Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 3 Aug 1866, p. 3

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HARVEST PANi'S : ICEN'SED AUCTIONEER for the coun- ‘ lies of York and Peel. Collector of Notes. ficcoums, Jae. Small charges and plemy 30 do, bushy. Ma‘tch 2nd f86’5} 39'-Iy A Contains 6(l_xgcvréa of quyjhesi of lznid. at! nearly cleared. :Qu the‘prBifiisnp. 91m erected 1; two story brick housé, with e: “Arr; barn. Mable. cow home, and,,.fvig-g,e;;y,r, pn 'every other convenience. Also arlarize apple orch- ard and plum and pear orchard;8nd cur-rants in abundance. ‘ ' :5"1'r"x§6'fi$ié1ho farm and' minwinbe’éééfiod in the Fall. - f For ten-"ms, apply pei'atlnully to I G‘EORGIJI,ARK§EY, ‘ 0.11 the premises, hi_l,__A~.l In" I ‘v Hehry a fimelser. -...._._..._. --..-.-4uu, x . . In (ha qunshjp of {’aug‘ligm, ‘withflin half a inile of \ pnge Street. 'nnd Fifteen {rmfi l'orun- to : the Mill qqmains two fun of Qurr Stones, merchantpud>conglrgtbolts; drifizeii by 9. never failing stream of \VNBI. 7 0R, that valuble Km} I’rem‘rtv, « .. v l knovgn' as iha " iz'ICH‘MtSND ‘HiLi. MILLS, Gristfiiill 3: Farm My 26. xs‘é‘s‘.‘ In lb. Rolh, at W. Pol'ock’s, late (W 000 Linen Duck Gnmbroou. nnd Drill . I . Yams We” cut and made from 45 6d per i’nir at Wm. S, l'ollock. late, G.'A/. BARNARD. . ,Will he given for any quantitv of G094,“ IRESH BUT‘Tflé! zichmon’d um, my “2,33%: 50; lbs. Good Safmr, for $1. 1'10 lbs. Refined 30 roi‘r' :9Ibs. do exyerB fight do fdr $1. 7 lbs. Loaf Sugar, for $1. In our 4-5. Young Hymn 'l'eavâ€"lhe brat to be had in Canada for lhe price, at W. l’ollock‘s,lule A' G. A. Barnard’s. SUG ARE, SUGARS! £051. PER RG‘UND Richmond Hi“, July-26 lulh PURE WINES“ ANB . BHANDIES, UST iaceivedfinallNos. from 5 to 10,â€"â€" Manuf'ucmrotl at. Dunde L'uliou Mill {mm pure Georgia Cotton, 112. the lowest prices A1 “3.8. Pollock's. late Richmond Hill. Aug‘ ‘ New Y‘orl-E; August. 1.~â€"â€"The..numb¢r 233f cholera cases yesterday in Brooklyn fund New York was 36. There were 9 :deaths. On tlle Island‘s no. further in- ‘ .brease of cholci‘a is reportéd‘ A! W. S. l'uHuuKr‘S. L1 to Bast Lubricating Machine Coal Oil, 35 6d gal “Ml Elaplmul Uilr .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (is 31 gal First-class Eteghold Security. Applyto '1 V l Can‘ildififn" Cation Yarn A: W. S. Pollock’s. lam Richmond “I” Aug. 2‘ flu)" Iofi .7 $3;qu do gutter 19 lb ggs fig doz EApples ’19 hr] (Wool, ..-.,. Good Common Village: food Mull do {opt M‘zih do Bordeaux do Best White Wine do Richmond Hill, Aug.‘< hood 6: Cheap Viingigar I M‘NAB, MURRAY 85 JACKES, Barristers & Aatom eys-at-Law Solicitors in Chancery, Gom'm'ucms, &c. Omenâ€"4n the Court House, . .TORONTO August I, 1866. - 59 Flour 3% brl.... nus-1 Full Wheat 19 bushel Spring W hen do llnrlev _ do i‘onse do an.- ‘ do fqlunpp- ‘ do #133148 Ion .: “’ill be given for any quantity THE firm anptrtimmmm’. Mismcm'AL _ PURPOSES Money to Lend, FOR SALE. llvflfi "‘15‘1eln‘iol'l' Whom. do ........ TORONTO MARKETS. Machine Oils. GEO. B, BICOL, Bucrixfer. 610.. Richmond Hill. ' 60-3111 . A. BARNARD’S. G. A. BARNARD’S. G. A. PARNARD’S CHOLERA. ', A. BARNARD’S‘ FUR A; BARN ARD Toronto , J uLly 26. 1...; 0 (50 @ n o 32 @ o 40 (a; 7 no @ 6 on m) 0 15 @ n m @ 1 50 a.) 0 33 my 15 3d gallon ls 8d " ‘29 lid u 2s 6d -‘ 38 15d " 0 6t) 0 (In 0 33 0 45 IO 00 8 00 0 2K) 0 H ‘3 (m 0 35 . V V", UUAIUUBBIU‘I Markham. Poéi iéwffiéo:fiuiq’nvilvler » I . Sales allvtgndqdw mt, the sflfirt‘e’ni" "a'ot’lc’ét ind 6n reasohablo terms. 35 JOHN CARTER, LICEN§E6 AUCTIONEEI} 1 numerous Customers and Friends for their Iibarnl support during the past nine years, would bug to intimate that he is prepared to rnanufnciura Boots and Shoes of every descuip- [ions from the best materials, and after the most fashionable style, He hopes by strict ab (entinn to business, combined wilh moderme prices to ensure a continuance of their favour All orders attended to promptly. Work warranted. Residence 6 doors north of Mr. Ceosbss late stand. ' I'lE’SUIWCTibBI', in returning lhank‘s to his numerous Customers and Friends for Richmond Hill, June is: 16671 Support Home Manu’faeimes'! Audelson. Higillar - Russo“ Wm. Cluljkjoseim B. Riiey Thomas Hawdsou Widow A.G.S'nwsun James Elliot Elizubalh Stephenson Samuel Gum; George (6) Sauwidge Jokn Kurswoll Mr, Siver Robert Kennedy Charles (2) Veruey'Jamol cMnnley P. L. \Vpsl, Mr. J. , Miller JamesB Wilkinson 'l'hosmas Rankin James -~ ; Of the bes' desr‘tiption and west properu", a Careful attunIiml given in the repairing of \Vntches anl‘ Glncks Juwelry manufactured and Regain-'1. ' The attention of ’he hibiic is imvled to'flleir Stock, censisling Ma great variexy 01: w No. II. King $lreet Yonge Slrnet. Toronto, April 26". 1866, quhe_s_,_8lncks, arid Jevigiry; CHOICE MI"? “fix-RE?) Edéfis‘ OTICE.â€"All Shareholders not Imvih'g" paid their respective Cale willful Sixty Unyfl from this dnte. the same win he furfeixed lo the Company. and the Directors ml] sci! (he said Stock {mils benefit. ’ MARKHAM OIL & MINING Co BUTTONVILLE, ' W. WHARIN & CO Markham, June Is! [866 Always on hand, and for sale at moflemte prices. A culi is respectfully solicited. Bongets, ‘ flats, RICHMOND HILL. B o N N E T Sf'AN 15 EATS. Cleaned, Altered‘and Trindmed in-lhé latest ’ : stqus; hlso a. choice assortment of Milliner 8: 8an Bonnet Maker; NOTICE is herth given to parties having claims agaimt (he Emma 01', lhs late Mr. Jacob SINder, on Lot No. [7, “(uh Cop. Vnughnu that the same hunt be haddn‘d in I? either of the executors on or luafore lha 61h day of August, next, for adjustment : and also, [Mae 'mdehled 10 [hrs Eetnle are notified that the sauna must I)» settled by the that dulU' ISAAC MURRAY. v SK MUICL UNI", Executors. JOHN SNIDER, whore SlockhuldersViilIé-bmm's BOOKS nvary Friday nt'lurnouu o’clock. PM. OR the Counlias of York; [’eclvand 0n- tario. Residance -. 1.19178, 61!; concess.on -I.L _ .u HIS ASSOCIATION has transferred their LI BKARY 10 the ‘ Hyka ’ Book Store, no Cl.»._l.l_ u . Richx'lond Hill, June 9. 1865‘ Sales attended to with promnlz'tude J. GORMLEY. - J. l-‘ERRIS. _ Gor-uleyéRO. ChionViHe. P. VInrklmm, Jan. 4. 1865. 3] Toronlo, Ann] 27, 1866. @ORMLEY &=FERRIS' Licensefl Auctioneers: 3%“- Jllusanic ail'él'gilch .Eniwcmé made to order. _ . AND FIN12:9I‘év’a‘bmm7. 113, YONGE “8%., «TORONTO ELEC’l‘RO-PLA'I‘ED WARE? CUTr‘ERY, &c,’ &c_ WATCHES, CLOCKS, ResidencenLot 20, rrur on" 3rd Concession of Markham. P.().Addressâ€"rBuuonviHe. Pnrlios requiring Mr. Sanderson’s services can umke arrangements at Lhe HERALD ufiice. Junuary 4. 1565, , ~ 31 Richmond Hm July 23m, lééa. First claws Stabling and careful a‘ue‘L‘Ldance Terms moderate. Toronto, Fab. 6, 1866‘ EDW. SANDERSON. MCENSED AUCTIONEER. Counties of York and Peei EMAINING in' the Rivhmuud “in Task 1 Office! on Isl July. 1566 : Nefi‘éfi Stréet, Toroniéit 4.“ W H. LEMON, PROPRIETOR; Wax afiel- UCQMOND \HILL LIBRAiw ASSG‘CIATION. EXECUTORS’ NO’l‘ICE XNPORTEHS AND DEILENB {IN [minim] given in the repairing of II‘ Glncks Juwelry manufactured ‘p'i . King $lreet East. 6 doors east of By order List of Letters ‘. SEGSWORTH, Flowers, Trimmings, Wm. STIVER Sac’y Markham Oil and Mining Co‘ FOR THE UNITED IMI’ORTER 0]“ JAMES VERNEY M. TEEFY. RM. SCOTT, Librm'ifl n. "my 'u'ucure . “‘01 31.0 b 52-2“) 3m l-tf 36 A FRESH 1.03%? ENfirLE‘SH geeks SCOTTS Rifibmand Hiii .' GETS» & PBESEWS Please rem;D And of [he “on, \Ve wiil he {IL}: 133 Yonge Street; Two Doors Sanf‘h of BaS‘E’s Hotel; TORONTO, May 24, 1865: MEN’§, waMEws * Aim ‘EHILUHEN’S mm: AND SHOES Oppoaile Temperance St . ") EGS to announce to the inlwluimMs of neighborhood of Richmond Hlli in part As Cheap as can: be had in Toronto, at. W. Pollock’s, late fig BOOTS AND SHOES, - v u. grunt ullLu LJIIJV/I .l' \11 I‘D» - Fork Hawk's, Scyého Stovesx Grain Cranes; Rieapmg Hooks, ai§d..a'lliothei' Grass :3: Cradle Scythes, HAY-MG» AND HARYEbT *L‘OOLS; r Scythe Snathsf, Bur Rakesvnd Steel Forks, E‘Igm NLle Jul] 1801;. "2% per centfifiscaum few @ash. _ u an anl, x, <Iv|\'lll_lll. u| La’dies’ Frb”ch Kid Gloves, at 50 Bank per‘pair Summea‘ stack 0f Brass fiefidsi, 'l‘II} H.& A. NEWTOWS 3:? SALES MADE 1? *3. (341511 dNLY. ELGIN MILLS, JULY 26th, 1866. ' Good Harvéét ,VVhiskey constantly“ 0h,”- hafid. SOLD AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. Also, 10; lb. excéllent PrégBrViaig Sugar Giff-$1 Deme "am and .Ejfiaf Sdgar ekjilally llowg; DRESS @0038: onsistmg of ’cmigmgp; CUENHES, BAREGES, MUSLIN‘S, DE. The Elgin Mills Storé Richmond Hill, July 6, 12556 good as’sertment’ Trunks always 611 GEE/é T EBB WOTEflJfi/‘i L‘J \‘IJLII; CItIl)I:1LO W I 0E8 [[115 “EL the l J P. O l (91 ll I lk b'l "C r I I ifmber‘ that Sanderéon SELLS CHEAP at best Material and Workmanship. All Wonk are comxamly adding to .ur stock ofBools u INCLUDING SOME OF THE FINEST FLAVOURED HAS BEEN RECEIVED, AND WlLL BE SOLD CH‘EA‘P J OHN G;. BERNARDE Also. just receiwd an excellent assnrtment of Rio. 133 {’01th Street A complete assortment of the most desu'able And is [repaired to make to oruer all kinds of lu, i. I“: 1.. He offers the remainderpr his Slobk 6i Dress In the most Fashionable Styles, igltii. CUENIES, BAREGES, LAINED‘, LUSI‘RES, SIC. &c.,at A large supva of beautiful bright PRENG mm» sigma“ r SUITABLE 1001?; LBS. EVER A EQELAR. CAN BE HAD A’l‘ ship. All Walk is Warranled to give perfect satisfac- stock ofBools and Shoes of 01‘1" manufacture, which TORONTQ s of We County Qf’YOFk and Iglose in the particzilar, (hall 5.5 has added lo his 3. lock'of 1N 1N ‘Fm'ks,’ Torento, hand, 3 m . Cheap Grocery and Provision Store, Richmond Hill. May. 30 ’66. TKINSON’S is the place to buy , your Hams and Bacon cheap. Wm . Atkinson’s &»c,.' bndl’will make it a point ‘to kaep a select stock of Goods for the Season, He therefore requctfully mvHes his old friends and the in- iehaliitama of the uoighborhond to call and in. apact his Stock. feeling confident he cannot be undersnld, nor surpassed by any house norih of Toronto. Farm Produce taker. in exchange. Richmond Hill, Apri! 6. .1866. HAMS and BACON IN returning thanks to his mlmerous_.frieuds and customers for lheirliberal suppr since he commenced business, ngs to infnrm them that he has removed to Richmond Hi” to the Store immediately north of the- And ownnd SB occupied by Mn McNair. whure. owing to increawd accommodation, he he has greatly increased his Slock of ,6 GROCERIES, HARDWARE Haifâ€"way House, Richmfifid Hill, Land 51 Genai‘ul Agent Richmond Hill. June [3, 1866. 54-11; THE Unkiersigned is instrucied hy the preâ€" sent proprietor to offer FOR SALE or To LET. the Village Lot and Buildings for- merix' owned and occupied by Mr. JOSEPH KELLER. 'l'here is five-eighths of an Acre of Land. :1 portion 01' which is Galden. 'l‘he Dwelling-house is in good order and very cnn- vpnient; it conlains a Parlor. Diningroo'm, Kitchen. Store-room and five Bed-locum.â€" There are also commodious Out-huiidiugs, Stahiing, &c., and u gaud supply of lluxd and Soft Water on the premises. ' ' FUR SALE OR Will BE. LET! DESIRABLE _, RESIDENCE BUOTS ,[OHN WATERHG‘USE, "u: 1‘ “In L ‘ w .IL‘; "my (“MW “mum film! STOCK 0F Richmond Hm. May 18. ’866. Cannot be Excelled! Richmond Hill, W. P. RICH MOND. For Terms, apply to JUST THE ERTEELE ! SHADES The trustees will not hold th'émlivas xeâ€" sponsible after this noticey should-burials take place on mai‘ked o‘i' ground, unless tlfe above regulations are complied with. Richmond Hill, March 9, 1866. When payment is made in accordance with {he above it'wiH be considered paymenlonly for the fist opening ofa grave and a' re-open- ing! of u gravbfivjifl bq}squect to M new charge. such charge 10 be mgulisiud by the congrega- tion at annual meetings. NEW STYLE LL parlieé having.grounkienclpsed or marde 011' as family burying grounds, are herein!» Justified that. sud) enclosed ur maide "ground. "'0: occupied with gravesâ€", cannot Vim secured unless the sum uf‘ two dnlhrs for each unopened grave half ‘rlhwnh pmiiLfor. a limited lumbar, any six graves; ENQJ'eeL each. as. the muxiom‘iuix can only be secured by one family, r v " ’ i’UBLIC NTIGE By any now in use. II? All ordersprumplly rueudnd to "£11 ‘ ' l VV.-P. RICHMOND. Richmond Hillrlfiu‘rying Ernnnd! Toronto, July 1505. , W. (LC, calls it ,an the Stores between Toronto hull Richhypnflhflill ever}; two weeks. and supplies Confectiougry 01 5.11 kinda a! the Lowest Wholesgle prices. :CONFEGTMNAM Which for Neatuess and Durabilitv‘ 'L “m 'Iulwrun That every House wants, are those 3 RICHMOND HILL, That are now manufactured at PURE AND UNADUL'I‘ERATED ivxmBéW 363 Yonge Street, Toronto. Richmondh‘ili; 1. G. OASTEIJL Is to Ea found at. MANUFACTURER 0F: GEO. P. DICKSON. AND AI“) 11mm 1N M.» TE‘EFY, m] Secretary. 4U-4w 43-Lf 50-tf AT SCOTT’S, RICHMOND HILL; NAE'E‘EWE & yflsm‘fin FEM Gama: 866618“ ‘With a General Assnrime-nt «pf-Articles" in Con-f Hectic n with the Trade. CALL, INSPECT Armâ€"1311363 EASE; _ _ msyPRIiE _ , HARNESS LESTABLISHMENTE Waxy ~ “W Njg __â€"â€".â€" -â€" Ad'milted by all to be the best and firfést flavored, eier'ofl'éfed 0n the Hill. Remembmjhe placeâ€"jacljoining I Ambler’s Hall; W FARM PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE; 1“ Richmond Hill, May 3, 1866. AR.” 77._q_. , Where, you can procnre anything required, at THE LOWEST POSSEELE PRZCES! ST®@,K é Ifmfiltbafl, gm, is at ATIQNSGN’S,‘ ‘MCHMONE’ HILL 9W masswe, Tie-GW'Emwium At Torontc Prices, THO‘IiNHiLL, M Of Montreal and Toronto manufacture, consisting 0L Ladies? Calf, PI'lllH-‘Ila. fine and su )ei‘fiiie Kid Boots; Gems' Cubnurgs, Gaiters. and Lung Boots; Gi;'l’s and Boys’ Boots am; Show: in great Valiut)‘. his general @Eézmmfi Twenty fiei; Cent "Cheaper than the, usual ’THE Sub’sbniherhegs to, idiorm'lhemnbiic that he has 0! Grey Cotlohs, wuibii 3le unive in ii few‘days nfl’ez‘ed at about TORONTO, July 27, 1866. 0172111. Descriptions, 810‘. gm, ‘ . -. To which he inyi'tgsthe attention of the? if'filié; GREATLY ' BED USED ‘- m ‘ V f; ,_ ‘ _: '7 ' .. " lkklgv‘K-‘rlia ..: 2. Ta make room 101' purchases new b31flg matte 1d the Britigh E rkot‘s. ' ' Great Raédawfima v. \ I _ 134 KING STREET EAST, 0fi3§3§3§te the R’Ialrké t; ‘. '. .'. _. . . '. 1 . z 3; Richmond Hill, May 9, 1866 BEAWMADE QLOTHING; W. A. would call particularfitfeiifion to his AY 113 would 8156 can allentlon to hlS large 51ml; E015. EVERYTHING IN WAY 01? LARGE SUPPLIES HAVE ARR Will be found no beWeIl assorted and Cheap. A'so 'Ofleys ihe whole of his present iargu Stock L l COMPR’TSKXG" H Silks, Sha ms, Mantlés; JEciifnéfis; "Huts; Parasolm", qués Gqulvs, Shir-flags, I Sheeting$§51)1~ilns,- Hosiery; .Qloyes; Rib bonsyFlowél‘Eé; F “Earp; 1866. MAY BE ‘EQUbjD 9N A "large nsss‘urlment of $1 Jain mt he has purchased a large-minim“; l‘ew'days from England, and will by, RIVED SE WWW M; azi‘gfiihiéi 49:185- 484!

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