Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 18 May 1866, p. 1

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And dispatched to subscribers by the earliest mails. or other conveyance, when so desired. The You: HERALD will always be found to céninin lhelutest and most important Foreign ud Provincial News and Markets, and the [rt-lent care will be taken to render in ac- eo'ptahlo to the man of busines. and n valu~ .blo Fumin Newspaper. TERMS Six lines and under. first in<ertinn . . . . $00 5“ Each Iuhleqnenl insertion .. . . .. . . . . . . Oil l3 “:1 linen and under. first insertion. . . . 00 7:”) Fact: Iubsoquent insertion. . . . . . . . . . . . . (I0 '20 elbow ten lines. first insertion. per line. ()0 07 Each subsequent insertion. per line. . . . 0" 0?. On. Column per twelve months. . . . . . . 50 00 Half a column do do . . . . . . 3” 00 Quarter ofn column porlwelvo months. 20 0“ On. column pol six months” .. . . . .. . 4|, ()0 Hnlflculumu do . . . . . . . .... 95 00 Quarter of in column per six months. . . . 18 00 A curd of ten lines, for one year. . . . . . 4 00 .A card of fifteen lines. do . . . .. .. 5 ‘25 A card ofm'enly lines. do . . . . . . . 6 50 A card ofm'enly lines. do . . . .. . . 5 50 IL, Advertisements without written directions inserted zill forbid. and charged accordingly AH ndverlisemenh puMished for ahss period than one month. must be paid for in advance. All transitory advertisements. from strangers 'Ol' ivragnlm customers. must he paid for when hand d in for inser'ion. No paper discontinued “mil a“ arroaragos are ppid : and patties refusing Imllfli's meul «paying up. will be held acuunnlnllle for the luhscriptiun. All letter: addressed to the Edixor muul be {punt-1mm. ‘ ILL gel‘nra"y he found at home I‘Man half pant 8a.“. and from I [U 2 [mm A" pl'rtim: owing Dr, J lmngstnfi'nre expl-r‘t- ted to call and [my promplly. as he has pay- m‘ now than mull be met. Member of the Royal College of Surgeons England, P. J. MUTER.M. 0.. Phydcim, Surgeon & Acconclmr Thornhill. ID' Residcucoâ€"Neur tho Church of iing‘and I MN M. T)... 008. OF YONGE AND CDLBURNE STS., Cansnhmimm in the ufline on ihe morning: of Tuesdnw. Thursday's and Saturdays. b to ll,u.m. lLTAIl consultations in the office. Cash. an» 199m fieralb Mr. Geo. Burk’m is authorised to collcc‘,and gin receipts for him. Richmond Hill, June. W65 1 SUMMISSlONEH IN THE QUEEN’S BENCH i Opposite the Elg‘m Mills. M. TEEFY, ESQ” Notary Public, COMMISSIONER IN THE QUEEN’S BENCH, CONVEYANCEK. AND DIVISION COURT AGENT, {Jerk ofthe 3rd Division Court, CONVEYANCER. AND Deeds. Mortgages, &c., drawn up with neat um mad {keg-1mm. EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, Office nppmiio RAYM’UND‘S HU'I EL. Richman MU! . DR. JAS. LANGSTAFF GREEMHTS, Bonds, Deeds, Mortgage-s. Wilkadic , &c.. drawn wuh attention and promplitudo. Terms moderate. Richmond Hill, J une 9. l8b5. l Henry Smelser, ICENSED AUCTIONEER for the coun- ties of York and Peel. Collector of holes. Accounts. «Vic. Small charges and plemy (0 do, Lnskay. March '2nd 1865. 39-!y l‘ll'l‘Clâ€"[EL “0 USE X AURORA. JO H N CA R T E R, LICENSED AUCTIONEER, Salo- ntlended un :hv shortest notice' and on reasonable terms. 35 AV") MCLEOD begs to announce {hat he has LeuSnd the above [Iota] and fined it upin a manner second to none on YonguSt. whore ha wili keep constantly 4m hand a good lupply offirsl-c‘aas LiquorsY 6w. 'l'his hense pouan every accommodation 'l'ravellers can desire, those who wish to stay where they can find ovary comfort, are respectfullyiuviled to put up at. this establishment. Aurora. June. 1865. l-tf * nth; Counties of York. l’nc! and On- ’ ‘nrio. Rusidence -. Lot 5‘, 61h concussion Markham . l'os! Officeâ€"Unionville. THOMAS SEDMAN, Carriage and W’aggon MAKER. UNDERTAKER FIRMS zâ€"Ono Dollar per annum, IN An. fuel: if not paid'within Two Monlhs. One Dollar and Fifty cents will be charged. &c. &c. &c. Residenceâ€"No ly oppositn ‘ha Post 0mm». whmond Hill. LAW CARDS. JAMES M. LAWRENC ‘1, Thornhill. June 9, IRES Richmond Hill, June 9. 1865‘ RATES OF ADVERTISING. June 9, 186‘ Btmiuwg mixrttcw. DR. HOSTETTER, RICHMOND HILL POST OFFICE. IS PUBLISH ED THORNIHLL RICUM‘QND HILL ......o o ‘i'VUU 2500 months...- [800 yeah... .. 400 lo 5‘25 {0 550 "RAN, Issuer of fiiax'riage Licenses, [13’ Give John a call when in Town Markham. Nov, 1, H65 Mnnufnclurer and Deaisr in all kmds ufMen's V‘Vuluull's and Children’s BOOTS 8:. SHOES, One of the okhst and cheame houses in the truths. LUMBEEING! v CKNUW LEDGEI) by 800 Farmers. Pro- . iessionnl Gentlemen and mheru (who have them Working in Walla. vurung m (I'up'th from 10 Lo I31! feel). in he [he LASHST WORKED. MOST UURABLE. and LFFI- CLENE' ever ofl‘ured tn) the Public‘ 1.400 K AT '1‘ H I S Kupl on hand. SA WING none promptly ; his" Lumber Ton :nod & Groved The Best is Always the Cheapest. MNADIAN SWING PUMPS! DAVID EYER, 31111., Slave .3“; Shingie Manufacturer Planeil Lumber, Fleming, &c. Al the lowest possible rules. S1w Mill on lot ‘25. 2nd‘ Cm]. Markham. Q; unhws easlof Richmond Hill by Ihe l’lnnk Road H? Price 60 cents pert‘col. Nuextm charge for Top. June 7, MUS. 1 gsmaxc 13-h): ~26. Qua Cm Markham I on (he Elgin Mills Plank Road. A large Stock 018'”va null Sunamfis. kv‘nl vanstmuly on Imnd.and sold uthe Eowusl Prices [3" Call and examine Stock before purchas- ing el<e~wlwre. Richmond Hm. June '36, IBGS. liwry Pump W’m‘rmztcd, Orders for these Pumps Rdhescsod In C. POWELL. Newlou Hruuk, C.“’ “’ili receive prompt attention. ‘l'oromo. Us 0. 1555 PLANEING TO ORDER, EDMUND SEAGER. i‘mvincial Land Surveyor, £0. RICHMOND HILL. GEO. MCPHILLIPS 8:, SUN, Richmond Hill Bakery! W. S. POLLOCK, BREE]? §I BISEHIT BRKEB T‘osx Office Addressâ€"Richmond Hill June Ibfif) their patronage. PIG-an pé‘rlies and Tan Meetings supplied at the luwas} possible rates and on tho shunesl notice. VPHE Subscriber begs to inform his friends and the public generally, that he has npem‘d an HOTEL in the Village of Mapie. uh Con. Vaughan. where he Impus, b_\' aneu- Unu lo the comforts of (he Haw-Hing commu~ u'ny. to merit a share of their patronage and uppnrt, Good Stabling. (VG. Maple Iâ€"Iotel! Railroad Hotel, Maple 1 ROBERT RUMBLE, Proprietor. AH erers stricth attended to. Richmond Hill, June, [865- OOD acccmmndutiun for Travellersâ€"- Wmea. Liquor: and Cigars of tho had brand always an hand. Good Sluhliug and attentive llosHor in ailondunce. HAVE TRDUEHSE WATER SPBUTS, CISTRONS AND PUMPS ! szn'lry I6. “366. T-‘nple. Jan [366. Munufacmred and for Sale by John Langstafi‘, ‘msidenceâ€"Lot 4’) Yungc Street, Vaughan. S114”: Mums. Tuoxmuu. (965 7,Sepeumbr H Provincial Land Surveyors, Sl-JAFORTH, C. W. Januarv IG. lSGf‘. NEW SERIES. June 7,1865. V01. VI. N0 EGS respectfully In info-1n his mammar- and lhu pubhu that he in prepared [0 do 35 W est Muriicxfiquum. z uuors south 01 ng Strum, In any quantity, and on short noticu JOHN BARRON. ABRAUA M EYER RICHMOND HILL AND YONGE ST. GENERAL ADVERTISER. 1:. H. Hum §Ehemist 8: Umggist, VRICHM ON‘D HILL POW PILL’S ALMIRA MILLS, RICHARD VAILES TORONTO. 50. 14m 4-ly l-tf l-lf Hf 22 32 32-1 On the Death of Littié Willie We had been nearly five weeksl at sea, when the captain found, by? a nautical observation. that we; were within one hundred andl thirty miles of the north side ofi Jamaica. Favourable winds andl smooth seas had hitherto been ourl constant attendants, and everytltingl on board conspired to render Ihel confinement and monotony of a 3 long voyage less annoying than; they usually are. The cabin pawl senger consi<led of Major and Mrs’ li~â€", a new-married couple ; Miss P , sisterto the latter; Mr. D‘ , a young ltisltman; and my- self. Our captain was a man of pleasing manners and liberal ideas, and formed an important aequist- tion to our party, by joining in all its recreations. and ali'ording every facility to the indulgence of them. Much at our time was spent in com versatton, and in walking on deck, and when the dcws ol'evening obligPd us to descend to the cabin. the captain would olten entertain us with a relation 01 the various dangers which he and other per- sons had encountered at sea, or de- tail. with great gravity, some ofthe prevailing superstitions of sailors. l Although he possessed more gen- eral intormalinu titan ttsuaaly falls to the lot of seafaring persons, his mind was tinctured with some of their weaknesses and prejudices. The ladies of our party had a great taste for natural history, and wish- ed to obtain spvt-itnens of all the most interesting kinds of sea-birds. They had several times requested the captain to sltoot one of mother Carey's chickens, that they might take a drawng from it ; howuver, he always declined doing so, but never gave any satisfactory reason tor his tnwillingness to oblige them in this respect. At last, Mr. D , killed two of the birds, after having several times missed who'e flocks of them. The cap- tain seemed very much startled Where the cankerworm of sorrow Never eats into the heaxt, Where the hopes hrizhf for tomorrow, Never receive the killing dart. \Wm would wish to call him back I'nm this world of sin and woe ? Here m become in duties slack Whore all the brizht Angelic host, And noble of all ages shine, Unto the land that rubies boast Richer than a. Peruvian mine. Ah l mellxinlrs you SllOlllKl not weep Because his little bark has past. So quickly (for life’s troubled deep And reached the port without a blast. Weep not mother for he's at rest Now in that bright and “ better land, Fax-chance upon his Snviour's breast, 0r guided by HIS careful hand. LITTLE WILLIE 1's gone away Unto the Land, beyond the stars, Unto the Land of perfect day, Away from all terrestrial wars. Though lowering cl )uds may hang around, And every hope appear to Shroud ; But wait awhile and WW“! he found The sun was bright behiml (he cloud. ~ Though friends hydra“! are phlc'vi‘d away, ‘The voice of rcasrm loudly cries, “ Though thus to death Huey {all 3 MN, There‘s something leftthat never dies." How could you with a mother's love Wish to detain him here below ? And as he took his flight above Cry -" Willie, wherefore do you go." IFyou could only see mm not All beaming with Celestial hue, Methinks you could never regret That thus you had to cry 5‘ Adieu." Thy 10:9 was great, bemnd compnsn, And whn but you that loss can know When death came on so unaware And laid yum- little \Villic 10w ? But weep not mother; wlw should we Against Omnipotence rebel? Why should we test the just decree 0f Him who doetlx all things well 7 Ehere’s something left though here more, We hope ere 1 ‘nrz m meet again. When transient scenes of life are 'o‘or And We have past the vale of pain. no Thnn mourn not mother, ynn may yo‘, When dumb your future home unbnr'1 Hope then to meet your little pet In the land beyond the stars. Like unto those he ’5 left below. itsrainre. The Fatal Repast. Consludccl in our next. Elmira. “ Let Sound Rt‘ason weigh more with us than Popular Opinion.” RICHRIOND HILL, FRIDAY, MAY 18, 1866. Though we saw no land, every- thing proved that we were in the Wes! India seas. The sky had, within a few days, begun to as- sume u more dazzling aspecl. and long ranges of conical-shaped clouds floated along \he horizon. Land birds. wiih beautiful plumage often hovared round the vessel. and we sometimes fancied we could dihCOVt‘rH Vegetable fragrance in the breezes Ihal swelled our sails. when he saw the animals drop on‘ the Waves “Will you have the goodness to let down the boat to pick up the game 3?” said Mr. D ' . “ Yes, six," replied he; “ if you’ll go of? in her, and never re- turn on board this vessel. Here is a serious basiness. Be assured we have not) seen the end of it”, He then waiicd away without ol‘lering l0 give any orders about lowering the boat; and the seamen, who wilnessed the lransaclion, looked as if Ihey would not have obeyed him had he even done so. ' One delightful clear morning, when we Were in hourly expecta- tion of making the lane, some dol- phin-appeared aslern. As the wea- ther was very moderate, the cap- tain proposed that we should fish for them ; and a great many hooks Were immediately hailed for that purpose by the seamen. We caught large quantities of dolphin, and ol another kind of fish, and put the whole into the hands at the steward. with orders that part should be dressed for dinner, and part be distributed among the crew. th‘n the dinner-hour arrived. We all aserbltrd in the cabin, in high spirits. and sat down to table. It beingh’t. Genrgv’s day. the cap- tain, who was an Englishman, had ordvrt-d that everything .tehould he provided and set forth in the most sumptuous style. and the steward h:.d done full justice to his direc- ttons. We made the wines, which were exquisite and abundant. cit- culate rapidty, and every glass in~ creast'd our gaiety and grand hu- mour. white the influence of our ll'ln‘lll rendered the ladies additinn- aHy amusing and animated. _'l‘he captain ret'narlwd that. as there were two clarlkmot-plavers among the crmv, we ought t0 have a dance upon the quarter deck at sunset. This pmpnsal was received with much detight, particularty by the fumalvs at our party; and the cap- tain had just to-‘d the servant in waiting to bid the musicians pre- parethemsetves, when "the mate entered the cabin. and said that the man at the helm had dropped down almost senseless, and that an- nthnr of the crew was so 1“ that he coutd scarcely speak. The captain. on receiving this in- fcrmalion, grew verv pale, and seemed at a loss what ‘0 reply. At last he starwd liom his chair, and and hurried up line gangway. Our mirth ceased in a moment. though nune of us appeared to know why; but the minds of all were evidem- ly occupied by what they had just heanl, and Major L-â€"-â€"â€"remarked wilh a faltering voice, that seamen were very liable 30 be taken sud- denlv ill in hot climates. After a little time, we sent the servant to inquire what was going forward upon deck. He relut‘nvd immediately, and informed us that the two sailors were worse,and that a third had just been attacked in the Sume way. He had scarce- ly said these words. when Mrs. I; gave a shriek. and cried um lhat her sister had fainted away.â€" '|‘his added to our Confusion and alarm; and the major and Mr. I) trembled so mdch. that lhey were hardly able to convey the young lady xo her staxe mom. All conversation was now at an end. and no one nilmed a word Iill_Mrs. L. rammed from her sister‘s aparlmem. While we were inquiring: how the lalfier was, [Le cam-din entered the cabin in a slate 0| great aghalion. " This a dreadful business," said he. "The fact isâ€"it is my duty to tell youâ€" Hear we are all poisoned by Ike fish we have ale. One (){Ike crew died a few minuxes $1009, and five others are dangerousiv ill.” “ Poisoned! mv God ' do you sav so 9 must we all die 3” exclaim- 0d MrmLâ€"mdropping on her knees. ‘ Whal’s to be done ?” cried the major, distracledlv; “ are there no means of counteracling it P"â€" “ None that l knmvof,” returned ‘he captain. “ All remedies are 5mm and a half before us, and con- sequomly fell the cfl'ucts of the pui- son much earlier than “c did. vain. The poison is always fatal, exceptâ€"but I begin to feeliils ei- feclsmsupport meâ€"~can this be imagination '1” He sluggercdfl to one side, and Would ‘have (allen upon the floor. had I not asslsled him. Mrs. L ,uolwilhsmndiug his apparent insensibilily, eiung‘ In his arm, crying out, in None 61 despair, " Is there ho help. no piiy. no one to save us?” and then fami- ed away on her husband 5 oosom, who turning Io me, said with qui. vering lips. “ You are a happy man; you have nothing to embilter your last momentsâ€"0h providenCe! was! permitted to escape so many da-ngel‘fz, merely than. I might suffer lhlS misery 1’ Mrs. L soon regai’nerither senses, and l endeavored to calm 'Jer agitation by rematking. that we might possibly escape the fatal influence oi the poison,a.-s'sm'ne OOHSIilLHiOUS are not so easily at: iected by it as others “ Is there. then a little hope." she exclaimed. "Oh! God grant it may be so! How dreadful to die in the midst of the ocean! far from friends and home. and then to be thrown into the deep I" “ There is one thing." said the can‘ain faintly, “I was going to tell you. thatâ€"but this sensation â€"i mean a remedy.”â€" “Speak on," cried the major, in breathless suspense. “ it may have a chance of saving you," continued the former; “ You must immedia- tely," He gave a deep sigh and dropped his head upon his hand. apparently unable to utter a word moro. “' this is the worst of all i" cried Mts. L . in agony, “he was on the point of telling us how Everv one. however. nmv beoan m 4 ‘6 exhibit alarming symptoms. Mr. D became delirous - Ihe major , lay upon the cabin floor in a Mate. 01 Inrpidily ; and the caplain had drowned all sense and recol!ecti0n by drinking a. large quantity of brandy. Mrs. L-â€"-..\'alched her husband and her sister alternately, in a state ofquiel despair. I was comparatively but little af~ footed. and therefore. employedmv- sdfin assisting 01th until they seemed to [)2 past all relief. and then sat down, anticipating the horrid consequences which would result from the death of the whole ship's company. was 0') the point of telling us how to counteract the efi'ecis of 1he p()isun-â€"-\Vas it heavenly mercy that deprived him of the power of Speech .7" Can it be called mercy?” â€"" hush, hush ! you rave," relurn- ed her husband. “ We have only to he resigned nowâ€"Let us at least,die together.” Whi'e 1hus occupied, I heard the steersman call our. ‘ Taken all aback here.’ A voice, wh‘ch I know to be the mate‘s, immediate- ly answered, “Well. and whai's Ihallous? Put her before the wind, and IN her go where she pleases.’ I so m parcaived, by the rushing of th- walor, lhat there was a great increase in Ihe volocily ollhe ship’s progress, and went upon deck to ascertain the cause. I found the. mate stretched upon the top of the companion, and ad- dressed him. but he made no repiy. The man at the helm was tying a rope round the tiller. and toh! me he had become so blind and dizzy, that he could neither steer, nor see the compass. and Would therefore fix the rudder in such a manner, as would keep the ship's head as near the wmd as_possible. On going forward to the bows. I found the crew lying motionless in every direction. ’T‘hey were either in sensible of the dangerous situation in which our veswl was, or totally indfiieient to it: and all my repre- senlations on this head failed to "Iraw forth an intelligible femark imm any ni'lhem. Our ship carri- ed a great deal of canvass, the lower sludding sails being up. for we had enjoyed a genlie breeze di- rectly aslern. below the wind head- ed us in the way already mention- ed. About an hour uher sunset every person on board See-med to haVe become worse. I alone, relainefl my senses unimpaired. The vind now blew verv fresh, and we want through the vater at the rah- of ten miles an hour. The night looked dreary and mrbuiem. The sky was covered with large fleeces of broken clouds, and the flats The Crew had dined about an About midnight our fore-topmnsl gave way and fell upon the deck wiih a tremendous noise. The shi immediately swung round, an began 10 inbor in a terrible manner, while several waves broke over her snccessivviy. ‘ I had just resolved to descend the gnngway for shelter, when a while figure rushed past me with a shriek. and sprang overboard. I saw it struggling among the. bil- lows, and tossing about its arms distractediv, but had no means of aflbrding it an} assihtmce‘. I watched it for some time. and ob- served its conclusive motions graâ€" dually grow more feeble; but its form soon became undistingnish ubEe amidst the foam of the burst- ing waves. The darkness prevent- ed mel'ro'n discovering who had thus committed himself to the deep in a moment of madness. and] felt a strong repugnanne ataltempt- ing to ascertain it, and rather wish- ed that it might have been some spectre. or the offspring of my IsPr- tnrbed imagination, than a human being. [stood alone near the stvrn of the. ship. Nothing could he heard above or below deck. but the dash- ing of the surges and the moanings of the wind. All the people on board were to me the same as dead and l was tossed about. in the vast exhanse of water, without a com- panion or fellow-sufieror. I knew not what might be my fate, or where I should be carried. The vessel. as it carcered along the rag- ingdeep, uncontrolled by human hands. seemed unonr the guidance ofa rvienlless demon, to whose ca- prtcns its ill-fated crvw had been mysteriotmly consigned by some supcrtor power. I was titled with dread lest we I was filed with dread lest we should stril'e upon rocks. or run ashore, and often imagined that the clouds which bordered the hori- zon wore the black clifis of some (lesnlule coast. At last I distinctly saw alight at somedista’tctâ€"l anticipated instant destructionâ€"l grew irresolute whether to remain upon deck, and face death, or wait for it below. I soon discovered a a ship a little way aheadâ€"l tn- stinctiver ran to the helm. and loosed the rope that tied the tiller, which at once bounded back, and knocked me ovar. A horrible crashing, and loud cries nmv broke upon my ear. and I' saw that we had got entangle-d with another vossel. But the. velocitv with which we swept along rendered our extrication instantaneous; and, on looking back,l sawnfifi‘hm _without a oow‘spril. pitch imz irregu- larly among the waveé, and heard the rattling ofcordage and a tnmult ot voices. Bat, after-a little time, nothing was distinguishable by the eye or by the ear. Mv situa- tion seemrd doubly horrible, when I reflected i had just been within the call of human creatures, who might have saved and assisted all on board, had not an evil destiny hurried us along, and made us the means of injuring those who alone were capable of Minding us re- lief. flashed angrin through them, as may wore wildly hurried abng by lhe blast. The sea began to run high. and the masts shoWed, by their incessant creaking. that lhey carried more nail than they could well suslain. Among the hurses in our circus was a cream-coloured Hanovvrian charger, of extraordinary beauty andunlncnse size, and weal so proud in action, ‘as if he disdain- ed the ground.’ Though nolhihg in his life was applicable 10 his name but the leaving oi'it (he was kills-d a sea), he was caHL-d Ne!- son. rose, By any other name would small as sweet.’ lmmediately altortaking the dlr- action of the establishment, I made myself acquainted with the titles and general character and qualifi- cations of all the horses, but was not so well inlormed as to how the grooms, minor people, [1nd musi- cians were called; and a.‘mmg the latter was a clarionet player, with less talent but with the same name as the hon‘seâ€"stelsun. But, as Juliet says. “ Wkat‘a in a name? that! which we call a On a Sunday, In the foreman, Rodgers. an equestrian performfr, and 13th: to on: of the first ridma TERMS $1 00 In Advance. The two Nelsons- \Vholc N0. 310. ‘ Oh dear, no. sir,’ said he, with a confident veterinary manner; ' that‘s a disease as horses often (lies on; but his was quite differ- ent. his body was all drawn up in a heap, and the sweat poured off him in patlfuls; we dosed him with brandy and laudanum. and dept rubbing ofhim. but before the doctor arrived he was a gone horse, and then. with asigh, he continu ed.’ ' There's George Yeaman ‘mWfi-fiam» and a fewgmm'e tut came out with OM West along With him, wishes to pay him the com- plimentofgiving him a funeral. and wants to know if you would [be good enough to attend I’ ‘Skinned. sir!‘ said- Rogers, in astonishment. ‘ Oh, pm h l’ said I, ‘ that’s per- fnclly ridiCumus, Rogers. A fun- eral is all nonsense; we‘ll have him hauled away early in the mnrnlng, and lhrown in the river.’ --‘ Sir!’ said he, looking aghast. ‘ ArP you going back 10 me cir- cus, Mr. lingers '1' said I. ‘Well, llwn.’ said I. “you will greatly oblige me If you will call and tell Peter, or any of the grooms you may finu there, In employ a butcher, or any one who under- standsflm business, and have him skinne L’ ‘ Why. as to his kindness,’ said i, ‘ 1 can’t agree with you there ; {he was most difficult to manage : but his losq. as you observed, will be irreparable. When did he die ?’ ‘Early this morning,’ he replied ‘ I was up with him all night. He kicked and rolled about in great agony. and you might have heard his groans for half a square.’-â€".- ‘Poor creature!’ said I. ‘ And whatdid they say was the matter with him. Mr. {oqcrs ?' ‘ The colic, or sot‘nething of that sort;’ he replied; ‘ and we think it was broughtun by eating cucum- bers.’ “No, sir,’ said he, ‘ but 1 live wixhin a door or two.’ ‘And if you phase! continued I. ‘ tell them to have it done carefully‘ and be surr not 10 cut of} his ears and tail; I intend to have him slufi- ed.’ This brought our equivocal con versalion lo a climax; and. fiighly delighted at finding it was Nelson the musician instead of Nelson lhe horso who had been killed with cucumbers and kindness, the next morning I jnilwd the. mourners. and savy lhc paor fellov ‘ quietly inurn- ed. ‘ Mr. Blyth,“ he replied. ‘ receiv- ed some as a present. and he gave poor Nelson two or lhree.‘-â€"-‘ Well. my dear sir,’ said I, ‘ they never could have hurt him ; you mav de- pend upon it, Rogers, ‘1! Was the bols.’ said I ‘Cucumbers " said I; ‘ why, where did he get lhe carumbers ?’ A Box" STRUCK BLIND FOR BLAS- PHHMY.~â€"'l‘he vengeance ol the Almighty was visited on a youth. named Richards on Sundav week, in the most awful and sudden manâ€" nor. As some boys were playing;r togethur in a court leading out of Edward street. Brighton, a dispute took place between them about the number of " notches ” one of them, a lad named Richards. had made whilst playing “cat and clog."â€" Ri'zhards declared he had scored more than hic companions had, credited him for. and high words and‘ bad language were indulged in on both sides. At length Richards ll<-w mto a violent pas- slott‘ and said. “ May God strike me blind il l have not scored more than twenty 1” He had scarcely uttered the adjnmtiun when he threw up his arms and exclaimed. "Oh, I can’t see," and begged one of his companions to lead him home. This was immediately- dune. and on examination it was found that a thick film had over spread his eyes, completely ob strncting the sight. The affair has caused great excitement in the neighborhood in which the occur renue took place. Richards 3' twlv l8 years of age. ‘ Whly, I knew nmhing of it}! replied ; why didn‘t some 0f them let me knynv 7. There was no ne- Pessin for his being employed in anything but the emree ; and. in- deed, ine was sick, he Shouldn't have boén used even for that, if I had known ix.’ ‘ You’re Very kind, lair, I‘m an". replied the friend of the dead mus- icxan. " He’ll be a great iosa m lhe concern; and he was such a kind, good creature.’ of the present (lav. called at my house and requested to see me on very particular business. Upon inquiring his errand, he said, with much solemnily of manner: ‘1 am very sorry to inform you, air, that poor Nelson is dead. 0.. . I I, ‘ Oh no. sir,’ said Rogers; ‘ho was very unwell for two days, and scarce-1y able to pertnrm. n-a‘ r7 ’7 o ‘ Dead" sand I, With asmnfsh- ment; ‘ why Mr. Rodgers,'it's im- possible! he wan wen enough last night ;’ for in passing through the stable I had ampde to caress the beauliful animal, and he was as full of muchief and spirit as usuql. ‘ Stuffed !’ said Rogers.â€"â€"‘ Yes,

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