‘IF,’ as the poet says, ‘bezuty draws us with a. siagle hair,’ then whatâ€"~0 ! tell us whatâ€"must the exi’ect. of a modern water- fall. Quibble, reading that ‘it has been decid- ed in the Court Queen’s Bench, it Dublin, that a. "clergyman of the Church of Engâ€" rland a can legally marry himself.Y observed that that might be very well as a. measure of. economy, but that even in the hardest. times he \wuldlruther marry a. woman. 'A country doctor going on foot to visit a patient in a. neighboring village, took a gun to amuse himself on the road. A:peasant met him, and asked him whither he was going ? é‘ To see a pmient.†“ Are you afraid of missing him ‘3†said the iniquirer. A cnunhyman in Savannah, Ga., observ- ed that a gang of dui-kies were working on the streets, each wearing a ball and chain, ï¬ndasked one of them why the ball was Chained to his leg ‘1 “ To keep people from stealing it,†said the dai-key, “heap loi“‘!hie\.¢_s about: here, massa.†ovn'dged Jokerâ€"Mr. Lowe, in 1859 yd at, the Derbyite G0vernmentâ€"â€"not r aversion to Reform; but’at 1H9 err thuaiasm of their conversion. “Sheridan, when he saw a, Highlander in a very large pair of trousers (said Mr. Lowe), remarked that converts were aquys enthusiasts." Mr. Lowe has himseh since become aconvert, though against Reform“ “ ' '15 there ever n‘I‘tighhmder made his appearance,†asked the Sul‘ *zlstic Borle Osborne, “in so big ‘a pair of brawlch as the right hon. membér fur Cathie ‘3†Mr. Aytoun, the. laird of Kinaidin, was par- b cuimly iizdiéi’erent respecting his attire); ut_wus noted for his powers hotly of 00m- piiment and hunter. \Va‘king one ï¬ne morning on the Scores promenade at St. Andrews, he met n 'lady acquaintance, whom he salutad with his usual (:ourtesv. wuum ne saluted with Ins usual courtesy. “ Good morning madam; how well you are looking to-dzz‘y I†“ I’m sorry I can't wium the compliment,†responde the lady, adv‘erting lo the plainoss of the Iaird’s apparel. “ Poll,†said Mr. Aytuon, “ you might have lied asI did.’ ’ Sensible Advice..-â€"An exchange paper among. other suggestions which will enable u pewou to avoid'the cholera, says .-.-â€"“En. deavo‘r, it' possible, to keep a clean conci- unce and 'two or thzeo clean shirts; Rise with the lurk, but avoid lurks in the even- ing. .80 abovv ground‘iu all your dwellings and above board in all your dealings. Love your neighbor as yourself, but don‘t have too many in the same house with you.- A Young Wagâ€"A sleepy little fellow, when seated by the ï¬reside the other even- ingina cottage num- Coultown of Bay] gonic, ‘zxttmcmd theattentiun of the auld folks by exclaiming, with much apparent. earliesmess; “Hither, 1 say, mithcrl my 1a“ 6"“, M Hg. “\"z'hz'st-l Johnny, “11th I†1-. and . ,3 mm} - "Do _\'(3 give it up 55.. mtzd.‘ x' " my. “He has been lwarkmguday" (La 3ng wood)! Johnny we: pronounced too clever, and- waslput, to 1m)! v A MISERLY bailiff in England came into possession of a baronetcy, and desiring an appropriate ‘coat of arms,’ adopted one representing a tin plate,‘ over which was pinned 2L fin-k, signifying ‘fork over Ille'tin.’ AN American traveller lately describing a tropical shower, wrute to a friend in the following words: ‘ The min-drops were ex- ceedingly large, varying in size from a shil- ling to eighLec-npeuce.’ A. FASHIONABLE party is now called a " daughier-cultural Show.†' THOUGHT is the father of words;' but many a great and noble though: dies child- less. Among the advertisements in an English journal appeared the following :â€"-“Two fiaters want washing," and that “A s inster particularly fond of children wishes tor two or three, having none of her own, nor any other employment.†bedi'. Ye friends of moderation, Who think a reformation, 0r moral renovation, Would beneï¬t our na‘ion. \Vho deem intoxication, \Vith all its dissipation, In every rank and station, The cause of dem-aduthm: Of which your ozlmcrvatiuni Gives daily demonstration. Who see the ruiuation, Distress and desolation, The open violation Of moral obligation; The wretched habitation, Without accommodation, 01' any regulation, For common austenabion: A scene of deprivation, Uncqnallcd in creation. Tlie frequent desecration, 0f Sabbath ordination, The crime and depredation Defyingr legislation ; The awful profanation, Ot‘commun conversation; The mental aberration And diio infatuation, With every sad gradation, To maniac desperation. Ye who, with consternatien, Behold this devastation, And utter condemnation Of all ine‘oriaiion - \Vhy sanction its (luratlon, 01‘ Show disappmbation Of any combination For its extinninmion? We deem a declaration That offers no temptation By any palliation ()ftln’s abomination ; The only safe foundation For total extirpation, And under this pet‘suurion, Hold no communication, Will noxious emanation, Ut' brewors’ fermentation, 01' poisontu; tropatmion 01 spirit distillation, Or any vain libation Producing stimulation. To tIii§(lcten;iinati011 \Vo call consideration, And without hesitation Invite cooperation, Not doubting imitation \Viil raise your estimation, And by continuation Afl‘ord you consolation 3 That in participation With this association, You ma 1, by meditation, Insure tile preservation Of a future generation From all contamination; And may each indication 0f such regeneration, Be the theme of‘exultution Till its Flux. communion. EXPOSTL'LATION. ï¬limllnnénuï¬. THE Subscriber begs to informï¬he Public [hut ha hue leased the abiwe Hotel. where he willkeep constantly on hand a good supply of ï¬rst-chum Liquors. &c. As this house possesses every nccomui'oqalion Trev veliers can desire. those who wish (ostay where they can ï¬nd every comfort are respectfully in- vited to give him a call. Richmond Hill. Dec. 1865. 98-“ BESIBRBLESHBPTI] LET An excellent remedy for Rhellmvnism, Erysi- m-las, Strains. Bruises, Cuts, Chilbluins, Sore anoat. and'vinlent Pains In Back or Side. the ofl'ccts of the Heal All. in the above cases are nstonishing, frequently removing all pain in a few hours. For Cuw, Cracked Heals. and all kinds 0! sores on Horses and Cattle. DEACON'S VEGITABLE‘COUGH PILLS One or two Doses generally remove the cold. BEACON’S Mixture for Cholera, lNarrhma, and Summer Complaints, equal to if not bet- ter lhun any other medicine made. DEACON’S unrivalled Cough Balsam, for Coughs, Colds. Consumption. Asthma; &c. THE SHOP adjoining the " Harald" , Ofï¬ce wil be let fur a long or shon. term or years. There is a good opengng for n Watchmaker or Tinsmilh. Apply at this Ofï¬ce. A mothing and astringent nppiicxtion : and, as tar as un application 54m, be of' any service, morevsouthing and much more astringent. than any hitherto prepared. ‘ The majority of cases ï¬nd speedy reiiof by its use. DEACON’S WORKING MAN'S FRIEND 0R HEAL ALL. l)EACON’S’-Aulibi)lious Pills. Nanobet- ter 1 u use. ‘ DEA‘CON’S Efuplive Ointment tor all kind of skin diseases. ' ' mwas. ‘ ’" " As a general Tonic, or Strengthening Me?“~ cine to brace and invigorate the frame, no!" can be better. Act gently yet effectually: may he lakeil dur- ing any employment, at any time, and even by the most delicate female. DEACON ’S STQ MACH IC V EGITABLE Rlcummu HILL, August 10 l865. Where he will keep on hand Flour, Shorts, Bran. Outs. Pause, Oatmeal. Cornmenl. Buck wheat. Bacon. Hams. Cheese, Fish. and Gone: rnI Cmceries of the Best Quality. .for sale, at "Prices that caimot be surpassed. - [_ AS been appointed agent. for the Counl)‘ of York, for the above valuable Medi- cines. which hue been before the Canadian public for the past seven years, and have given universal sulisfaclionâ€"he can therefore. with conï¬dence, recommend (hundreds of Testimo nials could be glven if required, shewing the beneï¬t derived Llwreliromd their use-fol:- their several Virtues. BIBLE SGCIE’I‘Y DEWSITQRY SCOTT’S BOOK STORE; Richmondfllill, April 13. YON GE STREET. TERMS :â€"A ‘small payment down, and a hug time to pay the balance if roqulfad; BEAEQN’S FAMILY MEDIEINBS DEACON’S FAMILY VEGITABLE'PILLS HE Advortiser Offers For Sale his Eerm, of 50 news, on Yonge St'eet, about half- way between Richmond Hill and ’l‘hornllill or he will sell 46 acrns with the Farm House anghlfï¬rfr] «Buildings. N. B.â€"A BAY MARE, 6 years old for Sale. (on time if required.) March 16th, 1866. The safest and best Medicines in use in Canada. G. A. BARNARD . I’RlCEkâ€"Fbrâ€" the 46 acres. ï¬rm) Farm House and buiid‘ngs. $68 do||urs an acre. l’osseasion can be had on Isl April. 1866. Stodfl‘villo. . . ... . .. .-. . [181}: ofench month. Brougham ,..,,. “ " MaxkhamViHago. .......2mh " -‘ Brown’s Curners..........2lsx ‘ " " Thomhill . . . . . . ... ......‘23rd " " Richmond BBL ..........24th " “ Maple......... ........96|h " N Bumick.... ............28lhy “ " Kl'einburg . . . . . ..........291h “ " Nobleton.'...............3â€lh " " Ln’skey................ .315! “ " Aurora........ ......... lst‘ " " Sutton...†..........‘. 3Id “ Where he will attend to any business per- laining to any branch of hi5 profession: Aurora; June 7, 1865. r‘ ' l- RICHMOND HILL Cabinet Establishment. .L inhabitants of Richmond Hill and sur- rounding counlry. that he has leased. ‘or a number of years. the Cabinet Shop and Store from Mr. Webber. where he will manufacture and keep on hand a good assortment of Bedeleads, Bureaus, Cupboards. Dronsing Stands, &c . which he offers at extremely low prices. Also a large assortment of Room Paper, Bordering. While Lead. Paint.» and Volur. Rnw and Boiled Liusaed Ull. Machine Oil. Rock Oil. Varnish. Turpentine, Benzeno. Glass. Putty, Glue, &c., &c Parties Furnish- ing. Paperiug, or Painting their houses. will do well [0 call bufore purchasing elsewhere. liESl’ECTFULLY announces {Hut he has . changed his time of visitingthe following places, and uflerthil date will be (Sundays excepted) in SMALL FARM! HOMAS COGHLAN hogs to inform the inhabitants of Richmond Hill and sur- FLOUR, FEED, Provision and Grocery Store, Richmond Hm, Jan. 12,1866. DR. N. J. PECK, SURGEON DENTIST ! 00954953 HOTEL, Household Furniture, _ Cha_irs. Tables, Riph'monwm, Jun», 1563.- He would also call attention to his DEACON’S PI LE OINTMENT. LATE VAN; NOS'I'RAND’S, BEA‘CON'S LINXMEN?;. luv....... u... l ii" . .t... m Vii3ago.... .... xCurners.......-.. ll......... nd HilL . n... . ..-.-u-..o .o..A L...-.... rg...... FOR SALE ON G. J. F. PEARCE. Lot 39, lst Con. Vaughan. ' 18m ofeImh month . .19“) “ " "2"“! " " .. .2st A " " ..‘23rd " " . .24th " U . .95lh " N . .2811], “ " . .2911) “ " "with u .l .315! u n I . 18‘ ‘ u u . 3Id " 31-6m. l-tf lundun FueAssurance Company, No. 7, Royal Exchange, Cornhill; and No. 7, Pall Mall, Londen. Incm'porated by Royal Charter, in 1 7 2 0. The Land can be obtained for ten years, for one-tenth of the Oil. Ten acres have already b'een leased to secure the site. The probable-cost of sinking the well will be about $2,000, about" one-half of which will be required to procure material; and‘ go on with the work. The capital ‘of the Company is to be $23M), in 40 shares "of $50 each; tWo shares entitles any member to became a' di rector. ‘As'th‘e successful prosecution of the en- terprise will confer untold advantages of wealthand prosperity on our village‘and neighboazhnod, it is hoped that sufï¬cient sup- port aqd encouragement may be given‘to justify xfs prone :utlonfl AVING been appointed Agent for this Company, one of the oldest and mos; reiiable English Companies, 1 'will be happy to affect assurance against. Loss or damage by Fire. upon ovmy description of Since in the opinion of man well quali-I lied to judge, SIGNS OF 01 of a. most_ encouraging character exist in the greatest l ‘abundance on Mr. Klink’s‘farmrl}; miles_ east of Gamble’s toll-gate. It is proposed ‘to sink a well there, as being the place most ‘ favorapr for operations. J A The Lowest POSSIBLE RATES, WHEREAS there exists in the neighbor" hood very strong indications that. OIL exists in paying quantities in several locali- ties, it is highly desirable that a Company should be establit‘hed to test the matter, and obtain it ifpossuble. Richmond Hill, Nov. '30, 1:55. G. A. BARNARD, Agent For Newmarggtz Aurora, Markham and R. T. BUSH & ('30., Canth Iï¬hnufactnr- ers. 14 King Street East. Toronto. C. W. Heuc Ofï¬ces in in Grsar Brltair. and Canada. London. England, Glasgow, Montreal and Toronto. I P. S,â€"- Goodlagénts wanted in evarv part 0 the country to whom wiH paid’a salary from $50 to $150 per month", or a large commission. Terms to' agents sem free to those wishing agencnes. PETROLEUM - BIL COMPANY ! HE GRANITE STATE Family Sewing Machine is now presented to the people ofCannda. posmssing all the improvements that can be welliconï¬nod in a sewing niachino. It will accomplish every deseiiption of sewing except button holes. from an overcoat down to the finest silks and mnslins. This machine sell: for only $15, and in really .worth $50, in any family. Every machine warranlod and kept in repair free of charge for three years,â€"-â€" All machines sold in Canada are manulectnre at the co-npuny’s branch mannfactory in Tor- onto; fSingle Machine’s, with full primed directions. snnt express free on receipt of $15 in a registered letter. ' Full printed directions accompany each machine. no plain that a child iwelvo years of age can learn to work one successfully inn short time. Address or call on The Granite State Sewing Mabhine Company, Richmond Hill. Riihmond Hill. March l4Lh. DENTISTRY. REAR CHURCH STREET, IS prepared to wait upon any who need hit~ professional services in order to preserve their teeth, or relieve suffering and supply new teeth in the most approvedstyle. Also to regu- late the teeth of those who need it. Consultation free, and all work warranted. GLO UCES TE 15 Flo USE, 'YONGE STREET. J 03' Gaby, Proprietor. w. c. ADAMS, D. D. 3., Good Stabling and an attentive hos always 11 attendance. Februmv 5. 1866. OUNG MEN who are troubled with . weakness generally. caused by a bad habit in youth. which produces caustitutional debllity.}‘ou can rely on our remedies, for we have treated over ï¬fty thousand patients. and we guarantee a perfect cure in all cams. DR. '1‘. C. CULVER’S MEDIQAI: ADISPENSARY, Ehrnnic angi Secret DiseaSBS; Our Periodical drops will bring on the momhiy sickness. in all cases of obstruction fwm any cause, and after all other remedies of the kind have been Iried in vain. NEW ancnms um Qurcx Cuminâ€"For Syphilis etrictures,aeminal weakness, pains in tire jomte, affections of the kidneys. diseases of the head. throat, nose and skin. and all these dreadful affections arising from I secret habit of youth, which produces constitutional debility, randomnmaxriuge impossible, audin .he and destroy borh body and mind. The treatment we adopt is the result of upwards of thirty years experience arid successful practice in Europe and America. ‘ AGENTS WANTED. $150 PER MONTH. ‘Address-a-Dr. T. C. Culver, 139. King St. East, Turbmo, C. W. May _7, 1866. 49-ly With immediate payment of 'ali Losses. June. 1865. Toronto, March 23rd. 1856 95 King Street East, Toronto, PROSPECTUS TO$QN_T o, IMPORTANT 'l‘O LADIES. UNFORTUN ATES READ ! And all Femalé Complni ls. Over 139, King Sh‘cet East, RICHMOND HILL (Late Thomas Comes.) For the cure of OF THE 0 F 4'411y 49-ly 41-15 36 NEW CHEAP, EM EQQM ! Young Hyson Teaâ€"25 6d 1b. usually said a 33 léd do ‘ do 35 0(15 den Good Strong do 33613f do Extra Finn Flavored 45 0d 10 4s 3d With some excellent brands of Java. Japan‘= and Black Teas, at Pollock’s, late The Largest, Clieaijest, and Best Selected Stocks in'the Neigborhood, 3 Consisting in part of Hoyle’s New and beauti- ful Prints. rich and elaganl, ljelaines. Mohairs. and l’oille do Shavre Dresses, Gighamsï¬hirl- ings. Bleached and factory Cotlons, Denims, lllue and Fancy Farmer’s Drill, Towclling, Dressed and Brown Holland, Bovs’ summer l‘weeds. Satiuette, Doeskins, Gambroon, Russell cord. Mens’ Smocks, Overlwuls. Long Cloth, Regatta. Fancy Tweed and Flannel shirts and liondy-mudo Clothing, with the Best assortment of Mens, Womens and Child- bens’ Socks. Ever Offered in RICHMOND BILL 7x9. 8x10, l0xl2‘10x14,12x16,16x20. V‘Vi'ndow Glass, White. Lead. Spaniah Browh. Chrono Yellow. Prussian Blue, Venetian Red, Red- Lead and other paints. Boiled and Raw Lin- Seed Oil. Lmnp and Coal 0i], Benzoine, Turpentine. Wining} Putty, &c.. of the ‘beet quality. mid moderate prices, at WM. S. l’OLLOCK’S lute (é . A. BARNARD. Cotton. in all prices: ‘ Womeus’ Bnlrnoral mud French brown do‘ Girls’ White and Grey Cotton Hose in all In Abm’nethv. Soda. VViue, Prince of “(3165’ Spice, Pic Nic. Water, and Arrow Root, at Toronto Prices. at W. S POLLOCK’S. prices. h Boys’ White, Grey, and Bron Cotton Socks in all prices. Infants' Whits and Balmoral Snipe Cotton Socks In all prices, and as cheap as can Jami Received, BEï¬CUKT 2 hH mix-es. > Men’s Brown and Grey CotWfl‘Sdc‘Iis; 'vVomen’sj White. _Grey. Black“ and B] l $551113“. gamma saw-7.115, Paints, Oils, Glass and Putty‘ Men’s White and Cqunred Merino Socks. n variety 'ol'b'illi. Lisle and Cotton'Gluvas. Para- fuls. Genls’ Linen and Paper Collars. Fancy Silk Neck Ties, Uranus, Ate" l have now on hand snms of the best Mnh RH) and Hespeller' \Vhiskev ever sold on Richmond “ill. or any other Hill I by the bar- rel or on draft. utmoderate Prices at WM._S. I‘OLLOCK’S. late . G. A. BARNARD. Fifteen Dozanin “him and Fancy Colours'I for sale cheap at Wm. S. l’unock's. late gotta-“m Eggsiery As Cheap as any House north of Toronto. Late 9 lb Rodpnlh reï¬ned Sugarv for $1F(sp'endid quality, also. Broken Loaf, ‘i'owdcred and crushed Sugars, cheap at W. S. I'OLLOCK‘S Late G. A. BARNARD. In everysize. coloux and make, also. a nice \Vhich will be S0111 for At \‘Vm. S. Pollock’s, in Danstablc. Split Straw, and Leg hum. in the newest and most Fashionable st 105. and will be sold at Toronto l‘rieas. wixh an nism’tnmnt of Flower and Fancy Goods. late - G. A. BARNARD. SHRELETON SKIRTS, The New and Fashionable " Empress Trail †Skeleton. wiuh a large: varietv of" lho Newest Stylos worn, in ladies and (-‘nildrous’sizes. please call and exnmino the SLock, also. Ihe Now and [natty Dress Goods, at. Wm. S, l’ollock’a, Lats G. A. BARNARD. (‘HGECE SUGARS 10 3f Good Mllucoyago Sugaf i'orï¬! Pretty Shaw Hats and Bonnets, Now tohand. an excel‘wnt ossortmeut of Pure, Fresh, and warranted seeds oflast year’s growth, also, Tun-nip. Carrot and Mangoid Wumzel. Field Seeds at \V. S. I’OLLUCK'S lute G. ALBARNARD. GARDEN SEEDS, .i‘hlnond Hm April, 26 18% Pure Fine Flavoured THOSE LADIES 8L CJLDRFN’S WEE§E§E be bought w, s. I’OLLOCK’S, mo Cash or Short Credit, M. S. POLLOCK is now receiving his Spring Stock which will be found one of AND FASHIONABLE An excellent assortment of G.’ A. BARNARD. G. A. BARNARD. G. A. BARNARD. G. A. BARN‘ARD; G. A. BARNARD. I ' The Morning chrï¬ce :' ‘ The‘ ’ Evening Sacriï¬ce ;‘ and ' Words of‘ Comfort, or {501566 in SOII'OW.’ .9101!) _ Iimp.. . . -_~ - u . u .- .'. 90' Io;.'12; CHE-ch Wichmaud Ht: June 19.] 4",: i A £03111;sz , EMPLBYMENT I‘flR. BVFRYBIIDY. Agean wantedg’throughoï¬t “55 United State - . a‘i’id Canadas. “’atéhés. Chains, Seis of Jewellzyhlii‘n'gsfin Bracelets, Sleeve Buttons. SilVe'r'S'pdm'lir and Forks. Cups, Cake Baskets, &.c. f' v90“?! Eight Hundred Thong sand Donuts. The Entire Stock of a large_lmionrmayï¬oxi‘sn retiring from businnss. For the purpose of closing out the stock a. the earliest possible date, the undersigned have decided on a greatdistribulfén mpdu usrgollqws. EACH um EVERY ARTICLE, NO MATTER HOW VALUABLE, BEING sou) FOP. $1. FYERY work, Scientiï¬c, Theological or Fic- 7 J lions, whether' published in Britain or America, can be obtained M the Publisher’s prices. \Ve ha’va direct communication with Britain, and with this facility can briti‘g gem}? much more punctually and dï¬peï¬itidijsly’ than most retailers. As instances of the cheapnesï¬' of our prices we append a hat of some of the books we keep con-‘sluntly on hand:â€" A Certiï¬cate of each article with its value printed upon it. is placed in an euveiopo and sealedâ€"these envelopes are thoroughly mixed and sold for 'I'wLuly-jirc Cents eachâ€"the per- son rcceiviug one of these envelopes i: entitled to the article named therein by returning the Ceruï¬cale to us Willi one dollar. and the article, no matter how valuable it may be, will be for- warded to him or her at once. There are no Blank Certiï¬cates and therefore every one is sure to get, at least. Ihblull value of his or her money. Should (he article named on the can tiï¬cale not suil,nny other which he may select of the same value will be substituted. “’0 sell the curlilicaies as follows: One for ‘25 cls.. ï¬ve for 151, :leven for $2 thirty for $5, sixty-ï¬ve for $10, one hundred {or $15. This distribution affords a ï¬ne oppor- tunity for Agents, as what lady or gentleman will not invest TWENTY-FINE crzs'rs with a pros- pect of gelling ï¬ve hundred or a thousand timcs as much. All orders must he addressed to us at our old stand No. 15 Maiden Lane, New York. Broouhes............... 4 2.000 Coral. Opal and Emerald Brooches............... 4 2,000 Mosaic. Jet. Lava. and Floreuline Ear Drops . . . . 4 4,500 Coral. Opal. and Emerald Ear Drops.-.. .. . . . . . . , . 4 4,060 California Diamond Breast lins........ ....’........ 250 3,000 Call Fob and Vest \Valch Key:.... ............ ‘2 50 4,000 l o and Vesx Rihhon S id: 3 3 4,000 Sun of Solitaire .Sleeve Bul- Josephus’s Complete Works in one hand- some volume, (llluslraled). . . . . . . . .$2 00 Keith’s Evidences of the Truth of the Christian Religibn, derived from the lilnral fulï¬lment of Prophecy, (pro’i fuser Illustrated). . . . . . . .. .. . . . . .. 2 00 Laird of Logan ; or Anerdutes quid Tales, illustraLiva of ihe Wit and Humour of Scoxland......‘...'.....'..... 150 Leiglnon's. Archbishop. complete works. In one handsome volume. . . _ . . . . .. l 75 Pale; ’s Complete Worksi in one‘haudi' _ some’volume..f.... . . . . . . . .;-1"'75 Smiih’s, Rev. Jame}. ‘Our Heavenly Father; or, God a Refuge and Strength :’ 'Cln‘isl Alone-Ta Book for ‘All;‘ ‘ \‘Vélca’mo m Jesn's'fl 'The Better handy? "l'his do' in“ llemembe‘i'unce of Me. or Sacramenl' iai h‘ledita'tiunsf ' Important Ques- lio’nsz’ "l‘he Great Comfbrlorfl o \Vmches .... u .. . ...,.- 300 Ladxes'Gold and Enameled- Case Watches. . . . . . . . . . . 600 Genls’ Hunting-Case Sil- 'ver Wnlclles.... .... .... 200 Diamond Rings. . . . . . . . . . 3.000 Gold Vest and Neck Chains g’flno u u u 3,0fl0 Guld Oval Band Bracelets. 4.0m Chased Gold Bl'acuIt-l . . . . . 2.000 (Ihmulaine Chains und AGENTSâ€"We want agents in every regi» ment,and in every town and coumy in the country, and those acling as such will be allow- ed 10 cents on every Ceniï¬cate ordered by them. provided their remittance amounts to one dollar. Agents will collect ‘25 gems {or every Certiï¬cate. and remit 15 cents to us. (I? Write plainly, say only what is necessary and be prompt. Address, BOOKS! Guard Chains. . . . . . . . . . . 6,000 Solitaire and Gold Brooches 2.000 r Lava and Florontino and Gold . . 6.000 Sets Ladies Jewelryâ€"- Cnme’o,’l’earl.‘etc. . . . . . . . 6,000 Gold l‘al:s‘,5ilven' Extension Holders and Pencils. . ., . . 6,000 Gold Pens and Gold Moun- led Holdurs.... .... .... . 5,000 Gold Pens and Gold Exten- sion Holders†. . . . . . .... 5,000 Silver Goblets and Drink- ing Cups........... .... 3,000 SilverCustvls.... .... .... 2.000 Silver Fruit and Cake PER DOZKN. 5,000 Dozen Silver Tea-Spoons. $10 to $20 5,000 " r _ “ Table Spoons to: s,Stads,alc.... 3.000 Golu 'l‘himbles, l’encilsmlc 6.000 Miniature Lockets. . . . . . . . ‘2 5 4.009 Miniature Lackelsâ€"Muglc Ohm Spring........ ........ 3 3,00!) Gold 'l‘oothpiclne. Crosses. etc............d:...,.._. 2 “ 5.00:: mm Gold R' 5.. ‘. ‘4 5,000 Chased Gold Rings , . . . . . 4 “ 8,000 Stone 50: and Signet Rings 2 50 " 8.000 UnliforniaDiamond Ringsr «uflwh 7.500 Seq J{Aidie’s’ Jewalryr-Jaï¬ 3 A ALL or wmcy ARE To BE SOLD For; $1 EACH. 300 Genls’ Gold Hunting Case No. l5 Maiden Lane, New York‘ June 9. 1865. g~3m ' GIRARD W. DEVAUGU & CO.. and Forks. . Baskets . . . . . 3ADDLER a; AENESS MAKER H XONGE ST. {7‘ QUAD 69/] LIST OF ARTICLES. 800,000 \> V V , > Fi'n “ ~- T3 06 . I11". '9? " W- 3ADDLER 65 RNESS MAKER XONGE ST. "$1.- x». $50 to $150 3') 50 15 l5 410 20 “ 100 70 1M 30 15 7U 10 10 ll) 10 H H 10 50 50 The-:Ygrkflerali Cam-2R9 ‘P’RDMPTLY EXELUIE 4:01 NI 5 AF FE:'_Cards.-, 61c just receiv’efd'. Orders for the any 05. undermomioned descrip- tion 01‘ PAMPHLE‘I‘S AND LA RGE. .AND SMALL POSTERS, Is entirer new and of the latest Iattem‘s, large'va'liety'of new ‘ BLBEBv-JHEWEK ; BOOKS, FANCY BILLS, Letter-Press I’rip‘ting, ESTA’ï¬ï¬iSHENT. BUSINESS CARD}: Wiil Ito proinpuy attended to :â€" OUR ASSORTMENIT _0F JOBâ€" And every other kind of PLAIN CIRCULARS, BLANK CHECKS, LAW FORMS, DRAFTS , AND BILL HEADS THE YORK; HERALD BIB-GK, STATIUNBM FANCY STORE, NEW LIST’OF BOOKS . IN , N‘ SCIENCE, RELIémN; mm“ MEDICINE AND MUSIC. ‘an iiifalli'bm cure for aH’“dis.epueslof ({hq ski!)q such as SeurvLNSéréfuln,‘ ‘Urqén, 7mg. BlotchasJ’imples on th‘e'fnce‘ and body: Price llsznnd 33auper box: ' " ' ‘ "‘ HE Proprietor of the above Establishmem begs to call the attention of the inhabit.- ants of Iha Hi†and neighhurhood. to the recent additiuns made to his stock of Interesting an Readable Books. being a superior classpf lite rature by the most eminent authors of well- .known reputation and popularity. Godig Glory in {he Heavensâ€"Bv spe’edy Remadyknown. The Globulea. 1;an tniuing'lhe Quintessence pf Cépaibhy Clibebs, Buclm, &c;, at «luce cure, without the possibif lily. of failure. 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Church Prayer Books. Bibleé; Testaments, I all prlnes. a Adventures In the Gold Flel3§é¥:25 1N Fxcmohl‘. 031‘ N 'Kvppg. RELAX-$1219?an ~: g - 1 HA STYON. tygmsdiuons enï¬rgeam o Sold at .Messmn lbw“: "Us "I’m!" &‘ 06',- Wholesale Depot, No. 19, Bernors amen-0n ford. Street -London,’-: ‘ Agents: BARCIJAY &‘.C91‘;‘g'-,75, I‘mâ€; Street. Londom ‘ ' ‘ " £326.1865 ' ,,....B-..- v. .. yuan", nun-vuâ€" 87; cls. .‘ Burns’ Poems. 12mo. cloth. giIt e'dgeéâ€"SO its. The New Life ~By Bushman. )2mo cloth. 401m The Book 0." Famin ,Worship-yBy Boil. (W. n [uh], p,‘ Established nearly a century, and know throughoth the world as the GREATEST R ‘- GENERATOR; a newer-failing remedy for Spermalorl‘lwe. lassof manly power. produced hyenrlv indiscreï¬ons. or any other cause.â€" lLenriches the principal vital'fluids, oilabllng those who have deemed themselves lnéurablo at onCe to fulï¬l the most sacred obligations on married life. Price US. per, bottle, orrfour quantities in one, 335., which waves “9.: and in £5 bottles“ oll'qcling a saving ql' £1 I‘Js. ___ __.V n- ....,‘ ...,......‘ ..,. a. .u. I’ERR'Y’S' CONCENTRATEI) .DETER. SIVE ESSENCE, a remedy for Syphilis in a" ilsstuges,,also for pmjï¬fyingelhe system from cmxta‘mi‘imtion, 'recomm‘ended, for _ spcoudary symptoms. blotches on the head and face. en: largement of the throat.‘ tbn‘sils. and uvuli ' in, beneï¬cial influence on the system is II eni- able. Erica Us. £116,338. per» bottle, also u, saving oflls.’ . _ véhmm PATENT CONGENTRATED ESSENCE ow comm AND c1155» SUGARLCOAI'I‘IFD- GLogumgst m. mm V ‘HE SILEVT FRIEND, the grenteatMedi- cal Work ofth Aga. on Ynulhfutlndis- crelions and consequent. lmpedimentx tu Mara ringe, describing the Anatomy of‘ the, iW§~ ducttvo S)Sl€\lu in health and disensé,’ and pointing out the sure means of perfect restora- lion l0_ manhood: with an Essay 011 Single and Marrin Life, chniaining a I’res‘criptton known axlha Proventivu Lotion, precluding the pos- sibility of contamination. J V Also to ba had I'romull Agents in all p'nfté of the wm'M, ICXTRAOTS FROM THE SILENT FRIEND. pm (311., which contains (imam IOX' the guidance of patients. Moss-7s. R. & l.. Pp:me «S; Co. are only to he consulted atthgirresidenca,No.19. Berno'ti Sireetï¬ogfoxd Srea‘k London‘, In they “win, under {my circumsla’ncm. travel eithe'r nt' liume or abroad. and they hergbv caulion the Public against any ï¬er‘sun using 'their vmme. and as a t'urlhm‘ precaution agaiusgruï¬gudg the (ï¬b'ie is nuliï¬t’d that "one of their‘med‘cihes hfo‘ go. "nine, unless the subjoined fac-simdie of their signature is attached to thoir difl'eruzl wrap. pers. ‘ GENERATXVE AND ’L’IuscuLAlx POWER RpeAlszl! ' BY THE vsgv: or Pay/3 Egrlzlial Balm, of Syv‘uwum. The \‘Vaverly Novels~30 cts, The Wrnck Ashoreâ€"4U cfs, ; .« .1 The Roving Englishman-@233 cts. . ’ ‘ The Romance of Cmumosr.‘Life--50cls. 'l'he l“orly-ï¬ve Gum‘dsmen-râ€"étl cts. The War, or Voices from the Ranksâ€"25 Riflemen and Riflesâ€"â€"95 cls. ï¬nished.) v ‘ 7‘ W ""m’v among Clasp Knife, 1 blade, ‘25 cu. Scissors, lflcls. ’ Dressing Cases $1,550 to $2. Marking Ink. 15 ms. India Rubber Bulls. 10 cts. Slate Pictures. 15 cts» U Periodicals Snppï¬edV‘VeeHy or Monthly. 5 Richmond Hill. 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