‘3 . :lrtfu.u‘cr {yum 3 m- nu...†r, , ‘W ' {mif‘fmsn 8mm and from I m2 pm. - ~ r 7mg; ‘xn’ W _ ,m ‘ All partves o‘wlngDr 11¢“ng No papér disconlinuod until all arreurages ore [Hid : nnd pnnim refusing papers Wllholll paying up, will be held ucuounmble for the subscription. All transitory advertisements. from strangers or irrngulur customers. must he paid for when hand- d in for inser'ion. All advertisement: published for a less period than one month, must he paid for in advance. All letters addressed 10 Line Edilbr must be pust-pa'd.’ Six linen and under. ï¬rst insertion....$00 5“ Each subleqlieut insertion. . . . . . . . . . . . OU l3 'l‘en lines and under. flrsl insertion. . . . 00 7.5 Each subsaquenl insertion. . . . . . . . . . . . . 00 ‘20 Above tan lines. ï¬rst insertion. per line. ml ()7 Rich subsequent inaertion. per line. . . . 00 02 One Column per twelve months. . . .... 50 00 Half I colmnn do Ho .1 .- .w. . 30 no anrlor ofa column par'twel'vélnronlhs. 520 (:0 Ono column'pe; six months . . . . . . . .. . 40 (IO llall'ncolumu do . . . . . . . ... . 25 {‘0 Quarter of a column per six months. . . .v [8 U†A card bf tan lines, for one, year. . . . . . 4 00 A card of ï¬fteen lines. do . . . . . . . 5 ‘25 A card oftwemy lines. do . . . .. . . 6 50 A card oftweuxly lines. do . . . .. . . 6 50 UTAdvertisemeuxs withoutwrillen direcnons interled til’l forbid, and charged accordingly 'Aud diupatchbkl to subscribers b) the; earliest mails. or other conveyance. when so desired. Tho You} Hung!) will always be found to contain tholntbat and most important Fm‘eign ahd Privinoial News and Markets, and the greatest cam will be-tnkun to render it ac- eqptnbld to~tlla ‘mau ofbnsiness. and a valu- able Family Newspaper. TERMShâ€"One‘ Dollar per nmmm. in Al)- unca: if not paid within 'l‘wu Momhs. One Dollar and Fifty cents will be charged. Memiaer of the Royal College of Surgeons . England, P. J. :MUTER. M. 0.. Phydciun, Surgc‘on & [\ccguchr‘u Thornthill. U Residenceâ€"Near Hm Church of England Reference pcnhillwl to 0. S. Winstnuley. EH; Mrmh. “(3)111 \ “liege ol Eurgnons, “HE†Yongo Sl."l'oruntti. and Hymn": U. S‘nvnue, Eng. M Di] Miami). [gquulL Surgeons, Eng. ’l'histlulnni . ' All harm'ï¬ï¬ Iii-’U’r“".r‘1‘.ï¬f§mmwmm ed u) call mud pay pnmuplly. as ie has pay mam now that Inusl bv'mel. JOHN M. mam, M. 1).. COB. 0F YONGE AND CDLBURN: STS., Consuhm‘uénn in Um oiï¬nte on Hm mornings of 'l‘ussdnvs. Thlusdayu and Smuuduyn. b m “Ln. m. flï¬â€™AH Colzsultalxuus in the oï¬iue. Mr. Geo. 'Burkm is authorised to collect, and give receipts for him. Richmond “in, June. 1‘65 1 Cash - DR. IRS; VLANGST AFF, READ & BOYD, Barristers,â€" Attorneys at Law, Solicitors III Chancery,&c., COMMISSIONB IN THE QUEEN’S BtNOH, 77. King Sweet Eact. over Thumpsuu'u East . lndm lquse) Toronto. D.B. READ, QC. 1 JA. BOYD B A May 7. [$566. V 4 14:†M. TEEI‘Y, ESQ†Notary Public, GREEN ENTS, Bonds. DPeds, megngus. Wills, 616, Am. drawn with allullkiull :nd promptitudo. 'l'crms moderate. EVERY-FRIDAY MORNING, CONVEYXNCLR. AND DIVISION COURT AGENT, OFFIC.Eâ€"â€"_0_ne floor north oer. Baruax'd’s Store, Riclilpoqd Hill. July, 5th. 1866. 5-Iy BARHISTEB, Mtnmayâ€"at-Law. 'i‘ubM'AS SEDMAN, Carl-1'1qu 5 and’ Waggon if-MAKER. UNDE’RTAIKER Juno 9, 18ï¬5. Opposilg tho L'Ig'm wli'xls. llasidence-e'Noy‘ly oppusitm the I ~AVHYJ‘ACIJEOD her to announce Hm: 1m XELSI‘IHMLIIQMMVB Hotel and ï¬ned it up in a nuith necuudvto nqne on Ynnue S where he wili keep mmstnully on hand a good supply of ï¬mrclass Flgiq‘uors, &c. This house postmsrmgfng‘ gncommodaliun 'l‘: ave llers can desire, those who‘v‘vish to stay where they can ï¬nd every Eonifort are respectfully invilud t put up nt‘lhis eglablishmom, I Lu 115$ 555.1353: “$1 I 'E‘CHEL H 0 Us id x . ' AURORA. iï¬ummm mustang. RATES OF ADVERTISING. {ichmond Hill, June 9. ldb’i‘ 'I'Imrnhi“. lune 9, 1865 “IbE'Wfk £39m. Solicitor in Chancery, 0 NVEY ANCE R, &c, &c., &c I'LLZ‘genpra‘Jy be found at hmrm before. DR. HOSTETTER, RICHMOND HILL P'JST OFFICE. GEO. B. NICOL, LAW’ CA R IS PUBLISHED 'l HORN†ILL. RICHMOND HILL nlond US. iH Font ()fï¬ce‘ ‘l'mm‘, .‘Q to IBM fwl), In he: the: EASILSI 'W< "I? E urmmhmamuwmwwm One ofthe u!d.~s‘ and chuapest houses in the ll'fldu. (I? Give J mm a call when in Town. The Best is Always the Cheapest. POWâ€"ELK.’ s CANABIAN SWHG PUMPS! LUMBERING! Kwpl on hand. S ,\\V1NG none promptly ; also Lumber Ton gum] & Grovcd JAMES HOWMAN. Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Markham. Nov. 1, 1865‘ Manufacturer and Dua‘cr in all kmds of" Men's Women’s and Children’s BOOTS 8:. SHOES, Al the luwns! pussihle rams. Saw man on In: 2.12;â€: (ton. Mm-khaén. 2; Illlnvs enslul' Richmond HHI by lllo Plank'floud gve'r bï¬'ered lo thn l’uhlic “'3’ Price 64) cents per fc ol. Nuextra charge for Top. CKNOW LEDG'ED by 800 Farmers. Pro- “ lussinnal Gellllemen and nlhv-rs (who hrï¬u (In-m wurking in Wells. VM‘VUIEIH deplh from, LL! to l33 fv“l),nlf7| rhï¬-t‘}? [GAS l‘Q'l’ Flamed Lumber, Flooring. tic. Richmond Hull. J um 26, IBGS Ol'durs l'ur 111mm Pumps addresssed to F. W) \Vl'ZIJA. NPWXOI) Brook, (LVV Will rI-eeivu prumm alleutiuu. June 7, '5‘35. 1-†DAVID EYER, Jun., Slave & Shingle Manufacturer Vol. VII. No. 9. ESH)E.‘IC~Eâ€"Lol ‘25. ‘2ud Con Mu‘kham 1% on the Eluiu Milk Plank Road. A largu Stuck oi'S'rAvks and Suwmxs. kept (nmxtnnfly ml hant‘Lnnd snld uflha luwesl Prices [13" Cu“ and examine Slack bcl'ore purchas- LOOK AT ’1‘ H IS 1 1g uhewhul'e ‘l‘uronm. Dec‘ 1665 PLANEiNG 1’0 ORDER, Rusidenceâ€"Lul 4U Yonge Street. Vaughan. Januarv [6. 1866. 3'2 EDMUND SEAG ER, i’mvinsial Land Surveyor, &c. ' wing! (mic; Addressâ€"Richmond Hill. Juuu “~63 GEO. MCPIIILLIPS 8: SUN, Provincial Lam! Surveyors, SEAFORTII. C. W. Richmond Hill Bakery! W. S. POLLOCK, BEEN] WENT BAKER lgl‘IGS leave to nn'iï¬' the puhhc that he hm~ purchased the business and good wi|| of J, Hmyward’u eslahlislunem. and ’5le ha i~ prepared to furnish BREAD and FANCY CAKES to those who may honor him with [hair pnlronagn. l)i(‘.|-Ni(‘. phâ€"Hinï¬ and Ten Meatings supplied at the lowest pusjibla rates and on the shortest uulit‘e. ’I‘HE Subscriber bay to inform his friends mul llw Imhlic gensrnllv. that ha hm mound an HOTEL in the Village of szpla. 11h COIL Vaughan. where he lvupus, br atten- tioJ) m the (:mnfnrls of the travelling commuâ€" nity. tn Illele a share of {hair patronage and nppvrl. Good Stubling. &c. Richmond “Iâ€, June, I 9335. Maple Hotel! \‘I np‘a. Jan 1866. Railroad Hotel, Maple ! ROBERT RUMBLE, Proprietor. Every Pump El'a‘rrantcd, OOI) accommndulinn for Trawllersâ€" G Wines. Liquars and Clgaru of the host hrnnd always on hand Good Slul-liug and unenliva Hosuor in attendance. . ' HAVE TROHGHS.WATER SPIRITS, CISTRONS AND" PUMPS .1 .‘ lmmary H3. 1866‘ John,Lansstafl' Januarv [6. 1866. June 7,1865. NEW SERIES. AH erers stricth attended to. EGS rr-sprttluxlly to in'bl‘m his Ituslomars mad lhu puhhu than he iv pl‘epurud to do 35 West Marvin Squaw. 2 uuors soukh of King Strum. In any quaumy, and on shun “mica JOHN BARRON. ABRAHAM EYER RICHMOND HILL AND YONGE ST. GENERAL ADVERTISER, Manufactured and forvS/tale by RICH “ON I) H l LL. ALMIRA MILLS, Stun Mums. Tao-m RICH \RD VA! LES. 3‘2- ly TORONTO. 4«IV l-tf 22 ltf You see you brawnyY blustering ant. Who swaggers, swears,aud a.’ that, And thinks. because his strong right arm Mightfell an ox and a’ that, That he's as noble, man for man, As duke and 10rd, and u’ that; He’s but a brute, beyond dispute, And not a man tor a'thut. If a'l who dine on homely fare Were true and brave, and a.†that, And none whose garb is " hodden grey,†Was fool and knave and a’ that, The vice and crime that shame our time Would fade and fail and a’ that, And ploughmen be vs good as kings, And churls as earls for a’ that. It comes to thisâ€"dear R vbort Burmaâ€"- The truth is old and a.’ that “The rank is but the guinea’s stamp, Thegman’s the gold, for a’ tlmL.†And though you‘d put. the minted mark 011 copper, brass, and u.†then-â€" The lie is gross. the client is plain, And will not pass for n‘ that. For a’ that, and a’ that, ’Tis soul and hem-h and 3' that, That makes the king a gentleman, ’ And not his crown and a†that. And man with man, it rich or poor, The best is be, for a’ thmV _\\r_ho stands erect, in self-respect, “ A how’s a man,†says Robert Burns, “ For a’ that and a’ that ;†But. though the son; be clear and strong, It lacks a. note for a’ that. The lout who’d Shirk his dully work, Yet claim his wage and u.’ that, Or beg, when he might earn his bread, Is not a. man for 3’ that. A man may own a. large estate, Have palace, park, and a’ that, And not for birth, but honest worth, Be thrice a man for a‘ that; And Donald herding 0n the muir, . Who beats his wife, and a’ that, He nothing buta. rascal hom‘, Nor half a maner a' that. About live-and-forty-years ago. ‘ Mr. Robert Oakley, merchant of Bristol, and otherwise a highly rc- ‘ spectable person, was enjoying the ‘ last afternoon remaining to him of ltis annual turtnight's respite. from business among the clifls and caves and downs. of Freshwater, in the. isle “r Wight. Mr. Oakley vsas al l that time a man of mature age. More than forty winters glittered in i his sharp grey eyes ; and (i the gloSsy blackness ol his p ainly-cut, well-ï¬tting coat, the spoticss ï¬neness of his linen, his elaborately-brushed broad-brimmed hat. and highlyâ€"polished Corksole shoes, plainly announced a person with whom the world \tent smooth» ‘ ly. it had been for some time ‘ blowing hard, and the wind was momently increasing in violence ,- bnt Mr. Oakly, who was an enthu- siastic admirer ol sea scenery, with the help of a stout gold-headed wflking-cane resolutely stood his t ground, and watched, with apparâ€" ently untiring interest, the white crested waves d-tsh themselves in ï¬erce pursuit of eaeh other upon the shitteg shore, or where check- ed and hurled lor an instant back :bv the Sock Needles, leap and hiss ‘in ï¬erce derision above the sumâ€" mits of the vainl.~0bstrucling masses, and sweep on as madly as before. Now andtlten a ï¬shing- boat, or a larger vessel, drove past â€"-â€"in imminent danger, to his unâ€" practised eye, oi'immediale engulfâ€" ment. or ofdestruction on the iron shore; and a feeling of comlortable self-gratulation simmered at the merchant’s heart, as the compari- son ol his own safety with the. dan- ger of those on board in voluntari- ly but vividly suggesled itself. At length a rapid changed in the driv- tng clouds overhead, f.0m light, fleecy strips to dark heavy patcltes,l increasing in size and density, and the consequent quick darkening of the atmosphere. Warned him that the htful gusts of heavy rain which struck his lace. so sharply were but the precursors ofa violent land as well as seastorms from which it Would be. prudent to escape with all pUSsible despatch. The light on the corner of the \Vight shot lortlt over the ï¬erce watt-r5 as he turned g homewards, instanlly follonted by fa. ‘vivid flash of lightning anda l , 'And A TALE OF MAMMO.'-\VORSHIP. I‘he Speculator. aéf'mé‘man gamma. RICHDIGND HILL, FRIDAY, AUGUST "‘ s [566. “ Let Sound Reason weigh more with us than Popular Opinion.†for a' that. heavy lhundt’r-poal; so that eveh in the opinion of the lately-deli;th- (‘d admirer of sea and shore sunâ€" limity, a more wild, desolate, and disagreeable scene than now- dimly and ï¬tfully presented ‘itmll‘ could scarcely be imagined. Fortunate ly, however, he could not be, ill‘ thought. more than about four or ï¬ve miles from Yurtnouth. Lilllu more than an hour’s Stflï¬t’LWfllk- ing would take him there. and then achnngc ol'apparel and a cup of tea would remedy and obliterate all inconVenianes. ’l‘hus self-as- sured and conï¬dent, Mr. Oakley strode manfullv lorward in his rugâ€" god. circuitous road, unconscious ol'llte deadly pPril lying in Wait lorhim in tout secure hour, and mid. undreudt‘d path. Wuic he is strugglth along in the growing darkness and drenching rain, I shall havetime to note down a few trails nihis moral character- a knowledge of which is essentially necesaary X0 an accurale apprecm city as an Irish merchantâ€"~a de- gignaliun applied in ports trading largely wllhll‘le Slslt’l' cuunlry 10 periods whose exports and imports are. conï¬ned to [rt-land. As much‘ less capital is I‘ttqtllt‘td in such al cotntttet'ce than the. Inerchant~ princes. whose, enterprise embraces‘ the whole habitable globE. can boast oh its cttiel‘ own take a non- siderablv lowcr mercantile rank on mart and ‘Changc than their rich-: er brelhern. Especially in, those: palth days of flourishing slave and sugar Islands. the, West-India mer-' chant and proprietor stood high above his t'etluws. and notvhere more so than in the wealthy ~West- tern metnpoltsof England. By no one were the tn-‘tgnates of room mercc held in higher. more envious reverence, than by Mr. Robert 0.1k- ley. ‘ How contemptible,’ he had often, but mort- especially of la‘e, bitterly reflected. ‘ how utterly in- signiï¬cant are the poor twelve or thirteen thousand poundsvâ€"ttot ot-r- tainly more than thatâ€"which the ceaseless industry oltu‘ettty of the best years of my life has enabled me to scrape together, compared with the collossal fortunes rapidly accumulated by men who, playing with vast Ventures, frequently gain more, much more, at a single hit, than I do by a whole year o1 plodd ing perseverance and patient care !' Asdtese thoughts glootnetl across his mind, the true respectability of his posilion. his solid, ifnot extort sive vwalth. depending on cone of illte frightful chances which ire- ‘qttently sweep avay at a blow thr- Aladin fortunes of great St'â€('.ul'di0|'.\‘ dwindled in his estimation into coarse. beggar-wrapping--useful, indeed, for tlze common necesfltiea oflifo. but only. to be oorn with humility, almost with shame, in the presence. ol the robes and furr- ‘ed-growns ol the really rich men :of the world. Sireet, Bristol, was known in, that xiun of his past and luture actions. Mr. Robert Oakley of “Wm VVilh such rt-pininzzs Cankering at his heart. it is nol to be suppos- ed that Ruben ()aklvy had not fre- quently cast about for one of those luckv vonlures, one of the Nano- Eennic slrukes. whervhy immense- rosults, the natural rmvzlrd of a lifeâ€" time of ordinary Energy and suc- cess, are secured by one fortunate turn of the commercial (lice. he was evur looking out for such an opportunity. but none had hitherto presented ilsell sufï¬ciently free from hazard to induce him. how evertnotncntartly dazzled, to bold ly venture his fortunes upon it; and up to the time: we left him on the bleak cliffs of Freshwater, he had born able to boast that, though oftvn sorelv tried, he had success- ‘l'nl‘y withstood tcnrptatit)nâ€"â€"-a rem stlll l.t' ()wotl somewhat to his nat-. orally cautiousl nervous tempera- ment,to his dread of awaiwningr the woéï¬sh instincts of greed he. felt to be latent within him, and, which, he knew, required to heI but ()nce‘alintented with suddenly‘ easily-acquired gold, to start into vigorous, untameable life; but ‘more‘, much more, than to any lphysictl ot mental qualtties of his lowm tothu afl'ectionnte and wise counsels of his excellent wife, who,‘ ever on the watch for such aberra-j tions,gcnt!ydrpw him back from‘ lthe contemplation of the deceptive shadow gleamingin the faithleus 'aters, to the. beaten paths ol'Cnm- mon sense and the safe retreats of homecompetqnce. V-wMY'T-"x _ hâ€:- w pered,‘ i'aci'ledninde'd husbandâ€"- certainly she never belore exhibiied such lhoughlful _,Iendorne=sâ€"â€"as when, scantily equipped for a new contest wnh the triumphant; mock- ing World, lbev bade adieu to lhe proud cu‘v Ina! had witnessed their vain and briéi pib‘spérilyï¬aï¬m‘?‘ sequent daep luituilialiun, and wont fonth in search of happier, if humb er fortunes. Well had it been for Mr. Robert Oakley had these frequent trials and temptations taught him the highest as well as the most useful 01 all virtuesâ€"ltumilitvâ€"a wise dietrust ofhitn<etï¬ Unfo-tunately they generated only arrogance of ‘spiriI.â€"â€"tniJe of heart ; that pride which eVer goeth before a {all ; and an inordinate Contempt tor the. feeb~ iler men whom he ha-l sean tall ir~ retrievablv on the slippery path iwhere he had himself so lt'equent- ly stumbled. One oftltese unlucky ones was his only brother. Richard Oakley. who. endowed by nature with a qutcker, a more sanguine temperament than hltusell, les‘s wisely guided by material counsel and adviCe. perhaps also more, strongly tempted, had rasltly specu- †lated with the lurtnne bequeathed him by his fatherâ€"live thousand pounds, the same sum tltat Robert inheritedâ€"wand the common result of such bold leaps in the dark had awaited himâ€"bankruptcy; ruin ! He’ had married a lady of Belfast of the name of Neville, still young although a widow, and the mother ofone child,a boy. She. brought no other fortune to her husband, than beauty, innocence of heart, in-l extinguiehahle gaiety of temper. and yielding gentleness ol' disposi- tion â€"-admirable qualities, but, un- combined with the English gravity and prudence which disliubuishetl her quiet, sister in-law. helped nothing to prevent, if indeed they I did not haste-n, a catasrophe which they could,ltowevet, cheer and soft- en. Perhaps Mrs. Richard Oakley neVur sotruiy loved her lrank-tem» less reputable ï¬laces; but I have SlliVé'n with and conquered the evil impulse. Fceble spariis, un- abte In wilhsluud such lcmpl’niions, snunld [199 [mm Ilnem.’ ‘You ,must not imagine.’ said Robert Oaklvy coldly. in rep‘y to his brother, who, ‘with his wile. had. with dou-ncast looks and hesi- tating steps, entered hit counting- lmuse in Wine Streetâ€"â€""v0u must not imagine that other mPn have not bum tempted by glittering bails, because they have not lqul ishiy yielded to the seduction. 1, mo, have fellâ€"all inert, I imagine have felt at timesâ€"the feverish ap- petite [or sudden. inurdinatt- gain which prompts the gamester thther he play on ’Change or at ‘ You, Robert. were always of a more rest-mud and cauliuus dis- posiliun lhan l.’ 'Pussiblv; sliH’ I ‘Besidt‘s,’ interrupted the. weep- ingparlnm‘ 01 broken munâ€"‘bt-sidvs being married 10 so discreel, so good, so excellom a wile. Ah, Richan},’she added with an nul- burSI ol'selfoaccusing grief ‘had you never seen mu. Ibis calamity might nevar have bt-l'allen you !’ ‘Alice l~ chlaimud her husband with reproachful tenderness- ' Alice this m me " ‘ We» had better not waste time in proï¬llcss regrets for the past.’ said Robert Odkley. ‘I am glad for your own sakes, as well as mine, that you have determined on leaving Bristul. I prumised you two hundred puunds: my wife has persuaded me imu ï¬ve hundred, an-1 I do so on ‘he t-xpress under- standing otcourse that this gift ‘is to be a ï¬nal one.’ ‘ Here are Vnotr's," continued the elder brolher, "for “No hundch pounds. and a nilHor three liond- red. due in London lhv day aï¬er lu-n‘mrmw, which I discounted for Sir Marlin Biddulph." “Of Oaflands ?" "Yes; horse-racing and other noble and manly sports will, I doubt non some day or other bring the owner of that ï¬ne pro- periylothe dogs. This bill will however, I' am preuv sure, he? punc- tually paid. if nm; 1 have Pndnrs- ed 1!, andvlhe London agents of the bankers here shall hz ve instruction _tn pay it {Or my honm." ‘ Bless herâ€" bleSS her I" sobbcd lhe grateful wife. “Bui God has bfessed her. and for her sake hers" Lil-[lo more {was said, and Rich ard Oakley, with his wife. ,passed Fourteen years had elapseu since this Darling and the afternoon when Mr. Oakley= as upright, phy- sically and morally. as ever, and l‘now rich to the extent of about £l2,000, found himself suddenly ‘ovenaken by a lwavy squall ol ‘wind and rain on the storm beaten Cliffs ol‘the Isle of Wight. The distance be had to walk proved longer and more difï¬cult of ac- complishment than he had found it in the hro'a'd daylight a fetv hours previously, and he gladly availed ‘himself’of the opportune sheltet oflered bya small tavern at Fresh water to rest and refresh himself before attempting the one or two miles which, he was told. still in tervened between him and 'Yar- mouth. ' There was a biazing ï¬re in the bar-parlorofthe little iuu, tenantcd only bv a law comiortable, farmer. looking persons, and one'ot‘ two unmistakable specnnens \of the half-suamam whoie-smuggler tribe, which at that period swarmed a- lpng the southern cdast. ‘Titeir Conversationâ€"a very animated nne‘ â€"â€"ceased abrumly on'the entrance ofttte~stfanger; bdt’at the sight of his pinched features anddri‘pping garmvntslegidemlv but these of a s'é'l‘ftliled weft; hâ€"rst-raté the pointâ€"they with rough but ready courtest‘ drew hack 'lrum the ï¬re. round which they had been seated,(liseusstng warâ€"politics and hot spirits and water. and invited him to approach and dry himself, He very readily complied with the invitatiun, and by the time the tea, which he had ordered on entering was brought. and placed, at his re- quest,_un antnall table as distant- as possible flow that of the tobac- coâ€"smokers, hts chilled limbs, wet clothes, and ruffled temper, and he felt quite prepared to resume his jhurney as snum as the abatement of the rain, doubtfully hoped for by the weather wisdom of the room. should ottablo'him to do so with prudencw Thus recompesed, hv ant quit-tlv down to tea. and had just ï¬nished it, when hit attention wa< eltarl‘ï¬v aroused by‘ the nah) entrance of two rough l'clzows 'in shaggy jacket. nnd‘suu-westor caps. piluts. it presently appeared, who had been out some flaw in the Channel and had now brought up a schooner, bound farm Scoreham tn Pool, in the Yarmnuth maids. ' You will not forge! lo wrile ire- qrwnliy, wry frequently, tu me .9" said Mrs. Robert Oakié’y us. she strained her sister-ining in a wart- ing embrace. ‘ And (Jarolineâ€"-y0u will not forget Caroline, 1 know, any mure‘lhiu we shall Hurry, or sweet lime-Alice? This is fur her she added in a whisper : “ nut '0. word, dear. ifyou love. inc-Jar her not you." " A dirty nig'itcnming on, I‘m thinking Bop Sheidun ?" remarked a “:11. rnsy-juu-ied person, seated cusiiy by the fire, as soon as the new-comers were fairly SCH.ch in their chairs. " You said coming on. Farmer Gag-~l“ replied ll)P genitemzm' so familiarly addressed in :1 dry rasp- inu voice, which the largo tumbler of brandy and water he had already thrown down his throat cuuul have donv nuthing H) liquef‘: or softvn - ‘you said canning, on T It would blow the horn ofl ii dull at the back nf the Wight now, so it’s to ht: Loped there- ain'l much mnre comâ€" ing: on,nr the Maly ’Ami' will part her cahlein Yarmmnh t'H'Uls. A light, Jack. Thanks! 'l‘hi,g ’bzm- 1ca,"vhe added, after mdulginig in a few delicious whill‘sâ€" ‘ this ban- ca. is a very creditabl‘ article conv sidoring it was deviar chistened'm a custom-house.†' outof the counting-Image into an inner room, where not cold service. but Ihe warmï¬ympamy of a gen- tle, loving heart, awaiged Ihem. Bob Sheldon paused in his agreeanP pastime. and shading his eyes will) his hand peered (uni-ms- ly in the. dirpclinn indicated by his cautious friend. The c-xamimiun must have iuen satisfactory. as In- quickly and quietly resultied his pipe 21:11 the conversation ’ ‘ Stow that. Bob Shetdun !' inv- terrnpted one of the party, hastiTy taking thP pipe from his mouthï¬nd jerking: the poibt of. it (Wet his shonldprin the din-ï¬ction hf Mr. Robert Oakle‘y‘s dark corner. 'Slow that. mv heartv !' TERMS $100 In Advance; “rule gale; wag fortunately ‘ right \Vhol e No. 3331. x 1"?†'W - mwmwwm {lie pil-Jt had smitten him with frenzy, and hurried along towards aYarmomh, his brain veering and his biood on‘ ï¬re with the suddenly awakened and maddv‘ning lust of acidâ€"gold invgl'ilte‘ring. enurmnua neaps, to be obtained -at no riskâ€"g ‘Nu risk !' he almost shrieked .‘saVP. Sr\'câ€Â«â€"lhe pale “Luigiâ€, ‘ weak] 5! dimlv, if oniy mmnemly‘ ‘acrOss his sobbier brain-Jam's, In his peace of mind, his moral life, ‘his zmri‘llecl soul 1’ Cummings, Bmlhere,’ he presénflj muttered†:{rcgaining the hurried current of his prwmus monghts :‘ ‘ Cumm- ings. Brothers, the richest. huuse it} Brisla’l ! M will scarcely ruin xlwm " besides, they would do Ihe same :' who Would no! ? Fair, quiet lair ; evervlhing is fair, tlrtyï¬savtjn wrxrr mm] wide. A‘sirange trade: she‘ was repnrlr‘d los: or captured when 1 Mt Brisml, 'and must now by quite given up. A rare. chmng Y' “it’s very likely,†said Bob Shel. don. " 11.31 he has some concern in the tarquel was mentioning. I saw Tum Hardy speak to him‘ in file slreel at 'VVesl anes lasiweek. You know Tum Hardy, Farmer Gague 1’†, "Ay, lad, for one of cleverst scamps in all ‘crealion. ‘He’s lost. lhe situation I hear he had at Brit'- mi, and is back again,- I suppose, to liw upon his poor old molhert†“I «larésam I’m. thinking this gentimnan‘ was_an’s {Haslett Ml'fl ask the ï¬rs! um‘e'] see him?" “ Vurrv likely ;1 and, as you fly concerned in lhgs‘ubarque if not, In suddenly jumping up, Mr.- Oakley ltad‘overturn'ed the little tahle upon which the tea-equlpage was arranged. Ile hurriedly apo- lugisc'd for his carelessness. tuok up his hat. and cane, threw a. guinea on the table, and strode hastily out of the house, much to the astunlslmtenl of the spectators --who,.huwever, having ascertam-- ml that the. guinea was a genuihe nnP, clmritab'y concluded that the ~«ranger was a gentleman- thought apparently rather crazed in his wits. . A g‘orims, golden opportuu'n'v, which once missed. could never be‘ regained. It shall not be missed PT and he quickened his already 3!.»- mosl, running pace towards Yar- mouth. He was soon more. and at once hastened lo the lime quay. I! was solitary and silem, but for the howling wind and furious sea hat heï¬xtagainst, around, and over it, Oakluy was surprised that pilots ‘ That's a smart 'run, that is. Bob,’ ubscrved one ohhe seamen ; ‘ but you had the tide from the Cg‘skets.’ I . ‘ Ay. lad. that's true.’ ‘ Anything at Guarynsey likely to be comivng'our way 1’ - v ‘ Well.‘ th'me's a 8100;) nt-war tyina‘rthure with a prize she’d be bringing in to Portsmouth; and there'sa Inrgehatqne,thut put in two or three hours before we left, loaded With rum and sugar. She's been knocking about fur the last three weeks uvvrywherc but where Silt‘ ought to be. and last sunday's paper, 1 mind. quid she was sups posed to be either Inst nr carried in to French purl; .Sh'c's had her bul- ‘tvarn stove in. and has lost her ‘nnuts. with some other damage; but the cargo. they said, was all safe andzsouni. She'll come in, t darcsay. m a day Or t‘wo‘.’ ‘ ' I don’t remember hearingabdut her ; where does she hail from ?‘ ‘ She's the Three Sisters of Bris- tol, Captain Puntdina‘. or some such name. Hallo, fnivnd ! what are you upsetting and smashing the old wm‘ndu’s teaâ€"luckle for, eh P" and ï¬ahvrmnn should all have re: tired so early ; for, strange as it may appear. the lumu'l, the tem- w-sl of emotion by which he was_ internally tossed and shaken, had: rendurvd him not only regardless; hm unconscious afthc still increase ing slnrm which ragPd wilhoul. He was reluolamlv turning to depart, when a heavy lapping step was heard. and presently a seaâ€"- man. in enormousjaclnboots, Iand' Carrying; a lantern in his hand, was seen approaching. Oglijey,» hurried to meet and ai-cost him. i ‘ Can I he‘put across to Lyming-r‘ ton ?“ he cage-er demanded. .“ Aqrnsza to Lvmington !†echo-V Pd Ilia sailor. “ Why, who that i ,x’l running 1mm the gallows. would risk «roaming, on such a night as this '1†" I," replied Oakley, 9 who am†running from neither, wouldlâ€"rwifl;‘ if a semmn is to he Found. Ln Yam momh who is not afraid1 of ven- luring a maple oi mile; in a. cgpfql; fofwind'" _ ' ’ The shortest Night.e-The shortest nght haspassed. A young lady informed us, in spite of traditional reckoning, that it was on; the Second of June. for awn she danced from 11 P. M. to 5 A. M., and that a‘ppqajred to her, the shortest night she’d knpwn this season. ' ' . ‘ afr‘ Farmer Gage ;' bu‘t just to give you a noliuu-m what a-_s(i_rggamega fit is outside, ucku '0an but, “@167 odds of 51k hours (:O‘fl’i'iixll-g’ from Guamwy '0 Yammum roads, be- sides boarding and ’H‘iflgiï¬i in! we schomwr ()Vtel‘rlhu krarrgmu.’ Continue in our next.