Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 29 Jun 1866, p. 3

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Tuesday :Ev’g next, the 3rd July. A! the Temperance Hall. The enlertainmen' will consist of various Literary and Musliml selections by Local amateur performers. 1. Richmond Hill Mechanics""1iigii'iuIef-Jifi hko place on V M. S. Pollock has juslpnrchnsedlhe chexpesllotof Cotton Goods that has heen shown in lho neighborhood for the last four yeus, and will be sold nla very small profit For Cash or Short Credit Plea-o uot’o tha [nice and call and examine for you nrlves. Fmer Cotton, '6d yd. some as sold at 9d yd. ngtgffi _Co}ton, 75d yd. same as sold at End Eggs-â€" All goods marked in plain figures, one price, and no abatement Late 'G- A- BARNARD. Flour 19 brl................$6 (m @ s7 50 Full Wheat 19 bushel........ l 50 @ l 80 Spring When do ........ l 35 @ I 45 Barlev do ........ 0 45 @ 0 55 fun do ........ 0 60 @ 0 7‘2 Olll do 0...... 03‘2@ 033 I’M-loan do .... 0 25 @ O 35 Huyfiiton ........ ........ 7 00 @10 00 Slrlw do ................. 6 00 f0 8 00 Bulloer................ 033@ 024 Eglswdoz ................ 0 ll) @ 0 ll Applonfibrl............... I500; 200 Wool.........,............033RD 035 “10191 yd. ‘ ‘ Fn'ctbrv Cotto‘n, 9d yd. same as sold at 15 yd. Good Lil:_\c_ Prints, fast colors, 95 yd. same _r as sold at 13 yd: Hoyle‘l Best Prints, fast colors, ls yd. same as sold at Is 3d yd. ' Blre Denims, splendid quality, ls 3d yd. ’_ ' same as sold at 13 7d yd. Heavy Striped Shining ls 15d yd. same as sold at Is 6d yd. BlueDcnimls, fwd yd. same as sold at 15 yd. Bleached Cottons, from 7§d yd to 1s 2d yd Cotton Gambroon for Men and Children’s Wear, at various prices. With a. good assortment of Summer Tweedsy Linen Drills, Russel Cords, and Mohair Coatings, also a nice Variety of Printed Muslins, Dress and Fancy Goods, also an- other nice lot of Gentlemen's Silk Neck Ties, Braces, Shirt. Collars, and Cotton Soks. THE Second Re-union in connexion wilh the Richmond Hill Mechanics’ lnstimm. will .Aro warranted in all cases, for the Sunny and Pnuuxnn‘ Cum: ol Semiul Weakness, Ureth~ to] Illdeaginul DischargashGleet. Sexull De- Uility and diseases of the Bladder and Kidneys. ' Tiny are adapted for male or female, old'éi' young. and are the only reliable known for the cur. of all dis‘euses arising frcul Third Edllion. Fifty Thousandâ€"100 pages, fly Rum? E. BELL. M, 1). A cuulion. adâ€" dlmud to youth. the mlrried. and those Com filhnnlxa Mutant“. Sent by mail post plid, on racelpt of TWENTY CENTS. A carafu! poms-I of this small book has been a Boon TO "I: Arrmctlp. and has sued thousands from | life ‘of mimry, and an untime‘y grave. It nuts on the evils of Yoothful lndiscretion, Self-Abuse, Saminal Weakness, Emissions, Snqu Diaen’ses. Genital Debility. Lost of l'owar, Neflousuess, Permature Decay. Im- pohnce. &c.. 51.0.. which unfit the stiffen: Inn fulfimng the Obligations of Marriage. lygoddrou. Dn. J. BRYAN, Consulting Physi- 0. Box 5079, 442 Broadway, New York. v “.25 CHEAP COTTON S These goods will he sold cheaper than at any other House on Yonge Street. The highest. prige_ paid for Butter Richmond Hill, June 22 1866. The Best 2 Ind do»not interfere with busiueas pursuits. (ind No change I] Did is necessary. fish) flUUtttifitmtntfi. WWW MECHANICS’ INSTITUTE Admission Foeâ€"to "uni-member’s,r 10cm Doors open at 7 o'clock BELL’S SPECIFIC PILLS ! The Fenian Excitement is over ® BOOTS W. E3 MYERS DESIRABLE RESIDENCE J. lent proprietor to offer FOR. SALE or TO LET. lho ViHnga Lot and Buildings for- merly owned and occupied by Mr. JOSEI‘H KELLER. 'l'hore is five-oighths of an Acre of Land, a portion of which is Garden. The Dwelling-house is in good order and very con- venient; it contains a Parlor. Dining-room, Kirchen, Store-room and five Bed-rooms.â€" There are also commodin Out-buildings, Smbling, &c.. and a good supply of Hard and Soft Water on the premises. FOR SALE UH WILL BE [EH THE Underaigned is instructed by the pro- Ient proprietor to offer FOR. SALE 01' Richmond Hill. June 13. 1866. They be Used Without Detection, For Terms. apply to GLAD' NEWS And the next great excitement is the STOCK OI‘ 33033 TO RONTO M A RKETS. MANHOOD! Richmondhill, RICHMOND HILL, FOR THE UNFORTUKA‘I'E. L (IO any.- do ...... do ........ I... us...--.¢o.t.. hint --~n...-oo At POLLOCK'S. Is to be found at. A. MCBE TH, Secretary AND AND IN M. TEEFY, ‘Iiand 6L General Agent Tvronto, June 28. 54-ir. 17 50 l 80 l 45 O 55 0 7‘2 1N returning tlim‘i‘ks‘to his numerous frinnds and customers for'lheiriibernl Nippon since he commenced business'; begs to inform than) jhutflhe has removed ’|o'Richmond Hill to the Store immediaton nonh ’of the JUST THE “TIME I And ownod $ occup'ied by Mr. Manin whnre. owing to increased accommodation, he he has greatly iHCI'BaaId his Stock of Half-way House, Richmond Hill, 6w” and will make it a point to keep a select stack of Goods ’for the Season, He therefore respectfully invites his old friends and lhe in- iehalntnms of the uaighborlmnd to cull and in- spect his Stock. feeling confident he cannol be nndersnld, nor surpassed by any house nonh of Toronto. HE Subscriber, in returning thanks to his numerous Customers and Friends for their liberal support during the past nine years, would beg to intimate that he is prepared to manufacture Boots and Shoes of every deselip- lions from the best materials, and after the most fashionable style. He hopes by strict at- tention to business, combined with moderate prices to ensure a continuance of their favour‘ All orders attended to promptly. Work warranted. Residence 6 doors north of Mr. Ceosbys late stand. Richmond Hill, MINER [HF RENEWAL. Cannot be Excelled! W. P. RICHMOND. Richmond Hlil, May 18. l855. 50-“ THAT Cannot hé Surpassed for Cheapness Remember the pine: to buy Ha rnoas is at W. P. RlCHMOND, Premium Harness Establishment. Richmond HiII,June Isl 1&66. SOLD AT PRICES GBOCERIES, H A RD W AR E, Support Home Manufactures! MARKHAM OIL & MINING 00., BUTTONVILLE, SHADES Farm Produce taken in exchange. Richmond Hill. AprilB. 1866. OTICE.â€"All Shareholders not having paid their respective. Calls wihtin Sixty Days from this date. the same will be forfeited to the Compnuy. and the Directors will sell the said Stock for its benefit, NEW STYLE Buy -Hm~ness .' Most Complete UBLIC NOTICE is hereby given (In the Richmond Hill Counly ‘Gramma School is now free to pupils who may he anxi - ans to acquire a superior educationsâ€"Applica- tion to be made to the Hand Master. By order of the Board of Trustees. TKINSON’S is the placn to buy , , your Hams and Bacon cheap. Wm . Atkinson’s Markham Oil and Mining Co. Markham, June In l866. 52-2m. HA MS and BACON Cheap Grocery and Provision Store. Richmond Hill. May. 30 ’66. Grammar School. EMAINING in the Rirhmond Hill Post Office. on Isl. June. 1666 : Ballerby Isaac Marshall Mrs Cosgrove Born-rd Minnessey Arthur. Clark Joseph Ba 1) Marsh Warren. Clary Mrs. Miller James B, Curran 'l'homas Ruxherl'ord Jamel Davidson, Widow A‘GRunkin James Gaby Joseph Stavanson Samuel Gregory D (3) Simpson James (2) Charles Gray Thompson Thomas Grant George (5) Webber Mr. Edwin Hocler. Widow Marv 1 oung Mrs. Margret Langslufi' John (2) JOHN WATERHOUSE, RichmondHiIl. March 9, I866 NORTH or Tonomo All of which has been made up out of the Which for Ngatn’éss'mid Durabilitv, W. H.‘ MYERS’ FREE! Thnt every House wants. are thus. NOW IS THE TIME TO LARGEST That are now manufactured at All WINDOW Best Material, RICHMOND HILL By any now in use. orders promptly rllouded to £1] By order List of Letters AT THE Richmond Hill nun sTorx'ls THE Richmond Hill, AND WILL BE AND BY JAMES VERNEY 0F Wm. STIVER Sec’y M. TEEFY, Secr'y dc Treas M. TEEFY. PJI. 52-3m 4341' I 0! Grey Cotton: Which will anfie in a few days fiom England, Knd hill by ofléred at about Twenty per cent Cheaper than the usual price. BOOTS AND SHOES Of Montreal and Toronto manufacture, consisting of Ladien’ Calf, Prunella. fine and su nrfino Kid Boots; Goutn’ Cobourga, Guitars. and Long Boots; Girl's and Boyl' Boot-find Shoes in great variety. his general STfllIK [IF MY GllllllS “HERMES AN]! HAMMER TORONTO, April 1866. TheGreat EmpOrium THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES! At Toronlc Prices. COMPRISINGâ€" New Fancy and Mourning Dress Goods, New Mantles, Bonnets, and Hats, ' New Shirtings and Sheetings, New Hosiery and Gloves, New Tweeds, Gambroons and Jeans», , Ne“ Dress and Fancy Flannel Shirts, New Silks, Parasols, Ribbons, &c. The Whole of which he offers at n small advance on Sterling Ccst WILLIAMWMITQHELL, STOCK OF TEAS! Admitted by all to be the best and finest flavored, eVer offered on the Hill. Remember the placeâ€"adjoinigg Ambler’s Hall. 13" FARM PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. ‘u Spring Importations G R 0 CEREES .' EROWESEQNS‘, Crockery, Glassware, ATKINSGfi’é',W§féfifidfin HILL,- Cheap OOttons ! THORNHILL. MAY 24,1866. NEW GOODS I mmmmm. %%%fih%%%§n Edited by NORMAN MACLEOD, D. D.,â€"-One of Her Majesty's Ceapla'ma Read the “HERALD’S” Monthly Notices of these Periodicals “GOOD WORDS,”. OR “THE SUNDAY MAGAZINE.’ Or an additional copy to any one who will furnish their local Bookseller with FIVE new Subscribers’ names. Club terms on application at Messrs. Strahan 8:. Co., will send Specimen Copies free, and offer one at the ele- gant Volumes of A FRESH LOT OF ENGLISH BOOKS THE SUNDAY MAGAZINE GIFTS & PRESENTS SCOTT’fi’ Richmond Hill .'_ Richmond Hill, May 3, 1866. S_ubscrfl)er begs to infirm Athe public that he; has purchisedr a [argeAquir-ttfite 134 KING STREET EAST, Opposite the Market,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Toronto, DESPECTFULLY announces his return from the principal BRITISH b MARKETS vmh a complete assortment of 9 O. D “Wu “0; 5.; STRAHAN 65 CO’S. MAGAZINES. Montreal; 50 St. Peter Street. 12% CENTS A MONTH: $1 50 A YEAR THE ARGOSY, A MAGAZINE FOR THE FIRESIDE AND THE JOURNAL. READY-MADE CLOTHING. EDITED BY THOMAS GUTHRIE, D. D.. Au‘hor of “ The Gospel in Ezekiel,” “ Speaking to the Heart,” lcc. Where you can 'procnre anything required, at R ETAIL &, \VHOLESA LE. \‘V. A. would call particular attention to his “ Good word: are worth much and cost little.”â€"-HERERT‘ 15 CENTS A MONTH ; $1 ’75 A YEAR. 15 CENTS A MONTH; $1 75 A YEAR. HAS BEEN RECEIVED, AND WILL BE SOLD CHEAP AT He would also ca" attention to hxs large Stock 'of FOR EVERYTHING IN WAY OF Will be found to be well assorted and Cheap. Also Hardware, (90., is at BE A UTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. PROFUSELY ILLUSTRATED. A large assortment of SUITABLE FOR ILLUSTRATED. JOSIAH PURKISS. 51-21] 484! The Largest, Cheapest, 'and Best Selected Stocks in‘the Neigborhood, Consisting in part of Hoyle’s New and beauti- ful Prinls. rich and elegam. Uelaines, Mohairs, mid Poille do Shavre Dresses. Gighams,Shlrl- ingn. Bleached and factory Coltons.‘Denims, Bluc and Fancy Farmer’s Drill, Towelling, 'Drosnud and Brown Holland, Bovs’ summer 'l'woeds. Satinella, Dooskins’. Gambroon, Russell cord. Mens’ Srnocks, Overhaula. Long Cloth, Regatta. Fancy Tweed and Flannel Ihirls and Ready-mad. Clothing, with the Best ushrtmem of Mona, Womena and Child- bana' Socks. Ever Offered ln RICHMoND HILL In every size. calom and make, also. a nice variety of Silk. Lisle and Colton Gloves l’nrn- sols. Gonls' Linen and Paper Collars. Fancy Silk Neck Ties. Braces, &c.. \Vhich will be Sold for As Cheap as any House north of Toronto. Late wng a. fiHILDRBN’SflSHAEERS, DRY GOODS! Gents’ COATS, PANTS & VESTS Wm. S. Pollock has just received an excellen ussonmont in the most fashio’nnble styles. in Tweed Dweskins and Summer Clothsâ€"durable in make and mat-rial and at moderate prices. Call and examine his Stock. Into G. A. BARNARD. Fifteen Dozen in white and Fancy Colours: for sale cheap at Wm. S. Pollock’s. Into At Wm. S. Pollock’s, in Danstable. Split Straw. and Leg horn. in tho newest and most fashionable styles. nnd will be sold at Toronto Prices. with on aisortmonl of Flower and Fancy Goods. Into G. A. BARNARD. The New and Fashionable "‘ Empress Trail " Skeleton. wich a large variotv of the Newest Styles worn, in ladies and childrens’sizes, plans. call and examine the Stock, also, the New and petty Dress Goods, at Wm. S. Pollock‘s. ‘ Lute G. A. BARN ARD. Pretty Straw Hats and Bonnets, SKELETON SKIRTS, NEW CHEAP, Cotton Hosiery Men’s White and‘ Coloured Merino Socks. n Girla’. White and Grey Cotton 86701:! n“ pncoa. Boya’ White. Grey, and Brown Cottoh Socksir‘hllpricol. . . lllfunts’ White and Bulmora! Strip. Cotton Sogksn} all pugs, and as cheap as can hll prices. ' Men's Brown and Grey Couon Socks. Womfn’sl‘, Whip. _Grey. Black and B] I 9 lb Redpnlh refined Sugar” for $x'(sp'endid quality, also. Brokon Loaf. Powdered and crushed Sugars. cheap at W. S. POLLOCK’S Lac ’ I G. A. BARNARD. Collofi. in all prion: Womens’ Balmoral and French brown do 19 2f Goat? qucoyago Saga} fqrfi! Now tohmd, an excellent assortment of Pure, Fresh, and warranted seeds oflnst year's growth. also, Turnip. Carrot and Mangold Wurlzel. Field Seeds at W; S. POLLOCK'S late ' G. A. BARNARD. ("VHOICEV S-UGA RS l have now on hand some of the boat Malt Rvo and Hospeller Whiskey ever sold on Richmond Hill. at any other Hill I by the bar- rel or on draft. atmoderalo Prices at WM. S. POLLOCK'S. late G. A. BARNARD. 7x9. 8x20, l0xl2,10x14, 12x16.16x20. \Vindow Glass, White. Lead. ISpuniah Browh. Chrono YeIlow. Prussian Blue. Venetian Red, Red- Laad and other paints, Boiled and Raw Lin- Seed Oil. Lamp and‘ Coal Oil. Bentoino. Turpentine. Whtingl Putty, &c.. of the boot uumy. and moderate prices, at WM. 8. POLLOCK’S late ‘ Paints, Oils, Glass and Putty. Just Received, In Abernexhy. Soda. Wine. Prince of Waies' Spice. Pic Nic‘ Water, and Arrow Root, at Toronto Prices.” W. S. POLLOCK’S. Into BISCUIT 2 Young Hyson Ten-28 64! lb, usually sold I 33 l§d do . do 33 06 do Good Strong do 33 6:! do Exfln Fino Flavored 4s (M to 4a‘3d With some excellent brands of lav; J-Ipflfl’, and Black Teas. at PolIock’s, Into THOSE LADIES & CILDRFN’S 3W mad Hill Apm, 26 1866. G ARDENSEEDS, Pure Fine Flavoured WHISKEY! TEA S .' cash or Short Credit, bobought W. s. POLLOCK'Sylnle M. S. POLLOOK is now receiving his Spring Stock which wil) be found 0136 of AND FASHIONABLE An excellent assortment of G.‘ A. BARNARD. G. A. BARNARD. C. A. BARNARD. G. A. BARNARD. G. A. BARNARD. G. A. BAR NARD. Prints & Cations JOHN G. BERNARD’S Also, Ladigs'_ HATS, in All styles. Opposite Tcmpemncg Stu. -. T 0 R O N 'I' C, EGS lo announce 10 tho inhabi‘ants of "the County. of York and those in the neighborhood of Richmond fix” in particular, that he has added to his Stock of DEX (goons, CROCKERY, LIQUORS, A good assortment of Trunks always on hand, Elgin Mills, June 7, 1866 BOOTS AND SHOES, Please remember that Sanderson SELLS CHEAP at The‘Elgin Mills;- Store “.132 Van 2'0. Shun-f, s. M; Emu, GROCERIES (ta-.IIARDWA'RE, ’ Which the' public would do well to examine. MEN’S, WOMEN’S AND EHIlDHEN’S BOOTS AND SHOES! And of the but Material and Workmnnship. I All Work is Warranlcd to give pal-fact latifncv tion, We are comuntly adding to .ur Mock of Boots and Shoes of our manufacture, which Will be . . GS: 133 Yonge Street, Two Doors South ofBest's Hotel, ‘ Torento,‘ LADIES, HATS,‘ Trimmed and Untrimmed, Very Cheap. Elgin Milk May 38, 1866. T - ********* wu , \‘3 w _ N5 HHST PRIZE HARNES S ESTABLISHMENT ! [0 PER CENT BELOW! With a General Assortment of Articles in Con- nection with the Tradei NATIVE & IMPORTED Field&Garden Seeds CALL, INSPECT ANDâ€"éPURC HASE. AT SCOTT’S, RICHMOND HILL. gif'iYILES PER $E’REN@ AND WEE-KR. SOLD AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. JUS‘T TORONTO, May 24, 1866. Richmond Hill, May 9, 1866. .‘ NEWTON’S Which wil! be sold as Cheap as any house in {he neighborhood AN EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT 0F N0. 133 Yo‘ngc Street, A complete assortment of the most desn‘able And is prepared to make to order all kinds of Toronto Prices for Cash, LARGE SUPPLIES HAVE ARRIVED In the most Fashionable Styles, With a Large and Very Cheap Stock of JUST RECEIVED AT A FINE ASSORTML‘NT OF wmcH WILL BE SOLD ALSOQA NICE LOT OF MAY BE FOUND 0N 49-ft. 51-3m

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