Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 18 May 1866, p. 3

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Ago} Jennie. Brown Margret. Clark Michael Campbell Jaum - Cook The-mas. Davidson Widow AV.G. Donor Epl'apuel "‘1 you: sz‘eirfias'. Ever Davnd. Elliol Mary ‘Ann. Gaby Joseph . Giant George (5) [lithe village of .anle. Size of Ilall,23; fixer; by '42; feet ; two stories high, on stone fimndation. The malarial will be furnished. 'l‘he'lpwest or any other lender will not be ac- cepted unless otherwise smirfactory. For plans. spncificalions. and all particulars apply a! the office of Patterson and Bro,. on or after Monday, the 7th inst. Tenders to he addressed to Peter Paiteesou, Esq.. Patterson P. 0. By order of Com. May 3rd, 1865. V ‘HE Court of Revision of the Municipality 1~ of the VJ”th of YolkVilIeJor lrying ap- iveals, correcting errors, and “fixing the As- sessment Roll for the yoar 1866, will be held in the Town Hall. on nanny: the 2131; day of May, 1866 At ONE o’clock in the afternoon. of w"! ich all parties concerned are required to take notice. EMAINING' in‘ 1he Riv-hmoud am Post Qffi 'e. on 15: May. 1866 : Richinbxid mu; May 18. [£556. Yorkyifie. 91h May, 1866‘ 7 ENDERS willbomeceiv‘ed until Saturday, the 26m day of May, for tha Building ofa CORPORATION of YORKVILLE NEW ‘MflSflNlfl HALL ! Cannot be‘ Excelled! JWTTHE ARTICLE ! Richmond gill, ‘V. P. RICH MOND, Ricnmond HR}, May 17, 1866. URT receivol Mmer Nice Lot in the ‘ Naw‘Sgylebhnm 3s 9d to Us; at W. S. Pollock‘s. 1M0 SHADES ’ Also. it lot of Ahetdoen, choice lute NEW PAEQ’ASOLS. TURNIP SEED ! 61' B [Skirving's Improved) l’mp!e Top 4 Seems. u: Lha growth of 166.3. wur~ 'DIED, 'At Richmond Hill, on Tuesday, 15111 fish, Elizabeth Kurtz, relict nf‘ the latolfir. John Atkinson, millerâ€"aged 71 years. STYLE _§.,,£_,§1!¥§A1:?§mn 0:;- V I'olagoen Hgy ‘3“? ton ... w do ... 3mm 19 lb .. E11334? doz . . Amflos {9 hr] - tamed. for $1.5? Earle-v Tititjd Edition. Fifty Thousandâ€"[00 pages. by “In” E. BILL. M. D. A caution. od- dmbét'flo youth. the married. and those Con, Taltrnfiino .Mmmmu. Sent by mail post paid. in} roceipt of 'Fwnnv Cons. A careful [torm‘of this small book has been a Boon TO 1“! lfrucrxn. and has saved thousands from olifo ofminory, nod an untimely grave. It 1mm on the evils of Youthful lndisctetion, Sell-Alma, Seminal vWeakness. Emissions, Sunni Diseases, Genital Debility. Loss of favor. Nervousness, Pennalure Decay. Im- fotonce.&c.. &c.. which unfit the sufl'ere t'lmtffnlfilling the Obligations of Marriage. fvtnddrolh. DR. JUBRVAN, Consulting Physi- a. Box 5079, 442 Broadway. New York. ' hu25 AnJIIanunble treatise of 100 pages. by DrJ. Hhrvey. published‘for me Leuth of the sex On, receipt of Twenty cams. it will be sent pan; put]. in a sealed envelope to a" who ap~ ply f6: il. Address. Dr. J Hunt. 442 Broad- wn) New York. flax 5079, III-25 The bank of Frankfort has raised its rate of dispmnt to 6 per' cent. H.WINDGW " Which for Neatnc‘sa and Durabilitv, fism aahertimmcum. Richmonr‘ H I" 'NUTICE TU BUILDERS ! Tina ‘W-Wmlfiy 'firntmso By order, All Thu are now manufacde nt TORONTO MARK E’l‘S. MANHOOD! By any now in 335.. orders prompfly rtleudefl lo a List of Letters Exclusivdy foi- Ladise: W. C. PATTERSON, NOTICE. WM. II. ARCHER. Clerk of the Council, G. A. BARNARD’S, White Glolm sced.ul \‘V. A. BARANRD. May 18. 18m. BY Gray Charles Gregcr) Mr. Hougg Andrew. Jefi'olson Dodson Legge Henry. Minnessoy Arthur. Mush Warren. McLaughth-ohll McNair Matthew 'l'ndder Elnzmelh “'Mdrick George. H urreu Elizabeth. M. TEEFY, mm w.,P. Ixfc‘fmom Toronto, May .17 0 30 @ 0 25 ((9 7 00 @ 6 On (I) u 33 @ 0 In (a) l 50 a l 0'! @ o 55 @ 0 [i9 @ Chairman. and yam. w 53 l’ullrck‘s. 5‘0-ff 0 35 10 00 8 on 0 ‘24 0 13 2 (m 5 In. 67 Richmond ill; thhmand Hill. March; Mil).- IN n-turning thanks to his numerous frirnds and cuatomors t'd'r their liberal support since he commenced businesgy bogs to inform Ihmn that he has removed to Richmond Hill to (I10 Store immediater north of the &c.. and will make it a point to keep :1 selN‘t stock of Goods for the Soasou, He therefore respectfully inviles his old friends and [he in- ivhnbitanls of the ueighborhnnd to Ca” and in. spec: his Stock. feeling confident he cummt be undersuld, nor surpasmâ€"d by any home north of Toronto. For J‘Newxnz‘uilg'qtz Adfqlfii thrkham'apd And ownnd $ occupied by Mr McNuir. whure, owing to increased nccommodaxion. he he has greatly incram-ed his Stock of AVle b'eu appointed Agent for this .Company, one of the oldest and most reliable English Compunies,l will be happy to afl‘uctassuranco against Loss or d1mago by Fire. upon evuJy deseriplion ofvpruparly, at The Lowest POSSIBLE RATES, G. A. BARN ARD, Agent THE CHEAPEST, LARGES'!‘ AND THE BEST STOCK N0. 7, Rsyal Emchngc, VC'orrhill, and Haif-way House, Richmgnd Hill, No. 7, Pall Mall, London. Incorporated by ROYAL Charter, in .1720. Tim Elam Mills S‘mre Crockery £5 Liquors, [Ila-in Mills, April 26, 1866. lnndnn Fire Assurance Campany, ON YONGE STREET Which the public would do well to examine "‘lm I. ‘ |llh ! "linumiu “MW Mum»! 7|} Farm Produce taken in exchange. Richmond Hill. April 6. 1866. NEITHER EF 'BEWEL. VVi t}: :1 General A ssorsmamt of Articles} in Con- nection Wifiifij the Trade. CALL, INSPECT AND-#PURC HASE: Will: immvdiaw p‘uyment of all Losses. LADIE'Q’ Elam H. & A. NEWTTON’S goHN“ WATERHbUSE, NP PER CENT BELGW“ .' .4 , aJLJIL LLLLLLL UU , N ‘33 g V ‘ HST PREZE ‘b HARNESS ESTABLISHMENT I GROCERIES, JOHN GOODWIN BERNARD. ARDWAR E. Trimmed and Untrimmellj Vcry'Chdfip. Mil's. May i8‘ 1365. Richmond Hth May 9, i866. AN EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT OF Toronto Prices for Cash. Groceries, Hardwar’é; JUST RECEIVED AT WHICH WILL BE SOLD Al $0, A NICE LOT OF JUST OPE-first) RY MAY BE FUUND 0N 4l-ly 43-11“ 0 I“ As the successful prosecution of the en- terprise will confer untold advantages of wealth and prosperity on our village and neighborhood, it is hoped that sufficient sup- port and encouragement may be given to justifyits prosecution. ' ' GLOUCESTER "0 USE, YONGE STREET. Jos' Gaby, Proprietor. Good Siahliug and an attentive" hos always in ullondance. Febru‘mv 5. 1866. The capital of the Company is to be $2,000, in 40 shares of $50 each; two shares entitles any member to become a di- rector. Richmond Hill, Nov. 30, 1865. The Land can be obtained for ten years, fox-one-lenth of the Oil. Ten acres have already been leased to secure the site. The probable cost of sinking the wall will be about $2,000, about oneâ€"half of which will be required to procure material, and go on with the work. S’mc'e in the opinion of manfiv weH quali- fied to’jufi‘gé, ISIGNS OF Q] of a. most encourégifi‘g' éharacter exist'in the greatust abundance 011' Mr. Klink’s farm, 3; miles east omeuh‘lé’s tollgntc. It is proposed to sink a weli' there, as being the place most favorable for operations. WHEREAS there exists in the neighbor- hood very strong indications that OIL exisfs‘ in paying quantities“ in s‘é've‘ral locali- ties‘, if is highly desirable that a Company should he establiihcd to test the matter, ana 0min if. if possflfle. ‘ ' I RICHMOND HILL PETROLEUM flll COMPANY ! PROSPECTUS (Late Thomas Contes,) 01“ THE 49ft. 46 , A: _ BKRNA’E‘D; . Richmm Hz" A‘pfil, 26 1866.“ Young Hrés‘bxi Teaâ€"28 6d lb, usually sold a as 15d do do Rs 0d do Good Strong do Rs 6d do _ Extr'a Fino Flavored 4s 0d [0 4s 3d Willi'some excellent brands of J'm’r‘n, Japan, and'Black Tons, at Pollock’s, late In Abé'rnelhv, Soda. Wine. I’rinva of VVaies’ Spice. l’ic Nic. Water, and Arrow Room. at Toronto Prices.“ W. S. l’OLLOCK’S. lute In H) of Good “uncovndo Sugar fdr $l ' 9 lb Redpalh refined Sugar for $l (sp‘endid quality, also. Broken Loaf, Powdered and crushed Sugars. cheap at W. S. POLLOCK S Lao ‘ , ‘ GgA. BARNARD. 7x9. 9x10, 10X12,10x14, 12x16.16x90,\’Vind--w Glnsx, While. Lead. Spa‘niqh Brown. (Ihmno YellowI Prussian BEueréhetian Red. Red- Lead and other paints. Boiled and Raw 1 inâ€" Seed Oil. Lmnp and Coal» ()xl, Benzoinv, 'I‘urpemine. \Vhtmg‘ Putty, &c.. of the boot quality. and moderate prices, at WM. b‘ X'ULLOCK’S late ‘ G. A. BARN-ARI). Just Reegiwed, Now tnhand. ah afcoilunt ussbrlmeut of Pure, Frosh. and warranted seeds ol‘ust year’s growth. also, Turnip. Carrot and Mangle Wurlzel. Field Seeds at W. S. PULLUCK’D‘ )ale G: A. B‘MNA‘RD. l have now on hand Snme of We imam Malt RH! and Hespeller Whiskev ever sold on Richmond Hill. _or any other Hill ‘. by the harr rel'or on draft. atmoderata Prices 21L WM. 5. BIECUET 2 Boys" White. Grev. and Brown Cotton Socks il- all prices. lnfnnts’ White and Balmornl Stripe Cotton Sucks run all pines. and as cheap as can he bought W. S. FOLLUCK’S, late Paints, flil'si, Glasis'; and Putty; Cotton. in all prices. “’onlens' Balmoml and French brown do Girls’ \Vhimund Grey Cuuun limb in. all price l’ULLOCK’S. late § HOICE SUGA RS GARDEN SE EDS, Men’s White and Coiom’éi‘Merino Socks, 'hH plices. . Men's Brown and Grey Cotton Socks. Women’s: White. Grey. Mack and Bl The Now and Faslixoiihblo " Emprass'TI-ail " Skeleton. wich‘n lalrgn vurietv bf Iho Ncwesl snleu unrn. in Indies and childrens’sizes. pleasn call and examine lha Stuck, also. the New and pwuy Dread Goods, at Wm. 3. l‘ollock‘s, Late G; A. BARNARD. Cotton Elas‘iéry SEEK? LETON SKI RTS. In every 535.9. colon: an‘d make, aim. a nice var‘ew M'Sllk. Lisle axid Cotton GNWes‘ .l’am- sols. Gems’ Linen and Paper Counts. Fancy Silk Nbbk Tics, Bracafi; 51,05, 1 mm.ans‘mm Al \Vln S. Pollock’s, in Dunstahlo. Split Straw. and Leg horn. in the newt-st and most fashionable styles. and will be sold in Toronto Priens. with an aisodment of Flower and Fancy Gouda. hue G. A. BARNARD. \/ 'M. S. POLLOCK is now receiving his Spring Stock which will be found one of The Largest, Cheapest, and Best Selected Stocks in the Neigborhood, Cunsisling in part of Hoyle’s New and beauti- ful Prime. rich and ole nnt. lJelames. Mnhniss. and Poille do Shavre Sresk‘és. Gighnmxfihirt- inLrs. Bleached and facmry Coltons. Denims. Blue and Fancy Farmer's Drill, Towelling, Dressed and Brown Holland, BOYS" summer 'l'weeds. Saliuulte, Doeskius. Gamhroon, Russell cord. Mens’ Smacks, Overhnuls. Long Cloth, fingella. Fancy ’l'weed and Flannel shirts and Headymmdu Clolhing, with the {est assortment of Mans, Womens and Child- bens’ Sucks. (132351 or Shori (31:63“:- As Cht‘iu'p' {15 House ‘no’rth of Toronto. Late 9. A. BARNAR'Q Gentg’ COATS, PANTS & VEST Wm. Polluck has ju§t redeivéd an shallot: assurunenl in the must fashionable styles. in Tweed Dooskins and Summer (‘ldlhsâ€"durnble in make and Inamrial and at [moderate prices. (Jail and iaimnine his Stuck. late ’ G. A. BARNARD. . - ’ "2 FHloeu Dozen In u hlla am] PM cy Colours. for 5an cheap at Wm. B. Pollock’s. Inle Ever 0mm] In RICHMOND HILL THOSE LADIES & CJLDRFN‘S Pretty Straw Hats and Bonnets, wmcn mu 8% said rol- DRY 300% I NEW, CHEAP P1th Fi m: Flavoured WTHESKEY! An excellent assortment of AND FASHIONABLE G. A. BARNARD. . A'. BARNARD. G. A. BARNARD. BARN ARD. Read the “ HERALD’S” Monthly Notices of these Periodicals THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES! Admitted by all to be the best and finest flavored, ever offered on thé lli‘ll. . Remember the placeâ€"adjoining Ambler’s Hall. _ , lag-JFA'RM PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE." m X Rléllmoifd IIiIl, May 3, 1866. _ 48-tf Messru. Sh'nhan & Co., will send Specimen Copies free, and ofier one 01 the ele- gant Volumes of Or an additional copy to any 011? who will furnish llieir local'Bookseller with FIVE new Subscribers’ nnmns. Club terms on application at ' A FRESH LOT OF ENGEESH- BOOKS @TQOK QF EXQEAS! “GOOD WORDS,” OR “THE SUNDAY MAGAZINE.” THE SUNIF Springhflwmms Edited by NORMAN LUACLBUD, D. D..â€"â€"Oue of Her Majesty‘s Ceaplarms. GETS & PRESEMS ATKINSGR’S; NCHMOND HILL, ‘ > éCmckemg Gfiaggwareg COMPRISINGâ€" ' Now Fancy and Mourning Dress Goods, New Mantlos, Bonnets, and Hats,‘ New Shirtings and Shootings, New Hosiery and Gloves, 1 New Tweeds, Gambroons and Jeans, 2 NC“ Dress and Fancy Flannel Shirts, New Silks, P‘arusols, Ribbons, &c. The whoie of which he offers at :1 small advance on Stdlifig Cut S€® T?” @- Réflfimwnd H655- Richmond Hill, M11333, 1866. I‘ORONTO, April 1866. @EBGEB ME Emporium PRUNELLA BALMORAL GOTS I L1. :' ‘3; “+2 ; = EEEWMLE, nmhw-vâ€"yr. w . n. STRAHAN <31; {309%. MAGAZMIN m5. 134 KING STREET EAST, Opposite the 73%;}th a . . . . . .. . . . . .Tm'onio; gig/“ST ARRIVED ESPEC'I‘FULLY annmmrvs ms return “from (he princifia'l BRITISH M A [1K ETS wnh :1 complete assorlmont of Montreal; 50 St. Peter Street. TI‘IE ARGOSY, I A MAGAZINE FOR THE FIRESIDE AND THE JOU L’AL 12-},â€" l 8 UN DA Y “MA GA m: "EDITED BY THOMAS GUTIIRIE, D. D.. Author offifl'he Gospel in Ezekiel,” “ Speaking to the Heart,” 8L0. New New New New RETAEL é; Mmmwma. REMEMBER THAT THE PLACE TO BUY W’. A} Would call particular ati’r‘entvion to his V a _ ‘ ' z x ‘ 4, - “ 000d maids arz worlh much mch cos: httlr.”â€"I‘IERERTB CENTS A MONTH: 50" A YE 15 CENTS A MONTH; $1 75 A YEAR". 15;CENTS A MONTH ; S81 7’5 A YEAR. HAS BEEN RECEIVED, AND WILL, BE SOLD CHEAP FOR EVERYTHING IN WAY OF H’m'dwm'c, «.961; is'fzt A SPLENDID LOT OF BE A UTIFU LLY [LLU S’I‘R A '1‘ ED PROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED. SUITABLE _ FOR ILLUSTRATED. IS AT AT MAGAZ'E NE, EAR" '1‘“ l". GR \NIT '3 STATE Family Sewing‘ Muchin is now presende lo the people- ol‘Cunudm possessing all the improve" ems Lhal ran he well Iconfined in n sewingmuchiue.‘ I: will accomplish every damn iplinn of Fewing‘ except hntmn holes. from an ovorcoat down to lllB finest silks and muslins. This machine sells for only $l5, and is really worth $50,? in any faliiily. Every machine war-rallied and Imp: in repair free of charge for three ye vrs.â€"All machines sold in (,‘mmda are manufacture» at the co‘npnny’s branch mannfnctorv in Tor- onto. Single . Machines, with full primed directions. snnt express free on receipt' of$lfi in a registered letter. Full printed. diraolinm avemnpany each machine. so plaini that a (Eilli‘jyi‘WBiV‘BhQal‘S' of age can learn to work cineflsuccéssl'uily in a short time. Address or call on The Granite filafiei Sewing Machine Company, ) Our Periodical drops -will bring» .~ on 1116 monlhiy sickness. in all cases of obslrncliqn fyom any cause, and after all .other remedies of tlm kind have been tried in vpill $150 PERâ€"MONTH; va Rawliznms arm QUICK Cunts,_F'or Syphilis strictures, seminal weakness. pnlnt in tho jmms, affections of the; kidneys. diseases ofthe head. thm'nt, nose nud- skin. and all those- dreadful afiv'ctions arising- from a secret hahit of youth; which produces conszitutionnl debilii)‘, renders mairiaga impossible, and in ’he end destroys borh body andwmind. The treatment we adopt is‘ the» result of upward: 063 [hirtv years experience and successful practice in Europe aml America. ; Addressâ€"Dr, T. C. Culver, 139. King St." East, 'l‘nrnnto, C W, ._ May 7, was. 49~ly OUNG .MEN who are troubled will) weukuem .genaraHy, caused by a bad habit in youth. which producas constitutional ‘debllily. you can ra‘xy on our remediosvfor we- have treated over fifty thousand pal rib. and We guarantee a perfect cure in all c/aros. IMPORTANT ‘l‘O\ LADIESM AG ENTS WANTED; R, T RUSH & CO.,' Canada Manufactun. ers‘. H King Street East. 'l'orumo. C. W. . Hem: Ufllcas in in-Great Brunin and Cauadu; London. England, Glésgniw, Mantras} and, 'l‘omnto. . .v g ‘3. ';...1' P. S.â€" Good agents Wanted in every path» :hn nonmrv to whom” will paid a salaryfrom R50 10 $150 pvr month, or a large commission. Tarmsto agents 50m 11-09 to those wishing. agrncies.. I Ehmnic’ and Secret Diseases;- WAmHEs , an . AND FINE JEWELRY,‘ I ‘ 1'13, YONGE‘ St", imaonf'ro Wm . Atkinson’s Richmona Hiil. April ‘20. ’66. NEAR CHURCH STREET, IS prepared to wait upon any ‘ who need his professional sorViCefi in order to preserve their teeth, or relieve an'arihg and supply new teeth in the mom approvedstylm Also to regu- late the teeth of these who need if. . Consulmion free. and all work warranted. Juna. 1865. QI-y . a‘y HE Subscribe hegs- m informthe Public that ha has leased .lhe. above Hotel. where he willkeapconslnmly on hmle a good supply of first-class Liquors. -&c. As this house posse. sen eveny m-commodalion Tra- vel ers can desire. those who wish (ostny \vhgw they can find awry comfort are respoctt'fi]l}-hh vited to'g‘ive him a call. Richmdxid mu. Dec. 1865. DENTISTRY.” w. ‘c. ADAMS; D- D4 3-, 90Fâ€"Mfl-C,E.’_$_,__HQTEL; Tbsonto, March 231d. 1856. . or . : ._ g, _ 96 King Street; Eagt, Toronto, ‘J. ‘SEGSWORTH, UNFORTUN GATES READ ! §a LATE VAN NOS'I‘RAND’S, And all Female Complai ls. Over 139, King Street East, alc Cheap at SUPERIOR BQNTQ For the. cure of IMPORTER OF £21235; «+1.1; 28â€"” 4.

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