HAVING purchased the Richmond Hill ‘, Lille ofSlages from Mr. Thomas Cook. J] will run the same from my Hotel, [lich- " mond Hill, to Toronto, starting at half-past 7 o'clock. mm. and returning will leave The whole Institution is under the Hand mustershlp of A. M. LAFFEIK'I Y. Enq.. RA. 3 Graduate and Siher Medalist in Classics and Mathematics. of the Toronto University. Msisted by Mr, G. H, Porto: and Miss I. A. Oates. Mr. Laflerty has formed a German Class in addition to those of French, Claiming, am†atfording pupils a rare opportuniu tn obtain a ï¬rst-class education and, iflhey desire it. to manure for Mntriculatiun in any of the Uni- verames. OTYCE IS HERHHY GIVEN lhnl an ‘1 -‘ Exnmiunlwn of Common School Teach- ers and others, WI†take place on An early alleul‘nnce in most desirable, that the ro-formnlion of the Classes may not be dullyed. IN-THE CITY OF TORONTO, Richmond H111, 0n MONDAY, I31h AUGUST. Richmond Hill. Aug. 8 lBHS. Wednesday, 29th August, 1866 N E\VMA RKET, The Owner is "quested to prove property. pay expenses and take them away. Grammar School Department Free, PEN (0 ill pupils residing within ihe United Counties of York and Pool. Common School Department Free To pupils residing within the School SecIion, Markham, Aug. 13, ’66‘ Lemon’s Hotel, Nelson St, Toronto. m 4 o'clock, p.m. AI! Parcels or Luggage left at. Best's Buy Horse Hotel, Yonge Street, or at Lemon’s Hotel, NeIaon Strnot, Toronto. willhe delivered with punctu- ality nod at moderate chargos. Huvmg de- mrmined to run the Stage Which wiil afford pnsiengers mrre time in the City, and keeping attentive and accommodat- ing Drivers, I trust to merit the patronage of the general public. ROBERT RAYMOND, AME in'o Ihe nremisea of the Suhccriber, Lot No. 22. in the 3rd concession of Marklmn, :boul the middle of July last, COMMON SCHOOL TEAOHEOS, COUNTY OF YORK. Better Time, Richmond Hill, Aug. 13 ’66. A Ewe and :1 Ram Lamb winisiers, and if 'I'enchers befolo, also from Ieir respoclive 'l‘rnslves. Toronto. Aug 9, 1866 BE RIB-OPENED BOOTS A Ml. D. 'l'hnrnlu‘l. will please Veal! and nttlo thoir accounts thy mu ls_t of October ï¬n'xl. HENRY REID. Agent, Thomhill. August 9. 1866. STAGE S. HEARING lllIT SALE! BOOTS 82 SHOES NOTICE. W. H: MYERS AT NINE A .M. Cnud'dntes will be required lo produce certiï¬- ' In of mnrnl chnracmr from their respective HIS ASSOCIATION has transferred their LIBRARY 10 the ‘ HERALD ' Book Store. J. LIBRARY 10 the ‘ HERALD ' Book Store. where Stockholders and others may \roeuro BOOKS nvory Friday afternoon. fror dto 8 o'clock. 7.x. Richmond Hill, Aug. 8. 1866. July 96. 1966. A. SCOTT, Librmian. Richmond Hill, Juno 9. 1865. l-t!‘ ON Firstâ€"class Freehold Security. Apply to FALL GOODS ! RICHMOND HILL GREAT BARGAINS RICHMOND IIILL LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. LL porsoqgindthgd lo__J_0{iN N. RNEID: SCHOOLS GOOD AND CHEAP 33038 STRJ Y SHEEP. Richmond Hill, EXAMINATION Money to Lend, M. TEEFY, Secretary 5L Treasurar of Board of Trustees. V Remember the place for At 'he Court Home, To make room for the JOHN JENNINGS. D.l).. GEO. B.7l\‘ICOL, AND AT 'l‘ HOMAS CLIFFORD. IS AT AND A'I‘ 1N Ban-Nor; &c. Richmond Hill. Chairman Proprietor. 3m 60-3m UST Received several Quarter Casks of Pure French Port and Sherry Wines and Brundies. ufthe best brandsâ€"equal to any in the Provincmand can b0 thoroughly recom- mended ; also, 6 Unsss of London Dock Old Crusted l’ort Wines, with several Cases of Bultlod French Ilrundiex. Holland Gin and pure Jamacla Rum ; also Harvest Hespellers. Tnddy Rw, and malt Whisky from 35 Gd pgr gnllnn. well recuï¬ed and unadulterated at Wm. S. Pollock lute SUGâ€" ABS, SUGARS! 2031M. Good Sugar. for $1. [0 lbs. Reï¬ned do for $i. 9 lbs. do ex(ra B ight do for $1. 7 lbs. Loaf Sugar, for $l. Try our 45. Young ITysIm Tea-4h? bos‘ to be had in Canada for lhe price, at \V. i’ollock’s,lute G. A. Barnard’s. In lb. Rolls, at W. S. Pollock’s, late 001) Linen Duck Gnmbroon. and Drill I Pan’s well cut and made from 45 6d per Fair at Wm. S, Pollock, late, G. A. BARNARD. made (0 nm’wr‘ FRESH BUTTER! WA TUH ES, CLOCKS, AND FINE JEWELRY. 113, YONGE St., TORONTO Watches, Clocks, and Jewelry. The attanlinn of'he Puth is imvted to their Stock. censislinq of a great variety of Cnrefu‘ altnnliml given to the repairing of Watches and Clocks Jewelry manufactured and Rannirn’l, UST Received, in all Next from 5 to 10,â€"â€" Mnnufuctnred m. Dundav CDUOII Mill from pule Georgia Cotton, at the lowest prices Al W. S. l’oHouK’s, late 10w. PER POUND Good Common Vinegar Good Mult ()0 Best Malt do Bordeaux do Most Whit: Wine do At W. S, Polleck’s, Into Bust Lubricating Machine Coal Oil lith Elephant Uil . . . . . .... . . A! W. S. Pollocx’s. late Canadian Cotton Yarn, Toronto, Apri! 26. 1866. Richmond Hill. Aug. 9. PURE WINES AND BHANDIES Toronto, Anal 27, 1866. W. VVHARIN & CO. MARKHAM OIL & MINING Co BUTTONVILLE, Richmond H1†Aug. 2. CHOICE AND FANCY GOODS, Nn, ll. King Street Enst, 6 doors east of Yonge Strnet. ()TlCE.-â€"â€"-All Shareholders not having paid their respaclive Cal’s wihf-n SIXIy Days from this dale. me same will be forfeited x0 the Company. aad [he Directors will sell the said Sluck for its beneï¬t. Good dz Cheap Vinegar Richmond Hill, July‘26 INFG BONNETS AND HATS. Markham Oil and Mining Co. Markham, Juno Ist [866. 52-‘2m. Milliner &Straw Bonnet Maker. RICHMOND HILL. Cleaned, Altered and Trimmed in the latest styles ; also a. choice assortment of Always on hand, and for sale at moderate prices. A call is respectfully solicited. Richmond Hill. Aug. 2 Bonnets, Hats, Support Hume Manufactures! HE Subscriber, in returning thanks to his numerous Customers and Friends for their liberai support during the past nine years, would bog to intimate that he is prepared I0 manufacture Boots and Shoes of every descrip- tiou< from the best, materials. and after the mast fashionnhie stylo, He hopes by strict at- tention to business, combined with moderate pleas to ensure a continuance of their favour. All orders attended to promptly. Work warranted. Residence 6 doors north of Mr. Coosbva late stand. JAMES VERNEY. Richmond Uiil, June in 15b6, 52 3m Of lhc bes‘ desnription and newest designs. HARVEST PANTS ! Will be given for any quantity of Good ELECTRO-PLATED WARE, (‘U'I‘T.ERY, 8w , 8w. MRS. W. H. MYERS, MEDICINAL PURPOSES. J. SEGSWORTH, IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Machine Oils. fllusonic and G. A. BARNARD’S. By order 1M PORTER 0|" Flowers, Trimmings, G, A. BARNARD’S G. A. BARNARD’S G. A. PARNARD’S. G A. BARNARD FOR Wm. STIVER Sec‘y a Goal Oil, 35 6d gal. .......... 663a gal. other Emblems .ln .33 .25 3d gallon dd a lid u M .. lgd “ Wheo ordering piease stat. deplb of Well or Cislem. The Elgin Mills: Store DRESS GOODS! AT COST PEI-CE. Gum] Harvest ‘Whiskey constantly on hand. DRY GOODS, GREAT BARGAINS Also, 10; lb. excellent Preserving Sugar for $1 Demerara and Loaf Sugar equally low. 0:? SALES MADE FOR CASH ONLY. ELGIN MILLS, JULY 26m, 1866. H. & A. NEW’TON’S Summer stock of Dress Goods, Consisting of CHALLIES, CHENIES, BAREGES, MUSLIND‘, DE- LAlNES, LUSTR ES. 8m. &c., at 20 per cent Discount for Cash. Ladies’ French Kid Gloves, at 50 cents per pair. PATENT SWING PUMPS ADAPTED FOR ALL DEPTHS. SUGAsz'}9% pposite Tcmperancc St. ’ T O R 0 N T O, EGS lo announce to the inhabitants of the County of York and those in the neighborhood of Richmond Hill in particular, that he has added lo his n‘ lock of Elgm Milfs July 18, 186E. s. M: smansnu, n 10).) v.... an L‘lnnnl BOOTS AND SHOES, And of the host Material and Workmannhip. All Work is Warramed to give perfect satisfac- tion, We are commutiy adding to .ur stock ofBools and Shoes of our manufacture, which will be A good assortment of Trunks always on hand: MEN’S, WOMEN’S AND CHILDREN’S BOOTS AND SHOES Please remember that Sanderson SELLS CHEAP at {313? 133 Yonge Street, Two Doors South of Best's Hotel, Tbrento, TORON TO, May 24, 1866. 51 3m THE INDELIBLE PENCIL ‘H E SUBSCRIBERS will offer lins week the balance of their J FOR, MARKING LINEN,FOR SALE AT THE :ï¬â€˜ HERALD†BOOK STORE, RICHMOND HILL STYLES TCODIR SERENCE} AIME SWJTIIE‘JZER WEAR; GREAT REDUCTION SOLD AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. A few more County Rights for sale. JOHN G. BERNARD’S He offers the remainder of his Stock of Dress Also. just received an excellem assortmmt of N0, 133 Yongc Street, A complete assortment of the most dosxrable And is prepared to make to omor a]! kinds of In the most Fashionable Styles, A large supply of beamiful bright LBS. FOR A DOLLAR. N BE HAD AT CHARLES PO‘VELI» IN A'I‘ Patentee and Proprietor. NEWTON Baoox, CW 66 First class Smbliug and careful attendance.â€" l‘erms moderate. Toronto, Fab. 6, 1866. 36 Sales attended to with promptituda J. GORMLEY. I J. FERIUS. EDW. SANDERSON, _ LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Rosidenceâ€"-Lot 20, rrnr 01" 3rd Concession of Markham. P.()..iddresr-Bullonville. Parties requiring Mr. Sandursou's services Can make arrangements at the HERALD ofï¬ce. W. G. C. calls at all the Stores between Toronto and Richmond Hill every two weeks. and supplies Confectionary of all kinds at the Lowest Wholesale prices. Toronto, July 20, 1805. JUST THE 'flRTIELE l H. LEMON, . PROPRIETOR. Junuury 4. 1365. W. G. CASTELL Richmond Hill, JuIy 12,1866. Sales attended‘un [he shorlcst notice' and n r easonuhle terms. 35 1n 1h5 Township of Vaughan, within half a mile of \ onge Street. and Fifteen from I'oron- m : the Mizl contains two run or Burr Stones, marchuntund country bolts, drivun 1:)" a mover failing stream of walex. Cnntalns 60 acres of the very hesl of land. al nearly cleared. On the premises are erected a two story brick house, with a lrnme ham. stable. cow home, and piggery, and every other convenience. Also a large apple orch- md and plum and pean- orchard, and curmnls in abundance. For terms, apply personally to GEORGE A RKSEY. The Commercial Hotel. Counties of York and Peel. CONFECTIUN ARY I Grist Mill & Farm FOR SALE. Gur'uley. Vlarklmm, Jan. 4. 1865. ‘ 0R SALE. that valubla Mi" Properly, known as the - RICHMOND HILL MILLS, GORMLEY a; FERRIS Licensefl Auctioneers: ‘OR the Counties of York. Peel and On- tario. Residence : Lot 8, 61h concess.on Markham. l‘osl Ufl’iceâ€"Unionvnle, NEW STYLE Richmond Hill, JOHN CARTER. LICENSED AUCTIONEER SHADES Cannot be Excelled! Richmond Hlil, May 18. 1866. DESIRABLE RESIDENCE FULL SALE UH WILL BE LET! W. P. RICHMOND, TO LET. the Village Lot and Buildings forâ€" merly owued and occupied by Mr. JOSEPH KELLER. 'I'hero in five-eighth of an Acre of Land. 3 portion of which is Garden. The Dwelling-house is ilivgood order and very con- venient; it contains a Parlor. Dining-room, Kitchen, Store-room and ï¬ve Bed-rooms,â€" There are also commodious Out-buildings, Siabling, &c., and a grand supply of Hard and Soft Water on the premises. HE Undersigned is instructed by the pre- 7 glam propyielor k} offer EQR SALE or N returning thanks to his numerous friends and customers for [hair Iibernl suppork since he commenced business, begs to inform them that he has removed to Richmond Hill to the Store immediately north of [he Land 5L Gemini Agent Richmond Hill. June 13. 1866. 54-11". MflTIIIl’. [IF REMIIVAL. 'And owned $3 occupiad by Mr: McNai'. where. owing to increast-d Hccnnnnodation, he he has greatly increawd his Stock of &.c.. and will make it a point to keep a selec’l stock of Goods for the Sanson. He therefore respectfully Invites his old friends and the in- iehabitunts of the neighborhood to call and in- spect his Stock. feeling conï¬dant he cannot be undersnld. nor surpassed by any house north of Toronto. Half-way House, Richmond Hill, ‘1‘ my ;~ rum m J‘HIIIHMI “‘ MW 4101 HW® 'GROCERIES, H A..R.DWARE, Farm Produce taker. in exchange. Richmond Hill, April 6, 18C5. JOHN WATERHOUSE, For Terms. apply to Which for Neamess and Durabilitv, PURE’ AN D UNADU LTERATED 363 Yonge Street, Toronto. THE FARM That every House wnn'.s. are |hose That are now manufactured at WINDOW All Nelson Street, Toronto RICHMOND HILL, By any now in use. orders promptly rtlonded to m \‘V. P. RICHMOND. MANUFACTURER 0F FOR THE UNITLD 01" M. TEEFY, ()n the promises, L' niuuville, 9.0. 50-†31 43-“ TheGreat Emporium MED EENENQ @QODS! HE Subscriber begs to inform the public that he has purchased a large quaMiflo of Grey Cottons, wnich will anive in e 'few days l‘rom England, and will by offered at about Twenty per cent Cheaper than the usual price. Of Montreal and Toromo manufacture, consisting 0! Ladies’ Caâ€, Prunella. ï¬ne and an )erï¬ne Kid Boots; Gems' Cnbourgs, Gaiters. and Long Boots; Girl’s and Boyu’ Boots ind Shoes in great variety, His gonorul GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, STfllIK [IF BRY EllflIIS “HERMES AMI HAWAII Of all Descriptions, &c. &c. &c. To which he invites the attention of the public. TORONTO, July 27, l866. BOOTS AND SIIOES To make room tor purchases now being made‘in the British Markets. WILLIAM Â¥M#I_'ITAGHELL‘, THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES! Cheap 0013130118 3 At Toronto Prices. G 0 CERIES ! mamsmms, ‘ Crockery, Glassware, Hardware, (3%., is at ATKINSM’S, RICHMOND HILL, Admitted by all to be the best and ï¬nest flavored, ever offered on the Hill. Remember the place-éadjoining Ambler’s Hall. 3%? FARM PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. fl Richmond Hill, May 3, 1866. 48“ STOCK OF TEAS!" TH ORN H ILL. MAY 1866. Great Reductian in Prices .' HARNESS \Vith a General Assortment of Articles in Con- nection with the Trade,â€" A FRESH LOT OF ENGLISH BOOKS CALL, INSPECT ANDâ€"PURC HASE. GIFTS & PRESENTS SCOTT S Richmond Hill ! 134 KING STREET EAST, Opposite the Market, . . . . . . . . V . . . . . . . . Toronto, READY-MADE CLOTHING. HARRI SO Richmond Hill, May 9, 1866. Where you can 'procnre anything requiredï¬au W. A. would call particular attention to his HAS BEEN RECEIVED, AND WILL BE SOLD CHEAP AT He would also call attention to hls large Stock of FOR EVERY THING IN WAY OF Uflers the wholenof his present large Slock at Will be found to be well nasortod‘nnd Cheap. Mao COMPRISINGâ€" Silks, Shawls, Mantles, Bonnets, Hats, Parasols, Dress Goods, Shirtiags, Sheetings, Prints, Hosiery, Gloves, Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers, Cotton Warp, FIRST PRIZE Â¥ “ ESTABLISHMENT ! A large nsssoflment of MAY ' BE FOUND ON SUITABLE FOR JOSIAH I’URKISS. 49-ft. 514nm