Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 17 Aug 1866, p. 3

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Mr. '7 fink ha»: formed a (‘rvrmun (”ass in :«drh'im- (olhmée of Firm-3.. ('Ixnnilw, KW,” umvvdiuu pnpih n ram appettuuin lnoinmn n fwwpci'liw educa‘iull and. It'lheydvsire it. 10 prepare for thnculaunu in anv of the Uui~ 1 "huh“ Thornhi". August 9. [866. Toromo. II 4 o'clnck. p.m. All l'nrcsln or Luggage left at. Best's an Horse Hotel, Yonge Stroet,or at Lemon's Hole]. Nelson Slrnot. Toronto. willhe deliverud with puncmo nlily and M mud-ram charges. Havmg de- termined to run the Slagu VVIIIch will afford passengers more time in lha City, and keeplilg attentive and acrumnwdm- ing Drivers, I trust to merit Ihe pnuonage of (he geuarnl public. ROBERT RAYMOND, AHE in'o the premise: of the thuoriber, J Lo]. No. 18. in tha 3rd cuncession of Mulklum, about lho middle ofJuly hut, The Owner is requested to pmvs propertv. pay upon-us and take them away. 0n MONDAY, I3th AUGUST. H Mien 'auce in mos! doeiraMe. lhnl 'rmwriou uf [he Clauses lllu)‘ unl be Au “' the :‘nv (Flaw-{L Ll. persons indobled 10 JOHN N. REID. M.D. 'I‘hornln‘l. will please call and nulo their accouum by the Is! of October ”OXI. AHENVIR' (mu). Agent. AVING purchased the Richmond Hill Line ofSlngc-a from Mr. Thomas Cook. I will run the same lrom my Howl. Rich- mond Hill,lo Toronto. starting at half-past 7 o'clock, nun. and returning will have Markham, Aug. 13, '66 Common School Department: Free To pupiis roaming within the Suzhou! Secxiou, Tim who!!! Institution is under Hm Head mnctohhip of A. M, LAFFEK'I Y. Est}. B.:\. n Hrm‘nmza and Silver Mfil'alist in (’flns‘nm and 7"n:hmnulics. of (ha Torvuw Univrrnty, n‘SiNlcd 1!" Mr. G. H. Puller mm Hm»: I. A. Univ“. ' At Better Speed,‘ Richmond Hill, Aug. 13. ’66. Grammar School Department Free, Caud'dntcs will he required to pmduce unifi- cmrs of moral clmracler from their respective ministers, mad if 'l‘anchers bufuxe, also from their raspacu re 'l'rusleos. Lemon‘s Hotel, Nelson St” . ‘ . . . .L‘ luxmmnnlmu 1-“ Inn'llnu b1 b-rn and others. “'I” In ‘ place on IN THE CITY OF TORONTO, Richm01‘1d H111, A Ewe and :1 “am Lamb Richmond Elil‘. Aug. 8 18K“; STAGE S. BE RIB-OPENED EUMMQE“! SCHQUL TEADHEBS, N E “7 .‘Yl A H Wednesday. 29th August, 1866 Toronto. Aug 9, 1665 BOOTS MARINE} IIIIT’ SALE! BOOTS & SHOE W. H: MYERS Richmond um. Aug. 8. 1866. > EMHNINh‘v‘ln the Ric-hlnoud lllll Post Office. on in Aug- 1866 : Atkinson James Manley l’. 1,. Cum; bell Jane McWillinlm~ James Esp y Joseph (‘2) M'tKwy Mum (“any James Mc \fl'ory Maggie Gumbla W I umble John Gray Charles Ritey 1 human Grnv Culwrine Summon James Hills Jcre mlah 'l‘racy Mr. Harris J. Voho Mr, R, A, Hulip 'I'hnmu Wise Henry King Thomas Walton Sarah Kennedy Mrs. Chques’n obber bawin banana“ 30111: ~ Jam"; 18 1112;”;le HIVFN um. an RICHMOND HILL PEN to all pupils rovitling “’illllll the Unih-d (funnies ut' Ymk and I’M-l. GREAT BARGAINS FA LI . GOODS ! GOOD AND CHEAP S TILE 1' SIIEEI’. $mmmg Richmond Hill, LXF. MQNRTiON 1. MY. u (relnrx \\r Fleasulur of Bonn! 01 Twins, Remember the place foi- List of Letters JUHN JENNINGS, 0.1).. To make room for the «H Um Gun." ”a um U \TY HF YORK AT NINE A M, TICE. A51) AT THOMAS C L l FFOR l). WILL IS AT PND ') ‘1‘ 1N M- TEEFY. RM; Chairman Schonl Tvnch Proprietor. Good Commdn Vinegar Good Mall do list»: M alt. do Bordeaux do nest White Wine do A: W, S. Pollock’s. late Bast Lubricating Machine Coal Oil, 3 “as: E|ephum0i| ................1 A: \‘V. 5. l’ullocx’s, late Canadian Cotton Yarn, JUST Received several Quarter Cask: of Pure French Port and Ehrrrf \Vines mud Bunndies. oflhe has! brandsâ€"equal mum in tho l'rovinco,und can he thorough“ recum- Inouded ; also, 6 Cases of London Unck Old Crusted Port VVinmn, with several (fuse: of Bottled Fwnch Brandi”. Holland “in and puro Jamncia Rum ; nlso Harvest llaspallvrs. Toddy [1“),qu mall “'hisli)‘ fl'fllll 35 (id per gallon. wvll recnfird and unadulwratcd a! Wm.S. Pollock late US'l' Recaived, in all Nos from 5 to l0.â€" Munul'nctmed «I Dnudau Cot‘on Mill no... puns Georgia Cotton, at the lowest pnice- A1 W, S. l’olluek’s. late Richmond Hm Aug. 2. Richmond Hill. Aug. 2 PURE WINES AND HBANDIES SUGARS, SUGARS! 10.3 lbs. Good Sugar, for $1. 10 lbs. Refined do for $1. 9 ibs. do exqra B='ight do for $1. 7 lbs. Loaf Sugar, for $1. Try our 45. Young llysnn Teaâ€"4h? host to be had in Canada for «he price, at \V. S. Pollock's, lute G. A. Barnard’s. FRESH BUTTER! lu lb. Rolls, at \V. S. Pol’an's. lute "()UI) Linen Duck Gmnhmon. and Uri” I Pan's well our and made from 4s Gd par l’uir u Wm. S. l’ollot-k. lute. G. A. BARNARD. Good 6; Cheap Vinegar made (0 order Toronlo, Ann] 27, 1‘66. AND FINE JEWELRY. 113, YONGE Sh, TORONTO My 26. 1366. Richmond Hill. Aug, 2 105d. PER POUND \‘VA'I‘UH ES, CLOCKS. NOTICE is lmrebv given to parlie- having clmms against ‘he [finale of III. law Mr. Jacuh Sn nior, on Lot No. l7, 5”) (Ion. Vaughantnut the same must be hunch-d in to eilheruithe vxecu'nrs on or below Iim 61h drn' of August next. for ndjustmelnt . and also, {huge mdvbled lo the! Estate nre nutihed that the same musk be hauled hy the that date. MARKHAM OIL & MINING 00., BUTTONVILLE, Richmond Hill, July ‘26 IHSG OTICE.â€"All Shareholders not having paid their raspeclivo Calls “uh! n SIXII' Unvs from this dale. the name will be 1oI1eiIed Iotzue Company. and the DIIecIors wnllscll the sum Slocm 1orils benefit. By order HIS ASSOCIATION has trnnsferred their LlBl’ \RY lo llm Hr 1mm; 'Hook Starr. where Smekholdern and other» may 'vocmr BOOKS v-vary Friday alternoun. trot Ito e o ’clock. r I. Mavkhnm Oil and Mining Co, Markham, June In 1866. 52-2"). A. SCOTT, Librarian. Richmond Hill, Juno 9. 1865. |>tf Watches, Blocks, and Jewelry. ELEC'I‘RO-PLA I‘ED WARE, (‘UTUERSH 8m, 8w. The nttnul'mn of 'he Puhhc is imvled to their Stock, censistinz of n Ere-z variety of Cnrefu‘ uttfimim given to tho repairing of Watcho-s nnr‘ Cinch Jewelry manufactured and Roonirrl. W. WHARIN 8200. No. II. King Street East. 6 door: out of Yonge Str-ot. Toromo, Aprfi 96, 1868.- CHOICE AND FANCY GOODS, 0N First-class Freehold Security. APPLY to HARVEST PANTS! 0f the has‘ dosrripliun and newest debiglm, Will ho givw for any qlnmitv of Good Richmond ”Ill. July 23rd. 1866, EXEC U'I‘ORS’ NOTICE RICHMOND IllLL LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. MEDICINAL PURPOSES. J. SEGSVVORTH, Money to Lend, Machine Oils. Masonic and other Emblems G. A. BA RNARD’S. IMPORTERS AND I)_EALIDIS XI IS "AC MURRAY. SA MUEL LIN |:., JUHN SMDER. GEO. B. MCOL, INX'ORTER 0F G. A. fiARNARD's G. A. PARNARD’S. G. A. BARNARD’S G- A. BARNARD Fol! Wm. STIVEK Sec" Bani-tar; &e. Richmond Hi" 60-31" 15 3d gallon 13 kid “ ‘23 (Id “ 2s Gd “ 3.1 ud -- Executora‘ 35 6d gal. 6d 3d gull 47 ‘7 The Elgin Mills Store GREAT . BARGAINS DRESS GOODS! DRY GQEODS, Also, 10; lb. excellent Preserving Sugar for $1 Demerara and Loaf Sugar equally low. 1 0 1‘ Good Harvest Whiskey (zoa'lstmltly on hand. Summer stock of Dress Goods, Consisting of CIIALLIES. CUENIES. BAREGES, MUSLINS, DE- LAINES. LUSI‘RES, &c. &c., at 20 per cent Discount for Cash. H.& A. NE‘WTON ’S HAYIM} AND ILHWELST TOOLS. 03' SALluS MADE FOR CASH ONLY. ELGIN MILLS, JULY 26th, 1866. Ladies’ French Kid Gloves, at 50 cents per pair. SUGAR, "10‘ LBS. FOR A DOLLAR. ”lam \"ikll .‘lnl ?8 186K. mg.“ Miles July 18‘ 186+. Grass {‘2 {'l'ndlz' Scylhvs, Fcyllm Smuhs, Barley Forks flakes and; 35100; Forks. Fork Handlvs. Scythe Stones. Grain (TI-adios, Reaping Hooks, and a” other arvest T0018 Z As Cheap S. Pollock ¢a‘.‘ ‘7, _- _~A,,,A BOOTS AND SHOES, MEN’S, WOMEN'S AND EHILDHEN’S HUUTS AND SHUES And of film but Mute-rial and “‘orknmmhip. A” Work in “'arrnmod to give p'rfrct ialisfnc- (inn, We axe commmly adding lo .ur stock 0| [Souls and Show 01 on nmuufnt-lure, which will he A good assortment of Trunks always on hand, Please remcmber that Sandersnn SELLS CHEAP at Milliner & Straw Bannat Maker. 06: 133 Yonge Street, Two Doors South of Best's Hotel, Torento, TORONTO, May 24, 1866. 51 3m BONNETS AND HATS. Cleaned. Altered and Trimmed in the latest styles; {Ilsa a choice assortment of ppmile Temperance St. T O R 0 N T 0I FIGS lo announce to tlw iuhahimms of the County of Ymk and llmse in the uwlghborhood of Richmond III” in particular, thm he hax‘ added In his lack of Always on hand, and for sale at moderate prim-e. A call is :69va ctfally aoliuiied. HE SUBSCRIBERS will nm=r this week lhe balance of llwir SEE-LES TOR 31%kaer JA Dalâ€"0 S'UTZIEL‘JZER WJEQW. Richmond Hill, GREAT REBUOTIQW SOLD AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. MRS. W. H. MYERS, INCLUDING SOME OF THE FINEST FLAVOURED RICHMUND HILL JOHN G. BERNARD’S Floweljs, . Trlmmmgs, COST PRICE. g’s, late He offurs lhe remainder of his Stock of Dress Also. just received an excellent assortment of {IS (:31 H Juhi b. 1866. No. 133 Yonge Street, A complete assortment of the most desirable And is pwpared to make to Ohmf u" kinds of In the most Fashionable Styles, A large supplv of beauliful bright CAN BE HA!) A'l‘ he. had in Toronto, at \V. Support Hume Manufactures! VI‘HE Subscriber, in returning thanks to his [ numerous Customers and Friends for their libnral support during the [Ian Hi ‘0 years, would beg to imimute that he is' prepared to Innnufaclum Boots and Shem of every descnip- tiom from the heel mate-rink. and after the most fashionable style. He hope-s by strict at» tentinn to businean, cnmbiuad wilh modnrnle p-Ices to ensure a comimnnca of their favour All orders attended to promptly. \Vnrk warranted. Residmlce 6 door: north of Mr. Ceosbys late fland. JAMES VERN’EY. Riehmond Hi‘l. Inn. 2.91 MM. 3:.3m H. LEMON, PROPRI E’i‘ First class Slabling and careful. attendance.- I'arms moderate. 'l‘uromo, Feb. 6, was. 36 EDW. SANDERSON, LICENSED AUCTIONEER. The Commercial Hotel. Res-idonconLol 20, rear of 3rd Concassion of Markham. RU.Addressâ€"-Buuonvillo. Pal-nus neqniring Mr. Sandersou's services can make armngemeuxs at the ”Hun; oflica. Juuuury4.)165. 31 OR the Counlies of York, 1’50! and On- turio. krsidunce : Lot 5, 6m concess.on mnrkhmn. Post Ufliceâ€"Umonwlle. aules amended on the shorted uutice' and u reasouahlu terms. 36 Counties of York and Feel W. G. CASTELL CUNFEUUUN ARY I \V. G. (3. calls at all the Storas between Toroulu and Richmond HiH awry lwo womb. and supplies Confm-Uunmy of ah kuuls 2“ [he Lowe-pt \\ Ilulesalu- prices. Toronto JUST THE ARTICLE 1 Grist Mill & Farm Sales attended to with promm'itude. J. GORMLEY. J. FERRIS, JOHN CARTER. LICEKSED’ AUCTIONS In Iha Township of Vaughan. thin half a mile of \ ouLvn Sheet. and Vim-en from lomn~ \n : {'0 Mi lronmius lu‘u run of Uurr Stones. mmchuutund ruumry bulls, dravun by a never falling stream 01 water. CPI-IE FARM Cnntalus 60 acres of the very best of land, kl nearly cleared. On the premises are erected a two story brick house, with a Name barn. stable, cow home, and piggery, and every other convenience. Also a large apple orch- ard and plum and pear orchard, and curl-nuts in nhundgnce. For terms, apply persona“ y to GEORGE ARKSEY. RICHMOND HILL MILLS, Corolla". P.O. Vlarkhum, Jan. 4. 1865. GORMLEY 85 FERRIS Liccnsml Auctioneers: Richmond nm, July 12, 1866. Richmond Hill, NEW STYLE Cannot be Excelled! SHADES W. P. RICHMOND, Richmond Hm. May 18. 1866. FOR SALE OR WILL BE LET! DESIRABLE RESIDENCE 'rllE I'ndersigned in instructed hy the pre- senl pruprieldr ("offer FOR SALE or TO LET. lee VIHHLVQ Lu! and Buildings forâ€" nwllv owned and Orenpied by Mr. JUSEI’II KELLER. 'l hrrv it! five eighlhn (I! all Acre of Land. a portion nf which is (imdeu. 'l'he Dwelling-house in in good order and vrry cun- vonieul: it contains a l’arInr. Ihnng room. Kitclwnv Store-r00|x|,and five Bedâ€"moms.â€" There are also commodiom Um buildings, Slabling, &c,. and a goud supply of llard and 5qu Water on the premisel. Richmond Hill. hit [3. 1556‘ NflTIEE IIF HEMWAL. 11V ro-turn'mg (hunks In his numeral": fric-nds and customer» for llwir Iibernl support since he comment-«d business, bags to in‘orm them Hm! he has rmnuvvd m Rit-hmoud IL” 60 the Slur» immodialmy north of the And ownod 35 occupiad by Mr. McNaiv‘, whflrm owing to increased accommodation, he he has greatly incremed his Stock of Haifâ€"way House, Richmond Hill, ”11“ ‘1 \m& ‘1‘ I l mmfifi 11‘ 1111“ ”111111111“ 111‘ 1111111111 “[1 11 ‘l 11,11” 11M :1! ‘1‘ M W 1. Jun. and will make it a point ‘0 keep a uolam stock of Goods for the Season. Ho xherefora respectfully Inviles his old friends and the in- iuhuhitanu of the neighborhood to cull and in. spec! his Stock. feeling confidant he cannot lu- un lersold, nor stlrpnssed by any house north of l‘oroma. GROCERIES, HARDWARE. Farm Products taker. in exchange. Rirbmond Hxll‘ April 6, 1&5. JOHN WATERHOUSE, 0R SALE. Um valubia Mill I’roparlv, known as the For Terms. apply Io PURE ADD UNAUUIJI'ERATLD Which for Neameas and Durabilitv, 363 Yonge Street, Toronto. That every House wants. are those WINDOW That are now mannfactunâ€"d at Nelson‘ Street, ’E’oronto. , July 20, 11:05. By any nnw in use. A“ orders prulnplly rlleudud lo FOR SALE. RICHMOND HILL. MA NUFAL'I‘UREK 0F FDR TH ['2 UD HID OF M. TEEFY, Land 51 Gennml Avon: W. P. RICHMOND. 9n the premises‘ L'uiouvillo. P.0. {‘OR. ‘7 L‘ U 54M". 31 50-tf 434! To make mom tor p12?CE 593 mm being mane in the British1 1 Efrem - ‘ mm E E. E; m 3% g 3. a BE 57% :2, 1%: GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, MQERNEMQ» lll‘. Subscriber lyere tn Inlnrm lhe public llnat he hm: purchased a large qlmntite ol Gmy (:0llons‘, wxich will anivein a few days how Euglaxnd and will by 'fie't'd at :Ilmnl Twenty per cent Cheaper than the usual price. 01' all Descriptions, &c. &c. &c. To which he invites the attention of the public. TORONTO, My 27, I866. STflEK HF DRY GflEfiS fiBfiEfiREES ERIE HABBWERE Cheap Commas Z Of Montrml and 'l‘nrrm'o manufacture. (“misting ql Tradias’ CaH‘, Prune-Ha. fine and en )erfiue Kid Boots; Gems’ (‘ubon-ggs, Gnilvrs. and Lung Boots; Girl‘s and Boys’ Boots and Slums in great variuly. Uis general TheGrea’a Emporium Great Rwdzwfim: n .P‘m'ces. ! Al Toronto Prices. TH O‘RN H ILL. MAY 1366. {v E EE S ,7 . Bu©fi£$£©fl$ ‘ Crockery, Glassware, THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES! Admitted by all to be the best and finest flavored, ever offered on the Hill. Remember the placeâ€"adjoining Ambler’s Hall. W FARM PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE.“ Richmond Hill, May 3, 1866. 48-tf Hmdwmc, 15%., is at A l KIN SU‘T’S FILHMON D HILL Where you can ,procnre anything required, at HRST PRIZE ; HARNESS ES’l‘ABLISHMENT! “’1’ 1h :1 General Assortment of Articles in C(mm “action with the Trade. C AL I, IVS PECT ANDâ€"*PURC HAVSZEO A. FRESH EGT OF ENGLISH BOOKS‘E‘é GIFTS. & PRESENTS 134 KING STRE ET EAST, Opposite the Market,. . . . . . . . . .. . . , . . Toronto, SCQTTS Richmond H6555 TOOK OF TEAE! READY-MADE CLOTHING. Richmond Hal. May 9, 1856. W. A. would call particular attention to his He \\ ould aim in ‘l anenhon to his large Stock of HAS BEEN RECEIVED, AND WILL BE sow CHEAP AT ()flers the whole of his prgsont large Stock at FOR EVERY THING IN WAY OF Will be found [0 be we“ assorted and Cheap. Mao UM: COMPRISINGâ€"- Sims, Shawls, Mantles, Bonnets, Hats, Parasols, Dress Goods, Shirtiags, Sheetings, Prints, Hosiery, Gloves, Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers, Cotton Warp, ' A huge asssorlment of MAY BE FOUND on SUITABLE FOR JOSIAH PURKISS. 494%. 51-2111

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