Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 27 Jul 1866, p. 2

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Tum Wins and B.flhdiCS-G. A. Barnard. Sugarsâ€"G. A. Barnard. Harvesp Pants-61. A.Burnard. Money to Lendâ€"G. B. Nicol, :J'Ient Bargains-~J. G. Zernard. (heat Reductionjn I’ricosâ€"‘Vm. Mitchell Great Reductions-11. J: A. Newton. 1“ or Sakiâ€"Mr. Ar‘xsuy Executura‘ Noticm The 12th of July- ]Inrvest Implementsâ€"J. G. Bernard. Harvest Implgmeuts and Forty rod Whisky Newborn Railway 0! Canada. )3 xpreus {nail . . G. A. Bamard. Milleneryâ€" Mrs. Myrcs. Iswt'essional Curdâ€"G. G. Nico‘. Lint of Lettersâ€"vhf. Teefy. RICHMOND 3.] LL TIME TABLE The téariul slaughter which has taken place 'bhtween the Prussians and Austrians near'thc heretofore quiet little Village of Sadowa,â€"wnxch until now, has never been of authccut importance to find a place onthe Map of Bohemia (an ad- ministrative divison of the Anstrim Em‘ pire)â€"is one of the greatest ba'tles on r~curd;:-â€"nothing cou|d exceed ‘Jic va- lcur displayed by the contending armies, ~thefflquhet charge," of the Prus- Li:..n§hs'd:§cribed by the correspondent of the Tunes,who is with the Austrian Army, is mast. thx-itling and reminds us of the :iiiiianl but less successful charge of the nobig“six hundred’ at Balaklavn.â€"-the 37li|iPrUisiau Regiment 3300 strong, with RIC‘HMOND HILL, JULY 27, 1866. Mail Train. 1‘0 officers, supported by artillery. under the command 0! G'éncral Fransky dstcr- mined to take a wood above the village of Benalek where the Austrians had retired with the dclermiuition ofmakmga firmer resistance to we Pruuiaus, but to no purpose, the latter dashed in with the bayonet, and after a desperate hand to- leQ fight, in which the Austraina dis- played the most heroic bravery,the wood was carried by the Prussian: who came out with but two ofl'lccra and between 300 and 400 men standing. The .sziperor of the French is invited by the ’Austrniu to try rind make peace and gets ‘(enetia for his tuning-what the result of his negotiation: will be is ham? to mung-but We trust he will be successful ingputting anrnu' to the carnage that is aim dps'astating Germany.-â€"Louis Na- poleon Occunies a pron-i positionâ€"his Eutyire at peace, and he the arbitrator ot Europeâ€"nations and Governments watch ing, an}! when he speaks or even nods hi.- hcad, the concluaion is that-there is sométhing in inf-well, it is but 21 years since he was a prisoner in the cilade! at Mom, a :mail town in the North of France, and alter his escape by an in- genious disguise,took up his residence in London, Jinghnd were he IS known to have noted an a special constable,-â€"yet. he was a prince and, as time has proved a wise and hagncious one. who now [mid- the dos-ti: it 0t nations in his landmine! is SUBSClimE FOR The York Herald, $1,00 a year ()ur helmet] Queen has just given her th‘t.i_dm;ghtcr, the PJEncesa Helena, in mmriage (2 His Royal Highness Prince Cbl'lslian of Schleswig~Ho|stem-Sonder berg-Augestenburg,â€"â€"they were married panic 51h inst.,in the private chapel al- lacbedâ€" to \Vindsor Caslle. wmciently powerful, If be but "in: it, to render important service to the human race. It i4. said that this year’s hay crop in G 28'» iii-igaiufléll be one 9f the heaviest on Maori, , ,1 ' LoEd Monck is mined lo the Pctfnge, ».â€"lh|s‘is a just acknowledgment of the Imprrml Government that His Emul- lcncy'a conduct as Gavermr Genera! has met with the approbation of hi» Queen ;â€"- wu congratulate his Lordship upon his ex; allntinu. and believe \hal there is not a true Canadian In the land who will not njoice at the announcement. Lord Derby‘s ministry Is formed, and aevaril‘ ofits members are now before their constituents,sohciliug their approba- tion. by re~e|eciion. Harvesting’hus commenced in the town’ ships of Vannghlm, Markham, Whitchurch: King, and the Gwiilimburys,â€"we are rejoic ed to hear from good authority that. the Crops‘ will '03 gbove {m uvex-age,-â€"the yield is, good, and but little said of the weevil or rust. We perceive that in the House of Lords, as wellvas in the English press, brother Jonathan being bespaltered will) praisa filr‘hié magnanimily in uhe Fenian businesspâ€"wdi, there is an old, homely but no! the less h'uihful saying, that if you but gr! lizelnailne for rising eariy’you may Heep {iii mid-dziy. we.“ . . mt 3.9m fitmlb. Tbg Harvest and Crops- European Afl‘aiu. NIH ING FORTH. MOVIE. IOIH‘H H LI. ...........9 33 A.‘ 55L: ......4 56 r,- Our County Treasurer and the Supplementary Grant.- Our readers will recollect that we an- nounced, with considerable satisfaction, that the Counties’ Council of York and Peel, at its June session. had generously ptosidt d for the County GrammarSchools, by making on additional grant of $i00 for each school in the County. for the current year,-â€"by this means placing our Gram- mar Schools in a healthy financial as to enable them to be really useful. We are astonished to learnzllmt the Treasurer of the County has refused to pay the money upon the order of the Chairman of the Board until the end of the year, upon the ground that he wnnls to be certain that our Grammar School will continue to be free during the year. Now, we are not aware that there is anything in the resolu- tion of the Counties' Council to justify the County Treasurer, or any other officer of the Council, taking upon themselves to place obstruc'ions in the way, so as to neutralize the generous action of the ‘Council. The Trustees of the Richmond Hill County Giammar School voluntarily declared the School free to the whole County at the commencement ofthe year, and it was on that ground that the Peti» tion to the County Council for a nipple- mentary grant was hased,-â€"-we con- sider that the Treasurer, in witholding the money voted by the Council, is acting contrary to law;â€"hie duty is plain and simple, and that is to pay the money upon the order of the Chairman of the Board of Trustees ; if any Board of Trustees accept the supplementary grant, they are bound to open the School tree to all: and should they attempt to exact a fee, the party aggrieved Would soon bring them to their senses,-â€"but we feel quite cer- tain that there is no Board of Trustees would do l0--ll|et‘ef0rl: it is quite unneces- sary for the Treasurer to depart from his line of duty, simply to guard against such a contingency as he mentions. The fol- lowing is the resolution of the Counties' Council to which we refer :â€" “ Resolved, That the Treasurer hei and heis hereby authorized to pay to the Chairman of each Grammar School Trus- tee: in these countiu the sum of $l00 as a supplementary grant in aid of such school: I'm the present year, on condition Hut such achooln are made free to all pupil: resident In any of the municipalities of these counties. Carried." The Era 'ot Newmarlée’tflgdggjzg heading “ A Rich iNote,” gives some rather discordant sounds anent our re- marks respecting the Drill Shed, which it is expected will be erected at Richmond soon as Government has made or- rangements for their establishment in the various central Towns throughout the countryâ€"which will be ere long. \Ve have sometimes been inclined to think that our cotemporary is fond of a joke, and is not particular at whose expense he cracks one,â€"but there ii a tone in his facetiousness that ts harsh, and gives rise to the unpleasant Idea that he is inclined to he envious; he imagines that he renders a service to Newmarlret by depreciatingr Ierery other place in the County that has ipretensions to being a suitable locality either for the County Town, 3 Drill Shell or anything else that he would claim ex- clusively for his village. \Ve do not de- t sire to woundpur cotemporary's feelings, but must suggest to him to forego his practice ofsnttrling,r at his neighbors,-â€"â€"nor do we feet inclined to imitate the Em’r style by saying unkind things of Newmar- ket by way of retaliation, even though we have received provocation,â€"we pre- fer rather to make allowance for our co. 'temporary, knowing his weakness, but trust that our magnanimous forbearance will he appreciated, and that: little reflec- tion witt convmee him that his “ Rich ‘Note” is evxdence that he. is an indifierent judgegt music. The fact is, Our friend has never got over the shock his nerves sustained in the “ Registry” atfair; he has we hare thought, been out iof tune ever since that disappointmentâ€"to him, it was provoking, perhaps, but we, at Richmond Hill, are not to blame, and hope that he will endeavour to he more respectful in future. In nnothu: column will be found on inter- esting account of the presentation of a hand- some Electra-plated Water Jug to the Rev. Mr. Davidwu and his amiable wife, by the Teachers and Scholars of the Sunday Schools ofthe Township of Vaughan, within the Rev. gentleman's mission. Both the address and reply are very affecting, and go far to prove that the Rev. Mr. Davidson and his lady are much beloved by those amongst whom they have laboured in the service of God. We cOngrntulate our Reverend friend upon this happy, termination of his career of usefulness in the Township of Vaughan, and hope that in his new sphere he will meet with the! friendly reception of which we are certain be ‘ill prove hingeer downing. A Musical Genius (7) out of tune. REV. MR. DAVIDSON. Some unfortunate victim who has re- cently ristted the Falls at Niagara, writes to the Toronto Leader to make known to the public his experience; it appears he was anxious to see all the sights,‘ amongst the rest went down under the waler-fall,â€"â€"and considering himself rather good looking. he would have his photo- graph taken while in the oil-cloth cover- ing used for going under the sheet of water. It appears that the photographers in that region are not as scrupulously honest as our friend Hood ni’er-the-way, so that the Leader‘s correspondent and his three friends had to give eighteen dollars for what they considered two to be ample payment. They were also overcharged for going d0wn below the Falls to “ see the Elephant.” \Ve recommend our friends to be on their guard when they go to Niagara Falls, and avoid the numerous sharpers thereabouts,that will give them some most pressing and polite invntatations, and then fleece them,-and if tlteytfeel particularly‘aunous for their Photographs we would suggest that they try Hood be- fore they go on their trip. VVe copylhe fol!owing item from the Owen Sound Comet of 20 July :â€"-â€" “ The heat has been must intoierabi‘e, not only over the whole of Canadi, but also the United Slatea. \Ve read of a large number of pimple having been struck with .coup de soled, many of which lur- minated laIaily.” I On the first page of the same paper ml' be seen an article on the " Medical uses of Ice,” which we would recommend, to the Comet for re-pernsa', anll suggest that he at once adopt that part of it that refers to an application of ice to the head. for we are apprehensive that he is one of the victims whom he describes as being struck with a. stroke 0/ the sun.â€" He reminds us of hating read a western editor’s notice of a storm, in which he says “ a cow was struck by lightning and instantly killed, belonging to the village physician, who hada beautiful calf {on day: old." Wimrger field VICEâ€"labour, the Teachers and Scholars of the Sunday Schools with which he wasponnected pre~ seated him and Mrs. Davadaon with an ad- 1 dress and a handsome Elcchoplalcd \Va- ter Jug. as a sum” token of apprecianon ofthcir valuable aervice to the Sunday Schools. Communicated. Simâ€"An erenl, ofa very inter- esting and pleasing character, has jUs {alum [June in Christ Church, Wood blidge. The late Incumbent of this mis- sion, the Rev. Mr. D ' ha 1; Swindling at Niagara. Falls, The following is the address together with the Rev. Gentleman‘s reply :â€" REV. Jun DEAR sm. “'hen our loved and respected Dio- cesan was pleased to reward your laillnfut and zealous services in this parish, by pro~ motion to a sphere of greater usefulness, and a post of more ample emolument, au‘ feelings were llmse (if pleasure, that merir had not been passed over or disregarded. But at the same time, when we recall the deep interest which M rs. Davidsm and yourself haw ever manifested in th: success and well being 0t our Sunday Schools; and when we weekly miss tin kind and friendly faces, that smiled upon our work with cheerful encouragemenmnd with ready sympathy; we may be parJon- ed an expression of sorrow, at the loss of friends an tried, so respected, and so loved. M ay God bless and prosper you and yours in your new sphere oflabour, and in e‘ ery work of your hands! Accept, Dcar Friends, the accompany- mg token of aux-love, not that we ‘lcem you need any remembrance ofns,‘ but in order that it may be to your new parigh inners a slight proof of the deep feeling of nfieclian which is felt for you,hoth by H13 Teachers and Scholars of Christ Church “'nodbrldge, and St. Stephen’s, Vaughan. The Rev. Mr. Dmidson replied sub- It would have givvn Mrs. Davidson very great pleasure to have been here to. day, had circumstances pen-milled. She will be equally pleased Willi myselfaz this grarifying mark of your affection. E-‘ha has always taken an antive Interest in Sunday Schools, and it is a source of great satisfaction lo hev, as well‘as 10 me, to know that those whom we have in- structed are. in theirlurn, endeavouring to lead others to paths of holiness and righlousness. May God's best blowing lip-poured unâ€" nn you all, and may you individually as you increase in years. “Grow in grace. and in the knowledge. of Our Lord and Savinur,Jesus Christ." Woudbridgo, Burwick, Julv 2314,1853. The very bugu‘iful gift which you have just presumed, will be heightened in value a hundred fold by the assocmtions which it will ahmys call to mmd. for whatever gnod I may have been enabled to do, either In the Sunday School or in the: mis- sion, I heartily thank our Heavenly Father. The Rev. Mr. Dam stalltially as follows :â€"- T accept, my dear young fripnds, mlh mueh pleasure, this unexpected proof of kindness and good feeling. Presentation at Bun-wick. “ Prodlgious !" Acorrexpandmwmms us that A most pleasing d’e:mopairfléon took place at Au; rom, on Wednesday last in‘ honour of the Irf'antr} CJmpuny of that place. The Company lining, on two ocean-ions, cheerfully elm-fed {lxmenll of duty by leaving: weir fiz-csidcs and {lie‘l‘min‘l'o'rts of lionie to defcnd their country, the peOPIe of Aurora and vicinity determined upon expressing their gmtitfidc fnw'and's' tlié brave fellows by giving them‘ a public‘ ontér‘tainmcn't, Which was (lime in the shape of a pic-nic, got up ina mnstgumaitnous mmner,’ and a; the same time the company was preiye'nted whit a splendid Silver Bugle, a set of Usums and“ Fife: and Union‘Ja‘ck, me wligle ,having ‘cosl about ninety dollars.â€"- The caterer for the pic-nic was Mr.,. quécn confectioner, ‘who did his part most cfiiuiently.-â€"â€"Aftcr about ntlnusand peg-sons 1nd pan-taken of th; good things» prcivided, the Rev. Mr. Simw was exiled try the chair. and the Rev. Messrs M :Cullum, Gollsinilh, Curry, Brown and Cartwright, Dnctor Geikie and others delivered some eloquent and patriotic ad. dresses. Grand Volnn't‘egr Demonstra ‘ ' Mbn‘at’fiurmjawi . The Sharon Brass? Band supplied the music for the occasion. ' ‘ ' After the speaking, the Volunteers, under the": exumlnd of Captain Peel and Lieut. E‘czu‘szm, attracted a largevnmmnt of atten- tion, by skirmishiugfi; for alnut an hmr through the \t’oods‘ adjoining the grove; thev acquitted themselves with much credit and demonstrated how, well they have pro: grassed in their drill and discipline.- We regret to learn from our cor-respon- dentimd others who were present on the occasion, that a prominent indiviQimi from Newznurkei displayed var-y 11nd taste by attempting to make a speech (nfwr dinner!) in which he made a _ fruitless attempt at being witty. and‘O'ily left the impression that he acted the part ofa buffunnpin chari ty toward: him‘ we wiz'hold his name) and trust tint he will progeriy appreciate qur forbearame. FOREIGN NEWS 3? THE “SCOTIAC’ THE PuUSSIA‘SS OCCUPY PRAGUE Goldwin Smith has resigned i110 Profess orship of History at Oxford Uuiwraity. Sir E. B. Lyttou is gazetted as Lord thmn. The French Ambus‘sndor to Béflin had a'r riwd ut the King of Prussin‘a heurlquurtofs. It is vet undecided whether the Aufitrians will hold \he Hne f'rom Olmutz to hrunn, and fight another buttlé‘» » u .. . The Prussian headfiuzfilera bn"'tlx.e 1.211; were three miles from Brunu, The battle near Kisiengen mu bct‘wmn General Mmteu'ful’s; P; an; c‘urns mad the " ' ‘ ' ' “ (heir position ten hmnfsyand finally rotix‘cd to take a positinn on the Maine. The Fun; sinn loss “21,8 light. r, .‘l the Bavarian loss The f«m:1;.ii:n1 of the Hungarian legion was progressing and K'msmh had gone L) consult with (jurfbuldiupou a plan Okiopera- tions. lumvy includingr (he Cumuuualiu; ngcm‘. Zvfllér killed. The Mué‘nw Gasetfie. of July 13 ca 1 tains the following htghtlyfimportnnt announce- ment :â€"~»“Russin does not desire any change in the present state ofthings in Europe. If Austria. and Prussia. willirender themaulves the tools of Frafmeykns'sia can no longer de pend on them as heretofore. Vienna with- out ane Would constitute no progress for lmly. The submission of Austria to France is not advantageoufi'bfit dangerous to the Euvsovean equilibrinmg... The supremacy of Prussia in‘the Baltie., Russia’s love of peace does not sanction effects to attain auprenm power. England's interest may mnlw her seek an alliance with France and Anurin in the Eastern question ; 'hnt the dictatorship of France in Italy and Germany cannot meet with her support.” A despntcl) from Lg‘piberg, July 13. says â€"â€"The Gazette Nav-dflp‘wqot'this town an- nounces that all soldiers on- furlough iu Rus- sia have been called in, and says every day military trains start fmm Warsaw (3 the frontier of Silesia and 'Gzilicia. Russian troops are marching from Podolia to Besszr rubia. The fill from Florence of July 13; says :»-l w Court of Berlin has declared to theimlian Cabinet that an Armistipg m) the lmsis of cession of Venetia is inmlmissuhlm The Italian Government in in; reply is said to have announced its resolution to cominne offensive migrations against the Austrian Empire without relaxation, inâ€" (‘mii‘oi'mity with the engugoments mutually eutexed into by Prussia. and ltaly, until both these powers shall have obtained from Aus- tria satisfactory tormé for the conclusion of peace. 5 ' ‘ ‘ Vienna despatohes state that the Austria forcesin Venetia are being withdrawn from before the Ipaiigns, but, the {Efltl‘eflsPfi remain strongly garrisudedfur-deicncfg ‘ifighgm'wp- port rom tho’srmy. " “ ‘ ' The Bavarians, who say the engagement nem- Kissengen hndm) decisive result, are concentrating near Schweiufurt to give battle again. ' The London Globe.‘ of the 13th, savs that accordim to present appearances the Prussiaus will be before Vienna in a. week or ten days. The Nazionc, ot'Florence, July 12, put)» lishes a statement of the conditions 'for an armistice stipulated by Prussia. and Italy. The tormer power doiiihtided the, exclusion Austria from the Gertna‘hic Confederation. The Naziane adds :â€"~_:"This was admitted by France, who undertook to obtain the as- sent ot‘ the Vienna Cubinet to the evacuation by Austria of the Austrian Province occu- pied by Prussia during the armistice.” ‘ 0n the part of Italy, the éofidilions were - the eession of tho Italian territories under Austrian domination, including the Italian portion ofthe Tyrol. Austria, was to make the cession direct to Ituly without 'V pompou- Sution, and not to raise to Roman question during the negotiations for peaoe It appears that these conditions have been found inad- missable at Vienna, and that the Austrian Government has resolved to try the fortune of war. The Prussians nacupiei 'Prague an the 8:11, garrisomng the place with 8,0001r00ps. m' Emanuel was at Fcrrm‘a. La J‘rancc, ofthe i2lh,r81|)'s the attack of they'l'ialiuns upon Venet‘iu renders I’i-ince Napoleon’s mission futilo, and it has been abandoned. France is ac ively (arming her iron-clads to be sent to Venice. The Emperor of Austria is makfhg con- cesriiuns to Hungary. He announces fl’ue conscripli m as suspended, and calls upw that Hungarians to volunteer. GERIBALDI’S W0 UNI). A‘kcmrespnndem (of Lhe' Pall Mall Gazette writing from Sula (an the lst ins‘taut, says: ~Garibaldi its} wrmmlml: that is the fatal news which seems to have set the world at a Btmidsfiill for us. Be 101% us yesterday at 3 a.m~.. for the liucco (l’Anfu, where the First Thime amllfom'sl) ILagimcnts, a but- Lalion of sharpshouxers and a battalion of lVIesxzomrs Vvegvimmm had. been marched up. Wear a)? inaction, 208mg; (47" recklessness, he 1e on Max men. himself, and an 5 p.m., ycsaevrd‘ay a shot entered. his thigh, travers- hiszfleslr. for slim-Nut thr 2' inches; and ed on the other side. The wound is slight, but it will lisep him- iimc-Liwe- for days, in‘l \w‘v weeks. Moreaver, the discouragement pro- (lucml on oul'sid'e is" rcSpmfll'ud ‘30 by an equal rise in file spirils of our enemies. The news reached llS at two U’Ncluck’ this morning. Bsnumi rlcsputcherl Dr. Alba 9.30 the Surgeon to the stall; im-nwliutcly ; but the strict orders are that every one glse 1-0,- mziin at their post. I have Just swan Cup- t.\iu Moybn, a GenomeY “thaw-:33 with the (jg feral when wounded. He asaui'eg me that the hurt is not serious, aml that the General mate it hit}: the utmost indifu» ence. ' dc combat Al 3 p.1n., the Generai ordered a. few comâ€" panies of'the First and Third Regiments to take thortmvn of thcrnlino. Then, finding that to achieve this. with the Austrians oaâ€" cupying all the mountain passes, greater 10,5305 must heincurrod than lhe pnsiLinn was Worth, he was just giving orders to elfect n tiank- movement w'ncn Lin: Jngcr‘s riilq 337.5}an all too we“, The L )ndon Tinenas cf the 8th says there l in Lao, tnucli reason t:) {041' that huntilitiusl will be rminned in both the theatre-.4. (if war. if SO Austria will be nimble tu niilnlrnw any cunsidemhle numlmr (il'trunps {min Venetian and unless sheltered hy the: u,ng of France may 80,le bu compelled in litmr terms all pence iliut.tto«l by Prussia in her own Cngi- 1 ml. The Tins/V's. remarks that the nextl .lg -stiun is \vliutlier the LUSPUI'UT Napoleon will bitce his tentlnr ut‘goud viii-c.) by a tlix‘uxt Manned interference, and “mirth-3r, in any event lie will he cnnwnt, Vul', part stake lioldxsr, or will art upon principles ap- parently fort-sluulewl in his letter to M‘ Droizyntli: Lilittyrs 1’ up: he wry-91rd ililnné‘, 1' as simple trust-c ut‘ \‘vnctizi for lwlv, ur will ll‘a innlrc ltis otvn turnn lwlbrc erinn‘k- - ring it? Will he submit to witness the 214'» grundmcnicnt of Brimsiu in Nurtlzurn lini'upt‘ without demanding any fresh rectification ul' of the, Eastern l‘rqntier of Finn-v '! Or wi.l he itp'figtlpe Greta Powers to aid in a new partition of the (ruminant: lmscd on the rights of nuiinnalii‘ies and, national lJ-Jll'u: dut'itm? It is dilliuult to believe that (:ian Italy or Bl‘uqud will ultimately repel lilt‘ pzictLic overture of the l‘lznpuror N.rpnleon. Q _i0Ci.lll'\; if tliu‘y s‘litlu‘ld, b6 supported by. glazid‘ Sooner or later, tlicctfi'uz't‘ with- olul sacrificing a taingle soldier, or imlmsiti; the filighu-at (nuclei) unflirztnce, Ill‘ Fienufn Etnjicrgir will pulmlily lim’l hiiqsfif agilin ll) tliv; ‘ ' r of l‘lttropn. " It is a pos- tionyincl; loll_\‘ alignittm Would disdain L0 T'm: Dnroit Pm? has the f )Huwin; r0 marks upon this rchrkabie wwqmu. Tth are, no doubt, written by cheml Carl Schurz, th': editor of thn piper, himself a German, and an intelligent cumneumtor upon events connected with the, war in Europe :2- “ The Imedle mm is xx hr: och-lowlian rifle, of a Very simplu uunstrnclion. [L has its name from the fact that the powder is i‘rr nited not by a hammer striking a (up, but by n. needle perforating the 7 and exploding Hie fulzninnlin; m xterm} by fric» lion. At the 1m ,ch 0? the «Jun there is :L .5 by n, needle perlomtiu; the lily: and exploding {lie lulzninnlin; in Her «Ll by frie» lion. At the lismeh 0f the gun there is :L handle in the form ul'a knol). By moving this handle to mmside, weicli is (lone by a very simple aml rapid motiLm, the l)!,'(‘,(3(3‘1 is opened; the cartridge is then slipped int'; the aperture. and the handle is inw-ml to the Oi'io’lnill position, closing iin l’: u-uli. Bylhe same motion llie needle R pewm‘, back so as to be detained by :i_ spirle Spring When lllc trigger is pull'fl. llle needle din-ls forward into the bi‘chll llimurli a small hole at the lower end oftlxe barrel, and per- .foralef; 8'" ‘ ‘g'nilos the l'ulminalinj; mulerinl 1" “i; earti-iilgi‘, Him exploding rhc pnwder. The mrmuul uperulimi by wli l- this is ac- complislmdis exceedingly simple, hild em lie pca‘l‘m'med \villigrmt I'npi.}’llj(-. NU ill-ll the needle rrim Cami-asin be lomleil and (liti- clmraed tl , or four time-,3 v-gliiie amnian muzzle landing rifle is llH‘il ghee. 'l'lie nee .dle gun is very light and handy, can be re- lied upon at long range, and carries the bul- lot with ‘greulaceumey. .4 “The neerlle gun is prohnhly not the heat, breech-Ion. :n,A_r firearm in existence. One of tne disadvantages consists in the needle sninetiiues hecmning bent or. otherwise in jured; hut the Prussian soldier :zm‘ies several reserve needi es in his pouch, and is carefully drilled in all the manipulations necessary for taking out the old needle and replacingit with a new oney an operation easily accomplished, as film whole machin- ery of the lock is (if‘ very simnle consume- tinn. lint whatever its perfections or imper- fections mJy he, the needle gun has incem lestuhly pmvell its immense Superiority overthe common rille hy the most reliable (ifhsts, and all the arguments brought against planing a hreuelrloatling firearm in the hands ofortlinnry infantry, and especi- ally ofyonng and inexperienced S“lx’3|61'8, are swept away, The occurrences in Bohemia. have also demonstrated to evidence, that mere personal (lash ard bravery on the part ()ftlie men are not sufficient to neutralize the superioriLy 0f the hreeelrlondingl rifle. In a general Order issued immedimely before the commencement of hostilities, Gen. Benetlek told his troops that the Prussian needle gun would avail nmhin; against the imprtnqsity of an Austri a: bayenet charge. By this time he and his. imam will I have changed their minds, We find it recerled “ It was firs! introduced in the? Prussian armrnenrly twenty years ago. If we re member correctly. some battalions of the Guard; had it already in 1849, in the first Schleswig-Hflstein war. In 1849, when the King of Prussia sent his tr00ps into 1119 various parts 01‘ Germany to suppress insnr. rcotionary movements, it was in the hands of sqveml re-rimcnts (.I‘ the, .ine. In the second Schlosw1g-Ilolstcin war, (in 1361, it w is tested on a large Scale, and now in the great battles in Bohemia. it has gone thrqugh its final and conclusaivo ordeal. We have besides about The Prussian Needle Gun. A I'STIHA‘S ll.\.\;(},ERol'b‘. SITUATION. one huudwd hum ard hiIl‘aé‘, 1 lwlv, ux‘ brc Lruuri‘k- - .lncss the 214'- Uxuz'u I‘lumpr “ At the'presbnf m‘O‘II'RCIIt Prussia ié‘ t‘i’te' only firstâ€"glass military llO\VCI' in whose army thebI-occlllnacling rin‘c i}; morally intro- tlnocdi audit is sin flood; Mint fore- ‘in-_; Elie immense (Mlxdlliilg‘e' she would tlwix m a war from her superior arma maul. some ofher nEiJlilbors, France, for inn‘sanoe', have not agox followed her example 3utitis emint‘ntly probable that P‘rugsia will not long: be IlL'lllllHCd to enjn'y IlÂ¥iS preeminmiz‘fi. The B0110: inn campaign has slioxvntlr: .Jilitai'y powers of :fliusrpza' the ne-cossity of" keeping pace with the pm grass ofinvention, and before many yean every aim}; in Europe of’Soxmc pl'mensions “ill have lizmisli‘ed the muzzle Innzling gun as a relic of the lmrlm'ism‘of bygone 11:93.” The Nuw ank Past has tlw following ‘ulm-t “ The I’ruiém‘n‘ ‘ rmedh mm” whit-h wm used with SUIIiI (“SH‘HI'OUS effect in th: but. fie (,fSuhnvn. was nriginaify invenml in 1835, filthoufl! mam’ improvements ‘1‘379 since been 11min. Thu credit of the invelr lion belongs'm Mr. 1) INS. the manufacturr er nf'arm: at Sommn-da: hut in some re- spects the weapon is sizniiur to and an im- provement upon the breech ionfliug musket afNomvm‘. It is simniy n. hrecv‘h loading rifle, the mrtrrige of which is expioded by the intrusion of a neerit’e int‘) the filiminntc uttuchcd to it, the needle buing propelled by asuimi sprinr. Them is no ser-ret a‘mut its mechanism, a'zd tho onix'thivi-r ahnut it which than: wuuid he (ht intuit ' t ‘ unity in nm‘in z, is the fuiminatin: canmositiun. mnmrks “Anuthor :mcmmt, s'yyh : The cartridge is: made Msti'f card-b mrd, the hull pmvdcinud explosive compositiun bnin'z (:mxm' the mme cylinlcr. Its g-"cut pm fi’rfi u'uirmaféng pawl The Vine in the Statesmâ€"rTen years ug) there were not, more than 3000 or 4-000 acres planted with the vine in the United State 5. and now (here we nub loss than 2,000,00L acrnssn planted. Formerlv American win e would scarcely bring a. dollar a gallon, an a now it sells from two to six dollar per gal lon. ’ the same cylinder. its g-"C'dt pm :i)‘ is flu: fi’rfi u'uirmaféng paw her iirawd im- mediutriy in " an “r u q" the hm and be fix/“Du it and Lil" In or. The In] 'ilntilé‘e of this in find, w 0‘1 Ih'x Daimler is ignith, that puriion new. (he iii, in which com‘ hmtinn i; first pnrt‘mied, exe (3 its f‘iillfuruc :igmn l’m iii-nicviiha, the pow Eur in rear also vxcrtin; its iu‘iuenuc, :15 it h *(mmns nhn'ust inshiiitznxunialy izmiwi. Unicr the pro,- Smi system, in which that part of the pow- (iur nlxt to the hreezth of'thu gun is first 'a iilcd, 2: pmtim- l'. Lin decr is frequently expr ied {rum Lim‘gun wuh the bull in u condition ofonly partial combustion, the explosive force ot'thc powder first consmncd being adequate to equal the ball and ihe powder in its front hwfnro the whnie charge has time to become v.1: :Iy ignited. Thus in the ‘nccdha’ ,quii zill‘iim powd is con- s‘umwl and am )1] m the best oii'crt, and so 'i.)‘ to uh « mud in» fiiilest force at the Sumo instant and in the s: W. direction. Th: ‘nectiio’ girl is (Lhrcu 'hriOfldOX‘; and when the trigger is pullud a stout ‘needle’ or wire is thrust through the hilst) of thu cartridgulv mimle with I‘m axis, inm the- detonating charm \‘zlusixlvf ii' explosion and the igui» {ion of (In! crirbri In aeouraoy the ‘iieruilo‘ guniaunnoi he surpassed, and its chriim range is said to be about fillet-.11 huudch )' (1,53 x hundred "arm. "' [‘hc admtimz 1 oFthe arm, besides the great one 01' c. I ty of fire, me the simplici» I’V ~ the mechuiimn, which cum he taken a- PLLL'L \a'iihon v. scrmvrdrivm or other imple- ments the why and case with which it may ha: chrunscdz the convc :ir‘riuc ufh):idhi,g in u limited space, 01‘ OH huh I).Lc‘ I the certain and Luiit'ui'ni filling 01‘ tho gx'oni‘os; the re- Hmitcd space, 01‘ OH huh luck; the certain and unit'u‘rm, filling 01‘ tho gx‘oni‘ofi; the re- duct‘d charge, consequent upon the entire 0 msnmptiun of the powder ; ant] the dibUSC 01'th hum-0d. The chiefuhjcctiun hmught :L :uiust'it has been that firng so rapidly the SJdicr would. he apt to i‘m‘ Lg um), and so waste 111mg ammunition 1112111 in the 01d weapon.” Mis? Johnson, a cuiorcd young hay, took the glgird honour at the late anniver. sax-y loe (u‘reuesee \Vesloyzm Seminary, Her father 33 u lawyer of Calmnduigue, Mahogany Sleepers. â€". From, Western Australia. We learn that, an engagement has been entered into to deliver on board a Ship a r remnantle (300 loads of mahogany sleeper-5101'th Indian l’.xilw v, at £3 115‘s 6d per loud. Miilinns Macro.» in the colony produce a Limbcz which no other part ()Hhc world produces, and it is Virtually industqu- tible by white um and sea worm. The Pacific Hammad is now open and running 125) miles west frqin Omaha, and theoverltmd mail stages now start from the end ofthe mile, at the town of Columbus, instead offroin the Missouri River at At» chisnii. There is also a daily stage over- lmni from the tel'minutinn (if the lower line ot'Lhe l’zLelic I'O.l.d ut Topeka, Iiilllbids. ()n the California end, the Pacific is open 10, Dutch Flat, 07 miles from Sucmmcnfo, and 3 416 foot up mnan the éierras. So the grenhsoili well goes un. There has been a I-utliCLl()ll ofgihout $13T 500,000 to the National debt, durng the month of. June. The rerlm “ im. at" the debt during the war ending Jam in! has been over Sl00,0d0.000. This is encouraging. The burnt district in Phi-61am} has be,» accurately surveyed-and found‘ato novef an. area of three hundred and Wemfiaovew acres;- Ea’rmrhy a S11a1‘l}.â€"¥§ome ybfing‘ giant), while bmhing recently- in Mobile (Ala) Buy- were attacked by sharks. One was bitter!“ in two and Illen defion‘red. The otfierisflc’ ceeded in escaping. The yo‘u’nfz' ’njmn 'k-illv‘i ed was totally devoured;wi1h‘fhe "éiiééptid'll Ufa portion of his (:lgnhiu‘g'.y ' ‘ '3 The Princess Mary was married _in LOX!" don. on the 11111 instant, ‘ {0 Francis: 'EeWii‘ )2 Paul Alexnnd‘m‘ 1' rmce km Thad; 'o't'l Karim gm‘y, Infeh' an rfirmer in the' Austrian it}? "‘ vine. The cercnmny was buaheuZdad‘, state pageantry or pom DEED. ‘ ' " I ‘, . On Monday evening, the 23rd", {Inst}; iii N01; of'the 5th concession of Vaughan: Mrs. Ami Dalzicl, it} the 915i)?“ 0L: At Hichmnnd Hill, on Tue‘sd'éy, the ‘2415' inst, Mrs. W. Junkim‘, aged 74 years and 5 month»; v ~ - , [\Im. Jenkins was the widow of the late Rev. W. Jenkins, Presbyierian Minister of Markham and ' Richmond Hill. Sho- (umm intuthis cunntx'y about-18 yean agop and with her husband passed tMQuflLw mnny'of the trials inciJent to Canning? lil‘c.] ' 1“’rfmze Sigismund? Flii'rd" sumofagflifl’r Cwwaleth of Pi'u'bsia. and grandsmy of . Queen! Wighn‘iik died, on-Moudul"; June lISthE'iv» after two daysfyilhw' - '. \- 'EPm King of Hanover (D‘H'Ee J'Cu'r'nfiekr? l'mldtumd' Ins famin are expectntf in Engr land as cxiTCs. Ha has silléf'fiifli‘ Auém‘in» and Hammer, and will no doubt, be occupieéfl by Prussia. His Majesty is stone blind " v" V The conversion of En‘fiek] rifles f0 Snifil'éyj breech-loaders has now commenced '3”. E315: _ fieVd. The present order is“ for - .2.@e,@m,. rifles ; an order whiwL willpnnlmfiyube Kuh- '2 lowch by another for a likerme-n, - The mm inhHihls and popular remedy aver; kmm'u, fur aii diseases of tho frnmla M‘x The)" hrx "091) ust in umny thousand cases with! Hat; 4;} sum-essâ€"uud may be' relied on im' cvm'y sag-s fur which .hey are recommended and particularly in all 091903 n"singfmm ' 3):? Harvey’s Female Pills‘? Obstruction or Stoppuge of Nature; no mm'm ‘i'rnu'. whaé cum»; i; Mia's. They we «Mammal in; roquy‘ggg m hrahh n" whn an “5mm; ‘11.“; Weaknaga, mud Duhmu‘, {Han 'uw [Mrjohurflt-s, Nt‘l‘vmlhiwfl. 1&9” 599.. «0-. and {Lr‘y “ Act “£5 a charm." in strengthen. mg Lha smkmu. 'llxqusqudg of ladle! who. haw sufl'orud fur yours and tried various oil“: rmnmlibs in vain. own I rmwwal 0" their hoaflll :xud u;r~u1y&lL:,v~;hoHy .0 the efficacy of The}2 are periomly harmless on the .ymm. may \I-r w‘luu M‘r nuv tinm u'ilh perfect sweu‘ t.- \-m I’M/3.31.1], :lm mm, 'sl/lges,t{f l’rrgunny lluym 51mm my: in. tukm, m- a niiSClll'l‘iilgc manly-h: 1hr, 15511.15. They never cause any ,nvickp‘eug pain or dismiss. I‘JQKJILOX contains 60 l’ilhb’ l’nce one 05.23;“! ‘> D1“. B‘ar‘fiegs') Golden P‘illl. I l are adapted far all u'gLs 12mi- 'cVaniW-eioln‘. lev hl't! composed of" the activo- prlly'lplflfl of Herbs and ROME, enlled from our fields- nnd fungus. They are mild. but corlnin in their} opormionâ€"Hgn‘oducing neither cramps. piping“. pains or sicknnss. They may he “km; by all nges, sexes or conditions willlom flung BIyliM‘S Lift: PM.“ Cure Hexdnclm. Bryan's Ill/"s Pills. (lure $10k Stomach. Bryan‘s Léfa Pills. Cure Giddmoss, Bryrm‘s Mfr. Pills, Purify the Bland. ; A linx of Bryan’s Life Pills will can! in, T\\’I'ZN'I‘\'-I“IVE CENTS. and will manna plish all that is represenlod. ' They are elegantly put up by tho pmpri'etor. the inventor of B'yan's Pulmanic H’ufgn. q medicine long and favorably known to thq American anmn. - ‘ ‘ A remedy for afnzxuiul u stronger than, we 15-55510; :5 lmr box. A k‘mvn'r: (‘mcumw‘ to Ladies with fins. anuwmlm-l sum-avjpgg. wul Lice un raccipl ofi’ dirrcled cnvulope nulljrslamp, '«5. {our dtgrnn. co Five non-m lL‘J‘Cm {Ina on; If, _\m: desire Dr. Hurvoy'q f’xils. and if you. cannot. pmcnra them of your; druggist. do not take. any Omar. for Inmo donI-. us who am unprincquled‘win rocommon‘d other. ("euluka PHIS, they can. make :1:th profit on. TM HRIVATE MERE“. UNISEX; â€"hux r-nclmo HIE) money and send direct lo, Dr, J. BRYAN. Con-suiting l’hysicwn, Box ‘50 9. “'2 Bromiu ny. Naw York, and you will rpcoivofi [hem scuuroly senied from obseivnlion. by re- nmil. I} 525 Exclusivelyifor-Ladilo, .\n invnluahle lrenfise OHOO Mgr!) by. Di’.’ Harvey. published for the b enefil of the "I; On roceipt of Twenty cents, it will he fink“ post mm. in a scaled envelope to all who I?! My for it, Address. Dr. J Burnt; 442 “mark. wa) Ncw Yosk. flux 707,9, . ly-‘25; and do um iIIH‘IrOI‘a wilh hnsi'lwnpnrs‘uik. Nu change 13f [lint is ncciassary. lug! The Greatest Medicine 01 the Age. BELL’S SPECIFIC PILLS! Arr warramxxd in u“ r-nses. for \Iw Slum)! Ind; Pmnuser Cum: nl Semi") Weukuou Urellu ml :mri' {ngin J l)‘: champ-4.: (5)2901; S’xunl Do- uihly hnd' d1~onse~ of the Bladdef and Kidnu'a. 'I‘ney ma udnpwd fut male; urflbmaflq, old or;- _\’uu.|;g. and 'ne llm uul_\' rIrliulxIO knew,an “It; « u. u uf u!) x. ' nsu-fifilfiining [1.011; I A mire antidote for sickness, and a mint. from Summw. l’Aln‘ ou Dlsmu.‘ are ndmiued lo be [He Bast Furnilj Mtdici’n. for genurnl usay l‘nrit'ying-lhewflioud and-Clelnfi ing the system from all ill)|l|lfi{'\'.. Bryan‘s Life Pills, Entirely {ege'tabfeh rogulme the Stomach. Liver and- Hilliary 80-. creriuus, \Vhll‘.|l is we chief cause of Nervous new, (Tuldinees. Himnexanf Sfightxhhandacho Sick Smnmuh and; when kindred; QannlflilMS 352239021 mat to LJIBlL‘S If you “Rah Bryan’s Life PimLaHd canmfl get them of ywur druggis!. don! takoany- Mhor‘ but send Twenty-five calm in a lot!” to ihg proprietor, and you will gel. them Ivy ny’m a! mail. Addvass} Dr. J. Bnnw. 14¢ gratin“, Non Yoda; Box 507:1, ' “ ' 2!; Hundreds ofCu-tififiam on, be Shown; I 'l‘hay have been. “50le thousands with amigo“ They Be Used Without Dcte‘cfiom IA Purify the Blood. firgmn’s Life: I‘i‘l 1‘8, Er. Harvey's F3113» Pills: LA I) N EYV S FOR THE UNFORTQNA‘II. figjyanfg Life Pins.

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