Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 31 Aug 1866, p. 1

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ICENSEp‘ AUGTIONEER for the emu- tiel af‘Y‘orlf‘ d'tfdliPeeléICoU‘e'dlor of Notes; Accounmam. small Chargés~'lu'¢plenty to do‘ Orncn-â€"'In the H York Herald " Buildings, Richmond Hill. Solicitors in Chancery; co’xfi'snxcms, &c'.' OFFfCEL-In the Court House, . .TORONTO August 1, 186.6. 59 Carriage and Waggon I HARM, ’ n UNISERTAKER A 533, &c. an. Residencnu-Noiflfi .oppogifg»;_thu Post Olfico. Henry smasher; M‘NAB, MURRAY & JACKESi ' Barristers & Atttil'neys:a't-'La\'v QOMMISSIUNER IN THE QUEEN’S BENGH; .‘ PONYEW‘ICER- AN” DIvi-smN COURT AGENT, RICHMOND HILL P0314 UFFICE. GREEMESTS, Bh‘udk, beads, mamas. I Willy," 5w , ‘5ko drawn with anemion .nd pi-o'mplitude. Terms moderate. Richmond Hill. June 9,- 1855. 1 Solicitor in Uhancery,‘ C 0 NVE YANCE R, 3m, &c., &c‘ Toronto. an. READ, Q.C. i J.A. BOYD B A Mair 7.1866. 4mm Ma TEE-FY, ESQ, Notary Public, READ & BO Y D. Barristers, Attorneys at Law} Solicitors in Chancery,&c., '77. King Street East, (over Thompson’s East India House) BARRISTERL Atiurneyâ€"at-law. JOHN M‘ REID, M. 1).. 008. OF YONGE AND CDLBUBNE STS., Consultations in the office on the mornings 9f Tueldnvu. Thursday: and Saturdays. H to “ha. m. UTAH consultations in the office. Cuh. Richmond Hill, June. "‘65 ILL generally be found at home hefore half-past 8 mm and from l 102 p.m. A“ parties owing Dr. J. lmngstaff are expect. on! (0 call Ind pay promptly, as he has pay- IIOMI now that must. be met. Mr. Geo. Burkiu is authorised to collect, and gin receipts for him. Xomber of the Royal College of Surgeons England. . P. J. MUTER. M. 0.. Physician} Surgeon & Ac‘couclwu; _ Thornhill. b’ Residence~Near the Church of Enginnd Refinance permitted (00‘ S. “’ins‘anley, Esq. emb. Rom] College of Surgeonl, Eng" 01130 St. Toronto, and Thomas U. Savage, '31. M D., Mcmb. Roy.Coll. Surgeons. Eng. Thiulolrm. DR. JAS. LANGSTAFF, No paper discontinued until all arrearages In pnid : Ind panics refusing papers without pnying‘up, will be heId accountable for the lubntiption. All ndvortisoments published for a less period Hull! duo month. must be plid for in advance. R" mum addressed to the Editor must be rim-Wu. UAdvonisomoms without written directions hurled ciil hrbid. nur‘ charged accordingly All linn‘lildry‘udVorfisomduts, from slrangers 6r inol'ilur cantimers. must he paid for when hundrd in for inler'ion. Six line- lnd under. first insertion. . ..$00 50 Each unbsoqu'o'm i'néer'tibn .. . . . . . . . . . . 00 [3 Ton linu’untl tinder. first insertion. . . . 00 75 Bill: nubsequent insertion.. . . . . .. . . . .. 00 20 A50" (on lines. first insertion, per line. 00 07 Each lubloqgent insertion. per line. . . . 00 02 U!“ Column per twelve months. . . . . . . 50 00 Half I column do do . . . . . . . 30 00 Quarter ofn column per‘twe‘lvo months. 20 00 Ono column pa) six months... . . . . .. - 40 00 Half-column do ........... 2500 Quarter of I éolumn per six months. . . . 18 00 A card 'of Ion lines, for one year. . . . .. 4 00 A and of fifteen lines. do . . . .... 5 ‘25 A cud nftwonly linen, do . . . . . . . 6 50 And diipuyghod to Inbcoribers h) the earliest mail-g orflhoflconvoymnce." when so desired. Th Yoniiflflxnuln will always be fpnnd to cumin lhelgtut and most important Foreign and PJgginci-l News and Markets, and the put.“ gm will be taken to render it ac- ctpuhlo to the man of business. and u valu- Ihl- fullle Ndwipn‘por. fERMfl:â€"_Ono Dollar per annum. m A!)- July, 5th, 1866; ’l‘hornhill. Juno 9, 1865 Juno 9, l865. Opponila the Elgin'MiHa. ts PU?LISHÂ¥SD EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, Lash-y; Much 21:6 18 65.4 39 - ly alumna” wirettorg. FIRMS ;â€"_Ono Dollar per annum. m A!)- nncu Knot paid within Two Months. One Dollar Ind Fifty cents will be charged. RATES OF ADVERTISING. THOMAS SEDMAN’; Mn" 33m: germ DR. HOSTETTER, GEO; B.- NICOL, LAW CARDS. Rik} 'l‘lIORNl'] ILL RICHMOND HILL. sortiou. . . . on, per line. per line.... pnlhs....... o . . . . . . . ilvo mouths. o...- monlhs. . . . year. . . . .. ‘0 ....... 0 .....-. mm: mums. mm mum CISTRONS AND PUMPS I“ OOD accommnduliou for Travellers -â€" G Wines, Liquor: and Cigar:i of the best brand alwa‘ys on hand. Good Sublng and uneutiva Hustler in mten'dnncé‘. J‘anular} 16. 1866. 3-2.] ‘HE Subscriber beg: to inform his friands fl and the public generally, > that he has opefi'ed an HOTEL in the village or Maple. 41.], Con. Vaugh'an. where he hopes, by atten- tion to the comforts 6f (ho travelling commu- nitv. to merit u share of their patronage and 'iffiport. Good Stubling. &c. Railroad Hofé‘i, Maple ! ' ROBERT. RUMBLE, Proprietor. Jenn Lan‘gsta :‘crl Mame. juh 18661; EGS leave to notify the public that he ha: purchased the busineshi find good will of J . Hayward’s establishment. and that e is prepared to furnish BREAD and FA CY CAKES to those Who May honor him with their patro'nag'e. . }’ic'-Nic pf‘l‘l‘fififl and Tea Mpeliuzs slipplied at the lowest pouilfle mm and oh' tho shorlesl uulice. Maple Hotel 2 Richmond H111 Bakery! W. S. POLLOCIQ BREM] KI BKSCIIIT BAKER AH erers strictly attended to‘. Richmond Hill, JuneJSSSJ Residenceâ€"Lot 4U Yonge Street. Vaughan. GEO. MCPIIILLIPS 8L SUN, EDMUND SEAGER. Provincial Land Surveyor, &c. RICHMOND HILL. ESHNENCEâ€"LM 96. ‘2nd Con. Markham on the Elgin Mills Plank Road. A large Stock of Suva-:5 and SHINGLES. kflpt constantly on hnnd.und sold nfthe leweul Prices LL?" Call and examine Stuck before purchas- iugelsewhere DAVID EYER, Jl1n., Stave & Shingle Manufacturer . Addreuâ€"Richmond Hill. June 1565 l1? Price 60 come per foot. No extra charge for Tap. Every Pump W'm'ranted, Orders fur these Pumps addresssod to C. POWELL. Newton Brook, C.“’. Will receive prompt attention. June 7, 1865. l-tf CKNOW LEDGED by 800 Farlnars. Pro- fessional Gentlemen and olharu (who have them] working in Wells. varyin in depth from 10 to 133 foot). to be tho ASIES'I‘ WORKED, MOST DURAHLE. and EFFI- CIENT ever offered to the Public. 4 The Best is Always the Cheapest. P O W E L L ' S CANADIAN SWING PUMPS! Kept on hand, SAWING done promptly ; also Bichmbnd Hill. June ‘26, 1865. At me Iowest possible races. Saw Mill on 10125, 2le Con. Markham, 2; mlllns euslof Richmond H”: by the Plank Road Pinned Lumber, Flooring, &c. LUMBEHING! Lumber Tongued «S; Groved Ono ol‘ the oldaat and cheapest houses in the trade. (I? Give John a. can when in Towu. Toronto, Dec. 1865. .‘27 PLANEING TO ORDER, Provincial Land Surveyors, SEAFORTH. (I. W. Manufacturer and Deu1er in a)! kinds of Mon'l Women's and Children’s BOOTS 8b SHOES, June’7,1865. Issuer of Marriage Licenses, ALMIRA MILLS, January I6. 1866. Markham. Nov. 1, 1865. LOOK AT THIS VOIoV‘llo N00 EGS resfiecn’nlly to inform his customers and Llw public Ihal he in preparud u) do NEW SERIES. 38 West MarketSquare. 2 doors south of King Street. In any quantity. and on short notice Manufaciuréd and for Sale b9 JAMES BOWMAN, JOHN BARRON. STEAM M1:Ls.’1’l§‘onxuxu ABRAHAM EYER 1:. H. Hall, Bhemist & Druggist, RICHMOND HILL RICHARD VAMLES. 32-13’ TORONTO. uf l-lf 252 After arranging with daklefi" fol: the next day‘s course of aciion. Conway and his associate took their leave, and the trembling con- spiratb‘f was alone With his p'ale fears". He gazed, after a while, wiih’ a' kind of simpering satisiac- 1i‘on at Ihe docu‘n‘rcnt Conwa had drawn up and signed, an, was‘ folding. it up. when the voice of an i'tincx‘ai’rt vendéf of new: 1-qu 1y an" . ‘ Hush I Hush ! {of Heavefi’s sake. or the servants will h'e‘gaii yo‘u. exclaimed Oakley, who had Ioo'k- ed off a‘t' the consummation of the crime iu‘ pallid terror. ‘ Pei'haps not: still, it would give mm the means of exposing me and um do not suppose I should be idiot enough to provoke you to {to that ?’ ,I‘True, you would not certainly. Here it is then.’ Conway Seiz‘ed the will with edge!“ triunip‘h, glanc- ed rapidly over it, to make sure that he was not duped. thrust it with furious glee into the fire, 'a‘nd pressed his boot up'oti it, as if (flushing some liviin’g, ,detes‘ted enemy, till it was throughly con- sumed; ‘ Hurra !’ he shouted. carried away by excitement. ‘qu Cousin Francis, 1 have you" «in the Mp‘ 3’ He scrribbled out an iunder taking to the effect agreed upon, and handed it to Oakley. ‘ That will do then?’ ‘Yes; and yet] am still really trusting to your lmnur : this agree- ment could not be legally enlorced, could not even be produced.’ ‘ Security!’ echoed Conviia'y, gaz- mg \vilh bewildered surprise hrs! at Oakley and then at Hardy. ‘ What does he mean ?' ‘ That you must put our agree- ment in writing,’ said Oakley with with a cunning maudlin leer. ‘Oh, is that all? Hand me pen, and I will do it instantly,’ ‘Stavâ€"slayfi cried the stock- broker, starting back: ‘1 must nave securin first lhat you will perform vour engagement.’ ‘ Here,' replied Oakley, taking it nulof the lablq-d‘rawer nearest him‘ Conway’s eves flashed triumphant- Ty, and he made a motion as if to snatch the precious document out of Oakley's trembling hands. ‘I promised lo do so certamly ; though the price to be paid for such an easy, safe piece of service appears an enormous one. How- evcn,my Word is my bond; and now, where is [he will 1’ ‘A mere trifle when Weighted against eslates saii to be worth upwards of fifleen thousand ayear, besides immense personals in family plate. furniture,jewels, and funded cash.’ ‘There is Caroline’s fortune, which I shall require some assis- ance to repay: the understanding ofcourse is, that [you are. to help me completely through my diffi- culties: partial; insufficient help would merely defer the evil day.’ ‘ Well, well; I am not disposed to be chuxlish. Anything else?’ for the rest Still taking this truth, both in word and in deed, - That who tries to be happy is auro,‘_to auc ceed. ‘ the way, Let us only in earnestness each do our best, Before God and our conscience, and trust song, If we make the best use ofour time that we may) There is much that we can do to enliven ‘ A thumping sum, upon my word I' observed Conway. 0, try to be happy! It is not for long We shall cheer on each other by counsel or l and in deed, That who tries to be happy is sure to sue- ceed. If wevweré but as ready to look to the light As we are to sit moping because it in night; We should own it a truth, both in word the ill ;â€" There was never an evil, if well understood, But what! rightly managed, would turn to a Let us try to be happy! we may ifwe will Find gong pleasures in life to o’erbalance A TALE 0F MAMMON-‘VORSHIP. Let us try to be Happy. I'he Speculator. Continued from our last. gfitrmturt. RICHMOND HILL, FRIDAY, AUGUST 31, 1866 “ Let Sound Reason uiéigh more with" us than Populm‘ Opiniom” Onee in the open air, her fainting offire. he had thought the All-seeing miri‘ts rallied ;and after due gla‘dca God had passed and executed ini- oi infinite gratitude and tenderness mediate ju‘dgem’en‘t. That. brave towards her deliverer, she looked young m‘ad too’. who had rescued eagerly round, and exclaimed, I him from the devouring flame a! “ My fatherâ€"where is be.” No the imminent hazard pi; his own oh’e had seen himg The servants, lifeâ€"Carolina's future htf‘sb‘andâ€"a who had got out ofih'e' Home by the union sanctioned, blessed by the back way uninjured, said that as cfyiln'g’ prayers ofanangle now in they knew he had been in’lhe' rcpm hea‘i’enw-hé‘ also: Would be robbed where the fire; =incite~ out! they No, thtit money; he remember: thought he must have és‘C‘aped lheled, Waslto'he‘ d'evpteci tryâ€"‘10 " first; ‘ Noâ€"uOLn‘a'!’ exclaim’ecP fi‘o‘ Matter 2: he ii’r'as strangely Coir- About a quarter ofan hour had elapsed when Caroline Oakley, who was sitting alone in the little front drawing room, awaiting with some impatience the delayel arri- lval of her atfianced husband, was suddenly started by a cry of ‘ fire ! fire 5' from the servants below. who. the kitchen being at the back ofthe house, had not, it afterwards appeared, beCome av'varé of the con- flagration till all chance of arresting its progress was out of the ques- tion. ‘Firel firel' Miss Oakley sprang up, ran to the door, and to her itifinate terror found. that the lower rooms were in a blaze of flameI which alreadythrew is {crky tongues across the stair- case leading to the landing where she stdod. The papers strewed on the table and about the finer of Mr. Oakley’s private foom had been bustible material, and the oak pan- elling which separated it from the passage was as dry as tinder, the fire, had spread with al- most inconceivable rapidity. Miss Oakley had on a light muslin frock. and to attempt to pass. or even approach the flames in such a dress, would be, she felt, instant destruction. She hastened in wild terror up stairs to her bedroom, and with fingers that almost reins- ed their oflice,attemptte‘d to sub- stitute a thick cloth pelisse for the light clothing she unfortunately had on. Time seemed to fly with bewildering rapidity; while the cries outside the house’, and the icrackling and glare of the flames twithin, increased in voilence and intensity with every pass- ing moment: presently a thick stifling smoke rapidly filled the chamber. impeding still more her trembling efforts; and when at last she had accomplished the change oi dress, and groped her way to the door, she lound it locked! Distraction! it flashed across her that on entering she had clased and locked the door, as If to ex- clude some pursuing, living enemy ~bnt the key, where could she have placed that? gropedo'n the bed, the dressing- table, the drawersâ€"nowhere could she find it. es were rapidly leaving; her, when a Wen-mow Voice calling wildly upon. her name caught her ear. She uttered a piercing sdrern. and again attempted to reac'h’theddo‘r'; To’ burst in the frail lock. to seize her in his arms, wrap her securely in the thick counte‘t‘pane he tore' o'fi'the bed, and bear tier swiftly, down the flaming She ,eagerly' ignited by the candle he had heedw lesst overturned, and as the“ apart-t ment was full of other casilyâ€"com-‘ She felt that her sen's- l stairs, was, for the athletic yofting seaman who had s‘o' o‘p‘po‘rtu’n’ely arriviedgy, scarcely more than the work of a; m‘inu’te‘.‘ nounciug a second edition of the ‘ Courier' ‘ with full and authed- ‘he of a great v’ie'torv obtained” by the most nobleglhe‘ arquis of Well- ington overthe Frenc’h armies in Spain,’ stuck his ear. He sprang up in wild surprise td purchase the journal containing intelligence so certain to send up the funds. the only effect in regard to which the national triumphs had for years ap- peared joyful or glorious to him ; and in so doing. he heedlessly o've‘r turned one of the candles amongst his papers, and, without noticing what he had done, rushed out of the apartment, closing the door be- hind him. He speedily procured the neWspaper. and turned to re- gain his room, when the fresh air taking eflect Upon the large and al- together unusuai quantity of wine he had taken, caused him to turn giddy, sick, and he would have fallen had he not leaned against the wall of the passage tor support, Partially recovering tor a moment and conscious that bed, under such circumstances, was the best place for him, he groped his way up stairs, reached his chamber, and the instant he entered it fell pros- trate on the floor in a state of in- sensibility. Miss Oirtkley; ‘ i heard him ascend Stile stairs more than a quarter at an hour since, an go into his bed- room‘. (fl), Harryt’ she continued .with‘ passionate intreat'y, ‘ save him I save my father from so dreadfulâ€"so horrible a death 1' A warm pressure of the hand an- swered her. and Neville was start. ing forward to fulfil her behest, when a firentan grased his arm and held Jiim back. "Twould be madness, young man. The old-fashioned, panel!ed-‘ built himse is burning like a match In another minute the luv‘ver stairs,- Wiil tall in, and the rootsoon after- wards. Do not needle‘Ssly throw away your life.’ Neville paused :' the Building was thoroughly enveloped in flames which were barsting through every window, both front and back. At the instant a wild, despariri'g Cry, 3 shriek oi intense and mdespcrat'e’ agony, arcse from out the blaziing house. The intrepid seam‘un needs ed no further urging. He shook off the fireman’s friendly grasp, drew his hat down to protect his eyes as much as possible, and the next instant disappeared within the flaming‘tfi‘ie amidst the shouts of ‘ Mr. Rnbert Oakley awake la‘fe’ the next day with a strange ssensa- lion of pain and we‘zikn’e‘ss, confu- ainn of mind as well as illness of b‘odVi Whilst mingling with; and dominatlng all, was: a dull, aching sense of having lent himself to the commission of a; dreadful offence, upon which, during the age of ter. ror he had passed when cnvironed by what appeared impassable walls ol'fire. he had timughl the All-seeing God had passed and executed ini- mediate ju‘dgem’en‘l. 'I‘h’uL brave young man too’, who had rescued him from the devouring flame a’. the imminent hazard pl; his own lifeâ€"Carolina's future htf‘s'b‘andâ€"a union sanctioned, blessed by the dyiln'g’ players of an angle now in hea‘i’cnw-hc" also: \{Io'uld be icbbred Neville felt for the etidsl of the ladder with his feet. ‘ All right! Now, hold firm at the loot. Cling~ close tome, Mr. Oakley,’ he add~ ed, ‘ and bury your face as much as possible in my waistcoat. 1 Must have Uolh my hands at liberty, Now than !’ With a powerful ell'ort he pushed himself, as It were over the edge of the roof, slide as only sailors can. swiltly down the ladder, and s'afely reached the ground. Thdh‘urras 0'! the spec‘la‘ tors m'ingled wilh the crash of the fallmg roof. The delay of another minute must have been: inevitably fatal. ‘ Just under the edge of the roof, cried the young man; 'I must slide Ihmugh that flame.’ ‘lAy. av] Was the prompt res- ponse. Neville paused :' the building was thoroughly enveloped in flames which were barsting through every window,yboth front and back. At the instant a wild, desparin'g Cry, 3 shriek oi intense and Ndespcrat'e' agony, arese from out the blaziiug house. The intrepid seam‘un needs ed no further urging. He shook ufl' the fireman’s friendly grasp‘, drew his hat down to protect his eyes as much as possible, and the next instant disappeared within the flaming‘pi‘le amidst the shouts of the admiring spectators. Fighting desperately with the fire, scorched, bruised, blackened, he at length tgained the upper landing-place, and guided by the cries of the ter- rified man, soon had him. in his armsâ€"his atteuuted . frame was scarcely so heavy as Carolines-san'd was againvdescending the stairs. in vain! The veneme'rlt flame beat him back. Armament, and the lnwer‘ stair fell in, and lie. duuld scarcely save himself by springing back i and catching at the upper; bat-its- ters. What Was to ’be' ‘ done ll, There was Still a chance tot" him-LL self, by droppingflown, whilSL’the sudden falling oi the stair moment-â€" h‘r stifledâ€"therflamea; but the .pcioil moaning wretch' in his arms l-â€" could he abandon him? He re- membered there was a window looking out on the sloping roof, He’ svtfiltly gained it, and a loud Show from the people below greet- "ed his appearanca at the aperture. “A ladder!’ he exclaimed; ‘ there is a chance vet ifyou only hear a‘ hand.’ Twenty persons started off in quest of ladders, and Neville drew himself and his burthen as possible through the narrow case- ment. The tiled roof was so sharp ly slop'ed, that it was impossible to stand or walk upon it, and he stretched himself, down on his back, with his feet reaching to the eaves, still holding the terrified and helpless man in his arm. The heat ofthe tiles singed his clothes and he lelt that his chance of lite was rapidly becoming desperate. At length a ladder was brought, and raised against the house. | "Twould be madness, young mzm‘. The old-fashioned, panel!ed- built 1101159. is burning like a match In another" minute the IOWcr stairs,- Will [all in, and the rootsuon after- wards. Do not needle‘SSIy lhfdw away your life.’ 'Lady of Oatla'dds !’ murmured dakle'y, as he got out of bed. What can she meant Some foolish jest, I suppose. Hear me. I seem’ strangely giddy and bewildered. The fireâ€"ith'e fire, no doubt; and now [think of it. what so fiatural as that the will should have been burned with other papers and docu- ments then â€"â€"to be sure ; and yet, he added with" a‘ confused loo’k,’la‘ti‘d mechanically rubbing his forehead that is not, I think, what we agreed to‘ say. L‘et m'esee. L'ady of Out- landsl’ he continued wandering again. ‘She was speaking just before of Neville’ I sister, Hi) brother Richard's cI’ild, Alice: s'u‘re'ly she could not mean No -â€""no; that-â€"that would be too deep damnation !’ He shook like an aspen at the thought that had arisen in his mind, and Caught wildly at the bedpost‘ for support. With difficulty be dismissed the idea as Improbable and absurb ;‘ and hdrrvirrg his preparations, b‘v t-hthime Caroline returned, had finished his toilet, and was reaey to set out. ‘You Will kuciw, dear papa, when you get there,’ replied the joyrmS girl, kissing his ioreheau, and [ripping lighlly dWa’fi She stopped will] the half opened door iii her hand, arid looking back, said wrth merry archness‘,‘ _‘ You kndw, I dare say, that Mr. SeVern‘ is? mlaré ried; but 30u don’t kiro‘v‘y who’ the Lady of Garlands" is not yet, but you shall eraser-lily, if you shall p‘re- Seully, if you are a good lio'y.’ She vanished, and her gay laugh rang jocundly along, the pas‘S- age; as she hurried M? to order a coach, and prepare herself for lhe ride to Berkeley Square. ‘Then you had better géf 13:5 at once : I shall go with you.’ ‘ You go with! What, in Hea- ven’s name, for ” ‘Yes, Conwav, who is to call again at that hour, You will go of Course, papa ?’ ‘Yes; it is esseritial that I should.’ ‘Ho‘w odd !’ she e'xclaim'ed the instant she had brdked the Seal. ‘From the very person Iwas it the moment thinking 01. his dated from Berkeley Square, and states that Mr. Severn deéire‘é you to call ther'e‘ a‘t {Our o’clock 10-day and br'in'g Sir Martin Bjddulph’s will will} you, as hé hzié hdd 3'; strange visit from a Mr. Conradâ€" no; Conâ€"Conâ€"l cannot well make out the name.’ ' Conway i" Suggéstcd her father with a supprpssed groan. ‘Youhave not yet recovered from lhe terror’ of last night' papa- Harry, _who brought mic tfié fiddd n'e'v'és ibis rfiorning; is not well either the is ‘a gddd deal scorched find, bruised.’ - ,Brfi‘fiiétegéél‘firfi! 'j’b‘l‘ing man! But-i rea’d, Gary. read} ‘Do you read it for me, Caro- line; mv eyes seem dimt and l feelyconfusgd here.’ H5 lduélicd his forehead with his hand. ‘On‘uv that she~ ié first read your letter.’ , ‘ For $7611" â€"for m'eâ€"fo‘r an df (is. You Have often heard me speak of my Cousin Ahce; beautiful Alice, dea'r Harry’s si§tcr P’ ‘ Joyful tidings for me !’ exclaim- ed the‘ conscience-burdened man with sad emphasis. ‘Yes, very often . but What 61 her 7’ ‘lmmediate’ a'dd' év'e'ry im’fio‘rf- am,” said Oakley ,- ‘ who can it be‘ from, I wonder '1‘ we keep his' érduxisg, now that The c‘urr‘crit" of his darkemng thoughts was 'chécked' by the en- trance of his daughter. She hick- ed charmingly: unusual ga’ie'ty ‘danced in her eyes, and he: step :appeared to have allat once' re- covered the elastic buoyancy ‘ of 'heryou‘n‘g Jays' befo‘re] he‘r m'olhe'r was wilhdrawri from her- ‘ A let-j tcr‘for'you. papa.’ It was sent to the'city ; but’ars it was marked im= mediale,’ and ‘very 1mportam.’ Dan'by thought it better to siend it here.’ Mr. Oakleyyand his daugh- ter, I should have stated, had ob- tained temporary lodgings the} pre- vious eVe‘ning __in ‘Ihe Hampstead neighborhood: ‘ ‘ Here are vo'u’r spectacles :' fe'ed it and when you have done, I have such joyful tidings for you‘.’ (used this morning : besides; Had not Conway firomis‘edyâ€"«Alll bu: TERMS $1 00 In Advance; Who [:6 N0. 525; But The labour of natiorié canndt, by the will of man be so regulated an to prevent the production of sur- plus, which must perish, ‘or must be exchanged with, other Ha‘tion‘s for the surplus productions which their labor creates. ’ A‘ntl, tis if to make the hand of Pra‘vide’iicc more visible iii the m'atter, and to pro~ clzim to mankind that they shall trade with each other, lhing'le too gather, exchange ideas, is well u the products} ojfrtheii‘ ‘labor, and thus adVance the progreis of civili- sation, nations have been placed in different localities on the globe, with difl‘erent climates, bringing forth different products, all of which products m‘inisterto the com forts} and luxuries of all nations ah‘d are desired by all. Diflerent Ideali- tias and climates also prodctm m‘odificatio'ris’ oi the: person, coloer. and the mental con=titution of men thereby modifying their skill in the arts and the productions of art. Hence one nation exc'elé‘ another in fanciful fabrics whilésit is ekcelled by other”: in’ the more substantial :' thus creating an almost infinite Variety of manufactures, and gene- ratiug the same necessity» or desire o’fexchaa'ge‘, trade,- or intercourse. Nxo‘ main is aflw‘afi 91-01;; 76106?! 9-bit does not gonna”, is right “#366 in 'thb twenty-four hours, A, The chief end of primary is dis; tinguished from proper profeséip‘n- a! educaliqn, is” no} thé détixiis‘hou (if kdcfw‘llédge fdr its o'Wd (fake; It devéldpirierildiid p’drificition ofthe moral nature tlié trfiididéand Strverigtljefiin'g a’n‘d edérgisidg 9'! the ifite'llec'tda‘L flowers; or, in other words, we formmion of the éflarac. ter add me clilmre of thé m'in'd. That is not the most perfect beau- 1y which, in pu‘blid, wduld attract me greaiéét o’bservatio‘d Ho? even that whichthe statuary W'dl‘fld ad} mit 10 be a faulxléés ‘piéé‘é Bl sym. metry. But iheit fé GHQ ‘b'eautv whiCh‘ ha§ not only a s‘dBfitance but a spiritâ€"a Beauty: gli‘at we must intimately know juflf§ to ap- preciatga But an th‘isz.’ Carolidé dukley headed not, fiéitHé-E did h‘ej'r' lather. She only saw her beadtitul Cousin ‘ Alic'e {it was more than Mid) yearq' s‘ifiée th'e'jr fiad la‘s‘t met, and Ike, speeded Willi 'e'ager‘ fond‘nesslgo embrace, 16 cbng'rat'ulate, lo lavigh on he'f the’ j'o.ous tokens of hér ‘qffeétionale, loving admiratiqn and delight, As for Rob-en Gamay, he sawai first but}; mas} of he”; h'ienacing, stem at least. he mom. "except, indeed, that ofhi‘q bmnezrv . his b‘r’o‘the': so c‘dldly \Hfdfiézym, contemned; aUan‘do‘ued. may 'ears beioté, but Who now steppeziy {0:4 Ward and sho‘xik h'irfi v‘va'i‘rtily by the hand as he guide-d his t‘dttie‘ring steps to a (ghdii‘g What dddl‘d- if all Mean? His agitaifi'dti, hi§jBۤvild- erment; wéis pitiable. He rose irom‘ihe chair, and seemed about to cross over to Mr. Conway; then sat down again, go‘t u'p", ré’s’éa‘te'd himself in the bladke‘s: e‘dnfusion and dismay"; The c'om‘panv, w'hic’it rdse‘ at their entrance. were.- when the Servant announced their names. in a state of great, and it seemed pain [at excitement. Theyddth‘fdl Wide Mrs. Severn, was seated between her husband and niother, whoiea'e'h held one 0‘! he: h‘an‘ds; Hat'sfifb’e‘r face was flushed and» timid]; and an expression nf anng stir- prise, not. unmixed with diam), was visible not only upon Mr. Severn’s countenance, but on "that or Mrs; Riehard Oakley, whase husband was engaged in earnest, a'n'd, as it Seemed, agitating wh- versation with Mr. Neville. Aka; ‘ little distance sat Mr. Conway} in an ostentatioust defiant a'ttiude‘,’ and insoledt expression of face, beneath Which“ iie't/erth'e'iesti,~ ape-i. Son ac‘custo'med to‘n'ote‘ ‘He eitei‘ic’tf signs (if haman eniotio'n c'onid fio‘t ha‘ve failed to detect hot and fluid flushes at' undefined= apprehension fitting to“ and fro. Hardy, by “than: he Was accompanied, stood a little behind him, his sinister {e’aitnws Wearingtheir usuai cattdus‘, God- and-mamd'etyitig aSpedt; He slnw'l'y deben‘ded from the c'oaéh'. dismissed it, apd le‘afliflg heavily on his daughter’s afm', e’h‘ tered the magnificent mansidn. and Was unmedialely ushered up stairs into the drawing-worn; ‘ Here', we are‘, pap-a 1’ éxélh’irfi-_ vet} MiSs Oakley, arousing he: fame? from his dull reverie‘; ’ Both Were so emire'ly abs‘othfed by the quick thoughts which glanca. ed in swift‘suc’cegsidn‘Ihrdugh flie‘i'r mindsâ€"his, ' indistinct, gloomy. Iérrible, as_Nigl1t”a_nd Fear; hdis; light and joyous as flowus wuv’j'fig’; in the frnganl bréam ,df gdldén' summerm‘fhal'no word was spoken by e'itlter till they arrived in Berk- ley Square;- ~ - ‘ No. dearâ€"(1b; I Will“ c‘XpI'aLifi; There is no occasion to ga’ to the city.’ ‘ fNow then, papa; the Match is; ‘at the door. What for the will? It is full late al- ready.’ " Uo'ncluded 157i oar nané:

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