. r-~t'-" Rm) aobcrttncmwt s C H O O In 5555 Br: ’ RE-flPENEDl llichmoAiid Hill, (In Mann, ~in AUGUST. Grammar School Department Free, I'EN to all pupils residing within the United Counties ol YOik and l'ocl. Common School Department; Free To pupils residing within the School Section, The whole Institution is under the Head- masterslilp of A. M. LAFI‘IIR'I Y. Esq, RA, a Graduate and Silver Medalist. in Classics and Mathematics. of the Toronto Uiiiversny, assisted by Mr. G. II. Porter and Miss I. A. i Oates. Mr. Lafleily has formed a German Class in ‘ addition to those of French7 Cluesics, &c,. etiordiug pupils a rare opportunity to obtain a ï¬rst-class educa'ion, and, if they desire it. to prepare for Matriculation iii any of the Uni- voruities. An early attendance is most desirable, that the re-t’ormntion of the Classes may not be delayed. M. TEEFY, secretary do Treasurer of Board of ’I‘iustoes, . 8 I555. Richmond Hill. Aug ‘) ~ WHISKERS. WHISKERS. Dr. L. O. Montcz’ Carruli'a, the greatest stimulator in the world, will force Whiskers or Mustaches to grow on the smoothest face or chin; never known to fail. Sample for trial sent free to Illly one desirous of testing its merits. Address, REEVES d: CO., 73 Nassau St.,N.Y. No letters tnkcn unless prepaid. EXAMiNï¬TlQN () l" EUMMUN .Sllllllll lllillllll, COUNTY or now. ()TICF} lS Illilll'ill't' GIVEN thnl na Exaiiiinatiun offloiiianoi. School 'i'i-sich- era and others. Will take place on Wednesday, 29th August, 186% At the Court llimo. IN THE CITY or TORONTO, A'r Richly};on Hill, nuwnlnnnr AT NIVPZ lt.‘ll, 'Cnnd'datcs will ht- iconiin to pr-nlvirr- (’N'llflv ones of moral charrimnr from Inmt‘ res-pontile ministers. end if 'l'cnchers hul'om, also l'ioiii their iespecnye'l'i'iisILi-s. .ll )IIN J l.I\NIN(IH. l).l).. Chairman. 2 Toronto. Aug 9, lr'Gli iél‘til l i’ J; C ['5’ t ll ligllill i. To make room for the FA Ll. CCCDS ! Remember the place for GCOD AND CHEAP "3130013 g. SHOES S . ll. ii Richmond Hill. Aug. 8. 1866. List of Letters Ell‘lnlNING in the Richmond Hill Post ‘Qflioeton lsi Aug' 1866 : h. . ‘_"‘_V_Jemes lllrinlvy P. L. _ (.Qdoribell Jane McWilliams James . gsï¬dosoph (Q) )chnV Miss _ dept?" James lchfi'ery Maggie gm. 'le 'W llmuhle John ï¬r" barlos Riley '1 homes " tuberine $119; 9- . a; . “Ja‘tflllmfll inhale J. ’ r; eigl‘gpll‘hoinas ’ V‘Vulfon Snrrih o‘iiins H WE'Mrs. Charles‘w'obhw anin Linistnfl' John ' S-inpson James 'l‘rucy Mr. ' Volie Mr. R. A. “’ise llenry M. TEEF‘Y. RM. ’ drisllllill d. Farm ï¬f‘y‘i'm} “A r' E I: UM to“ tin ‘ . Olt SALE. that valuhio Mill Proporth known as the ‘ '"R'IQHM‘OND HILL MILLS,1 In ’ll’i‘s 'Ijhwnsl‘ip of Vaughan. within lirilf n l milo'of Ymigt‘ Street. and Fifth?†from I'oron- tor: {no Mi-I contains two run ol~ Ilnir Stones. ‘ ‘Plllol'ï¬hfllllhlld country bolls, drivvn by a never :flt‘iling‘ stream of when f‘ '- THE FARM “(Limitth 60 acres of the very had of land. ril L V, ' ly‘clerii'eil. ()ii the p eii’iises are erected in two'story brick home, with n li'anie horn. stable. cow homo, and piggery. and every ) other convenience. Also a large nonh- orch- "n'r'i‘l ‘mid plum and pour orchard, and cxiriviiite in'nbundance. "“lf not sold the farm and mill will be rented "'i" he Wall. ,(i'lï¬â€˜tei'ms, apply personnll y to GEORGE ARKSEY. 0n the premises July 12, lSlStl. .4 4 y 'Riohmi‘ndllill, _, GORMLEY o FERRIS ' ..Li,__cciiscg‘ Auctioneers : _ a , Sales attended to with promplz'tmle. SJ. GUIUILEY. J. FERIUS. I I Gorniloy,:l‘.(). Unionville, P.O. Markham, Jan. 4. 1W5. 31 v Canadian Cotton Yarn, - ABS, heap Vinegar Gnnd Common Vinegar . . , . . . . . . ls 3d gallon Good lllnlt do . . . . . . . . . In 8d “ llost Malt do . . . . . . . . . 2s lld " Bordonux do . . . . . . . . . 28 6d Best White VViue do .........Rs lad " At \V. S. Pollock's. lnte 'G. A. BARNARD’S. Richmond Hill Aug. 2. Machine Oils. Bost Lubricating Machine Cool ()il, 35 6d gill. BestElephniit Uil . . . . . . . . ........ (is do gel. At W. S. l’ollocn’s, late G, A. BARNARD’S Richmond Hill. Aug. 2' JUST Received, in all Nos. from 5 to 10.â€" , Manufactured nt Dundns (.‘otton Mill from pure Georgia Cotton, ut the lowest prices At \V. S. Pollock’s, late Gr. A. PARNARD’S. Richmond Hill. Aug. 2. Hill WINES in i Burns MEDICINAL PURPOSES. l JUST Received several Quarter Casks of Pure French Port and Sherry Wine-s and Brnndios. of the best brandsâ€"equal to any in the l’rovinco,and can be thoroughlv recom- mended ; also, 6 Cases of London Dock Old Crusted l’ort \‘Vines. with several Cases of Bottled French liraiidies. Holland Gin and pure Jnmacia lluiii ; also Harvest llospollers. Toder ltye, and infill-I'Whisky from 33 (id per gallon. well recliï¬Ã©d'hnd unadulterated at “his. l’olluck late, G. A. BARN ARD SUGï¬RS! 30% lbs. Good Sugar, for $1. ll) lbs. l’tcfincd do for $1. 9 lbs. do PXll‘a B ight do for $1. 7 lbs. Loaf Sugar, for Try our 4%. Young llysnii 'l‘tâ€"‘aâ€"â€"-th host to he had in Canada lor the price, at \V. 5'. Pollock's, late G. Barnard’s- 1 0 PER POUND l‘i ill be given for any quantitr offload UTTER! lii ll), llolls, 'dt \V. S. l‘ol‘ock’s. late : G. A. BARNARD'e. _._,. HARVEST PAWS i! ‘00†Linen Duck Gniiibroon. n‘id Drill I l’nn's well out and made from 45 6d per l’air (Al, “in, 5, l‘ollot'k. late. G. A. BARNARD. lirhtnlnd llithnly‘lG loliï¬ 4-1. J. SEGSWCRTH, ‘ 1M PORTER (llV YWA'E‘GQEE En, (LINERS. ANp rixic JEWELRY. 113, YONGE St, TORONTO ill/manic and other Emblems made to olvlr)‘. rl'oroi-ilo, Aniii '27, ll‘lili. 47. Money to Lend, 0N First-class Freehold Security. Apply to GEO. B, INICOLY Barrister. &c, Richmond llill. Jtll)‘ 26. IFGG. (iU-Iliii EXECUTORS’ NOTICE l'l‘lCE is harth given to parties having i T( IN claims against the Estate of tha late Mr. ,lncoli Snider, on Lot No. 17, 5th (Jun. Vaughan that the same must be handed in to either of the executors on or before the 6th day ofAugnst, next, for adjustment: and also, tlmso indebted to the Estate are notiï¬ed that the same must be settled by the that date- ISAAC MURRAY. sworn. Linn, JOHN SNIDER. lichmond IIlll. July ‘23rd. 1866. E Executors. NARNiiAN GIL & MINING 00., BUTTONVILLE, OTHERâ€"All Shareholders not having paid their respective Calls wihtin Sixty DavSl'rmii this date. the same will be forfeited to the Company. and the Directors will sell the sum Stuck tor its beneï¬t. By order Wm. S't‘lVER Sec’y Markham Oil and Mining Co. Markham. June Isl. 1866. 52-2“). llICIL‘d ND IIILL LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. V' IIlS ASSOCIATION lh’lfl transferred their Ll lllt \ltY to the ‘ llizimmi ‘ llook Store. whom Stockholders and others may irocure BOOKS every Friday afternoon. Iror (to 6 o’clock. PM. A. SCOTT, Librarian, Richmond Hill, June 9. 1865. l-tf :Wr. VVl‘lAJI-{IN 33(30' IMPORTEHS AND DEALERS IN Watches, locks, and lively. ELEC’l'ltO-PLATED WARE, coroner, &c., 8m. The attention of the Public is inivted to their . Stock, consisting of o grth variety of CHOICE AND FANCY GOODS, l Of the bes‘ description and newest designs.- =(‘.iirerii‘ attention given to the repairing of “'utchv's fill" Clocks Jewelry manufactured ‘ and Reunier ! Na ll. King Street-East. 6 doors east of l Yonge Street. one GREAT EAROAIngs . CAN BE I-IAD AT > . JOHN G. BERNARD’S C I - ,. DRESS NGOODS! He offers the remainder of his Stock of Dress COVS'I' PRICE}. 0 . Also, 10; lb. excellent Preserving Sugar for $1 Demerarn and Loaf Sugar equally low. no» 3» Good Harvest Whiskey constantly on hand. in- SALES MADE FOR CASH. ONLY. ELGIN MILLS, JULY 26th, 1866. GEE A Ti imme- H. & A.NEWTON’s -â€"â€"o i i ’1‘ II E SUBSCRIBERS will offer this week the balance of their Summer stock of Dress Goods; Consisting of CiiALLms. anNiEs. BAREGES, MUSLiNs, Dr:-s LAiNEs, LUs’i‘itics, SEC. 8...,“ 20 per cent Discount for Cash: Also, ju<t received an excellent assortment of Ladies’ French Kid Gloves, at 50 cents per p A large suppr of henulilul bright ‘ SUGAR,--10% LBS. FOR-A DOLLA lilgin Mills July i8, 186E. air. . R. 4.6 HAYING ANDTHA-RNE Grass do Cradle Scythcs,‘ Scythe Souths, Biirlc Rnkcsnnd Stool Forks, , Fork Handles, Scythe Stones, Grain (,‘rndlcs, Reaping Hooks. an’dnll othei'i nrvest Tools I INCLUDING SOME OF THE FINEST FLAVOUREI) v Forks vi '9 As Cheap as car: S. Pollock’s, late (3 in. {in Toronto, at. W. go A. Richmond nan, July 6, 1866. ‘ " I v s. a. st i m _ No. 133 Yongc Street, . marshy-Temperance St. ‘ i T 0 R O N T O, to announce to the inhabitants of the County of York and those in the neighborhood. of Richmond Hill in particular, that he hasadded to._llls 3 took of A complete assortment of the most dosirzib‘lo SWYLE’BS 319R SleilD-Eml dhftl‘l'lâ€"C) SUEZIE/ZEJR $5 And is prepared to make to other all kinds of it MEN'S, WOMEN’S All] tHIiiiirtBuâ€"nis in this; V In the most Fashionable Stylee,“ h And of the bee (Material undilVorltmanship. All Wovk in Warrunled to give perfect satisfac- tiipi.h We ere iii-teiitly‘iiddlng to .ur eteclt of Boots and Shoes of our manufacture, which wi l e ' . SOLD AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. 'A good assortment of Trunks always on hand, Please remember that Sanderson SELLS CHEAP at {lC}'-“~133_-Yonge Street, Two Doors South of Best’s Hotel, Tereuto, TORONTO, May 24., 1866. 51 3m ___.V_V__v__._â€"_â€" 2...; 2::â€" .â€" M32 5 r“ Miillsiliai‘ilnleilitter lull RICHMOND HILL. B O NN E T S A N D would beg to intimate that he is prepared to Cleaned Altered and Trimmed in the latest t manufacture Boots and Shoes of every descrip-- “ï¬les. ayso a choice assortment of tions from the best material», and utter the.1 ‘ > most fashionable style. He hopes by‘stricl at» Bonnets, H. LEMON, PROPRIETOR, First'class Stabling and cayeful attendances: LICENSED AUC'I‘IONEER, Ileeideiiceâ€"â€"Lot 20, H or of 3rd Concoskioni‘o‘f» can make ai’iungeiiients at the 11mm“) olï¬ce. ï¬fv. G. CAgirELL CUNFEU'I‘I’UN ARY l Toronto and Richmond Hill cyiei'y two weeks, and supplies" Confectionery 5111i“ kinds at the Lowest Wholesale lirices. Toronto, July 29, ,1. Richmond Hill Buiylng’limiind! are hereby cannot be secured unless the sum of dollars for each unopened grave hovfrithwtth paid for, a limited iinii‘her.’â€saysik'ï¬rzlvés, 3*9 feet each. as the inaxioznum can only be secured by one family. the above it will be considered piii'iiieut only ing of a grave will be subject to a new charge, such charge to be icgulatcd by the congregat- lion at annual meetings. sponsihle after this notice. should lllll‘lllls take place on marked 04' ground. unless the above regulations are complied with. Richumndllill, M arch 1866. in iiiiiiiii t disbursed; i W. P. mikuyronn. Cannot be Richmond lllil. May 18. 1866. DESIRABLE RESIDENCE TO LET. the Village Lot and Buildings for- ' 5r Land. a ‘portion of which is Gaideh; i’l'he Dwelling-house is in good order mid very con-. 0 ~ - r 6‘ '1? ‘3 if: Stabling, &c.,,a_nd agond‘supply fluid and B i For Termsi apply I0 : V ’ ‘ be undersnld, nor surpassed by any house north of 'I‘orontm A Farm Produce taker. in exchange. Richmond Ilill.»April6. 1866. JOHN CARTER, I LICENSED AUGTIONEER 10I1_':the Counties of York. Real and ()ii- tario. Residence: Lot 5, 6m concussion Markham. l’ost Ofï¬ceâ€"Unionville. Sales attended on tliejsliortcut notice} and nreusonable terms. I i i ' SJ The Commercial. Hotel. Nelson Street, Toronto._ D i 1 _ I'er'ms iiiodoi'ute. Toronto, Feb. 6, 1866. EDW. SANDERSON, .i: 36 FOR T“ F. UN IT Fl) Conn tics of York and Pool. I’,O. Addressmâ€"liuttunvillo. , ~~ Pat-iii); requiring Mr. Sandcrson’s sci-vices Mnrlthuiii. Juiihaiy 4, 1:65, 31 MA NUIi'AC’l'U Rla It 0F PURE AND UNAUUIXI ERATICD 363 Yonge Street, Toronto. W. G. C. calls at all the Stores between 7 Poemâ€"co neuron +â€".--O LL parties having ground enclosed or maikcd oil as family burying. grounds, notified “that siirh t'en‘closed or marked ground. not occupied with grovesâ€" l.\V0 I When payment is made in accordance with for the first opening of a grave and a reopen. The trustees will not hold themiives te- GEO. P. DICKSOY. ' ' Secretory. 4ll-4w Thnt every Home waiigs, are those NEVV STYLE Winnow " That are now manufactured at .. ,1 lVliich for Ncntncss and Durabilitv, :zcelled I ‘ By any now in use. IL? All orders promptly rttendcd to a] W. P. RICHMOND. 50-tf AT RICHMOND HILL, lllll SALE UR lllll lip-til l ‘ l V . HE.Undersignedis instructed by the pre- ‘ sent proprietor to offer FOR SALE 01' venient : it contains a Parlor. Dining-room,- Kitcliett,tStore-r00iii and five Bed-rooms.â€" here are also commodious Out-buildings, Soft Water on the premises. M. TEEFY,‘ Land 31 General Agent 13. 1:466. ' Richmond Hill. lune 54-tf. run ,iiiiiii. JOHN WATERHOUSE, N returning thanks to his numerous friends ,und customers for their liberal snpportsiiice he L(io’mnienced business, begs to llll'Ql‘utlljeln that; he has removed to Richmond Hill tojthe Store immediately north of the Ha lâ€"way Hausa, Richmond Hill, And owned occupiod’by Mr. McNair. where. owing to increased accommodation, he he has greatly increased his Stock' of p as.» one. ‘lllllllll till-mi llil tum will u "m‘tiitiitl hilt“ “trad ‘ " GROCERIES, H A it l) W A, R E. Soc... and will make it .1 point to keep a select Sleek of Goods for the Season, He therefore respectfully invites his old friends and the inâ€" iohabit‘nnis of the neighborhood-to call and III- sheet his-Stock.- fccliug conï¬dent he cannot ll! ; 43-tf l‘lAi‘llES and "BKCQN TRINS'ON’S’ is the place to buy f . your Ham's and Bacon cheep? ‘ er.'At1K_inSOJ./1’$ All orders intended to promptly. Trlmmlngsa - late stand. . . ' - , .. JAMES VERNEY. K Toronto, April 25, 19M, , ._ motion to business, combined with moderate H ' . . p-icento ensure a continuance oftheir, femur. . i ' - , Work warranted. - ' ‘ Residence 6 doors north of Mr. COOSIWS‘ . Always [onhimrL and for sale-oi moderate . v . n . F ' .v Richinond,U1.l,June l>;t.l5b6. $373!!! .prices.‘ A751“ is respectfully solicited. ' ;. - Cheap tirocmvtaed l’idViSibirStMe. meil‘.‘ owned and occupied by Mr. VJOSICI’H “5;. " v. ' KELLER. There is fivemighths of an Acre T 'HARNESS7 or? '4’: .1 .r r. .. ll LR. ' .. cilia“; d}. i; a V 134 KING STR EE’I‘ EAST, Qppositc the Market,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Toronto, 0. are the whole of his present large Stack at t".1. .l 7’ A ‘Tmh. ‘- 1: on elm RED n on) ‘ PRICES, " COMPRISINGA ' Silks, Shawls,Illnntlcs, Bonnets, Huts, Pai‘nsols, Dress Goods, Shirtings, Shootings, Prints, Hosiery; Gloves, Ribbons, Flowers. FCRIIlBl‘SHCOIIOl’I l‘ilarp, .. "eel Oi'nll Descriptions, Syd-81c. Ste. To which. he invites the attention of the public. TORONTO, July 27, 1860. l l' ‘IIE Subscriber begs to intnrm the public that he has purchased a large quantite oi Gmy Canons, which will aiiive in )3 fair days from England, and will by «illercd at about Twenty percent Cheaper than the usual price. Ile would also call attention to his large Stock of Of Montreal and Toronto ninnnfnrtnre, consisting ol Ladies’ Call, Prunclla. fine and so ierï¬ue Kid Boots; (leiits’ (Voliom‘gs, Gaiters. and Long Boots; Girl’s and Boys’ Boots and Shocs in great vniiety, His general Slllll ll llll lllllll lillllllll lll lllllllllllll Also ‘llEllllY-lllrllllï¬ CLOTHING. A large asssortineiit of \V'ill be found to be well nesorted and Cheap. - l * u r i i 1.. I lain ‘iitinll ‘dlil .i‘u not in tin n “n xi Mun “1m "Him AtTm-omc ‘ Jesuit PUBKISS. TiiORNiii’Li.,“nA‘r * was. 5m...- lhedreei Em orium roe Ev ERY THING 1N WAY 01? crib, ‘5'“ is at A'I‘KINS'lN’S, RICHMOND HILL, m... Where you can procnre anything required, at THE PGSSIBLE PRICES! O .W. A. Would call particular attention to his @W.ma®nn @F TEAS! Admitted by all to be the best and ï¬nest flavored, eVer offered on the Hill. Remember the pluccflad‘joining Ambler’s Hall. W'FARM PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHAJVGE. “a Richmond Hill, May 3, 1866. 484.! ï¬r Hui Pin †ESTABLISHMENT l BE FOUND ON El M AY u.»- l m w; (3.? W2 M m Fm S l N G L EAND DouéLE AND. COLLARS &c, &c., 896 With a General A ssorinicilt of Articles in Con- nection with the Trade. CALL, inerrcr rinnkpnno HASE. Richmond 11m, May 9,- 1866. 4942; A. gunner; EQT or? Boomer-i BOOKS ,v v » SUITABLE- FOR- . lil- * & EBESEVTS HASBEEN RECEIVED, AND WILL BE. SOLD CHEAP . -...;'.:*‘~' I._.»_'ZC?"‘ T ......., . mnmmmin lll. ‘3';an ‘96:." r 44* .- «7 A. .t- 186%.“? till diicimzond [It'll .'