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No paper discontinued until all m‘rem‘ngns I I . . . are pud : and pamen refusing papers wnlloul paying up. will be held accountable tor lhe éubwription. ‘ 5. ! 5: HI ‘ ‘ y - I ‘ Six lines and lulxder. ï¬rst iu‘ï¬ertiou . . . 43:00 Egéh subsequent iynsarï¬â€˜nn. {fer limb. . . Una Column per twelve months. . . . .. Hqu 9 column do V do . . . . . . ‘Quéfp: of n coiuaï¬Ã© pa}1\'}elvé "10th One column pm six months . . . . . . A c . Fulfairgolumu >do H .......n.. Quinn of a column per six months. ._I A card of ten lines, for one year. . . . . A curd of ï¬ftaon lines, do . . . ... A card oftwem}: Iiueï¬. do . . . .. . All transitory advertisements, from strangers . or Irrngulal customers. must he [Mid for when hund- d in for inser'iun. Mémberof the Royal College of Surgeons England, JOHN M. man), M. 1)., (:08. 0F YONGE AND CULBURNE STS., ,. Consultatiom-in the 0mm on (he morningu 0f Tucsduw. 'l‘hmnlnyu and Snlurdm‘s. H to 10,n,m. HE’AH consultations m the utl'xue. [I Residenceâ€"Near thn Church m' England iiejerouce permitted 100. S. Winstunluy, Esq. Moinb. Royal Unllegu of 51113100116, Eng" 1‘)ng St. 'I‘oroulq, nnd Thomas U. Savage, 59’. M 1)., Manny. [Ru-3.0011. Surgeons, ling; Thmhmu. \ ' ILL. g’onernlli be found at home ‘ccfore ‘ I half-pant 8mm and from 1 L02 p.m. r All parties ‘Qwing Dr. J‘ Imugglnï¬'are expectâ€" 9.15 to call and pay promptly. as he has pay- ments now that mus; be met. I ,‘Mr. Geo. Burkin is uuLhox-isefl to collect,aud ï¬iyyggesimwm: W. . ,, kiéhmou I ,June.~f%5 " ' 1 Cub- 'l'hornhi||. June 5!, 1865 , READ & 30 V D: Barristers, Attorneys at Law, Solicitors in Chancery,&c., DR. JAS. LANGSTAFF, M. TEEFY, ESQ†\ Notary Public, 'mMMIssmnea IN THE Quzws B: W, EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, 71. King ereet [1155; . Toronto. 15.13. READ, Q.C. l J.A. BOYD B A R‘I‘CHMONIB rim. vnsr ()Fl-‘ICR. ii GREEMENTS, Bonds, Deeds. Manama. L Wills. &c, &c., drawn wuh aumniun and pronflptitï¬do. Terms. moderate. Richmond Hill. Jam; 9. 161,5. 1 . CONVEYANCLR. AND DIVISION COURT AGENT OFFICEâ€"In lthe “ York Herald " Buildin rs Richmond Hill. C ’ QAHBISTEB, Attorneyâ€"ai-Law. Solicitor in Chancery, <50 NVE YANCE R, &c, &c., &c nun: if not paid within Two Months. One Dollar and Fifty cents will be charged. ,‘ .M‘Néa,‘ MURRAY 89 JACKES, Barristers S; Altormsys-aI-Lzm‘ Solicitors in Chancery; .‘ COXVEYAXCERS. &c. bKFrICEâ€"In the Court House, . .TOR'O'NTO August 1, 1866'. 59 Juno 9, 1865. Oppqsite the Elgin .vlills, .a_:-v x5132.’ "' 7;; _ , THOMAS SEDMAN,‘ Carriage and ‘Waggon N ....,MAKER. . RATES OF ADVERTISING. Muy 7:12:66 &c. &c. &c. RaidQ'nceL-Nbarly qppcm‘itl: the P55! Ofï¬ce. Richmond ‘iilL Henry Smelser, iiiuamszm mmctow. 'ICENSED AUCTION EEK for the coun- ,tiss of York and Fuel. Collector of Notosz. 1000mm. &'0. Small charges and plemy to do, Bushy. Mirah 2nd 1865, 3943' UNDERTAKER flEbc' 19am «gnaw July, 5m. 1866 P. J. MUTER. M. 0.. siciau, Surgeon & Accuuclxi‘ux -- Thornhill. DR. HOSTETTâ€"ER, GEO; B. NICOL, LAW CARDS. IS PUBLISHED 'HIORNIHLL Elam. Mar 'l'hompsou’u East llldiu Hulls?) RlCHMOND IMLL 3:54, { _ W" LRa-wdcnceâ€"Lrn -1 '10, Jnnimrv 16. 18C 4 I-Ll' (m 3:: 00 7.") no *2“ mm? (m ()2 50 (m an (m 20 (m 4w no m [5le 4m; 5-1y .25 it; Give John a. call when i 'l‘oronlu. Um; lb‘iié. Vol. VIE. NO. 12‘. Mullâ€"rhmn. Nov. 1,156.3 Imst a. Mmmï¬xuluror and Don'H' in all klllds of Men‘s \me-n's und (Illlhlwu‘s Kym on h “CAMERAS; SWIM} PUE‘E’S! Saw Mill on In: 25. ï¬lm! ('ou IIIIHPS eastol’ Kmlunuud U 111 by The Best is Always the Cheapest. CKNOWLHDGI'II) by W“) Farmers. I’m- [\ mssimml Gentlemvn and min-rs (who have lhmn wnrking m VVuHs. mining In depth rmig‘ m m mg) rm), m ha [ha EAHH‘ZS'I' W‘ )HK El). MUST DURABLE. and Effl- ClFN 1‘ ever ofl'med to the Public, [[5]? Price GU cents per foot.‘ Nu extrachurge for Tap. flamed Lumber. E‘moriug,&c. Richmond Hill. June :16, 166.3 LOOK Afi‘ 'HHS PLANEENG TO ORDER, Urdu-rs fur (hose Pumps adalresssvd to C. POW |C|,l.. Nv-wmn Brook, Cl? Will rnceiw pm]an mlculiuu. l-tf June. 7,1515. ilg Lumbv ‘ my Pam g. Jnuu IND EDMUND SEAGER, E’mvincisfl Lami Kus'veyor, «‘36. Richmond Hill Bakery! UAMts BuWMAN, ssum' Of Marriage Licenses, ALMH‘C \ 31mm, HUS Ionvu xn Ilmi[_\' the public Hm! he Im- ]% purvhm-‘vd [ho {Ml-zine.“ and Emmi “'1†of .l, Hnywnrd‘s establishnwnl. nzui Mn! 1)» is premide lo t'nrninh BREAD nn-i FANCY (‘AKICS to mom who mu} hmmr lllll) with llwir pntronagn. Pic-Nit: pï¬l‘IiFé‘ and Tan “eatimm m|\;.‘ii:-(l at (he lowest pusdble Hues and on LEM Hmnm‘t "mire. All )rdm's Hr'xcdv attended {3. V‘HE Suhsmilmr lem and 1h:- puh‘u: L1 npmH-d an H‘VI‘I‘II. ink 1th Con. Vaughnâ€, win Richmond Hill, Ju ’ "HE thsmilmr lwg< in infm‘m his friendu and 1111- [mth gelmrnlh’. Ihm he has npnm-d an HUTI‘II. in Hm Viiiuge uf Mupia, 1th Con. Vaughnâ€, whore, he. huvay by amen. Mon to {he (:mnhn' :(.t' (he, lrnvvllmg ammun- n'lu'. to menu a sham (11' Hmil‘ ï¬atronuwe and uppnrt. (2000 Enabling. 610. a One of the oldast and Clldupest houses in the ESHHCNVF 4:»1‘3‘3. ï¬nd Con. Mnkhnm mime [QuinM||l~['|uuk1{mad. A hug“ :{luvk ul E‘I’zva: uml SHISULES. kept fly on hmu‘lmud said ut'the ‘m/‘em: Prices 7n!) and szuuiuu Smuk befuru pux'chuw Railroad Hotel, Maple ! Maple. Jan [8r 2 PCS rv.~pe(:1mHy H) inform his (rmzicxnars J hull lhu public, Khu'. ha i-4 Inepm'ud to do OOD nannnmmdutiOH for Travellers-- T Wines. Liqunn -nd ngnrfl of the best brand always on hand, Good Shhliug and nuentivu Hustler in atlaudunct. January lC‘. 15“ EAVE mums, xyAngsyguTs, NEW SERIES. John Langstayfl ROBERT RU ~ JLE, Proprietor. 3:1 W (:51 Mark M UMBEBINGâ€"l \u-whul'u. st (mica Addreas-Riuanmnd um In any qunnlily, 1m DAVID EYER, J um, ‘Cfsu‘lioxs AND PUMPS! JOHN BARRON; RICHMOND HILL AND YONGE ST’LGENERAL ADVERTISER. A 1} RA l I A M I? Y E R At the lowest pussihla W. and, SA W I N†nunu prmnptiy ; ulsu Manufactured and for Sale by RH'HHHND HILL. f Tm: ï¬ned x Gi'ovcd P O \V It] I. K 51 mm ZYIILLF,T‘HOH.NHILL :u'lwl Squaw. : of Km: Emmet 1806 . PU mm Street .: W°it)'ra2wc(1, Hi"). LLUC} RICHARD VAILES. 3‘2-1)’ TORONTO. hm! nmico dams 3mm] rates Markham, 9} 1116 Hank Rand ngfmn 4-ly C W 13 hf ln pm‘smi decent and in dress, llvi' manners and her wordé express The (lL‘kK‘Ile ul' mind; Good inn'unui- liiicrlitens up her face, Wham: passion never leaves a trace. Nor frowns a look unkind : Nu vexin.r sac-er, no angry word, Nu somnlnl from her lips is heard WM 0 trntli .md sweetness blend,- Sulnnsssivo to her husband's will, llm' bl'l‘ y is Ln please him still. His‘ fond 21nd l’uillil'ul friend; Sh) \mtclivs his returning way, thn him the troubles Hi the day IIL.‘ seeks an lmui‘ of blessâ€"â€" 81w runs to maul-111m \ViLll a smile, Alnl ii' no eye be near the while, The smile is with a kiss! L'At none 100k h CR 911 (lurker years, \th‘e Hop lmzc 3131‘ had set: But 1m us yurpursuc (he right, And uH Ll‘e wrung forget. Lot :mvm dwqpix'e. f4) Will And 111 ‘Calm yourself, Mr. Oakley.’ said Mr. Severn. ‘This matter will, I have no doubt, he Speedily clean-d up. You 01 course receiv- (‘u my new? 'He dud,’ l‘iï¬ï¬‚ied Czlrnfz‘nq Oakâ€" ley, who puzz ed and dismayed by, lhu slrcnge aspect of the circle of [aces round her, eXCvpt. indeed. Ihatol‘vaiHe. had rejoined her falhvr. ‘ Wé are here in. compli- ance with-the réquest 1 il‘ 'tzoma'inl‘ ‘Thal being so,’ cominued Mr. Severn with relaxed sturnness. ‘lhis slrange mumpprt-llcusinn can be at once lt'l‘nlinuivd. The will, air, whzc}; mv uncle, Sir Marlin Bidâ€" (ltlll‘h hr: in vour cusmdy. and of which I have long known the purâ€" pnrhyou nl courac have bxougkhl with you 9' ynu ’ ‘ 'l he will !’ murmured Ruben Oakley, gazing wiih a perplexed and lé‘rriï¬vd, expression at the speakerâ€"' llie will " ‘Ym, sir; I speak plainly lihink. 'l'he “illof Sir Marlin Biddulph. lrli, as he inlormcd me, with ‘ Ah yes, I romember.’ rejoined llw hewiidm‘ml man, rubbing his {nu-‘hr‘arl, as 1hr) rvcall some air 1'\2iT).~HinC(‘ In memory, and lowking ï¬xvd‘v :11 Mr.» Conway, who ap- pmurc'r! pnrx)0r\=.y 1:3 avoid his gaz“. "I‘hn \\'il'.â€"â€"h was burned last nigh! ‘Prr-oisely; "but his intellecf sswms deranged? ( 'Nm leh wi‘h me,‘ exclaimed Onk‘my, as H suddpnly recauinm what In that momr‘nt had escaped; his mvmmv. "I‘rnrjâ€"m'noâ€"nm left with me; 1mm [ 'emember sinw, that was it.’ I ‘ Father! Mer i’ oxciaimee Caroline. throwing hhrself on her knees brfure him in an ecstacy of agonizod apprehvï¬sion. ‘ whaï¬ dreadful mvnning lies concealed in your words ?' ‘thing. my chiM.’ he 9d, genlly raising her. with meâ€"no, noâ€"-hurned you ; how could I heip it P' Exclmnulions of surprise. raga, and indignmion, burst from the lips of his brmher and Mr. Severn. ‘ Slay. slay. do not curse me. sir; do not npbraid me, Richard 2 I will make‘all right. That girl, that lad} is she your child ?’ hnmvd! \th, Hlis is a ‘ ‘Yes, and the'wife pf me man you carelessly or wilfully beggar- ed? When ‘ And did I not hear some one sav, as we came along, that 111‘s funds had risen three per cent. this lnmning‘l’ A TALE ()h‘ MAMMON-WORSHIP. fhe Speculator.‘ They had at two o‘clock at al 11$ (,'()11L‘Zucdfl‘()771 our last r-ly (:mnlc at lust; and; out will hall the day, wwwwing scene are put. fiimiare. RICHMOND HILL, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1866. Hope “ Letv Sound Reason weigh more with us than Populdr Opinion.†bri ghtor hours, answer.- Nm 1?“ as I 101d > ‘11 is all ravingnonsense what by. says about burning a Will, ldsi nighl,’ said Hardy with cool efl‘roxb Ie'fy ;‘ ‘lhal I can testify.’ _ ‘ Scoundrel i’ ekclaimed Mr. Severn. pale with passion. ‘Never mind, Hardy,’ said Conway. VVilh triumphant. malice; ‘ JOSPTS, you knuw, are pg’ivilqud to call names. But i1 is lime this bpgiticï¬ gnonld’ be terminaled. Either, my Sweet, amiable,»vir4a~ous asapms‘ï¬ce' til; .7 will you speak of, or, like a sensi- ble fellow. give possession at once to [he undoubted heir-al-law. I still adhere 10 my pron'iise Mallow- ingyon a handsome annuity in: IIR: ‘le lwar?‘ said Mr. Severn addrt‘ssing Conway. ‘l have heard.†replied that per- son. (inickley recoverin‘gy his run- memIv-lalurring hardihood“ l have heard the ravingsof a lunatic. You heard him declare a minule before, {hut no will had been lvil with him. Thai, no doubt, is {he faci.’ mini iiildvedi; an 1. Hunt-(weal sprucp, new. Sp‘i)lit'<s, as if he had‘ just Sl‘..‘p])i'ilâ€"â€";T ) m! -r (l hair, pig Iail, polislwil llmsi'nn l)n(;ls,l)i)11lt’- green cml. li 1‘1: ll )werml waist G()al,2()|(l so if wx. and allâ€"on ()l a Sll()\'\'v}_Â¥l:l\~=, ()n'e“ loo, of tho! lmost polili~.1h- in m o lurlunlls of gt-nllemun; hand as summer in speech; in uclmn‘ i' has rogmrlml, keen as Ihe norlh “ind: a bachelor wilhal, although a greui admirw ol' the gentler sex, forl,“ ho he invari gably n'ianiresled unbounded respect 'and deference. He glided (:0an- leous‘y round the circle, lendoring ghis compliments or his snulfhox allernalelv to all; which done, he had leisure to gaze round in as- loundud recognition of the: perplexâ€" ('d and angry countenances by which he found him'Self environ- Eda â€"â€"0n condiliun, of CHUNG, that my unqucsliunuble right isnt once and {mulin udmilled.‘ ‘I will accvpl no gill from you,‘ replied Mr. Severn; ‘ and I will assuredly surrender nullling till I have Consullml Sir Marliri's salici- lor, “hom l mmnently expecl.’ ‘Qune right, coz.’ rejuined Con- awy; ‘nnd it" Hm: asxme gentle- lnanâ€"er. Smart, { belime; ï¬rm nmeart and Flgvsâ€"(luvs no! long delay hisappearunce, I can have no objecIiun lc your remaining here 1i'l hr: :omvs.’ This msolen! sp‘eoch, and the angry remrl rising 10 Mr. Severn’s lips. were both (:hvcked by the fam- mun’s anuouncwuem oi ‘ Mr. Smiri.’ Ver} ex1raordinary, upon my word !' Quite. it should seem, ‘ a la mort.’ Sir Marlin was unquesâ€" tionably a most _e{slimable gentle- man, and 0| course it is proper and na'ural his demh should :excile grief, lhai is; fur I hold exi'gebs. even of virtuous enmiions, to be uln- chrisiian, and therefure.’ l ‘ Not that! Then what, in lhe of fortune, can il be P Something excessively melancholy and gliev- ous, I should say.’ added the solicl tor, helping hlmselfloa comforta- ble pinch. and blowing with ela- boram courtesv to Mrs. Severn, ‘ l0 throw a gloom ovler the fcalures n, ‘1')1‘is ï¬ot that.’ interr‘nptm‘l Mr. Severn i'rnpaliqn'lly. although he I'll] hesilaled to ask We questions which Irembled on his lips. milhav‘e N0 nne'see-med disposed to fur- therr‘nlighten him and he waccom- polleï¬ himself to renew the conver sation. ‘Upon mv life this is verv extraordinary. “’1†you, sirâ€"â€" will your lzuiyshipâ€"l bog pardon, I am wrongâ€"prmnatnre, at all events. The bamnctcy is, I am ‘avare. extinct, in cnnswâ€" queuee of the failure of heirs in the male line; but it will be renmvnd, madam no ques tion of lhï¬lt‘ lpokmg at the steady summit given with†minisler hv the- the lateexcollvnl lnmnet. Still I am promaturo ; lint will you. ma- lam. prcvltil (in, some of these wgemlemen to explain .5’ , ‘Originiaf'drafll I No, cervtailnfy 1101. ,Of what P'ogsiblq qsL'WQHId ‘il VL ‘. "w ‘Eh3miermui': vour husband «excusg my freedorni of speech, madan pray; it wusi quilt: invglumaryâ€"-sjv0nlaheoqs, l‘ aSsure yumâ€"and the possession nf‘ sixlep-‘n, tgl'ipusand a year. Verin mnlancholv arid grievous, indeed ; quite a curiosity, [should say,. and l'aineXlre-mbly anxious to maki- ils acquaintance. [think I precvive conlivnued :he 0in man of law, ï¬lming: no one reply .0 himâ€"‘1 1hin 1 preneive my cause of 'Ihisi paSSing cloud. Don‘t you think, sin"1 he addm], approaching BIL: l ‘Unquestionahly Ida. He sne- cuecds to the real estate, and so much aim-elusive persons, though there are conflicting decision deci- sions, as pertain to the proper maintenance of his condition. The family plate and furniture of Oak- lands, and this mansion {or' ins» lance, would. in my opiniLn, pass to you with the reality‘ as the late Sir Martin Bittdulph‘s heituatâ€"iaw. wereyon notâ€"as well as you are â€"â€"und really were it not that the? fortunatq legatee is my exec-Hem and esteemed young friend ~if he will permit me tcrcall him somMr. Severn, [should greath regret the circutnst‘anceTâ€"bnrred from the suc- cession the amiable barcmet's will." HUL' , W ‘ . . a , ~ ' .. _§"“"‘.'I'~$’~5;"W«*‘ ‘ I thought perhaps, helned will] your lestimonv, it might avail; but. as it is, we are, it seems, beg- gars I.’ Conway Will] his extended; snuff- box, and speaking ï¬lm the blandesl lone imaginableâ€"V don’t you xhink sir,1halall mailers rclalive 10 lhe unnuin bequeulhed you 1). _Sir Martin’s wili would be bellt’r.'m()re pleasantly, arranged at my office ?' Mr. Conway smiled. and im mediaielv said, ‘You know, Mr. Slrmriunone holler, lam sureâ€"the posilion and rights of an Heir-al- law ?‘ fflave you the original drait of lhat will 71', said Mr. Severn. ‘ E’h ! wlmL!’ exalaimed ‘Mr. Smart, springing briskly up lrom lhe chair in which he hadjusl seat ed himself. ‘ Eh! what 1’ ‘ The will i9 desimyedm-bm‘n- ed 1' said Mr. ï¬cmn‘bil'éf"??" ‘ What! eh I‘ again ejaculatr'd the lawyierv wheeling hall rcpnd. and facing Mr. Severn. ‘ The hue Sir Marlin Biddu’ph left no will.’ said Mr. Conway from the oppmile side; and Mr. Smarl “heeled back agaim once more re- pr‘ating. ‘ Whail eh I’ ‘ Remarkable, madam‘ is it not? said Mr. Smart when the narra',inn was ï¬nished. ‘ Quite a drama in itselfâ€"quite so.’ [Iarrv Nc‘vilie's keen eve notiond that the reveia tion just made had not in the siigh test degree diminished the lawypr deferehtiah manner towards his sister. 'Thore are‘ you percnivn, all the usual dramatis personce ; la jeune premieresâ€"a inns! profound blow ; la dam: nobleâ€"n less e-la- hntï¬ate; inclination toward: Mrs. ‘ Richard Oakley ; andâ€"and’ he iglanced towards Mr. Conwav ; but pehaps it might be deemed dis- courteous to pursue the analogy ifur‘ther.’ ‘The exnlanatinn was easy as it is conclusivv,’ said Mr. Severn, and he related whallud previous- ly occurred. ‘ What dqynu mean ?’ exclaim- ed that gentleman wiih assumod ï¬erceness, “10th evidently dis- composed by the calm assurance of the lawver. ‘ ‘1 will tell you,’ TQJOiflfld Ihat courlepus personage with his plea- sent smile. ‘ Did you ever remark mbutof course a gentleman of vuur inmillgmt observatigu muat often done soâ€"othi': great ’WMNWV WW MAAI‘~ [MN Jar“ lllul llClc IE'HIU U‘IlllllUllJrllll Eï¬â€œ ‘i’d‘ ‘ h Ii; ‘Thepluin truth. men, since you will have it, is. mat the will of Sir Marlin Biddulph was executed, as wills uughLlo be. in duplicate, and and lllal here,’ drawing a newly- folded parchment from his pnelml, ' lha‘t here the counterpart I’ ‘ Go (mm-g0 on.‘i ‘ ‘ How else. i say. could ordinari- ly sane persons imagine that the uld~esiablixhed firm of Smart and Figes would have left sud) an im- puriant documem 10 a single chance of fire or (Miler accident. The 1rth is, gentlemenâ€"4 hvg Ion thousand pai'donsâ€"‘Iadicsantigen- Ilemeu ; and, by lire by, Mr. Can» way, mu have been in Paris I kuowâ€"itappvars 15) um that 1hr. polilest ualionin Ihe world, as they call ilwmseivcs, and in fact are in many respecls, are slrrmgelyoul wiih their 'lllUSb‘iLELZI‘a‘ cl mes- danws" , i "I‘hc dcvii fly away with you and Ihc polilcsl nalinn into the bargain !. cxflaixm‘d Cr>n\\'ay ; ‘ wth is it you are driving at 1' ‘ Take 1| coolly, pleasantly Mr‘ Conway, as 1' ni'ways do,’ rvpliud the Lawyer, with superdflandness. trior‘iilicitti'im, nnrlrra‘ï¬ejléxcite’d in" the breasts ofthat auditory by this announcement may be itttuginvd better than described. Mr. Cun- way {allowed by his conï¬dant, left the house its an agony of rage and disapppointtttcnt. A lew days’ rt:- ilectiott brought, however. enlorcvd calm and resignation. He accept. ed the (mosidembly-eug-rrmah- nuily pmflered by Mr._Severu, amt sought mnployment and distinction in the ranks at the British armies than engaged in the terrific strug- gle with the Frvnch legions in Spain. He found both there ; and in theebitter ï¬ght before- Toulouse. the Gazzette said, a glorious death. Hardy was never agai .1 hear of. He 'ztmshetl into one of the sink iolsocioty and doubtless perished there. roguesâ€"~nothing persiwnal, i assure you, }\ r. Conway ihis Oakley is of Course, as you represent him a slanderng lunalic; but. inH. as a gem-rill rule, you must have observ- ed that greal rogues are almmi always great fools I In this very case now.’ cominued Mr. yinart resuming his seat, crossing his legs. and evidently greatly enjoying lhc cagvr curiosin which hung upon his W()r(is»â€"-‘ in this vvrv case sup- posing~~oniy supposing, mindâ€"â€" [hat what we have. heard is true, how. HXCHp‘; 12pm] lhe principle of ‘ Quem Duus vult pm'demâ€"prins dt‘xnonIaI'â€"â€"correcr, l bt-linve, Mr. Severn-â€"â€"or would you say, ‘pri- mum ‘F The winding up of xhe aflaim of Mr. Ruben. Oakley, who, it was soon amhoritmived. had born slniHPn wilh permam-nt innacv~â€" he- had Ijeqnivod a heavv blow on the lwad, it was ascertained, (inubt 'e.<s 2t the! ï¬ro~did not. thinks tol the rise in the funds, and to the-l withdrawal of a‘l claims: due to the estate of Sir Martin Biddulph, mind up so disastroulxly as had lit‘t‘l} anticipated. Alter discharg~ ing‘ all claims‘ including that directed by the thing commands other mother to be paid the large sum of which the ï¬rm of Curntn~ ings, Brothvrs had been legally del'raoctvd, Caroline found herself posgggwd ol about £12.()0i)-n'ot a ver spl u did fortune, but suï¬ioient with the proï¬ts of her gallant, sinqla-mintiled husband‘s profession not only for her own and hie mo- dt-ratewishes. but for the (more Advantages placing out, of their rather numerous progeny ; and for 1.18 , present help and support of Carolina’s, God-Stroken parent, who, lmlpless, dejected. utterly crazed, but harmless, passed his days roaming about the grounds land garden, eVPI' mntterirg to him- { Mr. Smart’s anncipalion respect-3 ying the bamnctcv was very speed-§ ;. ‘ - ‘. . 1 July reansed; and ‘mr Francus and; Lady Severn, in {he enjoyment of“ ‘Iheir mutual affectinn. their brilli-il lam, fox-lune and position, might be} ‘ ‘rackoned amongst the most f2 vorml i TERMS $1 00 In Advance. svlf fmnastic scheuws 0! aggran- disevnent bv successfui specuia- {inns in the stock and money mar- kms. He died at me age of ï¬fly- eigm, making no sign except mat nfhls lifeâ€"sureiy a vivid and in- slrucliveone to all who have the will and facuhy tu read it aright. of mankind. There was no likeliâ€" hood.ci!he‘r, that this baronet‘cv Whole N0. 326 *amz WWW . ‘ v ' ‘ 'z‘w‘i w 4 'Gue Drysdale a chalr,’ I a his va'vv, when that pEISUd Wpa announcvd. Bayle, when dying, pointed to where his proot-sheet wasdvpnsiled. - .Clarendnn’s pen dropped from his hand when Seiz- e<l_'wiih. paisy which put an end to his: existence. Bede died _in, 1he act at dicialing.â€"â€"-Roscomnxsn. Wï¬â€˜ekbiring, quoted from his own iransialinn ofthe ‘ Dics’l’rw.’ Muller, {Peling his pulse, said ‘il‘hje arlery ceases to beat," and imme- ‘diately digd. When the priest. whom Alheri had been prevailed on to see, came, he requesmd him In ca“ lo-nioir()\v_â€"‘ Death, I trus', xvi-a] tarry tom-and-twemy hours ' Nelson's last Words u ere _,‘ Tell Collingwwd to bring the fleet to ,an anchor.’ ‘ but I hope to go through it with becoming dignity} l’elrarch was found dead in his library learning on a book. v Rousseau, when dy- ing ordered his allendants 19 I re- move him. and place him before the window. that he might look upun his garden‘ and gladden ï¬is eVPs with lhe sight ofnalure; how ardent an admirer he was of nature is most poeticaHV told in Zimmer- man’s ‘Soliludc.’ Pope‘ztellq gs ha found Godfrey KnCHer he visited himh few‘days pr'iur to his end) silling up {aiming t'he'yphhs fo’r the erection 'dfv‘ hi’s OWn“ monu~ men! ; hm vanity was» consï¬w‘r‘uobs even in death.“ ,i Warmmml‘s ohmiv ed Ihal. (Huwturï¬mldju g. $4§m11 copied the adverï¬ss’ment upon the 1plmsh-buard; and nil was difï¬cult Hopersuade him to alandon his fools iparmlice of security. although as- lsured him that he might JDSL an well appeal to 1he Prussian Constiâ€" {lllliun against Count Bismark. DEATH hcmxrzs or REMARiEABLE Pr:usox.â€"~â€"Marv. Scotland’s great beanly, met the ‘ gloomy king 'will: a degree of resolution not In ha oxpecled from her misfortunes. so numerous Were 'Iheyâ€"dé's‘erled by ew-r'y friend,- eXcept her faithful lime dug. Sir Thomas More2 re- marked '10 _.lhe executioner,‘; by whose hands he. was about to. perish that the scallbld was extremelv weak : ‘ I pray you see me up sale.’ said he ; ‘ and [for my 99m- mg down left me shill fur mvséll.’ Uaauccr breathed his last when cmnposing a ballarl ;his lahl prq- (lumion iscallml ‘ A ballad made by Godlrcy Chaucer onhis deathâ€" ‘ZX‘ll, lying in great painfn- n‘nemglc hneaugï¬. gmaï¬gng woâ€" man, doubi'l‘ess, “was 'ady Severn, for shs was good ‘a'nd amiéblc as formnale; but anylhing like 2-0 {prowl a woman as her' mother Mrs. iiuhurd Oakley‘ she assuredly was mu, especially when that excellent lady her quivér N‘lfï¬f?‘*g"rï¬nd'éhild- 'run. But it is time It} close this somewhat garrulous narrqliye of Jung since passed. and, except~ to a {ttw pcrsuns. almost. forgotten cvenis; and l perhars cannot belâ€" ief du so man in the words of} Mr. 1'l‘wynham, Who frankly admitted ---1 think it was. on the day aflur the chrislvning of the? (earth, per- ‘haps the ï¬fih childâ€"l. am not sum! winch-lhat ‘gemleness, gujlcss- mess. simpl‘city, beauty, and grace. may insure happiness eved in ex- !rmiwlyfnuneqqal marriages, a truth oxgmpliiied in the domestic five: of “ï¬r Francis and Lady Severh.’._ ifAIi Example, however, which onglnm be se’! down as "a‘ preced- , .4 n} * 1 cm,’ said Mr. Smart. who was pre4 sent; and I agree with him. ‘l conid wish this-,Jrngic scene vusovor.’ said Quin, 1hr: aclpr; A PRUSSIAN’S IDEA or LONDON CABMICN.â€"-A gentleman of Prussia came overto stay wiih me some weeks ago, and arrived in a Han- som cab. ‘ He did bring me safe,’ cried he with full his face beaming through his spectacles ‘.and has nmhing from me slann.’ ; ‘ Of course not,’ said L; “TEX/by do you apprï¬henflapy SQ’gllgnlfslqrtunegz’ '~- Ha, ha v exc’f'énï¬ed he with joyful sagachv : “ Ldo know lhem. H1059 cab-drivers of yours ; they ill- Irea’l, they rob; but‘see. l he)“: his name and numbefr righ‘tly ,taken. Mappin: 7| Cornhill, (my; Ivory Balanceh’andle Cheese Knives ï¬nes sfeel.'â€"-'l‘ne p‘nqr‘deluded man had { CHRISTMAS PLUM PUDDING wi'ru EC/muors INSTEAD or EGGs.â€"â€"One @verv large carrot b'uilud aoï¬, and ibeneu imn a pulp six mmCes of 591161 chopped ï¬ne. ï¬ve table-spoonsa :ful offlour.1wo ditto of sugar= one iquarler of a pound of currams . one quarter of raisins when stoned ;. to ‘be boiled four hours. PREACHING AGAINST EXTRAVAG- ANCM IN Dramaâ€"Several of the pn- pnlar preachers in Paris have e"- tcrcd upon acru'sade against the lavish expenditure of their lady hearers upon dress: the waste bf material especially exciting their indignation. ()ne ofthem. a his. hnphexclaimed inthe lteightof his zenl, in the ,midst ol :1 late dis- course, 'Let woman remember, while putting on. their profuse and expensive attire, 1 how narrow are the gates of Paradise 3’ - would laip‘sé." $b§§ai1h+ï¬Â¥Ã©ï¬‚5 Hal-3 rs in