rend as acompanion volume to " FEMALE LIFE.†WANZER. TCQ’S 1000 Local & Traveling Agent: A Companion to Female Life. ‘6 LHAT one-half of the world cannot lmw giuo how Elm other half live.†is no loss true Ilmn trim: and the lesson,.,tlle adage allbrds, our experimnm and observation daily tends to verify Then. too. when we cnmlder the ever-vuniug phases of human passion. and the discurdunr elelnEHlS frqm which: all novel and funali nl anctb‘ are moulded, i; mun scarcely seem surprising that a l’uillrfulvrocerdrr of nuunl events slrnulxl exceed in ningulm‘ily the wildest dream of romance: or [hm crnnon, both strange and unnatural, should be perpe- hated in a far of? country on tlns outskirla of civilization. wlnch people in anniher slam of merely would never imagine pnssillln. Know- ing. as I do know. (ho evils and lwrmmkand nlmmiumiuns of thr- Murnwn system. llfo do- grhdnlluu it Imposes nu females. and the con- sequent vices which axmnd through all tho ramiï¬cations of Ille snclel')‘. a Sense of duty to the world has induced me to prepare llio'Tol- lowing narrative for the pullllc oys.’ Th. ro- nmnlic invidenls connected with my nxperi- ence. many may think bordering on lhgmar- velous, To than] I would sa\',ll1nt tln’s narra- tive of m} life only proves, what has so often been proved before mm. “ TRUTH Is S'nununt Tum FICTIONâ€"Authors I’m/act. The book contains 449 pages. Wilh enzrn- ings. is neatly bound in cloth. and wiHbu sent to am address, post-paid. on recpiptol price. $1.25. ' Male Life among the Mormons, BY AUSTIN N. VVARD,’ Combination & Mnger PREMIUM SEWING smcnmm. HE ONLY' mqu aï¬i'rhe ffgf.'_E;mily Sowing ’Mnchiueu by the Judggis in}. lhc Provincial Exhiliiti’im. held in Imndiiah'Sepl 24m. 25th, 26th and mm, was giveuf'ldï¬l‘l. M \vnuzer 8L Co. ‘ ‘ 7y They 8L0 took the First Prizexfor Family Sowing: Machines with R. \I. W'a'nzgr' 81,1(70': Umnhinulimi, at I‘m Provincial Fflilf [x 1d at 'i'ormuo. Sept, :2, ‘23. 2-1. 2:3 and lBénnd aiso ï¬rsl prizes was awarded to their Singer [01- lnr~nufncturin The Firsl Extra Prize was aluo given fnr Nos. l and ‘2 Singer's )imiufaéiuï¬ng Mischfhmu. Prize.» ofa>imiiur cllm'actnr wera aisu awarded Wanzer,’s & Cu’s. Famiiy‘ble'wing Machine and Winner 5.; (‘o’s' Singer’s Muchires over all others, by the Basin] of-ths‘ numb (“Sunke- xuxe, at the Mechanics lustilula. 'l'ommu. They also louk First Egan: Prizes at 1h. several (You'll!) Agrimvhmal Fairsâ€"u! Hamil- tun. l‘nris, Gall. $1.,Tllvvlims. Uégéyspi’lfefMTlnit- by, Cohourg. Bowmanville: in fuelleveryylhco when) they have been exhibited. “ . -_,‘, .. V ing those points which were no: d8, aple in I First Class dnmeslxc nyliclé’, hv a. fig som. new invnnsions (for which they have scanned I patent in Cunada)hnve succeeded "in n‘odqcing :1 perfect Sewing Marhinemv hich h ‘gfsimplo in its principles is easily understood, r‘gqniring iess than an ordinary amonnt Ol’ ski†in its upm‘alinn. Ms accurate constructinn’ renders it Mule liabh- to get out ofrnpa'n', and {Ms easiiy adjusted. The public. on exm_ninution.‘ wil he convinced of its adv; nlagns ovér all ullxera- now ll) use. Every I'mnily should have a Wan- znr & (‘,n.’s Combination Famiiy Machiné. AH Genuine Wunzer & Co."s Se'wiugiMa- chinew ham- lhe smmp of R. M.'Walizer & Cm, Hamillou,u‘; Ihe pluxe. ‘ ‘ Good “’ords, for July, Sunday Magazine, for July, Chambers’s Journal, fdr Jnna [17? W'nnzer & Co.’s ‘Comhiua’timi’ and: Wanzer 32, Co.’s,~ Singer, excel any. Machine! that evm' were munufnctulo'e in the, United Suns-s or Canada. ‘ I. M. Wnnzer & Co. havosmgcéeded in univ ling the moslvnluablo propeniesrï¬flhe VVh’eeler 625 Wilson and Singer Machines‘ and remov- ' ng these points which were‘uot desjrgple in I EMISH WWBS ! Richmovd Hill. June 1865 Truth Bil-anger , than Fiction. FR M A L‘E LIFE MIME Mm“; Many Years Personal Expepignqe, BY MARIE W'ARD' THE WIFE 01‘ A MWMBN MEIR! chhmond Hill, June 8. ’655 Orders received for all {he 'Poridaicala and? Magazines at » a A STARTLiNG W‘Q‘RK!‘ BIGKENS’ LAST EBEAT WEEK! PHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS, GREJJ1 XPECTflTIOJV‘S, BY CHAS. UICKENS’. PA R K E l’» CROSBYy‘A‘genL FIRST PRIZE , A NARRATIVE SCOTT “ uni inn}: misty n43. Chill hf