~"Yuri uni Peel (exclusive of the Towns, Villuges Mid Townships) do not“ agree ’Vith the County Accounts for 1864,' as Wï¬mï¬ud by Messrs Jackson and Graham. 3 h K > Our cotemporary is anxious that our 5 ft’amkn-Ihould know what he has to say ‘on the subject, and asks to be heard,â€" gï¬ï¬‚ pleasnre to comply Vikki: request, although], it is not made il knguage such as we have a right to» V Lauren. fr_om one vino e} quys‘ the “reputa: ~ flat out ï¬nders may den- . use, us it now stands, grand ourselves, we re- 4 “nude†to the ' _ w flu Beogipga m’d r M. 835133036 mm. TIME-mama Inil‘ 1am . . ‘3’“: c c . . v.53 .‘zxi ibvn mu. s . . fluih‘uu. ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ b'ol' W flew M cod case.- A. gamma; W3. RimmnslÃ©ï¬ . The Era of the 3lst ult. cudgels us, nflcr hi! ususl fashion, for not compre' heading what he makes as clear asâ€" mnd; he accuse: us 91' a want of “ man- na“; 3' courage," and that we are u owner“ Scenic we honestly (3.530? mm him; 'we are Waring}? accept his km! We in a nplritofclxarily, L's?"- ing that ho has only returned from a jdlllfleltion amongst other co-labourer‘s of 113' lire-I, Ind feeling somewhat recuper- iflcd’, ofth his relaxation down in Lower (fin-(h, he in disposed to make moi-nee. in“! of us for having. the hat-Jihde to u (id-guilty." SUBSCLMSE FOR T5) for! Herald, 31,00 a year RICHMOND HILL; SEPT. 7, 1866. -When we asked the County Auditors for information, by which we Would be named to understand the reason why there was s diflém‘ee between the a- 'monnt of theCoun'ty Accounts, as audit- ed by Messrs Jackson and Graham, for the yen- 1864, and the Return from. the Clerk of the Counties of York and Peel to H1. langton, the Government Auditor we expeer that they would give a satis: factory explanation. We regret to say, notwithstanding the pretentious “ high- falutin " of the Era, that the dilference still remains unexplained,~â€"it may be that Messrs J nckson and Graham the I peculiar system of auditing, by whieh they can reconcile the two conflicting litemente, but we confess it is more than we can do, and we hare reason to know that there are hundreds of the rate puer- in these counties who labour un- der the lame dlï¬culty. for the Uhited Coï¬gties of an, a: does our fricud‘of'the Era}, of being to we“ read in polite literature, we give him the full beneï¬t of our ex- amine circulation, and copy his ar‘icle )loll LIGHT FOR THE HERALD. “Our contemporary at Richmond Hill, in searching over some Municipal Returns to Gmcmment, found I; “ mart-hi nest g" and while laboring under the dclusion, wrote a flaming article anent the County Auditors. We aimed outhis error the week after, but or reasons best known to himself he but not had the mnnliness 0r courage to .mm In! falt. In apparent conscious inno- mnae he again asks the questionâ€"‘ Why is ï¬tdlmm annual statement of the County necwma {or the year 1664, as audited Mum flmkson and Graham, do not ngreé with the W111 Returns to Mr. Lungton ï¬re Provina’wl Auditor?’ We nnswerâ€"-Be- moths: R:,1‘urus:se:1t to, and published over,the signature of Mr. Langton the Provmcinl Auditor, embruce taxes collected AMI expenditures made. oihrr than tlmsr M by the County Council! Can our 0b- flue'friend understandl this? If not, we will put the matter in another shapeâ€"The municipal Returns published for 118641, by the order of Parliament, include taxes lvvied bylocnl municipa‘itius, and conse- mnmtlv hnveno uommuuon with the BC- The County An ditorzs Again! cniire :â€" gently hue no conuu'uumx wim the ac- uaunu ot’ the Counties Council, nudilfld by {but County Audimrl, The accounts nudit- gdby Messrs, Jackson and Graham embrace pith.va the receipts and disbursements oftGC Unitedi Cqunties, and not those of local municipalities! Will pur ootompnrary ow" up ï¬he corn ? And ~will ho give this short aragrxxphva gluon in his paper, an that those "Morita: under the same diï¬â€˜ucnlw as himself may» perceive who “‘needed Xi; H††“may both» the-'new coinage in "I. M301!†of? Book Keeping, which the CountyAIuiitors term “ Disbursement Account," has something to do with our dimculty ; of course we cannot say. it nm with tho Solon 0f the EN, 91' she indium to. “9th Apninful accident occtwred at the village of Butttonville, mtlw Township of MAI-Hum, on Tuasthy last, the 4 inst, in which tvm boys were killed. The son of Mr. Linton, aged 8 years, My 2, ing with another. little boy, a, son of r Varrilous, aged Bzyeam,â€"â€"they were in the vicinity of Mr Brown’s saw- mill, and by some accidlent a saw log AL..‘A A... ml): mark 33mm. who'd ave; them, crushing them to death instantly ;=-‘:: coroner‘s inquest was held upon the bodies on Wednesday, and I verdigt Fonda-pd in accordance with the fact. k s : x ‘ t u . ‘ '.-.- r. .‘i‘vrs‘n‘w n lawnr.‘ ' .M. - .. Inns». 0 .u'ns. .'.'.\'. \‘u' few Wrmemonta. mum Ronni; r..7’ 55 A; a: Fatal Accident ibvnw sou rm =.~ Wharin & Co. ‘4 58 p. n _ We‘am glad to see the energy with: which Messrs Crosby and Glenliteri. two‘ of the sufferers by the late ï¬re, are pro» needing with thelr new buildings. Man. Crosby’g is now nearly ï¬nished, consist- ing of a neat twetst‘ory- brick building, 28 by 60 feeï¬,.with a handsome front, \the area fon shop is 25 by 35, With ample- kpace fon‘storage room, cellar and 9500,. ui‘the rear, all the partitions being of brick. The-roof being flat and! gravelled, the‘Sliutters being cased with iron, is may Be considered» a ï¬re-proof build- ing. -- Mn: Cowlter's foals!) awell-plann- ed: two-story building. lcomprising shop} and" dwelling house. It has a ï¬ontage 01736 feet, and 26 in width, with an ad- dition Ini‘the rear, 24 in length, also Erich ;IWhen'ï¬nished, we think that it l will present an exceedingly neat mean- ‘Qance, and will be an ornament to the village. Each of our enterpmihg towns- men hope to oeeuxpy their respective building in the month of October. Both intend to ewï¬er largely into business this Fall and we hope that they will meet with Rbundhnt success. ' SéhoO,‘ Teachers tack place here on Wed- nesday and i'lmrsday of lust Week, before the Rev, Mr, H‘". RenJ. Dick D. hchdlum Esq., Amos wig!“ E-q- M.P.P., G. P. vichon, 1nd M. Teefy Esquires, 'lmembern of the County Board of Public Instruction for the County of York. Ii affords us pleasure w know that the examination wig thorough; and that the young ladies and gentlemen ‘who' came forwarfi were quul w Que oc- “onion, aud_progiga‘w_nn‘daz ‘ at. vine M'ogugry Wm; devotpg ‘ th_ei_f a Our correspondent “ P. Q. X." gums particulars“ of the proceedings at the Magistrates’ Court held in this Village last week,’ when a charge was made against Mr. John Watcfhouse for selling Liquor, for two years» past, without a li- cense. We have no hesitation in saying that the majesty of the law must be vin- dicated, and that public morality and good order demand that such open deï¬ance of the Statute and Municipal lawâ€"ï¬ns ap- pears to have been going on in our midst for two yearsa-cannot be tolerated. We are inclined to think that Mr- Dickson has acted injudicioualy in the part he appears, by our correspondent, to have taken in this business : he ought to- know better, and we hope for the future that he will, for his own sake, as well as that of the public interest, guard against being drawn into a position that does not meet with the approbation of a large and respectable portion of the community. vioetoflnï¬roo" ' xii Vieâ€"vot‘fh'g their attention witducmngiï¬he youth of this county. ' ‘ _ Examination of School Teach- er. There were 32 mdidates for First Class' Certiï¬cates, and 23 for Second Glas§,*maklng a total of 55, being more than the number who went up for ex- amination bdtli at Toronto and Newmar ket,,which is ï¬nal-her evidence of the greatâ€"advantage Richmond Hill enjoys as a eeuual point in the County of York, xâ€"elearly that 18 the opinion of the great. majority of die School Teachers of the County of York, a. class thse intelli- gence qualiï¬es them to be competent to judge. merous readers, throughout the various Townships of these United Counties, to the advertisement of W. Whariu & 00., King St. East, Toronto. They have just laid in a new and extensive assort- ment of ‘ Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, Table Cutlery and Fancy Goods, suita- ble for the Trade, and are In a position to offer them at prices that cannot fail to give satisfaction to intending purchasers, who may favor them with a. call. As hundreds of Our friends will visit the 'city during the Exhibition, we would strongly recommend -' them to visit l M essrs W. Wharin & Co's. establish- ment before completing their purchases, 3 it will pay them to do so. The nun-aging committee of the Mechanie's Institute will meet this even ing (Friday) at Mr. Porter’s residence, at 8 o’clock. “'e understand that the members of the Mechanics' Institute in this place, in- tend having another of their popular Re- unidns 0n the 18th of the present month. w Entertainments such as _we have been favoured with in the past, by the same society, are always acceptable, and no re- marks from us are necessary to secure the pationagc of these who have, in the past, so readily shown their appreciation ofthe-oflbru of tho Ollioers of the In- ?stifutn w ester, intellectually, for the pubiiu- mm. Just before going topless: we receivedl the joyful intelligence‘ that. notiva steps} are-m being taken to commence this; great work. The indefatiglbla President. _of the Company, F. C. Ca reol, Esq., has been out through the ownship of Vaugham making atmgmuwm oom- meneethe‘wmwkof aonstructhg the Canal“ next week. We trust. that now it is commenced, the pnblin will ï¬lly Emmi Me, Capreol, and-give him‘tlmate whamm- tial support so neoessary im- no unbenaly ing of such maguiwde,.and.whiah is earâ€" tain to be of incaloulable advantage to (he commercial and agricultural interests of Canada. The usual annual examination of We invite the attention of our nu The Whiskey Case- Mechandch Institute. MW Buildings‘ W. Wharin & Co. Th6 Ship Canal' 216 the Editor'of the Yonli‘fleruw. Sinkâ€"Believing than you desire to promote‘the cause of: Temperance, per unit m‘ctotrouble you with a. few we mark upon a case that was-brought be- fore A. Law,_Esq., J.I’v.," last week, in which Mr. J ohn Waterhouse was chat-0'- ,ed with. having sold spiritous liq‘uoss for the past two years (without having obtained a License,) contrary to the Sta- ‘tute, as well as a By-Law of the Town- ship of Vaughan. The complaint was made by the Councillor for Wardi No. 2,“ of the Township of Vaughan,» with ml view of pnteeting the public interest,a.ndl swessing the evil: arising from the illicit ‘suleof. intoxicating. (kink, which has been attendedi with consequences, so Serious to the familiesof those unfortunete persons who cannot control their appetites, as to» call loudly for the interferenee out the- strong arm ofthe Law. The charge was investigated before Justices Law, Pearce, Crosby, Lawreuaoer Dickson and Marsh, and excited con- siderable interest in the neighborhood-e it. was clearly proved that the. defendant. had sold Whiskey in em“ qiuantities, to dim parties, during the past two years, and down to a recent date ; , that he boldly brought. Whiskey in large quan- titiea in open day, by waggon loads, to his store, and afterwards dealt: it out it quarts and other quantities to. suit the demands of his customers, with impunity, and that, for the past two years , he has ‘uot taken out a License, as the law re- quires he should. I It is a matter for serious reflection to think that with the exception of the mo ‘cnvicting "Magistrates, the remainder of the Bench were" in favor of- dismissing the case, not was no pioofof Mr: \Vaterhouse hiring sold liquor in small quantities, and at a reoent date, not. because they thought the gause of morality did 130‘ 81158!" by so flagranf, a violation of the lawâ€"410*» because they considered the o‘enof mt- gut as essential to the comfort or those who indulged in its immoderate usef'fi "no, but one of these gentlemen concludc‘q no, but onc or mesa gentlemen culunuux w W ,,i,t_s_h<.>,!lld- lam-11,1896, because, 012 [one meal arm, .wlnéh e my: eXIStS Two of the Magistrates decided that the law had been grossly violated in Mr. Water-house's case, and inflicgefl ajirw of Fifty Dollars, and costs, for his difence, in accordance with the Township By- Laws. The shanks of ' the community are duel 00 the Councillor, for the moral courage he has manifested in taking this matter in hand; it, is one of those unpleasant duties that is frequently shirked by those who fear to brave the Whiskeyites, and fail to discharge their obligation as public servants. rather than risk the dis-, pleasure of the devoted worshi‘ggers of JOHN BARLEYCORN. ‘ ‘ " ’ ' in the initiator-y steps taken ' by Mr. Law, who received the complaint and issuedjhe summons, 3 circumsï¬ancg ’thiit may or may not‘he; if ' such is ghe .case,‘ and the law is to he set atideï¬ance,‘ through the inexcusable bungling of magistrates who should understand their duty, and discharge it. in a. way that, the ublic may have conï¬dence in: \ their ability and ï¬rmness, it is high time What steps should be taken to have the commission of the Peace weeded of? all such persons. i Tribulation in Whï¬skeydbm. The Magistrates who convicted took adâ€" vice of u Barrister, and have proceeded under his instructions, and therefore feel conï¬dent that their proceedings will be sustained by another tribunal, to which the defendant has appealed. It would be uniust b6 pass ovér the course taken in this matter by G, l‘. Dickson Esq. ; as an ofï¬cer of Excise, it appears to me, he should not have taken so prominent a part on behalf of a per- ‘ ' ' “‘ " 7 1k- AK A lav r. 4â€"“, son who Ilia; began selling liquor forâ€"the past two years, in volation of the law as was proved in this case,‘ and if a - ' _(‘ m vvwâ€"t r.-., p00r man who raises a small patch ofl tobacco, and mzinu'factures the product‘ of his own labour into cigars, is to be followed up,‘aml put to trouble and ex- pense, for infringing upon a law he was ignorant of, it seems a strange anomaly that the more flagrant violation of the law is to be an object worthy of his sympathy and protestion,â€"-if Mr. Dickâ€" son, as an oï¬icer of Excise, and a. mag- )stram, can reconcile his course With what is really his duty, I can only _say thlt there are many who differ with him. Mr. Waterhouse has. appealed from ï¬le conviction, and the case will be tried at the Quarter Sespions, I trust, Mr. Editor, you will ventilate this matter, and do what you can to assist 'in furth- tiring the ends of -J ustice, and promoting the cause of temperance. Richmond Hnll, Sept. 3, 1866. The Roberts~Sweeny Congress was in session all day without. doing anything very importment. Gen. Murphy is presiding of. ï¬cer pro tem. Among the best known of‘ the one hundred and sixty delegates present} are Generals Sweeny, O'Neil and Spear. President Rob erts’ repqrt on the raile upon; Canada in Junellast is to be formally presented tmmorrow. It is a lengthy docu- ment.- He‘ compliments-Gen. O’Neil and the cut/ï¬brosis who fought under him at Lime Ridge, {of their gallantry, and proposes a. monument to those who were killed; He condemns Presidenb‘ J‘ohnson for interfering with the expeditions‘of last. spring and'promn} 839' e rawwal of hostilities in aï¬w week's. _ Iliis aob’iceahla that Roberts makes no ’mention of Sweenv in his report, anti it is asserted that the Breach Between the two‘ is increasing. Indt-erl‘, trouble is expected at 3 this session of the Congress on accmm-s of l the ill~feeliug existing between the chiefs. Fenian Congress at Troy? Troy. N. Y.., Sept. 5. Yours &c. lsLâ€"F-i'oml any. telegrer station in ‘ AMERIUA mun! telegraphstnï¬on in me'r ‘ Bmmmx or Bums», Twmwv words- or less, l including address» date, and signature, not exceeding in all 05:: HUNDRED letters, Twm my pounds sterling or ONE HUNDRED dollars in gold; and for every additional word not exeedï¬ng mu letters, TWENTY shillings stur- ling or mi: dolls: in gold per word? 201â€"me any mlegraph station in- Amnmm toany telegraph smï¬on in Ebnon an increase of ONE poundi sterling or FIVE dollgn's gold over rates to Gum BRL‘I‘AIN, on-ï¬rsterwxm’v words, counted as» above). and an increase over same of mu: shilling snarling or TWENTY-luv: cents for each addi vional word. ' Batâ€"Tb liny s'tation in Armm, Asu, or INDIA, an increase on the flat TWENTY words of mm bund‘s stérling 0r TWENTY FIVE dol- lars, “(imam additional word. of FM: shillings surging or own dollar TWENTY- Imm (gents gold abome; the: rate to GREAT BRITMN. _ ' Stu-nAll messages in code or cipher will "be chargéd double the foregoing rates; and all ï¬gures intended for transmission must. be‘ wigi-hhequin full, length, and will be charg- ed: as words; 4th.â€"'I‘11c;cÂ¥atc, address, and signature will be counted with the ï¬rst 1:ther words, and‘fifthe \nu‘mher _ of letters exceed om: mnnnzn,fthe excess wilfli be divided‘ by FIVE and each. nv‘n: letters or fractionalremainder ghemqï¬ï¬qcbarged for as additional: words. ' 5th.â€"â€"The letters in =nll words above m 1'! will be counted and, divide by nvE an e-akh ï¬n: or sectional :remaindler be charged for as a word. . hiléâ€"Especial we 33 enjoin“? to. have all Messages Written. on the C'ompï¬ny’s blanks or under the head’mgs thereon. Sept; U. hmta'gvné' to Novgprbh. An ‘yi‘sifl the "gilies "on the C33] Edecï¬â€™aedo ' ’ ‘ P 1- nsnunn, Bat rday, Sépt- lâ€"The iRï¬Ssieu Government. p 01' b0 the negotia- tions ufi peace profeiged-to the Egench Em- ‘peldr and the other poWers that neutrals shqxildjmrticipate in the territorial changes occasioned by the remit: of the? w arâ€"the' proï¬csition was not supported hy’ me'e 0r Engladd. and the Czar_refrained from ofï¬cial - ly moving in the matter; reserving, however liberty of action to himselfin the future. LONDON Sahirday, Sept. I.â€"The threaten- ed raid by the Fenians into Canada has freâ€" ceived serious notice on Vthe part of the British Government, who are taking active {Iprecnmionary measures. Three batteries of unilléi-y have lately been set to Qubec. W, Saturdayâ€"The Emperor Napola. on in‘ a letter written to King Victor Emtnu e], on the 11th ofAugust, rejoices that the era q! liegge' has retyrned. He sayeyhe M. cépfe'd @513? cession of, Venéï¬â€™a from' Austria in 6134" that the, people of *‘thatf'c’ountry ï¬ight be"énablod'to ’choose their owï¬ des- tiny“. Fiance, the. Emperor adds, has exerted he; influnce in favour of humanity andï¬xei best interest; of the people of Vene tin and of Italy. ' Banux, Sept. 2.â€"In the Chamber ofDe~ puties M. Bismarck said that the views of the Government and the Deputies were not so much opposed as. they appeared to be, even on the question of internal retdrm, but, the most’important task now was the foreign policy ofI’x-ussia. St. PETERSBURG, Sept. ISLâ€"Seven thou- sand Circassians captured the town of Su- kum Kalkally, on the 27th August. The Russians received reinforcements, re-took the étown, and repulsed several attempts to recapture“. ' - . 8th.â€"â€"â€"-Messages destinedbeyond= the range- of Telegraph, will be forwarded by Mail. Later news states that the insurgents are willing to submit. ' JAssY; 1Aug. 3X,+The Hospodar has made? trihmphant entry into Jassy. He was met ouxthe way by overtures from the inhabitaufsg: II Awr's Comumï¬ept. 2.-â€"-The ne'ws M the successful picking up of the Atlantic Cable of 1865 reached here this morning- The expedition, with the Great Emteirn had been out twenty-four days, and all hope 98' success had been ndandoned by the teiegraspï¬; people‘here. The news reachediValentmab four minutes past ï¬ve o‘clock. _ Signalsï¬ze;sent through the cable with perfect-ac'chmc‘y, and we are talking with the Great Eastern every moment, via Vm'bm Lia, Ireland. Aboiit three hours after the recovery of the, cable 'the splice was made withtï¬lm‘ cable stowed in the main tank of" the Great Eastern and lowering of the cable into the sea immediately took place. The! big ship is now paying out the wire andi ap- proaching Heart's Content on her return at the same rifle of speed she maintainecï¬ in. the late expedition. Atlantic Telegraph Gable. ' The news of‘the recovery of - the cabie created a great sensation here. The B’ri‘vish and American flags were immediately Emism ed over the telegraph station, as sigmï¬s of joy,» amid: great cheering. V The telegraph fleet. is expected here' Sex?! Saturday. ‘ . W-HY ISVASIATIC CHOLERA'FA'IMLJ ‘ Thousands yupposed to die‘of Cholera. and.‘ other migiqus epidemics, mre killed by'in- sane me cation; In the cholera season of 1849, patients‘treated according to the re- gular formula with brandy, opium, rhubarb and calomel. died in multitudes, while in every case where RADWAY’5;READY Remap was promptly given the sufferer was instam taneously relieved'and subseguently recover- ed. Why was this? Simply because this peerless vegetable medicine is an ethle stimulant, diseufectant, A calmer-irritant, anodyne, tonic, sudoriï¬c, and in cases of i uncontrollable cholera an astringent. It does not lock disease up in the system as‘ opiumdoegnor ï¬re the brain like .brnnd‘y, nor irritate the stomach and bowels like the drastic purgatives; but it infuses fresh ‘vitalily into every internal and external' vessel and organ, and enables nature by a supreme eti‘orts to subdue the morbid in- fluences of disease. " The wiSe and prudent, if cholera prevail-s will not wait until seiZed w'fl‘h' We pesï¬lence' befbre using hlze Ready Relief, but willuke a teaspoonful in water three or four times a. day during in prevalence as an epidemic...â€" those who take flais precautitm will no‘ be sewed with Asiatic Cholera.- Price 50 ets 'der home. ' , » - ' ‘ ' The success of the Atlanii‘c Telegraph will, according to _the gatlm'dayï¬evipw lead “ nuy nevuxunue u. u... in a few years to the whole ea.th bemg en- veloped in a: complete network of telegraph- ic wires, Latest from Europe. TARIEF 0F Camus» f-The U. S. Embassy roh. An invitation to the Caspian “ was LIAN‘DROWNFZD‘ AT Pom Hop .â€"â€"â€"A mam was drowned to-d 1y ofl'the Montreah bout, â€"â€"the Kingston. His name in supposed: to be JE. M. Kettle. gum)? brim. "nan; 99 @ $6 Fall Wuhan! '49 bushol Spring When: do Barlow do l’onso- do Oats do Potatoes do Oats d0 Potatoes d0 Hay 19 ton- . .A...... Straw do Butler '19 Eggs fl do: u... Apples 1;) hr! .... WOOL. -......... W*' m Are warranted in all cases.;for the speedy and permanent cure of all diseases arising from sexual excesses of Youthful indiscrelion Seminal Loss, Nightly Emissions, and :ensnul Dreams : Genital, Physical and Nervous De' bilny. Impotence, Sexual Diseases, &,c . 6w. No Change of Diet is Necessary. They can be used without Detection. and. never fail to effect a cu'e. If used according to instructions. BELLâ€S SPECIFIC PILLS ! Pnice 01m Dallar per Box ; or Six Boxes for Five Dollnzs ; also largo boxes, containing [our HUMAN“. when three dollars. BELL’S SPECIFIC REMEDIES From {our to. six boxes are gallerally requir- ed to. mus an. ordinary cases of Seminal Weak- ness and Emissnons, [ho-ugh beneï¬t is derived from using a single box. In Chronic cum, and particularly when Im- potemo ox Genital Debililv with Nervous I’ros- Inch» has effected the system. Are recommended as tho- most: oï¬knuious, re juvinaling and Invigorating Remedy. in the world. l’rice two dollars. sufï¬cem in: A month, can be used I.) good advantage. It gives strength to the Org-ram. n-nd. with the Pills, will restore them to M twmual con- dilion. A Pamphlet of one hundred pages,’ on the Errors of Youth. demgued as 1» Lecture and 'Inution to Young Men, senl £11802. Ten Cents roquirod to pay postage. The above .Rmnedies have now how before. the Public mnny years. and their great success in the allevimiun of human miseryhas excited 'lhe cupidity of sevm‘al parties, wk» we the uan “ Speciï¬c Pills." copy my luflm. cim- culnrs and advmtnwmenls, sometimes word for word. andflput up wm-lhless compounds that disappuhli the just mpoctaxiousoï¬ the pur- chaser. A Pack-go 'price ï¬ve dullnrs. will last a month. and is generally suï¬ciflut. BELL’S EX I‘ERNAL REMEDY, “you cannot purchase Ball’s S‘vociï¬c Eta- medien ol'your druggist, take use other. but send {he money direct to, The most infallible and popular m medy ever known, for all diseases oflho female sex They have been used in many thousand times with Imltiling successâ€"and may be ralivd on in wery’cuse for which they nru recomnmndod and particularly in all cases nrisiugfrom Obstruction or Stoppage of Nature, no matter from what cause it arisos. 'l'hey up oï¬'ectuul in restoring to health all who nra suiting from Waakness, and Dubiliu‘, Uter- ine Biscltarges, Nervmuncss. 61m, &c.. &c.. and they " Act like a chnrm.†in strengthen- ing [ha svslem. 'l'houamlds of ladies who have sufl‘oruti for years and tried various other _romedies in mint. we a renewal of their health atldlstrengvb when; to the efï¬cacy of Consulting Physician. 819 Broadway. New Yuck, and you will receive them by return at‘ mail, post paid, and free from observnlio». ‘ Dr Harvey’s Female Pins They are perfecin harmless on the system. may be taken all sm’ time with perfect satoly : \mï¬ dining :fw mfg] slugas If Pregnancy they slumM no! lo taken, or a miscarriage may be ‘tha raw-h. They never cause any sickness. ‘pniwor Mess. Each box contains 60 I’n-lls. hits one dollar. v Dr. Harvey’s Golden Pills. A remedy for special cases. four degrees ‘gtronger than the above; price Five Dolvlura her box. A PRIVAH;C1RCUI.AR ‘0 Ladies with ï¬ne ‘arnuthm'ichl engravings. sen! fre‘a on receipt of dimcwd' envelope and stamp. Ufcm this out if you ï¬tenl'rt Dr. Harvey's Pills. and if you cannot procure them of your druggisl, do not take any other, for some dual. are; who are unprincipled will recommend other Female Pills, they can make a lnrgar proï¬t on â€"bul enclose the money and send direct to 'lh. J-. Elï¬n». Cunsnl-bing Physician“.an 50 9. 6l9’ Broadway. New York, and yen will raceive them- secuml’y seale from obsoTvalion. by re- mil’. 13' 25 The Greatest Medicine of the Age. A we nni‘id‘ote for sicknuss, and a refuge frnm Snkxowf PAIN nnJ DISEA‘SE. Bryan'g Life Pills. Entn‘eLy Vegetabh, are admitted to be the Best Family Martini". for general use, l'urifyinglhe Blood and cleans ing the system from all impurity. regulate the Stomach. Liver and BiHiary Se- cretions. which is the chiet‘camxo ot' Nervous- uess, Glddiness. Uilnness of htt, Headache. Siclk Stomach and other kindled compfaints. Important tonglllb‘s. They have been used by thousands with success nrg Kdaptedâ€"Krï¬illr 1:35 Quirc'onslilutions. They are composed of "(a active priuci lea of Herbs and Home, tulip!) from ourr ï¬e! pm] forests. They are mild but certain in their warnï¬bnaâ€"produci'ng naithor cramps. griping. pix-his or! shimsâ€. They may be hike“ by all ages, sex-s ur conditions without four. Bryan's Life Pills, Care Headache. Bryan's Life Fills. Cu’ro Sick Stomach. Bryan's Lift I’i‘h. Cure Giddinesa. ,B'ryrm’s Lift: Pills, Purify the Blood. A Box of Bryn}? Pills‘wilir coal but In extreme canes of Uebil'fly and Impotence 'FW-Eï¬'l‘VY-i‘WVE CENTS. and will‘ accom- pligh a!) mm in Ming-comm. I They are elegantly pm up bv the proprieml‘, the inventor of Bryan's! Pulmmric Wafers. a medicine long and hvorably known to the Amcricnu Nisan)». H you wish Bryan’s Lil's Pills,a11'd cannot get them of run drugglng‘dom take any other, but. send Twenty-ï¬ve cents in a Letter to the propï¬etor, and you will get them hy return at mail. Addrebs. Dr. J. BRYAN. 619 Broadway. New York. Box 5079. 13'v25 GLAD NEW' Hundred. of Certiï¬cation on ho Shown TORONTO MARKETS. Tux-onto, Sept. 5. Purify the Blood. Bryan’s Life Pills; BELL’S TONIC PILLS, Dr- Harvey'- Female Pfllm SPECIAL Du. JAMES BRYAN. FOR THE UNFOHTUNATE. Bgyanj‘s Life I’i_llq. CAUTION. NOTICES. A gentleman who sufleredr for years from Nonvous and Genilnl’ Debility. Nightly Emits- sions. and) seminal Weakness, the result of youthful indiscretion,. and came near ending- lais days in; hopeless misery, will. for the sake of‘ suffering men. send minus“ one: ï¬iicted, the simple meaneused by him, which efl’eoted a cure i-‘e few weeks. al‘xer the failure of nu- merous medicines. Send a directed envelbpe and ten cents and it will cost you nothing. Address. EDGAR 'I‘REMAIN, Station L. 12815 New York city. 1y-25 mimvun MEDIUM ADVISER Exclusively IbrLadise, An invaluable treatise of 10“ pages. by Dr. Harvey. published for the boneï¬l of 1le Sex On receipt of Twenty cents, il will be sent post pa id. in a sealed envelope to all who np- ply for it. Address. DryJ-lBunN. 619' Broad- wa) New York. Box 5079 ' ' _ “~25; A Merngman, while residing in South Am-' erica as a missionary. discovered a safe and: simple remedy for the Cure of Nervous Weak-1 nose. Early Decay. Diseases of tho Urinary nndÂ¥Siminnl Organs, and the whole train of disordbwhmnght on by bunefnl and viaious h‘abitl. Greét numbers have been cured bv this noble remedy. Prompted bv a desire to beneï¬t the afflicted and unfortunate. lwill send the recipe for preparing and using {this medicine, in a sealed enve!ope. to any one who needs it. lt'reo,oï¬'0harge. ' Please anciose an envefope addressed Km yourself: Dr. L. 0’. Monte? Qm‘z'olim the greatest stimulator in- bhe‘woa'lfl'; wifl ï¬erce Whiskers†or Mustachcs ho grow on the smoothest face or chin ;‘ never known to fail. Sample, for trial sent free torany one desirous of testing its merits. Addï¬ms, REEVES K: 0‘0», 78 Nassau St.,N.Y. No letters taken unless pre paid. “iANTED Immediately. a lad about 15 years of age, as an appvenlice, lo the Printing business. Apply at “ York Herald" ofï¬ce, Richmond Hill. University oï¬â€™ictoria «liege YORKVILLE, TORONTO. HE c"! J commence on the Isl day of ()cavber. 1866; alld'and on the 318! day of March, I867. LOh‘I .â€"P§on. Ioh‘u Ralph M.n.(:.s.. Eng. MA'I'T‘IRIX MEDICA AND THERAPEU- T’iCS â€"(Jhnr|us V. Hfllr)'flltll), M. 1).. M A,, and Plusicinn lo Toronto General Hospital. MIDWIN‘IRY AND DISEASES OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN gâ€"Wuhur l}. Gveikio, Ml), INSI‘IT'UTES OF MEDICINE :-â€"Jo‘hn M. Ried M. l). CHEMISTRY AKD BOTANY :-J-h‘m Herbert, Sanguer, M.A.. M Du: ‘ " - - SURGERY Km) SURGICM; mum- LOG Y .â€"-Jas Non-combm 11.1)" M.R.C.SL‘,' Eng†Physician lo Totonlo Genera) Hospflnl, ANATOM Y, DESCRIPTIVE. AND SUR‘ GICAL :â€"Jo'hufu5wn M.}l.C,S’., England. L. R.C.P.. Loxd’nn. ‘ ASSOCIATE IN CLINICAL MEDICII‘}.7 AND SURGERY : John King. MAIL. Mflb (3.8.. Eng, Physician to Toronto Gone, FD. “capital and musician to 1he House of ï¬rm vidence. '» - Williams. M. D. Tho- Demonstrator will'altend as usual in‘ the [D'isecling Room, CURA’I‘OR of" mm MUSEUM :-â€"S‘. I‘ May. NJ). Neuh‘nlisl GRADUATION tâ€"Sprilfg and Fall, when the Examinationl will be both wrilten and oral. Bs' (ha amendments to the Méthcnl Act 00 Upper Canada. passed M the MM Senion of Parliament, it is proviied '.â€"- ISLâ€"No Sludrnt of Mrdinino having bean in regulu nuendnnce on Medical Lectures. in am‘ Canadian University before the First day of Ma". 1867, shnlihe compelled to pass any other Malï¬un'l'nli'on examination. orpursne any other curriculum than such as was required at the time he commencod his atlen‘dnnco on such leclules. 1mm: ahbcrtimmwm Buy “'an ted. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. 3rd,â€"-'l‘hnt hereafter all those claiming ro- gistration in Upper Cmn‘nd'a from Lawn Cann- dinn hmtitnï¬om. Wm be required to have puss- ed the smile marticn'lmion examination as that exacted from students in Uppor Canada. 2nd ~Every Student who lmd’ been vegul'ar- 1y engaged in the emdy of modivine and Im- mnnicnlnled hefmo the First day of NH. 1867 shall be held to have complied with the ycqnira mums of 1he said Act. and oflhis Act, as re- gards such marticnhtion. Gond Common Vinegar Good Malt do Best Malt do Bordeaux do Best White Wine do At W. S,Pollock’s. Into Richmond HEIL Sup, 6, $66 Good & Cheap Vinegar For further parï¬rulnn. apply to the Hon. Dr. RnDph. Dunn of the Facu My. No.4. Ger- rard slflet. Toronto, ’l‘vrnnl'o, Sep‘, 6 1866 Bast Lubricating Machine Coal Oil, 35' 66 gal. Bast Eiephunt Oil .74.. Auâ€... . . . 65 3d gal. Al W. S. Pollock’s. Into Richmond Hill Aug. 2. ERR‘O RS; 01F YOUTH. Canadian Cotton Yarn; UST Received, in a“ Nos. from 5 to 10.â€" Mauufacmred at Dundns Cation Mill from pure Georgia. Cotton, at the iowest prices At “7, S. Polluek’s. late G. A. BARNARD’S. MEDICAL FACULTY MEDICINE AND MEDICAL PA’I‘IIO Richmond Hill‘ Aug. 2, WHISKERS- WHISKERS. ME‘ Richmond Hm. Aug, 2 A Card to Invali‘ds. "NEST CANADIAN “0‘1. 0H: It‘45 cents per gallon, at W, S. Pollnck'e, Me SESSION of 186‘; and 1867. will COAL OIL I Address. Machine Oils. G. A. BAR JOSEPH T. IVNMAN, STATION D. Bmu: Hbunn. Ncw- York city. G. A. BARNARD. G, A. BARNARD’S .1s gn]lon .11! 8d .25 0d .‘2s 6d .351†NAR’S. l4 PUH'E‘WINES‘ ENLWNBIES; JUST R‘ecaived‘ sonernl Quarter Chsks of" Pure French Port and Shefry' Wines nndi Brandies. ofrlhe best. brands-«éqnï¬l to any in the Provinou, and cm).,b§ _lhorg’u_ l)‘ recom- mended ; also, G'Ca'srqé“ " Lunch-L Dhck Uld' €rusted.P0rt‘ Wilkes. 'with aevnnfl Cases 05 Botlléd=Frenah~ lhhndies. Holland Gin andl pure Jnmac‘m Rum ;_s).-ou nrvest Jim-pullers. Tod'dy Rye, and malt Wliisky from 3's 6d per gallon. well rectiï¬ed and. unadqlterated at Wm. :15: Pollock lulem.’ Z i :19;.Ibsfaaéuï¬ii'gsmor $ v. s éxoijs. Ream db for $13:- 9’I55. do extra Bright dé for libsr Loafï¬ugï¬r, for $1,421; 'I‘r‘v o'ur‘ilzs. Young Ilysnn-Tééâ€"4he best: to be had in Camade Hid. price, at “’. 5'. Pollock’s,late ., [a Wnard’s- lnllb. Rolls, at W. S. Pol'Ock’a. late 1?]N4illbe gighnd‘é’l: hï¬Ã©qï¬â€˜yï¬iof‘Good FRESH BUTTER! “10w. PEI": erNn CLEARING 51111133335“ 1; ‘ I» 34."?! m * BOMB-:82 Iichmund Nil), Aug. 8; Grammar Sch nmxflm Fug; ' OPEN . _tn ‘ I will ' .,Unu_m| $901!!“I0flfl n(. P: Common Schp’ol Dcpa-pgpxgnt BE REQAEENID Sin-Lhï¬erty has formed a_ rmnh Clan II' addilion to those of 1‘" aâ€: Clam-inn, 511., affording pu-p'fls aA infe‘cpp I in to nhu'm | ï¬rst-class ad’uca‘ioh, and, if’lhey denim ii. to prepnra For Mutxiculaliun infamy of tho Uni- versilies. ‘ = m" ntten-Tance. is n105_ldosirabln, than the I'e-formmiuu of \hé (:1sz muy not be- delayed. ‘ -. "‘I‘I‘r‘IV m , . v vIv",AA._,-_, Richmond Hi“. Aug. 8 1865. On Better Time, Which will afford 1mmngers mrro time iii 01. City, and keeping: “naming quad accommndmo ing Drivers, I trust to méri't nhe patronage of the general public: ROBERT RAYMOND, Lemon List of Letters EMAINING in the Rivhmond Hill POI! I Ofï¬ce, on to: Ang‘ 1866: ~ Atkinson James Miï¬â€˜ï¬‚y P. L. Cnmgbell Jane Espy Joseph (2). Glamy Jumes Gamble W Gray Charles Grnv Catherine Hi‘hs Jeremiah Harris J'. Hesï¬p 'I‘hmnns Wise Henry King Thomas Walton Sarah Kennedv Mrs. Charlesh’ebber' Enwin Langstaï¬' John M'flKny Min McAfl'ery Mag ' Hnmlflo John D. Riley 1 human S-mpmn Jamel Tracy Mr. VOIIB Mr. R. A, , ._ I. MgWill’mns Juneov Riehmm‘d Hm, Mg. 13. ’66. LI. parsons indebted IOJOHN N. REID; MJ). Thornln‘l. wiH pl'ease an" and settle their accounts by the ï¬st of Octobu NOTICE. llexl‘ > HENRY REID. Agent, ThomhiH, August 9. 1806. GREAT BARGAINS FA L L GOODS ! RICHMOND ~‘HILL FOR †MEDICINALWPO‘SES. GOOD AND CHEAP SCEIOOLS gï¬ï¬‚s Riéglï¬g M. TEEFY, Secretary 5L Treuuror of Board of Trullou. Remember the plmflor .,-> > ‘."r. To make room f' r-J -_ or tile G. A341 mmARD’s. ;.")\jilhiu H m‘m‘wnï¬ 21*. BARNAR’D». FOR IS AT AND “1H,! lN ' Lu" ‘ M. TEEFY. RU; 1866f z wilth “I. 11?. I'M-I. em Free. Ptoprictor. 3m