Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 31 Aug 1866, p. 2

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wj's, " Thus, for example, ifaChioago vessel is «iqmaged on Lake Ontario, and is repairfld by Mr. Shickhma for $000, her owngtwfll have to pay a tax of $500 mi regqhig an Amgrioan port I" â€"-We ue dearly of opinion that, there is a. set-t-lod;.dstermimzion on the part of our Anglo Sana cousins u so arrange their internal affairs to prevent eom< max-rial intercourse with defâ€"a mattQA w- régret, but my; «Muffin? to submit Anncfmr move has been more recently made by an order of the Executive at Waehinswu; that “ American v vessels, geahg repaired in Canadian ship-yards, must report the fact on reaching an America; pprt, and‘paymw tax of fifty per cum on the amount. of bill of rt» pairs." The SC. Gather-£11.63 Constitw tom}, {tom which we copy this fact, i!- hstmtcs the grievance very clearly, he “nt’fifiy p0rt,nrplm in the Uaimd “ i takes, on the Northern, Northâ€"Eés'.~ “ em, or North-Western frontiers thereâ€" “ ol‘, be laden upon any vessel belonging “ wholly, or in part, to a subject, or “ subjects, of a foreign country or coun- “lrics,,o.nd walllhe taken thence t In “ flvroignpom, or place, to Be re-lader, “and re-shipped tolanv abhor port or “place in tho United' States, or: said “fl-anticirsficithcr'by the same or other: “ ucs:c!s,.forulgn or Amorican;,.with in- “tum to evade the provisions of the “ {with section offi‘the‘ A's-b concerning “ the navigation 0-?" the Ummd State?» “ approved March the- l'st 1817;. the “raid goods, Wares, or mero’nandiie, “alull, on their arrival at such last “ named port, or place be seized and for- “feited to the United States, and the “ vessel shall pay (I tonnage of fifty cents “- porton on her admeasu-remeut. ‘ The object. of'this enactment upping. to be to invent the Eric Canal route,, and fierce the trade I.) {in filo,.iustu:td. of the cheaper mute, via the \Vellund Cami] to Port‘Ueilliouéie, and thence down lake‘ Oahu-i010 Cape Vincent, Oswego; and dionuburgh.. Brother Jonathan has a singular way of manifesting his friendship toâ€" ward: us as a. branch of the Anglo-Saxon race, of which he claims to be an 011"- hhoot; we used to think him one of those my good-natured follows that held himself in readiness for “ a trade,’ and prepared to give or take “ boot," as circumstances required,â€"â€"“ trade" he must and wouldâ€"but of late he has taken to sulk, and acts in such a flint“, do way asto lead us; to imagine he v'mnts to~hnve no further [riendly inter- ‘ marge with us,â€"â€"the fault I! not ours,i we have need every effort that litid with- l in onrpower to maintain our former friendly relations in trade, consistent with the dignity of a people who claim the privilege of thinking for themselves, as in our undoubted right,â€"of courne, if Uncle Sam thinks proper to keep hie~ wooden nutmeg: and his basswoodlhame. it is hieypriutlége Ilsa; - but - there are certainhmenitiee that neighbours should observe in order to prevent disagree-â€"- manta. ~Reéen‘tly, ourt'neighbors' hate been le'gislhting'upon: commercial mat- ters, (and do not seem. to know when to atop,) the object of which appears to} be to make us believe that it‘is in t‘h‘ein power to shut us out in the cold, if' we refuse to comply with their wishes~;;thcy have recently made an attempt to injure our carrying-trade, and prevent the pas- page of Western produce through the Welland Canal, on its way to Omega and Ogglenaburgh, by enacting “ that if “‘nny goods water: or merchmdizn, shall, nxunmonn 1111.1. mm: Tibia Expmm “a . Mail . m . . nun. New Fall Goods-H. & A. Newton. I‘Mom Swin Pumps.â€"-Chu. P017011. Notionâ€"air endermn. Noticeâ€"Dr. J. N. Reid. kiduuond Hill Stagesâ€"R. Rnymond.. Stray Shee ’â€"â€"T.. Cl‘ilfard; Wth‘xox-u ’S linkers-“Dr. L. 0. Month Great Bmgsiuaâ€" W; H. Myms« Schools Re-oppnedFM. Tuefy SchoMs Teachera~« examinatioanouniy of V# , I- liorlhern Railway; of: 1331131121. Mail Train.‘ . . llpron. . ....-._ , "in", _._...I '- York Gaulâ€"Mcth Murray (E Jacket Good 8; Cheap Vinegurvâ€"G..B..Barnand Machine Oilyâ€"G. A. Bnrnurd’ Canadian Cotton Yankâ€"OLA. Barnard Pure Wines and B.nndiesâ€"G. A. Barnard. Sugarsâ€"G. A. Barnard. Harvest Pantsâ€"G. AJhrnard‘ Money to Lendâ€"G. B. Nicol, Great Bargainsâ€"J. G. Roman). Great Reduction in Pricesâ€"Wm. Mitchell.’ Gum. Reductionâ€"II. & A. Newton. For Saioâ€"Mr. Arksey Nilleue‘ryâ€" Mrs. Myrna. Profesuionul Card‘G. G. Nicol. List of Lettersâ€"chi. Teefy. SUBSCBu-SE FOR The York Herald. $1,00 uyear Our ‘Cgmins over the Border! RICHMOND HILL, AUG. 31‘ 1866' Qt): 33m 9mm. “(N/"£6 lo" I H. noun noun. H r. I. .n.u--...9 33 A.I 55 A.‘ ....4 56 an On Tuesdayveveuing last, the Rev. ‘Mr. Clark, agent for ' the French Cana- dian-Missidnd, 'déli'verod an interesting Lecture, in the Pi‘esby‘terim Cum-ch, in this place.- G.-â€"P' Diobon,,Esq,,.occu- pied the chair. The- Reverendi gnmle- man stated the object of bin visitâ€"gave an epitome of the past progross of'dxe Society-its present extent-vand the do- pendanbo 01 1t; future advancement on the liberality of the» who désira the spread of evangelical christiwity,‘ WI iris-'3: him new»: Am alarm of fire was raised" la'st Sab; bath,“ about 2 o'clock, pm., in our fviihigw A chimney in an exceedingly Ldangemua‘pijiiuity'm a more elevated Iportibm of» g’ building owned by Mr. Edwin» W-cbbcr, and Occupied '- by Mr. Ehamas Coghlzm. as aaGrnccry‘ and Pro- vision store, was dicmovewdY to be on ‘fire. Owing to a stronfi: north’ wifid which prei’aiiocl’at‘thc tune, the adjéicent building was in‘great' dinger. Fbrfimv ately, however, the discovery was made in-utimo and the fire subdued, and what might have h'cen: 3+ serious catastrophe averted. Credit is due to our newly formed Fire-Company for the promptnesa with which they- hadfthe'nngmemtfthc point of danger. We consider that Doctor Workman’s long experience as a Medical men, and his complete success in the administration of the sfl'airs- of. the Provincial Lunatic Asylum, for the past twelveyears, to- gether withsthe fact that he is»: man of very.,superior intellectual attainments u a scholar, entitles his opinion to have more than ordinary weight, in a matter so grsve as that upon which his Roper. divells'socmphaticnlly. We feel bound to accept his statements s true, based as they sre upon his certain knowledge, andtl'eing a man eminently fitted to ex‘ press~sn opinion upon the subject,â€"this being the case, we consider it to be the duty ofthe press to take up the work which has been so sbly began by Dr_ Workman, snd urge the necessity or having the "‘ Report" printed in pam- phlet form, for free circulation, in order that the poor‘ns Well as the wealthy may at once understand the consequences of acts which are said to Be more prevalent than the public are willing openly to admit,â€"â€"something must be done to reach the crying evil, or a fate no better than that of Sodom and Gsmorrsh may nwsit us. tb_ with a good grace, and do what wecan to prevent ourselves from sufi'ering' all the disadvantages. We are of opinion that Dr. Work- man deserves Well of the country for coming out manfully, and publicly de- nouncing what his experience has taught him in be the chief cause of insanity, and which, he has reason to know, is not confined to any. one clan of moiety,â€" and, by making tbezcomeqnences known may be the meansof abating a great and widovsprcad moral and phyliéai'evil. We are hopeful tlut, with such men in our Cabinet :3 Mum Gilt, How~ land and Macdougal, We may be piloted‘ carefully through the mist which for the present surround: us, and eventually bring our good Ihip of state safely into harbour, with the old flag flying a hot mpihtog: The annual Report of-Dr. “'OIRmsn, the talented Medical Superintendent of the Provincial Lunatic Asylum, is one of the most interesting public documents we have read for‘some timo,â€"knowi‘ng. as we do, that the Doctor is s man of great- experience snd one whose lop inionis thoroughly reliable, we confess that! we-weno astonished upon reading his repent; for the year 1866., which re- vesls certain facts in connection with the- Iinsanity of "our'eountry that requires to be more generally known than our. peo ple sre at present swsre of We regret that our space will not admit of ,trunsferring it to our columns, for we ibel'ieve that it is essential that the animating statements it contains should ‘be‘mude known throughout the length land breadth of the land ;â€"-what Dr. 1‘Workman dWells upon ,.ss one of the great causes of insanity in this country, is not the intemperate use of intoxicat~ ing liquors, nor religious excitement, as has frequently been suggested by persons who have not given the subject suflicient consideration, but from secret habits, which are indulged in by those- whom the Doctor says he is lead to un- derstand are “very modest, very pious, “ very studious, very nervous, very every “ thing saw: [what they really are l"â€"in fact so " enshrouded moral pesti. l:nce l" Worthy of Serious Consid’cra~ non. French Canadian 'Mis-iona. Alarm of Fire. When Sir William Don shares were bein; given away By holders who feared to hold what then was wmxhio‘ds, and entailed liabi- lity, n poor shareholder-21w: twelve shares for a pair 01 boots. The man who 3 we the bouts , for the twelve shaves realize.1 when- the shares ran up to £100 ea\ 15, an} In; “ft 381;.(1‘. All: 9,209 {'39 his boat: A Bad Wife is ashackle on her husband’s feet, a burden on his shoulder, a palsy to his hands. smoke to his eyes. vine an m his mthra thoruvto his side, a. dggear to his bean. We should enjoy nur Fortune-"uS‘w-e 66 cm healthâ€"enjoy it when good, Be patient w'nPn it, is bad. and never apply violent remedies except in an extreme necessity. Tm'c NEW Rirrm: rm: Tm: AI'STRY\.\' Minna-3i is stated’ thnt tho Aum-Eun Government, \vliiéh“ Had an agent at Wim ‘fii-ri‘om dfirinr the! roeont rif‘e contest. has given orders to the manufacrurers of 1110 hronch-loadin': Mmington riflé for an irr~ mediate sunnIysloat ins'rument of war- fare to 1hr; A'ns‘tn-ian‘ armv; As many as twenty-nizht shots per minute can be dis- charged f‘rom‘flw Remington gym,‘ which: is an American invention.- ibung'and happy wife wa‘ sudden“; M..- ad7 by the accidental discharge of a p15- to] in the hands of her husband. The "mic occurrence sheds pull of 8100“, and grief over all who were more im. mediater connected with tue unfortu. mm wife, thus cut 08‘ in the Moon, of youth, and the even more unhappy husband_ who was the unintentional cause of the readful calamity, and whose grief, under the dirtressing circum- stances, borders on the agony of despair, sud the whole city was impressed with the painful particulars of the rnournful catastrophe. From the evtdeme pm rented at the inquest, it appears that about three months ago Mr M A_ Hawkes, a native of Marblehead, Mass" but latterly of Chicago, came to st Poul for the benefit of his health, and since then has been stopping at the Mm. sion House. Some three Weeks sine; Mrs. Hawks came to this city to join her husband, who anxiously awaited be,- coming, and to whom he has been de. votedly attached. During the three weeks post the husband and wife, who have been but eight or ten months mar- 1 ried. were, as he stated to a friend, really spending their honeymoon. ’Tnggrhgr they visitedlskes- Wherever the bus ‘band went the wife accompanied him. .of all who were intimate with And every evening was spent in her com- pany. Such is the uniform testimony ‘ Mr and Mrs. thkes, and whose conduct and reputatiow have been entirely beyond the shadow of ' reproach. Yesterdhy morning the husband and wife went down to breakfast at ti (2 Mansion House in their usual good spirits. After re-l turning to their room, Mr. Hawkes tool: ; out one of two pistols which he possessed l and began to clean and oil it, his wife, in the meantimnrsca‘tedlin smoking chair, was engaged‘ih sewing. One of the ser- vants in the house was in and out of the room during this time, and, having ad- justed the furniture, she had returned with a pitcher of water, and was stand ing in the corner a few feet' from the chair occupied by Mrs. M‘awkes. when she heard the report of the pistol, and, looking round. saw the lady leap from her seat exclaiming, “Oh, my God!" and then dropped upon the cwrpet’ wal- te'inz in her life-blood; snd’ expiredl The husband; when he realized the terri- ble calamity that had befallen him, was overcome with grief and nnuuish, and,i in the midst of his unu terable woo. nearly lost his reason. and he could with difficulty be restrained from adding a suicide to the fearful drama. Dr . Ste- wart and Mattoeks were immediatelv sent for by those who first rushed into the room after the shrieks were heat-d, nnd'they promptly resoonded to the call. Bit all‘h‘umon aid was unsvailingz, for the-spirit of the beloved wife had al- ready winged its flight. The firemen in connection with the Richmond Hi“ Company are requested to meet at Raymond's Hotel, on the afternoon of Saturday, (tomorrow), at “(o'eieek We learn that the Royal Insurance Company has paid the full" amount of the claim made by the Trustees, 561' damage of the School buildings and furniture by fire, in April last. We commend: t-lm- following to dealers in ardent Iplx-ils, it is deserving ofa perusal :â€" A; a Ieconiclnss hotel in Frankfurt, a few days since, a little girl entered the bill» room, and in pitiful tones, told the ban-keep er tlul her mother lwiscut her there to gel eight cum. ‘Eigh: cents 1' laid the bar keeper. ‘ch, sir,’ said the child. ‘ What dues she want with eight cents ? 1 dual: owe' her unynlxiuéu’ Humanity owed that bar keeper a Vote 0: thanks.. One ofthe saddest and mow melan. chnly events that. has occurred in (mm city {or a long time took place yesterday "ml-mug, at 9 30 0 clock, at, be M : .u House, on Wubasuaw street, in \-] ich . Such a circumstance probably never Imp peued before, and may never occur again. A YOUNG WIFE ACCIDENTAL LY KILLED BY HEB» HUSBAND. ’ Well,’ xepiied the child; ‘fwther spends all his money here Mr «um, and we have nothing to m: eruy. Mother wank; to bu; a loaf of bread," "No,’ said the bar keeper, "1 11 give he‘ the money, and If her father cozuei again I‘ll kick tum uutr A loafér aug‘gested’to the bar keeper to kick the bra uui. The Tragedy at St. Paul. Worthy of Imitation 1 School Insurance. Fire Company, The King of the Belgians had receiv- ed an autograph loner from Napoleon of a. very reassuring character The Em- p1ror declares he has no intention of an- nexing any part of Belgium. On the contrary, he would ‘prefer to promote (:1 every oooasionthe interczfis of the Be.- gium dynasty. 1 The weather con'innes stormy ih Eng. land. Harvest prospect. rather Unsatis. factory. Harvest accountsvfrom: France were also unsatisfactory. Annther Fenian arsenal had been dis:- covered at Killmnlloch in the caunty of Limerick. Considerable amuhition was seized. Thr‘ée respectable farmers in the neighbourhood» afterwards abscondL 6.]- London, Wednesdav evening. Aug. 29.â€"The money market is wilhout chance. Consols closed at 89} for money. American securitses are gener- nllv steadv. 520s are hiaher. The clming quotations are United State: 2203, 72%; Erie, 455 Illinois Central, 81}. Livorpnnl, \Verlnfisrlrly' cv’ening, Eur: 29.â€"The breadstufi's mr-rlce’t has a dc- c‘ininq tendxlncv Provision: unclmnz v ed. with the exception of lard. which has an advancing tendency Cotton‘ is uh- ohanged ; sales toâ€"dav Were 10.000 bales middling uplands 135] to 13§d Paris, Weclnnsduy" Aug. 29.â€"T‘z c current rumnnrs in relation to Maximn m‘mx‘m are all very cmflicting. The mom probable reporte appear to be that the Empress Carlotta will return to ‘lnxim ifi O‘cttrber; :mxl tlia' a French Generull will cnm'nmd‘ the Mexican troop; nrqmizéd by L‘vl‘aximllian; The name n? the G'meral‘is not. stutedf Prague, Wedheslay owning“, Aug 29 â€"-â€"The >ignzlture of'thc King of Imly to the treaty of peace is expected in a few dlys. Awful Petrolum Fire in Ant warp. Liverpool, Wednesday Eveninz. Aug 29.â€"The steamship City of Bast/m sail- d‘ toâ€"duy from New York, mkng £250,- “00 in specie. Vienna. Evening, Aug. 29. The Amtfian Government has paid the in- demnity for Prussia's war expenses, us <ccured to the latter power by the treaty of peace. Prague, Aug. 28.â€"-The headquarters of' the Prussian army have been removed i'vom the city of ’J‘oplitz, on the north west frontier of Bohemia. A fire broke out in the City of Ant- werp, on Friday morning, the lOLh inst , and up to the latest advices in London was still raging tremendously. A Lon- don paper thus describes the conflugraâ€" uon :â€" The Paris cfirréapondcnt of the Morning Post states tlmt the Empress lam-10m; has so far succeeded in bar missionn on bchalt'of' Maximilian as tn obtain from the Emperor of France an extension of'time in which to ply the, French Govermucnt the ten millions of franc: due. Nipnlcon refused to 10m Maximilian ten miliiun frame; to ray fin- thc equipment, ol‘n-nops‘m Mexico, but will assist. in such equipments by fur- nishing material i'rom the French Ma- gazincs. The emprew alsc obtained from Napoleon an exten~=iun oftime until next January for mu projected cvacaution of the French tronps from Mexico. The extent of property in buildingsl and merchandise at present consumed is roughly calculated at 1200,00) to £300,000 The fire broke out at aboutl 7 o'clock on Friday morning in somel merchants stores,.sttuate in. the Place} de Walborgo, a kind of square fronting the quay, and known as the commercial neighbourhood ol'Antwerp. The build ings were ehiefl’y‘ lofty warehouse: filled with merchandise of every description, while in the basement stretched extensive vaults filled with: some thousand burre'is of' petroleuntod, and to the latter may be attributed the dreadful consequences that have hefullen the city. The first range of‘warehonses attuc:ed were the three belch;r to M Dennis Hniner and by noon the whole 0! them Were in a blaze from end to end. It there reached a m'igazine or depot where there was stored some 10,000 barrels of petroleum The local firemen, police and military strove by every exertion to stay its pro- gr‘ss. and succeeded in rolling a grent m y bvirrels out :f the build- inér on the qu-iy, but the explosion and vehement fury of the flames compelled them to retreat. During the whole day and night and following day the eonfla- grution sw pt on with terrific force. The flaming: petroleum from the stores in question poured out in a stream and flowed down into the range of vaults above alluded to, where the larger qunnti ty of petroleum was deposited. and which was all along so much dreaded. The fire then increased in magnitude tenfold and explosions that followed shook the Whole city.i and brought dOtvn many houses, while mrmy peo'lle are reported, to have b. en killed. The force of the ex- plosions blew in the brickwork of the sewers. into which the burning pelro~ leum flowed. and by that means found its way into- a goo] many houses in Rue- de Son's, and in many other streets in the locality. The military drove the people to nplace ol‘ safety. Mnong the buildings that were submqnently comsumed were the Hotel de Coburg, the bmdevl stores known as the Great Swan and Little SW: 1, and a series of others of a commercixl characâ€" ter. The engines that were brought into play were perfectly inadequate to contend against so awful a fire. There was only one stewm‘ fire on: ne there, and that belong-d to a private firm at Antwerp. Most of the London fire offices havelerge insurances on the non sumed property. Latest from Europe. LONDON, W’eduesdny,‘Aug. 29. The Ghmnicle says that Quebec has been honored, amouug other imponant even is, by the birth ofa. young lion in the manage- I'ie attached to Castello’s circus ; two were born, but before they could be taken from the cage, one was destroyed by the ma 9, The little stranger was» exhibited in the circus on Thursday afternoon. It sucks from a bottle, to which it takes very kindly and the keeper expresws himself pretty confidently with respect to his being able to rear it. Wé leam‘ that the young lion will be named Qucbec, in honor of the aux-lent ‘35:]. ST. Lens. Mn)“ A‘u :. 293â€"A horddib n'mr‘ ler is reported an, Sileem, Davies 05., wbe-re a half Idiot named Hickerson mmdered his wife and her sister 113' beating oubtheir brain with 330;: of wood.- Lmvmxwom‘u. K.&NSA§, Au :. 2W1. - [M has 1Hl{31 place new Fort Reno. wlm'e the lndimns seventv-eight, hend of Guvevnmwfl. mules from C )l. Carrin gton‘s cam 1. Tlmy were followed by mounted mvn Thn In lians drovet’umml npontlie puz-m in: nurtv, killed seveal and wounding twn and e H «v! with all the st )Cli. :\ pavtv of f)ffif"‘t‘.~l n .1 'ecx‘uits gnu: ty») 1h“ llltl) Unit- (‘rl St llC‘i lt'u my, Were Illt‘lclied 1t vadsr River, an‘l two men weve "il'e'l. le lm’li'tns have :Itnc‘ce'l several twins Si ~09 that time and-‘dllerl karma and wounded many m we. There is evwlently a general mtln-enk amnung all the tribes on the plains and their attacks cause zreat cnnsternutiml am inn: tyne settlers. Six hundred Indians made Llwir appeayanee near the northen line 0f Utah, and creator}: 3- 9:11:th panic amoung the inhibitunts in that, vicinity of Fort Gin-land, New M wic ). and are now nn {a red in the indiscrimin tte massacre of :1“ the Mexican inlmhitt HS they can find. CHICAGO, 1511;. 28.â€"-Indinn outrares con- ti me in Nut'then Texas: Mu dét‘s and rob heries are almost of dfiily 00cm: nee. Two hundred cavalry started on Saturday for the scene of difficulties. New Yonxv Au 5. 28-â€"i\ Times New Or' lnarta nxzuil 31‘ s the commission a'ipointed tw H»: “oi (l to inveati rate the late riot. fled their lalmurs. and their re _ wu t =0 first sh )l‘, fired from a. re- tnlver 3.5 hy a white man at the procession of Frecdme t. T'ven’x mi tutes then elanned hefore any further distutl).mce took place. when the procession. tea hin;r the place where. the convention W13 in session, the police interfered with it. and attemptin to mule: arl‘ests. fired u'mn the Freedman who eturned the fire A me") of citizens then joined the noliee and the great massacre co nmenced. It. also shows that sevem! policemen had their bad {es so as not to be recognized. a Id nf'ter enterin z the Hall they rlisre rnrded the white flag ~ nd tired indiwori minutely noon the unarmed members of' the con vention and snectntors. The evidence shows that policemen killed Freerlmen when they eon d not arrested them without trou- ble. and that wounded negroes were thrown in aonrt and killed while sn-ugzlinz. to free tlt Imselves from the dead bodies which had been pl ced on ton of them. The commission will report the riot: was caused by hitter feelin rs on the part ofthe citiznns 'md nolice toward the radical Unionists and Freedmen They will probably report that it was pre concerted, inasmuch as it is in evidence that it was tallied of previous fb" several days. it is thr- ojwinion of' the Commission. that it‘ the military had not tm'wearpd at the time it did that the riot Would have pro rreseed to tha extermination of'of all the Unionists and F eedmen in the city. The city nress are nttnc'in: Gen. Sheridan for what he report- ed in his officiytl despatchcs, charging him with unt utltfulness. NEW YORK, Aug. 27.â€"-.Cholera statistics show only 11 cases and 2 deaths in this city on Sutnxday and Sunday. Very few c,.ses are reported in Brooklyn. The disease is rapidiy disappearing. TREASON BREWING IN TEXAS. NEW YORK Aug. 27.â€"-A letter from Capt Bingham. from Texas, sag; :â€"‘We in Texas are on the eve of another war, which. will be more dz-spcrute than the one out of which we have just emerged. The former leaders inrebellion~save some dozen Union men elected to fill unimportant county ollicesâ€" have all been elected; nndthey are more hns tile and rnbid than they were during the war or before the State sraced‘ed‘. Unless troops are kept in. the most important towns, there will not be a» Union mun left in six months. The dislnyml from other Statesa-re coming in more or less every day, and t-houmnds are retumg from Mexico. who went! 01? with Price nd Shelby, a more- despemte set never before infested any country. Murders are an everyâ€"ulny occurrence. The civil .nw is defied and trampled on. The freedmen are held in many parts of the State in its strict bondaie as before the war, and Union , men dare not speak their sentimentsflopenly Secret societies called the K'. G. C. are or- :zmizt-d all over the state, and unless the Stnte is held under strict military rule, we Will have another outbreak in 1833 than six momhs.’ ' POUGHKEEPSIl-L Au: 27.â€"-lm:”o~mitim inst waived in this city states 1h it a num he' of convicts emnlm‘ed' in the gum y a! Shir-sing; prison, “Hitched a hepr‘!‘ this al‘ terncun and enilmwonred anrest a revolver 9mm him. He slomly resisted. Hm at n-mvts to free himself attracting the atten tin: of other keepers, who at once went to his assistance. In the meanwhile he mana :- ::'l to free hie nistol arm when he fired “this assailants, killing one 0f them instantly. The other keepers also fiEEd, mortally woundng three, when the balance of cm - simian were semred, and at 6.30 this evening, all was quiet 11min. It it said Illut two convicts escapod last night, and it is xepm-md that some of those who made film vuS‘ this afternoon me still at large. T‘JP ail‘z’n- caused (tonsirlm'ahle exoiremcnt. .xswl la" re crowd f c‘lel to the scene of dis- Inalrnce. NEW YuRK, Aux. 27.--A train with eig‘w car loads of petroleum (m the E i9 R. R was (nullified with yesterday nan" Nermws' burg, Jers:~y. Several cars we-‘e squished and the pehwicum caught fire n id exploded and burned the while train. Th we dwellinrs a waggun slmp. n carpenter .zhrm, a hid» house a. ll (H.003 l'c t «if lumWez‘. mum! fire from the Emmi“; Oil, and wei-u entirely destroyed. A Mr. Williams. while on- deflVou in: tr, resuue his clxilll‘x-en from on: of the houses dropped one, and while nt- lemptin; to rescue it all three were fatally burned} Two children died. and he is not exuectell to recover. Mrs. Williams, his Wife, jumped from a. second stay win- Ilnw, and immediately gave: bi th in a child She is not expected tn live. l‘he conduc tor of the train was badly burned. L uss of m-ivuto property by, lire. 1ch mt 380.000. Na“? Yank. Aug. 27.â€"D;‘d!1 Ric'ammd died last night. TERRII-TLE RAILWAY ACCIDENT. United States Newa. ESTCA PE OF CONVICTS. NEW ORLE \NS RIOT INDIAN TROUFLES. CHOLERA With Holder & Knife, AT SCOTT‘S,. RICHMOND HILL Prope'lling K: Repelling Pencil; Br. D. OiMbntez’ Carrolim’ the greatast stimulator in the worldfi-will force Whiskers m- Musttmhes to grow- on’the smoothest face or chin; raver known to faif. Sample far trial sent free tonny one desirous of testing its merits. Adrlresq, REEVES 3700;; 78 Nassau St ,N.Y. No letters taken-unless prepaid. IN GREAT VARIETY, AT SCO'I‘T'S, RICH MONO-HILL FANCY' GOODS !‘ A Czarmman. while residing in South Am- « inn us: a H‘.i~'.~'i0ll'n'}'. dimove-red a snf'a and ‘IIIHHP 'e-nmh' for the Cure of Nsrvnux- Wank- n-\ >. l‘wlv Uncay. Disaamw nl' Illa Urilmrv uni \‘xminnl Organs, and the vhn’e mun M ii 0 dun brought on by hunt-fill nml Vi"’nll.~ lain. (Fm-a! numbers have hmm curl-d In‘ :his nohie remedy. Prumpled bv u dwire In 'uâ€"llufil [Em nflim ml and unforlnnnla. [wil «and Ihe rrraipn fur pre Hiring and wing tlli~~ Inudu-inv. in a wan-d mwn’npe. to nuv one wnu m-vd< it. FT”! affix/1.71m. ' l’les enclose an envelope addressed to \‘omsof. The London Propofiype of'Saturday statns she following melancholy r ccnrreuce :â€"‘As Mr. Jnhn R. Harden. cousin to Mr. Mm'dp'i of :his city. was (-Immint out a we” at the school home at L'xmhnth, he attempted to remove tho curb, which was rotten who" the snrmlmdin; earth caved in and en tombed him alive. Evev‘y emu-t was mute to extricate him. hut it was of no avail. We learn from M. Jacksm. who was at the iunclionY that great ewitement exists there with regard to the accident. From 200 to 300 are assembled, and cu hs are being sunk to keep hack the earth and rec ver the body At the latest accounts every efl‘or't had been unsuccessful. Deceased was 5 tExx-mol-Iivifi! in the vicinity, a. widower, and thirty eight years of age. Vanuatu: Har ton .. Straw (In .‘ lirlvtar 1;? HI E11qu duz ‘ Mink-w hri \VouL . . . _ Spring Burlev Peace "rats Flnuv' ~57 brl.... ..... Fall \‘that T”? huuhel Spring “’heat do It is understood that an arrangement} has been come to between the British‘ Goverment and the Nova Scotia and New Brunswick Commissioners, with the concurrence of the Canadian Govern- ment and Legislature, on the details of the Confederation of British North America, and of the Imperial guarantee of the sum required by the Intercoloniul Railn'uy. This guarantee has been pro- mised successively by Lord Grey in 1851 by the Duke of'Newcistle in his des- patch of the 12 of April, 1862;. and by Mr. Cardwell, in at despatch of‘the 1'7tli of June, l805', but it Was made depen'» denton the assent of the Provinces to the Confederation, which Nova Scotia and New Brunswick had until now with- held, and also on further evidence that the sum of” £3 000,000 originally sti- pulated for should suflice for the pur- pose. All the' Provinces have now agreed to the Confederation, and it is said to have been conceded that aconti’n- gent fourth million shall, if found ne cessnry, be further guaranteed, Canada, however, having alreidy constructed 120' miles of' railway from Quebec to Trois Pistoles, and Nova Scotia 60 miles from Halifax to Truro, there remain but 30 I miles to construct, and, at the cfiicial es= timate of" $7.000 per mile, probably the £3,0 0,000 will suffice. The primary guarantee is to be given by the Proâ€" viucial Legislatures in the following pro- portions : -â€"five-twelt'ths by Canada,three and a half twelfths by New Brunswick, and the same proportion by Nova Scoria. Certain securities are to be hypothecated in return for the supplementary Imperial guarantee, which is calculated to enable the colonies to borrow at about 4 per cent. The nature ot'the cmntry to be ‘ traversed is not such as to render the in- tercedonial Rziilway,‘which. will now be commenced immedirtely, a very tedious afl'uir. It is calculated to bring Quebec lwithin 18 hours of Halifax. t ‘ hazard the safety of other nenwle. fire a 1m offlm czmita‘l, am] the wh'rle fabric o'sccial order, through the medium of the penny post.’ As to the merit of lhe Prusqinn film, it is notorious that the sockets cot loose on sm- vice and the escape of gas is such that the men are shy of brin gin; it up new the eyes. The chat-{e of powder is insufficient too, and the huHet is [.00 small. A P dish Law 001' told me yesterday that, at K )nizgmtz he had 9 bundle of' cigars in a belt under his tunic. and he fmmd a rifle bull screwed into the middle of them after the actton. In a": Mme on the Hyde Park rinfs. Hm Silurrlay Review mzxkoq Hm followinf chm rwfm‘istic attack on Mr. Bright: -‘ Smith O’Brian fis'icd his hand. and Hunt nv-d O’Connell and Ferrlls O’C mn'w ris‘md their persons: but it requires :1 nonconmn Quaker 'md v Birminzhamuneml (Inm't :0 rue to nut TI is' reputed rlut, L Ml Derhv has 0%1- er] the p st of Amhusufl'w at Pitriq tO'Em] Percv. eldest son of the Duke of Northum herImML Mr. Stuart Mil is so eprnsive when in- tormmted or [mulled at by the unmannerlv Trries that thev have given him the title of ‘ Puwdermill." Goverx1rn3nt is anoivinz a numfier nf'fhe Fenian px'ls'mers to leave the canntrV for America. Theylmve 10p1ed,___:ethemselves however, not to return. WHISKERS. WHISKERS. THE INTERUOLENIAL RAIL- WAY. SPECIAL NOTICES. “W A Card to Invalids TORONTO M A RK E'I‘S Adtltnss. JUSICP” T. [NMAN ETA-nub: l). Emu; llwyuxeu. A'cw- Yuri: cily‘ Toronto, Au {7, 7‘0 033 0 50 0 6” 0 3'2 n 4!! 7' OJ 6 OH 0 15 (I I” l 50 nn @ $6 25 @ | on @ I 50 (a; 0 Exolullvoly {or null“. An mvn ‘u‘rhh "entire of 10" pup-v hr Dr;- Harvev . publisth for tho P011496! n! the sex." 0;: ruceipt of TWantV coma. ii wilnw nin' post (In “1. in a settled onvalopo‘Io all u be up“ ply for i;. Addrosiz 0*. J B‘Ifll. "9 BM; ‘0‘) Saw Yolk» 130(6979 ‘ 529w THE HRWATEMEBIGA‘I} A ghntlemnn w‘h'o sufierad for your. (Nun .Yervou‘s and Goni‘taP owifity‘. Nightly Emiu: ~IOIIS. and stamina}: Wéakn'esr, lhe rom‘h nf' vouthfm ixldxscralimf; n'n‘d‘ ch'mo' nun Ml'dil‘vg' his d‘t’n’h‘ in 'IopelH-F! m‘ifiery, will'. him» nnk'o' g-f m‘fi'éring'mn‘lf.‘ FFllfi'ln nm’ one a Mime-d. the" simp'ié Int-fill! awed by him. whinh efl’ucted m mm: in a fmv Week’s. after the failure of nn‘-' menva medicines. S‘wnd a directed onvelopo' audits“ c‘hn’ln nm‘l'il will coat \‘ou Iwoth'iny.> Adrift-Rat. FIIGAR luau-u. Station L. l281h'5 .\'ow York clt)‘. l\'-‘3.3 Il‘vo‘u wish Hrran’é Life Pins, Ind cannot get them of y un‘ druggi’zlt.‘ don! luk'e Iny oflior‘, hut. send Twenty-five cums if) I lotlorto lho‘ prunriewr, and ym; wi|'| get 11mm by remrn' of. .mil Adduiesa. Dr. J. Biwu. 619 Bro-awn.» New Yurk’.‘ Box 5U79.‘ 13'v95‘ T w EN‘I‘YLF‘H’IE CEN’Ts. hid 'Qin‘.'c'c“o;J-7- plish a” that is rnpro-unlod. V The; am rlegnntl)‘ put up by the proprietary thl' inventor of B‘ya'r'z‘: Pulmom'c' Wafsn. l.’ Int-divine Inn-g and favorably known to thc‘ Anwrit‘nm Nmmn'. reguluie [he Slomnnh, Livor and Billilry 907' arminns. which is me: rhxef camp of Wanton-I- new, (‘Iddinesm “inuner uf .‘iglll, Hondnchg“ Sick Slomuch and other kindred cumplnimxs" Hundreds of Certifieatol Inn b0 Shown l'lu-y have haen used hv thousands with mum’s.» Bryan’s Life mum. ure uduplhd for all ilng mm cunxlihnionm- [‘hhv are (-umpnr-ed of the mtivo prim-Splat, «K Herbs and Ruols.cnlled Now our fields and lhruxlx‘, They me mild but crnniu in lhvir‘ upurmiunâ€",u'oducin v m-ilher mumps, mining.- .minu or sickness;- "i‘}1o}' man» be lnkon by ll'“ nuns, sexes nr conditidns wuhom {63L [by/n": Info Pills. Cme Hém'nch'e'.‘ Bryan‘s Iii/'9 Pglll. Cure S‘ck Smmncli' Bryan's Life Pills: Curé‘GiddI'm-n. Bryan’s Lifa I’ill'é, Purify tho Blbbd. \ lmxflqf ygrg/ruiu’sr lift, Pill: will con bur are admitted to be the Best Family Mgdicim‘ for goneral use, l‘uril'ying‘iho Bland and clulr ing the system from all impurity. V Bryan's Life Pills. Entlrely Vegetable. Aro' warranted in all cases. for the spiody :md norm-went cure of all diseases Irising from NHX‘DR‘ excesses of Youthful indiscrptiou Smn'nml Loss;-Nighlly/Emipmons, and Mural} Dreams: Geniml, Physical And Norvnnl Dcâ€" bxhly. lmpb‘mfice, Sexual Diseusofl, ac . 614:. No Change of Diet is Necessary. Thoy can by men!- wilhonl l’elecli'm. nu! never fail w 050” a cram! used’aei-ordiug t0 instructions. BELL’S SPECIFIC PILLS !- Price, One Dollar per Box; or Slk Hutu “2" Five Dollars ; also lnrgn boxes, cbnllinint I'our small. price Ihreo dollars. Dr. Hawi’s (3'0" :21 Pills. -\ I'vnwdy for rpemnl 111:6). f'vur drgnwn n nngnr Hum lhv above ; pricr =9'n4 Dollnrr .4- umx. " I’mvsm (‘mrwuu m Ladmu “2th fin." mntnmma-Fongrnvingm will Ire: nu H-cnpt uff‘ ‘in‘r‘ffled envelope and smmp tlFCm [his out If )0“ dexhv Dr. anvey'i i‘u'I|-. nnd if you cnnmn procure 11mm of your I'IILIL'i'd, dn not {aka hll" ullnrr, for Hume den]- all-1 who are nnprim‘lpled writ Ire-Atnmmend mhwr ‘ amalv Pills, Hm}- can make: u hangar pmlil nu' â€"hu: run-hmlhe nmmay und :‘rnd direct In ‘h'. J Burnt. CulhnlliLg: l'uysimnn. Box 50 9, tilt! Broadway. New Yurk. and you will reco'r o" r‘hm.) socurul} scaled lrum ohsorvalion, vby vo- umil. Iy 95 From [our to six hnxas are genomi‘y r’dqulro' ed’ to cure an ordlucly cases of Senlinll‘ Wonk- uess and Eunasnous. though benefit in d'orivvd' from using numglo box. BELL’S SPECIFIC REMEDIES The. nhuvn Rome-dim have now bean hfpri‘ he l’unlic mnm' yours, and their great *uccon m the fillrvinkiull of human miseryJIu excited he cu yidin ol' sevrrul purliu, who use ll). mme " Speclfic fills." copy my labial. cir- nula'h n :a udvmluwmenls. sometimos‘ word 91 r \Vurd. amiapul up warthlcm. compoumfi ‘hul disnppuilli me just expectation" of the pur- chaser. In Chronic ciso~. and particullrlv what Im- potence or Genital Dubililv with Nonqu Fran-t Iratiun has «fueled the system. ' Are recommenddd is the mast efficacious. ro' juvium‘mg andJuvigoralmg Rcmwdy. in III." World. nu llHIllz-r flu": what cause it nm-I. 'l‘hfly um «HEM-um! in n-sloring to health III! who If. unfunny it'mn “'vnkness. andhgbifin, Uta!“ in- Um: :«rgns, Nerv-nuxnuss. “it! , 6:12., fit. and llxh} " zcl Iikn a charm." in strengthen- vug Ih.‘ fi‘flmll. ’i‘honsanrls of ladies whu’ mum .umund Mr umrs and lried varimll uther‘ nun-12.10.“ m v in own a rrnnwnln"thnil lmnifi.‘ ~u|d slr- ugxh win-Hy .0 {he efiit-ncv nl' The Greatest Medicine of the lnlexlreme caves of Dob”in and Impomlgo- BEL-US EX FERN A L REMEDY! l'rice two dollars. sufi‘xcem for l momh; can be used‘u good advantage. '1‘- 03 an: path-0m haanst on (ha nynrm‘.’ IlIl_\‘ bu mken m an inn» u in. f."er “mm. ;. ‘wl (luring f/m r/I. /.I,‘ an; «31:5, Id' Pugnuhdy (Mm H'Illlfllll nut In: ta!“ -, .a: n. mtu'u'nrmg: mr/y 6!. 2/15 ID 1111. ’i In". (H H" ~ m }‘ sun,ka 3‘ min or (llsln ss. x v: .tan 6H 'I’uL "lice one (MIL-.1» A Buckles prim five dollars. will Ill! t mouth. nud is generally sulficioul. ll gmw ntrangth lo Iha Organs. and. with ‘he Pnils. WI” restore them'to their normal con- rhliun. ' 'l‘he Hum int'mlihle and popular romadv ever" known. t'nr all diseases uflhe female sex Thu" have been used in nmny momma] can: with umailing uncurssâ€"nud may ho relied all. "m aviary ms:- for which .lmv nrc recmnlncndocfi Ind nwlicnlnrlv in all cases nrisi ugf‘rom lfvuu’cnn‘not purchase Ben’s Syccifie Rn- un-dles of your drugglut. laka no olhor. but u-nd :ha‘muua) dirch m; Consulting. Hry’nic’ihn‘; HI!) B‘undivng‘. New York, and you will tecrive [Mm by 'relum of man, you paid, mid‘l'ren- from observalibn. A l’mnphlfl oflon‘e hundred pagan, on tho 'rr-nfs n! Yimh, des zued n a Luann. «Ind Dbstruet‘ion or Stoppage of Nature»,- A sure antidote for Hilfikllbfifl, and g wififi' 'rom Sulmow. PAIN unJ DISEAaE. . m Harvey’s Fém‘al'c Pill-r Important to L.fifi1£§ ER RO‘RS; O‘F Y'OUTH'- G LA!) N IGWS Purify the Blood. Brygmfis Life mm, Dr. Harwy's Female rum BE LL’S TONIC PIL 1)“. JAMES BRYAN: FOR THE UNFORTUIII'I. CAVTION LLS,

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