4 a mason Railway of Canada ..‘3_CI{LMOND HILL TIME TABLE i1‘l'fli“... 1083...... Lad 1w Shudes" W. T'. R161 mond. § :n‘nip Sucdâ€" 4?. A. Burnaxd. ~w Pamsolsâ€"â€"W. S. Pullock. daisâ€".H. & A. Newton _ ht l’tize Ilm-ness--\\"m. Harrison \d'xcul l)1spensuryâ€"Dr. T. C. Culver .'\ 'vt-e of Hand Lost-â€"~IVImgaret Leat 'Ipcrior Hamsâ€"W. ALkinscm ‘~.miceâ€"Corporation of Yoxkville i'mz‘dâ€" Road Boyd C110 Grout, Emporiumâ€"W. Atkinson hfst of Letters in RC. \‘Mico tn Builders. The Granite State Sewing Machine Co. Néw erivalsâ€" J. H. Miers. Spring Importationâ€"â€"-W. Mitchell. Elgiu Mxlls Storeâ€"J. G. Bernard. SUBSCJLAUJS FOR. The York Herald, $1,00 a year RICHMOND HILL, MAY 18, 1866 We are pleased to learn that the com- mittee appointed to canvass the neighâ€" borhood for subscriptions for the purâ€" chase of an engine, have met with sub- stantial encouragement from most of the inhabitants of the village, to whom they have applied ; yet, we are sorry to hear that the amount subscribed is far short of what is required. Netwith- _ standing the acknowledng necessity of m a Fire Engine, there are those who pre- fer running the risk of losmg $500 rather than to part with $5 to prevent it. \Ve are not disposed to be censori- ous, nor do we wish to dictate as to the amount any individual ought to be disâ€" posed to contribute, but we cannot help thinking that those who refuse to lend their pecuniary aid towards the purchase ot'an engine which may perhaps save their property from being involved in the same destruction as their unfortu- nute neighbors, are acting on the “ penny wise I and pound foolish †principle. The two Warnings we have had so recent- ly, ought tohhe sufï¬ciently stimulative to make the most economiCal individual in the village disposed to be liberal. While the tire was raging, and the wind in its variations giving all points of the compass a blast oI’its heated,ï¬ery breath, no doubt many trembled at the thought of the impending destruction to which their'propertv was exposed, and if money i would than have attracted an engine to the scene, we should have heard the rattle of its wheels and would have been gratiï¬ed with a View of its preventative opera- tions. There is no reason why we should not be as anxious about the purchase of an engine now. As "a village we are composed of wooden buildings, most of them as dry as tinder, and liable at any time to become' a prey to the devouring element, against which, when it has f'air‘ ly'gaincd headway, it is almost useless to contend. This consideration leads us to the conclusion that there is not only no excuse, but that it is really culpable to be apathetic in a matter in which the interests of a whole community is so in- timately connected. ZVWGSS. . . This is the second time efforts have been made to procure engines for the village". The ï¬rst would have succeeded had the exertions of those who took it in hand,been properly seconded by the inhabitants. As it was not, as a matter of courm it fell through. Since then we have paid for our negligence to the tune of>i$15,000, An estimate of the resources of our Village will convince any of us that we cannot afford to pay very frequently penalties of so expen- sive-a character. Will the effort now made have a similar result? We sincere- ly hope not, and we know it need not. All ought to be anxious to contribute, those who have property to add to the ertfety of that property, and those who have not} to prevent. as far as possible theineen‘.'eiiienee of being burnt out. By m doing, the burden borne by all will be lightâ€"the engine purchased and n feeling of comparatin psi‘e'urity the re- sult. Had the ï¬re whieh broke out- near Mr. Dolnmge’ngotel while the ï¬re at the lower part of the tillage was at it; height, succeeded in getting beyond control the whole millage might. have been swept9 and irrigde of having the opportznlty andthe means of pro curing an engine we might to day have been gcpenting over our Past supjucugss in dust and ashes. Ilvamusox‘s HAMESS ESPABLISH: MENT.â€"~Th0 attention, of the farming pnumunity is directed to BL" Hudson’s z: w . usenmv la» the best, In“ anyzlï¬ng in at law prices. @512 3.9m gamut unless New v Advertisements. The Fire Engine- MO\ ING 5OKTH. MOVING SOU I'H. Inwner; gmd makes“; quiet in his hue: neat, durable, and . . . . . . . . 814 P.M ........9 33 A.M 55A.» ....4 56 P.1d. Is it true that the damage done to the new Brick School House by the late ï¬re has ;been clumsily repaired, and old charred timber and flooring, with burn- ed screws and patched up desks substi- tuted instead of good new material? ' If so, we ask why is it done, and for whose benefit has this questionable economy been pursued ? we have been assured that the Royal Insurance Com- pany's Inspector came here on‘ the se.. cond day after the ï¬re and viewed the premises, and requested the Trus‘ tees to draw up an estimate, at once, of what the probable damage might be, which they did, and handed it to the Inspector. The amount was $390, or thereabout,-â€"-â€"that gentleman at once informed the Trustees that, “he was quite satisï¬ed, and that that amount would be paid to them, that they could at once proceed to repairing the schoo1 house, and, the Board thought proper ,t) economisc in their repairs, it would be for the: advantage of the School Section ; the Insurance Company had no more} to do with it than but pay the amount.†If these are the facts, as we have reason to believe them touhe, how isrit that a rumour has become current that the In- surance Company is turning round and _ raising objections to handing over the I amount which the Company’s Inspector ;. assured the Trustees would be paid? i We call upon the Trustees to take their stand upon the arrangements into which the Company’s Inspector entered when here, and Whose suggestion of saving for the beneï¬t of the school section has, apparently, been followed up. \Ve are morally certain that if a public meeting of the rate payers is called to consult upon the course to be taken, that the unanimous voice of the public will be to sustain the Board in persisting to claim f:om the Insurance Company the sum that was estimated as the real dam- age sustained, (not what it may cost to patch and mend the building and seats with damaged material,) and if necessary togtake letzal steps to enforce the Royal Insurance Company to‘ deal justly in this matter. Let there be no compro- mise- no half measure. Our School buildings and seats are very seriously damaged, and why is the School Section to suffer after the Trustees acted by the advice of the Insurance Company's In. spector ? We say,|call a meeting of the ratepayers and householders ; let us talk the matter over, and unite in sustaining‘ the Board in demanding the whole amount of the estimate sent in. Mr. Heward, the Insurance Company’s Agent at Toronto, must be taught that it is not safe, at all times, to pay atten- tion to the insinuations of the individual who is reported to have informed him that the schools could be repaired for less than $200. Let us have a meeting ‘ by all means, and let one and all attend. OUR SCHOOL BUILDINGS. The Court of Revision inet at the Town Hall, on Monday, the 14th May at noon. The Reeve in the Chair. All the members present. The Clerk stated that but one appeal had been lodged with him, The Appellant, John Kaylor, of Lot No. 38. in the 10th Con. not having ap peared to state his object.ons, the aSess: ment Roll was received and adopted. Dr. Langetaï¬ moved, seconded by Mr. Graham, that the Treasurer be and is hereby authorised to pay the fol- lowing amounts for the beneï¬t of desti- tute persons, viz to :â€" Dnvid therspoon for rl‘ho Baker. .$10 00 Stewart Blane for T110 Underhiil. . . 10 00 Hugh Develin for Sarah Livingston; 8 00 Daniel Smith for Bastian Agar. . . . . 18 00 Gibson Jewell for Agnes Beuton.. 10 00 J. Livingston for John Dale V . . . . . . 10 00 â€"â€"Carriud. Mr. Graham, moved seconded by Dr. Langstaff, that the Putllmasters’ Beat. No 87 be formed of the following par- cels of land, namely, 120 acres part of Lot 27in 9th, 57 acres part of 27 in the 9th, and 25 acres part of 25 in 9th, all belonging to Wm. Train, also 50 acres ’I‘ke Clerk read the minutes of the last meeting. The Court then dissolved, and the Council sat for gcncnl business. By-Law N0. 18% making an appro- priation for expenditure on the roads was then passed. part of 28 in 9th, belonging to Messrs_ Agu, and that the seal of this corpora- téoa be attached to this resolutionâ€"Cur- yied. Dr. ixngstaff moved7 seconded by Mr. Rumym Hmt in \Vm‘d N0. 1, Joseph Fisher 13¢ appointed Path-muster, for 30:11:22, in place of J. Tmyer. In Ward 351.2, Thomas Smuh, for Ban 5, in place. Iii Job" Vciic, Sr. In \an‘d. Laud, l:izueukxrubemgh, {br- Bmt 31, in place of. J'. R. Dickhout. In \Vzu'd «.NO: 4, John Culhnpn, for Beat41, in VAUGHAN COUNCIL. place of A. Matthews, and for Beat 58, Hugh McCutcheon in place of J. Livâ€" inpston.â€"â€"Carried. Mr. Graham, moved'secouded by Mr. Raeman, that the Clerk be hereby inâ€" structed to. prepare a. petition to the Legislaturé, for the renewal of the Chu- ter of the Toronto andme Sound Railway.â€" Carried. Mrâ€" Webster, moved seconded by Dr. Langstaï¬â€˜, that the Treasurer be au- thorized (on receipt of an order from the mover), to pay to MeSSrs Burgeys Mitchell and Graham, or their order, the suni’of $200, for building a bridge on the 10th Con.-â€"â€"Carried. Dr. Langstulf moved, seconded by Mr. Webster, that the sum of ï¬fty dollars be applied for the side lin_e between lots 55 and 56 in the 13!; Gem, and thirty-ï¬ve for cutting down the large hill at the rear of lot 52, in the lst Concession. subject to the order of the Councillor of Ward No. 2.â€"â€"Carried. The Council then adjourned to meet again on the lst Monday in July, at HOOD. One of the most daring and bare faced robberies was committed in this village last week by James E. Morrison, :1 youth of 12 summers, (although the thief is young in years he is not young in crime), he went into the house of Mr. Suttens in open day, and» took therefrom a Silver \Vatch valued at about $12, not being content with one watch he went to the house of Mrs. Ganton, an- other villager, and took therefrom an- other \Vatch, and last but not least he walked into the store of MLT. Thomson 1and While Mr. T. was in another part of lthe house he toOk therefrom $5, but thanks be to Detective Button who got on the track of the thief, nearly al the stolen property was resovered. «vo‘pâ€" »â€"‘ The Semi annual Meeting of the Mechanics‘ Institute will be held in the Temperance Hall, on Tuesday evening next, at half past 7, p. In. Business to be transacted.â€"Eleeti0n of oï¬icers for the ensuing half year and reception of the semiâ€"annual report. All members are earnestly requested to be present, in order that the interests of the Institute may receive fu‘l consideration. To the Editor of the York Herald, Mn. EDITORâ€"A cougle of years ago, a few individuils, interested in the appearance of our Viilagi, set out a numâ€" ber of trees on each side of the street. Many of them died or were destroyed, still enough have lived to pay for the trouble, und encourage us to try again. If the same parties who interested themâ€" selves in the matter before; were to speak to a few individuals, and appoint a day as: soon as possible, there is no doubt of their being a sufï¬cient number Who will be ready to lend a hand in the ornamentation of the village. WINDOW SIIADEs.â€"-We direct at- tention to the advertisement of \V. P. Richmond, announcing the Opening of a factory for the manufacturing of Windâ€" ow Shades, in our village.- These Shades are really, the very thing wanted, they far supersede the canvass which has been used heretofore. They are made of very thin split slats, of'wood, woven neatly together, and for neatnass, durability, and cheapness cannot be ex- celled. CHEAP PR1NTS.-â€"0ur readers will Observe by an advertisement in another column, that Messrs. II. & A. Newton are selling prints at ten per cent. below city prices. By this course the public will be convinced, 'thztt they c.1n do bet- ter with their money in this neighbor- hood, than by trading in Toronto â€"- Look into their store and examine their goods. Messrs. Newton are ccurteous and attentive, and Show their goods free of Chang»: Richmond Hill, May 18, 1866 On Friday night, says the London Advertiser, a young man named Thomas Copp, while in a drunken ï¬t, assaulted and dangerousiy stabbed \Vm. McArth- 111‘, toll~keeper at Amic'ns village, Lubo. Inpp was journeyng homewurd, 011 foot, and arriving at the tollâ€"gate, roared out, “ Gate! Gate l†but not getting an ame- wer as seen as he wished, at once proâ€" ceeï¬ed to smash the gate and then burst open the door of the lieu-:e. Mer‘ rthur got out of bed in time to meet him enâ€" tering the door of the house, and put him out. Cepp shortly after, entered the house again. when a. seuflle ensued, d uring which MeA‘rthur was $5,.bbeul in the stomach. Medical aid was at once prumu‘ed, and the wound pronounc- ed†Eerious and possibly fatal. High Constable Groves left London the follow- ing morning to arrest the guilty. Robbery at Buttonville (Eorrrapmamrs. Mechanics’ Institute. FOLIAGE. STEPHENS THE AMERICAN HEAD fem- TRE. ‘ The committee decided last night with closed doors that James Stephens should be elected the Fenian Head Centre of the United States, and both States, and both factions have-centred their hopes on him. It is expected that a reconciliation will take place immeâ€" diately. -’ ' In a familiar conversation with the re- porters of the press» last night Stephens said he requested the Fact to be distinct- ly understood that he flg“_e$eaped ’_’ from Richmond Bridewell' prieon, and had no, intention to leave Irelai.d until he was- ealled to do so by the “Fenian organiza- tion in this country. 'V "He escaped from Richmond prison on the 24th .Novem- ber, 1865, and subsequently went to Dublin, where he remained four months and never left nor changed his quarters. In the house Where he resided he could hear under the window, the news bjys crying out, in stentoriain' voices, "‘ The arrest oi'Jnmes Stephens,†while, at the same time, he felt :15 secure there {is he does now among; his l'riendg , . New ‘YOl'li. While in Dublin he’w‘as in the house of friends He was in the habit of meeting parties and represbziatives from the country and from all pzirte nt' Ireland, with whom he conversed and counselled on the subject of the great moven‘ient of Ireland’s liberation, while at the same time the policemen of Dubâ€" lin and the spies of the British Crown were strainingr their ingenuity to ï¬nd out his whereabouts. He left Dublin For France on the 13th of March: 1866, and arrived in Paris en the 136i) of that month. Iie sailed in a little £15111nd boat, which, on the Voyage was tossed about in the Irish Channel by SUCSS of weather’ and ï¬nally driven into the l Athlone, and from their to Belfast liar» about in the Irish Channel by stiess 0‘.“ weather’ and ï¬nally driven into the Athlone, and from their to Belfast hurâ€" bour and during :1 portion of thin; tinm in Jn‘oximity to he English cutters that, were searching for him. It is his ï¬rm intention to return to Ireland mom-ind the Trish liberating army will be ï¬ghting Eng lish troops in a. solid front, this your ii‘tyhe friends oi'Irelzmd in this country will discontinue the quarrels among them» selves. He visns this country with the hope and in‘ention of 'bfin_:‘ill..;'~ the Friends of Ireland together, and will dill" ing his visit use all the eifortsin his power with that View. A reporter remarked that the Irish people in this country acknowledge ‘him as the Head Centre of the Fenizms, and expected him to take the Hdircctlo.» of affairs. Anervous .committeemun said that was not so. lit-They“ only acknowledged him as the HQZLd Cdntl'3;;0f the I.‘ R. To this Mr. Stephens h: pplly replied he was in the hands of the committee, and should to a great: extent be 'suhject to their directions. He thought, how- ever, that it was not in anticipationigthut he should assume to be the Head Centre in this country; his ï¬eld was in Ireland, and there alone. He came to Amerkn to advance a spirit of euneiliuinn, to unite 21llp:11-£ie;s of themBrotherhood, so to advance a spirit of conciliation, to unite all parties ofthe Brotherhood, so as to enable the Irish army to ï¬ght this year. He eontitrucdâ€"étllie Irish army was ready for action in August last, and certainly not later than the curly part of September, nndï¬only awaited that sup- port from the organization in this coun try which had been promised him, but which, for the time being7 the dissen» sions among the Brotherhood in this country had broken up. If it held, the lrish army would not only be ï¬ghting to-dny, but the Irish republic would have been an accomplished fact. He still had the fullest conï¬dence in the ap- proaching success of the movement When the blow is struck England will ï¬nd her military powers broken. She may hold the seaports of Ireland ; but Irishmen Will be masters of the situation on land. NEW YORK, May 15.â€"The Post‘s special says that the develoynnunts in the Merchants. National bank ifuilum undcr the invostigu [ion of the 1101330 cmmniltoe me very lmrl. It. is believed a majority 01' thd committee will vote against permittin any deposits in national banks of government. funds, but if this proposition fails string;ch md‘ulutlons will be adopted. ‘ Jolm lechel was wntin; letters in the ()pim‘ng Nationalc upon the grievances of Ireland. In a future lettur .110 prmnises to explain clearly what Feniunism is. and, above all, what it is not. V Friday, April 20, was the birtbhy of thelflmpei'orof the French His Majesty having been born at the Tuilorics 0.1 the 20th Apyil, 180*, and having now, ihm-e- fox-c, emu-pleth his ï¬ftyeié'hth your. Jamvs Stephens has received an enthnsi :istic oration from the 3s otherhool. About 6.000 men were present, but none of Roberts men were in attendance. Stephens made :1 fnrcibie Speech, giving a history of the Fenian movenmnt. He said he had received little money from this country uudthe hczn'tbumiugs and Sizimdulshere were such as could only he com“l :nszucd for by Irish libmuiiityi They 0:1!y “aimed mmwy. Irohuu‘. had done {on timvs as much it; Am Cd in that \v.iy. If (#:9th Britain had become engaged in the Danish wai- it was their purpose than to have when up arms. A5101" Stoyhons’ atidrosy Lieut-Col. Dowmey addressed .t!10.91)thregiment, dxawn up in front 01' t1); pintl'orm, reflecting sc- \'0r(>‘.y on an order 01' Guy. Sanford (‘uunter- {Handing the man for th; parade of the regiment as an encromc‘nmcul on the [NHL legs of thd 002111113;dest Ufa regiqult of national guards. The Fenian Conspiracy. NEW YORK, I May Iiiâ€"Steamer Java, Liverpool 5th,_'aud Queenstown th, arrived 211:9 115 a. In. Arrival of The “ Java}. ' LI\'ERT'OOL,'S thirdly "’éveninT, Mn-y 5.â€" Cotten sales to-duy 7,000, halos, iiic‘mding 1,500 bales to' speclumors and ekpm'ters. The market is quiet and unchanged é mid- dling uplands about 13 1:51. Bi'cudsmi't's quiet and easy. Provisions dun} LONDON, Saturday evening, May 5.â€"-Cow sols closed at 86.3 to 8C: for Jilonxuy Ameniâ€" can stocks; U. S. 5520‘s 67} to 67}. 111i. Central R. ’u. 75% to 753;; Alli}; to 4125. CITY OF WASHINGTON. LIVEm’oor), May 5.“. Two tnrs lei‘. Qneenstown tn assist the S. S. (7in of Washington, reported Lohuvo pusscd Cape Gleam last v evening. LATER. ’Nothinq has yet hem hem-d of the steam- ship (£17ng W'ashinglan since the .l’ropo/Ll's left’hér. The (llsnblcd Hemmer mpmtud m!‘ 0 .0k Haven was from Melbourne. Duckies on the basis pmpnéud by Austri: I’uns. M (V 5, [mun 31‘30 chmmz'r/l plrm'la.(irllm denim [hilt Franco H- s‘ mudv .u' 1:111: l‘ClefH'HIl'itlHtOS at Vienna. Jvlzliiw Austrian urmmménm at, Viermn, mul ‘thu‘t Ihe dispatch smut, to Vienna on ‘ mhjcct was muchmi i l \l‘cnmst mum sex-ms, 111d 50';ch requested (:nufidw’rml plnzmtions spucliu" (11:) 0‘. t ut‘ the, ‘ h‘iau 1m" nations. The .\11_ chm Gm‘ mth mi; M1, prulcstizlg it would ln‘LiI :L strictly dutkmï¬vc unit-v.10. Franco . . . ‘ I umtcd ’(mzw (:xp‘nvl'm m3. and Um 1'1 Hus a mutual llmlui'aILLHing, umnn'xfin: ‘ .\'h 1 A' [inlv‘ AUSTRIA, ITALY, PM; NCF) VIEKXA, M‘xy ‘1,hâ€"=~Evonin:.â€"~Prusz«sia is said tn'hzu'a dc . MN AH negotiuiuus on the deï¬nim solution of the qu'wï¬on of 1310 Duckies on the basis pmtmsud by Austria. I’uns. MW 5, [munâ€"T30 Mama; 1.4/1 Di phm‘lulirluu doniï¬s lhut Franco ~. \‘ nmdla c \» .u'gnt)" l‘clxlUHSI‘l'itlHtOS at Vienna. wluiivc to Ans n urmmménm at, Viermn, and my that Ihe dispatch smut, to Vienna on the s (muclwd i l H‘C most ("nu-2005; mhfcm w \ tri‘ws, should Italy! at- t‘Cv£ Vi-n' i i!izl<~‘~o'nim.1‘y nt' Fmvwv, nut to SC‘.CHI'(‘ for herselt'uny 01‘ the eventual 1‘0- suits of vivim‘y witham the diplmn'itic iii- ter‘x'eution ufb‘rzmm. It is n seried that one object of Austria, in mmmcing 1’1 ussiii ml I[:Liy,is 1:) ii)" 3 E'i‘ï¬zmzi’s 21% mt to *iie ' - I} 1 CUUVCIEUUII 01 21 liiil'()]H‘llll Lmugl‘CsS. T) L'Hn'lan, MM li.~~ ins dwim‘m} to the Diet timL the Minnie iH'H‘Hll'diiUJS, on her purl, m1- 0 itiioiy «itfi-lmiw. The, Aus- Li'iuu replym the List l’ru .111 mm: \\(Lb uniiuilzituri‘, but, she (inclines; 1) dis Ll'lll 1m» (liar present cii‘cmna‘muccs. Wgriikc pmpm‘utiuus in “mafia wow: heiné‘ ms‘wd i'omv 1d with great cziigi'gy, A popular dummilstx‘uLion has taken 1; u in Paiduei. ‘nhow grunt cx’ Moment liwvmls. It is riuiinui'mltlizit VAllL‘l-iEL will inmmdizdcly be placed in a state of siege. The Paris honme closed heavy last even- in; at (EU to 655 u)‘: the runtcs. SAN FRANCISCO, Mav G.â€"A speciu} mos- seng'er :u‘rivud yestmduy at L-rs An'jeios. hri Gin; advs‘mtch from Hm cunnuuudor 0t Fom Grunt m General 31450:), mmounci Ilmt Fort Goodwin. Aw'iz mu. 1] v.1 been ink by two thousand «Indians, 3, 41 the gm‘rison, numbcriuor one lxu Ider and txmntyï¬â€˜our mr-n, mwmcmd, widx one exception, and t'10 fort hLll‘ll’JL THE GA RRISONUI? FORT GOODWLY ARIAONA. MAS $AORED BY ‘ THE INDIANS. The mm W 1:0 escaped, mm out hunting; :11 L110 Lime, null witnessed the communal) from :wlistzmce He saw the fu‘t Mr N. and heard ï¬ring: of guns during the ï¬g'xr, which lasted mark an hour. it is suppost 1’ Indians [gained udmiszimx t4) flu: i'm-t undo the pretext Oi'L‘lll’Ql'i‘lO“ int) n irrmty ofpezlcz', which (imwrzll Maxim had “munch-d [11;- commandw of the f-th to mako. tern 19111101103. mum the 1].. 111:111' 3101., (1fw'111b- 3111210013 into 1‘111111' 01);;111‘111: .u-lxm the A I . l2 \"(3 1' 11mm, INCH troub‘osanw. 1111113 . P211111C1tj1§11y 111' mm} Hut ‘1. my been :11 pcncu \\':Ii1 the whites sum? {111? w 1202‘.“ )7 MAJ/1an from (Hum-G1: LL10 31:1.11: T3121,- 151 :1 111;!1: ion) the 1&111111'1131 11m ' W1 stimuluteal ('1 111 -11' H1) 113' 1 '.\' hf, 1 11.131ii111150f Ham; hr '11 is lumuu 1I1.‘.1 1,113 3111111in of (111111151111 31' 1.111115 31,1113 hm; . {Maul :mmni (:1 1"1-*.' :L 5-1110 3.411 1113; :1 :-i \‘iu 11') m‘uz' :\ 1:11:11 '3 l)“: mu- 1 1) 1-1 {11 15$.1c.L-1~; of '1‘1')‘.i1(‘.\'r**th :11I{E\'1«111211$ w u; : bncu' 111-“111‘y 11: m1;ig.u:1lsvâ€"x1 ni m‘mc. inziimhims w 0: pm tips, gonm‘uil)’ 0: mm g. :Iiilsvâ€"n we bncu oi'uimast daily occurnnm. A letter, rc- (x-iwd in Szm Ji‘runsu ), April 153th, :mnouuc ed that Mrijm' Miller, of the lLLh U. S. In flint v, and {any men, \W‘m kill/‘11 WiliiL’ . ‘ . ‘ 1v V I ' 523m: ii'um {‘ovt u ‘uut to lusczizi. Armi- uf' 'n'hitvs,~â€"ni the murdec :1 company of i‘wISLE‘i(i() s i’mms went in pursuit of :hu Apuclms, kiliiug 2.3 and rupturing otheis. Fart Goodwin, all, which the recent mus- u- m'e took plate. is nhwnt v4.5 miins8011111021.}, of [ms Fox, and >30 miiesmst of.\:'immL city, near (iii‘L 1" 1'. Its or :inul name (ii‘we lms Ford, and EU mules (last of Arman near (iii‘L rivm'. Its UPI-ï¬nal um.an I‘Cmvm‘.)cr rightly) was Fort “Yeah b. t it h 3 been renamed in honour ., V v. . ' ’I‘l lneavnt (JU\CIH(H M A ll/IJJJ. .. . was nearly on the line 0? the (3):" Was nearly 0111110 line 0? the (pmpmml) sthm-n rout»: ni'thc Paciï¬c 1'21HI'UéUi, and was on the dzz'ect s mthcm emig'unl, mum. Prescmt. about if) mules north, the caf’i- tle of Arizona, is 21. town of considerable impm'tmncv, and from ilscxposcd situation Lhcre is reason to fear Hut it may I); viéitud by the J\P.lChC‘S, now douhiy excited by their victory at Fort Goodwin. Tm: Hrssn‘s ASSASSIxnâ€"lt is now gen- erally believed that the would be witsnésin nt' the (Imr is a Russian nobleman, about 2‘) yours of 213:0, whn, like so msmy “wars of his Class, him; been ruinel in conocqncnce of the muancilmtion of the» peasantry. ll:1 ()!)mtl!1:llClY pz'clendcd L0 be lulmurin: mam until his Llnk‘dllllOUS revolutions of his knowâ€" ledge 06' the French lung‘um 30' betrayal the ' . \Vlli‘W rm (Htumpt was mnle t0 photograph him he dislorlel his ï¬-alurï¬ M to he h‘u‘dly rocoyï¬zzlhle. 0:1 1113 1m '5‘ 71) when urrvslxcal were found some} seditious }.r(>t:lhumtnivm, and zl \‘iul ul‘puisonsuuposull to be lntcmlal l'm'himsull'. :‘TU "Ham’s :1 ll m‘fh to Peabolyl’ IS the, title Ufa new S-nlg. ‘ Towm-lls {ha (and of June, acr-ording to present arrangement, the Great Eastern will sail with the new Alantlc cable. TERRIBLE BUTC {ERY MARKETS mu at Fart (Eunlwin, (MC Mink the most Ldeun‘uus yot' AH 1110 nomadic 1110‘s the mat extent of mi)“ North LH'iCS. Since 111:? ï¬rst inzur \i‘) 0011; into I‘nvir damuvini. 1‘ 1310 Ann- . GUVOI‘Râ€" t \mnld m‘Linmin 10. Franco 2w . and {2 rmnH ELL; dedmw} to w‘nuudian, on \‘z‘. Hm A1 mwdth 1\mdc ofpeuCU ucudth m‘ 0! ’, t H: i'm L DETE {MINED CASE or Seminarâ€"Yester- day a man named William Vick, lately ot‘ Markham. committed suicide in amost de- termined manner. He was brought down to the ll‘oronto General Hospital about a week arr) for medical treatment, having cut his throat, while in Markham. Early yesterday morning he ran with full force antlstruck his head against the stove. This di’d not produce the desired etï¬act,aml heingz closely watched he could not repeat the blow for seine time. About ll o‘clock, however, the attendant having occasion to leave the room for a few moments, he again rudted against the stove, dashing his head against the corner, inilictinga horrible wound. Medical aid was immediately S)(:ll‘.'(‘,li, and everything:r powililc was done i towards alleviating the sutl‘orings of the unâ€" fortunate man. (10 lingmell on until a’iont , one o’cloek‘in the BIRCH-‘00â€, when death ‘ put an end to his miserable existence. It is supposed that his pecuniary emharns - mean were the chief cause of the, rash tc’t. Some family (litlioulties are al: 0 as gned as a reason. He leaves a large family in Markham, to whom the account of his sud. end was sent at once. An inquest Will be i held on th‘, body this morning, at ten o’clock, by Coroner ltitltlell, at th: General llospiial.- Globe of 'l'uesday. 'l‘uh; INQI’HS'IXâ€"Yeste:‘dny morning, :m in‘ ‘ :[nest was held'in the (lane ‘al Hospital, by Uoroner lliddull. on the h uly of William J. ‘ Vick, ot’Mark..1n, who died i'tEi‘ e H. S '- ' ml on the day plenumâ€"«.101, as was stated _\‘(‘~1tierdar, in (Hlilii‘qttt‘ilct‘ of having dash ct! his head (Khulan a stove, (titulljit he did l that and received nno injury therchy;y ; hut in consequence of a wound he inflicted upon himself at Markham. At the investi- tiou yesterday, the liwllou'inq facts were t? iciterl. The deceased. who had resided in Markham for some t‘:iitecn years, was a steady; Soher. and indo' ions man. HA 3 had lately pnvclmecd a steam ermine, to be employed in his husint-ss‘ hut the engine had titilezl to vork weii or to suit, his purpose. and he was; heard ta) ex 5 himself, with rvt'erenee to it. in NW}; dummidinor terms .khoat nine o’clock on the 71h inst†he was :ihsent form his home, and though this was not unnsu Ll, his will: 5011‘» to: a young m‘ta nan‘ied Germain. to help in the search for Dilfl'll'f the Ni,th Hm unfit 1mm?" mrm was work-ct]? 1': 'J‘uï¬. ml'} t‘flkexi‘ a mus} don} ackimwhrd rim; having; inflmlr'd the wmm'l upon himself, and (wnrnssin; the (hmpr n iron for wth hr: half (Mm. suyin: that ‘It was ham-ihlu to 1hi k that by hEs own act he had demived his fhmih' of their nut» 11ml protect-Inn" He gave thr- 131'. m un- dm-smnd that he hurl cum'nittod the act nn rhér the iufltmnce 0?:111 irrc-zistih'xe iznpuhyu. but that when the Mom] began 10 How he hooan mhn :v in, and he warned 1.0 have hxlmnrod under theide! 15m†mm. 110 m: at dw as he had done or be hanged. 0:1 Hm Foilmvinf; momin: he was brmuht to To- ronto and Marten] in Hm Hos ilzll, a young "ï¬r'm nmnwl J'm‘t‘ph \‘v ’ 71k): (Ty-burr him. (in m<- \'..1‘)' he down-:1)an h) Wale; his ï¬telings just previous: (:3 his rush not. He was sit- ting at Hz.) wind m‘ m 11:14‘«‘,10()‘.(i2;gut «mm unsulonblï¬ outlin‘ ,v‘s Shndhlg bc-f'm‘o the house. when H :0â€an h him that n devil’s It is pmjoctcd in Califouiu to Supply Sim anci *0 and :Ldrm‘n interior towns with wntm‘ from L-flm T211100, which 1303 in the Sierra Nevada Mmmmius. an“ is by ï¬fteen Tnmdrwl feet the hi'fhvst, body 'nf' water over navigated by a stoumbout. The length of‘ who ruiuwdncf, ii‘i‘ri extended to Sam Frau- :iism, wiH be 200 miles. Massuolmsoits 114:; adopted the wise (mums t'en- sumpx'i‘ssion of" coz'f'lin Chasm. Zion‘s - r 'n r r _ who :'L:'I11(3<1:1C;, ii‘i‘r 3-; extended to Sam Frau- cism, wiH be 200 miles. Massachusetts 114:; adopted the wise course mpwssion of" coz'fnin Classes. Zion‘s ..1 says 2â€"“ A bill has paused the Uzm‘ac‘avsetts Home whi provich that VY(3.r).)HS wandering 297)!)ut without any visi~ No mean; of suppm‘t, hmr 521m. pol-Sons ‘izmwn to ba pick pockets, (luoves or hurl;- lzu's, i'nu'ul 1‘):'r)w1in::Lmund may be mm and on conviction of belonging to thc<'-1;L.(..c‘ VIZUHCJ, and 01' having" been found wandering 01‘ low. '11: about, may be sent to the House n1" Correction far IL term not exceeding six months. FI‘IH AT THE RAILWAY STATION, Momma- M,.â€"0u Wednesday morning“, about seven u’cloc‘k, a ï¬re broke out in the oil and lamp mom in 1110 Bannvmmrc Station of the Grand Trunk Hui'way, Form» LIHy U‘e Vim, Brid‘gudo wm, as usual, promptly on .m‘ v.1. M ‘l . |. .. . . l1“, l§11l$lu.0\\m, um llwlldlylï¬lL/lnlltl) pan “onmlm.ï¬.(.m what mqu n mung. rum), the S1“â€7 uhd ‘9‘“39 ‘lldw‘l '1'†.LVOH’mv?" the ‘ 0 are m-lfccmal in rvswrln‘g Eu: hualrh all who are put out. meg m the mflmmmlhio nature isuï¬â€˜vmw from weakness, and ()ebmlvy Uh"- of the contex'n‘s‘. of 111') 1a 0:11 in wlncl) the “re linv Discharges, Nervnnsnuss. Jam, &c., flux. ()I‘ginumfl, erf'ul alarm was caused. and V we {and Hwy “ Act like a charm.†in strengthen- is‘ liltludoulut that a very short (l ‘5' Would 311:! “1" “5‘9"†'lth-‘fl‘lds 0" ll‘dk‘s Who have mmed the dash-ï¬ction of 11k whole I have snï¬'crc d hrr years and tried various other mm“. remedies in vuin‘ owe n renewal or their health â€" #â€" am‘: strength wholly lo the efï¬cacy of I. Jl)lll'C-:\T)'.‘“.'L A ‘lf‘HJili‘jV’I'xâ€"VAU: ‘fofu‘ o’clock ‘ PL Harvey‘s chale rim H. A AH,“ Dimminm Al‘(;li)l£.\"[".â€"AL four o’clock tliisni'tu'10011 a fire broke out in a small stable in may of Mr. Wm. Bryan’s house. iy the timely arrival of the fire engine the house was saved but the stable was bnn'ned m the gmnml. A little 3011 of Mr. Bryan’s, live yours ohl, was missing. and Sunl‘cl] unulo, when he was found mmmng‘ the hum- ing Cinders, burned to a crisp. Sumo little buys my tiny saw him pliying with some matches; trying tr) light, :1 pipe, which “as doubtless the muse of the acuiilent. mom in 1110 Bannvmmrc Station of the Grand Trunk Hud'uz ‘, Forum. LIHy U‘e Fix-O Brid‘gudo wm, as usual, promptly on the spot, um succwzdud in getting the ï¬re put (mt. Owing to the inflummahio nature of the contents of 111') 1a 0:11 in Much the We The editor 01“ the Richmond (C.F.) Gun-«Hun says his ‘lut has been cast zmmngst a pcnplo who are as httle enter- p i:‘~1iny,: as the Chinese,’ because they don't support the local paper. The Lindsay Ailments. repm’ns‘ the crops in Garch :19 execl‘nent, and says the farmers who suffered severely from (instructive ï¬res in 1864 are beginning to have brighter prospects before them. (3 9m; mm :10 1 a: 11:19:, {,v‘s‘ SM 1 man)!“ §i :53 m: ‘ of the 2: n! like a 532' {mun Wings. 'mnfl,†um] X311???) t‘mx‘exi‘a {DUI} don} .lfllolr'd The wmm'l n‘nssin; the (lcfï¬pf'ï¬l I (Mm. saying that t‘.:c cutting but“, sscz'pntxt. :m'l than; . Then, he said Lnfl went to make "=1 this n‘u‘; mnw :1 that 1'11“ poor 'a'IH'liV. um} mt)â€" ltï¬ramai" 86110501; SUiCIDiLâ€"«Mr. Stephen Mchithy, ofEn- ninmore; and at one time reeve ofthixi tmmâ€" ship, shot himself through the head with a pistol. in .1 110m] at Bridgenorth, on Friday evening fast. The wound was not at once fatal, The unfortunate man was removed hmnc, and though only conscious at inlet- min, lived until Sundiy night, when he 01(- pimt}. Deceased was a bachelor, and it is heliuvadthat in a state of distraction of mind from unrequited love he committed the rash act. 'An inquest was held by Gor- oner Ransom, antla verdict returned in ac: _ 4 card» use wth those facts.â€"Petcrborough Rcvéuv. USMC NOTICE is hereby givrn that [her Richnmnd Hi†County Gramnuar‘ {iclnol iv nuw free to pnznls whu may he nuxi 3 nus to acquire a superior edun-Mion.-â€"-Applimâ€" lion to bu mndu lo the Hmul Master. By under of the Buard of Trustees. A gentimmu who .«ufl'ei'ed for yeah from. \e:";uusumi (knisz Dn-hiiit)‘. Nighily I‘Imia- -10235, and seminal Weukuoss, \lm result uf )uulhi'ul indiscreliun, and mum: near endinzv His (law in lupch'h‘.‘ mi~cry,w1|l. for the afl| «- ging umu, S: nd Ln um' one I mm“ d. "r 9 55inng means used by him whit-Ii ehcted I» run: in 21 um Works. uflcr lhe fa3‘u1‘o of un- mcmus IDL‘dKiiHuS. Send a ull‘vLuu (nvoli p0 and ten L'th and it will cost )nll null) 11;. Aihh‘v»; l‘mnk mum». Slallun L. 198th \an‘ Xusk I'JIV. > I h-‘Jh b'ccr’y (2" 77605 Richmondnm. VInrrh 9, 181'??? 4-0 L‘Mmun . Nl‘ L N] and mum DHHV uud‘ «‘ U '1 he; mung, rule†Sewn-'11 Diseasw. n9 Connryhen. Six-m- me. (Hum, am) in 215$ Urinary and Kidney 1'Ul.l‘l‘-|Ill~',llit_\' nut lxku a (1 my») Hmiul’ is (-xparnencvd by lukng u singlu lmx : arid {mm our 19 six boxes gunela-Hv Ml'wzt a: 9 . 4‘ Swld m boxes c mmiuiug ('7!) pm», |‘ ioe On‘w‘ Hublar, or six buxom Viva Doulars: also, In yurgu b:n)‘.~:s,comuimng Auur uf mu mum}, Ygico i‘hreo Dollars. ' wu... ,, If :nu nond the I‘ii‘k, c'ut outthis “honing- m n: J )‘nu‘l’l‘l\ll\,fllld if, Mm (mum)! PTOI'UI‘U' vuu; m' )nnr thug/591,1le m»! in; empossil‘ml byu,‘ um/ uthw .e Junta, Um amalnse Ihe mom-y in _u' h‘X-lm‘ w 111‘. J. Bunny Cohauhillg l’hysiciuw 41:2 Bmwlwuy, Nuw \‘mk Box, 5079mm} lilo" W1†he sun to you secure tron) ulrscn'nuou. hv I m-«H. MI V‘N‘eipl nf (he monav. l_\'-2,5_~ \‘| cogn‘me the Slnnmch. Liver and Billiary Sea «nu-Hons, which is me: chiefflnuso of Nervous-â€" new, (Tuldiness. Dimmers of Nghl, Hundacho'. Swlx Slumuch and oLher kindred cotuphinls. “'0 win; tin-d in he Ilw (#5117111:in Mmhmm‘ I'm' gonna! use, l'uril'_\'iu;{2|lm [hood and cluglls UL! [bu spun: from MI Inqmrixy, PMVM‘M (‘uu'u mu frre sun run-wt damp, . If mu nond the P m nt J )‘nu‘l’l‘ tn (\"r‘ mlwpled fur all ï¬gvs and constimliomr. l‘hm urv I-mnpU-Ni of lhe . 'tive»prii'ir-iples nr ll-‘rl‘s mnl Hunts. culled from our fields 'ahi! forests. They are mild but certain in their opt-rminnâ€"prmlnying itqilher cramps. wiping. lliiHH‘FS. 'l‘lmy may he lulu-n by all : or cniulilions William. fear- pains (vl' zigcs, sex Blytlll's Lifu Pills. Cure Hegdacho. lirg/Im‘s Life Pills, Cure Sick Sznmuclr. Bryan’s Ufa mus. Curé Glddinoss. Bryan’s Life Pills, Purify the Blood. A an ol‘ Bryan’s Life Pills will 009! but! TWl'lN'l'Y«-l“l\’E CENTS, and will accomw plisi) all that is represented. 'l‘lwy nro elegamly put up hv lh'o proprielor, [he inventor of Bryan's Pull/innit di/brs, a: "it‘d-vine long and favorably known to the‘ Anmricnn Nahum. , El‘ you wish Bryan’s Lilo Pillsy and cannot get them of your drnggisl, dont lake-any Other, but tend 'l‘wemv-ï¬ve cents in a lener'tolho proprietor, full] you will gut them by rmurï¬ 0 Address, Dr. J. 131mm, 412 Broadway ly-25 mail- New York. Box 5!,79. 3ryzm’é foe I’xlls. Entxrely Vegetable, “my have baen usnd by moth-ands with success w'nv “‘11 ' ‘he xnvwl infallible and popular re medv ever known, Cur a.†diseases of the fumnlgsex. Thay have been used in many llnousaud cases with uniniling sliCceSsâ€"aud may be relied on in every (man for which .hoy are roconnuended, and particularly in. all cases alising from Obstruction or Stoppage of Nature, Thw be Used Wmhout Detection, They are porfmany harmless on the sysmm, may he when at anv time with perfect sulmy : \ut dating 1/115 curly stages (if I’rrgnancy they s/wultl nut be taken, or a mmmn‘mgc may b5 the rcs'ult. They m'vm' cause anv sirkuoss, ‘ pain or distress. Lash box celllaiï¬s 60 Pills, l’rice one dollar, A remedy for special vases. fuur tit-gross strmger than the above; plicu Five Dollars per box. [[E’Cnl Hlis out if you desire Dr. Harvey": Pulls. and if you cnuuo! procure 1heul of your druggisl, do not take anv other. for some deal- ers who are unprinchled will rvcounnend ollmr Dr Harvey’s Female Pills, A I’luvuv. (‘IerAn to Ladies with ï¬ne anatomical engravings. sent I'rea on receipt of directed envelope and stamp. Female Pills, they can make a lavgar proï¬t on. â€"_1mt onclow H18 monuy and send direct 10 Dr. J. BRYAN, Cumullim: Physicmn, Box 50 9. 4712 Broadway, New York, and you will recoivo them securer scaled from observation. by re- ure mail. IX 25; A sum nnlidola for sit-kmmg, and n refngu um bulLLUW. {‘AIV nuJ LharAM, .undreds of Certiï¬cates can be Shown- Important to LJIDIES. ERRORS OF YOUTH. ï¬lmâ€"my um “loud. ï¬ï¬yasï¬x Rife P5113, Greatest landmine of the Ages Tumu'l in a“ vases. (or .hv Swami and . m‘ k Um; 0| b‘vmiuk Ii‘i'Uilk|)Ubs, Ureth- v'uggm 1 Di. cixmugn-s. l} anal, Somde He'â€" ‘d‘ (i1: we: of me l‘fliddvr a! 6i Kidnm 3‘. me anmtvtI I'm" mnl- 0r fenmke, on} or and mu Hm uni) nah bin luxuwa fur tho‘ “1412.04â€; mung {.0 .1 Youthful Indiscretion, RICH MOND H ILL Dr. Harvey’s Golden Pills. )0“ THE UNI“ Rl'L‘NA FE Bryan's Life Pills, N. TEEFY, Sr Sn Gnm‘mmen (mly, dun-aw ’enveiupe undo