' Floor 39 lulu... .... » .tgmnmtt. ‘ '(if Laird. a portion of which is Garden. iiii iii " SHADES _} Richmond Hill, . w.P. RICHMOND, I W. H. ,BOOTS s [an EMAINING in the Richmond Hill Post . _ .: .. _. Mm... -_'-._...‘ ‘ In: ruin: urninn'inusrn'guppml 'fln an'aluablo treatisepf ")0 pages. by DrJ. ' HIrVey. published tor the beneï¬t of the sex. On receipt of ’I‘wonty cents, it will he sent pout pa id. in a sealed entrelope to till who ap- ply for it.- Address. Dr. J Burn. 442 Broad- my New York. llox 5079, ly-‘25 Obstruction or Stoppage of Nature, no matter from what cause it «ï¬rs. They or! o'ï¬â€™eclual iii festoring to health all who are oufl'oring from Weakness, and Llebility, Utero inn Discharges, Nervnusncss. &c., &c., &c.. And they “ Act like a charm." in strengilien~ in: the system. ’l'housands of Indles who have sutl'ered for years and tried various other tarnodiesln vnin' owe a renewal of their health and strength wholly to the efï¬cacy of Dr. Harvey’s Female hills. They are perfecrly harmless on the system. may be taken at anytime with perfect solely: but during the early stages of Prignuncy they llumld no! he tnlmt. or u vitiscarrmge may be (In result. 'l'hey netter cause any sickness. pain or distress. Each box contains 60 Pills, l’rico one dollar. Dr. Harvey's Golden Pills. A remedy for special 'cases, four degrees 'tronzer than the above; price Five Dollars per box. ' ’ A vatrr: CIRCULAR to Ladies with ï¬ne Inntomicnl engravings. sent free on receipt of directed envelope and stamp. ‘ UCut this out if you desire Dr. Harvey'- fills. and if you cannot procure them of your ,druggist. do not trike any other. for some deal- ire who are unprincipled will recommend other Female Pills, they can make a larger proï¬t on, h-bttt cncloae the money and send direct to ‘1'". .‘l. Buvu. Consulting Physician, Box 50 9. «.49 Broadway. New York, and you will receive 't‘lmn securely sealed from observation. by re- ‘trro mail. Iy 25 .â€" GIIAI) N EW’S , conduit: vnronrunitn. They be Used Without Detection. .ï¬d do not interfere with business pursuits, and No change of Diet is necussarv. BELL’S SPECIFIC PILLS ! .Aro Warranted in all cases. for the SPEEDY and ‘ ‘ Tamnurm'r Con: ol Sen-nail Weakness. Url'lh- "Iel and Vaginal l)i~charges. Gloet. Soxual De- bility and diseases of tho Bladder and Kidneys , They are adapted for male or female, old or young. and are 'the only reliable known for the ruin of all diseases arising from K TORONTO ‘M mums. ’ 7 Toronto, June 14. “Nat-'6 on @ $7 50 .... I ‘all Wheat 3),?) lrnslrel........ I ‘3†(@ l 80 “Spring W'theat do ........ l 35 -@ l 45 :Bnriev do ........ o 4.; @ o 55 Peace do ........ 0 6t) @ 0 7'? 0m . do n 3-2 @ 0 33 , Portion do ........ 0 '25 (a; 0 35 Hay-Winn ................. 7000731" (:0 straw do ................. {i ll“ ((3 S 0" "ulna-'19 lb ........ o 33 @ o 24 ngoiï¬ldolun ...o ltl@ oil Applesï¬brl ........ . . . . . . 150 Q 9. 0t) 'VVOUI..u...................033ï¬D 035 l nun anorrtismtcuts. DESIRABLE RESIDENCE AT RICHMOND HILL, intuit OH in it til! 7,. HF. lliidrrsigm-d is instructed by the pro- †pt'uptir‘t‘m' ’rn (ill-«'1' FOR SALE or TO LET. tho Village In)! rind Buildings forâ€" merly owned and occupied :by Mr. JOSEPH 'l into is ï¬VP-elglllllï¬ of an Acre 'l‘he Dwelling-louse is in good order and ve-ry cun- venir-nt: it contains a l’arlttr. Dining room, Kitchen. Stow-room and ï¬ve lied-rooms.â€" There are also coinnindio-us Out buildings. .Siabling, the . and a good supply of Hard and #oft Water on the prctiiises. For Terms, applg to M. TICEFY, , Land 51 General Agent. 'Ric hmon'd Hill. lute l3. ldGG. 5441‘ DO NOT FORGET Twrnns '13 Selling his S T 0 C K O 1‘ AND as. I AT THE LOWEST CASH PRICES. List of Letters Olï¬te. on lst June. 1866 : llellerby Isaac Marshall Mrs ()osgvove Bernard (Q) ll’limiessoy Arthur. Clark Joseph Bell Marsh Warren. Clary Mrs. ’ @Miller James B. l‘urran I‘homas Rutherford James Davidson, Widow A‘GRankin James Gaby-Joseph Stevenson Samuel Gregory D (3) Simpson James (2) Cnarles Gray 'l'lioinpson Thomas 'Grant George ( 5) Webber Mr. Edwin Hooter. Widow Marv \onng Mrs. Margret Langstafl' John (2) *1 M. TEEFY. RM. i That every House wants. are those NEW» STYLE WINWDOW That are now manufactured at Which for Neatness and Durabilitv, Cannot be Excelle ! By any now in use. census the undersiold, Iior surpassed by any , north of 'l'oronto. Home; Manufactures l numerous Customers and Friends for their liberal support during the poi-t nine years, would beg to intimate thathe is prepared to , manufacture Boots and Shoes of every descrip- tions from the best materials. and aftor the most fashionable style. He hopes by strict at- tention to business, combined with moderate P'ICOS to ensure a continuance of their favour. All orders attended to promptly. Work warranted, Residence 6 doors north of Mr. Ceosbys late stand. JAMES VERNEY. Richmond lllll, June l'si 1566. ’ 5;! 3m PUBLIC The entire STOCK IN TRADE of 3 Mr. Joshua Reid, OF THE VILLAGE Of THORNHILL, Will be offered at Public Auction. ‘ On the 14th day. 01 June, Consisting of m GOODS! GROCE HES, Ready-made Clothing, v a... s... 5... For terms die†see Bills. JOSEPH FERRIS Auctioneer 'l‘hortihill. June I 1866. NOW [:3 THE TIME TO ». »... in is JOHN G. BERNARD’S A FINE ASSOR'I‘MHNT 0F Pints & Cottons Which will be sold as Cheap as any liousn in tlic neighborhood Also, Ladies’ HATS, in All styles. thh a Large and Very Cheap Stock of DRY GOODS, CROCKERY. LIQUORS. GROCERIES db EIARDWARJD. Which the public would do well to examine, Elélfl Mills, June 7, [866, 47 N0. 133 Yongc Street, . Oppoeite Temperance St. T 0 R O N T 0: EGS to announce to tho inhabitants of the County of York and those in the neighborhood of Richmond Hill in particular, that he has added to his flock of BOOTS AND SHOES, A complete assortment of the most desirable Buy Harness .' columns gums sun/Imam WEAR. AT T“ 8 Richmond Bill And is prepared to make to order all kinds of Premm Harness Establishment MEN’S, WOMEN’S ONO OHllOBEN’S BOOTS lllO SHOES! THE S’TOlK ts THE LARGEST AND Most Complete FORTH or Tonox'ro All of which has been made up on t of the Lest Material, All) \VIIJ. BE SOLD AT PRICES 05:: . THï¬T Cannot be Surpassed for Cheapness Remember the plum: to but lla mess is at W. H. MYERS’ Richmond Hill. lllll‘lll "nnini. JOHN WATERHOUSE, N rrtitrniiig thanks to his numerous friends I and customer:~ for their liberal support since he commoner-d business, begs to inform them that he has removed to Richmond H.†to tho Store immediater north of the Halfâ€"nay Hnuse, Richmond Hill, 5 And ownnd 3; occupied by Mr McNai". where, ' owing to increased nccotiimodniioii. he he has greatly increased his Stock of “ham “W ltlllll‘ litqu lltlltlll'ml GEO CERIES, HARDWARE. &.c..‘and will make it a point to keep a select stock of Goods for the Sonsun, Ile tlinrofore respectfully invites his old ll‘londs and the in- iehabitnnis of the neighborhood to cull niid m- suoct his Stock, feeling conï¬dent he cannot - house Farm Produce taken in exchange. Richmond Hill. ApriiG. 1866. (3-11' MARKHAM OIL dz MINING 00., BUTTONVILLE, NOTICEâ€"All Shajaholders not having paid their respective Calls wrht‘n Sixty [Java from this date. the same will be forfeited to the Company. and the Directors will sell the said Stock t'orits beneï¬t. By order \Vm. STIVER Sec'y Markham Oil and Mining Co. Markham, June lat l866. ~.‘l‘d-‘Zm. H3 Ins and DACON TKINSON’S is the place to buy your Hams and Bacon cheap. Wm . Atkinson’s Cheap (arocery and Piovision Store. Richmond Hill. May. 30 ’66. RICHMOND HILL Grammar ’Schniil. F REE: E z UIlLIC NOTICE is hereby given that the Richmond Hill County Grammar School is now free to pupils who may be aiixi - ous to acquire a superior educationâ€"Applica- tion to be made to the Head Master By order of the Board of Trustees. M. TEEFY, Scer’y (f) 7 rear; RichmondHill. March 9, 1866 4-0 MITCHEL HOUSE ! AURORA. DAVID McLEOD begs to announce that 'he has Leasad the above Hotel and fitted it up in. a manner second to none on Yonge St. where he will keep constantly on hand a good supply ofï¬rst-closs Liquors, &c. This house possesses every accommodation Travellers can‘ . desire, those who wish to stay where they can t l ,3†All orders promptly rttended to a W. P. RICHMOND. Richmond lllil. May 18. IEGS. 50- ll lEud every comfort are respectfully invited to put up at this establishment. Aurormlune. 1865. 1.“ .. LADIEg’ In the most Fashionable Styles, And of the best Material and Workmanship. All Work is “'arranttd to give perfect satisfac- linn. We are constantly adding to .ur siock 01 Boots and Shoes of our manufacture, which will [:8 SOLD AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. A good assortment of Trunks always on hand, SKELETON SKIRTS, Please remomber that Sanderson SELLS CHEAP at: 133 Yonge Street, Two Doors South of Best’s Hotel, Torento, TORONTO, May SI, 1866. 51-3m rwï¬-V' â€"'~~â€"A* ‘LTVD‘Jl‘r‘hfl'ï¬'WE‘: a m:::*'1‘ it is. JUST RECEIVED AT do A. NEW’TON’S AN EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT OF TS! . WIIICII WILL BE SOLD HP PER CENT BELOW! Toronto Prices for Cash. AI.SO.'A NICE LOT OF Trimmed and Uiitrimmcd, Very Cheap. Elgin Mills, May i8, 1866. i 46 inn Pnni HARNESS ESTABLISHMENT I MAY BE FOUND on El ' '4 _. ‘33....†cgmmâ€"Ugï¬g z<=z~=<az «’13 o'ea‘d Cb“ 0mm C) With a General A ssortment of Articles in Con- iicction With the Trade. CALL, INSPECT hNDaaPURC HASE. Richmond Hill . May 9, 1866. 49-“. NATIVE & imam-mu Field & Garden Seeds LARGE SUPPLIES HAVE ARRIVED VAT" SCOTT’S, RICHMOND HLL. «NW A," ' JUST REATOEIVED AND FASHION ABLE M. S. PULLOCK is now receiving his Spring tack which will be found one of The Largest, Cheapest. and Best: Selected stocks in'the Neigborhood, Correlating in part of Hoyle'a New and beauti- ful Prints. rich and elegant. Uelnines. Molialrs. and Poille do Shavre Dresses, Gighamsï¬hirt- iugs. Bleached and factory Cotioiis. Deiiirns, Blue and Fancy Farmer's Drill, Towelllng, Dressed and Brown Holland, Boys' summer 'l‘weeds. Satinetto, Does-kins. Gatnbroon, Russell cord. Mens' Smocks, Overhauls. Long Cloth, lit-gotta. Fancy 'I‘woed and Flannel shirts and Ready-ude Clothing, with the Best assortment of Men». Wouieiis and Child- bons’ Socks. Ever Offered ln RICHMOND IlILl. In o‘very size. coloui and make, also. a nice variety of Silk. Lisle and Cotton Gloves Para. loll. Gents’ Litton and Paper Collars. Fancy Silk Neck Ties. Braces. (to, Which will be Sold for Cash or Short Credit, As Cheap as any House north of Toronto. Late G. A. BARNARD.~ Gents’ COATS, PANTS & VESTS Win. ,5. Pollock hasjust received an rxcollen assortment in the most fashionable styles. in Tweed Doeskins and Summer Clothsâ€"durable in make and material and at moderate prices. in»: r HE Subscriber begs to intorm the public that he has purchased n large quantity nl Grey Cottons, Which will arrive in a low days from England, and will be olibred at about Twenty per cent Cheaper than the usual price. He would also call attention to his large Stock of BOOTS AND SHOES Of Montreal and Toronto manufacture, consisting of linilies’ Calf, Pruneila. line and sit Iorï¬ue Kid Boots; Geiits' Cohourgs, Guitars. and Long Boots; Girl’s and Boys' Boots and Shoes in great variety. His general 'STOOK Oil Oil OOOOS OOOOIO‘IES lllll llllllOWlllll Will be found to be well assorted and Cheap. A‘so READY-MADE CLOTHING. f A lnrge asiisortmcnt of . i ll. . , ‘t: " .I i‘ ' i t i 1- ~ 4,, r ll I. it ., n, -, l, , In, O:- , . it At Torontc I’ricos. JOSIAH PURKISS. Spring liiipnrmtinus Call and examine his Stock. late G. A. BARN ARD. Fifteen Dozen in n bite and Fanc Colours. for sale cheap at Wm. S. Pollock's. late G. A. BARNARD. THOSE LADIES & CILDRFN’S Pretty Straw Hats and Bonnets, At Win. . Pollock's, in Danstable. Split Straw. and Leg horn. in the newest and most fashionable styles. Mid will be sold at Toronto Prices. with an aisortmont of Flower and Fancy Goods. late G. A. BARNARD. The New and Fashionable " Empress Trail †Skeleton. wich a large variety of the Newest Style! worn, in ladies and cltlldrens’sizes. please call and examine the Stock, also, the New and pretty Dress Goods, at Wm. S. Pollock's. Late G. A. BARNARD. Cotton Hosiery Men’s White and Colourld Merino Socks. n hllpdcel. Men’s Brown and Grey Cotton Socks. Women’s] White. Gray. Black and '31 4 Cotton. in all prices. ' Womens' Bulnioral and French brown do Girl' White and Grey Cotton flora in all prices. is [3031' White. Grey. and Brown Cotton Socks in all pricel. lnfnnts' White and Balmoral Stripe Cotton Sock-in all prices, and as cheap as can bevbought W. S. POLLOCK’S, late G. A. BARNARD. ("HOICE SUGARS 10 lb of Good Muecot’ado Sugar for $1 9 lb Rbdpath reï¬tted Sugar for $1 (sp‘endid quality, also. Broken Loaf, l’owdcred and crushed Sugars. cheap at W. S. I’OLLOCK S Late G\ A. BARNARD. _ GARDENEIrIé New to hand. an excellent ossortmettt of Pure, Fresh. and Warrented seeds of last year’s growth. also. Turnip. Carrot and Marigold wiiriset. Field Bands at W. s. POLLOCK‘S ltite G. A. BARNARD. WIIISKEY! 1 him; new all hand some of the boat Mall Rye and Hespollei' Whiskey ever sold on Richmond Hill. or any other Hill l by the bar rot or nti draft. attiiodentte Prices at WM, S. I’OLLiOCK‘S. lotto G. A. BARNARD. l . I . ~ , Paints, Oils, Glass and Fully. 7x9. 8x10. I0x12,10x14, l2x16. lï¬xi’tl. V’Vindm‘v Glass, Wliltb. Lead. Spaniah BrovVh. Chrono Yellow. Prussian Blue, Venetian Red. lied- Lead and other paints; Boiled and Raw Lin- Seed Oil. lmmp and Coal Oil. Benzoino, Turpentine. Whhtlg‘l Putty, like†of the best quality. and moderrlto prices, it WM. S. l‘ULiLOCK’S ms G. A. BARNARD. Just R waived, An excellent assortment of 2 In Abernathy. Soda. Wine. Prince of Wnies' RETAIL dz; WHOLESALE. Winnie 134 KING STREET EAST, Opposite the Market. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Toronto, _ ESPEC'I‘FULLY announces his return from the principal BRITISH, M ARK E'I‘S With a complete assortmont of I New Fancy and Mourning Dress Goods, commemoâ€" New Mantles, Bonnets, and Hats, ' New Shirtings and Shootings, New Hosiery and GIOVCS, New Twecds, Gambroons and Jeans, New Dress and Fancy Flannel Shirts, NewSilks, Parasols, Ribbons, 8w. The whole of which he offers at 9. small advance on Sterling Cost FOR OASIS-1'. TORONTO, April 1866 . The Great Emporium G FOR EVERYTHING IN lVAY OF ‘ 0 CEREES .' Crockery, Glassware, Ilardwarc, (S'C., is at ' ATKINSONS, RICHMOND HILL, Where You can procure anything required, at THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES: 0.. IV. A. would call particular attention to his Admitted by all to be the best and ï¬nest flavored, ever offered on the Hill. Remember the placeâ€"adjoining Ambler’s Hall. 3%“ FARM I’RODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. ‘3 Richmond Hill, May 3, 1866. 48.“ STRAHALN .92; Co’s. MAGAZINE? “ Good- worcis are 'tiior'th much and dust little."â€"HERERT; CENTS A MONTH: $1 50 A YEAR BEAUTIl-‘UILY lLLDSTnATED; ‘ Edited by NORMAN MACLEOD, D. D..â€"â€"One of Her Majesty's Ceaplainl 15 CENTS A MONTH ; E51 ’75 A YEAR. ’ PnorUSELY inwsrurw. SUNDAY ‘ MAGAZINE EDITED BY THOMAS GUTllRlE,D. D.. ' Allilidr of“ The Gospel in Eie’ltiel,†“ Speaking to the Heart.†are. - 15 CENTS A MONTH; $1 75 A YEAR. ILLUSTRATED. THE AnéosY, " . A MAGAZINE FOR THE FIRESIDE AND THE JOURNAL. 12; 'l‘ H, in Read the “ HERALDis†Monthly Notices of these Periodicalll Messrs. Stralian 8:. Co., Will send Specimen Copies free, and bllc‘r oncot tbtt elu- gant Volumes of 1 “GOOD WORDS,†OR "THE SUNDAY MAGAZINE.‘ Spice. l’ic‘ Nic. “later, and Arrow Root, at Toronto Prices.“ W. S. POLLOCK’S. lute G. A. BARNARD. Or an additional Copy to any one who will fu'rh‘isb their local Booksellern'flb new Subscribers’ na‘rrlcs. Ciub terms on application at ' V __.Â¥9Rï¬féc:lj 5? $1- 33935,??? :Sï¬â€˜Ã©Ã©ta p... F... mm“... A FRESH LOT 01“ ENGLISH BOOKS TEA S ! Yang Hyfou Teauï¬s 6d lb. usually sold a I do do fl: Gd do Good Strong, do 35 6d do Extra Fino Flavored 4s Oil to 48 3d With some etcelle‘nt brands of Java. Japnn', 8nd Bitch Tm. at Pollock's, late G. A. BARNARD. iii-weird inn April, 25‘ rate. SUITABLE _FOR GIFTS & PRES HAS BEEN RECEIVED, AND WILL BE SOLD CHEAP AT SCOTTIS Richmond Hill .' l