Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 31 Aug 1866, p. 4

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firsts). ' " .LWrittmforflw?etm. WITHERED LEAF. .â€" Little {leaflfi-om. whither .cpst, Sportbfievery wghton blast“; m scum ‘ rWhere they like to make you go 7 I the little leaf rousec, Wat‘tad Irrii'r‘i the forest tree’; There I buddcd, after row ’Till I was surpassedg by few. contributing an the rest iTo the forestsdovliness, When she hath, as she hath now, Beauty’s Isural on her brow. But upon a luckless day, Storm with fury swept my way; For a while I firmly clung, To the bough from which Ibung. But my little stem so frail Con 11 not longewithstand the As it rolled in fury pest, mending all before the blast. 331°! 80 it period, 9nd that's how, I’m a wanderer from the bough; Drifting hitherto an fro, .Where the creeks make me go. Sad and dreary is your tale Little pilgrim of the vale, But through nature's wide domain, Gun you look and then complain. For though blighted is your form. All like you must feel the storm; And be drifted to and fro Where the fates commandeth no. BEBE. filirrrllmnnus To all men the best friend is virtue ; the best companions are high endeavours und honourable sentiments. That only can with propriety be styled refinement. which by strengthening the in- tellect, purifies the manners. We are olteuer more cruelly robbed by those who steal intoour hearts then by those who break into our houses. In some tranquil and apparently amia- ble natures, there are often unsuspected uud unfathomable depths of resentment. Some of us fret inwardly. The latter is the better plan for our friends, but the worse for ourselves. ’ Friends should be very delicate and care- ful in administering pity as medicine, when enemies uge the same article as poison. ‘ He who think he ycen do without others is mistaken ; he who think others cannot do without him is still more mistaken. ’ The tear ofa loving girl is like a dew drOp on the rose; but that on the check of a wife is a drop of poison to her husband. Of all monarchs, Nature is the most 'ust in the enactment pf laws, aniline, most righ- rous in punishing the violation'of‘thém.' Never retire at night without being WlB’JT than when you rose in the morning, by having learned something useful during the day. When a. cunning man seems the most humble and submissive, he‘is the most dangerous. Look“ Out for thé‘"ér6u'c'hing' tiger. Love‘s sweetest meanin The full heait knows no it resorts to the glances. s are unspoken. r 'etOric of words - puntomire of sighs To enjoy life,.you should he a little miser: able occasionally. Trouble, like cayenne, is not. very agmehble in itself, but it gives zest to other things. " i What more naturel than that sentimental voung ladies, when they change their con- ooi-iuiios’s nor El. 1 LATE VAN NOST RAND’S, ’ HE Subscriber begs to inform the Public that be has leased the above Hotel, whoreho willkeep constantly on hand a good supply of first-class Liquors, &c. .As this house possesses every accommodation 'lra- veliers condosiro. those who wish to stay where they can find every comfort are respectfully iii- vitod to give him a call. GIDEON DOLMAGE. Proprietor. Richmond Hill. Dec. 1865. 28-:1’ »itlchiIEr;”“’i'io USE : AURORA. D be has Leased tlie above Hotel and fiited it up in a manner second to none on Yonge St- wbere lie will keep constantly on hand a good supply affirm-class Liqubrs, 52.0. This house parsnissses every accommodation Tlth 11ers can desire, those who wish to stay where they can find every comfort arolrespeclfullyinvited to put up at this establishment. Aurora June 1 .865. t. SIM/ILL FARM! FOR SALE ON YONGE STREET. HE Advertiser offers For Sale his Ilerm, of fill ucms, on Yongo St'cct, about half- way between Richmond Hill and 'I'bornliill or he will sell 46 acres with the Mann House and Farm Buildings. TERMS :â€"A small payment down, and a ling time to pay the balance if required. PRICE:â€"-For the 46 acres, with Farm House and buildings, $68 dollars an acre. Possession can he lied on let April, 1866. N. B.-â€"â€"A BAY MARE, 6 years old for Sale. (on time if required.) G. J. F. PEARCE. Lot 39, 1st Con. Vaughan. March 16th, 1866. RICHMOND HILL Cabinet Establishment. ’ HOMAS COGHI.AN begs to inform the inhabitants of Richmond Hill and sur- rounding country. that be has leased. or a number of rears. the Cabinet Shop and Store from Mr chber. where be will manufacture and keep on hand a good assortment of Household Furniture, Chairs. Tablea, Bedsieads. Bureaus, Cupboards, Drersing Simids, die , which he offers at extremely low prices, Also it large assortment of Room Paper, Bordering. White Lead. Paints and '.olor, Raw and Boiled Linseed ()il, Machine Oil. Rock Oil. Varnish. Turpentine. Benzene. Gloss. Putty, Glue, &c., 6L1: l’arties Furnish- ing. l’npui'ing,ior I’einliiig their houses, will do well io call before purchasing elsewhere. _. He would also call attention to his FLOUR, FEED, Provision and Grocery Store, Where he will keep on hand Flour, Shorts. Bran, Oats. Pause, Oatmeal. Cornmeal. Buck wheat, Bacon. Hams. Cheese, Fish. and Sony ral Groceries oftbe Best Quality. for sale. at Prices that cannot be surpassed. Richmond inn, Jan. is, 1866. DR. 3I-Gm. SURGEON DENTIST ! I ESl‘ECTFULLY announces that he has , changed his time of visitingthe following places, and aftertbie date will lie (Sundays excepted) in Stoufi'ville . . . .. . 18th of each month. . _ Brcugliam..........â€" ..191h “ '- ‘1’”? (if {31ng blesseflnessl to be i'vlailtb'niu'Village . . . . . . . "Qlltb " " P33131ng S ‘ 0“ ‘3 §XP0§}3}V9 f Brown’s Corners. . . . . . . - . .let " " Self-concet is about as uncomfortable a 3:522:23d ’ ‘ " ' ' ' ‘ ' seat as a man can have for a steady thing.‘ Maple. _ ' _ . . . ..... 26”, i. .. Censure is most effectual when mixed lflll‘l'l°k~ - - - ' r - - - - ' - - ' ' ‘th f. '1 Wm, praise. so, when 5 fun” is discover bleinburg . . . . . . . . .. . . . . .QEHh I: ed, it is well to look up a virtue to bear it N°"'°‘°“~ - - ~ ----3 "h ’ company. Hunting" is a relic ofthe barbarous spirit that thirsted formerly for human blood, but is now content with the blood ofinferior animal. Children would’t cross their parents so often 'wlienthcy grow up, if they were to cross their parents’ knees a. little oftcner when they are little. I Bondage ofthe Passion. The man who riolcnty hates or' ardently loves, cannot avoid beiogin some degree a slave to the person detostcd or adored. Nothing is so fragile as though in its in fancyâ€"an interruption breaks it; nothing is‘so powerful, oven to overturning of n: iglily empires, when it reaches maturity. The creations of fancy are divine. Many :1 Venus, as beautiful as she who rose from the white team of the sea, has risin from tho black fouin of the poet‘s inkstand. Mon often dread poverty the more the fur- ther they are removed from it; as the more giddy the height to which we have attained. the more frightful y‘awns the gulf below. 71f we had not within ourselves the prin' Pi do of bliss. we could not. become blessed‘ 21 c germ of heaven lies in the breast, us the germ.of the blossom lies in the ‘2‘1ut seed. ‘ ' The love oftrurh is root to all the cheri- tics.. The tree which. grows from it may have thousands of distinct and diverging branches, but good and and generous truit will he on them all. ’ The best government isthat‘which teaches a man to govern himself; the next best, that which teaches him how to govern his family ; the third, that which bimte‘aches to "govern community. . I There are many who mistake the love of life for a, fear ofdeuth. anl without judgm pt is an evil, though it be zeal unto 360d.“ « Epitaph on a. Mr. Jones,a celebrated-bone merchant :-r “Hcrellefltlie bones, 0! military ‘Johbd, ' ' w be, when alive, resumed bones : Butpentli’pthat bony-M1113)ka 'I‘ but most amazing bone collector. Has boned poor Jones so snugfind. tidy ’I'hst here he lies‘in’ Bonafield’w ' A Paris. paper upologises to its readers 7'3: being compelled make an criatum, it. having placed {curimprriagqp under the mercantile “ deglsrittio'gg' failure." ‘ V ‘ . Rimming Hun, August In , 1365. Lackey............. Aurora........ Sutton..." . . . .3193! Int 31d Whore he will attend to any business per- taining to any branch of his profession. Auroru,.luna'7,1865. l-tl' BEAllllN’S FAMILY MBn'i'iiINrs The safest and best Medicines in use in Canada. G. A. BARNARD AS been appointed agent, for the County . of Yoik. for the above valuable Modi- c‘mns, which have been Iii-"ore the Canadian public, lor the past seven years, and have given universal satisfactionâ€"lie can therefore, with Confidence. recommend (hundreds of Testimo nisls could be given if required, showing the benefit derived tlicrefi'oiii,) their use for their several virtncr. DEACO‘N’S FAMILY VEGITABLE PILLS Act gently yet effectually; may be token dur- ing any employment, at any time, and even by the most dclicato female. DEAGON’S S'I‘O MACHIC VEGITABLE BITTERS. As a general Tonic, or Strengthening Medi' cine to brace and invigorate the frame. none can be better. DEACON’S l’lL‘} OINTMENT. A soothing rind astringent application ; and, as far as nuronplication 5.111. he of anv Mivice, more soothing and much more astringent. than any hitherto prepared. The majority of cases find speedy relief [iv its use. ..-... u .......v. . DEACON’S WORKING MAN’S FRIENDl Olt HEAL ALL. An excellent remedy for Rheumatism. Erysi- holes, Strains. Bruises. Cuts, ('Iliillilains. Solo ’I‘nroal, and violenrsl‘uins in Back or Side. the effects of the Heal All in the above cases me astonishing, frequently removing all pain in a few liners. DEACON’S VICGITABLF’. COUGH PILLS One or two Doses generally remove the cold. DEACON‘S Mixture for Cholera, lliarrlimn, and Summer complaints, equal to if not bet. ter tbnn anv other medicine made. ‘DI‘ZACON'S unrivalled Cough Balsam, for Coughs, Colds. Consumption, Asthma. 621:, '. DhlACDN’S'Aiitibillious Pills. None bet- terin use. ’ “ "DEACON‘S LINIMBNT. For Cuts, Crooked Heels, and all kinds 0! sores on Horses and Caltlp,’ ' r 'DEACON'SI’Eruptlve‘ Ointment for all kind ol's‘kindiréase‘a. ' ’ ‘ ' ' ’ ‘ ’ 10 AVID McLEOD begs to announce that, llundun lirelssu No. 7, Royal chhange, Cornhi'll. and .No. 7, Pall Mall, Londen. Incorporated by Royal Charter, in 1 '7 2 0. AVING br'en appointed Agent for this Company, one of the oldest and mos; reliable English Companies,l will be happy to affect assurance against Loss or damage by Fire. up0n eVon description of- The Lowest POSSIBLE RATES, With immediate payinentof all Losses. v. G. A. BARNARD, Agent For Newmarket, Aurora, Markham and Richmond Hill.- Riihm‘o‘nd l‘l‘ill. March Nth.- DENTISTRY. % w. c. slumps, o. o. 3., 95 King Street East, Toronto, mum CHURCH STREET, IS prepared to wait upon any who need his. professional services in order to preserve their teeth, or relieve suffering and supply new teeth in the most approvedstyle. Also to regu- late the teeth of those who need it. Consultation free. and all work warranted. June. 1865. QI-y L0 UCES‘TEIB HO USE, YONGE STREET. Jos- Gaby, PrOprietor.- (Late Thomas Coulee.) Good Stabling and an attentive has n attendance. Februniv 5. 1866. always 36 DR. T. o. CULVER’S MEDICAL DISPENSARY. Over 139‘, King Street East, TORONTO, For the cure of Bhunlc and Secret Diseases, And all Female Gomplui ts. H. UNFORTUN ATES READ l OUNG MEN who are troubled with weakness generally. caused by a bad habit in youth. which produces Constitutional delillity,‘ynu can reiv on our remedies, for we have treated over fifty thousand patients, and we guarantee a perfect cure in all Cases. IMPOR’PANT 'l‘O LADIES. Our Periodical drops will bring on the monthly sickness. in all cases of obstruction from any cause, and after all other remedies of [be kind have been tried-in- vain. NEW Rsnmvrm Ann Quinn (Tunasâ€"For Syphilis strictures. seminal weakness. pains in the jomts, affections of the kidneys. diseases of the head. throat, nose and Fklll. and all those dreadful affections arising from a secret habit of youth, which produces constitutional debility, renders marriage impossible. and in the end destroys borli bodyqu mind. The treatment we adopt is the result of upward“: of thirtv years experience and successful practice in Europe and America. Addressâ€"Dr. '1‘. C. Culver, 139. King St. East, Toronto, C W. May 7, 1866. 49-ly AGENTS ‘VANTED. $150 PER MON o T HE GRANITE STATE Family Sewing. Machine is now presented to the people oanneda- possessing all the iniprovoiieiits that can be well confined in a sewingmachine. It will accomplish every description of sewing rance Bumpany 41-1,- ’ LADIES 8. llIIII-IIBEN’S SHAKERS,1 for sale cheap at Wm. S. Pollock's. JOHN‘CARTER, LICENSED AUCTIONEER OR the Counties of York. I’ecl and 0n- F tario. Residence : Lot cl, Gib coucess on Markham. I’ostOfiiceâ€"Uiiionville. Sales attended on the shortest notics- and 1) reasonable terms. 35 The Commercial Hotel. Nelson Street, Toronto. H. LEMON, 5 PROPRIET OR. , First class Stnbling and. careful attendance.-â€" l ‘I‘erms moderate. l Toronto, Feb. 6, 1866. 36 now. ssnnnn‘son: LICENSED AUCTIONEER. FOR '1"ch UNlTKD Counties-of York and Peel. That every House wants, are those NEWV STY LE DOW SHADES That are now manufacturedat R ‘ T i. RICHMOND. Which for Neetness and Durabilitv, chmond Hill, ‘ Residence--Lot 90, fiof 3rd Concession of‘ be ‘ Markham. P,0. .Addreskâ€"Buttonville. Parties requiring Mr. Senderson’s service can make arrangements at the HERALD office. .luiiuury 4. 1565, 31 W. G". MANUFACTURER 0F PURE AND UN‘ADUL'I‘ERAT'ED’ CONFECTIONARY l 383lYonge Street, Toronto.- W. G. C. calls at all‘ the Stores between Toronto and Richmond Hill every two weeks. and supplies Confectionery of all kinds at the Lowest Wholesale prices. Toronto, July 20, 1865, 7" éo‘R'MLEY & FERRIS Licensed Auctioneers! Sales attended to with pronmtz’tude. J. GORMLEY. J. FERIUS. Gormley.‘P.O. Union’villo. I’.O.~ Vlzrrkham, Jan. 4. 1865. 31 NEW CHEAP“, AND FASHION ABLE in 6009531 \1 Spring Stock which Will be found one of The Largest; Cheapest, and Best Selected Stocks in the Neigborhood, Consisting in part of Hoyle’s New and beauti- ful Prints. rich and elegant, Uelaiiies. Mohairs, and Poille de Sliavre Dresses, (iigbamsfihirt- inqs. Bleached and factory Cations. Deninis, Blue and Fancy Farmer’s Drill, 'I‘mvelling, Dressed and Brown Holland, Boys’ summer 'l‘ivoeds. Satinette, Doeski-is, Gambroon, Russellcord. Mens’ Smacks, ()ve‘i‘banls. Long Cloth, Regatta. Fancy 'l‘waed and Flannel shirts and Ready-made Clothing“, with the Best assortment of Mens. Womens and Child- bens’ Socks. Ever Offered in RICHMOND HILL In every size. calm.“ and make, also, a' nice variety al'b‘ilk. Lisle and Cotton Gloves. Para.- sols. Gents’ Linen and Paper Collars. Fancy Silk Neck Ties, Braces, (330., \Vltich will be 8016' for Cash or Short Credit, As Cheap as any House north of Toronto. Late (3. A. BARNARD. Fifteen Dozonin while and Fancy Colours, late times as much. to us at our old stand No- 15 Mniden‘ Lane, 3 New York. By any new in use. 113’ All orders promptly rttendod lo afl] W, P. RICHMOND. Richmond I'Ilil. May 18. 1866. 50-tf K Polygon}: l; EMBLGYME‘E'I‘ um EVERYBODY. Agents wanted-.’th‘ioiiglimit the United Stan and Caiiudus.“ 800,000 Watches. Chains, Sets 01 Join eli}, RiiigFJ’in Bracelets, Sleeve Buttons. Silver Spoona1 and Forks. Cups. Cake Baskets, doc. worth Eight Hundred lliou- sand Dollars. The Entire Siock ofa large Inirouriso Hons): retiring from business. For the pnipose of closing out the stock a. the earliest possible date, the undersigned have PBIN JOB ESTABLISHE‘N ‘11. Older! f'o'r-tho‘ any of undermoutioncdidblcrlp- tlou’or‘ PLAIN Auo‘ lllllllllll in Will decided on u grentdistribution mode as follows. ‘ EACH AND eviznr AnricLia, N'o' MATTER HOW VALUABLE. sumo sou) ron $1. A Certificate of each article with its Value printed upon it. is placed in an envelope and Will 'io promptly nilondcd to 2â€"- sealedâ€"lliese envelopes are thoroughly‘mixed ‘ and sold for 'I'wcnll/fiirc Cents eachâ€"the per- son receiving one of these envelopes is entitled to the article named therein by returning the Certificate to us with one dollar. and the article. no matter how valuablr it may be, will be for- wurded to him or her at once. There are no Blank Certificates and therefore every one is sure to get: at lsast.‘ ilie full value of his or her moxiey‘. Should the article named on the cor- BOOKS; FANCY BILLS, BUSINESS CARDo tifiéate not suii.aiiy other which be may select ‘ of the same value will be substituted". the certificates as l‘ol‘ln‘x’rvs ;' One for 25 cts.. five for SI, eleven for $2 thirty for $5, sixlyJive for $10, one hundred for $15. This distribution affords a fine oppor- I 11111in lor Agents, as what lady or gentlemen will not invest rw‘enivrnn ours with n pros- pect of gelling five hundred or a thousand All orders must be addressed LlS'I‘ OF A RTICLES.‘ except biilton holes. from an overcoat down to G. 1‘. ‘ , ALL or \VHICH Am. To an SOLD rou $1 suck. the finest silks niid musliiis This machine I ‘ ’ ‘ ' sells for only $15, and is really worth $50, 300 06"” ("’ld Hl‘lllmg (785° } in any family. Every niecliinc warranted and ' I WMCl'lU‘S - - u " '3 ~ . - - u- $501" “5i kept in repair free of charge for'tbree ye:~rs.â€" FHOSE LADIES & CILDRFN’S 300 Lad‘es (Tmld “"d Enameled" _ “ A11 machines sold in (.‘snadn are manufacture 600 gislayllélci'5i" 30 7" at [be co~npaiiy’s branch nianiifuctorv in Tor- P H t d B 1 8‘ 5 V 'l ” g' I > ' _ r ‘ onto. Single Machines, with full printed y a S 000 lyiirmglnptllipségn .... .... 1. “7‘3 di'ectinns. snnt ex new free on receipt ~ ' . . .: . . of$15 iii a rcgisleifsd letter. Full printed M Wm S. Pollock's, in Danstahle. Split 3-00“ G0” VeslfllldA‘eCk UNI!“ ‘5 ‘2 3“ directions accompany Bach machina' .0 plain Straw. and Leg born. in the nowa and must i sumo " " " 4 ' (i that a child iwalve years of age can learn to 'fl'fhlonflbla 513‘199- and will be sold at Toronto ‘ 3.00.0 (Edd Ova] Bum, Bracelms' :1 ,u 8 work one successfully in a short time. Address lzrlees. With an aisortment of Flower and . “mo Wm“ l’old “facillpt‘ " ' ' " . '0 or callon 1I uncy Goods. [are 1 9.000 (Cilalzlrzlli'i‘einsliaiiis and 6 u 20 n c o ‘l 81‘ > H . n u n n l o o . u u The Granite SerIlg Mdcnlne G. A. 6,000 Solitaire and Gold Bred-lies 4 " 10 2.1100 Lava nod Florentine ‘ Brooches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 " 6 R, '1". RUSH &. (30., Canada Manufactur- J . 9.0110 Eggphgiml and Emerald 4 to 8 ore. H Kim: Street East. Toronto, C. W. ’ t R I Q d I _= ‘----......----- “can Unions in in Great llritaii. and Canada. L e 9 2‘000 {grffgziinz‘é'm #31211; and 4 u 8 El‘gland’ GlaSgnllv’ momma) “"1 An excellent assortment of 4,500 Conn. ()pul. and Emerald ' 4 ~ .. . . .. ' ti 1’. S.- Good agents wanted In evcrv part 0 . Pal D'f’l’“ l-- -- - r - - 4 ‘ tlie couulrv 10 whom will paid a salary from z 4'000 (’Shlomm Dmmond Breast 2 .n u ,0 $50 to $150 per month, or a large commission A, ‘ l v 9 W. , . ‘ 3 000 . .d.v.l.l..v.v. o In t b I r J Terms to agents son. free to those Wish g If“ “‘2'?” ‘1‘, 0‘35 “l0 1””09 or Wales ‘ 0 _ “ ll“ 95 a C 1 n H agencies_ Spice. Iic l‘uc. Water, and Arrow “Root, at Keys . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . ,.. 2 5 8 i Tomato March 9%,.) 18m 44 1). Toronto Prices. at W. S. 1’01.1.0(.K’S. 4.003 gob apdSVlest lliblbon SBides 3 “ ll.) ’ L ‘ ’ ' ' 4,00 Fuse" 0 itaireo eeve ut- G' A' tons,Studs.etc . . . . . ..... . 3 " - 8 N 7‘ I ‘ i‘ 3,000 Gold Thimbles, 1’encils,olc 4 ” '1 l 6,1100 Miniature Lockets” .. .... 2 50 " 5 4,003 Miniaiuie Locketsâ€"Mn 1c OFTHE 0 Spring........ ......g.. 3 " 20 RICHMOND HILL 0 at“) n as l (3 ry 3,000 can 'I‘ootbpicks, c......, etc.................... 2 “ 8 l ‘ 5.0m) Plain Gold Riiigs......... 4 H Ii ‘ ' ,‘Man’s White and Coloured Merino Socks. n gm“: (lell‘ldnsli'lglféyfit; 2 5?, 2' till piicos. u " 01)" ‘ 9 I g .l‘- ' -. , . . , Men’s Brown and Grey Cotton Socks. 8-00“ “allfm'ma, Diamond R'HES' 2 " 10 ‘W HEREAS' l’here PM?” In the “Elghbor Women’s \Vhite. Grey. Black and Bl 1 7-500 5015 I‘mdles Jewelryâ€"Jet hood very strong indications that OIL 1, Cotton, in all prices. apd bold....,.... .. . 5 u ,5 exists in paying quantities in several locali- .Womenu’ Bnlmoral and French brown do 6-0"0 §°ls Lfid'“ Jewelryâ€" ties. it is highly desirable that a Company Girls' . White and, Grey Cotton Hora in ,0 " C(fltlsli‘fi l egj‘xl-eicfi- - - o-l- ' 4 " I5 should be establithcd to test the matter, and B pm:th G d B C u b» n iildeglz-M' mlncifslwmu 4 u 10 , . . .y. . a. . ' I , i . .. . . . n . obtain it. ii plosmble. f H 1. alssocks i"i a" priézy ai rovm a on 6mm] Gold Pens and Gem Mon“. Since in t e opinion 0 many we, ‘qua i- [nfnnmy Whip, and. Ramon] S”, 9 Conan, led: Il'olders.... . 3 “ lied to judge, SIGNS OF OIL of a most Sock“ m a” 1mm”, and 8,. chefp “s can 5.0130 Gold Ideas and Gold Exteno ,cncouraging character cxtst in the greatestll he bought “I. s, p0LLO€KiS’ 1,1,6 r y spin iloloers.... 6 " 10 abundance on Mr. Klink’s farm, 1} miles ' V melv Silver‘Gublels and Drink- cast of Gainble‘g toll-gate. It is proposedl G.- A. BARNARD_ ‘ m tarps . . . . . . ». 5 50 to sink a well there, as being the place most. 3,260 by]? Iraitvlst... 15 50 favorable for operations. , " 3’ 1331,1113,“ ‘ “,1 , ’7‘ 00 H The Land can be obtained for ten years, 2 I) F d. K ’ 9 ° ' ' ' U " "" u u :1“ Don” for one-tenth of the Oil. Ten acres have are inc 4 av”)an v ' ~ already been leased to secure the site. TheV Daze“ Mixer giflileSSfiiiiii-s $0 m $20 momma W" 0f Sinking "’9‘ W” Wm hel 0' ' and units. . so u .100 about $2,000, about one-half of which will be re uired to procure material, and go on ‘ with t e w0rk. The capital of the Company is to be, $2,000, in 40 shares of $50 each; two‘ shares entitles any member to beceme a 6i rector. As the successful prosecution ofthe en Blhhll sousrv usrusruiiir sCOTT’s noon STORE. Richmond 1331‘, {June 18 65. ' port and' encouragement may. be given to uptifyits rosecution. it'hmo‘n‘ Hill,Nov. so, "1855. Young Hyson Tea»?! 6d 1b.. usually sold a terprise'”will 'coh'fér untold. advantages of Ex""“VFl"°VF'°V“’°d 4“ 0d ‘9 4' 3"] wealth sndTprospci-ity' on onr.village and Willi some excellent brands of Jan. Japan! neighborhood, it is hoped that sufficient snp< Md 1518011 T688. 31 P01100195. lnle TEAS .l 35 Iéd do do 3s 0d do ocd Strong do 35 6d do G- A. BABNARD. Richmond Hill April, 69 1866' AGENTS~VVe want agents in every regi- ment, and in every town and cotiiity in the country, and those acting as such will be allow- ed‘lll cenls on‘ every Cenificate ordered by them. provided their remittance amounts to one dollar. Agents will collec125 cents for every Certificate. and remit 15 cents tons: 0}" Write plainly. say only what is necessary and be prompt. Address, GIRARD W. DEVAUGII do COJ. W el‘sell ' CIRCULAR'S, iiAw FORMS, itiLl‘. HEADS BLANK mtECKs, DR'A FT’S‘, PAMPHLE‘I‘S AND THE YORK HERALD- llllllll, S'll'lllllll IsumsrosrA N;TORE. NEw LIST OF BOOKS" IN SCIENCE, RELIGION, Purim MEDICINE AND MUSIC. â€" THE Proprietor ol' the above Establishment begs to call the rttention of the inhabit- nuts of the Hill and neighborhood. to the recent additions made to his siock or Interesting and Readable Books. being a superior class of lite- rature by the most eminent authors of well; known reputation and popularity. God's Glory in the Heavensâ€"By Wm, Leitdh. Principal of Queen’s College, Canada, $1.50. Good Wordsâ€"vols. for 1861 and 1862, $1.87} use i. Praying and IVorkin'gâ€"By Rev. Win. Steven- . son. 8573 cts. My Ministerial Experience â€"-Bv Rev. Dr. Bachsel. 87; (:18. ' Perish Papersâ€"By Norman McLeod, D.D.',‘ 87g cts, The Graver Thou 87; cls. Burns' Poems, 12pm. cloth The New liife~By Biisbiiel The Book oanmrily W D. Clark, 50 cts. Forty Years Experience By 'I‘yng, 40cm. Buc‘han's Domestic Medicine. only 50 cts, The Canadian Sunday School Rockerâ€"‘10 cti‘. Rob and his Friendsâ€"Ii cts. Bunyan's Pilgrims Progressâ€"40015;. The Scottish I’salmody, in Tonic Solfu Nola? “ ionâ€"25013. Songs of Zion, with Tonic Solfa Notationâ€"J 3 cts. Thomson's [land and the Bookâ€"-$Q, Church Prayer Books. Bibles, Tostumcntl, a" all prices. lAdVelflUl'eB in the Gold Moldyâ€"25013. glits of a Country Parsonâ€" U . gilt edgesâ€"Silcts,’ l, 12mo cloili. 400M orsliipâ€"By Rev. We" in a Sunday Schoolâ€"d cheap. edition; 1N FICTION. The “’u‘vorly Novelsâ€"30 cls. The Wreck Ashoreâ€"~40 cts, The Roving I1:Ilgllsllnlltliâ€"-Q5 cls. The Romance of Common Life-~50cts. The Forty-live Giiai'dsiiienâ€"â€".‘)ll etc. The War, or Voices from the Ranks-.25 cls. Iliflemen and liificsâ€"-Q5 cls. FANCY STATIONERY. Albums for 1‘2 Portraits, 3U cts. Albums lor 24 Portraits, $1. Albums for ‘24 Portraits, (Cape Morocco.) $1.: Albums for 24 Portraits. (Morocco) 352, Gelll’u Walking Cuiios. from 40 to fillets. Pen Knives. with 1 blade, from 15 to 2001s. Clasp do. do. 3 do. 5llcls. (beautifully finished.) Strong Clasp Knife, 1 blade, 95 cm. Scissors. Illcis. Dressing (fares $1.59 to $2. Marking I')k. 15 cts. India Rubber Hulls. 10 cts. Slate Pictures. 15cm. 11:1" Periodicals Supplied “reckly or Monthly. Richmond 11111. Mar 26. '65. 1 ON NERVOUS RELAXATION and EX" HAUSTION. New editions enlarged to 19' pages,i11u:~'lrnli-il by It"! Anatomical Colors Engravings on Steel. Just published, price I HE SILENT FRIEND, the greniesim'eiiil cul Work ofihe Age, on Youthful Indiu- cretions and consequent lnipeiliineiils to Mnro‘ ringe, describing [lie Anatomy of the Ilepro‘: d’uclive System in health and disease, and pointing out the sure means of perfect remors- tion to manhood: willi an Essay on Single und‘ Married Life, Containing a I’roscriplton kuowu' us the Preventive Lotion. precluding the pen sibility of cciituiiiinntion. Also to be had tromull A the world, EXTRACT-S FROM THE SILENT FRIEND, price 6d., which contains direction! ior [lie guidgnice of patients. MesSm. R. & L. l’icnur on Co. are onlv to be consulted at their residence, No. 19. Burners” Street. Oxford Sreo'. London, as they never, under any circuiiistnnces, travel either at hu‘me' or abroad. and they hereby caution the Public ngninst any person using their‘ name. and an n» further. precaution against fraud. the Public" is notified that none of1 their medicines are go. n‘uin’o. iiii’le‘ss the shbjoined frIc-simdic of their signature is atttachcd to their diflb'i'i‘fl Wro‘p‘é pet's; gents in all parted»! AND Quinn/trivia AND Museum“ l’owun Rmsflih And every other kind of {nutter-Press Printing. OUR ASSORTM ENT OF“ 50' the nuns ls entirely new and'e’f’ltlid nun [-i'ille'ilrs‘, large variety at“ new Traci-nice, &€ just rocein: N o. 1-5 Mvaldou‘ha'no, NewYorm. ‘. Juno 9, 1865‘ '31!) ll?" MUERS FHMPTIYEXHUYE 2:1 nv‘ '1 Hn‘ us: or Perry’s Cordial Balm of Synacum: Established nearly a century, and knewn' throughout the world as the GREATEST RE-' GENERATOR; u nove‘rhfa‘iling remed for' Spernmtorrhm. loss of ma’nly power. pro‘ end1 by early indiscretions. or any other chose..- Itenriclies the principal vital fluids, enabling those who have deemed themselves in'cn'rn’blo at once‘ to fulfil the most sacred obligations ct" m‘arried life. Price 11s. per bottle, or fo‘u'i" quantities in one. 338,, whic’lr Alfie's Ila. : Ind‘ iii £5 bottles. effecting} saving of£l Ills." mum's CONCENTRA‘I‘ED onus- SIVE ESSENCE, u‘rb‘itle’dy‘for Syphilisin' .il‘ its stages, also for purifying the systc;rn,‘,lroin- _ contamination, recommended for schoolth symptoms. liloicbcs on the head und‘fiobi oli- largonient oftlie throat. tonsils. and uvulo: ito' beneficial iii‘fiurlnce' on the sySte'm is‘unduip' able. Price 11s. and 33s. per bottle,» Idiot" saving of I Is. 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