Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 8 Jun 1866, p. 4

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THE Bnlrrsn Uxiox JACKâ€"The Union? Jack, that “Meteor Flag of England, ” is‘ nowa combination of the Crosses ofS S. George, Andrew, and Patrick, which com- ,bined represent the three kindoms united 3: {higher the sway of the Crown of England. The original Union Jack was formed of the Cosses of S S. George and Andrew, and declared to be the national ensign by James 1. on the union of the kingdoms of « England and Scotland. But at the begin- ning of the present century, 1801, when Ire- land was united to the kingdoms of. Great Britain, it became necessary to add the Cross of St. Patrick. The presentJack is blamin- ed as follows :â€"â€"“ On a field azure, the cross saltirc of St. Andrew argent, surmounted by that of St. Patrick gules, over all the cross of St. George fimbriated ot'the second. The union jack is only used on flags, except 'on the shield placed _by the side otithe figure of Britannia (there are two US for Britanna- rium on the copper coins,- but only one on the silver) on the pennies and mufflennies. It was granted as an honorable augmenta» tion to the late Duke of Wellington to be borne on a. shield of pretence. The term jack is supposed to‘ have originated from Jaques, the French" words for James, the monarch who first ordered its use. In spite of all the world can say, My soul is honest, my life white; I worthy your belief, as when You kissed me by the fire one night. The hand yoil held against your heart, The happy lips that yours have kissed, Have written naught, said nought, but words Worthy true love's Evangelist. The clouds will pass away at last The dear old sunshine come again - The grass grow greener, and the biré Siugzall the sweeter after rain. I loved you, and 1 have not erred, My whole life is an open book; Forgetting is not written there, 'Not sinuingâ€"if they would but look. A strange cause is assigned for Grihaldi leaving Calm-era, which had been associated with the probability of an Italian attack on Venetm. It is now said that the liberator’s sudden flight was occasioned by a notifica- tion he received from Head-Centre Stephens that he was coming to see the General. PERSEVERANCE-â€"lf you wish to do good, do good; if you Wish to assist people, assist people. The only way to learn to do a thing is to do '11 ; and Iliat implies before you learn to do right you will do wrongâ€"you will make blunders, you will have failuresâ€"but perse- Vere, and in the end you will learn your lesson, and many other les- sons by the way. A rich man by the name of Hopp was re- cently tried in Chicago for the deliberate murder of his wife. He was acquitted on the plea of insanity. A motion was made 10 hold himin confinement as lunatic, when the Judge decided that as he was insane only on the one subject ofhis wife’s alleged infidelity, and as he had removed that case of mental disturbance. he was asafe man in the community and must be discharged! Gen- tleman whose wives have become an incum- branee will make a man. A GlANT RADISII.â€"Tl)e Pall Illall Gazelle saysâ€"“ The last new thing in vegetables is really quite a startling wonder. Think of a radish with seedpots about three feetlong, and sometimes growing five or six inches in f01n--and-twenty hours. We cam think of nothing like it except Jack’s immortal beanv stalk, which arthentieully described plant is nevertheless not spoken of as good to eat, whereas this radish is said to be as palatable as it is monstrous. The plant comes from Java, but we are told that it has been fairly tried in the open ground in England, and Succeeds prefectly well. To add to its merits, its pods are ready for use in less than three months after the seed is sown.” Loconomensâ€"Traveling clears the mind from the stains contracted in our evrryday- labors, as washing purities the body. A certain degree of sluggishness is insepara- ble from a skin insensitive to dirt. The per.- shirt, and helives with some truth that abs-tin ence who lives for months in one [Torn wash- ing saves not only soap, but clothing, lives also contentedly in the same corner of the same hut for days and months. He never feels the want of locomotion. Whatever may be the physiological explanation of the fact, a man with a clean and healthy skin generally finds continuance in one place un- bearable. A German wholeads aeompara- tively torpid existence does not require to freshen himself up either by unnecessary clearing, or by change of place ;he likes to let the dust accumulate. It is said that a disninguished professor once announced the discovery of a new cure to rival the grape. cure or the water-cure ; to his anxious and inquiring friends he announced the secret of his discovery in the emphatic wordsâ€"Ic/z wasnlw mic]; .‘ but the practice of the new treatment does not scem to have spread very rapidly. The more restless Englilnnan surprises foreigners by intruding himself and his tub into every corner of the continent, and it is to be hoped that he will gradually carry the infection of his pratices t0 races still insensiblc to their merits. ANOTHER DARIXG ROBBERY Ix GUELPH. â€"Still the horse thieves prowl about us7 and despite the warnings they receive from the capture and punishment of their compeers, and the proverbial sniartness of our cou- stabulury, they carry on their desperate game with marvellous frequency and elt'rouâ€" tery. On Thursday night or Eriduy morn- ing, a. iellow named John Lee, hailingr from Mulmer, Simcoe, with an iron lmr, broke open the door of Mr. John Hewer's (Crown Inn) stables, passed in to one of the stalls, and t)0k thence 51 line large sorrel nun-e, harnessed her, and pickingr out the best buggy he could see, drove quietly from the premises. He is evidently 2m adapt in the “(Hustle whole éttl‘hir being managed silently and with consummate skill. The inn 'us not closed till midnight, but when Mr. Hewu went out shortly ut‘ter daylight, not the slightest trace of mere, rogue, harness, buffalo, robe, or buggy could be seen. He immediately informed the Police Chiel'of the matter, and inquiries were made which resulted ’11 a telegram being sent to George. town for tlte stoppuge of the fugitive. The order V\ as attended to without delay, and when Mr. H. went down on Saturday morn- ing, he found him safely in charge (if ft eon- stuhle. awaiting .im at Thompson’s Hotel. '" 1" “‘ ‘ is a hi1" 'lv. 'Y‘I'P\€V(3:i ltl“\‘ril in“ IN EXILE ‘,""1}', gm} eyezl W. WHARIN & CO. Watches, Blacks, and Jewelry. The unantion of 'he Publicfiisy imvtod to their Slack, ceusim‘ing of a great variety of CHOICE AND FANCY GOODS, Careful aunminu given to the repairing of anhes ant‘ Clocks Jewelry manufactured and Rmmirnd. N0. ll. King Street East, 6 doors east of Yonge Strnet. Toronto, Apri} 26, 1866. Richmnnd Hill Burying Grnnnd! PUBLIC NOTICE LL pariies having ground enclosad or marked nfi' as family buriing grounds, are horch notified that such enclosed or marked ground. not occupied with gravesâ€" cannot he secured unless the sum of two dollars fureach unopened grave bef rlhwllh paid fur. a limited number. say six graves. 3N9 lbeteacli.as1lm maxiomum can only be secured by one family. Of the bes? dosr‘nipxion and w est designs. When paymant is made in accordance with (he abuve it will be considered pavment only for the first opening of a grave and a reâ€"open- ing of a grave will be subject to u. new charge. such charge to be regulated by [he congrega- tion at annual meetings. The \rnstees will imt hold themtivns re- sponsiblo after this notice, should burials take place on marked of" ground, unloss the above regulations ore complied with. Richde Hill, March 9. 1866. W. G. CASTELL CONFECTIONARY! W. G. C. calls at all the Stores between Toronto and Richmond Hill every two weeks. and supplies Confectionary of all kinds at the Lowest Wholesales prices. Toronto, July 20, 1865. WATCHES, CLOCKS, AN D FINE JE‘VELRY. 113,-E~.YONGE St, TORONTO my Jlfasmu'c and other :Emblems made to order. Toronto, Anril 27, 1866. GORMLEY & FERBIS Licensed Auctioneers: HIS ASSOCIATION has transferred their LIBRARY to the ‘ Hmuu) ’ Book Store. where Stockholders and others may u‘ocure BOOKS mrery Friday afternoon, from “0 3 o'clock. PM. A. SCOTT, Librarian. Richmond Hill, Juno 9. 1865. l-tf ELECTRO-PLATEDV WARE, C‘UTLERY, &c., &c. EDW. SANDERSON, LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Residence-a-Lot 20, rear of 3rd Concession of Markham. P.0.Addressâ€"-Buttonville. Parfins requiring Mr. Sanderson’s services can make arrangements at the HERALD oflice. Counties of York and Peel. January 4, 1:65, LARGE HALL is connected with this 1\ Hotel for Assemblies, Balls, Concerts, Meetings. &c. Every attention paid to the convenience and eoxnfort of Travellers. Richmond Hill Hotel : A Stage leaves: this Hotel ovary morning for Toronto, at 7, a.m.; returning, leaves Toronto a| half-past 3 p.m. Gnod Slabling and a careful Hustler always ltendance. Supplied on the best and Xowast terms. at Bond Words, Sunday Magazine FOR MARCH AND OTHER g a pri- “IT’S, \ 1TH Thrae Acres of Land. good Barn, ’ Stablns. Cow-house. Orchard. Wells of Hard and Sofi Water. and other conveniences. eimawd eu 10148. lst Con. Vaughnn.â€"Mill street, Richmond Hill. The Commercial Hotel. Rich’d Hill. Jan. 25. 1866. Richmond Hill. June. 1864 HOUSE & LOT FOR SALE ORTORENT. H. LEMON, PROPRIETOR. First class Slabling and careful attendance.â€" ‘l‘orms moderate. HE PubHc are caulior ed not to negociate . fur a Nola drawn in favor of MARGAsz lmu' by WILLIAM F'Rlsnv, for the sum of $30 50 nenls, damn Markham. Octobp' l5. l865, up! Im‘cublc mm year “(fer data, as Hm same r g u: wsz ‘ms hrmn flown-dd Toronto, Feb. 6, 1866. RICHMOND HILL LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. Standard Periodicals. Apply on the premises to PURE A ND UNA DULTE RATED 363 Yonge Street, Toronto. J. SEGSWORTH, A‘ote of Hand Lost. IMPOR’I‘EHS AND DEALERS IN THOMAS COOK, Proprietor- Nelson Street, Toronto. MANUFACTURER 0F GEO. P. DICKSON. Rxcnmoup HxLL. IMI’ORTER 0F FOR THE UNITED JOHN DE LA HAY. Secretary. 40-4w (A 34-3m 31 HE Subscriber bags 10 inform the Public llmt he has leased the above Holol. whel‘elle willkeop constantly on hand a good supply of first-class Liquors, &c. As this house possesses every accommodation Tra- vel.ers can desire. those who wish losmy where they can find every comfort are respectfully in- vited to give him'ia call. Richmond Hill. Dec. 1865. BESIRBBLESHT LET HE SHOP adjoining the " Herald” . 0mm- wil he let for a long or shun. term or years. There is a good opening for a Watchmaker or Tinsmim. Apply" at lhis Oflice. Richmond “in, April 13. 45 YON GE STREET. DOLMACE’S HOTEL, HE Aavnrliser ofiers For Sale his Eerm. of 50 (soles, on Yonge St'eel, about han‘- .L of 50 (soles, on Yonge Sr way between Richmond Hill or he will 501146 achs with m and Farm Buiidiugs, SMALL FARM ! TERMS :â€"A small payment down, and a hug Lime to pay the balance ifrequlred. PRICE:-â€"For \ha 46 acres. wnh Farm House and build‘llgs, $68 dollars an acre. Possession can be had on [st April, 1866. N. :B.‘â€"-A BAY MATTE, 6 years old for Sale. (on time if requiwd‘) March 16th, 1866. RICHMOND HILL Cabinet Establishment. HOMAS COGHLAN begs to inform the inhabitants of Richmond HM and sur- .I. inhabitants of Richmond HM and sur- rounding counlr)‘. that he has leased. ‘or a number of years. the Cabinet Shop and Store from Mr. \Vebber. where he will manufacture and keep on hand a good assortment of Household 13‘m'niturc, Chairs. Tables, Bedstands, Bureaus, Cupboards, Drawing Stands, &c , which he offers at extremely low prices. Also n large assortment of Room Paper, Bordering. White Lend. Paints and ('olor. Raw and Boiled Linseed Uil, Machine Oil. Rock Oil. Varnish. ’l‘urpemine, Benzene, Glass. Putty, Glue, &c., &.c Parties Furnish- ing. l’apering, or Painting their houses, will do well to call before purchaaing elsewhere. “'here he will keep on hand Flour, Shorts, Bran, Oats. Pause, Oatmeal. Common]. Buck whem. Bacon. Hams. Choesn, Fish. and Gene- rul Groceries of the Best Qua‘ily, for sale, at Prices that cannot be surpassed. FLOUR, FEED, Provision and Grocery Stony Richmond H311, Jan. 12,1866. DR. N. J. PECK, SURGEON DENTIST ! ESPECTFULLY announces that he has changed his time 01' visitingthe following places, and afterthls date will be (Sundays excepted) la Stoufl‘vine . . .. . . . . . . .‘ 18m ofeacll mn Brnugham . . . .. . . v . . w . .19Ll1 “ Markham Village.........‘21)1h ” Brown’s Corners..........‘21=t ” Thmnhill........h......93rd “ Richmond Hill. ..........Q4th " Maple . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26!!) " Bnrwi(:k.. . . . . . . . . . unflfllh " Kleinlmrg...............5291l1 -" Nubleton. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3llth “ Lnskey . . . . . . . . . . . . .3lst " Aurora . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1st “ Sutton”... . . . . . . ... . 3i'd “ Where he will attend to any business mining to nny branch of his profession BEAEIIN’S FAMILY MEDIEENES Aurora, June 7, 1865‘ The safest and best Medicines in use in Canada. G. Ac BARNARB ASZhaen appointed agent, for the County of York, for xhe above valuable Modi- vines. which have been before the Canadian public (or the past seven years. and hnv-= given universal satisfactionâ€"he can thnz'el'mo. with confidence. recomnmnd (hundreds of Teslivno nials could be given if roqnlred, shewng Um benefit derived therefrom.) their use for llxoir several virtues. Act gently 3'6”. sfl‘eclnaHy: may be taken dur- ing any employnmut, at any lime, and even by the most delicate female. DEACON’S S'I'OMACHIC VEGITABLE BITTERS, As a general Tonic, or Strengthening Medi' cine to brace and invigorate the frame, none can be better. DEACON’S PI LE OINTMENT. A soothing and astringent applimfion ; and, a9 tar as an applicatinn mm. he of anv mrvice, more soothing and much more astringent. than any hillmrto prepared. The majority of cases find speedy relief bv its use. DEACON’S FAMILY VEGlTABLE PILLS DEACON’S WORKING MAN’S FRIEND OIL HEAL ALL. An excellent remedy for Rheumatism, Erysi- polas, Strains. Eruises, Cuts, Uhi‘hlnina. Sore Throat. and violent Pains In Back or Side, the effects of me Heal All in 'he above cases are astonishing, frequently removing all pain in a few hours. DEACON’S VEGI'I‘ABLE COUGH PILLS One or two Doses generally remove the cold. DEACON’S Mixture for Cholera, Dinrrhmn, and Summer Cnmplainls, eqml in if not bel- ler than any other medmine made. For Cuts, Cracked Heels. and all kinds of sores on Horses and Caitle. DEACON’S E'Ernplive Ointment for all kind ofskin diseases. DEACON’S unrivalled Cough B115am,for Coughs, Colds. Consumption. Asthma. due. MELE SflClETY EPENSETQRY DEACON’S Antibillious l’iHs. None bel- teriu use. RICHMOND HILL, August 10 1865. He would also call attention to his QHQTT'R‘ “I LATE VAN NOSTRAND’S, no am .. ,m Village.........§ sCorners.......--~ ill.... lrg. n........ DEACON’S LINIMENT, FOR SALE ON G. J. F. PEARCE Lot 39, 1st Con. Vaughmm BOOK STORF. . . ‘ ' 18m ofeach month. .~ ..]9Lh “ '- . . . ..‘2mh ” -‘ .....‘21=t ” " .....Q3rd “ " .....Q4th " “ 3 Sheet, about hair'- Hill and 'l‘hornhill I] ‘he Farm House 26m .Qth .5291!) .Bmh .3lst 28-“ Ill-Gm. l-tf per- 'AVING been, appointed Agent for this Company,oneruf Hm oldest and most Irenalrle English Companies,l will. be happy to affect assuranco against Loss or damage by Fire. upon evuJy description: of properly, at A70. 7, Regal Emchnge, COMM”, and ZVO- 7, Pall Mall, London. lu’ndnn Fire fissurance Bumpany, Incorporated by ROYAL Charm-1', in 1720. The LowestPOSSIBLE RATES, G; 'A. BABNARD, Agent. For Newmarkct; Aurora, Markham and Richmond Hill. Riihmond Hill. March 14m. DENTISTRY. w. c. ADAMS, D. D. 5-, DEAR CHURCH STREET, : f_ S prepared to wait upon {my who need his professional services in order to preserve thr‘ir tooth, or relieve suffering and supply new tenth in the mosl approvedstyle. Also to regu- lpte the (oath of those who need it. ; » Consullallon free. and all work warranted; GLO WCES’E‘E R €10 RISE: YONGE STREET. Jos- Gaby, Preprietor. With immodia‘e'paymem of all Lossgs. Good Stabliug and an attentive hos always 11 attendance. Februaw 5.. 1866 DR. T. 0.,CULVER’S MEDICAL DISPENSABY, Bhrsnis and Secret Diseases, OUNG MEN who are troubled Wilh . weaknesx generally, caused by a bad habit in youth. which produces constitutional dehHily. you can wk on our remedies, for we have (l'ealud over fifty thousand patients. and We guarantee a perfect cure in all cases_ IMPORTANT TO LADIES. Our Periodical drops will brng on the monthly sickness. in all cases of obstruction fyom any cause, and after all omer remedies of the kind have been tried in vain. NEW REMHHUZS AN” QUICK CUREs.-Fol" Syphilis Sll’ictnres,seminal weakness. pains in tho jomts, afi'eclions of the kidncvs. diseases of the head. throat, nose and skin. and all those dreadful afi'r-ctions arising from a secret habit of youth, which produch constitutional debility, renders maninge impossible, and in We end destroys box-h body gndmind. The treatment We adopt is the result of upwards of thirty years experience and successful practice in Europe and America. . Addressâ€"Dr. T. C. Cuban-139. King St. East, Toronto, C. \V, May 7,1866. 49-1)’ $150 PERJ’IQNIH. AGENTS WANTED. [IE GRANITE STATE Faxnxly*'Sewing Machine is now pl'asenlcd t0 the people of Canada possessing all the improvements that ran be wellgconfined in a sewingmachino. It will accomplish every description of sewing except l‘ntion holes. from an overcoat down to the finest silks and muslius. This machine sells for only $l5, and is really worth $50, in any Family. Every machine warranted and kept in repair free of charge for three years,â€" All machines sold in Canada are mannlecture at the co‘npnny’s branch mannfactory in Tor- onto. Single Machines, with full printed directions. snnt express free on recoipt of$15 in a registered letter. Full printed directions accompany each machine. so plain {hat a child iwelve years of age can learn to work one successfully in a short time. Address or call on The Granite State Sewing Machine Company, June. 1865. WHEREAS there exists in the neighbor- hood very strong indications that OIL exigts in paying quantities in several locali- ties, it is highly desirabie 11mt a Company should he Psxahlithed to test, the matter, and obtain it. if posmble. R. 'I‘. RUSH &, (70., Canada Manufactur- ers. H King Street Enst, 'l‘oronm. C. W. Heac Offices in in Great Britain and Canada, London. England. Glasgow, Montreal and 'l‘oronto. P. S.â€" Good agents wanted in everv part 0 file counlrv to whom will paid a salary from $50 10 $150 per month, or a large cmumission. Terms to agents sen. free to those wishing agencies. Since in the opinion of mnnv well quali- fied to judge, SIGNS OF' OIL of a most encouraging character exist in the greatest abundance on Mr. Klink’sfarm, 13; miles east of Gamble’s toll-gate. It is proposed 10 sink a. well there, as being the place most favorable for operations. As the successful prosecution ofthe en- ferprlsc will confer untold adyantages of wealth and prosperity on our village and neighborhood, it is hoped that suflicient sup- port and encouragement may be giveri to justif‘y its prostacntion, TTill, ‘CW. :10, 15.55. 51‘ m n PETROLEUM UIL COMPANY ! The capital of the Company is to be $2,000; in 40 shares of $50 each; two shares entitles any member to become a di- rector. The Land can lie ohiainerl for ten years, for one-tenth of Um ()il. Ten acres have already been leased to secure the site. The probable cost of sinking the well will be about 532,000, about one-half of which will be requier to procure material, and go on with the work. 95 King Street East, Toronto. Toronto, March 23rd. 1866. Togomwo, PROSPECTUS UNFOR’TUN ATES READ ! Over 139, King Street East, And all Famzfla Complai ts. (Late Thomas Coates,) OF THE RICHMOND HILL For the cure of 01“ rm 1:26 41-Iy 44-1)’ (A Eff}?! EMPLBYMBNT run nvnnvnnnv. Agents Wanted {throughoul Ihb Ui'lited Stat and Canadas. Watches, Chains, Sets'of' Jéwelry, Rings.Pin Bracelets. Sleeve Buttons. Silver Spoons and Forks. Cups. Cako Buskols, 6w. worth Elght Hundred '1 hou- « guild Dollars. 1 The ‘En‘tire Stqclfifbf a large Imromma Hovsx retiring from businoss. ' ~ For”!!! purpose of closing out the stock a. the earliest possible date, the undersigned havn decided on a grealdistribulion made as follows. EACH AND EVERY ARTICLE, no MATTER no“ VALUABLE, BEING SOLD Fm: . .JA) Certificate of each article with its value printed upon it. is placed in ,nn envelope and sealedâ€"these envelopes are thoroughly mixed and sold for Timmy-five Cents eachâ€"the per- :son receiving one of these enveluposie entitled to the article named therein by returning tlw Certificate to us with one dollar. and the article. no matter how vxiluable it may be, will be for- wnrded. to hint or her ‘at once, There amino“ Blnttk Certificates and therefore every one is sure logot. at least. the full value of his or her money. Should the article named on the cor ’tificate not suit,any other which he may select of the same value will be substituted. We sell the certificates as follows: ‘ One-Tor £25 cts. five for ‘51, flavor! for lhmv for $5, sifly-five for $10, 6pm hundred~ for $15. This dislribulioxf affords i; fine opporâ€" tunity for Agents, as{whnt lady or gentleman will not invest TWEN'I‘Y'FINE mum's wnh a pros- pect of getting five hundred or a‘ thousand times as much. All orders must be addressed 10 us at our old stand No. 15 Maiden Lane, New York. » 3.000 n u H 3.000 Gold Oval Band Bracelets. 1.000 Chased Gold Bracal'et . - . . . . ' 2.000 Chatelaine Chains and Watches .... .... . ...... 300 Ladies’Gold and Enameled- Case \anches.... .... . . . IGUO Gouls' Hunting-Case Sil- ver Watches........ 200 Diamond Rings. . . . . . . . . . 3,000 Gold Vest and Neck Chains Guard Chains . . . . . . . . . . . 6,000 Solitaire and Gold Brooches 2.000 Lava and Floremine Broouhes............... 4 2.000 Coral. Opal and Emerald Brooches............... 4 2,000 Mosaic. Jet. Lava. and Florentine Ear Drops . . . . 4 4,500 Coral. Opal. and Emerald _ EarDrops............._ 4 4,,000r'Chlifornia Diamond Breast l"ins.... .... .......=. ... 250 3,000 Gold Fob and Vest lVatch Keys...... . . . . . . .......Q50 4.000 Fol) and Vest Ribbon S ides 3 4.000 Sms of Solitaire bleove Bul- tons,Studs, etc . . . . . ..... . 3 3,000 Gold Thimbles, l’encilsmtc 4 6J|00 Miniature Lockets . . . . . . . . 2 50 4,000 Miniature Locketsâ€"Magic Spring .... ... ...7. . 3,000 Gold 'l'oothpicks. Crosses, etc 5.000 Plain Gold Rings. . . . . . . . . 5.000 Chused Gold Rings . . . . . . . 8,000 Stone Set and Signet Rings‘ 83000'Califomia Diamond Rings. and Gold........ ..V.. 6.000 Sets Ladies’ Jewelryâ€" Cameo, Pearl. etc . . . . . . . . 6,000 Gold Pensfiilver Extension Holders and Pencils . . . . . . 6,000 Gold Pens and Gold Moun- ted llolders.... .u. .... . 5,000 Gold Pens and Gold Exten- Biol] Holders.... .... .... 5,000 Silver Goblets and Drink- ing (‘nps .......... .... 3,000 Silver Casters” . . . . . . . . . . 2,000 Silver Fruit and Cake Baskets .... .... .... , PER Dozr'N. 5,000 Dozen Silver Tea-Spoons. $10 |o $20 5,000 “ “ Table Spoons ALL OF “'HICH ARE TO BE SOI‘b FOR EACH. 7;.500 Seig bardries’ Jewelry~§381 AGENTSâ€"We want agents in every regi- ment, and in every town and county in the country, and those acting as such will be allow- ed 10 cents on every Canificate ordered by them. provided their remittance amounts to one dollar. Agents will collect ‘25 cents for every Certificate. and remii 15 cents to us. (B’Write plainly, say only what is necessary and be prompt. Address, 300 ants’ Gold Hunting Case BOQKS! {inns ;’ ‘ 'I‘he ' Great Comforwr;’ ' The Morning Sacrfice :’ ‘ The Evening Sacrificefl and 'Words of Comfort. or Solace in Sorrow.’ cloth limp............... . .....12§ ctaench, Richmond Hil June 1”. WV: I,“ No. 15 Maiden Lane, New York June 9, 1865. k-3m and F'r/rks; GIRARFJ \‘v‘. DEVAUGU & C0.. LIST OF A RTICLES. 8004500 . . . . . $50 to $15‘ J 0 l5 20 u 70 1m 31) 7“ 100 HI 20 l5 10 l'The‘ Ybrk’ “Ha-51d: Bfififi Orders yfo the an of‘ undermentioned deucrip- tion of IJflLllllEl] J 1B W“ BOOKS, FANCY BILLS, PAMPIILE'I‘S AND LARGE AND SMALL POSTERS, 05" QEDEBS PROMPTLY EXELUTE ~63 “WEE Letter-Press" Printing. Fe: Cardm, &c jug! necked. Is entirely newjand of 'tho latest Interns. Jurge Variety of new m E'STABLISEENT. BUSINESS CARDSg WiH ‘~o prompny altéfidod l. :â€" CHEAP JOB OUR ASSORTMENT 0F PLAIN And ovary other kind of CIRCULARS, BLANK CHECKS, 'AND LAW ‘FORMS, AND DRAFTS, BILL HEADS V THE YORK HERALD Bfl’llK, STATINEBY, FANCY STORE. SBIENCE, RELIGION, POETRY, MEDICINE AND MUSIC. NEW. LIST OF BOOKS HE Proprietor of the above Establishment begs‘tu can the attention of the Inhabit.- ants of then Hill and neighhorhoud. lo the recent. ndditionsmado to his stock of Interesting and Readable Books, being a superior class of lite- r-ture by the most eminent authors of well- .known repumlion and popularity. God‘s Glory in the Heavensâ€"By Wm, Leitch. lfnfillfifiphl of Queen’a Colioge. Canada, $l.50i . > Good Wordsâ€"vols. for 1861 and 1862. $1.87; each. Prayillg'and Workingâ€"By Rev. Wm. Steven- son. {'37} cts, My Ministerial Experience â€"By Rev. 'Dr. Buchsal. 87; cls. Parish Papersâ€"By Norman McLeod, D.D., B7} cts. Thu Graver Thoughts of a Country Parsonâ€" 87; cls. . Burnsy Poems. 12mo. cloth. gilt edges~50cts. The New Life â€"By Bushna”. |2mo cloth. 40045 The “302k 9f Family Worshipâ€"By Bev. W. B. Clark. 50 cm. Forty Years Experience in a Sunday Schoolâ€" By Tyng. 40013. ' Buchan'a Domestic Medicine, cheap édition. only 50 015. ‘- The Canadian Sunday School Recilerâ€"IO cts. Rah and his Friendsâ€"6 cts. Bunynn’s Pilgrims Progressâ€"30 cls. . The Scotlish I’sahnody, in Tonic.Solfa Nola- ionâ€"925013. . > I Songs of Zion. with Tonic Solfa Notation- 3cm. Thomson’s Land and the Book-32. Churgt} Ifruyer Books. Biblos. Testamenta. at all prine's. Adventures in the Gold Fieldsâ€"-25 cts. The Waverly Novelsâ€"30 cts. The Wreck Ashoreâ€"40 018. The Roving Englishmanâ€"525 cts. The Romance of Common Life-«50 cls. 'I‘ha Forty-five Guardsmen-«5,0 cls. The War, or Voices from the Ranksâ€"5:5 cts. lliflemen and Riflesâ€"-â€"25 cls. FANCY STATIONERY. Albums for 12 Portraits, 3U cts, Albums for ‘24 Porlrults. 3]. Albums for 2‘4 Portraits, (Cape Morocco.) $l . 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