During the past week there has been great excitement throughout Canada, in consequence of the invasion of our COun- try by hordes of vagahonds hailing from the land of brother J onathan â€"â€"with whom we haVe been at all times desirous of being on terms of good neighborship. ‘ These good-for-nothiug fellows have had i a taste of camp life in the late civil war ‘ of the United States, and do not appear to be inclined to fall back upon honest pursuits for an occupation,â€"they set to work and get up an organization for thei ostensible purpose of making an eflort to‘ establish a Republic in Ireland (?)â€"but in reality to make war upon the peaceful mad happy homes of Canadians, for most mneorthy purposes. These rascals have ‘no-‘eause of complaint,â€"they simply de- sire to have a row and take their chances :forylunder. We must confess that we thud become so used to the noisy threats '0? these men for some months past, we were quite taken aback at the astound- ing news of Friday, the 1st inst ,as con‘ tained in the Leader extras, the contents of which are by this time familiar to every Canadian, viz :â€"-â€"the landing (at Express. . . . . Mud New Advertisements. Hams and Baconâ€"Wm. Atkinl’on'l Plantsâ€"G. A. Barnard Public Noticeâ€" Joshua Reid Now is the time to Buy Hamelâ€"W. H. Myers’ Booth and Shoesâ€"W. H. Myern’ Markham Oil & Mining Comâ€"Lth Stivor Support Home Monufac‘urbâ€"JNerney Another lot of ten dozenâ€"G. A. Barnard. Cheap Cottonâ€"Josiah Purkisa. Booth and Shoesâ€"S. M. Sanderson. Window Shades-â€"~W. P. Richmond. Turnip Seedâ€"G. A. Barnard. New Parasolsuw. S. Pollock. Printsâ€"a-H. & A. Newton First Prize Harnessâ€"Wm. Harrinon Medical Dispensary-Dr. T. C. Culver Note of Hand Lushâ€"Margaret Len 'Superior Hamsâ€"W. Atkinson Noticeâ€"~Corporolion of Yankvillc Cordâ€"~Read 6; Boyd The Great Emporiumâ€"W. Atkinson List of Letters in Pl). Notice to Builders. The Granite State Sewing Machino Co. New Arrivalsâ€"â€" if. H. Myers. Spring Importationâ€"W. Mitche“. Elgin Mills Storeâ€"J. G. Bemnrd. RICHMOND HILL, JUNE 3, 1866. RICHMOND HILL TIME TAB“ Mail 'I‘rn'm. . ,Cxpresa. . . . . SUBSCRLxSE FOR The Yoxk Herald, $1,00 a your 5 o’clock on Friday morning the 1st inst.) of 600 Fenians at Fort Erie, a small village situate on the British side of the Niagara river, nearly opposite the City of Buffalo. These men are laid to have been under the command of a Colonel John O'Neill; during the day it appears that Canal boats, drawn by a tug, were in constant service bringing over these marauders to our shores, until they numbered somewhere about 2,000, They soon commenced operations by plundering the surrounding neighborhood â€"stealing horses and taking whatever else of value they fell in with. As soon as the news reached Toronto the excite. ment became intense. It was stated that Port Sarnia and Windsor, in the extreme western part of Canada, were attacked nlso,â€"but this was soon contradicted.â€" The startling intelligence spread over the country on lightening's flash, and the brave Volunteers of Western Canada 1 were immediately on their way to repulse l the wanton invaders. On the following day, (Saturday, the 2nd) at noon, the “ Queen's Own," of Toronto, and the 13th Battalion, ot Hamilton, were on the ground, and at once set out to meet the foe. This anxiously look-for event took place near a wood on the road to Steven- villc, where Our brave fellows expected to form a junction with the regulars un' der Colonel Peacock, near Chippawa.â€"~ The Fenians were here in large force: lying in ambush; they at once commen- ced the attack upon our men, who braveâ€" ly and promptly returned their fire and with good effect, and kept it up until they had exhausted their forty rounds of ammunition, when it was found necessary to fall back upon the Railway, as our- men were without ammunition and run ningtoo great a risk in proceeding on their march in the face of such odds. It was here that Ensign MoEachren fell, with other brave men whose names will live in the history of Canada as noble de- fenders of our homes and ï¬resides. The same day Colonel Dennis, with a small band of brave fellows, gave the invaders battle at Waterloo, a small village near Fort. Erie,â€"but owing to very great sn- (III): mark ï¬rm-lb. Rascaldom Let Loose. M0\ING MOVING ..... ...oouoo.- mount. II“! II. .0 N r. I. .9 33 A. I :For near a half century we have sat at home and read with different degrees of interest of wars and rumors of wars in other lands. For the last four years we have been living almost within hearing distance of the booming of the cannon, during the recent terrible struggle in the neighboring republic; and accounts from Europe inform us, that through the avaricious yearnings of a Prussian Min- ister and the insatiable ambition of a French Emperor, two of the chief mili- tary powers of the old world may soon be engaged in a war which may prove the bloodiest of the nineteenth century, yet as long as its misiles ol devastation and death do not reach our shores our sym- ‘ pathies reach but little farther than our curiosity. But that which immediately concerns ourselves, or menaces anything in connection with us, calls forth all the activity of the Canadian temperament. These remarks have been illustrated with regard to ourselves since our last issue. Fenianism has come to a head, and its ï¬rst efl'ort to carry out the object of its secret organization, has been tried on Canadian soil. This brings war to our very door. Herc England is to be taught, by Fenian valor, the depth of Fenian patriotism. Many have voted their “ Centres" and their “ Head Centres" and their whole paraphernalia a huge imposture, and were disposed to ridicule alike its colosal proportions and internal weakness. IfFenianism is a hum- bug it is a gigantic one, and its very huge- ness is calculated to alarm. Men of the lowest description of character, gathered from the vilest places under the sun, and lured on by the hope of plunder are not the men to retire to their haunts in peace. Fenianism even in its death throes may cause untold mischief. About 2 o'clock on Saudi} morning, (the 3rd J une,) the enemy commenced to evacuate Fort Erie, and having made signals to two new: tags lying in Buffalo Creek, they were ferried over the river and landed on the American ehore. periority in the numbers of the foe, Col. Dennis found it heééanry to draw his men oEâ€"which he did in a most suc- cessful manner. Great enthneiaam preVails in Montreal and other cities and towns eat ;â€"every possible urangement is being made to meet the foe shonld_he make his appear- ance in Entern Canada. In fact there is but one feeling in the Province on the matter, and that is of indignation, and a ï¬rm resolve to be equal to the emer- gency i Let one and all hold himself in readiness to respond to the call of duty -and with e ï¬rm dignity show that we prefer soldieru‘ graves to the embraces of invading hordes of plunderere and mur- derers. . When we considered the vast sums of money which has been thrown into the Fenian exchequcr, and the earnestness of its contributors, we could not but come to the conclusion that something would be done were it for no other object than the satisfying to some degree the patrio_ tie feelings of the thousands who really did devote their earnings for their coun- try‘s cause. No sane man could for a moment suppose that situated as the Fonians areâ€"in a country where the 1 building of a single vessel for belligerent 1 purposes would be violative of interna- ‘ tional principles that they could : raise a fleet even of suflicent capacity to convey a few thousand men to their na- tive shores. But the money was receivâ€" ed and action was expected from the recipients. Canada is the only alterna- tive, and to Canada they came. We can no more understand how they intend to free Ireland by attacking Canada ‘ than we can the erection of an Irish Re- ‘ pubiic within an American one. We suppose the second blunder was akin to ï¬rst. If they thought they could gain an easy victory, and make Canadian teri- tory the basis of operations against the mother country, they reckoned without their host. Nothing short of our exter- mination would have tolerated their usurpation, and already they have had some proof that Stephen's remark was correet when he said that “ war with Canadaï¬vas a suicidal act." If it was an honourable warfareâ€"one people going to war with another, having just cause of quarrel~the late invasion might be justiï¬ed on the plea that the right ought to be defended, but when a horde of idle â€"-homeless-mpoverty-stricken outcasts, which form the mass of the floating p0. pulation of the larger cities of the ad- jacent Republic , a herd of destitute -â€"-criminalâ€"-nnd half famishcd mis- creants, who are a Curse :to every seaport -â€" a disgrace to the very purlieus from which they have emergedâ€"who have all to gain and nothing to lose-whose Very existence hangs like a ragged ï¬lthy fringe on the skirts of civilization ; invade a people at ‘ peace among t‘aemselres and with all the The Fe ninn Invasion. world, indignation takes possession of the‘, will, and every citizen becomes at heart a volunteer. In this spirit the invasion has been met. With national and, we hope, with pardonable pride, we have always looked with pleasure on our galâ€" lant volunteers. Drawn from the best families and having homes to protect, they will prove their country’s bulwark in its hour of trial. Up to Saturday last it has been a time of preparation and of drill, but when the news flashed across the wires that a foe had realy landed on our shores the time had come for action, The volunteers were ready. The same spirit pervaded every mind, and a stern and determined resistance to the lawless crew had possession of every heart. ‘Var on our own soil, and at our own doors, is a' new thing to the inhabitants of Canada. Fifty years peace has a tendency to make a. nation forget the rules of military tactics but British pluck and British valor, as manifested at Fort Erie, and Lime Bridge-is as available as ever and the question ‘ Will Canada de- fend itself’ will evidently be solved in the aflirmative. On the receipt of the news in our vil- Iago that our homes and institutions were endangered by the advance guard of the Fenian army, the anxiety to hoary the reception they met with became in« tense. As is generally the case in times or excitement rumors of the most redi- ‘ culous character were readily listened to and believed by the eredulous, but as the ‘ Dcspatches’ came to hand and were read to the various groups of anxious listeners, waiting in front of the Hotels, and this Oflice, for the “ latest" the prompt action of the military authorities, and the gallant conduct of our volunteers in repelling the invaders calmed to some extent the excitement. We are notrso sanguine as to suppose that we have had the last of their raiding op- erations, but the stern front of determined resistance which has been presented, will in agveat measure lessen the fervor of Fe-- nian patriotism, and retributive justice meted out to those who have fat’len into our hands, who have wantean stained Canadian soil, with Canadian blood, will ihave awholesome influenee in checking 3 the ambition of others who maybe think- ;ing of seeking for military adventures ‘ among ,a people jealous of their rights, l and British privilegess In accordance with the notice cï¬â€™a Public meeting, for the purpose ofgiving our fellow townsmen an opportunity of displaying their devotion to our beloved Queen and country at this critical perâ€" iod, a large and enthusiastic gathering of the bone and sinew of our village, took place at the Hotel of Mr. Robert Rayâ€" mond, on Tuesday evening last. ‘ The meeting was called to order at 8 o’clock, and on unanimous motion, Mr. J. XV. Fitzmaurice was called to the chair, and Mr. W. S. Pollock appointed Secretary. The chairman in a few brief and patri- otic remarks in which the position of af- fairs was glanced at, and also the urgent necessity for each and everyr one, who professed attachment to his country or called himself a. Briton, to show that this profession was no empty boast, by deeds as well as wordsâ€"then proceeded to the business of the meeting. Owing to the highly praisworthy eï¬orts of our towns- men Messrs Whitehead and Mathie, the Roll had been well circulated. and the results was the goodly number of sixty- eight names, almost all of which were present. The meeting then proceeded to the election of ofï¬cers and here a ques- tion arose as to Whether the company should be known as Volunteer Infantry or Home Guards. A compromise was however eï¬eeted by the adoptingr the form of the ï¬rst mentioned with the du- ties of the latter, and here we might re mark that although this may be consider- ed by some as a grave error still we fail ‘ to see it as such, as both views may be carried out and the wishes of each party gratiï¬ed. The following are the ofliecrs of the newly organized company 2â€"0211)â€" tain, Edward Shepherd; Lieutenant Mr John \Vhitehead; Ensign, Mr. John Hutchings; Sergeants 1st, James No- lan, 2nd, A McBeth, 3rd, Peter Savage; Corporals, 1st Tobias Dolmage, 2nd, W. Haggerty, 3rd, lV. Craig. In connee. . tion with the above named ofï¬cers, :1 com- mittee of ï¬ve for drafting Rules and Regulatians was appointed, namely :â€" Messrs T. W. Price and Fitzmaurice to be associated with the three superior of- ï¬cers, to meet for business on Friday, [this evening] n .1," -,r,, Home Guards & Voluntcm's Before closing our report of the meet- ing we would add a. word or two uncut, the question of drillâ€"that It may not only be possible but highly probable L The quesiioh of arms was then introâ€" duced and thoroughly ventilated, but of course we do not feel ourselves at liberty to state the result, sufï¬ce it to know that aims is obtainable for four times the number of men at present enrolled. Af- ter having set an evening for drill, the company disgcrsed, each one being dc- termincd to give a good account ofhim- self when occasion demanded. UNBOUNDED ENTHUSISM. PUBLIC MEETING- or, ï¬â€˜ileast the primary branches of both drill and manual ‘exercise ; no one we conclude would wish to be sent to meet a well trained foe like the scoundrels at peesent on our frontiers. To obtain the necessary instructions at present would perhaps be difï¬cult, and the only way to obviate this difliculty would be to take advantage of such instructors as we may have among us. There are several indi- viduals in our vicinity, who are themselves masters of the art and who could perhaps be secured if spoken too in time, under all circum- stances if we intend to strike oil we must drill, let the ofï¬cers of the Company at least put themselves in communication with the authorities, and perhaps a drill instructor may be obtained from the Reâ€" gular Service, and our Company No. 2 soon be able to Bank With its Brethern in armsâ€"provided it does not perish in embrio as did its unfortunate predeces sor, we wish our military friends every success, and shall note from time to time the proï¬eency they make. We are informed by Mr. James Steu- tenburgh that Mr. George Henry,alum- ber merchant in the Township of King, has sent eleven of his workmen forward to join the brave volunteers who are new defending the country against invasion,_â€"- their wages to go on as if working at the mill, and if any shall fall in butth Mr Henry has arranged to provide for their families,â€"this is certainly a noble- net, and worthy of imitatium We trust the brave fellows will be spared: to» return, in safety to the bosom: of their famili‘esgr yet it is refreshing to see men come forâ€"- ward in this trying time,. as Mr. Henny is said to have:.done.. We also learn that Mr. Angus McKin- non-, ’Lof the 5th Com of Markham; has engaged at man at ten dollars per month lto. go. forward and join the volunteers in the front, and that he is ready to engage ten more at the same rate for the same purpose. This is doing good service for the countryâ€"â€"are most: pruisewortliy acts, and of course can only be doncby per- : sons with extensive means at their dispos- l al, but there is something tHut’wc oan‘all do, it is to glet each 111an go forward on his own account and tender his services tothe proper authority for the defence and With the fulld‘eterminntiOn not to be outdone in acts oftrne loyaltytin the time of our shores,â€"R2t' {the dime promptly, of real danger which is:nowuponrus: that more men will Be required for ac- tive service, it is highly necessary that ev‘ei‘ignan should make himself master Tuesd‘ny; the‘5th inst’.,. Witnessed' the obsequies of the gallant few Who‘leid'their lives upon the altar, and died in\ the de-» fence of their" country's liberty.. The citizens of Toronto never met o'erm more mournful occasion, nor. ever manifested their grief with greater sincerity. Mbst of _ the deceased volunteers could claim Toronto as their native place and in her institutions ofleeruing they'were' educaâ€" ted. Being well known‘ and highly: esh teemed, they left many friends to mourn“ their loss. The same citizens who but ï¬ve days before. cheered them! as they went forth to meet the enemy were again assembled to pay honours to the‘ (lead. The funeral procession reached to an ex-- traordinary length, and passed through an avenue of heaving breasts and so now- ing countenances. They are gone; but: a tribute of gratitude Will be the homage which will continue to ascend from the hearts of a. grateful people to the manes of their brave defenders. We have no desire to appear captions in regard to the means by which our young people desire to amuse themselves, but when they go beyond reasonable bounds, and make their amusements a source of discomfort and annoyance to our neighbours, and doing injury to pro- perty, we feel it to be “our imperative duty to point out and condemn what is now set down as an insufferable nuisance. The game of foot-ball may be an ex citing and “healthful exercise, and if indulged in, in a very large open ï¬eld, may not be followed by "destruction of property,â€"bnt we are quite certain that the school play ground is not a suitable place for the game, and we hope the Trustees will at once put a stop to its being used for this purâ€" purpose, as the school windows are being broken, and other property adjoining the the school premises is seriously damaged in consequence of the foot-ballers tresâ€" passing in the adjoining ï¬elds and gard- dens which have been cultivated. We have again to direct attention to the advertisement. of Mr. Joshua Reid 3 sale of Store Goods, on Thursday, the 14th inst. The greater portion of the stock is Spring purchases, and is there- fore seasonable. and fashionable, and we do not doubt but many bargains will bel securedâ€"Sale each day at 1 pm. til the whole is sold 011'. - ' To the Front ! Auction Sale- The Funeral- Foot-Ball. The (want of a Weigh Scale has been a source of much inconvenience to farmers and others in this neighborhood, for some time past~ since the old scale be- came useless. “'0 have much pleasure in making known to those whom it may concern that the want has been supplied’ ~â€"s0me parties in the Village clubbed to- gether and procured one of Gurney, Ware & Co’s. best scales, capable of' weighing three tons 4t 8 draught :â€"it has been fit-ted up by Mr. Sage, and is now in excellent workin-giortlerpâ€"and true [â€"Farmers on their way to market with hay would do well to have their loads weighedâ€"it ‘m’ght pny’ï¬xem! -â€"-T‘l1e scale is in chairgent‘ Mr? Raymond; We pmpose to give in this place a suc- cinct account of ï¬lm evem: of the last few daysrpl'epanedkby one who was at the scene ofucuion, placing themmw nearly as possibl’e‘ in. their: chronogicul order... On Friday 11101‘ning,.1m June, at half-past two, a Fenian ibrce crossed; without opposition, flue-Niagara river, in two scows drawn by a tugnwt‘he village, of Fort. Erie. Their number is varinusly stated at from one thousand to tM.0.ll10usand. lllB‘ usual dif- ï¬cult)“ being. ll'mnd in linking accounts agree in the matter of! numbers.. It will probably be safe-to til/lie a medium. ï¬gure as an approachm the truth. The men were chiefly from Teri-u Enter and“. Ihdianopolis in. Indiana. and Cincinnati, Clevelandin Ohio, sonny places in Southern Illinois, and the restifi‘om Buffalo and districts adjo- ling. They’ Were commanded by General O'Neill, a elmvacter notorious in Tennessee for many Vices, who some years ago killeda man inn duel throught foul play, but Who is nevertheless, a man of unusual daring and pergonal vigour. The menwvere young some (ï¬tlxcm, mere boys, all of the lowest class of‘ Irish Catholics, and: nearly all of them had been in the Northern or Southern 'armies-dux-ing the late war. They were thoroughly accustomed to the rifle and. to military manwuvres, and were, as a rule, daring to a. remarkable degree. They had no cumon, no knapsacks, no Waggons, 01 permanent stock of military stores ofany kind, but they had good rifles and revolvers witlvthe United States Government mark, and enough ammunition fora short time. They had no uniforms and were ragged and dirty. but did not make worse light infantry 0n the account. During the day (Friday), ‘meeting with no opposition. they spread themselves over the adjoining country, stretching in front and also to the lel‘t- and rigid, gathering provisions; fomgo‘ and. horses, not lEllilng any one, and, apparently under restraint, huvmg, probably, n. whole- some fear of punishment in case of a re- verse. On Saturday morning early the main ‘body broke up their camp,- andi calling in :their outposts, marched with activity in the direction of Port Colberne; on the Welland Canal. They had moved up eight or nine- ‘miles from Fort Erie,a\'heii they encountered the advance guard of a force ofi Volunteers less than 300 strong, under the'c‘ommandlof Colonel Brooker, of the 13th Battalion of Hamilton Vonltecrs, who had that“ regi- ment \V.Hl1'l1lfll, the Qheen’s Own of Toronto" a'id'the' York and Caledonia: companies. This force had‘ assembled at Port Col- .l)orne.,:.a»station at the mouth of the \V‘el- ‘land Canal, and also a station of the Wel- land and Buffalo aad'Lake Huron Railways. ,It had marched early in the morning, for the purpose of joining Colonel Peacoelr, ,who, with Colonal Hoste’s battery ofl'artil- lery and some companies of the 47th: and ‘thh Regulars, vwas then lying‘ut Chippewa, fandmbont to‘ move, in concert with Col- ‘(mel Beaker, upon Fort Erie. It is need- less now to dwell upon past errors, but it is necessary to say that Col. Booker started much earlier-What) the tune fixed ; and that otherwrse he (lid not act up to hi9 instruc- tlonst~ He left Port Calhorne by the Grand Trunk Railway, but disenbarlicd his troops from the cars at ltidgeway, about iour miles Irornathat ptace. He then marched Ithree miles on foot, where he encountered the advanced guard of the raiders. The ‘ Qreen‘s Own, Toronto regiment had the ad- ‘lvancertlirew out their sliarp’ehooters ad~ ‘ vaneed gallantly to meet the enemy, who. had not, expected to be attacked-with so much vigour, and immediately-'retired. 'Il'he 'Q‘heen‘e (Mvn continued to follow them: up for more then a mile, manoeuvering as» if on ravade, and keeping up a continous tire, whietx the raiders admit to have been ot'the r 051; Vigerous and gelling kind,.und' which hey could not stand in the opeuï¬eld. The lot: A name of this Scence isr'tiie Smuggler’s H) e, a lone, swampy spot ot'some extent: 1 urough this our gallant t'ellmvmdt‘ove the enemy, sometimes up 170 theér‘lmeee’in mud add water, but steadily pressing forward for larare trees, and here the Fenian header halted his men. and told them that if they did not stop the advance of the volunteers2 they were certain to he hangedntnd that they had better take the chance of the bullet». The Feniuns then advanced with some vigour and extending their wings, endeavoured to out-flank our men. And here occurred a. mishap incident to all newly raised troops. A cry was mised that cavalry were coming The commending ollicer Ordered his men to from in square, a proper proceeding had there been any cavalry near, but the very reverse of what was made to outllank. The order were speedily corrected, but the troops were in some confusion, and some of the de- tached companies in the rear began to re- tire. The alarm spread to a portion ofthe 13th battalion, and they began to fall duck. Their oï¬iccrs endeavoured to prevent them vigorously ; the Queen’s Own, who occupi- ed the advauce held their own ï¬rmly, even connncncing to extend their wings, to meet the flanking movement of the enemy. The rear troups having retired, however, it be- a mile. At this momem the Fenians in their n tr :at reached a 1151 1: ground covered with large trees. and here the Fenian Header came necessary for itnlso to retrogade, and behaved with distinguished bravery, ordered pretregade movement. The, men turned, however, every new and then, and ï¬red upon the enemy, kept well in line, and speedily formed up, when brough intro confusion :l)y the rapid pace and the uneven ground. The Fenian showed no desire to pursue them, but followed only to the place where the contest commenced. \Vedo not like to individualize where all did well, but the Highland company is said to have been specially ï¬rm in checking the advance of the enemy. The details of the killed and wounded, and other incidents of this contest will be found elsewhere. Although a portion of these vohmteera, who had never been under ï¬re before, gav The Fenian Raid Fi‘omx the Gl'obc Q)‘ anndily New W'eigh Scale. ‘ Seveval of our mm were woundch in this j contest, but none'kxilled, while the raiders; were not so fortunate. Here leï¬ us leave‘ l them, to record the movements of Col.- Peacock and his gallant little army} , ‘e i was not: able to leave Toronto with his ar- 1 tillury till noon on Friday, and, although- the skill and promptitude which- have ‘ marked all the efforts of MT. Swiny'ard; the “manager of the Great? VWestern Raxlwny, to l whom, mer than any one'elSe; we“ are in idebted‘ for the prompt ejeetment of the ‘lraidiars.- The force did not reach Chip )e- i we until dark, and it‘ was- found impossi le 3 to proceed any further. Col. Peacock ‘msde all the dlSPOSltlons which a sound judgement conld suggestp He despatched 'Capt. Arkers~ oï¬ the Royal Engineers, to open communications with! Col. Brooker sandizu-raugc ï¬it a combined movement in 'the mo:m'n . Coll Peacock was jomed at early dawn iy the 18th! Rbyals of Toronto, and the Lincoln battalion, with his previous forceâ€"1,841 men and 101 ofï¬cers, and six .gunsâ€"hc marched out of Chippewa in the direction of Stevenvillc, the place of ren- dezvous. The day was excessively hot, and‘ the men fsull‘ered severely during the march. They were compelled to halt nt .12 o’clock at a small place named Ger- Jmansville, in the township of Willoughhy. 0n the march, Col. Peacock learned of the check given to Col. Becker’s force, and soon after he stopped; was- informed of the return of the Fenians to Fort Eric.- He :1determinedito pursue them as soon as his men were rested, and at dark was within to short-distance of Fort Eriev-where he waited'to daylight to make his attack. way in confumon, another stood its groundl manfully. No one doubts that under pro- per leadership everything would have gone right with all of them. There are not braver men than the 13th battalion. Thel Fenians admit that our men advanced withl great courage and steadiness, notwithstand ing the retreat they abandoned forever all hopes oft-caching the canal. They, in fact, determined, after u. council of war, upon a retreat, and moving very fast upon Fort Erie, doubtless hastened in their march by the news of Colonel Peacock's approach, and also, a feat of during performed by Captain King’s foot atillary, of Port Rob. inson, and a few men of Dunville rifles, To the number of 38, these embarked at Port Colborne, iu the Robb tug boat, and landed ext-Fort Erie, which had been left unguard- ed By the midersi The Fenians in their backward march to Fort Erie, threw away a portion of their arms, and otherwise indi- cated that they were demoralized-.- They soon, however, cleared out the little band of [invader-S, in spite ofa most gallant resist- ance. During the afternoon of Saturday, Col. Lowry, of the 47th, left Toronto with two pieces of :atillary and a force of vol- unteers, which being joined by a part of the GOtlrirregiment under Col. Travers at HamiltonY mule his effective torce over‘ a thousand men. With great promptitude 1 he was brought to the Suspension Bridge, ‘ late in the evening where he waited for day-‘ light. At early dawn he was on the move, i and was lauded; from the track of the Erie y and Ontario railway about six miles froml Fort Erie. Early in the morning also, the force of volunteers at Port Culborn, strengthened‘by the arrival often new com- panies, moved, some by water and others by the Buffalo and Lake Huron road, to Fort Erie. But' the raiders hadinot await- ed the advent. of this overwhelming foree Major Den‘nisonlstroop-v of Y'ork cavalry, whiehuhadbeeï¬tmt‘fromlTorOuto,'~ on the ipreviousvafternoon; try boat 10' Port ml- ‘ housie, marched during the night mrd‘l were “the tirstto enter the millage to ï¬nd the birds: 1ileum;- They had signalled during the night >forascovn'and‘thg‘fronmhe- other side and had embarked, with what numbers is yet unknown, intending to (hop dowmthie‘ river to Lower Black Rock. Ii. doingf set how- euer, theyvpassed near the IA‘merwan steam» er Michigan; and here tide American au- thorities gave‘th‘e ï¬rst intimation that they were aware that their shores were being ‘used as a point of attack and a refuge of I safety by a gang of robbers and plunderers. A shot was ï¬red which brought the tug to a ‘ stand-still, and. the sconv with all the Fenians 1 on board, including their commander i O’Neil, was speedily fastened to the Michi- ‘gan by a hawser, and guarded by the cut- ‘ ters of that vessel. Here the Fenians were i discovered by our troops marching into 1 Fort Erie in the morning. It is said that T the American authorities will let the rank i and tile go, but will holdthe leaders to an- swer for a breach of their . neutrality laws. Thus has this boasted raid, which has, occupied so much attention in Canada and 'the United‘ States, been disposed of inl forty-eight hours. Had there been a very small force within striking, distance of Fort Erie, it would not have lasted so ‘long. It ceased to exist as=soon as troops _could be placed upon the spot. We all regret that not over t\Vo hundred of the miscreants were captured, but it is plain that on such‘a. frontier as ours, a body 'which enters at night and escapes at night may do some mischief in the intervening Ihoursa. The Beast of‘S'weerry, that if he ionce obminedi a foothold! in Canada he would never be driven out, proves to he vain, and it is made manifest that the force iat the command of the Provincial authori- ties is ample for all purposes of deferme. flittidttthere may be; while- the American l Government. violatesits own laws,.and plays the traitor t0= its neighbors»; but there can, be nothing more. The events 05' the flash thrice days have show-n conclusively that Camtd‘iamvare-prompt todight in defence of ‘ their soik. U'ndisciplined troops, when: bad- ‘ ly led, may giwe way at any time and- in any ‘ place. But the pluck which was. shown at LimeRJd'gerandiin Fort. Eric, is uncon- querable. The bloodi of those who have fallen will not. be shed in vain if it keeps alive in the breast ofthea Canadian people the courage and determination which we have received from our forefathers, and which never were more conspicuously dis- played than during the last three days. While the volunteer force, by their nearneSs to the scene efaciion, were the ï¬rst to meet the raiders, the relrular troops displayed all their wellknown characteristic virtues. The ,order and regularity of their movements. the excellent plans and dispositions of the forces, were the fsubjects of the warmest admiration of all who were close to the scene of operations in the ï¬eld. We only regret that circumstances, entirely unavoidable, did not permit the raiders to come within range of the rifles of the gal- lant 47th and-16th, or that Splendid light infantry regiment, the 60th Rifles, nor of the shells of gallant Col. Hostc’s Arm- strongs. There would nave been no doubt- ful result in that event. “ What will they say in England 7†has often been asked during the last three days. It will be'said, we doubt not, that Canadians are worthy sons of noble sires, and that with the regulars for a backbone. and the volun- teers supplying the rest of the framework, Canada. is safe from all mvadera from v» heresoever they may come. Very Latest from Mon-v treal , THE NUNBER OF F'EMIANS ON THE FRONTIER STATED. A Man‘qu June 7th, 1 A. x. The Telegraph says :â€"-â€"From a specml cor- respondent who reached this by special train. at halfâ€"past six p. m'., We are" enable to_ state, on undoubted authority, that the Feninns between Newport, ut the head of lake Magog and Malone number not less; than ï¬ve thousand. They are encmn’ped at various places within a few miles 0‘? the‘. frontier in squads of various aifle‘s': They: are" mare 091' lessa‘rmd'; but owing; it is iup-' posed So theseiz‘me of arm which has been’ made by the U.’ Magrslml are not‘ thoroughly_ equipped? t ,. .4 ‘L w'.. J Tbgre i's eh’ery' ré’a’sbâ€˜ï¬ fo'llml‘iévethaf til considlemblc‘ "number of them‘ aré's‘llort o{ ummuuimou. Theyure without commissarin?’ artillery or camp (Equipage. Demoraiza‘t‘ion‘ has to noinconslzlcrublc extent set in, whi'ch'isf. Jproved by the fact that a considerable nmhr ber of men have sold their rilles‘ to inlihbii tanks to enable them to purchase food; A‘ c‘onsjderable number have been sold irr’ this? way'a‘t price» rung}ng~fmn?$l~ to $1: 50 each‘; Quite'r.‘ m‘xmber of thes'e rifles" air? now iw r'hty‘ ‘posyession ofuur people on the meédlarrsid“ _ of the line. They are all small boreâ€rifl¢§~of~ Springï¬eld patten, are ma‘ï¬e/t‘l U; S‘. A; 1:464. The number of men who' are scutterJ ed along the roads and: ll} vh‘e‘woodanow, be-‘ tween St. Armmxd-‘agud St, Albums, cannon: Efrem ï¬l‘e" most; rél'inlflle information, exceed? jrmm 1,100 £01,208 men. KILLED AND WOUNDED,â€"QUEEN’9 OWN. Copied by Mr. A. M. Munro, from 3111'“ geon Thorburn’s report :-â€"â€" ' m2“). . Ensign FcEuchren, No; 5; Privn-te _Mc-" Kenzie, Nu. 9 ; TempesyNo. 9; Defriej; No. 3; Aldersou, Nu.‘ 7-; J'. Newburnijb;- Private Cimrle: RP“, N9. 5, shot in knee- joint ,. ... .‘. ‘u 1 Captain Boustead, No. 3, conmsion imp nally. ' Lieutenant Bovans, do.5 gun fleshy Wound. I’riva‘e Winters, No. 3, shot in thigh. Private Lugsdeu, No. 4, shot through shouldm: and lungs; .I Lieu. Campbell, shot in arm, while cheerv' ing on his men. Corporal Paul Rubins. No. 6. Private Rutherford, N o. 6, shot in foot. Private Paul, No. 9, shot in leg. Private Vandersmisseu, No. 9, shot in grom. Priyate Private wound. Private White, No. 10, wounded in um» and lung. , Sergt. Forster,' N0. 7, wounded-in Bike“ Private J. B. Robinson, jmr.,..No.&,:gun-\' flesh WOuUdf since returned-=10 (\Emy. . Ensign Fuhey, No. 1, shetiiï¬-the knee?- I’rivatc Uslery No, lrwovmdeLF-‘iw‘thigh'ï¬- Sergt. Mmhcsw, Emil; sheï¬iiwknec,‘ - Corpmal‘backey; N0. 2, sho'ï¬â€˜iwmut-hï¬- leg A~ gpnuemm- wflo sï¬ï¬‚'ered » for win {rum Nervous nnd Genital Debilil)“; Nighlly'i- RM sions. and seminal Weuk‘iwsu; um rank of youthful indiscrotion', and came nur onding ‘ 'X‘t-im'nopmw minty, wim‘at, for the uko ’c ï¬ring mm». send to any one a ï¬liclod'. 1h. simple means used by him, which offeclod u cure in n few weeks. afier the failure of II- mcrous medicines. Send a directad envolopo and [on cams and it will cost you nothing. Address. Emma 'l'mcnum, Station L. 1231b New York city. III-95 Youthful Indiscretiom In all Soxnnl Diseases, as Gonorrhel, Stric- lmo, Gleol, and in all Urinary uld Kidney colnpluilns. they act like a charm. llalioï¬ is expariencod by takings: single box: and [run luur w six boxes generallv drum. a cum. If you need the Pills, cut out this IdVOIï¬FO-- (mom for rafomnue, and if you cannot procurv hem of your drugglsl, do not be impound an ‘yn any other rcnmly, but oncIoso the money in n; letter to Dr. J, Buns. Consulting Physicin 442 Broadway, New York, Box. 5(l79,nnd Khr- will be son), to you secure from ohsarvali‘n, bv- rolurn mail. on receipt of tho monoy. 13-25. Said in boxes containing 60 pfl‘l‘l, Prin'Olo Dullar, or six buns, F‘iuo Doilnrs: aim, in large buxm, containing four of the "III", Price Three Dollars. Plum“: CHICUIARS to Gentlemen only. soul tree on receipt of directed envelope: and. sump, _._. ‘ .. . . .o The Greatest Medicine of the Age; regulate the Stomach. Liver and Billinry So-v crelions, which is um chief cause of Nervous- uess, Giddiness. Uimnoss of Sight, Hendncho Sick Stomach and olhar kindred complaint! are adapted for all ages and constitution-h They are compased of the active principles of: Herbs and Roots, culled from our ï¬eldl nndq forests. They are mild bpt cerlnin in their operationâ€"producing neither cramps, piping" pains or sickness. 'l'hay may be taken 5’ till ages, sexes or candilious without fear. Bryan's Life Pills. Cure Hendacho. Bryan‘s Life Pills. Cum Sick Stomach. Bryan's Life Pills. Cure Giddinosn. Bryan’s Life Pills, Purify the Blood. A Box of Bryan's Life Pills will call but! TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. and will uccon~ plith all that is represented. A sure antidote for Bicknenu, and a lei-go- from Sunnuw. PAIN anJ Dmcun. aroiudmilled to be the Best Family Mrdicin for general usu, Purifying the Blood and clglll ing the aysmm From all impurity, If you wish Bryan’s Life Pills, and eunnot get them of y wur druggist. dont take my other, but send Twenty-ï¬ve cents in a loner lo the propriozor, and you will get tham by "turn a mail. Address, Dr. J. BRYAN. 442 Broudwuv Bryan’s Life Pills, Entxrely Veggtn'blo; Fiï¬-1;; 1;;gélegn;ltly put up bv the proprietor, the inventor of Bryan's I’ulmum'a anan. I medicine long and favorably known to “I. American Nation. The most infallible and popular re medy "or known, fdr I“ diseases of the female I“. They havo been used in mnny lhousnud cues with unfailing successâ€"and may be relied on in every case for which uhey are roéomluendod, and particularly in all gases mising frog ‘ New York. 1301:5079. Dr Harvey’s Female Pills, Hundredl of Certiï¬cates our be Show. They havc been used by thousands wilh succu- Eolour-Sergeant McHandâ€˜ï¬ No. 10, um; Important to LJD1E&.. Prié'lte ’l‘hompgén, No.12, shmlihlneck;- Private Mum-Nu. 10,: Mm disbeï¬Ã©Ã©g E‘FlflORSi O-P‘ YOU-TH;- Bryan’s Life Pills, Purify the Blood. OFFICIAL LIST Patterson, No 9, knee Wound. Kingsford, No 9, shot in calf Bryan's Life Pills. wommm.