Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 31 Aug 1866, p. 3

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‘ hm ro-fi Ollyod. my 25; 1866. ' HIS ASSOCIATION has trunniorred their Ll HRfiRY to (he ‘ Hum“: ' Book Slore. Where Stockholders and others may 'I-ucure BUUK$ nnryfriduy afternoon. I'm! 110 3 o'clock. 7:1!- Mr. LnIarty has formed n German Class in Iddilion to (hone of French, Classics, &c.. Aficrdillg pupilu a rare cppertuniu to obtain a firmhclau oduca'ion, and; ifthey desire ix. to prepare for Muriculalion in any of the Uni-- Var-iliel. An early alketn‘falwa is most desirable, [hat Llhm ro-formalion of the Classes may not be ' of Board of Trustees. Richmaud Hill. Aug. 8 1865. 13003982 SHOE" W; E MYERS Richmcmd Hi”.- Aug. 8.. 1866‘: . , ‘ ‘ SCOTT,w’OIiflI. fichlmjvm 9. [866. 1‘ ~ 1:.“ BO OT S 'l'ho wlm|e lnslimlinll is under the Head mulerulllp of A. M. LAFFEM'I Y. I'Inq.v RA. h Gradualc and Silver Meflalist in Clus~ics and Mullmmnicn. of lhe 'l‘orunm University. named bf Mr. G. H. Pmler and Muss l. A. (Juan. - cn‘mifil; ’n‘u'r SALE! Comdxon School Department Free To pupils residing within tho School Section 0n MONDAY, l3th AUGUST. Gnm‘hgarv School Department Free, The (Hum-r is "quested 1n prova- proper-xv pay rxpnnul and (ski; thbm aWny. THOMAS cmrmnu Markham, Aug. 13, '66. 4 BE RE*OPENFD (‘A “E in‘o the nre'n'lices of the Su‘lhl'l‘ihnr. / Lot. No. ‘29. in the 3rd culkissumu ol Mukhnn. About [he middle ofJnly hut, ‘v “’Mch will afford passengers mrre uum in nu: City, and keeplng anemivs and ("It ummudal- lug Drivers, l mu: to merit the palzouuge m the general public. ROBERT RAKYMOND‘ A liwe and :1 Ram Lamb u_B_<»>tter Time, Iluallls lull Esp Miss (ll-aw Jnmu‘ MBA ery Magg ntmblo W Humble Juhu Guy Char-lei Riley 'Ihomaa Gr" Catharine S'numon James Hiltl Jeremiah Tracy Mr. Hurri- J. Veho Mr. R. A lie-Iii: 'l'homn Wise Henry ,Xing Thomnfi \an‘un Sarah Kaunjfdv Mn. Chlrln’h’ebber anin Lang-luff John Richmond Hill, Aug. 13 ’66. HAVING purchased tha Richmond Hill Line of Slages from Mr. 'I'hnmas Cook. I Will run the same Irom my Hotel. Rich- mond Hiil, lo Taro-nu. starting an half-past 7 o'cluck. mm. and returning will leave Toronto. m 4 o’clnck. p.m. All l’artwls or Luggage left a: Beul’s an Horse Hutel. onge Streel,or In Lemon's Hotel. Nulsun Shunt. Taronlu. wallhe delivered with punctu- ality and m. anudarnm charges. Havmg de- termined to run the Stage Lemon’s Hotel, Nelson 51.. Ll. persons indebted lo JOHN N. REID. M.D.' Thornlu‘l. will please call and mm lhnir Iccoums by the Isl. of October nut. ‘_ HENRY REID. Agent, ‘l‘hornhill. August 9. 1866. STAGE S. First-glass Freehold? Security. Apply to‘ ‘ N-OTICE. EMAINING in the Rit-hmond Hill Past Offica. on Is: Aug' 1866 : Atkimon jumel Manley P. L. Clmgboll Jane McWilliams James EspyJouphCZ) 31ch Miss _ (ll-my Jmnu‘ McA ery Mnggfo thbfig H umble Juhu mcumumu HILL LIBRARY ASSOCIATION. mm. Igug. 24 1866. NOT 16E- FA LL GOODS ! GREAT BARGAINS I'EN lo I" pupils residing williin the Uniu-d Counties of York and Peal. ’ LL finflib‘! indebted wig“) nfinmigned larâ€"e ‘ "Quilted to pnypp‘immediulely {a Mr. ’. Crosby. Richmond Hill. firm afibtrtimmmm GOOD AND CHEAP RICHMOND HILL SCHOOLS 0 E S Mbhey to Lend, STRJI Y SIIIIEP. AT Richmond Eiill, M. -TEEFY, secfeiary 6L Treasurer Remember the place for To make room for the 1.1% of Letters GEO; a. __M-c0‘x., IS AT AND WILL 0N IN J. HENDERSON, B‘ar‘rifler.’ &c,- _ ‘ Richmond ilill'. M. TEEFY. RM‘ 611-3.” ruprivtor. 3m Khvnys on hand, and for sale at moderaté prices. A call is respectfully soliciled. Suppnfi Home Manufactures t 7 ‘HE Sub-enher, in ralnrniny lhunks in his 'nmrrnus (Tusloumrs and Fllfllllk‘ for their lihvrni‘suppnrl dum-g‘ (He pas‘t‘ ui ti'z‘ea'rs, would beg to inximale‘ that he is «ro‘pqred to nmnul‘nclnm- “outs and Shoes oft-very: descripv Ham from'thu best materials.- and alter the most fashionable style, He Ilnpes h) mic! at lent'mn to bukin'ess, cmhhinedL w'ixli mod'ernle pleas to ensure a cominpancq of their favour All order's attended to promptly. Wqu warranted. Residence 6 doors norm of Mr. Ceosbu late Gland. ‘ ' r BONNETS AND H‘ATS The nllanlimu of’he Pnhfic is imvled to their Stock, censisling of 2: gram vnnely of Waxchvs aur‘ Clnck; and Rmmirr-‘l. Cleaned, Altered aind Tfimmed in the rides! styles; also a. choice assortment of Cnref‘u’ annmim) given m the repairing of «nut, . ‘. . . , E, w,“ Yonge SIIFBL Toronto, Apri! 26. 1866‘ MARKHAM OIL & MINING Co BUTTONVILLE, O‘TlCE.â€"-All Shareholders not having paid tlmirrespamive Calls \whtm Slxl,_\' Days from this date. the statue will his furl‘éi'md lo the Company. and the Directors will sell the said Slack lor its benefit. Milliner 8: Straw Bonnet Maker. ' JAMES VERNEY. Ribhmoud Hillfluna In X866. 5:! 3m Markham, June Is: 1866 B DfinétS; Hats, Watches, Blacks, and Jewelry. ELEC'I‘KO-PLA I‘ED WARE, CUTTER Y, &c , &.c, Turomo, Auul 2'1, lr-bfi‘ CHOICE AND FANCY GOODS m Musoniéi Crud other Emblems made {0 order. AND FINE .IliVVn'LllY. 113, YONGE St, TORONTO VVA'I‘UH was, (‘LIDCKS‘L W. WHARIN 8:00. ‘00!) Linen Duck Gnm‘uroon. a‘wd Uri“ J Pan‘s well out and made from 4‘ 6d per l’alr at. Wm. S. Pollux-k. late. G. A. BARNARD. In lb. Rolls, M W. S. Pol'ouk's, late FRESH BUTTER? 0f the bes‘ desr‘riptiun and newest designs. Ga A. Barnard’fi. :05 lbs. Good Sugar. for $1. 10 lbs. Relned do for $i. 9 lbs. do vxu‘a B igl-I do .’Or $1, 7 lbs. Loaf Sugtu, lm $1. l'rv our 48. Young Hymn 'l'vnâ€"â€"!hu luvs! m be Inn] in Canada Ior Ihe price, at \V 5'. i’ollnck's, Inle ' JUST Received sevaral Quarter Casks of I’Ilro French Pm: and Sherry \Vines and Brandies. of the best brandsâ€"equal to any in lhn I'rovillcu,and can he thorough” recomâ€" meudvd ; aisn. 6 (Tases of London- Dock Uld Crusted Port Wines. with several Cases M" Bultlrd quch Urundwn. Holland Gin and pure Jamacia Rum ; also Harvest Hespelinrs. Tuddv Ike, and malt Whisky from 35 (id per gallon. wrll recllfied and unadulterated al Wm. B. Pollock late ' SUGâ€" ABS, SUGARS! libid- 1’ ER POU N D Richian Hm, July ‘26 1:66 UST Received, in all Nos. from 5 to 10.â€" Manufaclured at. Dundzis Cotton Mill from puno Georgia Cotton, at the lowest prices Al W, S. Polluek's. lan PURE WINES AND BHANUIES Richmond Hill. Aug. 2, Canadian Cotton Yarn, AI W. S. Pollocx’s. lxgte Bust Lubricdling Machine Coal Oil, 38 6d gal. Bust Elephant Oil ..... 68 3d gal. Gnnd Com mon Vinegar Good Matt 00 Best Malt do Bordeaux do Best White Wine do A: W. S. Polleck’s. late Richmond HI” Aug. 2, » G, A. BARNARD'S Richmond Hill, Aug, 2' Good & Cheap Vinegar HARVEST PANTS ! Will he given) for any qunnliu’ nfflovd MRS. W. H. MYERS, J. SEGSWORTH, MEDICINAL PURPOSES. aur‘ Clncks Jewelry manufactured nirr-i. ll. King Street East, 6 doors east of IMPORTEHS AND DEA LENS KN By order Machine Oils. RICHMOND HILL. Flowers, Trimmings, Wm. STIVER Scc’y Markhnm Oil and Mining Co. mx’omm 0F ' . A. EARNARD’S. G. A: BARNARD’ G. A. BARNARD’S. G. A. BARN ARD FOR '15 3'11 gallon .18 u .29: Md :0 .2» 6d .. ~38 u f. n .13-2m. Plvns‘x: remember that Sanders’ofi SELLS 6." And of the has! Material and Workmanrhip. Al? Work ie V‘Carrnmed to give pprfect s‘ail‘isfacâ€" tinu, We we comtamly adding to .ur shock ofme and Show ol'oL‘r manufadure, which will be MEN’S, WOMEN’S ANH CHILDREN’S BOOTS AND SHOES QC? 133 Yonge Street, Two Doors of that’s Hotel, Tomato; TORONTO, tum-24, 1866. . . v 51.3”; AT CQ@T PRECE. ppmite Temperance St. T 0 R 0 N T 0, EGS to announce to the inhabitants of the County of York and those in the neighborhood of Richmond Hill in particular, lhal he has added lo his - rock of THEE ENEELEEEE PENCIL Good Harvest ‘Whiskey constantly on hand. BOOTS AND SHOES, ELGIN MILLS, JULY 2611:, 1866. M A few mr're County Rights {or sale. ills Stow: Also, HF; lb. excellent Preserving Sugar [hr $1 Demerara and Loaf Sagan“ equally low. GREAT BARGAINS DRESS GOGDS! \Vhen ordering phanse state depth of \Vell or Cistern FATEET Sg' THE “ HEB; U)AP’1‘ED FOR, ALL DEPTHS. Tweeds, Plain and Fancy Flannels, Worsteds, Winseys, Eng Mills September 1” 1866. :â€" good assortment of TF’EiEékS always op hand, Tweeds, Doeskins, ( Plain and Fancy Flannels, Woolen Yarns, Worsteds, Plaids and. TartaD'S, Winseys, Csbourgs. CottonS, Prini‘g, £10., Stock offioods suitable for the Season A. NEWYTON’S gfiimzcimg "\W‘EA SOLD AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. o E Vnncvn Wilson!" 22 Moi “slold much below last year’s prices. JQEN G. BERNARD’S 0:? SALES MADE FOR CASH ONLY FOR MARKlNG LINIi‘N,FOIi SALE AT. _ V, RALD” BOOK STORERICIIMOND’ HXLL. He nmrs Hue roma§nder of his Stock of Dress No, 133 Yongc Street, A complete; assortment of‘ the mast desxrablo A116 is p'epared'lo make 10 011qu all, kinds of The Subscribers have just received a large In the most Fashionable Styles,- CAN BE HAD A’l‘ All 0" which will be CHARLES P0 \VE LL, CONSIS'I‘ING 0F A T I’atcntcc and Prnprzelor. NEWTON BROOK, C.W 46 IN retllfxiiylg Hmfiks 50 his numerous friends and customs” for their liberal support since he commenced husiuesx, ths {o inlorm' them that he, has removad to Richde Hill to the Store immediately nbrfli of the And ownnd $ occupind'by Mr McNai"; wh‘uro. owng to increased ae‘cqmmodatiun} he’h‘a has greatly incregaed his Serck of 510,, and‘will make it a poin‘t 16' kgép a select stock of Goods for the Season, He therefore respectfully mvlles his old l'rjeuda and the in- iehahitams of thé neighborhood to cnll and i_n. specc hi; Slack. feeling confident he cannot' be undershld, nor surpassed by any housq' north of Toronto. ' NBTIEE IIF REMHVM}. ’,. i . '1‘ m ‘1' r _ 4 5 II‘ I “numw LIMIW l‘l‘ r“11mm” “W “Hum! "buw' :h ' mu GROCERIXES; Haifâ€"wa'y House, Richmond Hill, ' HE Undéréffined is instrficled Hm bre- sent proprietor «3 offer FOR SALE or TO LET. the Village Lot 'and Buildings for- mm‘h’ owned and) occupied by Mr. JOSEPH KELLER. 'I’h'ere fivewigluhs of an Acre of Land. :1 portioh of whiéh is Garden. The Dwelling-house is in good ordar and Very énu- venient; it cumulus a l’arlm'. Duningâ€"romn. Kitchen, Store-room and five Bod-rooms.-â€"- There are also commodious Out-buildings, Stabling, &c.. and a {mud supply of Hard and sun Water on the premises. DESIRABLE RESIDENCE Richmdnd Hill", Jane [3. H566. A R DWA R E. FUR SALE OR Will BE [EH Furm' Produce taker. in'uchnngo‘, Richmond Hill. April 6. 1866. Richmnnd Hi1i,jJuxy 12, 1866. IN GREAT“ VARIETY, A'I‘ SCO'I‘T’S RICHMOND HILL. A'r scor'r’s RICHMOND HILL. A'F SCOTT’S UCIIMOND HILL; Cnntallu 6” acres uftlw very host of land. al nearly cleared. 0n the p‘elnises are erected a two story brick house, with a Irmne ham. stable. cow house, and piggery, and every oxhe‘r convenience. Also u lama apple oYch- aid and plum and pear orchard, and currauls in abundance. ‘ For terms, apply personally £5 GEORGE ARKSEY. On the promises. n-. Ilt-‘;el . An .â€" SCHOOL BOnKS! Day Bopks, H isscllaucous Books ! In (In Township of Vaughan. within hnlfa mile of \ onqe Street. nml Fifteen from l'oron- \0 ; he Mill contains two run of Burr Slones, nwrnlmnluud country bolts, driven by a never failing stream of watch JOHN WATERHUSE, ()R SALE, that valubfe Mill Properlv, known as the RICHMOND HILL MILLS,- Toronto. Aug 9, 1866 Grist Mill & F arm FOR SALE. A'r NINE A M. Cand’dates will he required to produce certifi- cnms of moral character from their respectiva minNers, and if 'l‘eachers before, also from their respective Trustees. JUHN JENNINGS. D.D.. IN THE CITY OF TORONTO, Richmond Hill, COMMON SCHOOL TEACHERS, COUNTY OF YORK. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an Examinatlun quommm. School Teach- ers and others. wxll take place on N E \V M A R K E T For‘ Terms. apply to From 30 cts, to $6. A'I‘ scor'r's RICHMOND HILL. Photographs for 500ts doz. OF ENGLISH NOTABLES, AT SCOTT’S RICHMOND HILL. ALB UMS AT SCOT'L"S RICHMOND HILL. A'I‘ SCOTT’S,RICHMOND HILL. Plain & Fancy Stationery IN EVERY VARIETY, Family 85 Church Bibles 'etlnesday. 29th August, 1866 Purses, 8L0. 'E'I-IE FARM RICHMOND HILL, EXAMENATION A NICE ASSORTMENT. Journals and Ledgers, all sizes; Pass Books; Pocket Books, wallets, IN EVERY VARIETY. At 'he Court House. AT LOW PRVIC ES, AND AT M. TEEFY, . Iiand General Agent Chairmnn‘ 544i. ‘3.“ A FRESH LOT or ENGiISH BOOKS With a General Assb‘rtmenf of Art'nctes’in Con- nee’tion with the Trade; - r CALL,»- INSPECT ANDmPU‘R‘C HASE. Admitted by all to be Ith’e‘ best and finest flavored, egrgo‘fg'e; on the Hill; Remember the plaéeéadjdining Amblet’s Hall. se- FARM PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE; «u GIFTS 8: PRESENTS SCGTT S- » Richmond ~ THE mWES'f PGSSIBiE ‘ffiiétsrt STOCK ‘07:? Tfi'A-rs: v » . HRSTPRIZE, N“ HARNESS ESTABLISHMENT! ATISINSGN’WS,’ RICHMOND TheGreat Emporium GROCERIES "I , mwmwms, i Crockery, Glassware, f At Toronto Prices.- Of Mnntrval and 'I‘oronlo_manufacture, consisting of Ladies’ CaH', Prunnla. fine su yen-fine Kid Boots; Gents’ Cobourgs, Guitars. and Long Boots; Glil'n and Buy.’ Boots Shoes in great variety. Hi5 general - STfllIK BF BRY Eflflflfi ERflEEBIHS AM] HARDWARE THORNHILL.’MAY 1866'. Boo-rs AND SHOES Twenty ‘per Cent Cheaper than the usual price, Oi'all Descriptions, &c. &c. ISLC.‘ ‘ v . To which he invites the attention of the public. Cheap Cottons‘ ! M©mgmmg manslg TORONTO, July 27, 1866. ! 0! Grey Cottons‘; Which will anivv'e in a few (12 flared at about 1 Richmond Hill; May 3, 1866; GREATLY" RAEMQQCEI) PRICES, To make room for purchases now being made“ in " ' the British Markets. ‘ WILLIAM-fll'iffififlbi Great Reduction in, ‘HE Subscriber begs to Iniorm the 134 KING STREET EAST, Opposite the Market"; ..... . . .. . .. Richmond Han, May 9', 1866. READY-MADE CLOTHING. W. A. Would call particular attention to his HAS BEEN RECEIVED; AND WILL BE sonn‘csmr AT ' He would also call attention to Ins lérg‘e Slocli bf FoR EVERY THING IN WAY 013‘. Will be found to be well assorted and_Choap. Mac Ifardwarc, 650., is at the filarketr . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .Toron’to, Offer: 11;; whole of his firemen: large Stbck at coupnlsmcg-L . Silks, Shawls, Mantles, Bonnets, Hatsg‘vParasols, DressGoods, Shirtiugs, Sheefih‘gs, Prints, Hosiery, Gloves, Ribbons,» Flowers, Feathers, Cotton Warp,» mu? 3': FOUND 6N SUITABLE FOR A lfligo uswrtment a? public that he has hlrrchased n lafge quaint?“ r,_l Josun PUll'KiSs‘ lays from Englandjud 'nm by ism. 48¢! 5!- fine ahd and

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