Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 11 May 1866, p. 3

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Th9 Lowgst POSSIBLE RATES, l‘or‘I‘leWmarlxgtz Aurora, Markham and . RichmondHin. “intend Hi". Much Nth. HAVING been appointed Agent for this Compalpy,ane of tho oldest and most relilubk English Companiea.l will be happy lq affect assurance against Loss or dnmngo byF'irempdn evuxy description of property, at G. A. BARNARD, Agent lac" and will make it a point to keep a select stock of Goods for the Season, He therefore respectfully Invites his old friends and the in- iohabitnms of the ueighborhood to cull and in- Ipect his Stock. feeling confident he cannot be undorsnld, nor surpassed by any home north of Toronto. No. 7, Rsyal Exchange, Comhill, and No. 7, Pall Mall, Landon; ' Incorporated 'by ROYAL ' Charter, in l 720. Es, HARDWARE, Farm Produce taken in exchange. Richmond Hill. AprilG. 1866. ' And ownod .13 occupied by Mr McNai'. whure. owing to incrraaod nccnmmndnlion, he ha has granny incrauaed his Stock of lnndon Fire Assurance Company, i v 'V I IN “filming thanks to his numerous friends and customen for their liberal support since he Commenced business, My to in form [hem that he has removod to Richmond Hull to the Store immediately north of the TORONTO, Half-way Huuse, Richmond Hi”, The whole of which he offers at n small advance on Sterling Cut NTIEB IIF‘ HEW“. With immediate payment of all Losses. \~ N EW GOODS Y Spring Importatioms Blgin Mills, April 26, 1866 Crockery & Liquors, ON YONGE STREE WhiCh the public would do w THE CHE WATERHOUSE, The Elgin Mills Store With a General Assortment of Articles in Cun- f nccuon with the Trade. CALL, INSPECT ANDâ€"PURE HASE 134 KING STREET EAST, ' Opposite like Market,. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .Tflronto, bES‘PEC'I‘FULLY annnunces his return ffl‘om the principal BRITISH 1. MARK E'I‘S wnh'a complete assorlmonl of ' HBST PRIZE * EHARNESS ESTABLISHMENT ! JOHN GOODWIN. BERNARD New New New New New Nev; New Richmond Hill, May 9, 1866. {ETAIL (8L \VHOLESAIlC LIAM .Q. 5".-'t'.l':1.'" ADril’l866. Fancy and Mourning Dress Goods, Mantles, Bonnets, and Hats, Shirtings and Sheetings, Hosiery and Gloves, Tweeds, Gambroons and Jeans, Dress and Fancy Flannel Shirts, Silks, Parasols, Ribbons, &c. APEST, LARGEST AND THE BEST STOCK Groceries, Hardware, JUST OPENED RY MAY 3!? FOUND 0N COMPRISINGâ€"â€" would do well to examine ‘14, 43s“ OF As the successful progecmion of the en- terprise will confer untold advantages of wealth and prosperity on our village and neighborhood, it is hoped that sufficient sup- port and encouragement may be given to justify its prosecution. Good Stabling and an monu‘n kw Ilwnyl in attendance. V J 03' Gaby, Proprietor. Fobnm: 6‘s 1866i GLO volis TER no fist}, YONGE STREET. Richmond Hill, Nov. 30, 1865. The capital of the Company is to be $2,000, in 40 shares of $50 each; two shares entitlesAany member to become a di- rector. The Land can be obtained for ten years, for one-tenth of the Oil. Ten acres have already been leased to" secure the site. The probable cost of sinking the well will be about $2,000, about o‘neâ€"lmlf of which will be required to procure material, and go on with the work. Since in the opinion of many well quali- fied to judge, SIGIVS OF OIL of a most encouraging character exist in the greatest abundance on Mr. Klink’s'farm, 1;" miles east of ‘Gamble’s toll-gate. It is proposed to sink a well there, as being the place most favorable for operations. WHEREAS there exists in the neighbor- hood very strong indications that OIL exists in paying quantities in several locali- ties, it is highly desirable that a Company s'hould be establithed to test the matter, and obtain it if possxble. RICHMOND HILL PETROLEUM Ull COMPANY ! I’RG’DSPECTUS (Late Thomas Guam.) OF THE 49-h. a ‘Rmmond am Aplil, w 185. 4-7 Young Hylon Tonâ€"20 6d lb, u‘auafly salt} ! 3s lid do do 35 0d do Good Strong do 33 6d do Extra Fine F‘avorpd 4s 0d to 45 36 With some oxcellenl brands of Java. Japan and Black Teas, at Pollock’s, Into Just Received, Inrfigo‘rgh}. Sodnm’ine. Prince of Waiea’ Spice. Pic Nic Water, and Arrow Root, at Toronto W. S. POLLOCK’S. into 7x9. RxlO, l0xl2,10xl4, 12x16. )fixm. Window Glass, While. Lead. Spaniuh Brown. Chrono Yellow. l’rlnslnu Bum, Vunetian Red, Red- Lead and other paints. Boiled and Raw Lin- Seed Oil. Lmngfnud Coal Oil, B'enzoino. Turpomine, VVhlIngil Putty, 5:61, of the beat quality. and moderate pricas, at WM. S. PULLOCK’S late BISCUIT 2 Paints, Oils, Glass and Putty. l have now on hand some of the best Malt Rve and Henpeller Whiskey ever sold on Richmond Hill. or any alhb‘r Hill l by the bar ml or on duff. annoderu‘le I’rices M W M. S. k‘OLLOCK’S. late G. A. BARNARD. Now to hand. an exceilent osfiortment of Pure, Fresh. and warranted seeds oflasl year’s grownh. nlso, Turnip. Carrot and Mangold Wurlzol. Fisk! Sands at W. S. POLLOCK'S late G. A. BARNARD. 10 lb of Good Wuscovndo Sugar for $1 9 lb Redpnxh refined Sugar for $1 (np'bndid qualiiy, also. Hruiwn Loaf. Powdered and cnuhod Sugars. cheap at W. S. PULLOLK S Lao ‘ G. A. BARNARD. GARDEN SEEDS, 001103. in all pricusf “"â€" m Womens' Balmuml and French brawn do Girls’ White and Grey Couou Hon in all prices. Hoys’ White. Grey. km! Brown Cotton Sorka in nil prices. lnfnnts’ White and Bulmcral Stripe Cotton Sogkom all prices, and as Hhenp as can be bought W. S. I’OLLOCK’S, lam 1 HOICE SUGA RS Mpg-'5 White and Coloured Merino Sockn. hll ptices. Mou’u Brown and Grey Cotton Sock: Wcmen'a; Whit-9. .Groy. Black II TEA S J Pure Fine Flavoured l'ho New and Fa-hwnablo " Empmss Trail " Skululon. wich a large: varietv of Iho Newest Styles wow. in ladion and childrens’sizes. leno call Illd exunn’no the Stuck, also, the Saw and putty UM: Gouda, at Wm. S. E'ollock'l, La to G. A. BARNARD. Cotton Binsicry SK E LETON SKIRTS, A: Wm S. Yuiiock’s, in Danstuble. Sp”! Straw. und Log horn. in tho nowesv and most fashionable mics. and will be bald at Toronto Prison. with an nisorlmellt of Fluwer and Fancy Goods. late G. A. BARNARD. mm 8» anwnmz'SfiWRa . ' “‘u l\._nn.. Preily Straw Hats and Bonnets, ********* "’ Fifteen Dulunin whue nud Fancy Cutours. for "lo cheap at. Wm. B. Pollock’s. late Wm. S. Pollack has just received an excelleu usaorlmemin lhe most fashionable styles. in Twcod Doeskins and Summer (,‘loxlmâ€"durnble in make and malarial and at moderate pricu. Call and examine his Stuck. Into G. A. BARNARD. Gents' COATS, PAN TS & VESTS In ovoryaize, colom and make, also. a nice variety of Salk, Lisle and Cotton Gloveu. Pum- sols. Genu’ Linen and Paper Collars, Fancy Si”; Neck Ties, Braces, &c., “ \VM. 3. PQLLOCK is now receiving his Spring Stock which will be found one of The , Largest, Cheapest, and Best Selected Mocks in’the Neigborhood, Comielillg in part ofHoyle’a New and beauti- ful l'rinls. rich and ole am. Dalames. Muhuirs, and Poille do Shnvre mans. Gighnm-bnin. inze. Bleached and factory Callous. Deming, . Hide and I‘Incy Farmer's Drill, Towclling, Dressed and Brown Holland, Boyl' mmmor 'l'weedl. Satineno, Dneskine, Gumbroon. Ruseollcord. Mens' Smacks, UVthnDIS. Long Ciolh, Regatta. Fancy Tweed nud Flannel shirts and Ready-:Imdo Clolhing, with the Beat assortment of Mona. Womens and Chfld- ‘ bens' Sucks. Ever Offered In RICHMOND HILL Cash or Short Credit, As Cheap as any House north of Toronto. Late Which will be Sold for VVHHSKEY! THOSE LADIES & CILDRFN’ DRY GOODS 1 NEWLCHEAP An excellent assortment of AND FICSHIONABLE G. A. BARNARD. G. A. BARNA'RD‘. G. A. BARNARD. G. A. BARNARD. 2. A. BARNARD. G. A. BARNARD. and 8| 1 Or an additional copy to any om! who will furnish their local Bookseller with FIVE new Subscribers’ names. Club tPrms on application at A FRESH LOT 01‘ BNGLISHEBBRE $00 TT’ S Richmond- Hill .' Read the Messrs. Strahun 81. Co., will send Specimen Copies free, and gant Volumes of “GOOD WORDS,” OR “THE SUNDAY MAGAZINE.” GIFTS & PRESENTS Edited THE SUNDAY MAGAZINE: To Which they invi'e public attentioh. Elgin Milfs, Aptil I8, 1866. Admitted by all to be the best and finest flavored, Rer ofiea on the Hill. Remember the placeâ€"adjoining Ambler’s Hall. W FARM PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. "il THE LOWE-31 Pass-3mm: PRICES! NEW STORE ATKINSUN’S, RICHMOND HILL, EQ‘WESEQMS, Crockery, lassware, Richmond Hlll, May 3, 1866. The Great Emporium MYERS, BALMORAL BOOTS I 125 UlflLV'l‘b: A MONTH: $1 50 A YEAR BEA UTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. ited by NORMAN MACHEOD, D. 1)..â€"â€"One of Her Maiestv's Ceani Richmond Hill, May 3, 1866. TRAAI-IN & co’s. MAGAZ ffifé Montreal; so 81%. Peter Street $113113 ARGOSY, A MAGAZINE FOR THE FIRESIDE AND THE JOURNAL, 12% CENTS A MONTH: $1 GrocerieS, Hardware, &c. EDITED BY THOMAS GUTHRIE, D. D., Author of “ The GOSpe] in Etekiel,” “ Speaking to the Heart,” &c JUST ARRIVED Where you can procure anything required, at ELG-IN MILLS. “ Good words are worth much and cost Haleyâ€"HERERI REMEMBER THAT THE PLACE TO BUY W'. A. would call particular attention to his “ HERALD’s” Monthly Notices ofthese Periodicals 15 CENTS A MONTH; $1 '75 A YEAR. iSSCENTS A MONTH; $1 75 A YEAR. HAS BEEN RECEIVED, AND WILL BE” SOLD CHEAP AT 1TH A NEW AND COMPLETE STOCK OF FOR EVERYTHING IN WAY OF IIardwarc, (€12, is at PROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED. A SPLENDID LOT OF . NEWTON SUITABLE FOR WILL OPEN ON ILLUSTRATED. AT THE IS AT Her Majesty’s Ceéplzrms. ofier one,“ the‘ ele- 48-tf The Commercial Hotel. Nelson street, Toronto. Tatum, Feb. 6, read: H. LEMON, PROPRIET‘ First clan SMbliug and cumin! swam“.â€" Terms Ifioderate. 1TH Three Acres of Land. good Barn, Stalwles, Cow-house. Orchard. Wells of Hard and $01] \Valer. and otherconveuiences, situated on lot 48. I5! Con. Vaughnu.-â€"Mill street, Richmon'd Hill. JOHN DE LA HAY. Rich'd Hill. Jan. 25; 1866. 34-31“ Mam CHURCH “man, Is prepared to wait upo‘n any who need his profosAional services in order to preserve their teeth, or relieve sufi'ering and supply new teeth in the most approvodstyle. Also to regu- lulejhe teeth of those who need it. Consultation fr'oo. and all work Wtrranted. HOUSE & LOT FOR SALE ORTORENT. HE Subscriber begs to inform the Public tlmt he has leased the above Hotel. where he willkeopcnnslamly on hand a good Inpply of first-class Liquors. &c. As this house poasensen every nccommodalion‘ Tra- vellors can desire. those who wish loamy where they can find every comfort are respectfully in- vited to give him a call. Richmond Hill. Dec, 1865. 28-“ DENTISTRY. w. c. ADMflS, D. D. s-, URLIC NOTICE is hereby givan that the Richmond Hill Coumy Grammar School is now free to pupils who may he anxi - nus to acquire a superior educationâ€"Applica- tion to In made to the Head Muler. By order of the BOII’d of Trustqu RichmondHill. March 9, 1866. Grammar School. Richmond Hill, M.arch 9, 1866. The trustees will not held themrivns m- nponsiblo after this nolica, should burials take place on marked 04' ground, unless the above regulations are complied with. When payment is made in accordance with xho Ib'IVe it will be considered pm‘ment only for the first opening of: grave and a ro-opeu- ing of a grave will be subject to 11 new charge. nuch charge to be regulated by me congrega- tion at annual meetings. Apply on the premis‘o‘s to’ LL ,pnrlios having! ground encloned or A marked ofl‘ as family burying grounds, Ire herebv notifiml that such enclosed or nu kud ground. not occupivd will: gravess cannot be secured unless the sum of two donm for each unopened grave hef rthwuh pnid for. a Hunted number. unysix ani’es. 3" 9 fuel ouch, 85 the maxiomum can only be secured by one family. BOP-"MgfiishfigTEL. June. 1865. SCOTHT’E, Richmond Hill Burying Grannd! PUBLIC“ NOTICE Supplied on the has! and \oweat terms. at Goad Wards, Sunday Magazine Careful attention given to the repairing of Watches andlLJlocka. Jewelry manufactured and Repaired. Toromo, April 26. 1356.7 The [mention of therfiliic fa inlvled to {36ft Stock, conyisling of a great variety of No: H. King Sheet But. 6 doors cut 0! Yongo Street. CHOICE AND FANCYV'GOODS, Walches, Blocks, and “Jewelry. 95 King Street Ease, Termite, W. WHARIN 8:002 0f the best description and newest designl. Standard Periodicals. ELECTED-PLATED WARE, CUTLERY, &c , 8m. LATE VAN NOSTRAND'S, RICHMOND HILL Infloflnua um muan 1: ron RANCH AND OTHV.“ RICH-on Hu'n. GEO. P. DICKSON. M. TEEFY, Secr'y (f: Treas a. Secretary.- 40-4w 1‘, OR. 21-y New“ Hill, Jane, 1865. BIBLE SOCIETY DEPflSI’l’ORY For Cuts, Cracked Heels. and all] kinds 0! soras on‘ Horse! and Cattle; DEACON'S Eruplive Ointmdfif '0' In Kind of skin dinasoa. Rlculoun HILL, Augus‘ 10 1355. An excellent remedy for Rheumatism. Emir nelas, Strains. B‘mi'sas. Cuts, Chilblnins. Sort anont. and viqlanl Pains In Back" or Side, the’ affects of the Hon! A” in- the abovh cases are astonishing, frequently rem‘ov‘m‘g mill. pain in a fow hours. DEACON’S VEGITABLE COUGH PILLS One ofl‘wo Doses gators"); remove the cold, DEACON’S Mixture for Cholera, Dian-hen,- and Summer Com'phiphy, equal to if not. hot- tor than any other medicine mada. ‘ BEACON’S unrivalled Cough B'alstmflor‘ Coughs, Colds. Consumption. Asthma. dze. DE‘ACON’S‘Antibilli'oua Pills. None bat-s terin use. A soothing and astringent appliinlicm ;- and, u in as an application can ho of any purview, more smlhing and much more astringdm. than any hitherto prepared. The majority of one“ find speedy relief by its “in. BITTERS. A! a general Tonic, or Strengthening Modi- cine to brace uld invigorate the frame. no"! can be better. DEACON’S WORKING MAN'S FRIEND on “EARL ALL. Act gently vat efi‘ectually: may be taken dur- ing (my employment, at any time. and out by the mqs}: delicate female. DEACUN’S S'rOMApgqc VEGI'I'ABLK" HAS bcz‘en appointed agent, for the County of York, for the nb‘ofe valuable Madi- cines. which havo be‘en before the Canadinn public for the past oevé’fi years, and have given universal satisfaction-in can therefore. with confidence. recommend (hundreds of Testimo- niuls could be grv‘on if required, shawing the benefit dI-rlved therefrom.) their use for their several virtues.- DEACON'S FAMILY VEGITABLE PILLS nnaunfi’s FAMILY mnnmmns Brougham.......... ..19!h Markham Village. . . . . . . .20”: Brown’sCorners..........2lst Thomhill......... ......93rd Richmond Hill. . . . . .. . . . .94lh anle........,..........263h Burwick................281h " " Kleinhurg...............29|h "‘ ” Nobleton. . . ..3mn -- J Lnskey............ .3Iat “ " Aurora . . . . . 18¢ ” “ Sulton..... ......... . 3~d " Whor he will attend to my bligixi‘efis per. G. A. BARNARD laining to any branch of his profession: Aurora, June 7, 1865. l- The safest and best Medicines in use in Canada». l ESI’ECTFULLY announces tllatrhe hi; changed his time of visitingthe following places, and after this date will be (Sunday- oxceptod) in Stoufl‘ville . . . . . . . . . . . 18”» of each month: SURGEON DENTIST t SCOTT’S BQQK STORE, DR. N. J. PECK, J. M. PATTERSON. J. LANGSTAFI“ Blonmiflgton. Februury 16. 1866. YORK. PEEL 8L ONTARIO: PATTERSON & LANGSTAF'F Licensed Auctioneers, J Richmond Hil', Jun. 12,1866. Where he will keop on hand Flour, Shorts; Bran. 0M8. Penna, Oatmeal. Cornmeni. Buck- whent. Bacon. Hams. Cheese, Fish. and Geno- ral Groceries ofthe Best Quality. for “to. at Prices that cannot be surpnsé'ed. FLOUR, FEED, Provision and Granary Storey Bedsleads. Bureaus, CupboarJa, Drming‘ Sxands, dine . which hé “Tom a? e‘xxrém‘ely low’ prices A‘su a large assortment 01' Room Paper, Bordering. White Lead. Paints InJ ('olnr. Raw and Boiled Linseed Uil. Machhw Oil. Rock Oil, Varnish. Turpentine, Benzene.- Glasa. F'utly, Glue, &c., &c Parties Furnish; ing. Papering, or I’m'min‘gf their hoilsei. will do” well 10 call beforo purchasing skew-hen. .L inhnhiuuns of Richmond Hill m'id auri rmmdil'g country. that he has leased, ‘or I. number of yanrs. the Cabinet Shop and Staff from Mr Webber. where he will manufacluu and keep on hand a good assortment of HOMAS COGHLAN'hegs to inform me inhlhiuulls of Richmond Hill m'id auro‘ Household Furniture, _ Chairs. Tablas, RICHMOND HILL Cabinet Establishment: Murch mm, 1866'.- Sale. (on time if required), HE Advmiuer offers For SMBMS Ram, of 50 new», on Yougo Sheet, about him way between Richmond Hill nnd"l‘hurnhill or he will 96H 46 adrI-s with [he Farm Houu‘ and Farm Buildings. TERMS :â€"A vsma" payment down, and a hug l‘il'l‘le lofipny lthc balance if reqqlfoti; I’RulCl‘lzâ€"Fbr- the 46~ acres. imh Farm‘ House and build‘ngs. $68 dollars an acre. Possession can he had on 15! April. [866. YON GE STREET, HE SHOP adjaining the “floral:- Oflicn wil be let for a long or short It or yénfii“. There is a good openqng fm Watchmuker or Tinamilh. Apply at {hm} Office. Richmond Hill, April 13. BBSIBABLB 3H1]? Tfi M SMALL FARM! He would also call attention to 1‘1?! N. 6 years old for DEACON'S PILS OIN'EMEN’E n auulllcla-...o.nv-. mm. .. nond HI". . . . . . D........u..o ick.... HE“: sag? a‘dj-uirning DEACON’S LINIMENT. TOR THY. COUNTIES 0F FOR SALE OR 9. J PEARCE.- 'ISIh ofenchmonth: .... ..19:h “ '- ........20£h " " ........2lst " " . ......93rd " ” ........24lh " fl ........26'\h “ '5 nun-.281}: " " -.......29Ih H H ........3Mh " J .3Ist " fl Is! u u AT I101 99, let Gen. Vn‘flghafi: Thornfiillj 3i-6m. l-lf

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