Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 25 May 1866, p. 3

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- "Boo-I-SAN'D $11,033 $7LMANHQOD! “flankeal and Toronto manufacture, consistigg of Ladies’ Ga", Prunmia. fine and g. Boots; Genls' Cohourgs, -Gailarsf and Long Boots; Qirl’s and 8055’ Biout’s aIL‘x’d Shoes in great vanvly. lJis general ' HE, Subscriber begs to mmym of Grey Cotton, wuich w ofl'ered at about fiéfiéfii‘per ceqfi Cheapex; than the usual priceâ€" Dr Harvey’s Female Pills, At Toronto Prlcus. THORNHILL. MAY ‘24, 1866‘ The mom infallible and popular remedv ever 1 known, for all diseases of the fem’ale sex They have been used in many thomaud cases with unfailing successâ€"and may he relied on in every cusn l'nr which .hev are i'ocouuuoudod, and parliculurly in all cases avising hum Obstruction or Stoppage of Nature, no mntlorjrmn what Cause it nris‘s. They are effectual in restoring m hoallh all who are lflfifillllg from \Nvakuem, and Dahlnw, Ulor- in: Disclmrgos, Nervmwnvss. & 2.. n\'(-,., 5:0”. plld they “ Am like a charm." Ill 2 llongllwu- 'llg lho mstwn. 'lliouzands ‘ol' ludh‘s who ave sullen-d lor years and tried various olhur lfamediesin v in. awe u renvwal 0" their health And strehglh wholly lo the eflivucv hf Dr. Ha1vey'55,F«male§I ills. They are perfectly harmless oi] \lm system. pmv be taken al nnv time wilh perfect sulety : Mal dufing .‘lle mrlu sluch Igf l’ (fact; thuultl nut bu tuklcn, or a miscarriage Hwy b‘r MI result. '1 hey novar cause any sitlmess. gain or distress. Each box contains GU l'ills, 'rico one dollar. Dr. Harvey’s Golden Fills. . . , A l’mvuh CIRCULAR to Ladies will) lino anatomical engraving-i. snm free on receipt 0! dirocted envelope and slump. {UCul this out if you desire l‘r. Harvey’s I'llll. and if vuu cannot procure Ilmgn of your druggifl. do not take any other. for some disal- .fl who are unpriucipled will recommend otlmf r’MIlO Pills, ihr-y can make a lurgar profit on '_ _ t eucloxexlm mmmy and semi direct Io phlfiaiud. Cungulting Physician, lux 5U 9. ‘Btoquwny. New Yurk, and ynu will roceive “ppm [ovumly sealed from obsexvaliun. by re- pro mail. 13' 25 “7r if ‘> : Rmm%% A remedy for phonger than [In per box. Tgird Evh‘ion, Fiffiy‘Thousandâ€"IOO pages. hy Roman E. Bum, M. l). A caution. ad- dyergpd to youlh. the married, mzd U'Ose Cou- “manna Mumuglrz, Sent by mail post pad. on receipt of 'l‘wrzm‘v Gnu“. A cnrefu) poruulol'xhis small book has“ been a Bonn T0 “fig‘fl‘liflfiln. and has saved (housnnds from Ilifo ofluinery, and an umime‘} grave. n trout: on the evils of Youthfu| ludismgutn, Self-Abuse, Seminal \Venkm‘ss. Emiesibns, 50!qu Diseases, Gunilal Dubility Loss hf Pow". Norvuuuuess, l’ernmluro Decay. lnh potencs.&c. $10.. which unfit Ihe sufl'ere uum fulfilling the Ob‘uigal ions of Murxxagfi. fyguddress. DR. J. BRYAN. Consulting l’hysi- a. Box 5079, 4452 Bruadway. New York. M25 ' V nx'clui'l'va‘ly for leise, I Wm - AER]: 'I‘ An ixivnlnabje {realise of pngfs. l1}: Din-1.; Richmond Hill. Ayn. 20, ’6 péblisiléh E’o}-l[1;3"bélxgfil of ihe sex On receipt of Twenty cents. it will he sent: pout pg m. in n sank-d envelope to all who fipw ply {or it. Addres. Dr. .I BRYAN. 442 Jimmi- way New York. Box 507'), 13-2133 Important to Lafifiélfls 'NE\V PA H ASGLS. UST ramived number Nire Lot in the New Style, {mm 38 9d to Its; at W. S Pollock’s, lute ‘TURNIP SEED E 6]- (§ldr.ying's Improved) Plvple Top 4 Seeds, of the growth of1865, war- Ricnmond Hi1}, May 17, 1866. nntod. for $1. Also. a lot of White Q!obe and Yellow Ab‘elfidogn, cheice seed, at W. S Pollrck’s, 7 ‘HF; Court of Revision of the Municipality 1’ of [he Vnilage of Yullwiile, for lrying ap- peals, cotrecflng enurs, and revising the As- ‘oelsment. Roll tor the year 1566, will be held in the Town Hall. on At ONE‘d’clock in' the aflemodn. of which all Pumps concerned are required to take uptiqe. CORPORATION 0f YOBKViLLE Monday, the 21$ day of May, 1866 Yorkvi‘nle. 91h May, 1866‘ ofvory comfort are reevécpfuily infiied Lo up at this establishment up». Juno.1865. ' _ . l-tf ‘ QII'TCIIE1I1 HOUSE! AURORA. _ AVID MQLEOD begs to announce that ‘ he has Leased the above Hotel and fined if; u in a manner second to none on Yopge St. Jail! Vlre hp will keep constantly on hand a good jui'wéjc affirm-class Liquors, &c. This Ilqgse ms éyery uc‘pqmmodgtiqn 'I‘ravelltprspan , mose who wish to may where they can I RIVA’I‘EWEE IfiAL‘EABVifiBR Ernluilvnl v fnl- deiss. am: sau'nrrtmmmm Richmom‘ Hill, May l8, 18M}, READY-MADE CLOTHING. By order, For special cases. ('uur dv‘grcos the above; 'plice lf'n’e Dullms G. A. BARNARD. NOTiQEp He would also call attention to h‘lvsil'atrge Stock of G. A. BARN'ARD’S, WM. H. ARCHER, . Clerk 91' the Council, Wnll be to Intmjm the public that he has 'purchased a large quantity Which willj'qnive in a: {gxytlays from England, and will be found to be wflbasortod and Cheap. Also A [alga asssomnen t of "VF F4 ‘H F’ aggisa. my 033;:iuhnf3n I: V {/3 3.?iiehzsmé Efiii SHAVES Cannot be' Excefled z In the viilrgé of fila'p'r. him of [121]],‘235 feet: by «12;- fset; lwo‘ starias high, on stone (nuwdaliou. The Ilypw'ial win he fnruished. fl'll&,lru0§$ .0: all)? (ngfipndqs; will not be ac- cemed unlass ulm-rwiu; Fairi'ac'torv . A- . . L ,. lFor plans,'specificiifiom, end fill particulars up;st at the (Alice of Pmterson and [iron on ur mlor quAfuy, the 7th inst. 'I'mnlers to be addreaycd lo Peter l’elleesmg, Esq , Paulaer P, 0. 1h; (Hdk'l‘ of Com. ‘ Richmond Hill. May 18. 186(2. Ajay 3rd. I§GG. Wm . Atkinscznx’g 1N ramming thanks 10 his numerous! xvnds and cuMomors fur [heir liberal sum-0H SillCt‘ he (:nmmencvd hminess, [was to inform lhem that he. ha's removed to Richmond 11.1110 the Stare immediately north of the And ownnd occupied by Mr ~MIENni". whflre. owing tu incueasad nccommfldakiun, he he has greatly illCl'L'fl>Cd his Smck of (View and Wm m'xkv: it a point to keep a sehacl stock of Goods: for the Smsnn, He lharvi'ore respectfully )llVHBS his nld Triauds and the inâ€" iahuhilams of the uuighbonhnnd to Call and 311;.â€" spect his Stock, feelmg Confidem he cunum he 1} ndersnld, nor surpasmd by any house grorlh of Toronto. Farm Produce taken in exchange. Richmond 1111!. Aprii 6. 1886. 437“ ' - \ R35 (b ‘ ‘, ‘ - 1": x - » ’ , P m . “"3 1‘“ ‘l. ‘ XL“ . ‘ mum} ‘u' ‘Ii M: mm! mm ‘ H A RDWAR 9. Agar Jenuia 15mm; Margret. Ciav‘k Michael Camphell Jane. Cook Thomas. Davidson Widow A.G. Doner Emanuel lloil Tnomas. Ever Davxd. ‘ Elliot Mary Ann. Gaby Joseph . G‘mu; George (5) Gray Ch N'les Greg”) Mr. Hunger Andrew. Jnfi'enétxxn Dorlwn [.0330 Henry. NHIMGSSUy Arthur. Marsh “7mm”. Mulmughlnn John McNair Matthew 'l'udder Ehzahmh \Neldrirk Gom‘gb. Warren I‘Iliznhvth. List of Letters 1 EMAINING in the Rirhmund Hill Posx Office. on 15!. May. 18% : JOHN WATERHQUSEy grammar §$h€eal UIZLIC NOTICE is hereby givnu that the Richmond Hill Coupty Grammar School is now free to puuHs who may ha nnxi - (ms to acquire a superior educatioxLâ€"Applica- lion (0 be made to the Head MasLer By order of the Uumd 01"1‘mstecs. JOSEA .Pmmmsn 'fiichmo ndmll! Marc.) 3, 1866 Which for Nealness and Durability NUTIEE TU BE} CV01“, RS xvi?) be? I‘eflei‘l’k‘d. "Mil Samrdny, the 20m day of) py,‘for tho BuMdmg ofn Thu! Pver)‘ House wruns. are thus; For Sale Chonp at E??? 132% 6) VJ That are: now nmnnfncmvvd ni All FREE: (nl'm ry Ann. 'l'udder Ehzahwh Aph . VVPldrirk Gem‘ga. orga (5) Warren I‘Ilizshvth. M. ’I‘EEFY. PJI RICHMOND HILL CL UPERIOR W. C. PATTERSON 10H 1%,? ONE, ly rupuded to (in W. P. RICHMOND. N. TEEFY, Scér’y (1’: 776a; _.E'_IA in uw Mien fl\\U,. nun“ Flraâ€" “NU Chairman 51-2m 50-1!‘ Op'pOSilQ Temperance 5!. V T 0 R O N' '.i EGS to announce l_o the i‘nhsbimatspf the County of York and Lose neighborhood of Richmond 11111 in particular, that he has added to L5 3 Please remmnber that Sanderson SELLS CHEAP at BOOTS AND SHOESz MEN’S, WOMEN’S AND CHILDREN’S BUUTS AND. SHOES??? And of the b‘fgst Material and Workmnnship. All Work is Warramed (0 give p-rfoeI satisfac- W'H, We aro comtuully add'sug to .ur stock 01 1.3001; and Shqg’is of our nmuufactglzg; W'hich' wiH be ' > ' .I SOLD AT THE LO‘. TEST POSSIBLE PRICES. H.&A TMAmxfi-fiéfi’ HAT Ehyn mans, May i8} 186(3, 52%? 3E.§;€BW .' “V5431 a Gaucml A ssorflmcnt of Articles in Con- ncciion with the Trade, Téfhe Efigm MMS Store THE CHEAPEST, LARGEST AND THE BEST STQCK CALL, INSPECT ANDâ€"â€"â€"PURCIÂ¥IA SE. gmdégmfy Eigum‘ss Elgin Mills, April 26, 1866. $§§YLES 319333. gmsicmg AWE) gwmmgm WEMQ 0N YONGE STREET Which the public would do well to gamma, "Ngwiva & mmmga'l‘m) FieldcngMdenSeBdS AT SCOTT’S, RICHMOND HLL. good assertment of Trunks always on, hand, TORONTO! May 2+, 1866. JOHN GOODWIN BERNARD. 133 Yonga Street, Two Doors South pf Best’s Hotel, Tomato, lichmond Hill, May 9, 1866. Trimmed and Uutrimmcd, Vcry Cheap. AN EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT OF No, 1333 Yonge 521$“, Toronto Brices for Cash, A l 0 C 0 III om f ‘ $1 p19 to as 80 (ment R . 'P 05 l ‘85 n 7 Ai) " And is p-epared to make to order all kinds of LARGE SUPPLIES HAVE ARRIVED In the most Fashionable Styles, Groceries, Hardware, JUST RECEIVED AT . NEfiT’EONQS VHEICH WILL BE SOLD ALSQ, A more LOT OF 1331 PRIZE 1 ESTABMSHMENT 3 15315.31 :32 F0pr 9N JUST orgasm) RY 0 I“ TORONTO; 49’ft3 513m 46 the kof 'Ehe L'arg‘ st," Cheapest, ariészest gelegaged Stocks in the Neigborhé'od, Consiééing in part of prle’g New and beauti- ful't‘mgs. rich and eléfl‘ain. Ue|ames. Mohuirs, aiid l’oille de Shaer Dresses. Uighmflsfihirl- n. Bleached uud fucxory Callous, Danims, Bliss and Fancv firmer'é Drill, 'l'nwelliug, DI'JE'séK'énd {frown Holland, Bovs’ summer ‘l'qfi'eeds. Sgtiueiig, Hawkins. Gambroon. Rfis’seh cord.‘Mens' Smacks, Ovarhnuls! Long Cloth, lit-gotta, Fancy'l'vwed 31nd F‘lnuual shirts and Réadyi'findo Clmhing, with the R'e‘sl assm'uuem of 316118, Womcus and Child. bbllq’ S mks, ' ‘ " ' " N EW,‘ C HEA P DRY GWBS! â€" - V 5' k. , In every size, cnlnul and make, also. a nice‘ variety ul' $11k. Lisle and Cotton Gloves l’urav sols. Gents’ Linen 'and Paper Collm‘s. Fancy ' I ‘1. Silk Néck‘Tie Ufac‘és. 610., Eva mm in RICHMOND HELL H Eda: (ii'flghoft Cred“, ’ As Cheap as any House north of; Toronto. I ' Late L J k M“ Gents’ COATS, PANTS & VEST S Wm. S. Pollock has qut received an excellen assortmemin the must Tashionab‘e sgylos. in Tweed Doeskins and Summer ()onhsâ€"‘duruble in make and material and at‘ moderate prngm Call and gzgamine his Stuck. Into G, As BARNARD. LADIES 8g WHERE-NEE SHAKERS, Flflééu ‘Uuzén in "\‘x ‘ kind Fancy yofoursi, A . . Am "-‘m L: ‘.- 35' Which :yvilg" he Sold for In. ‘1- .U. Lhn'u'o l"..n.~l:tA ’ Flflgiéu ‘Duzgn in :i‘i i;fié’“"§{nd Elihpy' ' lgfogrsf; for auig cheap at Wm. S_. l’bllogk’s. In}; At Wm S. Pollock’s, in Danstahle, Sph't Straw. and Leg hum. in the newest and most fashionahle styles. and will be sold at 'l‘oromo l’riees. with an aisortmum of Flvwer and Fancy Gauds. late G. A. BARNARD. SKELETGN SKIRTS, The New and Fashionable “ Empis Trail !-’, Skulolou. wich’n lai‘gfi variety of lhe Newest Shlex morn, ixi ladies and ahildrens’sizes, please call and examine the Stock, alm, the New and plum; Dress quds, at Wm. S. l‘oLlock’s, Late G. A. BARNARD. Men’s Wlme and Coloured Merino Socka. u Ba} 8’ White. Grey, and Brawn Cotton Socks iv nil prices. Infants’ Whixe and Enlmoral Stripe Cotton Socks Ill all prices, and as cheap as Cd“ be bong"): W, S. l’ULLOCK’S, late THOSE LADIES CILDRFN’S Preity Sim; Hgis and Hpnnekts‘, Gotten Hosiery hll mites. Men's Brown and Grey Cotton Socks. chLon’sg White. _Gray. Biack and Bl t (3011071, in all prices: Womens' Bulmoral and French mpg/t} do Girls’ White and Grey Cotton More in all 9 lb Redpalh refined Sugar: for $lw‘(gp'pn;_iid quality, also. Broken L091] I'oydpred' and cmshpd Sugars, cheap 9': W. S. 'BOLLOCK‘S Lap G, A.- BARNARD. (‘HGICE SUGARS 10 9f (10051 Mllscoyago Sugar for GARDEN S BEDS, Now to hand. an excellent assortment of Pure, Fresh. and warranted seeds oflast year’s rowth. also, Turnip. Carrot and Mangold Wunzel. Field Seeds at W. POLLUCK’S 13!? G, A. BABMRD. I .hzfiwe now 0); hand spine of tha bgs; Malt [he and llaspelier Whiskey ever sold 011 Richmond Hill. or any other Hill l by the bar' rel or 01‘. draft. at moderate Prices in. W M. S. POLLOCK’S. lute G. A. BARNARD. 7x9. 8x10, IUXIQJQXH, l‘lle. lflxQT‘. “’indnw Glass, While. Lead. Spaniah Browh. Chrono Yellow, Prussian B‘ue. Venetian Red. Red- Lead and other paints, Boiled and Raw Hu- Seeg (Lil. Lmnp and Coal ‘Ml. Benzoino, Turpemine. Willing“; Putty, &c., of the bee: and moderatb prices, at WM. 8. quajit Paints, 0123, Glass and Putty. Jami ficeeiwd, In A,l§6|‘;;:ll;','Scda. Winefprilrl‘ce of Waies' Spice. Pit; Nit: Water, apfl Arrow Root, at Toronto W. S. POLLOCK’S, late Young Hysou Teaâ€"2s 6d lb. usually sold a 35 lid do do 39 0d do Good Strong: do 3: 6d do Extra Fino Flavored 4-: 0d to 45 3d With some excellent brands of Java, Japan, and Black Teas, at Pollock’s, late RMmond H111Ap13),96 1886. PULLOCK VHEESKEYY Pure Figge Flavoured M. S. PULLOCK is now receiving his Spring Stock which will be fognd'oiia of AND FASHIONABLE A11 excellent assortment of G. A. BARNARDO G. A. ARNARD. G. A. BARNA RD. G. A, BARNARD. G. A. BAR N-ARD. lulu )ck’s, late :.h§ARNARD-1SC@E‘E"S megammm mu 3mm ' . Richmond H111,‘Miiy 3, 1866.1 Swing Empem‘fimls MEWMEWHBW TQRQNTQ,AW;I 18:66. The whole of whichhe offers at :2 53mm advahce 0h Smiling Ccst TheGreatEmpoflum Crmkgry, Gimsware, Hardware, é'cf, is at ATKINSUE’S, RICHMOND HILL, THE LOWEST PGSSIBLE PRICES! @F TEAS} Admitâ€"Ed Wall?) beâ€"tBâ€"oaâ€"b<3s{;l1dw -fi1]estFfl_uV0-red, Efidflfiea on the Hill. {emcmber the place. adjoining Ambler’g Hall.i 3493‘” FARM PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCIIAZVGE. ‘Egn Edi‘ZJâ€"be 1\§â€"ORMANV hiACL‘EOD, D. D.,â€"â€"â€"Oue Lger’filajegfi'g 'Céaplfinp. '1‘ HE SEEKINDAY AGAZINE, Read 1110 “ HERALD’S” Monthly Notices of these Beriodngla Messrs. Sgr‘ahun &. C9,, will send Specimen Copies free, and offer one.“ #1? dc. 2am Volumeg of I ,, . “GOOD WORDS,” OR “THE SUNDAY MAGAZINE." Or an additional copy to any one who will; furnish their local Bookseller with FIVE new fiuhspribers’ games. ‘ Club terms on application at l A ERESE mm m: ENGLISH BOQIEQ GETS & PRESENTS 134 KING STREET EAST»! GPBOSHG me Mai-East). . . . . . . . . .. . . . .1T9r011t9, ,ES‘VEC'I‘FULLY announces his return ’ from ~(he principal BRITISH L; MA BEETS WHlfl a complete agsortmom of ‘ ' ‘ ) Richmond Hill, May 3, 1866. SERAHAN 8g CQ’S. MAGAZENES, Q Q: m 9.. Montreal; 59 5% Peter Street. 12.}; CENTS A MONTH: $1 50 A Auumr of “ The Gospel in Ezekieg,” ‘4 Speakmg to me Heart,” a“. COMPRISING â€"- New Fancy and Mourning Dress Goods, New Mantles, Bonnets, and Hats, ‘ New Shirtings and Showings: ’ ' New Hosiery and Gloves, ‘ ' New Tweeds, Gambroons and Jeans, Ne“ Dress and Fmicy Flixnnel Shirts, New éailks, Pamsols, Ribbons, 8:0. Where you can 'procnre anythihg required! a; REMEMBER THAT. 1331a PLACE TO BUY mum egg WHGLESALE, firng MAGAZlNE you THE mumswm AN 0 THE JOURAIAL‘. W. A. Would call particular atfentiori to his “ Good words are worth much and cost littlc.”â€"IIERERT. ISQCENTS A MONTH; $1 15 01+;st A MONTH; $1 7.5 A YEAR. HAS BEEH RECEIVED, AND YILL BE SOLD CHEAP, FOR EVERYTHING IN WAY OF EDITED BY THOMAS GU’I‘HRIE, D. D., A SP-LENDED. LOT OF DE A U'X‘IFU LLY ILLU STD AT ED. PROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED. SUITABLE FOR. ILLUSTRATED. AT AT A Â¥E4R2 48-tf.

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