He curried my satchel to school, And me through the drifts carried too; Could I think why he hugged me so Closely? 11' I couldn’t, how could I ?â€"â€"could you? He told me my eyes were quite black, And the brightest of any he knew; I blushed and looked dbwn-â€"«cou1d 1 help it, If I couldn’t. how could I Yâ€"could you? He left on my check a warm kiss, Then off with the lightning speed flow; I“ could I’d have scolded him soundly ; IfI couldn’t, how could I ‘Iâ€"could you? Sheridan being asked what wine he liked best, replied, “ The wine of other people.†When is a prison-door like an escaped thin '?â€"â€"Wlieu it’s bolted. Why is a prosy, long-winded talker like an oil-well ‘Eâ€"Becuuse he‘s a precious bore. An Irish jvumul says the following bill was presented by a i'm‘rier :â€"â€"-‘ To curing your pony that dled yesterday, £1. ls.†The following incription was painted on a bound at a ford :â€"“ Take notice ! When this board is under water, the river IS impass- able. A gentleman has lately been placed under restraint. The ï¬rst symptom he showed of menial derangement was funcying himself a plant, and insisting on his gardener water- ing him. Why was Charles Lamb like the animal bearing his name ‘3 â€"Because he took na' tura‘dy to his pen. Poor Old General chility ! ’7 exclaimed- )Irs. Pm‘tington ; “it is surprising how long he lives, and what excitement he creates; the papers, are full of remedies for him. “ The happiness 0er. and Mrs. Moore is very great," said one lady to another; to which reply was made, “ When they have a little Moore it will be greater. A couple were (censured for going to country houses; without an invitation. “ Don’t be hard on than, †was Lord Palmerstou’s suggestion, “ for ifthey waited to be invited they might go nowhere.†“Married couples resembie a pair of shears,†says Sydney} Smith, “so joined that they cannot be separated, often moving in opposite directions, yet always punishing any one Mm comes between them. ’7 Sydney Smith once said, “I remember en- tering a room with glass all round in at the French embassy, and was myself reflected an every side.â€"â€"-I 100k it For a. meeting of the clergv, (n was delighted of course. A Yankee being asked by a Southerner why the Yankees always say ' I guess, ‘ while the Southern people say “ I mckon, †gave the following explanation :â€"That a. Yankee could guess as well as a. Southerer could rec lion. ' A lady asked a. minister whethera per- son might not be fond of dress and (mm. memwithout being proud. l“Madmn, 7’ said the minister, “ when you see a fox‘s tuil peep- ing out of hole, you may be sure the fox is Within.†' A con-Ospondent of a contemporary says â€"-“ Curiously enough 1 ï¬nd that the lette" of the honoured and lamenle name, ‘ Heny John Temple, Viscount Palmersmn,’ when transposed from the words7 ' Only the Tivel- ton M. P. can help in our mess.’ †When Lord Derhy’s translation of the ‘Iliad’ was iiist announced, a guest at Broad- lands told Lord Palmerston he must keep mom with his great rival by translating the “.(Enuiilf’ “ Stop till I am out of ofï¬ce, said his lordship, †and the parallel will be complete. A Ga‘wny bailiff, having been questioned as to whether he had spoken to any of {he locked<up jury during the night, gravely an- swered, “ No, my lord ; they kept caning out for me to bring them whiskey, but I ah ways said, “Gentlemen 01' a jury it's my duty to tell you that l’m sworn not to speak to you.’ †Horace Walpole on one occaQinu observed that there had existed the same indociaion7 irrossulution, and want, of system in the pn- litics of Queen Anne, as utthn time he spoke‘ under the reign of George the Third. “But, added be, “there is nothing new under the Sun I â€â€"“No,†said George Selwyn, nor under the grand-son I " A well-known wag about town thus 30‘ cosmd a. reverend divine, an old friend and schooll‘cllow, of ghostly appearance. whom he had not met for many yearszâ€"“Well, Charley, I hope you take care of your soul now, old l'ellow,â€â€"â€"â€"“ Of course I do, my dear Fred. What makes you ask me ? †said the friend. “Why,†replied Charley7 “to tell you the truth, your body is not worth cal-mg for.†JACK AND THE FREMNntAN.â€"A French- man was being one day lCl'llbly beaten by 2 brawny sailor, uhoheld his victim to the earth while he severely thrashed him. The unfortunate fellow kept yelling out with all his might, ‘ Hurray l I say hurray l†but a man who was passingr saw his predicament and told him to cry ‘Enough.’ ‘T‘lnough ! enough !" shouted the soundly l7l~il0g$0£~ foreigner. ‘By gar7 zut is the word 1 try to think of dis several minutes gone.’ The sailor let him get up, when tne Frenchman rubbed his hands with delight, and cried. ‘Enmighl by gar, ’tis very mooeh good word for little fellows to remember.’ 0n accoun’; ofthe the rapidity with which oil companies are formed, and engines orâ€" dered, together with the ditlieulty they ex- perience in procuring a. good title for their company, as well as for their land, an American paper suys_ we respectfully sub- mit a few “ taking†names. The poet has said that “ a. rose by any other name would smell as sweat, †and so it might: but then we don’t want to appeal to any sense of .51.)..ll in an oil company, norin":.~ed to any sense at all ; consequently, either for agood dinner or a good nnzuey give us a good mouihï¬il :â€"â€"â€"All-O:Lk-let-herrip-big tank-mul-deriiek Oil Comininy ; Horse-neck and-heels-Over head Burning Springs Com- pany ; Mush-rat ti'ap-aiitl»u.t»fisli (reek Oil and Mining Company 5 Tar-pitcli-undviurpen tinehomestezatl Petroleum Company ; Tide- ont-‘uVuiting-i‘m u-rise~on-tlie»tlmg. Big Aug: or Company 3 Wither-n}vandwithernivay Oil and Mining Company; Big-rock-(Hi-which the-church split‘lmid-isrsafe. Oil Company, Hide and-seek-farm land, Coal, Gold, and Petroleum Company ; Jersey»wellto-do-and- hope-to-do-well-llig Sandy Company; Athens oilrandGreece Lubricating Coal Company ; Jnnah‘s-gouid-niiiiiiig-â€"an(l~someâ€"Pumpkins Oil Cominny. The origin of the lime name may need some remarks by way of ex-r plunntion and espeeinlh to panties who go in on “ gL'thld floor," and are not suppose 1: be .- cqi ,i "u will; ‘11P: \'~ork from which 37cm uuh ifén’mnr. 110 W C0 ['LD I 39min). W. WHARIN 8:00. Watches, Blocks, and Jewelry. The attention of‘he Public is imvted to their Stock, censimjng of a great varimy of CHOICE AND FANCY GOODS, Careful altmnimn givcn to tha repairing of \Vatches an" Clncks Jewelry manufaclured and Rmmirvd. No. ll. King Street East, 6 doors east of Yonge Strflet. Toronto, Apri} 26. 1866. Richmond Hill Burying Gmnnd! Of the bes‘ desrriplion and w est designs. PUBLIC NOTICE LL parties having ground enclosed or f marked at? as family burying groundsI arn herehv notiï¬ed [hat such enclosed or mmked ground. not occupied with gravesâ€" cannol be secured unless the sum of two dollars for each unopened gran ncf rlhwuh paid for, a linutud number. aaysix graves. 3â€?) feet each. as 11m maxlomum can only be secured by one family. When paymmxl is made in accordance with the abuve it Will be COIISldoIEd pavmentonly for the ï¬rst opening of a grave and a re-open- ing of a grave will be subject to a new charge. such charge to be regulated by the congrega- tion at annual meetings. The trustees will not hold themrlws re- sponsible afier this notice, should burials take place on marked 0‘? ground, unless the above regulations are calnplled wiih. Richmond Hill, March 9. 1866 W . G. CASTELL CO NFEGTIUNARYI \V, G. C. calls at all the Stores between Toronto and Richmond Hill every two weeks. and supplies Conï¬ectionary of all kinds at the Lowest Wholesalu prices. ELECTRO-PLATED W'ARE, CUTLERY, &c., &c, Toronto, July 20, 1865. VVATUH ES, CLOCKS, AND FINE JEWELRY. 113, YONGE St, TORONTO made to order. Toronto, Adril 1337, 1566. Sales attended to with promptitude. J. GORMLEY, J. FERRJS GORMLEY & FERRIS Licensed Auciioneers: Gorvnley. I’.O. Warkham, Jan. 4. 1865. r HIS ASSOCIATION has transferred their Ll BRARY ‘0 the ‘ HERALD ’ Book Store. where Slockholders and others may n'ocure BUUKS every Friday afternoon. 1'1'017~ “0 U o'clock. P-Mu A. SCOTT, Librarian, Richmond Hill, June 9. 1865. 1-“ EDW. SANDERSON. LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Residence-Jmt 520, rtar of 3rd Concession of Markham. KO.Addressâ€"wBuuonvillo. l’artios requiring Mr. Sanderson’s services can make arrangements at the HERALD ofï¬ce, Counties of York and Pool. Junumy 4, ITGS, LARGE HALL is connected with this 1\ Hotel for Assemblies, Balls, Conceits. Meetings, &c. Every attention paid to the convenience and comfort 0f Travellers. Richmond Hill Hotel ! A Stage leaves this Hotel every mornng for 'i‘oroutn, m 7, (1.111.; returning, leaves Toronto :1! half-past p.m. Hand Words, Sunday Magazine Supplied on the best and \owest terms. at ‘j/ TlTH Three Acme of Land. good Barn. V Slnbbs,Cuw-Imuse. Orchard. Wells of Hard and Soï¬ Water. and other conveniences. situated eu lot48. Isl Con. Vaughan,-â€"Mill street. Richmond “1'â€. Richmond Hill. June. 1864 HOUSE & LOT FOR SALE ORTORENT. The CQmmercial Hotel. Mink;an :‘mx‘ 7. mm. Toroum, Fob. 6, 1866. HE Pulflic are camior ad not to :mgociate ‘ for n Nola drawn in favor of MAMARM‘ Lm'r by WILI um Fmsav, for the sum of $30 5“ cents, Jule-d anknam. October 15, l865, and payable one \‘enr zzt'uyr date. as the same is missing aar'i payment has buen stopped. Rich ’d Hill. Jan First class Smhling and careful attendance. Terms moderate. H. LEMON, PROPRIETOR. Good Smblmg and a careful Hustler always tteudauce. JVOte of [land Lost. HE Pulflic are camior ad not to rag ‘ fur n Nola drawn in favor of Mun RICHMOND IIILL LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. PURE AND UNADUL'I‘ERATED Standard Periodicals. Apply on lhe premises to 363 Yonge Street, Toronto. [(5 AND DEALERS IN J. SEGSWORTH, THOMAS COOK, Proprietor- .Masonic aud othcrfEmblems Nelson Street, Tcronto FACTUR ER OF FOR MARCH AND OTHER GEO. P. DICKSON. IMPORTER OF RICHMOND HILL. FOR TH E UNITED JOHN DE LA HAY. 1866. 34-3m Unionville. P.0‘ Secretary. 40-4w 47 31 THE Subscriber begs to inform the Public that he has leased the above Halal. where he willkeep constantly on hand a good supply of ï¬rst-class Liquors. die. As this house pOSsesses every accommodation Tra- vellers can desire. those who wish iostuy where they can ï¬nd every comforlare respecil'ully in- viLed to give him a call. Richmond Hill. Dec. 1865. 28-:f ï¬ESlBflBLESHflPTfl LET DOLMAGE’S HOTEL, HE SHOP adjoining the "Herald" . Ofï¬cu wil he lm for a long or slwll (mm or yours. 'l‘here is a good opengng for a Watchmaker or Tinsmilh. Apply at this Olllce, Richmond Hill, April 13. 45 YON GE [lE Advoniser offers For Sale his Eerm, of 50 acres, on Yongn St‘eel, about half- way between Richmond Hill and 'l'hornhill or he will sell 46 achs with the Farm House and Farm Buildings. TERMS :â€"â€"A small payment down, and a l‘llg lime to pay the balance if required. l’RlCE:â€"-Fnr (he 46 acres, wnh Farm House and hulld‘ngs, $68 dollars an acre. Passebsian can luv had on [M April, 1866. SMALL FA R M ! N. B.â€"A BAY MARE, 6 years old for Sale. (on time if required.) March 16th, 1866. RICHMOND HILL Cabinet Establishment. llOMAS COGl’lluXN begs to inform the inhabitants of Richmond Hill and surâ€" rvuudivg counnry. that he has leased. ‘or a number of wars, the Cabinet Shop and Store from Mr. Webber. where he will manulaclure and keep on hand a guud assortment of Bedsleads. Bureaus, Cupboards. Dir-using Stands, 5m . which he offers at exlrmnely low prices Also a large assortment of Room Paper, Burdering. White Lead, Paints and 1 nlor. Raw and Boiled Linseed Uil, Machine Oil. Ruck Oil. Varnish. Turpentine. Brnzene. Glass. Putly, Glue, &c., 510 Parties Furnish- ing. l’aperiug, or Painting their houses. will do well l0 call before purchaaing elsewhere. Household Furniture, Chairs. Tables, VVhel‘e he will keep on hand Flour, Shorts, Bran, Oats, Pease, Damien]. Common]. Buck wheat, Bacon. Hams. ChE‘PHB, Fish. and 'hmo‘ ral Groceries of the Best Qua‘ily. for sale. at Prices that cannot be surpassed. FLOUR, FEED, Provision and Grocery Store; Richmond HI", Jan. 12,1866. DR. N. J. PECK, SURGEON DENTIST ! )ESl’ECTFUl‘LY announces that he has L changed his time of visitingthe foilowing places, and afterlhis date will be (Sundays excepted) in Smum'iuo . . . .. . Brougham . . . .. .‘ Mmkhmn Village. Brown’s Corners.. Thomhill. . . . . . . . Richmond Hill. . . Maple. Hnrwick. . . . . . . . Kininhurg. . . . - . . Nuhleton . . . . . . . . [Msl{ey.........- Aurora. . . . . . . . . Sutton...†BEAGDN’S FAMILY MEBI'JINES Aurora, June 7, lbw Where he will attend to any businassl (aiming to (my braw'h of his prufessiou. The Safest and be=t Medicines in use in Canada. AS been appointed agent, for the Conntv of York, for the above valuable Modi- (tines. which have 1mm] Imf‘ore the Canadian public for the past seven years. and have given universrl salicfamionâ€"he can therefore. with conï¬dence. recommend (hundreds of Testimo ninls could be given if required, shewng the beneï¬t derived therefrom.) their use for their several virtues. G. A. BARNARD He would also call attention lobis Ant genfly yet eï¬'ectually: may be taken dur' ing any employmem, at any time, and even by the most dolicme female. BITTERS. As a general Tonic, or Strengthening Medi- Cine to brace and invigorate the frame, nulla can be better. A soothing and astringent applicxtion ; and, as im‘ us an nhpiirmtion can he m!" anv sorvice, more southing and much more astringenl. than nnv hitherto prepared. The majority of cases ï¬nd speedy relief bv its use. DEACON’S WORKING MAN’S FRIEND OK HEAL ALL. An excellent remedy for Rheumatiem, Erysi- nnlas. Straim. Bruises. Cuts, (Ihi'hiains. Sore Throat. and violent l‘ains m Bank or Side, the eï¬'ccls of the Heal Ali in the shove cams are flSiUlHSilillg, frequently removing all pain in a few hours. DEACON’S FAMILY VEGITABLE PILLS DEACON’S S'I‘VOMACVIIVIC VEGI'I‘ABLE For Cuts, Cracked Heals. and all kinds of sores on Horses and Cattle. BIBLE SMIETY DEPOSIT-DRY SCOTT’S BOOK STORF. DICACON’S Eruptive Ointment for all kind of skin diaonses. DEACON’S VEGITABI.E COUGH PILLS One or two Doses generally remova the mid. DEACOU’S Mixture for Cholera, Diarrhea, and Summer Complaints, equal to if not. bel- ler than am' other medicine wade. DEACON’S Amibiliious Pills. None bet- term use. DICACON"S unrivalled Cough BxlsamJor Coughs, Colds. Consumption. Aslhma. «SIB. Riel-mono "ILL, August 10 1865. LATE VAN NOSTRAND’S, ichmondflil!, June. 1865. DEACON’S PI LS OINTMENT. HU-.-uo. 'I'OI I all] .. In Village......... 4Corners.......-n 1 E ill......... . ..1 md Hill. . . .. .5 : {.'.'.'.'.'i'.'.'....2111? Irg.......... ..5 11.......... ... --.. ---. . ........ .....--.. o... . -..... . FOR SALE 0N DEACON’S LINIMENT, G. J F. PEARCE. Lot 39, 1st Con. Vaughan. STREET. |8Ih of each month 19111 20th . 21st 23rd 24th 26m 28th .2911) .3hth .3lst 1st 31-6m. l-tf per- London Fire Assurance Eumpany, 3G. A. BARNARD, Agen “F ».. _-L A ...n..,. \fl‘ulyl.nu. hurl Are. 7, Rsyal Exchange, Corr-hill, and 1Vo- 7, Pall Mall, London. Incorporated by ROYAL Charter, in l 720. AVING b an appointed Agent for this Compmly,one of Hm oldest and most reliable English Companies,l will be happy lo afl‘ect asshranco against Loss or damage by Fire. upon eva description of propeny, m The Lowest POSSIBLE RATES, For Newmarket, Aurora, Markham and Richmond Hill. Riihmond Hill. ï¬farch Mth. 41.]y DENTISTRY. w. c. ADAMS, D- D. 3-, Whh immediate payment of all Losses. DEAR CHURCH STREET, S prepared to wait upon any who need his profvssinnal services in ordur to preserve their teeth, 01' relieve suï¬'ering and supply new teeth in the most npprovedstyle. A|so to regu- late the teeth of these who need it. Consultation free, and all work warranted. GLO EOE-STE R ’10 USE, YONGE STE 5‘? ET. J as Gaby, Prcprietor. Good Stab]ng and an attentive has always 11 attendance. Februalv 5. 1866. DR. T. 0.0ULVER’S MEDiCAL DISPENSARY. Chronic and Secret Diseases, OUN‘G MEN who are troubled with . weakness generally. caused by a bad habit in youth. which produces constitutional dehtlity. you can vo'n‘ on our remedies, for we havé treated over ï¬fty thousand patients. and We guarantee a perfect cure in all cases_ IMPORTANT 'I'O LADIES. Our Periodical drops will bring on the mnmhiy sickness. in all cases of obstruction flom any cause, and after all ether remedies of the kind have been tried in vain. NE“! menms AND Q1!ch (mintsâ€"For Syphilis strictures, seminal weakness. pains in tho ionus, aï¬'ecliona of the kidnevs. diseases oflhe hand. throat, nose and skin. and all those dreadful nï¬'ections arising from a secret habit of youth, which produces constitutional debiliu‘, renders man-i329 impossible, and in the end destroys borh body and mind. The treatment we adopt is the result of upwards of thirtv years experience and successful practice in Europe and America. Addressâ€"Dr. T. C. Culver, 139. King St. East, Toronto, C. W, May 7, 1866. 49-ly June. 1865. AGENTS WANTED. $1507 PER HE GRANITE STATE Family Sewing V,“ Machine is now presented to the people of Canada. posnessing all the improve" ems that r-an he wellflculzï¬nod in a sewing machine. ll will accomplish every descxipiiun of sewing except l‘nllon holes‘. from an ovsrcoat down to the ï¬nest silks and mu>lins This machine sell-; for only $l5, and is reu’ly wovth $50, in any family. Every machine warranted and kept in repair free of charge {or lliree years.â€" All lnflCllillPS sold in Canada arts manufacture a! lhe co-npnny’s branch manufaclor)‘ in Tor- onto. Single Machines, wilh full printed directions. snnt express free on I'ecvipl of$15 in a registered letter. Full printed direclions arsvmnpany each machine. so plain that a child iwelvo years of age can learn 10 work one successfully in a shun lime. Address or call (in The Granite State Sewing Machine l Company, 95 King Street East. Toronto. R, '1‘, BUSH «XL (70., Innndn Manufactur- ers, H. King Street Eas‘. 'l'oronlo. (I. \V. lléac Oflices in in Great “I‘llaih and Canada, London, England, Glasgow, Montreal and 'I'oronto. Asthe successful prosecution of the en- terprise will confer untold advantages of wealth and prosperity on our village and neighborhood, in is hoped that sufï¬cient sup- port and encouragement may be given to justify its prosecution. \VHEREAS there exists in the neighbor- hood very strong indications that OIL exists in paying quantities in several locali- tics, it is highly desirable that a Company should be establithed to test the matter, and obtain it if possxble. P. S.â€" Good agents wanted 3n evarv part a 'he counlrv to whom will paid a salary from 50 w $|50 per month. or a large. commission Terms 10 agents 5'3“; free to those wishing agencms. Since in the opinion of many 'weH qmalil fledto judge, SIGNS OF OIL of a most encouraging charactor exist in the greatest abundance on Mr. Klink’s farm, 2 miles east ofGauJfle’s toll-gate. It is. proposed to sink a. well there, as being the place most favorable for operations. The capital of the Company is to be $2,000, in 40 shares of $50 each; two shares entitles any member to become a. di- rector. Richmond Hill) Nov. 30, 1.865. PETROLEUM UlL BUMPANY ! The Land can be obtained for ten years, for one-tenth of the Oil. Ten acres have already been leased to secure the site. The prulmhle cost of sinking the well will be about $2,000, about oneâ€"half of which‘ will be required to procure material, and go on with the work. TORONTO, Toromo, March 23rd. 1866. UNFORTUN ATES READ ! PROSPECTUS And all Female Complai ls Over 139, King Street East, (Late '1 homas Coulrs,) OF THE RICHMOND HILL For the cure of ‘21: 44-1)‘ A 1‘ 0 R T U" N B ! EMPLOYMENT run nvnnvnunv. Agents “famed 'throughout the United Stat- und Cunadas. VValcl‘cs. Chains, Sets'ofJowelry, {ingml’lng Bracelols. Slaove Buttons. Silver Spoons and Forks. Cups. Cake Baskets, 6w. worth Eight Hundred ’l hon- saud Dollars. The EM’W Stock of a large lmromma “on SE retiring from businrss. For the purpose of closing out the stock a. the earliest pOSsilila date, the undersrgned haVn decided on a greatdistrilmtion made as follows. EACH AND EVERY ARTICLE, 50 MATTER HOW VALUABLE. BEING sou; FOR $1. A Certiï¬cate of each article with its value printed upon it. is placed in an envelope and sealed-these envelopes are thoroughly mixed and sold for 'I'wmty-ï¬vn (Imus eachâ€"the per- son receiving one of these envelopes i.~ entitled to tho article named tlmrein hr returning tlw Certiï¬cate to us with one dollar. and the article. no matter how valuable it "my bu, will be for- warded to hint or her at once. TIN-m are» no Biank Certiï¬cates and therefore every one is sure to got. at least. the full value of his or hot money. Should the article named on the car- tilicale not suit,an_\' other much he may Sl‘lt'cl ot‘ the same value will be substituted. We suit the certiï¬cates as follows: One for ‘25 cts., ï¬ve for $1, flown for $9 lhu'h' for $5, simy-ï¬ve for 35â€), one hundred for $l5. This dislribulion nfl'm'tls a ï¬ne oppor- tunity (“1‘ Agents. as what iad)‘ or gemleumu will not Illvesl 'rwmn-nu:cum-s with a prus- pact of getting ï¬ve hunde or a thousand times as much. A“ orders must be addressed x0 us at our old stand N9. 15 Maiden Lane, New York. Watches .. .. ......- 300 Ladms’Guld and Enameled- Case Watches . . . . . . . . . . . GllO (:‘ems’ Hunting-Case Sil- ver \Vau:hes.... .... 200 Diamond Rings... . .n . . . . 3.ll0(l Gold Veal and Neck Chain 3.000 .. u u 3.0l:0 Gold Oval Band Brncelols. 4.000 Chasm} U-lel “meals-L -. . . 52.000 (Ihaulalne Chains and Guard Chains. . . . . . . . . . . 6,000 Solitaire and Gold Brow-hes 2.000 Lava and Florentine Bruuuhes............... 4 9,000 Coral. ()pnl and Emurnld Broochesâ€... . . . . . . . . . . 4 2,000 Mosaic. Jet. Lava. and Florentine Eur Drops . . . . 4 4,500 Coral. Opal. and Emerald Ear Diops.............. 4 4,000 California Diamond Breast l’ins-... .... ............ 250 3,000 Gold Fob and Vest Watch K(-_Vs................... 50 4.000 l‘ub and Vest Ribbon S ides 3 4,000 SMS of Solitaire blaevo Bul- £3 lons,Sluds.alc........... 3 3.000 Gold 'l‘himbles, |’encils.elc 4 6,000 Minimum Lockets. . . . . . . . 2 50 4.003 Minimum Locketsâ€"Magic Spring........ ....... 3,000 Gold 'l‘oolhpicks. crosses} Q‘c o n 0 n . . . . I... I I u a n u .. 5.000 Plain Gold Rings.. . . . . . . . 5,000 Chasud Gold Rings. . . .. . . 8,000 Stone Set and Signet Rings 8.000 (:aIifornia Diamond Rings. 7.500 Sets Imdies’ Jeweh'yâ€"Jel. ALL OF WHICH ARE T0 In: soâ€) ran 31 EACH. 300 GmHs’ Gold Humng Case and Gold.... ..'.. 6,0“0 Sets Ladies’ Jawelryâ€" Cameo, Pearl, etc . . . . . . . . 6,000 Gold l’ens.Silver Extension Holders and Pencils. . . . . . 6.000 Gold Pens and Gold Moun- ted Holders . . . . . 5,000 Gold Pens and Gold Exten- sion Holders.... .... ... . 5,000 Silver Gublets and Drink- ing (‘nps .......... .... 3,000 Silver Casters. . . . . . . . . . . . 2.000 Silver Fruit and Cake Baskets.....u..... .... PER 00741.“- 5,000 Dozen Sih'or Ten-Spoons. $10 lo $2U 5.009 “ " Tublo Spoons AGENTSâ€"“7e Nam. agents in every regi- ment. and in every mwn and cunnly in lhe country, andthose acting as such will be allow- ed [0 cents on every Coniï¬rzme ordered by xhem. provided their remillanca amounts: to one dollar. Agents will collect 25061115! for ovary Cerliï¬cale. and remit 15 cenls to us. [ITWrite plainly. say only what is necessary and be prompt. Address. GIRARD W. DEVAUG/I & C0.. P‘VERY work, S'ci‘enliï¬c, Theological or Fic' 1 lions, whether published in Britain or America. can be obtained at the Publisher’s prices, “(a han direr-l communication with Britain, and with this facility can bring goods mach more punctually and expeditiously than most retailers. As insmnces of the cheapness "Your prices we append a list of some 01 the books we keep eonsmntly on hand :â€" Josephus’s CompleleWorks in one hand- 7 Keith’s Evidences of the Truth of the Christian Religion, derived from the biteral fulï¬lment of Prophecy, (prov- l‘usely Illustrated). . .. . .. .. .. . . . .. . Laird of Logan ; or Anecdotes and Tales, illustrative of the Wit and Humour of Scoihmi...................... Loighmn's. Archbishop. complete works. in one handsome volume . . . . . . . . . . Pale; ’8 Complete Works, in one hand- soxnevoluille.._....... . . . . . . . ..... Smith’s. Rev. James, ' Our Heavenly Father; or. God a Refuge and Strenglh ;’ 'Christ Aloneâ€"a Boolg for All :‘ ' Welcome to Jesus z-' 'The Better lmnd;’ 'This do in; Remembernnce of Me. or Sacramen- tal Meditations;’ ' lmportun't Quee- lions ;’ ' The Great Comforter ;’ ' The Morning Sacrï¬ce :" ‘ The Evening Sacriï¬ce;' end 'Worde of Comfort. or Solace in Sorrow,’ cloth limp . . . . . , .......19 Richmond Hiil June l“, W551 séxh'e'véliï¬iie'.’{musxï¬iedjf T._.'.::.$2 on} I J 200‘ l 150i 1751 175 i (:15 each ’34" l BOOKS! June 9. 1865. and Parks. . 800,000 LIST OF A RTICLES. 15 Maiden Lane, New York . ~3m 550:0 $15! 250 3') 50 15 20 It 7U 15m 3n 7h ll) 100 ’52-“; ' r’r mums mwm mm; a 50 50 The York Herald Bï¬ï¬‚iï¬ JOB Ordoru vfo tho an of undermontloned descrip “on of EflLflEEB JflB WINK BOGKS, FANCY BELLS, PAMPULE‘I‘S AND MM? W191? WEBER: F0: Cards, do†just nooivu. LARGE AND SMALL POSTERS, Isa onlirely newgund ofllho latest pttema, large vnxioty of' new ®%% m%m% Letter-Press Printing. ESTABLIS BENT. BUSINESS CARDE: Will H. promptly nttendod {o :â€" CHEAP PLAIN OUR ASSOR'PM ENT 03’ And only other kind: of CIRCULARS, BLANK CHECKS, AND LAW FORMS, DRAFTS. BILL HEADS THE YORK HERALD Bll’llK, STATIflNBRY, ‘MHS of 1h" Hill and neighborhood. m the recent ndditiunn made to his smock of Interesting and: imndhbla Hunks. busing a superior «lens of liter rnlure by (he most eminent aullwrk of well-r .kuown reputation and popularity. FANCY STORE. NEW LIST OF BOOKS SCIENCE, RELIGION, POETRY} MEDICINE AND MUSIC.- THE Proprietor of the above Eatnbliahment begs to ca†this rllenl'wn‘ ol' the Inhabit“ God's Glory in the Heavensâ€"3v Wm. Leilchy l’rinï¬ipul' of Quesu's College, Canada.- 3L5“. I Good Wordsâ€"vols. for 1861- and [862, $1.81} each. Praying and \Vorkingâ€"By Rev. Wm. Steven! sun, b7; cts, Mv Ministerial Experience â€"-By R07. Db ' Bile.th (fly-ms, Parish Papersâ€"By Nonman McLeod, D.D.," 57; ms. The («Raver Thoaghu of. n Comm)! Parson- ï¬llets, Rums' Poem» 13mm. clotl'v. gm‘ed'gamâ€"mcthr The: New Lil'e â€"B_\‘ Bushnell, l2mo clunh, 4001.1 The Book of Family Worship-By Rev. W. B. Clark, 50cm. B. Clark, 50cm: Forty Years Experience: in- a- Smday Schoolâ€"v By 'l'yug, 40 CI: Buclmn’a Domestic Medicine, clump cdilionr only 50 cts. The Canadian Sundm‘ School Rockerâ€"ll) em Rah and his Friendsâ€"6 cts. Hunynn’s Pilgrims Progressâ€"30013. ‘ The Scouish l’salmod)’, iu 'l'onic Sulfa Noth- :ion-â€"‘25mu. Songs of Zion, will] Tonic Sulfa Notation-â€" 3 cls. Tl\OII|2~0Il's Land and [he Hook-â€"$9. Church Prayer Books, Bibles. ’l‘uslamenll. M all prmes. Adventures In lhe Gold Fields-~25 ell. Tho Waverly Novalsâ€"Em cls. The erck Ashnre-â€"-4() ctr. The Roving Englishmanâ€"£25 em. The Romance of (fommun Liftsâ€"~50 eta. The Forty-ï¬ve Guardsnmnâ€"-5U cls. The War, or Voices from the Ranksâ€"25 cu. Riflemeu uud Rifles-£25 cls. Albums for [‘2 Portraits. 30 1:18. Albums lor ‘24 Pnnruils. $1. Albums for 24 I’m-trails, (Cape Morocco.) $l. Albums for ‘24 Portraits, (Murucco) $2. Gent’s Walking Calms. from 4U 00 5001:, Pen Knives, with l blade, flow If) 10 2|) ell. Clasp do. do. 3 do. 50 cm. (benutiiu'ly ï¬nished ) Nrong Clasp Knife. 1 blade, 95 cu. Scissurs. lh cls. Dressing Caseï¬ $1.56 to $2. Marking Ink. 15 (:15. India Rubin-r Hulls. l0 eta. Slate Pictures. 15cm. [Er Periodicals Supplied Weekly or Monthly. .5] 0N NERVOUS RELAXATION and EX- HE SILENT FRIEND, the grentestfl‘evlie cnl Work ol'lhe Age. on Youthful Indig- cretions and consequent lmpedimenlu to Mar- riage, describing the Anmmny of Ihe Repro- ductive Syslmn in health and disease, and pointing out the sure means of perfect YM'IOYI’ tion to manhood: with an Essay on Single and Married Life, containing a Prescription known nsllw Preventive Lmion, precluding the poo- slbillly of ccnlannnaliun. Also to he had lrmnml Agents Fn allrlrho-f Richmond Hill. Muv 26. ’65. g»? worm. EXTRAUTï¬ FROM THE SILENT FRIEND. prim: 6d., which contains duecï¬ohi fur the guidance rol' palienls. Mess'rs. R. & |.. l’rzmul & Cm are oniy to ba consulted at [hair residence, No. lâ€, Barnu- Street,(,)xf01d Sres'. London, nsthev never, under uny circumslanceh. travel either at have or abroad. and lhev herebv caution the Pubic against any person using their name. and no a further precaution against fraud. (he l’ub'ic is notified that “lone of their med‘cineu are goo “nine. unless the subjoined fac-similia of their signaturb is amnched’m» shad: differ-":1 wrap- pars. Guyanwy. mm Muscat“; Pow“; REGAI’NID M THE US; or Perry's Cordial Baim af Sgyrzacwm. Established nearly a contrary, and known: throughout the world as the GREA'l'ES'FRE» GENERATOR; a mvehfailing nemod for Sperinawrnhw. loss (if manly pewer. pro uced‘» by earlv indiscretions. or any ollrer cause.â€" 11 enriches the principal vital fluids, enabling- ihose who have deumed themselves incurable at mice to fulï¬l liha mast sazrod obligations or married life. Price 125. per bottle, or fond: quantities in one. 335., which saves lls. : and‘ in £5 bottles. effecting a saving of £1 I23. Ag’eï¬if mm; & c... 75. luring“. Strebt, London. Mu 26.1805 "§Id";i‘ï¬l}gs}'.. 'n. a: h._ Pinnvag, c“ Wholesale Dopot, No. 19‘, Bel-nor: Strut, 0;. ford Street; London. - . SIVE ESSENCE. a remedy for Svphilia in all its stages, also for puriï¬y'mg the system {tom comami'ualion. recommended for seconduy symptoms. blotches on the head and face. on. largemewh of the throat. tonsils. and uvula: its beneï¬cial influence on the sysbam is undeni- able. 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