Hr, Joshua Reid, ï¬'ï¬abhage and Tomato Plants! Mesh'ï¬entlevmen & Ehildren "FOILCASH. iw. H. fMYERS’, JUST THE flB’EEï¬LE I Bgantiml'ï¬it & a Gond Article, DRY GMDS i ‘ GROCERIES, ‘llcady-madc Clothing, the 14th day 01 J une, For terms 610., see ans. JOSEPH mums Auctioneer Thmnhill. June I 1866. 2 SHOESE ranted. for $1. Also. aim of White Globe and Yellow :Abqrdoon, choice W. S. l’ollrck's. Ofmry description,snitnhle for the Season TURNIP V SEED ! 61 B (Skirving’s Improved) Purple Top J Seeds, of the growth of 1865. war- Richmond Hill, Cannot be Excelled! THAT Cannot be Surpassed for Cheapnass PUBLIC SHADES Remember the place to hm Harness is. at ‘OLD AT PRICES NEW STYLE Richmond Hi“. My 18. 1866. ' Richmond Hill Premium Harness Establishment. Riehmcnd mu, June 1 1866‘ Elost Complete ARLY Yorkt Sugar Loaf. and French Qolihtnl Cabbage l‘lanls. alm Cauhflower ï¬nd Scotch Kale, With some of the choices! Vuiotv of Tumulo l’lnms from American wed â€"-in Fiudals and Cooksfnvuux'ito.chiuheshee, and Early. Yorkâ€"[he ï¬nest and best Tomatoes Grown. At. G. A. BARNARD’S. Buy Harness .' Wm . Atkinson’s Chomp Grocery und l’luvisiou Store. Richmond Hill. May. 30 ’56. =0! THORNHILL, Markham Oil and Mining Co. "arkham, June In 1866. 52-‘2m. paid their respective Cal’s willtin Sixty fly» from this date. tho same will be forfeited to ma Gompauy. and the Directors will an†lhï¬id‘smk forits beneï¬t, HAMS and BACON MARKHAM OIL & MINING 00., BUTTONVILLE, BOOTS Richmond Hill, May 18, 1850. ‘ MARRIED on ' Thursday the 24in“. at the resi- dence'ofthe bride’s mbther, Richmond Hill, Mini 3. M. Morgan to Mr I. W. an. Tassel oIBelvme. . M9an or TORONTO All ofvlnich has been made up out of the wulï¬nd_ thirslan opportunity to secure Which fqr. Neatness and Durabilitv, The 0min» STOCK 1N TRADE of By any now in use. 5 All orders promptly rtlonded to 3 W. P. RICHMOND. w. H. MYERS’ Thu! every House wants. are those ‘. P; RICHMOND, TKINSON'S is the placo In buy your Hams and Bacon cheap- .OTlgEf-TA†Sigrghdrl‘dg‘rs may haying w“! A» bï¬ered «a l’uublie Auctinn. WINDOW Thai are now manufactured at NOW 1:5 THE TIME TO LARGEST Best Material NOTICE. Remember the place AT A VERY LO‘V RATE By order G. A. BARNARD. 'lll‘E STOlK IS THE Richmond Hill. Cons‘sling of A ND “'IIJ. BE IQF‘R'FW: AT THE BY Ahl) AND Q]! Wm. snvm Sec’y Richmond Hill. 3-! DAVID MCLEOD begs to announce that he has Leased the above Hotel and ï¬tted it uphin- amanner second to none on Yonge St. where he wilikeep constantly on hand a good supply of ï¬rst-chase Liquors, &c. This house possassas every accommodation Travelkars can desire, those who wish to stay where they can ï¬nd every comfort are respectfully invited to put up at this establishment. Aurora. Jana, 1,865. UBLIC NOTICE is hereby givrn 11m! the Richmond Hill County Grammar School is now free to pupils who may he anxi - ous to acquire a superior educationâ€"Applica- tion to be made to the Head Master By order of the Board of Trustees. EMAINING in the Rir-hmoud Hill Post Ofï¬ce. on lst May. 1866 : Agar Jennie. Brown Margret. Clark Michanl Campbell Jane. Cook Thomas. Gray Ch H‘les Gregcn Mr. Hang Ax=drcW. Jefl'elson Dodnon Legge llonry. Davidson Widow A.G, Minnessev Arlhur. Donor Emanuel Doll Tnomas. Eyer David. Elliot Mary Ann. Gaby Joseph. Grant George (5) Mush Warren. Molmughlnn John McNair Matthew Tadder Elizabeth Weldrlck George. Warren Elizabeth. M. TEEFY. P.M. NIITCHEL H0 USE 2 AURORA. IN returning thanks to his numerous friends and customew for their liberal support since he Commenced business, begs to inform them that lie, has removed lo Richmond Hill to the Store immediater north of the And ownnd $ occupied by Mr Manir. where. owng to increased accommodaxiun. he he has greatly increhed his Stock of $112.. and will make it a point to keep a select sloukvof' Goods for the Season, He llmrefora respectfully Invites his old friends and the in- iehahitams of the ueighborlnmd to call and in- spect his Slack. feeling conï¬dent he cannot be undersnld, nor SUl’pasSed by any house north of Toronto. Grammar- Selma]. m rlus;,‘,».;.;_j,mm%‘ ‘1‘ ‘ J "v ‘ M ‘g H :12 M "mum: Human ‘ “*mmu‘r MN MW “mu/“c GROCERIES, H ARDWAR E‘ Haifâ€"way Hams, Richmond Hill, Farm Produce taken in exchange. Richmond Hill. Aprii 6. 1866. For plums. sï¬ecilipatinns, and all particulars apply at the ofï¬ce of l’nltorsou and Bro†on ur anal" Monday. {he 7th inst. Tenders In be addressed to l’emr l’ulzeeson, Esq.. Panorson P. 0. By oxder of‘Com. May 3rd. 1.365. NETIEE H mm. III [has villagn of Maple. Siza of Hull,2.‘?a feet by 472; feet; two stories high. on stone "oundmiou. The nmtarial will he furniflhed. The ll-west oruuy olimrlender will not be ac- cepted unless ulhm'wisu smiyfacmry. NEW MASEEME HELL I Seer'y (fl Treas RichmondHilL March 9, 1866 4-0 Richmond Hill. May 25, 1866. An early ixmpectionï¬s requested, whiclrwill convince the publicâ€"mt" the Rona ï¬dc char- acter of this advertisement, WuS. Pollock, late ‘ ~ G. A. B A RNARD. Ariiï¬cialK: nthar Trimmings! In FLAT and ROUND CROWNS, From 38 9d each ! In TURBAN, REALLY BEAUTIFUL 1 JOHN WATERHOUSE, Cheapest HATS north of Toronto I .' 1 The Largest LVariety ! Another New [at of Ten Dozen Ricnmond Hill, May 17, 1866. Ladies’ Black Tuscan US'I' mceived nnoth'er Nice Lot in Hm New Style, {mm 38 9d to Its, at W. S. Pollock’s. late NEW’ PARASOLS. THE PRETTIEST SHAPES l I FREE! EKDF RS will be received until Saturday, the 25m day of Mny, for the Buildmg o! a NUTIEE Tl] BUILBERS ! GLENGARRY, DAGMA R, and BROAD BRIM, MISSES‘ AND CHILDREN‘S RICHMOND HILL List of Letters In all the Newest Shapes. DUNSTBLE HA T. BUCKLE S, Also a. nice Lot of W. C. PATTERSON, G. A. BARNARD’S, AND THE M. TEEFY, AND Chairman. 43-1!" 50. if Elgin Mills, April 26, 1866. THE CHEAPEST, LARGEST AND THE BEST STOCK Crockery $5 Liquors, NATIVE & EMPORTED Field & Garden Seeds The Elgin Milis Store ON YONGE STREET Which the public would do well to examine AT SCOTT’S, RICHMOND HLL. With a General Assortment of Articles in Con- nection with the Trade. CALL, INSPECT ANDâ€"*PURC HASE. LADIEE’ Hï¬TS, Elgm Milk, May 38,1866. JUST RECEKVED AT H. & A. NE’E/VTON’S HP PER CENT BELQW .' Please remnmber that Sanderson SELLS CHEAP at A good assortment of Trunks always on hand, {EC}? 133 Yonge Street Two Doors South of Best’s Hotel, Toreuto, TORONTO, May 24, 1865. 51.3"] MEN’S, WUMEN’S AND EHILUREN’S BOOTS AND SHUES! And of Ike best Material and Worknmmhip. All Work is VVarranled to give p'rfem sntisfnc- tion, We are comtumly adding to .ur slock oi'Boous and Shoes of our nmnul'aclnre, which will be ~ Oppoaite Temperance St. ' 0 R 0 N T O, , BEGS to announce to the iuhshhants of the County of'York and llyose in the neighborhood of Richmond I-hli in particular, that he has added to [us Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES, IRST 'PBEZE " HARNESS ESTABLISHMENT ! SEPTYLEQS @r ARE) W EAR; JOHN GOODWIN BERNARD. SOLD AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. Richmond Hm, May 9, 3866 Trimmed and Untrimmed, Very Cheap. AN EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT OF LARGE SUPPLIES HAVE ARRIVED AT HARRE 30 Toronto Prices for Cash. Groceries, Hardware, N0, 133 Yongc Street, A compiote assortment of the most desirable And is prepared to make to order all kinds of In the most Fashionable Styles, ALSOgEA NICE LOT OF WHICH WILL BE SOLD MAY BE FOUND ON JUST OPENED RY 49-ft. 4-7 46 10 lb of Good Muscovado Sugar for $1 9 lb Redpnlh reï¬ned Sugar for $1 (sp'ondid quality, also. Broken Loaf. Powdered and crushed Sugara. cheap at W. S. POLLUCK S Lute G. A. BARNARD. Young Hyson Tenâ€"25 6d lb. usually sold a 35 lï¬d do do 35 0d do Good Strong do 3s 6d do Extra Finn Flavored 4s 0d to 48 3d With some excellent brands of Java. Japan;- and Black Teas; at Pollock’s, late prices.‘ Boys’ While. Grev. and Brown Cotton Socks ill all prices. lnfnnts’ White and Balnmral Stripe Cotton Socknlu all prices. and as cheap as can be bought W. S. POLLOCK’S, lute Cotter}. in all prices: Womons’ Salmon] and French brown do Girls’ White and Grey Cotton More in all 7x9. 8x10, l0xi2. 10x14, 12x16. 16x20. Window Glass, White. Lead. Spaniah Browh. Chrono Yellow, Prussian Biue, Venetian Red. Red- Lead and other paints. Boiled and Raw Lin- Seed Oil. Lamp and Coal Oil. Banzoino‘ Turpentine. Whimg? Putty, &c.. of the beat quality. and moderate prices, at WM. S. Just Received, In Abornethv. Soda. Wine. Prince of Waies' Spice. Pic Nic. Water, and Arrow Root, at Toronto W. S. I’OLLOCK’S. Ialé ( HOICE SUGARS Now tnhand. an excellant ossortment of Pure, Fresh. and warranted seeds oflast year's groth. also, Turnip. Carrot and Mangold Wunzel. Field Seeds at W. S. I’OLLOCK‘S late G. A. BARNARD. Meg’s White and Coloured Merino Socks. n GARDEN SE EDS. l have now on hand some of the best Malt Km and Hospeller Whiskev ever sold on Richmond Hill. or any othar Hill 1 bv the bar rel or on draft. almoderate Prices ai WM. S. POLLOCK'S. late PULLOCK’S BISCUIT ! Paints, Uils, Glass and Putty. hll plices. Men’s Brown and Grey Cotton Socks. Wmnou’sf} Whitf. _Grey, Buck and BI Cotton Husiery The New and Fushioxmblo " Empress Trail †Skeleton. wich a large variety of III!) Newest Styles worn, in Indies and childrens’sites. plonso call and examine the Stock, also. the New and plan 3' Dress Goods, at Wm. S. Pollock’s, Lute G. A. BARN ARD. Fund Hm A-px i1, 25 x8551. SKELETON SKIRTS, At Wm S. Pollock’s, in Danstahle. Split Straw. and Leg horn. in the newest and most fashionable styles. and will be sold at Toronto Prices. will] an aisortlnam of Flower and Fancy Goods. late G. A. BARNARD. Eéfllï¬ï¬iEHQIFRBN’ESHAKERS, Pretty Shaw Hats and Runnels. Fifteen Dozen in while and Fancy Coloursj for sale cheap at Wm. S. Pollock's. late Pure Fine Flavoured TEA S .' Wm. S. Polbck has just received an excellen assortment in His most fashionable styles. in Tweed Doeskins and Summer Clothsâ€"durable in make nnd mmerial and at moderate prices. Call and axamine his Stock. late Gents’ COATS, PANTS & VESTS V M. S. PULLOCK is now receiving- his Spring Stock which will be found one of The Largest, Cheapest, and Best Selected Stocks in'the Neigborhood, Consisting in part of Hoyle’s New and beaull‘ ful Prints. rich and elegant. llelalnes. Mohairs, and Puillo do Shaer Dresses. Gighumsï¬hirl- iugï¬. Bleached and factory Canons, Danims, Blue and Fancy Farmer’s Drill, 'I‘owelling, Urvsaed and Brown Holland, Bovs’ summer 'l‘weeds. Salineue, Doeskins. Gnmbroon, Russellcord. Mens' Smacks, Oval-hauls. Long Cloth, flagella. Fancy Tweed and Flannel shirts and Mendy-made Clolhing, with the. Best assortment of Mans, VVomens and Child- bans’ Sucks. Ever Offered in RICHMOND HILL In everysize. coloun and makeY also. a nice variety of Silk. Liale and Canon Gloves Para- sols. Genls’ Linen and Paper Collars. Fancy Silk Neck Ties, Braces. flu}, Cash or Short Credit, As Cheap as any House north of Toronto. Lat-e \Vhich will be Sold for DRY 900M 1 WHISKEY! NEW, CHEAP THOSE LADIES & CILDRF) An excellent assortment of AND FASHIONAB LE G. A. BARNARD. G. A. BARNARD. G. A. BARNARD. G. A. BARNARD. G. A. BARNARD. G} A. BARNARD. G. A. BARNARDJ G. A. BARNARD. late THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES !: Admitted by all to be the best and ï¬nest flavored, eVer offered on the Hill. Remember the placeâ€"adjoining Ambler’s Hall.- W FAR!†PRODUCE TAKEN 11V EXCHANGEl '8‘ Richmond Hill, May 3, 1866‘ 48-†Megsrs; Strahun 8!. 00., Win send Speciï¬er) Copies free, and oï¬er mantra“? ele- gant Volumes of Or an additional copy to any one who Will furnish their local Bookseller with FIVE lieW Subscribers’ names. Club terms on application at Read the “ HERALD’s’f Monthly Notices of these Periodicais’ “GOOD WORDS,†OR " THE SUNDAY MAGAZINE.“ A. FRESH LOTQI‘ ENGLISH BOOKS Hardware, (5%., is at ATKINSOâ€"N’S, RICHMOND HILL, Where you can procure anything required, at Edited by NORMAN MACLEOD, D. D.,-â€"I TheGreat; Emporium THE Si’UNDAY MAGAZINE GR 0 CERIES ." M©ngm9 Crockery, Glassware, TORONTO, April 1866. $00 TT’S Richmond: Hm : COMPRISI NGâ€" New Fancy and Mourning Dress Goods, New Mantles, Bonnets, andeats, New Shirtings and Sheetings, New Hosiery and Gloves, New Tweeds, Gambroons and Jeans, Ne“ Dress and Fancy Flannel Shirts, New Silks, Parasols, Ribbons, 8m. The whole of which he offers at :2 small advance on Sterling Cost WILLEAAMMMIEFHELL ST!“ 31" MY EMS EHHBEBIES ANII HARDWARE THORNHILL, MAY ‘24, 1866. BOOTS AND SHOES Of Montreal and Toronto manufacture, consisting 0! Ladies’ Cuff, Prun nla ï¬ne and an wrï¬ne Kid Boots; Genls’ Cobourgs, Gaiters. and Long Boots; Girl’s and [3051' Boouhnnd Shoes in great variety. His‘geueral Spring Importations Twenty per cent Cheaper than the usual price. He would also call attention to lus large Stock of At Toronto Prices. THE Subscriber bpga Io mlorm the public that he has purchased a large quantity 0! Grey Cotton, wnicll will anive in a few days from England, and will be offered at about Cheap 0013130118 ! STRAHAN a; 00’s. MKGAZINES. 134 KING STREET EAST, Opposite the Market, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . prntreQ}; St. Peter Stfeet. ESPECTFULLY announces his return zfrom :the principal BRITISH MA RKETS WM) :1 complete aSsortmont of , $12112: ARGOSY, A MAGAZINE FOR THE FIRESIDE AND THE JOURNAL; 12;; CENTS A MONTH: $1 50 A YEAR EDITED BY THOMAS GUTIIRIE, D. 33., Author of“ The Gospel in Ezekiel,†“ Speaking to the Heart,†Sic READY-MADE CLOTHING. New New New New New R ETAI L & \VHOLESALE. W. A. Would call particular attention to his “ Good words are worth much and cost little.’9â€"â€"HERERT. FOR CASaI-I. 15 ,‘CENTS A MONTH; $1 75 A YEAR. 15 CENTS A MONTH; $1 75 A YEAR. HAS BEEN RECEIVED, AND WILL' BE? SOLD CHEAP AT FOR EVERYTHING IN WAY OF Will be found to be well assorted and Cheap. Also BEAUTIFULLY mu) STRATED. PROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED. S UITABLE FOR A large asssortment of ILLUSTRATED. One of Her Majesty’s Ceapla’mt JOSIA [I PURKISS. ............Toronto, 51-2m