~ WILLm mmmm, Springlmp'ortatmns TORONTO, April 1865’. The ï¬bula of whichrh'e oï¬'ers at :2 small advance on Sterling Cast ills 84mm THE, 'CHEAPEST, LARGEST AND THE BEST STOCK AGENTS WANTED. $150 PER MONTH. Agent‘ .\ dd 'mgm Mnm, April 25, 1866. Brunskill,Mrs. ' ' ' Copeland, \‘V. r . Homer. Emanuel. / HE Granite Smle Sewing Machine C0. Emm. Sarah Jung, 5’ , “viiqu to employ a few Good #3301115. in Emu“ Mun- Amh 'evon' ébuhfy‘l‘a ililmduce (heir Nt'w Family ; (;|'a'uver' Hem-.3! Sawing Machine. A salary paid fmn $5U ml (haul: George: (:6, .5150 per ‘mumh. or n Inn's cmnlniï¬siun. Helmnkmu J. This Mnchine wlls for onl} $15, and is really '11 .1MnkHQ. F_ Ini'tli $50: it will accomplish every dcsmip- :JUIHROHJL lint! of sewing, excapl button lwlos, from an ‘E Karslluw, w, 01’" 6.061 anu m the lineslsil'ks and muulinsl ‘ KMSA-oli. James. .l'lvery Machine warranted mm kept in repnir j Lyon, Mama, 191' three \‘ears. Single Mnehines,with full 1 may Renlmm primed directions. snut exprst flea on rt‘cv-‘lpl l Mm; Charlag' a] $15 in a reghlerml lulu-r. 'I‘lmsu wishing ’ Mulhulmm’ Jugm. _lu‘0n(‘.lNS «lmuld send for our private circulars Li, 0m :6. on m April. 1355 Mlhnem Nolan, O’ghieu 0’ his): Owens; O’Brien Pmlmxo Rumbln Rumble ' Riklmrd Rumblh Kalil). ': Siznpsm Stephen She-ppm 'l‘lmmps M. '1'] " ON YONGE STREET > Which the publié would‘ do well to eXamine. Crocker £5 Liguors, Ihfliraxxite State Sewing Machine Compaw , R, TV BUSH &. (10.,‘Cannda Manufucmr- Vera. H King Street Hist. Toronto, \2. W. H1510 “ï¬lms in in Great l’mluih and Canada. fLondou. England. Glasgow, Montreal and Tormuo. PETBULEUM Ull BUMPANY ! WHEREAS there exists in the neighbor- hood very strong indications that OIL exists in paying quantities in several localiâ€" ties, it is highly desirable that a Company phould be' esmblithed to test the matter, and obtain it if possnble. I The Gwalmercial Hotel. “ 134 KING STREET EAST, Opposite the Market, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Toronto, Since in the opinion of many well qualf- {led to judge, SIGNS OF OIL of a most encouraging character exist in the greatest ahundance on Mr. Klink’s farm, miles. east of Gamble’s toll-gate. It is proposed to sink a well there, as being the place most. favorable for operations. The Land can be obtained for ten years, for one-tenth of the Oil, Ton acres have already been leased to secure the site. The probable cost of sinkng the wall will lu about $2,000, about one-half of which wil: be required to procure material, and go on with the work. As the successful prosecution of the en- terprise will confer untold advantages of wealth and prosperity on our village and neighborhood, it is hoped that sufï¬cient sup- port and encouragement may be given to ' justify its prosecution. ,The capital of the Company is to ho $2,000, in 40 shares of $50 each; two shares entitles any member to become a di- rector. Gdod Stabliug and an attentive has always I’Kfltulandnnce. , Fobmeu‘ 5. 1866. 35 GLO (ICESTE R HO USE, YONGE STREET. ‘JOS' Gaby, Proprietor. Richmond Hill, Nov. 30, 1865. Totem», March 23rd. 18"6 First class Slabling and careful attendance.â€" Terms moderate. Toronto, Feb. 6, 1866. 36 H. LEMON, PROPRIETOR. JOHN GOODWIN BERNARD. PROSPECTUS ‘COMPRISINGâ€" - New Fancy angl Mourning Dresrs Goods, New Mantles, Bonnets, and Hats, New Shirtings and Sheetings, New Hosiery and Gloves, New Tweeds, Gambro'ons and Jeans, New Dress ahd Fancy Flannel Shirts, New Silks, Parasols, Ribbons, 8L0. ' RETAIL & \VHOLESALE. OF THE RICHMOND HILL Nelson Street, Toronto (Bate Thomas Comes.) (‘55 or an“ on Groceries, Hardware, JUST OWNED BY OF .549 WEE F EEREWL 1N returning thanks Io his numerous friends and nuslomen for their liberal supporl since he commenced business, begs to inform them that he has removed to Richmond Hill to the Store immediater north of the RICHMOND HILL ICOUNTY GRAMMAR SCHUUL ! And ownod duc’upiedby Mr. McNai". whyre. owing m incmasud accommodation, he he has greatly increased his Slack of Halfâ€"way House, Richmund Hill, GROCERIES, &c,. and will make it a point to keep a select skunk ul' Goods for the Sons-m, He lheret‘ore respectfully Invites his old friends and ï¬le in- iehuhilmns of the neighborhoud to call and in- spec: his Slack. feeling conï¬dst he cnnnut be undorsnld, nor surpassed by any home nurlh of 'I‘pronlo. HARDWARE. .EOHN WATERHOUSE, Farm Produce lakén in exchange. Richmond Hill. April 6. '1866. A. M. LAFFERTY, Esq., B. A., Graduate of Ton-Onto University. Free to all pupils qualiï¬ed under theismtute and regulations of the Council of Public lu- strpciiol} forr Upuer Canada. In order that. the classes may be properly arranged. intending pupiis are requested to prcsunt themselves at the commeucameul of the Term, ‘ By order of the Baard of Trustees. V TILL be re-openkd. after Easter vacation, on w EDN 13-st Y. the 4m or April, by A70. 7, Rsyal Exchange, Cowh'ill, and No. 7, Pall Mall, London. Lnndnn Fire Assurance Bumpany, Incorporated by ROYAL Charter, in 1 720. HAVING been appoint’e‘d Agent for this _ Company, one of the oldest and most reliable English Companies,l will be happy to affect assurance against Loss or damage by Fire. upon eveiy descriplion of property, at List of Letters EMAINING fin the Richméiyd H The Lowest POSSIBLE RATES, G. A. BARNARD, Agent For Newmarkgt, Aurgrgj VMarkh‘am and ' .Richmond Hill. Rithrqoyd Hill. March 1411:, With immediate payment of all Losses. Sec. (42 T reas. Richmond Hill,March 301b, 1806. Miimesssy. Arthur. Nolan, Michael. ()’“l"l£“.l,ri\\1’15§_rl‘;. A. U’hrient Mist-Mary l; Owens; Jan-lea. (‘2) O’Brien, Apln‘. Pmlevxon. Miss. anhin. John. RuinMe Thonms. Rikhurdson. J. Rumblu. Rdbért. liu‘th. Thomas, S. Simpson, Jame-s. Stephensnn. Wm. Sheppard, Ed ward“ 'i‘hompson, Samuel ,.-. M. TEE FY. H.131. M. TEEFY, 43-†05‘ \VM. 8. BULLOCK is now receiving his Spriliï¬ Stack which Will BB found one of The Largesï¬, Cheapest, andeest Selected Stocks inzthe Neigborhood, Consisting in part of Hoyle’a New and beauti- ful Prime. rich and elegam. Uelalues. Mohairs. and l’oille do Shavre Dresses. Gighamsï¬hirx- ings. Bleached and facmry Cottons. Denims, Blue and Fancy Farmer’s Drill, 'I‘owelling, Dressed and Brown Holland, Buvs’ summer 'l‘weeds. 'Satinette, Dueskius,‘ Gambroou, Russel) cord. Mens' Smacks, Uverhnuls. Long Cloth, liegeua. Fancy fl‘weed' and Flamwl Ih‘irts and Ready-mad» Clothing, with {he Best assnrlmem of Mans. ~Womens and Child- bens’ Socks. Ever Offered in RICHMOND HILL NEW, CHEAP BR? GGWS ! ‘In ovary size. (:01qu and make, Mao. a nice .Variely of Silk. Lisle and Cotton Gloves. Para- sols. Gems’ Linen and Paper Calla-is. Fancy Silk Neck 'I’ies. ‘Bmce‘s. 5140.†“finch will be Sold for Cash or Short Credit, As Cheap as any House north of Toronto. ’ Late Wm. S. Pollock has just received an excellan aswrtmamin the must fashionable styles. in Tweed DOESkillS and Summer Clothsâ€"durable in make nnd material and at moderate pxures. Call and examine his Slack. late G. A. BARNARD. Gents’ COATS, PANTS & VESTS LADIES & ï¬ï¬‚lLDREN’Sï¬SHAKERS, Fifteen Dozcnin whim and Fancy C-Iaiours'h for sale cheap 3! Wm. S. Pulluck’s. . lam A: Wm S. Pollock’s, in Danstublo. Split Straw. and Leg horn. in lhb newest and most fashionable styles, and will be sold a! Toronto Priees. with an aisnrtmem of Flower and Fancy Goods. lam G. A. BARNARD. The New and Faxhionablo “ Empress Trail " Skeleton. wichlh Inrgv variety of xho Nowbsl Slxlea worn, 1n ladies and childrens’siie’s, prom†call :1an exmnih‘e‘ l‘lm Butik, also, the New and pretty Dress Goods, at Wm. ‘5, Pollock's. Jule G. A. BARNARD. Pretty Straw, H313. and Bums.» 313K ELETON SKIRTS, Men’s Whit! 5nd Coloured Merino Socks. in hllplices. "f * = ' Men’s Bruwn and Grey Cotton Sbckï¬; Wcumu’agI White. Grey. Black and Blue (JUNO-II], in all prices. 7 Womens’ Balmoml and French brown do Lhrls' Wnile and Grey Cotton Muse in pricas. .. Buys’ White. Grey, hnd dewn Cotloh Socks il' all prices. ' lnf‘nnts’ White and Balmoml Stripe Cotton Sucks Ill all prices, and as cheap as can be bought W, S. 'l’Ol.LU(JK’S, late 9 lb Redpalh reï¬ned linguru for $l'(sp'ondid quality, also. Bruken Loaf, Powdered and crushed Sugars, cheap at W. S. POLILOCK S Lao l G. A. BARNARD. 4 “CECE SUGA RS 10 lb 9f Good 'flqscoyudo Suggr fqr $! THOSE LADIES & ClLDRFN’S GARDEN BS, Now tohand, an excellrnt ossorlmant of Pure, Fresh. and warranted seods ofosl year‘s Turnip. Carrot and Munguld gwwm. also, ,. . .‘ . lu\l l l\l‘l’|;‘ 'Wu‘i‘ize‘l. mm Seedsm w. s. roux)ch )me ' G. A; BARNARI). l have now on hand some of lhe best Malt Eve and Huspeller Whiskey ever sold 011 Richmond Hill. at any other llill l. by the bar rel or on dral'l. almoderalu Prices at. WM. S. l’ULLUCK’S. late ‘ G. A. BARNARD. Paints, Oils, Glass and Putty.- 7x9. SKID. l0x12.10x14, l2le. 16x2". Window Glass, White. head. Spaniah Bruwh. (Ihrono Yellow. Prussian Blue, Venetian ‘Kf‘d, Red- Datum flesiery Load and other paiuls, kioilud and R.sz Lin- Sead Oil. Lmnpaud Gun! Oil, Buuzoiuo, Turpentine, Whll:1g§,l’111ty, &c., of the beet ualily, and moderate prices, at. WM. S l-ULLOCK’S late Just ï¬hceiwd, BISQUE“? 2 Iu Abï¬rnelhy, Soda. Wins. Prince of VVnies’ Spice.l’ic Nic \Vatm‘. and Arruw Root, at Toronto Prices.at W. S. POLLOCK’S. late Young Hyson Teaâ€"25 6d lb. usually sold a 33 H‘yd do do 33 0d do " Good Suong do 336d do Extra Fine Flavored 4s 0d [0 4s 3d With some exoeflent brands of Java, Japan, and Black Teas. at I’ollock’, late Wï¬ï¬gï¬Ã©Ã©ï¬â€˜?! Richmond Hi" Apxil, 96 1866. l’urc Fine Flavoured AND FASHIONABLE An excellent assortment of G. A. BARNARD. G. A. BARNARD. G. A. BARNARD. G. A. BARNARD. G. A. BARN ARD. G. A. BARNARD. V “TOULD cordially return thanks to his neighbors for their great and successt'nl eflorts they mano towards saving his property at the ï¬re or. Sabbath last, and would announce that he will otter all his stock of WE Iï¬â€˜Ã© Tfliï¬Ã©f;?i&;Â¥m.fli!flw ‘l:e IV‘hNair bl k) AS EASE ZSREQUIREDjSALES WILL BE MADE FDR THAT EBMMDBITY. I. THETEME Elgin Ming, April ES. 1866. CHEAP AT THE MEHMMED HIEE PREMIUM HARNESS ESTABLISHMENT! Wheté you will ï¬nd everything in the hue. We alwais keep a good Stock on hand, consisting of MADE OF THE BEST MATERIAL.- . 1‘. W '* ' H '1‘ w: q†u 4% rut“. m w" Mun '5 1“in: “W ' W m ""1 |Minn W "m 31.: “1mm «WEE “Wm "WW m'mmam SINGLE 8; DOUBLE HARNESS, All llle above, and many Goods not mentioned, of every style and Qualily. we oï¬'ar and a'ways sell at low and uniform prices. A call is respectfully requested, as we are sure it will pay those ‘wlxo may want any of the articles. W. H. MYERS. @Jï¬ï¬ï¬LES & wasps. ALL COLLARS VVARRANTED SAFE ichmond Hm, April 18, 1866. THE SUNDAY MAGAZINE Imuï¬â€˜by N'omm MACLEOD, D. l).,-â€"-One of Her Majesly’s Ceapléms. Read the “ HERALD’S†Monthly Notices ofthese Periodicals Massrs. Slrahun & Co., wi†Send Specimen Copies free, and Offer ammo! the ele- gant Volumes of GOOD WORDS,†OR “THE SUNDAY MAGAZINE.†Or an additional copy to any one who will furnish their local Bookseller with FIVE new Suhscribers’ names. Club terms on application at A FRESH LOT OF ENGLISH BOOKS ’J‘he Sleek had been laid in this Springâ€"â€"‘ N. B.â€"â€"â€"Patterson’s Shares and Land-sides on hand. GETS & PRESENTS SCOTT’S Richmond Hill .' GQQD TRAAHN & CD’S. MAGAZINES. @meeries, Hardware, &c. Commencing onHMonday, the 23rd inst, in Richmond Hill, March 30, 1866. 121. Montreal; 50 St. Peter Street. EDITED BY THONIAS GUTHRIE, D; D.. Author of “The Gospel in Ezekiet,†“ Speaking in the Heart,†Sec. wxxm ARGOSÂ¥, ‘ _, MAGAZINE FOR. THE FIRESIDE ANDTME JOURNAL. “ Good words are worth much and cost liltle.â€â€"HERERT. VVI’i‘H A NEW AND COMPLETE STOCK OF JGHN WATEREG‘USE CENTS 15:;CENTS A MONTH; $1 75 15 CENTS A MONTH;- $1 75 A YEAR. HAS BEEN REC EWED, AND WIL L BE SOLD C - REAP AT To Which they invite public attention. (Some of which |s sligth soiled) at A MONTH: $1 BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. PROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED: . NEWTON WILL OPEN ON TO BUY YOUR AT THE‘ SUITABLE FOR ILLUSTRATED. NTH: $1 50 A YEAR ‘it is therefore New and Fashionable. Cash for Hidés and Skins. Good Words, Sunday Magazing FOR MA CHAN 01' E Supplied on the best and \owest-Qerms. at S 0‘0 T'T’gv Richmond Hill Burying Erunnd! PUBLEOEOTICE _LL fflhl'liea having ground enclosod or marked of as family burying grounds, are Vherebv notiï¬ed mu such enclosed or marked ground. not occupied with gravesâ€"â€" cannot be secured unless lhe sum of two dollars for each unopened grave hef rthwtth paid for. a limited number. any six graves. 3}N 9 feet each, as the maxiomum can Only be secured by one. family, ' When payment is made in accordance with the above it M" be considered parment only for the ï¬rst opening of a grave and n re-opeu- ing of a grave will be subject to a new charge. such charge to be regulated by the congrega- tion at annual meetings. - The trustees will not hold tllemrivas re- sponsible after this notice, should burials take place on marked of? ground, unless the above regulations are complied with. Richmond Hill, March 9. 1866. Grammar School. UBLlC NOTICE is hereby given that the Richmond Hill Cdunly Grammar School is now free to pupils who may be anxi - ous to acquire a superior 6ducmion.-Applica- [ion to be made to the Hand Master. By order of the Board of 'l‘rus‘eus. Henry Smelser, l‘lENSED AUCTIONEER for the coun- ties of York and Peel. Collector of Notes. Accounts. (Size. Small charges and plenty to do, HE Subscriber begs to inform the Public that. he has leased the above Hotel, where he willkeep constantly ouhami a good supply of ï¬rstâ€"class Liquors. &c. As this house possesses every accommodation Tra- v'ellers can desire. those who wish (ostay where they cm ï¬nd every comfort ai‘e rospectï¬illy in- vited to give him a call. Riclimdhd Hill. Dec. 1865. QS-tf Secr’g d3: Treas RichmondHi". March 9, 1866" 4-0 AME into the V premises of the Subscriber, Lot No. 32, 2nd Con. Vaughan, about me middle of October last, STRAY STEER. A Black 8: White Mully Steer He looks like a 3-year-old. The owner Sun havie (he same by pfdviug properly and paying expenses. ROBT. ROBINSON. Vaughan. Dec. 7. 1865 26-4 DENTISTRY. Standard Periodicals. NEAR CHURCH STREET, IS prepared to wait upon any who need his professional services in ordorto preserve their taelh, or relieve suffering and supply new teeth in the most npprovedstyle. Also to regu- late the teeth of those who need it. Consultation free. and all work warranted. w. c. Aï¬RMS-s, D- D. 5-, ‘ ‘ 7 [TH Thrae Acres of Land.» good Barn. Stahies, Cow-house. Orchard, \Vellsof Hard and Soft Water. and other cunflmieums, situated on 10148, Isl. Con. Vaughanâ€"Mill sheet. Richmqu Hill, DOLMAGE’S HOTTEL, HOUSE & LOT FOR SALE ORTORENT. JOHN DE LA HAY. Rich’d Hill. Jan. 25, “166; 34-3m ’aughan, Dec. 7, 1865 Laskay. March ‘Jud 18 65. MR.- VVM. C. MACH. Sl'R.â€"»Your Air-tight Door seems likely to meetv‘v'ilh liberal favor from the public. VVa require something of the kind to rende‘r out-side doors proof against air and frostâ€"this invention will doubtless meet the case, and will be found both cheap and efï¬cient It commands ilself' to the judgement oft hose who investigate the matter. as being calculated to save fuel, and to render a family residence mor’e hanlthy and attractive. , Haï¬ng adopted the fwi‘hc‘iple in my resiâ€" dmma. you have thereby the lost evidence. that f (Eonéiéer your' patent 'WOrt‘hy the aneutiou of the public. ‘ vv . June. 1865. MR. WM. MACEY. Slapâ€"Having tried your "Patent Air-light and Frost»; ': 9f Door,†1 have reason to believe that it is an excellent c'ontrivance, and ca‘culd- ted to contribute {HIT-ch to ll‘ie 0.0man 0f these who adopt it. 1 am of opinion that much iess Wood will he required to heat a house in the winter season if your patent is applied to the outside door: (if a residencé. ir-Tighi and Frost-Proof floor! Apply on the premises (a 95 King Street East, Toronto, Mn. Wu. MACEY. FREE! SIRâ€"I have examined your model of nev‘W inï¬euleddoor, and consider it superior to auv xhing l have seen For stopping dmughts and frost, and think it will greatly save fuel, save health and p‘revéut damage from frost. It is likewise cheap. Yours, &c.. JAMES LANGSTAFF, M. D. PATENTED. JUNE 16, 1865. S 3 Rxcnmon‘o HILL. July 20m, 1865. Richmond Hill, July 1855 LATE VAN NOSTRAND’S, RICHMOND HILL Rxcaflonn HILL. Yours truly AMOS WRIGHT, M.P.P. RICHMOND HILL, Jub' Est. 1865. GEO. PJDICKSON'. RICHMOND HILL. July 4, IBGS. M. TEEFY, M. 'l'EEFY, Postmaster, 0F Secreï¬ary. 4lD-4w 89-ly 21-; -53m BESMBLESWW I; r SHOP adjoining the "Fhrnl'd" Ofï¬ce wil he let fur a long or shun, mm ox-yem's. There i1 :1 good opuuwg fol a Watchmaker or Tinsmilh. Apply at this Ofï¬ce, Richmond Hm, April 13, 45: YONGE STREET. HE Advartiser Offers For Sale his Eerm, of 50 acms, on Yongo St-cet, about half. way between Richmond Hill and 'l'hurnlhll or he will sell 46 achs with the Farm House’ and Farm Buildings. . TERMS :~-A small payment down, and a lmg lime to pay the balance if requlred. PRICE:-â€"For [he 46 acres, with Farm House and buiid‘ngs, $68 (Iollais an auré. Possession can be had on Isl April. i866. N. B.~â€"A BAY MARE, 6 years old for Sale. (on time if required.) ‘ SMAEL FARM I March 16th, 1866. RICHMOND HILL Cabinet Establishment. HOMAS COGllLAN begs to inl‘nrm the inhabitants of Richmond Hill and sur- rounding coumr)‘. that he has leased, 1or}: numlisr git" years, the Cahinel Shop and Store from Mr. Wehher. where he will manufacture and keep on hand a good assortment of Bedsteads; Bureaus, Cupboards. l‘re wing Stands, &c . which he offers at exn'en 81'. low prices. Also 11 large assortment at Room Paper, Bordering. \Vllite Lead, Paints and 4 o'lor, Raw and Boiled Linseed Uil. Machine Oil. Ruck Oil, Varnish. ’l‘urpentine, Benzene. Glass, Putty, Glue, &c., &c Parties Furnish- ing. l’apering, or Painting their houses. will dd well 10 call before purchasing elsewhere. Household Furniture, Chairs. Tables, \Vhere he will keep on hand Now, Shorts..- an. Oats, l’ease, Oatmeal; Cornmoal. Buck- wheat, Bacon. Hams. Cheese, Fish. and "mm- ral Groceries of the Best Quality, for sale. at Prices that cannot be surpassed. Richmond Hill. Jan. 12, 1866. 31-6m4 J.'M. PATTERSON. J. LANGSTAFF; YORK. PEEL & ONTARIO; FLOUR,FEED, Provision and /Groccry Storé, PATTERSON & LANGSTAFF Licensed Aucéionecrs, For: THE COUNTIES 0F Feb'mmy 16. 1866, DR. N. J. PECK, SURGEON DENTI QT†i ESl’ECTFULLY announces that he has changed his time of Visitingthe foilowing places, and nfterlhis date will‘ be (Sundays excepted) in Stouï¬'ville . . . BEAGGN’S FAMILY MBBIBIRES Aurora, June 7, 1865. The safest and best Medicines in 1136 in Canada. Where he will amend to any businessl mining to any branch of his profession. AS been appointed agent. for the County of York, for the above valuable Modi- cines. which havn been before the Canadian public for the past seven years. and have given universal Sati<faclionâ€"he can therei‘nro. with conï¬dence. recommend (hundreds of Testimo‘ nials could be gwen if required, shewing tho beneï¬t donved therefrom.) their use for their sevaml virtuor. DEACON’S FAMILY VEGI'I'ABLE PILLS Act gently yet effectually: may be taken dur- ing any t-mplovment, at any time. and even bv the most délicaze female. inc/wows S'I‘OMAVCVHIVC VEGITABLE Ho wouXd also Call atte’mibn to hisi “ ' ' BITTICHS, As a general Tonic, 01‘ Strengthening Medi‘ cine m brace and invigorate the frame, "0113 ca“ be better. A somliing and astringent appli‘cxticm ; and, as far as an application can: be of any service, more southng and much more astringent, than any hitherto prepared. The majority of cases ï¬nd speedy 1'o1iel' by its use. DEACON’S WORKING Ml}N’S FRIEND '7 on HEAL ALI... An exconem remedy for Rheumatiï¬m, Erysi- nah“, Strains, Bruises. Cuts, Chi‘blaius. Sore Tnmat. and viMenL l’a'ms In Back or Side, the effects of the Heal All in the above cases are astonishing, frequently removing all pain in a. few hours. DEACON’S VEGITABLE COUGH PILLS One or two Doses generally remOVe the cold. l)E-ACON'S Mixture for Cholera, Diarrhea, and Summer Complaints, equal to if not bet‘ [er than any other medlcine made. DEACON’S unrivalled Cough Balsam, for Coughs, Col<l~u Consumption, Asthma. 6m. DEACON’SAmlbillious l’ills. None bet- ‘terlu use. DEACON’S LINIMEN'I‘, For Cuts, Cracked Heals, and all kinds of sores on Horses and Guide. DICACON’S Eruplive Oimment £01.r a“ kind M'skin diseases. BHBLE SWEET? Eï¬ii‘flgi’NRY SCOTT’S BOOK STORE, RICHMOND “ILL, August 10 1865. Richmond Hill, June, 1865. . A. BARNARD DEACON’S PI LE OINTMENT. FOR SALE 0N G. J F. PEARCE. ‘Lot 39, 1st 0011. Vaughan. Iglpgmingtpn. ' l8lh of each momh. . .191h “ " ‘..,‘20th " "‘ u .21“ “ " . .23â€! “ ‘- . .QMh “ “' . .2641 “ " . .Qï¬lh “ " . 29th ,3mh .3 1 st . lst 31 d ThoruhiH; 37-1 l-tf per- 19