The question urgently presents itself is» the effort for seperntion to be abanâ€" doned! If we,- knowing our grievances and protesting against them ; knowing also, that in this effort lies out only re- asonable chance of redress, allow it to be abandonedmeLdesene to suffer,and should git-least hold out peace and pocket the wrongs we'have not the energy to reme- dy. What is to hinder us cfl’ecting a separation if the matter is taken up with Proper spirit, and presevcred in ? Must this ï¬ne county continue for time in- definite to be flawed and victimized for want of puclie spirit to protect it, or yublic men to lead it? We trust uot,yet that is just our present position. We fire sorry to see that our contem.‘ If then there was a clear case in our favor, it is now vastly strengthened and therefore the greater necessity that some active measures should be taken to secure redress of our grievances, which .as long as our connection with the city lasts, will be continually augmenting. -Had there been such unanmity of pur- pose and action, as we advised nearly a year since; the dissolution 16 ’desirable might have been new effected, but just at the crisis when energy was most need- ed, and would in all probability have been effectual to secure the end desired, the apathy of those entrusted with the direction of the movement, snï¬'ered it to fall through, without having aceom-‘ plished anything save directing attention question. I 4 034:}; {.19 1; , a, total of our burdens since our courts will be as open, and as attractive to them, as to the rest of the province for whom we have the honor to do business. Hence we may expect very little dimin- ution in the amount of business for the Settlement of which, we have the privi- ilege of supplying juries just when it does’nt suit us, and the expense of whichJ will go to swell the very hand- some expenditure we have the enviable destinction of being responsible for. During the recent agitation for the aeperation of this county from the city, and the selection of some more central 1 county seat, we have frequently shown that we gain nothing by being connected with Toronto, save increased taxation and inconvenience. To go over again the facts and ï¬gures in proof of this, is quite unnecessary. Every well inform- ed man in the county is fully aware of them, and fully 'aware also, that this act 'oi’seperation involves no outlay that we have not abundant means to meet. “ This may be perhaps the last Court ":ol' Assizes that will be held for the “ United Counties of York and Peel, as “in all probability before the time ar- “1rives for holding another court, the “ county of Peel will have separated “from York, as the county buildings in “ Peel are at present far advanced to- “ wards completion.†The above, taken from the present- ment of the grand jury at the late assizes, gives us a pretty broad hint, that we will soon be compelled to pay the whole criminal expenditure hitherto borne by the united counties. We say the whole expenditure,for we cannot per- ceive that the withdrawal of Peel, will materially lessen either the duration or expense of the various courts. In com- parison with the large number of' cases entered from the city and from other counties, the business belonging to these counties is really very trifling, and if the attention of judge and jury were exclusively conï¬ned to them, We should have little to complain of, and our courts instead of lasting 'for nearly a month, terminate ms in other counties inside of a Week. From the Injustice with which our neighbours. in common with our- selves, have long sulfered ’from this civic connection, they are about to'reneve‘ themselves. "But this, however advan- tageous to them,will but add to the sum New Advertisements. Prime-H. & A. Newton First. Piize Harnessâ€"Wm. Harrison Medical Dispensaryâ€"Dr. TL 0. Culver_ Note of Hand Lost~~Margaret Lent Superioi Hamsâ€"W. Atkinson - Noticeâ€"Corporation of Yoikville. Cactiâ€"Read & Boyd The Greai Emporiumâ€"W. Atkinson List of Letters in P.O. Notice to Builders. The Granite State Sewing Machine Co. New An-ivalsâ€" I. H. Myers. Spring Importationâ€"WV. Mitchell. Elgin Mills Storeâ€"J. G. Bernard. RICHMOND HILL. MAY 11, 1866 Express. . . . Mail . . . . . . SUBSCRushi FOR The York Heralg, $1,00 a year RICHMOND HILL TIME ‘I‘AB‘ Mail Train. ï¬xpreu. . . . Northern Railway of Canad ‘Lr El): math 92mm. The Late Asslzes. MO‘ING MOVING who seems to 2m DOK'I H. sufuu. .rr', A. ...-4 56 r. ...814 r‘ ...9 33A We are requested to call attentién to the advertisement oï¬ the Court of Revision for the Township 'of Vaughan, which! wdl be held in the Town Hulk/en Mondiy‘nexh, the 14th inï¬rm: at 112011, A. H. Fenwick, seconded by James Robinson, moves that. the Council do now adjourn to meet on Monday the 281h May nextâ€"Carried. Mr. W'illmot seconded by Mr. Fen- wick, moves that the petition from Jacob Heise, and others praving that a. shop license be granted to John G. Bernard be laid on the table until next meeting of Council.â€"â€"-Carried. Said petitions were received and read ".Mdved'by AnHV. Fenwiek, and se- conded by James Robinson, that the sum of $20 be granted by this Council for the buildmg of a bridge, on the Town-line between Markham and Whit. church, opposite lot 35 in the 8th Chn. providing: Whitchurch grants $40 and that f’hilfp Wideman and Newberry Button, be commissioners to expend the sameâ€"Carried. From Jacob Heise, and others pray- ing the Council to grant shop license to J obn- G. Berna: d. From N. Boultou, and others for grant 0n Town-line, 8th Con Markham, and Whitchurch. PETITIONS. From Wm. Armstrong jr. and others praying for aid to James Ozburn a des- titute person. Minutes of last council were read and approved. Theï¬ouncll then organizedï¬for gener. a] business. W‘hen James Robinson, seconded. H. Fenwick, moves that the Court Revision do now rise and ask leave sit again on Monday the 28th, day May next *Carried. The appeals against the assessing were then taken up and disposed of. The-above Councilgmet at; Unionv‘xlle on Monday, the 7th inst, at 1 pm. As a court of Revision. Reeve in the chair. Members present Messrs. Willmot, Robinson and Fenwick. imépéï¬ï¬â€™riiéz} b‘Secured By unitéd and earnest efl‘oxt. W111 itqbe forthcoming ? or rather, will it not? Why this course should be taken in preference to that of seeking to have the law ailtered,so as to prevent the tran- f'er to our courts of business that does not naturally belong to them, is evident. The former course would secure“ to us the possession of' a‘ county town in our‘ midst, while the latter would still leave us dependent on Toronto, compelled to travel across the whole county to do our business, and to pay our oflicials not only for the regular duties of their oï¬w, but also for the increased expenditure ofa city life. Not in county disintegra‘ tjon, thereforexbut' in county independ- ence, lies}. our true interest and that in- dependmca andzits‘eansequent internaF There is, moreover, no necessity that this county should be broken up into two smaller ones, thus burdening the people thereof with the expense of double sets of ofï¬cials and buildings.â€" Yet such must be the ultimate result, if our contemporary’s scheme be adopt- ed; for the Southern half would then be worse oï¬â€˜ than ever, and be compelled to seek relief in the same manner, and double efl'ort, confusion and expense, be required, to do badly what might be well done now, by a united eï¬â€˜ort of both sectionsâ€"namely: efl‘ect the separation of the whole county from ‘the city. Wd still a e it pay, how much more the Whole county unitedly, when it has in its city property, the means for such buildings, already at its disposal. That the Eral’s scheme might be advantageous compared With “the present state of things, is quite probable; but that it would, in‘ comparison with the ad- vantages accruing from a united separa- tion, be a clear loss, is in our opinion beyond question. Court of Revision. Markham Council. ; but that it with the ad- unitcd separa- ih our opinion ion ‘naF md die 51‘- 1d MY DEAR EDITORâ€",HOW are you ; how is Mrs. Editor, and all the little Editors. Pardon my rough speech, but I must speak in good old English ton- gue; that tongue in which my mother sung her lullaby, and my father drove his oxen. The reason I ask an excuse, is because in this day of learning, it has '. become so uncommon to speak plain, I thought perchauce you would have , some nice compliment from the “classics,†which would be more in the fashion of the day in which we live ; but if you do not like it, hundreds of your readers will, because they will have an opportu- nity of knowing what I mean, and not be like myself who just now took up a. paper for the purpose of reading a bit of news, and the ï¬rst thing I set my eye upon, was from a “ Paris special correspondent,†which I undertook to read. It commenced in a very nice manner as if the writer knew everything, and a little besides. He had something to say about German affairsâ€"and said “the unsettled affairs of Germany still keep us all on the gui vine, I stopped and lOOkOd, and thought, but do my best I could not learn what kind of a. thing they Were kept onâ€"so I passed on; but alas Soon found another difl‘igulty WhiCh 16d me into a. still worse maze,â€" he says of Napo‘eon, “he has got over the little centre temps at the Oden, some weeks back, and those who come in daily contact with him inform us that tout n’ent pas couleut dcrnsc. Here was a" regular jargon of which I could not tell a word. 1 passed on, but was soon stuck again, by ï¬nding him sayingr “ there was no fear the Emperor's wishes not being carried out la lam-e.â€" Ily this time I began in be amMedrand thought I would go on though I (Wild not get one clear sentence. The Emperf or and Empress have been anything bat gracious to those deputies who have I gone over to the tiers part5, I should like to know where that is, I never heard of such a place beforeâ€"speaking of clubs, he says many where ccarte and buwral are allowed, are also sources of tempta- tion to young men. Then he has some- thing to say about gambling, of which, he says, there has been going on in the déns manic, where the agents of the po- lice havelately found the roulette, rouge ct noir, and trcnte ct qu zmnfe are playâ€" ed, and where those are foolish enough to frequent the houses of' cos demos are sure to be fleeced in a merciless manner. I had scarcely read half a column, but here I threw it away, disgusted with such stuff; and asked myself the ques- y- tion-is this the kind of stuff to send (JUU: out for readers like myself who have not had the opportunity of swallowing classi- cal dictionaries. No doubt you, the doctor, minister, and a few others may understand it, but-- is that any reason why unfortunates like myself, should re- main in the dark ? No, I say it is an imposition on those who pay for plain reading, and humiliating those who have felt proud of their mother tongue. and have believed it to contain within itself every facility to make the most obtruse idea as clear as the pebbled brook. Has 1 the English language proved a failure. that language in which her poets sung, and philosophers made laws for the world ? No such a thingâ€"it is the same in which Shakespeare and Milton wrote, ,and needs not to be checkered with the unintelligible jargon of foreign trash, to add to its beauty or increase its power, and those who cannot write a short letter without such, are either con- temptible pedants, who wish to show the world that they are cfasmicrtl scholars, or else they are of that class who would be better employed at some calling, for which by nature they have been better adapted. qmmamoâ€"mu The death is announced of Sir George Low Marshall Parker, fburth baronet, of' Han-burn Walrwickshire, in his twenty-sixth year. He was born in 1840, succeeded his father, Sir George Parker. in 185T, and at the time ,of'his death was Lieutenant in her Majesty's 3d’ G’oorkhn Regiment .Hee‘iavsum ceeded by H5 uncle, nmr Sir Henry Parker, ï¬fth bamneg born in 182% We are glad to hear of the fortunate rescape of a respected resident of our ‘village, Mr. James, Nolan, from the re cent Detroit Catastrophe. He was employ- ed on board the “ W'indsor" and involv- ed in the same peril as the rest of his shipmates. A jump from a ï¬re-doomed vessel and a swim for life are adventures in a. man's history of which he is eel- dom 'desirous of experiencing 'a repeti~~ tion. We congratulate him onihis es- cape. Markham, May 10, 1866. To the Editor of the York Herald, Esq., Mr. Wm. Trench, and Mr. A- McBetb, said Commift'ee to report at? a public meeting to be held at Dolmage’s hall this evening (Friday;11th)zit half; past seven o’clock. ï¬erï¬iï¬Ã©hï¬ï¬ï¬fï¬ PERSONAL. Pedants. A MAN SHOOTS HIS WIFE WITH A SHOOTSGUN. ; A man named Robert Gibson, a farmer, i residing in the township of Seal-bore, was arrested and conveyed to the city hall po- lice station, in this city, yesterday, on charge of having attempted to kill his wife, by shooting her with a shot gun. It seems that the prisoner and his wife have not led a very pleasant life for‘some time past, and angry words haying been indulged in on Thureda , the prisoner seized a gun and. ï¬red at rs. Gibson, the discharge taking effect in her leg, and lacerating it in a frightï¬il manner. He then decamned, and did not return home until yesterday, when‘ he was taken into custody. In the mean- time, his wounded wife had been removeâ€" into the“ city and placed under the care of Dr. Newcombe. Her wounds are yet so ver serious that she is unable to leave her but there is hope 'of hot ‘ï¬naltg‘feeoveryv ' he prisonerwill‘ be (examined before a. bench of nmgiszratcs today-Mia. East Ward, but WM 3th under and quench- ed before much ï¬da‘mage was done. Pro- perty insured. Again, in the evening of the same day, the small hotel of Mr. South7 King’s Ward, was discovered to be on ï¬re. The engines were quickly on the spot, and the ï¬re soon put out, but not before the building was pretty much destroyed. This last building was In loudtely set on ï¬re There was an insurance of $400 on the building. Fm: m Emmanuâ€"Bnmrrosn. May 8.â€"On Friday night, the 4th inst†about 12 o’clock, a buildinzin the North ward, occu- pied by a Mr. Smith as a grocery, was totally consumed by ï¬re. The origin of'the ï¬re is unknown, but is supposed to be acciâ€" dental. Insured. On Monday morning the 7th inst" at four. o’clock, a frame building, used as a fanning mill, the property of R. R. Brown, Esq., was destroyed by ï¬re. Supposed to be the work of an incendiary. Insured. On Monday forenoon, the 7th inst, a ï¬re broke out in the hotel of S. Day The much vexed questioh is not likely to be at rest for some days to come. Menu- time’ it is to be hoped that the cammnnity will await, with becoming patience, develop- ments that the most prophetic cannot fore- shadow. £0 positwe is each of the parties of th? falsity of the statement made by the ot 181‘. The reader will remember {thnt it was atated that Russ. having ’called upon the ï¬rm of Cronin ' waive ï¬fty ï¬tho‘u- Emtd’ddilï¬ï¬‚’irgfld, _\ i i †â€â€˜ in pay: ment t‘ erefom a cl’eql‘te for the sum of $63,: 602, drawn on the' Continentral Bank, and hearing what [imported to he the certiï¬ca- tion mark of fhefï¬rst teller. Messrs. Cronise 55 Co. affirm that they at once sent this cheque to the bank, whence it was imme- o‘iately returned, as alleged, with the assur- ance that the certiï¬cation mark was genu- ine. Ap: 0120: of this assertion a highly in teresting conflict has been inaumted. Mrs. Cronise & Co. reassert that the cheque was ‘ received from the bank and declared “ good while Mr. C. F. Timpson, cashier of that ï¬nancial institution, quite as tenatciously maintains that the cheque was never seen until! it reached him through the oex changes from the Clearing House. The ‘ proclamations of both parties were at ï¬rst conï¬ned to more verbal affirmations made by utha disputants and given to the echoes of the street. Inasmuch, however._as the bank and the ï¬rm are alike interested in the af‘ fair, and to no inmnpiderable extent, re. course was had to the press, through the medium of which either of the contended took occaaion to readvert to the truth of his version. ew are rea y wo y . r is at present no doubt thut the forget hed de- voted much time to the laying of his plans it being afï¬rmed that he'hsd just started in the brokeisge husinels in‘ June last. His bank account withlthe Union Band did not then exceed the suit: of ï¬ve hundred dollars but at later day amounted, at. certain times, to ï¬fty-Seven thousmd dollars. A bonking account was also kept with the Continental Bankâ€"this double display of resources being made with a; view to dazzling his financially and speculatively inclined friends. A reward of twenty-five dollars was yesterday otl'ered for such information as might lead to the discovery of the ‘house at which the supposed forger had taken up his abode, but this liberal o'tfer had not, at ‘lnst accounts, been productive of any re- sponse on the part of those who are pre- sumed to be in the secret. SUPPOSED ESCA?E OF THE FORGER. Upon the discovery of the , forgeries the victimized parties at Once communith with the police. The English mail steamer Persia and the Havana steamship “Miro Castle were thoroughly-searched ; the exert- ions of the ofï¬cers, however, being fruitless. The Paciï¬emeil steamer Arizona. thatlel‘t this port on Tuesday, was not, however. vis- ited, and fears are entertained that the guilty party may have thus quitted New York a few hours’previous to the gigan- tic fraud being mabe public. THE LOSERS THEIR LOSSES. in the case of Gm‘esbeckdz 00., Ross, it would seem, had deposited with the ï¬rm twenty Michigm Central Railroad bonds, purporting to be the original documents he had pu.-chssed from the some gentleman at short time previous, but. in reality, c.everly executed for-germs" Upon their deposit Messrs. Gruesbeck & Co. loaned the man‘ $16,000, with which he decamped, tue for j nsz being discovered some days later. The emit-ed amount 0 money frandniently ob- taiqu amounts to $365,787. and the losers by the operations are as follows;â€" David‘Groesbeék & :Co. . $19,000 Cronise 3: 00.. . . . . . . .. ‘63,062 Black 8: Spnnlding . . . . . . . 63,125 The Union Bank . . . . . . . . 120,000 The Continenufl Sank. . . . 90,000 Tom ..... .. . .. . . $356,187 CRONISE AND C0. 75. THE CONTINENTAL Attempted Murder. If you need the Pine, cut. out (his advertise- ment {on reference, nnd if you cannot procure them of your druggist, do not Le impnsml on by any vtlm' remedy, but enelnse the money in a letter to Dr. J. BRYAN. Conanlling Physician. 4512 Bwndway, New York, Box, 5079, and they will bu sum to you gecuro {rum ohservaï¬on, bv muuw mail, on, mtéipt of the many. ly-‘25 Pamâ€: Cmcuuas to Ganuemen only. sent free on receipt of directed envelope and 5139p, Sold in boxes containing 60 pills, Prine One Dollar, or six buxos, Five llovlnrs: also, in huge boxes, containing [our of the sunll, Price Three Dollars. In all Sexui] Diseases. as Gonorrhea, Stric. turn. Gloet. and in all Urinary and Kidney complaints. Hwy act hko a charm. Relief is ennrienced by taking a single bux : and from four to six boxes generallv efl‘act a cure. They are adaptad for male or female, old or youngrand are the only reliable known fot the cure of all diseases arising from Are warranted in all cases, for the SPEEDY and PERMANENT CURE ol Semial Weakness, Ureth- ral and Vaginal Discharges. Gleet, Sexual De- nility and diseases of the Bladder and Kidneys. They be Used Without Detection, and (It) not interfere with business pursuits, and Na clumgc of Diet is necessary. A gentleman whn snfl'erod fnr warn from Nervnua and Genita’ D biliu'. Nightly Emin- siuns. and smninal W-Iakness, the result of \‘outhfnl indism‘eï¬on, and came near ending his rhvu in ‘mpeless miwry. will. for the! Rake cf mfering mun, said to nnv one I Minted. the simple means uqu by him, which efl'oelod l cure nu n few Wï¬e'kr. min-r Hm («Wm 01' nu- merous medicines. Send a dnrecled envelope and ten cents: and it will cost x'nu nothing. .Address. Evan; "‘nsuuu. Stanton L. 128th New York citv. ' « ly-QS BELL’S SPECIFIC PILLS ! Flonr brl.. .. ..... Fall Wham 39 bushel Spring Wheat do Barlev do Poase do Ont: do ¢ Potatoes do . Hay ton .........‘ SHE“?de Bullorï¬ï¬lb Eggs quOV......... Appl:-s‘@brl,....... FOUND A}: LAs1'.â€"â€"Yesferlay eve'xing, the body ofa than. 'very mu h decomposed, was found floating in the Don, at the Don bridwe, wile a chain and bag attached to the leï¬ Klimt. It was idemiï¬ed as the body of John .L ichlesou, who left his home near Lesslieville on the llth oflast month, and of whom no trace could be obtained, though diligent search was made, until yesterday. An inquest will be held on the body at ten o’clock this morning, at Kingsburar’s tavern King street east. In the House Of Commons on the 19th the debuLe upon the Reform Bxll was resum" ’ed. Ll-rd Echo, Mr. Beresfurd Hope, and' Mr. G. Hardy, were the chief Speakers against. and Mr. Miluer Gibson and Mr. Hughes in favour of the measure.. The de- bate was 30mm continued on the 20â€"Sir S. Northcote, Mr. Horsman, and others, speaking in opposition, and the Salicitor- General for Scotland, and Mr. Coleridge in support ofthe bill. The debate was further adjourned to the 23d of April. A Vienna telegram, of the 20th, says :â€" ‘The reply of Austria to the Prussian (les- patch oftbe 15th inst., was forwarded to Berlin yesterday. It is said to be one of a purely formal but peaceful character, con- minin’r proposals f n- the simultaneus reduc- ‘iiéï¬_§?ï¬KWWM-aï¬ï¬ establishments to a peace footing at nil early and ï¬xed date. To-day’s 'our uals state that rumors are current 0 an arrangement alleged to have been come to between Austria and Prussia, whereby the former power elwages to demobnlize her troops by the 2551=and the latter by the 26111 of April. ' The accuracy of this report is not voufli'e’di ï¬n.’ Svevens, lhe Fenian head centre, had been entertained at a banquet in Paris, at the residence of the Marquis de B)issy. .A special Vlenna telegram of the 19th, to the London Time, says :â€"“Itis now highly probdble that peace will be maintain. ed between Austria and Prussia. The not purporting to be the reply of Austria to a llespatclx from Earl Russell is a pure inven- Iiou. The Austrian Government. has re- ceived no such despatch as that ascribr-d to the English Prime Minister.’ Popular meeting, at which war was strongly dc- nounced, continued to be held in'T'Vm-ious parts of Prussia. a: The Two Thousand Guineasâ€"the ï¬rst of the three great tux-f events of the season in Eszgland-Was'wdn by Lord Lyon. Subject to many.exceptions, the Volun- teer corps which are chiefly recruited from the upper classes. have a tendency to' dimi- nish, while those which draw their supplies from the artisuans and rural population seem to grow stronger. ' ' Au uncle of Pririce Christian of August teuburg some years ago married an Ameri- can lady nan ed Lee. He died a. few months afterwards, and his resides in Paris with her sister, the Baroness Wachter Thus it will happen that after her marriage, Ihe Princess Helena will be niece Ofa New York lady. UpwardS‘ of L200 works have been writ« ten with a view of explaining the Book of Revelation. Yet among the vast number of authors who have been so employed no two are found to agree on every point.â€" Morning Advertiser. It is estimated‘that the'expense of lamb!» i113)" has been upwards of 3620.000. GLAD NEVVS ERRORS OF YOUTH. Youthful Indiscretion, TO RONTO M A RK ETS. brl........... FOR THE IYNFORTUNATE. ,w UllallDlptcoo-u- m do do nun" do ........ do u... ...-.-o--o¢-.o... u...uucooo.n.... Turonto, Mayl 1’. ....$515 @ s7‘ 1 ..... 25@ ll 1 on @ I t 055 @ 0i 069@ 0‘. 030@ 02- nesa; n‘ . 700 @1 6 (w rm o 33 @ 0 10 @ 1 so @ “40°03 55â€" nma. 9:: 3:43: --L'_‘.Yv () 35 In 00 8 00 o ‘24 0 I3 2 (is 47 40 Malkham. May '1. 1886, HE Public are c‘a‘ulionod not to nogociate fa- a Nola drawn in favor of MARGARET LEA'I' by WILLIAM FRISIY, for thaeum of $30 50 cents, date’d Markham. October 15. l865. .nnd pnyabio one your affer date, as the name 11 'mhaing and payment‘hu been stopped. 77. Kirig Street East, lover Tho‘mpson’s East India House) READ & BOYD: Barristers, Attorneys at Law, SoIIcitors in Chancgfy,&c., ' Toronto. D.B. READ, Q.C. [1A. BOYD BA.- May7.1866. I 40-“ Elgin Mills. May 11 1866. 10 per cent Below Toronto Prices For Cash ladies’ Siraw Hats Very Cheap. H. 81: A. NEWTON’S flSSflBTMENT F PRINTS PRINTS ! Richmond Hill. April 20. ’65. HAMS Wm . Atkinson’s An invaluable treatise “10013111308; by DKJ. lnrvey. publ‘ï¬hed‘for the boneï¬l of the sex On receipt of Twenty cams, it will be um post paid. in a sealed envelope in all‘ who ap- ply for it. Address. Dr. J BRYAN. 442 'Hmad- “(:3 New York, Box 5079, 19225 Tiird Evlrinn, Fifty Thousandâ€"100 pug". hv Kenn†E. BELL. M. l). A cuniion. ad- dressed to youth. the married. and those (Ion- 'i'EMPLA'll-SG Mbnmmn, Sent by mail post paid, on recuipl of TWENTY Cm'rs. A cnrdful perusal of this small book has been n Boon 10 run AFI'IJL‘TEII. nml has saved thousands from u life ofmiaory, and an uniimo‘y grave. ll lreais on the evils of Youthful lndiscreiiun, Self-Abuse, Seminal Weakness. Emissions, Qexusl Diseases. Genital Debilily. Loss of Power, Nervousness, Pevmalura Decay. lm- puienco. &Vc.. 510... which unï¬t the suffer. mun fulï¬lling the Obligations of Marriage. [Victims-as. DR. J. BRYAN. Consulting Physi- o Bun 5079, 442 Broadway. New Yotk. ' ' ly.25 A Pawn: Cmcm A8 to Ladies with ï¬ne anatomical engravings. «in free on roccipl of directud envelope and stamp. / lL?Cut [his um if you desire Dr. Harvey'- Pllls. and if you cannot procure them of your dxuggist, do not take any other. for some deal- ers who are unprincipled will recommend ollmr Female Ifills, they can make a largur proï¬t on ‘ V , I _. direct [0 Hr. LEBnns. Cmuuhinifhysiomn, oz ‘9.†“‘2 Broadwny. New You, andon will rocoivo them occuron sealed from observation. hv re- A remedy for lipâ€"60in} cases, four deal-ms stronger lilnu the above; price Five Doliars per box. .1- ....-.-_,_ __ ‘77,, V ,, They aruperfecll)‘ harmless on tho system. may be taken :11 am' Kilns with perfect sulely : lat durmp the :0le slugss If Prtgnuncy they s/umlll nut be tnkun. or a miscarriage may be the result. 'l'hby unvar cause any sickness, min or distress. Each box contains 60 Pills. Price one dollar. Obstruction or Stoppage of Nature, no manor from what came it arira. They are effectual in restoring to†health a“ who are suffering from Wnnkness,’ >|d Dobil'uy, Utah inc Discharges, Norvuu'sneiserIcq kc" &c.. and they “ Act like a charm.†in ttronglhau- ing lha system. Thousands of ladxes who have suffered for years and tried various olhar rmnodies in vain. owe a renewal 0" their health and strength wholly .0 me eï¬icucy of Tm mun: MEBIQAEBLAEVISEB Dr Harvey’s Female Pills, The ["051 infallile and popular remedy ever known, for all diseases of the female sex. They have héen used in many thousand cases with unfailing success-mane] may be relied on in every case for which nlxey are recommended, and particularly in all cases arising from uvo mail. 'dQéJnly pm up by the proprietor, the inventor of Bwyan‘s Pulmam'c Wafers. a medicine long and favors.ny human to the American Nation, .nluwn mun u “lav-3' If \‘0u wish lï¬ryun’s Life Pins, and énmmt get Ihem of your draggisl. dont lake any other, but send Twenty-ï¬ve cents in a letterto the proprietor, and you will get them by return 0 uni]. Address, Dr. J. BRYAN. 4-12 Broadway New York. 3015079. ly-25 A‘;Box oi‘ Bryan’s Lifa Pills w“! coal hm TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. and WM accom- pii§h alI that is reprfsemed. » g .u _ H, L“, They aré compm 1:! Herbs and Room, culled from our ï¬elds and forests. They are mild but certain in their operationâ€" producin neither camps. gripiug. pniusflr sickness. ' ‘hey may be taken by all ages, sexes or condition wifllom fear. Bryan’s Lift: Pills. Cure Headache. Bryan's Life Pilla. Cure Sick Stomach. Bryan's Life l’ills.’Curo Giddinws. Bryan’s Life Pills, Purify (he Bioud. mam flflbtrtiï¬tmcfltï¬. SUPERIOR important to LJDIES. Note of Hand Lost. For Sale Cheap at MANHOOD! DI:- Harvey’s Fgmale Pï¬lll. Dr. Harvey’s Golden Fina. JUST RECEIVED A T Which will be sold Aim 3 nice 10! o f AN EXCELLENT .ble, fuge us- he. ma. P. S.â€" Good agents Innth in enrv pm of Ike country [0 whom will paid: , split] from $50 In $150 per month, or a largo commiuiol. Terms 10 agents sou. free to thou .Wilhilfl agencies. Tannin", March 23rd. ISEG. ‘l-l, R. T. BUSH 5:. 00., Canada MIMI-cur- are. M King Street East. Totomo. C. W. Heuc Ofï¬ces in in Great Brmit. nnd Gun-dc. London. England. Glasgow, Monti-ed and Toronto. ‘ f HIE GRANITE STATE anlly Sewing: Machine is now presented to tho pcopld' nannada possessing all the improvemonfl- (ha: can be well conï¬ned in n sowingmachin‘li- It will accomplish ovary dose: ipliol of nwingf except button holes. from an moreâ€: divine ra‘ the ï¬nest silks and muslins. - Thimmacl‘rin‘r sells for only $15, and in nully woflh $50; in any family. Every mechinu warnnwd nm)‘ kapt in repair free of charge for three Years.â€" All machines sold in Canada arc maauiactnron at the company's branch manufactory 'm Tor-- onto. Single Machines, wilh full printod dirootinns. snnt exprexa free on rocoipl' of $15 in a registered letter. Full printed" directions accompany each Inchino. Io plain that a child iwelve years of Ugo an loam 1‘ work one successfully in a shot: timI. AM or call on ~ The Granite State Sewing Machine Company, AGENTS WANTED. $592131)» MONTH. W‘ Masonic and other Emblgmc made to order. .‘ V Toromo, Adril 27, 1866. ‘7- For plum. apeci‘léflimin. and a“ panicnhro apply at the allies of l’nnerson mud Bra" pn or after Mutiny. the 7th iueu. Tendon to ho addreuod lo l‘eter i’nllPesrm, E>q.~. Pmrï¬n VP. 0. BY ordar of Com. Davidson Widow A.G. “Donor Emnuuél “oil Tnumns. . 1-. «r Dav}. uHot Marv Ann. Gaby Joseph. _ (IA-am Goorgo (5) “Cth 1! ES, CLOCKS, AND mm; JEWELRY. 113,T.YONGE 8t., Tonom Aznr Jennie. lizown Mnrgret. Clark Michnal Cunphall June. “oak Tl'ulnn! ENDERS will be rocaivrd until the 26m day .0! Mugâ€. “Fiï¬. wmAwuv # my 3rd. 1865. ln the village of Maple. Sin 0! “alga {vol by 4'2) lent; Iwo Marion high. on stone foundation. The material will be fuminlwd, 'l'lle Invent or nny ollwr lendnr will not. he ac- cepled unless otherwise satirfaclorg. » _ _ Tï¬b 'boï¬ï¬f'bï¬â€"ï¬msmn For township of Vaughn'n. will he Edd fl". For towmlulp of Vaughn'n. will he had MM 0". Town Hall, in lhu said T-uvmhip .3 Non, why-n all parIios intm’osled therom, II. to- quoslod to mend. v ~â€" “n.“nu NEW MSW ' 7 “.113 Court of Revision of thc- Hunkipnlfly 1 of the Viilnge of Yolkville, for trying "- penis, correcting eryon,nnd revisili II“ A" aessmenl Roll for the year 1866, will 0 bold ill the Town Hall. on Monday. the 213t any of Iâ€; 1800, At ONE o’clock in the afternoon. of which All pulios connerned no required to lake notice. 1.",WV _ , " G; J. F. PEARCE. , 01¢; Yongo Strut. 1% Apr“. 1966. ' 4 CORPORATION of YORKVXLLE Yorkvflio. 94h May. 1956. NEW Rnuwnsu .um Quucx Cumma-o'or Syphilis ulricturesaeminnl weaknou. pain. in “m jOII'NH, affections of flu: kidneys. diam oflho lmad.’ 'thum, nose and skit}. and In those dreadful afl‘uctiona arising from than: hubil of youth, which produces connituiiold" dobililv, renders murinze impouiblq, ulil the and destroys born body and mind. Th. treatment we «dam is t he rouult of upward. of thirtv yours axpcriencu and succeufui pnclico in Europe and America. OUNG MEN who an troubled with weakness generally. caused by' I bad habit in youth. which produces constitutional dummy. you can row on our rounding, for we hnve (rented over ï¬fty thonmnd puqionu. “O we guarantee a perfect cure in all can; Our Poriodical drops will bring on I“ monlhiy aicknou. in a†cans of obnxmeï¬on {Tom any cause,_nnd nflor all other "medic! of the kind have been Iried in vain. ' Addroqsâ€"Dr. 1‘. C. (hint, 139. King 81-. Ennt, 'V'oronta, C W, Mn 7. was. «My DR. T. 0. QULVEB’S "3‘ MEDIpAL DISPENSARY. Chronic ahi1'"'"sia't}e'i Diseases. ~ J. SEGSWORTE, EMAINING in the Rirhmo‘ I (ifï¬ e. on Is: May. 1856: "T‘CE in hen-by given that on Mona!!- the Hill dav of May next. Togoni-rc, NOTICE TO BUILBEBS! Municipality 'of Vaughali. By order, UNFORTUN ATES READ IMPOM‘ANT 'ro mums; And all Female Cman u. Over 139, King Street Elst, List of Letters W. o. PATTERSON, NOTICE. IMPORTER OF WK H. ARCH For the cure of Gray Ch at!†Brogan It. Hoagg Andrcw. Jeï¬'ouon w". Lug. Henry. Minnenoy Arthur. Much Warren. Mubaughlnn John McNIir Mmhow‘ Warren Eli: 'l‘udder Elizabath geldrickjfggo‘rgq. M‘Tï¬Ã©Ã©? . A RC H 1'; R.» A Cluk of tllï¬. Cainsâ€, ' Chairman. swim ‘Y. El.