ï¬ï¬istzfflillï¬Farm 5,; ~_ Smelser, ar' Msgnyfwi'uï¬ 2nd :10; lbs. Good Sugar, for $1. 110 Him. Reï¬ned ‘do for $1. :9 WE}; M d),_ cxl'ra Bl'ighi do for $1. ‘77 lbsi’Lï¬f’Sugar, for $1. “'I'rvjuir‘ 4-ngoung Ill] y'srlm Teaâ€"4h:- host do be had in'Camda for lhe price, at \V. rs. lfpllockb, late {NOORi’B’y‘wn Duck. -Gam‘Jmon. and DH†si's wéll:c,,u! and mu’ye from 145 8d per “if R :‘alu. . :.=...s:x:m: 4 ï¬n lbs'i'RoLIs, at \V. l’ol'onk's. lute Barnard’s. TRESH'TEUTTER ! July ARQ, 'SUGARS! v Lena; JUST. Reached savoral Qunrler Caska of m Ereth Port ud Shari:r Wines and Brandi“. of (he has! l)rand.~4â€"equnlto anv in {In l'rovindu";und can be thoroughly recom- meydud ; also, 6 Cases of London Duck 01d Crustnd' Pm! Wines. with several (‘mres of nnupd‘ fiench‘flralmim. Honwd Gin- and p'urdflaujmnia: Rum: n‘iso 4‘: arveu "asphl lurs. ‘Potfdï¬ï¬‚'épi‘nnd‘InuIt’VVhisky from 3: 611 per £hl‘0“y’WP" moliï¬ud and unudulxax'algd t: Aan.5. Pollock 181%. ' 10m. Just: POUND tln théwrdvansih‘inl'dlf Vaughan. within hall“ a :mileyof’l'fll‘ze Sl’reéi. mid ’Fiï¬aen from Town- do : “will!oamuhmuwwwun of Burr Slonos. .momhan-t nnd vcmvmry bolwpdriven by a never failing- ï¬re-mm!†wuev. - FGRHSAUa, um valublo Mill ’Brbperh’, 1 ‘lï¬i'qwnfu'why V ‘BldflMoN-D HILL ' MILLS, Hay (on o~~b .-. . ’Slrnw do .... ... lhmpr #9 lb, .... .. 3:}:ng iï¬yfigz‘...... Vr -â€"â€"â€"â€" ~â€" _ Cnmflns? jérogbf'the very'hefzt of.land, a] .neadyplballggdll .Qu the “premises are (elected 5 {Mahalany rigk’ houge, with a Iram‘é ham). I-mhlb. c'o'vif 691356, ï¬nd “pigggery, and every mher convenience; "Also a hrge apple orch- _nrd and plum and-“pleaf orchard, atud curralxts' ;in abundancé †" . App‘les; brl “Vuul, .... .‘ WUHE WINES ‘ AND-f BRANUIES, :lf uotno‘d the-rifu'rm and mill 923111503 tamed ii» ï¬lm FBU- - v V far Wm» 42p? 'bï¬rsmm'" )' 10 v . ' QEOBGE ARKSEY. v. 04.1 ma [memin flichlï¬bn‘g .‘HHI, TJï¬â€˜Iy (2, 1866 . Flam br}. . . . . .. "I" .Whr'pl hzwhel Spring “'h’ul do Barlev do 1"!“ ‘30 T‘uird E ':‘inn. Fifty Thousandâ€"100 pages. 'bv It!!an E. BELL, M, II). A caution. ad- 'drm-a‘éd ll‘o youth. the married. and those Con- “ninrynniu‘MfAummn. Seut'by maii post pnid, pn‘remip! xpf Twnzn'n' Cm‘l‘s. A carefu! mei-l u’th'flwmnll imi: has been a Boon 'm nu: Atrmc'ncb. nnd has saved lhousnnds from blifovï¬misor)‘, and an unlimo‘y grave. ll but: on [be evil» of Youthful ludisclelion, Solï¬Abm-ï¬. Seminal Weakness. Emissions, Soï¬lnl 7Diuuu-M. Ceuhal Dubility. Loss 0! rmpr,iNuynllaxlem, l’ounntum Douay. Im- potmco."&u:, &c..,which un'ï¬l the aufl'cro wum‘fnlï¬'lliï¬u the Olviignlio'un of Mnrrmge. fvg-ddrnn. Dn. J. Hun". Conumlting thsi- t. Bu 5W9, (Roadway, New Ymk. -‘ ' ‘ ' ' “.25 ()utl Jflï¬ï¬smn AUCTIQNEER for the coun- ' ,ï¬psvbf Â¥oikide§eL Collector of Notes. Accountaiflecil‘sinmll 'chargas and plenty .lo (30, If S'ou good ,(he Pills, em out lhis ndvvrlise- (mom {or ral'emivwx, and if you cannot procure hem of your drugglnl, do run! be impvamd mi (II/a «my ulhc'r rtmsdy, bu‘. mufluse the money in n letter :0 Dr. J. anm. Consulting I’hysichy #49 Broadway, New Yuxk.Bux. 5079mm! the‘ will he sent to you secure from ohservatim. bv quulr'uv man. on receipt «I we mole ; |y~25 :icflmenaamn, may ‘25 ms ..,Y.out.hh11 Indiscretion. M1“ Séxnutmseasm. as Uouorrhea, Stric- Iivq. G'lool. an"! in kl! Urinnry and Kidney enulplkiutsnhty up! like a charm. Relief is unoriou'ced b'y' liming a single but ; and from {our ‘9 SR troer generally ufl'ucl a cure. 80M inflng c-omnining 61! pills, Prine One Donn, ‘nr six boxes, Five Dollars: also, in [Ergo b13303, conlamihg {our of the small, Price Puma“. Cumulus lo Gentlemen only. soul. free on receipluf d.mcled envelope and alamp, K ï¬en‘ilo'mnn' who‘suï¬'orod tor your: from Norv‘u‘us ma G‘enhal Debility.’ Nightly Em?» sinus. and seminal \Vonknam, the rosull_of youthful indiscretiou, and came‘ near endi’ngï¬ lil davs in Hopeless mis-ery, wxll. for'lhv sake ofsuffuring man. lend to any one u ï¬lialed. the timple menus Hal‘d by him, which efl'uclod a cure in a'faw‘wevkn. after the fanure n-f an- N i ' . .- - ‘ 4 . morons medicines. Send I: dlrocled envelope ï¬nd (on com: and it will can you nolhing. Addrus. Bun“: 'l‘luznum, Slaliou L. 129m , ‘3‘! (York city. 7 lv-‘Ji Th?†Dvlléura. 31th) aumrtimmmm. HARVEST PANTS ! Will beggiven .for any qunmitv of Good :55. “"3553! ‘ Appiy to "M-EUKCE 3‘. AL P U-RPOSE S ERKORSOF YOUTH. FARM 'l‘oth'ro M ARK MANHOOD! “0., Av. BARNARD. «SEQ. B, NICHOL, 1" '- 'Bucrixfen. &c. . Richnmnd "ill. 6. . 7 60-3â€) G-‘A- BA‘iflNARD’S Freehold Security. G. A. BARN ARD 741K Turcm'lo , J My 26. ....$6 in; $5 75 l m (a) I an 1 m (a) I on @ u 43 @ o {in @ K!) 512 (vi; 0 $35 «eh 7 '00 ~@ 6 4')" Km 15 @ ll) ‘@ 50 m 33 Yd) 31H; rn “0 0 3r! 0 5:3 0 *‘(HI 35 8 O 0 ml 20 l l (H: Elliot ldliznbmh Stephenson Samuel Grunt George ('5‘) Sunwidgo thu KarsWall Mr, Siver Hubert Kennedy~ ('Imrles VurneV Jumea Manloy P. L. VVesL Mr. Miller James B «\‘Viflzinsou 'l‘hosmas {nulxin James MARKHAM OIL & MINING Co. BUTTONVILLE, NOTICEâ€"All Sim-'eholders not having pnid their respective Calls \vihlin S.XI_\' Days from this dale. the same will be formileil 10 me Company. and the Direclors “ill sezi the said Stock for its buueiii, Always 01) Iman and for salent moderate prices. A mil isrospeotfully solicited. BONNETS AND HATS. Bcnnets, Hats, l EWIAINING in: like R'Mhumhd “ii-I 1‘05 Ofï¬cv, ou lsl 3uly, 1566‘: Anderson, M‘iller Rm:er Wm. Ulnl'k almeph B. V lii'roy Kiwanis an daon Widow A:G.Swnpson James The attnntion of 'ha Public in vizuvled 10 ltheir StockY (:ensisljng of a urea! variety of Cleaned, Aherod and Trimde 'ia: the latest styles; 11130 a choice assortment of Watchss, masks, "and 3mm, ELEC'I'ROPLA'I‘ED 'WARE, CUTLER Y, flu: ., Sm. Cnrefu’ n'ttnmivu given to tha‘ repairing of Watches mv‘ Chicks Jewelry :anui'aclumd and Rmmirr‘i ' Markham, June last 3866 Support Home Manufactures?! 'PHE Suh~'crihm‘., in Lemming thanks lo his MRS. W7. H. MYERS, Miliinar 8: Shaw Bun-net Maken CHOICE FANCY ’ï¬OODSq l Minwrmls Customers and Friends for their lihnral support during the put ni-Ie years, would beg to intimate Ihal he is prepared 10 unmuiaciure Boots and Shoes ufevery desciip- lions from (hehesi malmiah, :and after the most fas‘niuuabie stifle. tie hope»: by strict at- lention to bllsillPSR, combined with moderate p- was to ensure a continmuca nf.ll|eir favour All} orders altvndad Io promptly. Work warraumé. ' Rasidence 6 doors north of Mir. Cambw late stand. W. XVHARINS: CO. N()Tfl"£ is herebv given to partieï¬ having claims agniml the Eslale of [hi late Mr. Jacob Sn’zfer. un Lot No. l7, 5Ih (Ion. Vaughan mat the same ‘mu.~t be haude in lo eilllernflhe wxvculors on or [More Ihe 61h day qungusx. next. for adjusmmm : and alao. (hose 'mdebled l0 lhv Estate are notiï¬ed that The same must be salllud by the that date- Nit ll. King Street East, 6 dams east of Yongn Sham. r IIIS ASSOCIATION has Iransferred their LIBRARY 10 the 'lImumn ' Book Stole. whsre SluckhuILk-rs and «hers may ')‘Ol‘lll‘(‘ BUIIKS «very Friday afternoon. “‘0‘ Ho t: u’cluck. P N. Stles amended on the shortest, uotico‘ and a reusouaMo 35 JOHN CARTER, LICENSE-D AUCTIONEER JAKTUS VERNEY Richmond “411,153: hangs. ’52; OR the Counties of York, l'ecl and On- lano. Residence : L018, 61h coumssmn Markham. 1’95}, Ulï¬cquniouvLHs. A. SCOTT itichmohï¬ Hm, June 9. 1565. Toronto, Apr“ 26. 1866. Sales attended to with promplituda J. GURMLEY. J. FIZRIUS, Gm'mlev. 17.0. Luionville, P.‘ Gm'mlev. 17.0 Wnrkhum, Jun. 4. 156' £233“ 111113072256 aud other hEmblcms made to order. Toronzo, Am†27, ltbG. AND EINIC JICVVit‘LIIY. 113, YONGE St., TORONTO GORMLEY & FERRIS Liflmzset‘ Auctioneers: Of the bes‘ dew-ription and was! properly, I: ~. Ivlarkl'm'm. 120,- Address-â€"Bununvill6:- " Parties requiring Mr. Snnderson’s sarvices Cut: make arrangements at the 11mm“; ulIicc. January 4, 1365, 31 WATCH ES, CLOCKS, EDW. SANDERSON, LICENSED AUCTIONEER Residence-Lot 20, rra'r of 3rd [vial-khan]. l’.0.Address-â€"l Counties of York and Peel. First clings Slabï¬ng and careful attendance Terms umderale. Toronto, Feb. 6-, 1866. H. LED The Commercial Hotel. Rr'rdmmd um. July 23m. 156a, S IUUHMORD lilLL LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. EXECU'J‘ J. SEGSWORTH, ‘IMPOR‘I‘ HHS ‘A ND IDEA-L ENS 'XN N els‘om Street, Toronto List of Letters Bywrder IsaAC MURRAY. SAMUEL u». 11,, JOHN SNIDER, RICHMOND HILL. MON, PROPRIETOR. Flowers, . Trimmings, \Vm. S “VER Sac‘y Mwlkhum UN and Mining Co. rok "nn: u T“) I}! PORTER 0F I‘ORS’ NOTICE M. TEE FY. ‘I’.M , Liérurinn, l-{f Exoculors ‘oncession 5-3-21â€. 31 36 of As Cheap as can be ‘ hadiiï¬gv Tormtm’ at “7; S. yellmk’s, Jam - . , . £6 1%†ARNARV Opposite Temperance St. V O N T 0, EGS'to announce to tho ilxhahiths of the County of York‘hnd those in the ‘neighborlloufl dr‘LiiclImond Hill in particular, that he has mlng lo :his A lock of Grass & (Eadie Scylhés, Phase remember l‘ha’t Smilax-son SELLS CHEAP A. FRESH LOT OF ENGLISH,BOOKS Grain Cradles, Reaping Hooks‘,“al1df‘;ifl other magi z A‘n‘d of lhc'bent Material and.W6rkinnu£hip. AH “’prk ‘itg \N’anréï¬tgdilgséisja porfeét satisfac- tiu‘n. We mp-comlaully adding to .qr ,slook “Boole u_n_d‘.Shou. pf in} lï¬pnufncture, 'whio'h will be ' . :S’OLD AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLEéRICES. 3%} per cent Discount. font Cash. MEN’S, WOMEN’S AND BHJLDHEN’S BUTSA'ANL; .SHflES HAYING AND HARVE‘STZVTOOLS. Ladies’ French Kid. Gloves, at 50 centï¬ per pair .Scyï¬Ã©fiï¬naflilsa Bazï¬ï¬yFbrks Rakcsand S{(3e-I...Fm‘vks, * ’ BOTS AND SHOES; GIFTS & PRESENTS 01:? .133 Yonge Street. 71‘er Dacrs inf 3355f’sflote‘l,; ‘Torento, TORONTO, May 24., mm. 513;“ Consishllg of CUALLIES. CUENIES. BAREGES, M'USLINS, DE- LAINISS, LUD‘TRES, 8w. &c;,at ‘ Summer stock of DressE-v-ï¬oods, 800 TT 5* Rirbmbï¬dé'ilï¬ll lilgm Mil's July H.& A. Nï¬WTON’S Good ‘1 Harvest ‘Whiajkéy ’COï¬Ã©tan‘tly 4,61]: “hand. 0:;- SALES, MADE FOR msu ONLY». ELGIN MILLgJULY 26rh,1866.v ' " DR E S S GOLD-S. .2 Also, 10; lb. excellent‘Presét‘V‘iï¬Qg-sugalf'jï¬lr$1 Demcmm. and ’LoaflSu‘gar: equally '1Qw'. GREAT «BARGAINS The Elgin Mï¬ls~4St0fe 1‘ H E SUBSCRIBERS'WHI bffex‘ tins week the balance of their FOR $ERE®§F®AZÂ¥IT® SWEJQERWJEAR nimmona Hm, July 6, 1366. GREA T BED UCTITOJV INCLUDING SOME ‘OF mmszr FLAVOURED HAS BEEN RECEIVED, AND WILL BE SOLD CHEAP AT J OHN G. BERNARD’S; i8, M569. Also, iu<t received an exceHenf assortment,,of He ram-rs (he remainder of his éinck‘ 0| Dfé'ss 133 Yonge Street, i‘A-ud is prepared to make to omor allvtkiud‘e of 3A complete nséortrnleht loo mnét desirable In the most FaSh'ionable Styles, A large supply of beaulifuflnbrigllt LBS. FOR A DOLLAR. CAN BE HAD A’L‘ SUITABLE FOR IN ;w;m.mv : .11.: W HE Undersigiwd is insirucieï¬ by {he 'preâ€" sent proprietor In offer-FOR SALE 01' TO LET. the Yiilago Lot and Buildings for- merly owned and occupied by Mr. JOSEPH KELLER. There in ï¬ve-eighths of an Acre oflLand. a portion of which is Gaxdé‘n'. The Dwelling-house is‘in good order and very'bnn- venient; it conlains a l’arlor. Dining room; Kitchen, Store-room and ï¬ve Bed-rooms.-â€"_ here are also cummodious Out-buildings, Stubling, &c.. and a )zO'I-d supply of Hind and Soft \Nater'on 'Lhe premises. B O ‘0 'S‘ IN roturniuglhanks to his numerous frionds and custonwrs'fur lhéiy libexal support since he commenced ‘buéiness, begs lo‘im’brm them that}!!! has Tomovyad (9 Richmond. Hull-to the Store immediater nonh'of‘lho FUR SALE OR WILL BE IN! MICE ' {BF .EEMQURL?‘ A'nd owned 35 occupied by Mr. McNaifl‘ wlmre. owing‘to increased accommodation, -he‘he has greatly increaqed his Stock of ‘ :1 Land 81 Gauei‘al Agent Richmond Hm. 3mm '13. 1866. .54-tf. DESIRABLE ' RESIDENCE . .3 Half-way Hausa, Richmnnd Hill, &0,. and will make it a point to keep a seleét stock of Goods for the Snason, 'He' xherefore respectfuï¬ly Invites his’ old friends and ‘the in: iehabimnm nf ih‘e ugjghborhond t‘o cni‘l and in- spect'h‘is Slack. feehng conï¬dent he .cannot be 'undersnld, nor surpassed by any- house north of Toronto. ' ‘ ' . W. 1’. RICHMOND. Richrï¬dad was. May-18. 1.865. 50-“ TKINSON’S is the piano to buy _ _ your Hams and Bacon chegpg .. AtkinSOn’s Cheap Grocery and Provision Stare fl-ichmond'ï¬mmay. 30 ’56. I ' - ' ‘ Bichmm Hill, Cannot be; Emailed 2! , .G-‘z-ROCERIE'S, HARDWARE EST THE HETECLE I Farm‘ Produce tdkelfin atehangé.’ -' Richmond 'Hill,‘A1)ri16."1866. W. P. RICHMOND, HA MS and BACON , \Vhen payment is made in accordance with the 'abuvé it. Will be considured puvumm only for the ï¬rstopnning ofa grave and a reâ€"opeï¬- ing of a grave will be subject to a new charge. nuch‘éhargo to his :egulumd by the cangrbga- lion nuuuuul meetings. Ff" * V .. . The trustees will not hold thsmrjvas m‘ sponsiblo afier this nh‘tiua, should’bnrinls take place on mayk9d 0",? groungi, unless the above regulations an: complied wim.‘ Richmond Hill parties having, ground enqused or r > m‘arked 011' as family burying grounds, are’herobv 'hntiï¬ad that such enclowd 'or marked ground. not occupied with wavesâ€"- n’nunof- h‘e‘sacured unless. the sum of two dallnrs for each “Impalle .-grm'u .ne f nhwnh paid for, a Iimned number, saysix graves. 3* 9~feet each. as the makioznum'can only be secured by one family, . t ‘ . SHADES J 05-? N WATER‘H OUSE, ‘N-‘EW ï¬TY Hichrmnd Hilli Burying Grunnd'! PUBLIC NQZEICE W, G'. 0‘. calls at all the Storgs hatween Toronto and Riclimond HilI awry ï¬ve weeks. and suppiies Cauï¬ecliouary of all kinds at Lhe‘ Lowesj Wholesaleï¬ricesl Turban}, July 20, 1865 For Terms, apply to By any now in use. . HI? IA“ orders prpmpLIy x-llmgded to CONFECTION ARY !. Which for Neatnesg and Durabflitv. STOCK OF .PUBE AND UNADULTERATED Thu! evqry House wants, are 111058 363 de38 Street, Tordnto'; That are now manufactured at WINDOW Richmondhill, RICHMOND HILL, 1510 be found at , March 9. _1866‘ BIA NUFACTURI‘ZR 0F GEO. P. DICKSON. AND ANU H1 0F ‘M. 'I'EEFY, Secretary. 4.)-4w 43-“ THE LOWES'I POSSIBLETPRICESI Admitted by all to be the‘be‘stiand ï¬nest flavored, ever ofl‘gred on the Hill. Remember ill-e placeâ€"adjoining Ambler’s Hall; ' Jagg- FARM PRODUCE :I‘AKL‘z-v JN EXCHANGE. m The-G 1‘ ï¬at-Empmium " .HBSTgPHIzE, , V HARNESS- ESTABLISHMENT : °'FF®RTHINGiNWAYOF. ' . r iwmmmg r Cmekeryg Glassware, 'Iiardwarc, @‘c., is at . ATKINS-CNS, “RICHMOND†H Where you can > proacm'e anything ‘ required, an ILL, A1 Tor'o ntc Prlc‘us. With a General A ssm‘tmcnt of Articles in Con, ncctmra with me Trade; ‘ " -‘ . NME‘EWBé; il-anrglm Field 82 Garden Seeds CALL, INSPECT ANDénâ€"PURC EASE, ’ ‘IIE Subscriber begs to Mom: the _pgbiic that he has'murchnsed a large quanma I ' 0! Grey Coilons, wpiph‘ will anive in B fgw (193's from >Eugl§ndrgudwill by nfl'ered at abng ' Twenty per Cenï¬â€˜fhéaper than the ï¬sï¬al pï¬ae. WEEK SF HEY ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬-S E’Rï¬EER-EBSAEJB HARDWARE M SCOTT’S, RICHMOND‘HILL; Of Mammal and Toronto manufacture, consisting 'of Ladies’ Ca!f, Prunefla. ï¬ne and .su )erï¬ne Kid Boots; Gems’ Cobuurgs, Gaiters. um] Long Boots; Girl’s and Boys’ Boots ï¬nd Shoes in great varjpty, His genng THORSHILL, MAY 1866. 4Ԡ' W ï¬ï¬ % ,. .Qf'all'Deéci‘iptiems,ISi'CISLgS.ï¬g, ' _ 31‘0--Whi_ch“he invmggthgattéï¬ï¬Ã©n thhe public. TORONTO, .14137’27, 186$.†,4 ' “ > 13.4 KING;:Sil‘REET'EAS’I‘, prqfsitnvflm ,Marketr... . , . g . . . , , ,j_,,: T9 15989116, room for Purchases, now being. made 111, " ‘ .,..Ihe British Markets. A GREATLY :-.'1%ED'UCE‘I‘) '13RIGE8, H ELL; Biéhmond mu, May 3., 1866‘ greatf’ï¬edewtima 'ein.‘ Prices I! Righpqnd 1.11m?» May '9, 1866, READÂ¥~MAOE CLOTHING; W'. ‘A. would caill particular aï¬eniio‘n to his ï¬le would also caH.atlentmn t9 lus large Stock of Will be found to be wall assorted ade-Clxeap.$‘-A'ao 3111;.9 ,Marketw . , . , . . . , , ,3“. ‘Tarongq, Dflésslhe whole present [urge Stock at - LARGE SUPPLIES HAVE ARRIVED ' gOMPRIS'INGâ€" Silks, Shawls, D'Iantles, †Bellxléts; Hats, Eafï¬â€˜sdls, L Dress Goods, Sï¬hzirliags, _ Showings, Prints, 210§i61‘3*; Gloves, Ribbons, FIb'wcrs, Fcatherrs, Cotton \j_V‘_ar_’p_;e MAY BE ‘Ij‘UUND 'ON A large asssurtmenlof JOSIAH PURKISS. 49ft, 51 ~2m {Sitf