um..â€" llama. GUESS AGAIN‘ } What answer wouldlyou give to the prying multitude I Who would have you all your business to confess ? Why, the only way to do with the folks who I are so rude, Is, to say 5My dearest frien guess ‘2’ d, can you not ‘Well, you’re going to Richmond Hill ain’t I guessed it right this time. . ‘Did you ever? ever? ever?’ I complain; Don’t begin so far away; start, a little nearer home: ' , Well, 1 really think you’ll have to guess again. ‘Well you're going to Headford wells, to see the oil_ come bubbling up . But you shouldn’t walk so far it's gomg it) rain ; ‘Well I never heard the like,do come nearer to the mark , . I declare you’re really got to guess again. ‘Well, you’re going to Elgin Mills, you’re going to the store, New I,ve guessed it are you going to buy a dress ,5 , Is that basket ï¬lled with eggs ? how much butter do you sell ? But. you don’t make much the cows are dry I guess.’ yes Such good company you are with your in- teresting chat, ‘ ‘ I must‘huri'y up for still it looks like rain; So I walk'a‘long quite happy with my busi- ness all my own, If folks guess all right, no matter,- guess a aim g . DODO. ï¬lirullumnua. W HOUSEHOLD RECEIPTS : GENERAL AND DOMESTIC. CL‘RRANT Jsi.iii".â€"Pick fine red, but longe ripe currants from the stems; bruise them, and strain the juice irjm a, quart at a time through a thin muslin ; wring it gent- 1v, to get. all the liquid; put. a pound of white suwar to each pound of juice: stir it till it is all dissolved, set it over a gentle ï¬re, let it become hot, and boil for ï¬fteen minutes ; then try it by takingr a spoonful into a saucer ' when cold. if it is not quite firm enough, Zboil it for a few minutes long- er. BLACK Cunmxr JELLY.wa it be neces- sary to add a little water to thefruit, iii order to strain it, it it so very thick, unless jam ls made at the same time when a part can be strained for the jelly, and the remainde used for jam. Alter it is boiled so as heat the fruit through, press it little by little untill all the juice is extracted 5 measure thejuice, and allow one pound .of Sugar to every pint ofjuice; mix the juice’andisugar and boil ten minutes gently, stirring con- stantly when it will be ready to put in moulds. (Sever with paper wet with brandy GOOSEBERRY JELLY.â€"Tl‘tls is made ex. actly as black currant jelly ; use no» water with the fruit but press it ï¬rmly, and make the remains of the pulp into jam ; 1f desir- ed to remove V the skins, pass the pulp through acullender, allow one pound of sugar formic jam. ' To PRESERVE STRAWBERRY.â€".â€"To two’ pounds of ï¬ne large strawberries, add two pounds of powdered sugar, and put them‘ in a perservingâ€"kettle over a slow ï¬re, till the sugar is melted; then boil them precisely 20 minutes as fast, as possible ; have ready :1 number of Sin ill jars, and put the fruit in boiling hot. Cook and seal the jars imme- diately. and'kcep them through theysummer ina cold, dry cellar. The jars must be heated before the hot fruit is poured in, otherwise they will break. STRAWBERRY J ELL\'.â€"Express the juice from the fruit throuin a cloth. strain it. clear weigh, and stir to it an eqqu proportion of the ï¬nest sugar dried and reduced to powder when this is dissolved, place the preserving an over a very clear tire, and stir the jelly often until it boils, clear it carefully from scum, and boil it quickly from fifteen to 25 minutes.- This receipt is for a moderate quantity ofthe preserve ; a verysmall por- tion will require much less time. ,-â€".â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"~ Two men ï¬red at an eagle at the same time, and killed him. An Irishman observ- ed,,“tbey might have saved their powder and shot, for the full would have killed him.†a Some patient New Yorker has been counting the ditferent styles of hats visible on Broadway. He has estimated the num- ber of varieties at one hundred and seventy- fire. A teacher of vocal' music asked an old lady if her grandson had an ear for music. “ \Va,’ll said the old lady, “ I really don’t know- Won’tyou take a candle and see 2†A Love Letter.-â€"Ronsscau used to say, that “to writea good lrve letter, you ought to begin without knowing what. you mean losay, and to finishwithout knowing what you have written.†An auctitneer, at a sale of antiquities, put up a helmet with the following candid remarkâ€"“This, ladies and gentlemen, is u. helmet of Romulus the Roman founder ; but whether he was a brass or iron founder, I (anuot tell." “Represent me in my portrait,†said a romaxtic yuan}.r ladyto a painter, “ with a b)th in my hand renting aloud. I’aint my servant, also, in a corner where he cannot be seen, but in Such a manner that he may hear [Dewitth I call him.†“ Pray,3’ inquiretl one minister of another “seeing so many ladies attend your church. why do you invariably add 1358 your congre- gation us ‘dear brethren?’ †“ 0b, the nnswer is easily given,†he repliedâ€"“ the brethren embrace the sisters.†Outlâ€"[OurIOonâ€"Mr. Gladstone as n cricketer, bat in hand, defending the wick. cts; the ball, marked “ Rating," has taken his cc tre stump: Dizzy. as wicketâ€"keeper, looks highly pleased] Out! (But it was undei'hznd bowling that did it.)-â€"1“un. Fashion is the most imperious goddess that ever reigned, and yet she hits more devotees than Mrs, Ducalion had daughters. Such, also, is the perfect witchery of her fascinations that‘ they can no more “ live. move, and have their being†out of confor~ inity With her dicta, than bees can without a queen. G1!Al\tMAR.-â€"â€":PRAY remember, though boa: i. the plural :n‘uttes 50.1233. tlic plural of 0.2: should lr oxen. no: axes: To which may 1e said and .eqnmbm, tl'i..n.,liï¬ecce in the puial is fleece, that the plural ot goose isn’t {looses nor gasses. To which again maybe said: siid remember, though house in the plural is houses, that. the plural of mouse should be mics, and not muses. ‘ s l I r, m '3 M r OLMAGE'S HOTEIE; LATE VAN NOSTIIAND’S, “i=- 7&6. HR Subscriber begs to inform the Public that he has leased the above Hotel. wherelie willkeep constantly on hand a supply of ï¬rst-class Liquors. die. As this house possesses every accommodation Tra- vellers can desire. those who wish to stay where they can ï¬nd every comfortsre respectfully iii- vited to give IIIâ€! a call. ' Richmond Hill. Dec. 1865. lllllllllllllllll‘ Tll Ill 7 DE _SHOP adjoining the " Herald" . Omen wil be let for along or short- term or years. There is a good oponpig: fora Watclimakor or Tinsmilhl Appl)‘ at this ()Iilce. RichmonduHill, April 13. 45 SWIALL FARR]! FOR SALE ON YON GE ETREET. HF. Advertiser oï¬'ere For Sale his Eorm, 0f5fl80165,011 Yonge‘ Siren, about half- way between Richmond Hillland 'l'horiibill or he will sell 46 acres with3 the Farm House and Farm Buildings. TERMS :â€"A small payment down, and a l‘iig time to pay the balance if rcqulrcd. l’RICE:-â€"For the 46 acres. with Farm House and buildings, $68 dollars an acre. Pessessioii can be had on 1st April, [866. N. B.~â€"A. BAY MARE, 6 years old for Sale. (on time if- required.) G. J F. PEARCE..- Lot 39, Ist Con. Vaughan. March 16th, 1860. RICHMOND HILL Cabinet Establishment. HOMAS COGHLAN bags to inform the inhabitants of Richmond HI" and sur- rounding counlry. that he has leased. 'or a number of years. the Cabinet Shop and Store from Mr. Webbar. where he will manufacture and keep on hand a good assortment of Household Furniture, Chairs. Tables, Bedsieuds. Bureaus, Cupboards. Dressing Stands, &c . which he offers at extremely low prices Also a large assortment of Room Paper, Bordering. While Load. Paints and t olor. Raw and Boiled Linseed Oil. Machine ‘ Oil. Rock Oil. Varnish. Turpentine. Baritone. Glass. Putty, Glue, 610., 61.0 Ponies Furnish- ing. Pnpering, or Palnling‘thoir houses. will do well to call before purchasingelsewhere. .,=., He would-also call‘atteiition to his FLOUR, FEED, Provision and Grocery Store, 1:1: ~Where he will keep on hand, Flour, Shorts. to 15mm. Oats. Pause, Oatmeal. Cornmonl. Buck wheat. Bacon. Hams. Cheese, Fish. and Gone! ral Groceries of the Best Quality. for sale, at Prices that cannot be surpased. iRichond’I-lil". Jam-12, 1866. 31-6rn. SURGEON HENTIST I l ESPECTFUI.LY announces that he has changed 1115 time of visitingthe following places, and aftervtliis date will be (Sundays excepted) in Stouï¬'ville . .7. . lBthtof each month. Brougham ..... . .19th “ '° Muikhani Village. . . . . ..‘2lltli " " Brown’sCui‘nersz..'.......21st " " Tlioriiliill . . . . . . . ».. ......‘23rd †" Richmond Hill: ...Q-Ith “ “ Maple . . . . . . . . - . .........‘26th “ '- Buiwick. . . “ " Kleiubur . . . . . -" " Nubleton......... “ "' L=iskey............. “ " Aurora . . . . . . . . . . . . .uu IS! “ “ Sutton..." ......... . 3-d " Where he will attend to any business per- taining to any branch of his profession. Aurora, June 7, 1865. I-tf llEAllllN’S FAMILY MEBIGINES The safest and best Medicines Canada. G. A. BARNAR S'been appointed agent. for the County A H of York, for the above valuable Modi- _cines. which have been before the Canadian public for the past sevenyears. and have given universal satisfacti0ii4â€"he‘ can therefore. with confidence. recommend (hundreds of Tostlmo nials could be given if required, showing the benefitderivod therefrom.) their use for their several virtues. DEACON'S FAMILY VEGITABLE PILLS Act gently yet effectually: may be taken dur- ing any employment, at any time. and even by the most delicate female. DEACON'S S'I‘OMA‘CIIIC VEGITABLE BITTERS, As a: general Tonic, or Strong-dienlng Medl' cine to brace and invigorate the frame; none can be better. DEACON’S PIL‘J OINTMENT. A soothing and astringent application : and, as in use in l . .p Mush...» .~ lundun llrelssurance Compan No. 7, Royal Exchange, Comhill. and No. 7, Pall Mall, Londen. Incorporated by Royal Charter, in 1 7 2 0. AVf-NG bren appointed Agent for this Conipaiiy,0iie ol’ the oldest and mos; reliable English Uompanies,l will be happy to affect assurance against Loss or damage by Fire. upon eveiy description of The Lowest POSSIBLE RATES, With immediate payment of all Losses. G. A. BARNARD, Agent For Newmarket, Aurora, Markham and Richmond Hill. Rithmond Hill. March l4‘tb.- 41-ly DENTISTRY. w. c. ADAMS, D- D. s 95 King Street East, Toronto. NEAR CHURCH STREET, IS prepared to wait upon any who need his professional services in order to preserve their teeth, or relieve suffering and supply new teeth in themost approved style. Also to regu- late the teeth of those who need it. Consultation free. and all work warranted. June. 1865. 21-y 'GLO UCESTE I: (IO USES YONGE STREET. ' J as Gaby, Proprietor. (Late 'I‘liomas Coates.) Good Stabliiig and an attentive hos l. NEW CHE AP. AND FASHIONABLE DRY 6000317 I ~\Vliicli M. S. PULLOCK is now receiving his Spring Stock which will be t'ouiid‘one of The Largest, Cheapest, and Best r Selected Stocks in the Neigborhood, Consisting in part of'Hoyle’sNow and heinou- ful Prints. rich and elegant. Delaiues. Mohair-s. and I’oille do Sliavre Dresses. Gighamsï¬liiri- ings. Bleached and factory Callous. Deninis, Blue and Fancy Farmer’s Drill, 'I‘owelling, Dressed and Brown Holland, Boys' summer 'I‘weeds. Satilietts, 'llloeskins, Ganibrcoii. Russell cord. Meiis' Smacks, Uverhnuls. Long Clotli, Regatta, Fancy 'I'weed aiid Flannel shirts and Randy-made Clothing", with-‘tlie' Best assortment oI'Meiis. Womens and Child- beiis’ Socks. Ever Offered in RICHMOND 1111.1. In every size. coloui and. make, also; a‘ nice variety of Silk, Lisle and Cotton Gloves Para- sols. Gentsâ€l.iueii and Paper Collars. Fancy Silk Neck 'I‘ies, Braces. o'ch will be Sold for Cash or Short Credit: As Cheap as any House north of Toronto. Late G. A. BARNARD-. LADIES 8. UHILIIREN’S SHAKERS, Fifteen Dozen in white and Fancy Colours. for sale cheap at Wm. S. Pollock's. late G. A. BARNARD. always n attendance. ' Februaiv 5. 1866. 36 DR. T. o. CULVER’S MEDICAL DISPENSARY. over 139, KiugStrcetv East, '1' O B. O N T O, For the cure of Ehmnic and Sacral lllseases, And all Female Complni ts. VNFGRTUN ATES READ l OUNG MEN who are troubled with weakness generally. caused by a bad habit in youth. which produces constitutional dobllity. you can rely on our remedies, for we have treatedvover ï¬fty thousand patients. and we guarantee a perfect cure in all cases_ IMPORTANT ‘I'O LADIES. Our Periodical drops will bring on the monthly sickness. in all cases of obstruction from any cause,'aitd’ after all other remedies ' .of the kind have been tried in vain. Nicw Romances nun qucx Cuuss â€"For Syphilis strictures, seminal weakness: palm in the joints, affections of the kidnevs. diseases of the head. throat, nose and skin. and n'll‘ those dreadful slï¬ietious‘arisi‘ng‘ ï¬btn’ lt‘secret' -,bubit‘ol"yeittli, which produ'ccs constitutional 'debilitk, renders mairiago impossible, and iii the and destroys borli body and mind. The treatment we adopt is the result of upwards of thirty years experience and successful practice in Europe and America. Addressâ€"Dr. T. C. Culver, 139. King St. East, Toronto, C W, 49-ly May 7, 1866. AGENTS WANTED. HE GRANITE STATE Family Sewing Machine is now presented to the people ,ofCanada' possessing all the iniproveir cuts that can'bs Well conï¬ned in a sewiugmacliino. i It will accomplish every descriptilmlof sewing ' except button holes. from an overcoat down to the ï¬nest silks and muslins , This machine sells for only $15, and is really worth $50, in any family. Every meeliine warranted and kept in repair free of charge for three years.â€" All machines sold in Canada are manufacture at the co-npnny’s branch mannfactory in 'I'or- onto. Single Machines, with fullprinled directions. sniit express" free on [605*lpl of $15 in a registered letter; Full printed directions accompany each machine. so plain that a child iwelve years of age can learn to work one successfully in a short time. Address or call on The Granite State Sewing Machine Company, R. T. BUSH dz. (70., Canada Manufactur- are. 14 King Street East. Toronto. C. W Ileac Ofllces in in Great Britain and Canada. London, England. Glasgow, Montreal and 'I‘oronlo’.’ P. S.- Good agents wapted in New part 0 the counlrv to whom will paid a salary from $50 to $i50 per month, or a large commission Terms to agents sent free to those wishing agencies. - Toronto. March 23rd. 1866. PROSPECTUS RICHMOND HILL 44-1y tar as auiapplication mm be of any service, more soothing and much more astringent. than any hitherto prepared. The majority of cases ï¬nd speedy relief by its use. DEACON’SrWOItKING MAN’ 0R HEAL ALL. An excellent remedy for Rheumatism. Erysi- nel'as, Strains. Bruises. Cuts, Cliilbluins. Sore anont. and‘violen‘t Pains in Back or Sido‘..the effects of the Heat All in the above cases are astonishing, frequently removingcnll‘ pain in a few hours. One or. two Doses generally remove the cold. DEACON’S Mixture for Cholera, Dinrrlimn, and Summer Complaints, equal to if not bet- ter than any other medicine made. DEACON‘S unrivalled. Cough Balsam, {on Coughs, Colds. Consumption. A‘stl‘mn. die. DEACON’S Aiitibillious Pills. None bet- terin use. DEACON’S LINIMENT. For Cuts, Cracked Heels. and all kinds ot sores on Horses and Cattle. Dl'IACONflS Eruplive Ointment tor all kind ofskiirdisesses. ' ‘ Ricnmnso "ILL, August 10 1965. 10 units SOCIETY DEt’OSITORY I SCOTT’S BOOK STORE. l liehn‘ont’ ~Hlll,.luncv,, 18‘ 05. PETROLEUM: llll COMPANY ! WHEREAS there exists in the neighbor: s FRIEND hood very strong indications that OIL exists in paying quantities in several localil ties. it is highly desirable that a Company :Girls’ Wliite'and Grey Cotton Ilure in ,,u should lie establithed'to test the matter, and obtain it if pOSSible. Since in the opinion 0f man “fen qmli' Infanis’ White" and: lla'lmornl Stripe Cotton of a most, ‘ DEAcoN.S VEGITABLE COUCH “1,1,5†encouraging character exist in the‘ greatest, abundance on Mr. Klink’s farm, 1?; miles ï¬edto-jud-ze, SIGNS 0F 01 east of Gamble’s toll-gate. It is proposed favorable for operations. Ten acres have The for one-tenth of the Oil. already been leased to secure the site. probable cost of sinking the well will bel about $2,000, about one-half of which will . procure material, and go. on. he required to with the work. The capital of the Company is to be $2,000, in 40 shares of $50 each; two; shares: entitles any member to become a. di rector. As the successful prosecution of the err- terprise will confer untold advantages of wealth and prosperity on our'village and neighborhood, it is hoped tl at sufï¬cient sui- , port and encouragement n ay be given to .. . l nintify its prosecution. Richmond Hill,Nov. so, 1557. to sink a well there, as being the place most“. I The Land can’l‘ie obtained" for ten yearsyi THOSE LADIES & CILDRFN’S Pretty Straw Halls and Runnels, At Win S. Pollock’s, iii Danstahle. Split Straw. and Leg born. iii-the newest and most fashionable styles. nnd'will be sold at Toronto Prices. with an aisortmeiil of Flt-war and Fancy Goods. late G. A. BARNARD. SKELETON SKIRTS". The New and Fashionablo “ Empress Trail " Skolelon. wich a large variety of the Newest Stiles worn, in ladies and childrem’sizos. please call and examine the Stock, also, tbr New and putty Dress Goods, at Wm. S Pollock's. Late G. A. BARNARD. t ‘IIOICE SUGA RS 10 lb of Good \‘luscovado Sugar for $1 91b Itedpaih reï¬ned Sugar for $1 (sp'ondid quality, also. Broken Loaf.’ Powdered and crushed Sugars, cheap at W. S. I’OLLOCK'S Late Gag. BARN ARD. ‘ - 1 GARDEN SEEDS. Now toliand'. an excellent assortment of Pure, Fresh, and warranted seeds oflast year’s rowth. also, Turnip. Carrot and Marigold Wurizel. Field Seeds at \V. S. POLLOCK’S Into G. A. BA R-NAaR-D: o ' WHISKEY! I have now on hand some of the best Mull ' Rye and Hespollor Whislmv efer sold on Richmond Hill. or any other Ilill f by the bar rel or on draft. atmoderato Prices at WM. S. POLLOCK '5. late G. A. BARNARD. «WV. Paints, Ulls, Glass aid Pully. «,7x9. 8x10. 10x12, 10x14; 12x10.1.6#20,«Window :(lluss, “’lilte. Lead. Spanish mowli; ()Iiro'tiu 'Yellow. Prussian Blue, Venetian" Red, Red- Load and other points. boiled and‘Raw I.iu~ Seed Oil. Lamp and Coal ()ll.‘ Benzoino. Turpentine. Wlitmg Putty, &c.. of‘ the best quality. and moderate prices, at' W M. S I‘OLLOCKK‘S: late (3?. A. BARNARD. Just Received, An excellent assortment of? IT. 2 In Aboriiethv. Soda. Wine. Prince of" \Valés' Spice. Pic Nic. Water, and Arrow Root, at Toronto Prices.ut‘ w. s. l’()l.1..0(“K’S. G. A. BARNARD. Cotton Hosiery Men’s V'Vliite'aiid" Coloured Merino Sockï¬g‘ n‘ Iill prices; _ Men’s Brown and Grey Cotton‘So‘cks. Women’s“ \Vliita. Gray. Black and BI t Cotton. in all prices; 1 Womens‘ BulnioraTand French brown dn‘ pricos. Boys’ White. Grey. and Brown" Cotton Socks ir all prices. Seeks in all prices, a‘u‘d auclieap as can {Hum u u u 4 u 8. 3,000 Gold Oval Band Bracelets“ 4“ " 8 11.000 Chaseti' Gold Bracelet. .. .-. 5 " Ill 2.000 Chatelaine Chains and Guard Clinins........... 6 " 20 0,000 Solitaire and Gold Bron 'lies 4 I' 10 2.000 Lava and Florentine Bronclion.......... . . . . . 4 " 6 2,000 Coral. Opal and Emerald Brooches....,.......... 4‘ to 8 2.000 Mosaic. Jet. Luvs. and Florentine Ear Drops . . . . 4 “ 8 4.500 Coral. ()pul. and Emerald Ear Drops........ 4 K. 6, ’ ISJIfltl California Diamond Rings. Agents wantoï¬'througliont the United State and Canadian. 800,000 Watches. Chains, Sets of Jewelry. ItingsJ’in Bracelets. Sleeve Buttons. Silver Spoons and Forks. Cups. Cairo Baskets, dbe‘. worth Eight Hundred '1 lion- sand. Dollars. l The Entire Stock oh largo‘lmron'mra Hover: retiring from business. For the purpose of closing out the stock a. the earliest possible date, the undersigned bavn decided on a gr'eatdistribulioii made as follow. “cu AND EVERY ARTICLE, no MATTER now vawnuurz. BEING sou) ma $1. A Certiï¬cate of each. article with its value printed upon. it. is placed in an envelope and sealedotliese envelopes are thoroughly mixed- and sold for 'l'wmty-ï¬vo Cents eachâ€"the per- son receiving one of these envelopes is entitled' to the article named therein by returning the Certiï¬cate to us with one dollar. and the article. no matter how valuable it may be, will be for- warded to him-or her at once. There are no Bunk Certificates and therefore every one is sure to get. at least. II10 full value of his or her money. Should the article named on the cur- tiï¬cate not suit,any other winch he may select of the same value will be substituted. We sell the certiï¬cates as follows : One for 25 cts.. ï¬ve for $1, eleven for $2 thirty for $5, sixty-five for $l0, one hundred for $15. This distribution affords a ï¬ne oppor- tunity for Agents. as what lady or gegtloman will not invest TWENTY~P’XNM-UKN'I'S With a pros- pect of getting ï¬ve hundred or a thousand times as much. All orders must he addressed to us at our old stand No 15 Maiden Lane, New York. . LIST or ARTICLES; ALI. or WHICH Aim To in: 501.!) Fun $1 E11011. 300 Gents" Gold Hunting Case Watches -- -. . $50 to $150 300 Ladlos‘Guld and Enameled- CnsoWutches........... 35 " 7'0 600 Geiiis’ Hunting-Case Sil- ver Wuiclies............ 3-5 "' 70 Qtl01)iamoiid Rings.... .... . . 50 " 100 3,000 Gold Vest and Neck Chains 15 “ 1,000 California Diamond Breast I’ins.... .... ......... ... 235“ Gold Fob and Vest Watch Keys.... .... 2 50 4.000 1' oh and Vos' Ribbon S ides 3 1.000 Sets of Solitaire Sleeve Bill- tons, Studs. etc . . . . . 3,000 Gold 'l‘himbles'.‘I’eiicllS.etc 0.000 Miniature- Lockets . . . . .. . . 2 5 4.00.1 Miiiiniuie Locketsâ€"Maglc 3,000 Ch“. I Spring........ 3- I' .20 3,000 Gold 'I'ootlipicks. Crosses, otc. . . . . . . . . 2 “ 8 5.000 I’luiii Gold Rings . . . . . . _ , . 4 H H 5.000Clmsed Gold Riiigs....... 4 " 1| 5 .iJlllU‘Slono Set and Signet Rings 9 5 to 7.500 Sets Imt‘lies' Jewelryâ€"Jet 3 -and'Goltl............... 5’ "' 15 6.000 Sets Ladles’: Jewelryâ€"'4- Cameo, I’enrl.etc . . . . . . . -. 4‘ u 15 6,000 Gold Petis.Silvor Ex‘teiision Holders and Pencils. .. .. . 4 u 10 6,000 Gold Pens and Gold Moun- ted Holders............. 3 " 5,000 Gold Pens and Gold Exteri- sion Holders............ 6 “ 10 5.000 Silver Goblets and Orink- , 5 lug Cups .............~. 5’" 50 3,000 Silver Communal... .... 15 H 50 22.000 Silver Fruit. and ano , ‘ Baskets................ 20 “ 50 no: points. 5,000 Dozen Silver Ten-Spoons. 5,000 “ “ Table Spoons and Forks.............. 20 "100 AGENTSLâ€"VVe want agents iii'ov'nry regi- ment. and in every town and county in the country, and these acting as such will be allow- ed 10 cents on every Cer.iï¬â€˜cale Ordered’ by 3 them. provided their remittance amount»: to one dollar. Agents will collect'Qï¬ cents for every Certiï¬cate. and reuiit 15'cenls to us. $10 to $20 “TWrite plainly. saysotily what is necessary and be prompt. Adiross. : GIRARD‘ w. onv'AUou .e 00.. No. 15 Maiden Lane, New York. June 9. 1865. ~3ui a a / w â€" a. s l, sis-WE lADDLER dz '11 A RNBSS: MAKER i 1? i . a, BOOKâ€"ST FVERY work, scientiï¬c. Theological or Fic- 1 tions, whether published I“ Brilnilron America. can be obtained at the Pnblishhr'ii prices. We have direct communication With Britain. sud with this, facility can bring goods much more pnnctually and expeditiously than most retailers. As instances of the clie‘apne'ss of our prices we append a list of some of the books we'keep constanth on hand :â€" Josepliiis's Complete Works in one handl- liebought W. S. I’OLLO(.'K'S, the G. A. BAR NARD. Pure. Fine, F‘Iavoiire TEA s .v. Young Hyson Tonâ€"23 6d lb. usually sold a 35 1§d .do ' do 39- 0d do Good Strong do '35 6d do- Extru Fino Flavoro d 45,0d10 4s 3d With some excellent brands of Java. and Black Teas. at Pollock's, late G._A., BABNARD', ai-rmonci_uiiinpii,sai.ssa « Japan: ‘ ichm‘nd Hill June 9., Keith's Evidences of the Truth of the Christian Religion. derive-II from the literal fulï¬lment of Propliecr, (pro- _ fusely Illtistraledlw... . . . . . .-. .v. . Lai'rd‘of Logan ; or Anecdotes and Tales, illustrative of the Wit and Humour of Sconlund.............,........ Leighton‘s. Archbishop, complete works. in one 'hnndbome volume. . . . . .. . . . Pale3’s Complete Works. in one handâ€- some volume. . , . ...r. . . . Smith’s. Rev. James. ' Our Heavenly Father: ‘ or. God a Refuge and Strength?†Christ: Aloneâ€"a Book for All ;' ' VVelcomo tut Jesus :’, t The Better Landï¬â€™ '1', Thisï¬IdQ in Renieniberance of Me. or Sacramen- tal Meditations;' ‘ Important Ques- tions ;’ ' 'l‘he Grail Comforter :." ' The Morning Sacrï¬ce :' ‘ Tho Evening Sacriï¬ce? and 'Words of Comfort. or Solae in Sen: u-.' will limp............s...........12}-ctoe|ch 1,1,} 9' 00 1.50 A. FORTUNE t : EMPLOYMENT EBB BVERYBIIIIY. 1 some volimie‘; (’lllnslrsled). . . . . . . . $200 “ xv ..- . , baa-assem- int- unitâ€"nu ' AND FANCY STORE. p York rut CHEAP NEW LIST OF BOOKS SCIENCE. RELIGIth, Permit ' MEDICINE AND MUSIC. __ HE Proprietor ol'vthe above Establishment begs to call the rttentimi ot' the inhabit- ants of (Ire Hill and neighborhood. to the recent additions made to his stock of Interesting and Readable Books. being a superior class of lite- rature by the most eminent authors of well- l:.nownar¢putatlon and popularity. AND 'ch’s Glory in the Heavensâ€"Br Wm, Leitch. Principal of Queen’s College. Canada. $1.50. . Good Whordsâ€"vols. for 186! and 1862; $1.871 eac . ‘ Praying and Workingâ€"By Rev. “’m. Station- sofl. 67% Ms, My Ministerial Experienceâ€"8v Rev. Dr. Bucnsel. 1575' cut. 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London, as they never _tul(l0r any circumstances, travel either at berm; or abroad. and tlier hereby caution the Public against any person using their name. and as a further precaution against fraud. the Public is IlO'lllt‘lI that none of their medicines an: (IQ- nninu. unless the sibioined fun-simiiic of th ~ir .ignuturo isattuzclied to their GIIIRPâ€"J wrap. BELL HEADS l “‘“a' BOOKS, FANCY BILLS, BUSINESSi CARD}: CIRCULARS, LAW FORMS. BLANK. mucus". DRAFTS, PAM [’11 LE‘ [‘8 AND’ GHNEHA'I'IVE AND MUSCULAK Puwsn REGAXNID nr 'IHE use or LARGE our) SMALL POSTERS, Perry's Cardin! Balm of Syrzacum. Established nearly a century, and known throughout the world as the GREATEST RIC- GENERATOR; a never-failing remedy for Spermuturriite. loss of manly power. produced ‘ by early indiscretions. or any other .CIIISB.-â€"- Itenriclios the principal vital fluids, enabling those wlio‘have dueni‘ed themselves incurable jut once to fulï¬l the most sacred obligations or married life. 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Siricrure. etc , iinnmdiniely subduing all'in. fiam story action; Ifliicuaod in sugar. .froo‘ from taste or smell. 4s. 6d. and 11s. per box Han/m Ilicrvh'rm upon Pour. noon.â€" PI‘RRY'S I’URIFYING SPECIFIC PILLS; an infallible cure for all diseases of the skin. ... . And every- other kind of Letter-Tress- Printing. OUR ASSORTMENT 0F .r largo vatlety of new n l - - . . Price Ilsennd 336. per box - r v .. Pznnv do Co'h- ton can» . ,sucl. as Scurvy. “Scrofnla, (Ulcers, ,Iloils. ‘ A v » 1 Sold at Messrs. R. & L. Will Is entirely new 1nd ofltlie latest li‘ll('ll.t--, r i r a . ~. Eu . , y Blntclies‘,Pimples on the-face and body. ice. "~ Ft:iGnrds.,E&o just received. iford Street London,‘ , v I I I ‘r , Agentsi Illtuc'mif ,ar Co.._,7'5,' Toni-in; ‘ y‘ ‘ Street. London. ~ ' I ' . . , . ..h m '26.,1nt'5 creamsPromptiv'i-xrtuir 4:3 Wholesale Depntfl‘lo. 19,‘Bernon Struck-01' 1‘ j i