Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 6 Jul 1866, p. 3

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Before Justices 0f tile Peace for the United 2 Counties of Far}; and Peel, transmitted to my oflieeby the Justices whose names are auuewed, and now published by me, under Provincial Statute 4:? 5 Victoria'flhap. 12.? Orncn of THE CLERK PEACE, UNITED COUNTIES YORK AND PEEL, TORONTO, JUNE 30, 1866.7 The Elgin Mills Store PITCH-FORKS, Harvggt huplements SCYTHES, SNM‘HS; BARLEE? Emma“, HE Subscriber, in returning thanks to his numerous Customers and Friends for their libemi support during the past nine years, would beg to intimate thnthois prepared to mgnufncture Boots and Shoes gr every descrip- fian frbm the best materials, and afgor the gs; fashionable style, He hopes by smut ut~ Minn to business, combined w'nh aim-“me 95 fig ensure a continuance of Unit} gamma orders attended to promptly.| r1; warranted. 'idenpg doors north of Mr. Ceosbys and. SUppurt Home Manufactures! SCHEDULE OF RETU‘NS OF OONVIOTIONS JUQT ELGIN MILLS, JULY 6th, 1866. JAMES VERNEY. and HSEI‘i'Jlunc 1S9. 15566. 5:1-3m 'Do Mary Trolavan \Vm. Plccmcr \Vm. Robinson George Evans A. Graham D0 D0 James Mahon James Dufl'v Thomas Leighton Thomas Leighton William Dnvay Robert Stephenson John Byrn John Byrn Mich rel Galvin lmma Dnughnard William March A. McQunrrie Gabriel Hawke Thom” Armstrong Matthew Gannon Thomas Chapman Edward Ellis Wm.» Roe Young John Fountain Caleb Mann Johnson Boyd Nelson Harold John Cal-r George Maynard B’enjgn... Corey James Elliott ‘ Ffederiek Suttle George Denham Do Do John Magee John Cameron Benj. Brillinger Charles H. Howard Robert Wallis. Robert Wallis Robert Wallis' Do Do . George Arden; Langford Marks Alex. Cameron Isaac Gatchell Philip l’ear Thomas Beatty John Santon llizabeth Leuty John Marshall William Smiuh Do John Santon O A . OFFICE OF THE CLERK OF THE PEACE, TORONTO, JUNE, 1866. NAME OF' PROSECUTOR. Do A SELECT ASSORTMET’J ?‘ OF bo-A 516551 AND OTHER - Thompson Kenneth Campbell Bridget- Durty George ITutchison George M illcr James Porter Washington Brown Patrick O'Lcary Janios Mnlgrave ThOS. Dillon Edward Donn Robert Gibbons Wm. Rutledge Robert Wiison A. McQuai; L. K. Jonns Wm. Johnson \Vm. ()stler Peter Perry John Fraser Forbes Whitney John Gray Mrs. Jane Large John Battersby Franms Benmish Bcnj. Beamish James Porter Wm. Fox H. Marwood Daniel Math 8801] John Pawson James MoLearan Fmelic 0 Neal Osborn Allan Jane Loudesborough james Rogers John Campbell -â€"- Miller W. McMastef George Wills Michael Cain Martin Naylor J Drcsmfm Thomaa Hartley John Hunter John Hughes James Oliphunt .-\nn P'CIITSOH Robert Sprint John Thompson T imothy Harman {J 01m Rumble ‘Aaron SValker, master of vessel David Harrison Thomas Simpson Henry Richardson Thomas Simpson ‘John Marshall Elizabeth Leuty ,Edward MGGiun ICorne‘leus Salsbury, jr. David Buntm John Dunn Robert Farr Wm. Nickle Patrick Henry Martin Pullmatier Margaret Maloney Charles Dorrock NAMEOF DEFENDANT UBLIC NOTICE is hereby given 111a the Richmond Hill Coun(y Gramma School is new fxee to pupils who may be anxi - mus; t9; acquire a superior ed'ucmio,n.=-App]ica. Lion 11% Ma made to llge‘ Head. Nasty. By ordm- 9km Lioqrdz Q1; Tl’usiteu& ' M}. TEEFL 5361213 cf; fleas; grammar School. Richmondflill, March, 9,) k361i, FREE: . . .lThrowing down line fence . . . .‘Apl‘il 27th, Assault and Battery . . . [June 14th, . . .‘ Trespass , _ . . “ 19th, . . .[Brenking Sabbath _ , _ . May 9th. . . JVagrancy . . . ,‘April 12m, . . .lRefusing to pay wages _ . . .IJune 25th1 ‘ . {Larceny . . . .iJ'une 30th, R1M£E§ do do . . {Trespass and Threatening . . IAssuult and Battery Trespass‘ . . Trespass . . Jnsulting language . . 4A/Xssaml’c owl-payment of Wages Taking money Misdemeanour Won-payment of Wages l'l'rcspass , . . Refusing to work on high’way ij-unk and Disorderly .. Non-payment of “rages ...... 1 do do “.5” Suspected to be Insancradan-l gerous person Breach of the Peace Drunkenness Disorderly Drunkenncss Trespass A ssuult Damming Assault Insulting language Trespass do do Assault and Battery N onâ€"paym ent of Wages Threatening Assault and Battery ... Taking Stones from bed of Lake Ontario within 3 rods of low water mark do 1 do Non-payment of wages ‘ do‘ do :Leziving his employer F do Throwing down Fence Assault do do 1 do do Selling Liquor without license !Refusing to go to work !D'esertiug employment Disorderly conduct ...... lApril 5th; 1856 Selling; Liquor without license May 15th, 1866i Assault .,,._.‘;April 14th, 1866‘ d0 Assault with Trespass do do NATURE OF CHARGE. HAYING AND HARVEST TOOLS. Grass 8L Cradle Scythes, Fork Handles, Scythe Stones Grain Cradles, Reaping Hooks, and all other uh. Scythe Snaths, Barley Forks, Rakes and Steel Forks, ' A. FRESH LOTQI‘HENGLISH BUQKS As Cheap as can be had in Toronto, at. W. S. Pollock’s, late E awest Tmfis ? GIFTS & PRESEWS SQQTTW Rié‘hmmad my .' , _ ,‘May 9th., .. JApril 12m, _ , .IJune 25th, . . .iJ'une 30th, Richmond Hill, July 6, 1866. March 20th 1866 Benjamin Pearson April 4th, 1866I do . . ..... “ 7th, 1866 Jo . ..... J an’ry 4th, 1866 Jam (1. Huntéf . .. “ 5th, 1856! do ,April 2nd, 1866 J; J. Hunter and Dr. Bentley N... do |Jam. J. Hunter . ..... do | do Jan’ry 6th, 1866 Thomas Sibbald ...... April 3rd, 1856 William Proctor, Anthony Eastwood and George Winn ...... May 211d, 1856‘James B. Harris IA ril 2nd, P do ; do Jan’ry 6th, ‘April 3rd, “ 2nd, 1866 do April 10th, 1866 do do do do do do do do May 14th, 1866 April 23rd, 1866 do (If) May 23rd; 1 “ 4th, March- 19th, N 22nd, April ,1 7111, my lack, do do JMarch 13th,1866 April 4th, May ht} Unne ‘ 81}; | N 16th Mpril 14th, ‘April 16th, \ d0 19th, ‘ do leg 1May 12th, “ 15th, do May 26th, April 4:11: H (10 “ d0 \[Hll 0th, u (10 DATE OF CONVICTION. INCLUDING SOME OF THE FINEST FLAVOURED 19th, 20ml}; 25th, 1860 HAS BEEN RECEIVED, AND WILL BE SOLD CHEAP 1866‘ 1866 1866 1866 1866 1866 1866 1866 1866 1866 1qu 1866 1866 1866 1866] 1866‘ 1866 1866 1866 1866 1866 1866 1866 1866 1860 1â€"866 1866 1866 1866 1866 I866 1866 1866 do .. do H J. Barnhart, J. Eakins, and J Crumbie .. do .. i do .. .C. IIaines, J. Henderson, and \V. ‘Valker u do do Scfll Ashton do do George Evans do J. F. Warbriok do W'm. Moore and Joel Phillips do do do do George Stokes do do do Samuel Alcom, do _ do do do do do do do A. Law Wm. Devlin . . . . do i . . . d9 . do ‘ do i do . . . . George Graham, K. Chrisholm, Samuel ii’attcrson, and J. P. Huuon . . do do Samuel Machell do J. C. McQuarrie R. C. M'Collam R, C. M’Collum J ames Johnson do do Henry Treloar : do Alex. McNabb NAME OF CONVICTING JUSTICE. SU 1TABLE FOR J ohn: Amomlt of Fine, Penalty 01‘ Damage. $2 18 6 00 10 00 1 00 18 00 U‘Nlâ€"‘râ€"Hâ€"INOO 50 00 00 00 00 00 00 10 90 2 00 l 00 15 00 15 00 5 GO 2 00 400 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 25 00 00 00 FINE, WHEN PAID, OR TO BE PAID TO SAID JUSTICE. Committed to Gaol for 20 days‘ in default of payment 1 ‘32 4 333331 ,To be baia in 21‘ days . . . . . . ‘ l do Discharged from service and plifJ ordered to pay $21, for ser» vice received . . . . . . {Discharged from service by plfl’. ; paying $36 for service rcéulxv’d‘ lOrdered to return to the employ-‘ i or 01' pay a finp 0f_$5 (be- Fort-hwith N at yet paid N 015 yet paid Not yet paid Half remitted ‘Not yet paid Forthwith do do turns t6 His employer) Remitth Committed fbr 30 days To be paid in 21 days iCommitted for trial The Fenian Excitement is over CHEAP COTTON S- T MES. Pollock has just purc‘hased'AlhB V cheapest lot of Cotton Goods that. has been shown in the neighborhood for the last four yams, nnii will be sold ata very small profit Please note the [nice and call and examine for yoursrlvos. For Cash or Short Credit. Faétory Cotton, Gd yd. some as sold at 9d yd. Factory Cotton, 7 $d yd. same as sold at 10$d yd. Factory Cotton, 9d yd. same as sold at 13' yd' Good Lilao'Prints, fast colors, 95 yd. same as sold at 1s 3d. Hoyle’s Best Prints, fast colors, 15 yd. same as sold at ls 3d yd. Blre Denims, splendid quality, ls 3d yd. same as sold at 1s 7d yd. Heavy Striped Shirtng 13 121d yd. same as sold at ls Gd yd. Blue Dcnims, 732d yd. same as sold at ls yd. Bleachcd‘ Co‘ttous, from 75d yd to ls 2d yd Wear, at various prices. With a good assortment of Summer Tweeds Linen Drills, Russel Cords, and Mohair Coatings, also a, nice Variety of Printed Muslins, Dress and Fancy Goods, also anâ€" other nice lot of Gentlemen’s Silk Neck Ties, Braces, Shirt Collars, and Cotton Solis. Cotton Gambromi for Me?) and Childrefl’s Those goods will be sold cheaper than at any other House on Yonge Street. The highest prigg paid for Butter 31nd Eggs." All goods marked in plain figures, one price, and no abatement ' Late ‘ 'G- A- BARNARD. Rxchmond Hill, June 22 1866. And the next great excitement is the At POLLOCK’S‘ County Clerk . Informant and Municipality do do \ do do do do County Treasurer Complainant Paid to Treasurer Treasurer of King County Treasurer Town Clerk of Toionto Tp. Township Treasurer do Paid Treasurer Paid plaintifl' Half paid to Township Treas._ Township Treasurer do do do A ~ Treasurer Gwillimburfy iComplainant Township Treasufer To plaintiff \To plaintifi‘ To Treasurer lTo plaintiff Treasurer of' Streetsville Treasurer of Streetsville do . Noiice of appeal served ... $1,00 to' plaintiff balance ,to Tp. Treas’. Treasurer of Albion : - - .,. do * ‘ ' 7 . . ‘Townslri‘p Treasure? County Treasurer d'o T0 WHOM PAID OVER BY THE SAID J USTICEL ‘rcusurer JOHN McNAB, JOHN". MONA-P, H.& A. NEWTON’ _ W' ,fi » L Scythcs, Snaths, Elgin Milis May 18, 186E. Cmtofi. in all prices": Womens’ Balmom} and French brawn do Girls’ White and Grey Cotton How in all prices. Boys’ White, Grey, and Brown Cotton Socks in all prices. lnfants’ White and Balmeral Stripe Cotton Socks In all prices, and as cheap as can he bqught W, S. POLLOCK’S, late Comm: fiosiery h” mic-BS. Men’s Brown and Grey Cotton Socks. VVumeu’sj “Wing. - >Gr_ey. Black and- BI I Meg’s White and Coloured Merino Socks. n Olcr/c of the Peéce; Untied Counties York and Peel- V {alias}, Forks; . Grain Crad 16S," «W Which Will be Sold Cheap for Cash; AN EXCELLENT ASSORTMENT OF G, A. BARNARD‘. ,Committmi Time given for payment. ‘Bailed to appear for Tria‘ Committed for trial Articles of the Pena; Articles of the Peace. Barley Fqg'ks, Clerk Peace, York and Peal; ~ IF NOT PAID, WHY NOT? 3- fa GENERAL OBSERVATIONS, JUST RECEIVED AT SUCH AS Young Hyson Tea-123 6d 1b.» usually sold? 35 l'fid‘ > do dbl I 35 (10' Good Strong; do 39 8d' do! Extra Fine Flav'ored 4s"'08'1b5 4% 3“ With sumo ni'é’én‘ésxlft “mind's. a! ' and Bm'ckflasmal'zaLInuW ‘ .nva. 58? Pure Fine Flavburcd S J fiend mu Aw“: _,, late i3 AR‘N ARD WC;

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