Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 7 Sep 1866, p. 3

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July 26. less. Certificates of startling curt-s 0f the most violent and deadly diseases are on record at DR. BADWAY'S OFFICES in Vibe Cities of New York and Montreal, emanating from Hm highest authorities in the world. There is not a Town or (‘ity of impm‘hmcu (oxcopt a few in (him) mi the Globe but that RAIHVAY’S MEDICINES have cured the sivk when all other remedial 'agcnts failed. and this is vouched for by high dignitaries in Church and State, both by letters written direct to Dr. Radway, and through the U. S. Ministers and Consuls abroad. The Owner is requested to provo property ply expenses and Lake them away. A Ewe and :1 Ram Lamb Markham, Aug. 13, ’66 ‘ N. Ibâ€"Bewarn of counterfeits nml imitations, have nothing to do with 11m (lOHlCY llmt will endeavour to persuade you to take some other in plat-e of the l?mlway’s.â€"The country is flooded vim counterfeits and imitations of lewny’s Bondy lolivl'. Dealers purchust- those \VOl'IlllO-S mixtures at less than half price they are charged for llmlwny’s, yet charge the public the same price our agents sell you Radway’s for. (Price 25 cents per bottle) The imitations and mun- tr'rfeits are sold at 5 to )0 cents per bottle to dealers; dour :11, that prioo. ln pun-liming: Ready Jeljef, 599 tlmt't ghcm fire two‘signatures of lifldwfly ((2 (‘0. on the labels, and the words R. 1:. li. _... wvvv‘ any: xvnwv A T‘A'I(VT.“I('S1\'(‘I\VIJ CAME mm the nremises of the Subscriber, Lot No. 22. in the 3rd concession of Mun. about the middle of July last, DB. RADWAY,â€"-I certifj7 that your Rmdy Jrnliqf has cured OVER ONE HUNDRED of our tick from chills, vomiting. headaches, intonqu pains, (hm (hm One of our sisters had the Rheumatism in Im- hvnd for a, great many yearsâ€"hmng “ken a few spoonfulls of Belief in water, and rubbing 1101‘ 110ml twive with 1110 same medicine, the Vm perfectly cured and new-r felt, it. since. I always use it for dyspepsia and I‘m- colds, and Ways with success. It is Yory useful for sore throats, coughs, influenza, dipthcriu, 4%. It has a 0011 efl'evt in flatulence or wind (-Imlio. 1 use it forfuul breath and it produces a marvelous O cct. In short it pmcurcs relief altogether remarkable to our invalids. lieucr, 580 than “10113 are two Signatures 01 haunvny (\7 K U. ml luv mum-n, uuu um uuum u. n. u. lindway Co. blywn in tlm glass. A MAN THAT “'ILL SELL YOU A FALSE MEDICINE SISTERS OF MERCY, DORCHESTER STREET, MONTREAL, C. 9., IIOSPITA L 0F T1113 SISTERS 0F MERCY. ii!) 'chveut you whenever he iius an opportunity II Violent (list-Mos, instant relief is rel'mirml. ASLVI‘U} (‘llOlil‘llLL lNl-‘LAMMATIOX OF THE BUW'I‘II‘S, (THULH', I'l'l'h', SHIP FEVER, (‘lUllflfl lll l"l'iliil.‘ll\ “my prm‘n final within an hour or Mm, it" not, vlmckvd by {l Imworl‘nl :mlidulu illus JZADWA Y's Jll‘IAllY RELIEF: and all mute and inflmnmurm‘y nmlmliq-s. \x'liotlu-r lllwnmmism, i\'«-m':llgin, lnilum- mation ofthc Kitliiqu, Bladder, l'riunl (liiiivultivs. lnflnmmnlimi ul' 1 lm \l'umlt, :1ml.iuiluct, all dimes fraught will) iwmmliatn (lungr-r. yield at, (rm-u to this mnnnzmu‘in;r ('nmrivo. The READY .lllilillil“ i4 {N sudth in iis upomtiun as H)!‘ nmlmly im‘lf'. it is moro :uctivv thul flu! virus of the moat swift, and (luaully ('Illdl‘llllf‘. With iliix .llmnmly at, hand to use on {he fini nymptnm of 1min and mn-asino. , no person numl sulfur 1121 lmui' sickness. liner: of Mercy at Derehester Street Hospital1 appiying Dr. Hadwey‘s Remedies to the si Of Dittrlmea, Dyscniry, Cholera Morlms, lnflunnnnlinm (if the Bowcls, Clmlic, ‘unps, Spasms, Vomiting, Sick Headache, (fold Chills, Fever and Aqua, Sore mt, Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Nuurulgiu, &c.â€"â€"ch (mi-spoonful in glass of Hunter will correct all dcrangcments of the stomach, bowls and liver, and instantly flop the most severe pains. Gout, Lumbago, Sciatica, Pain in the Side or Back, Limbs or Joints, Spine 0r Muules, Toothache, Strains, Sprmns, &c.â€"â€"()nc application will alim'nl immediate “no bad comfort, and a few times rubbing will cmnplvtc the cure. Ansn ANTI-SEPTIC, DISINFECTANT, ANTLSPAMKmIC, COFNTER- IRRITANT, DIFFUSIVE STIMITLANT, nunmnwwm, NERVINE, ANODYNE, SUDORIFIC, FEBRIFUGE. Pint-class Freehold Security. Applylo CURES PAIN IN STANTLY! AND IS A POSITIVE PREVENTIVE 0F ASIATIC CHOLERA, YELLOW FEVER, SMALL-POX AND OTHER PESTILENCESI RADWAY’S READY REMEF ! H C7 STRJ Y SHEEP. Money to Lend, Sold by Dmggists and Country Merchants. Agents for the sale of Rndway’s Ready Relief, THE EL1$AFH 11.323; 2‘ GEO. B.VNICOL, IT HAS NO' EQUAL IN THE MATERIA MEDICA. It seized with Rheumma 'l‘ HOMAS CLI FFORD, Barrister; 8w, Richmond Hill. 60-3m Instant Help Necefieafl PRICE, 25 cents a Bottle. In sudden Attacks; .43”...â€" All Around the Globe. ITS JOHNRADWAY, M. 0., a co., P. CROSBY, Richmond Hill, THUS. ALLISON, Victoria Square, CHAS. DOAN, Aurora. Mr. ROWE and Mrs. RO‘VE, King St. made to order. Toronto, Aurl'l 527, lEbG. Barrie Aug. 24 1866) WATCHES, CLOCKS, AND FINE JEWELRY. 113, YONGE St., TORONTO NOTICE. A SISTER MARY DE BOXSECOURS‘ 513 and 515 St. Paul Street, MOxTREAL, And 87 Maiden Lum‘. XEVV-YORK LL parties indebxed to the undersigned are _ requested lupay up immediater to Mr C onby. Richmond Hill. ‘ J. SEGSWORTH, Ilhsonic and other Emblems 1M PORTER 0F J. HENDERSON, fiSflls ELUIN MILLS, J-UL Good Harvest ‘Whiskey constantly on hand. AT COST PRICE- mm A few more CountyRights for‘sale. DRESS GOODS! Also, 10; lb. excellent Preserving Sugar for $1 Demerara and Loaf Sugar equally low. W hen oxdering please state depth of Well or Cistern; The Elgin Mill‘s Store GREAT BARGAINS PATENT" SWING PUMPS mm Mills Septembérni, 1866. Tweeds, ‘ Doeskinsr,~ , - Plain and Fancy .Flannel‘s, Woolen Yarns, - . Worsteds, Plaids and VT means; Winseys, ‘ ‘Cobourgs; ' r ' Catmns, Print-S; &c., ADAPTED FOR ALL DEPTHS. Stock of Goods suitable-for the Sea-Son New Fall Goods H.& A. NEWTON’S And Vicinity, who intend visiting the Proviricxal Ezhibi’tion, we wish-to inform them that we have largely increased our stock in every department, and have navy on hand an Assortment of Goods unsurpassed by any house in the trade. and at ' ~' WHIch @mm'firm' Knile, Fork and Spoon _in case, Fluit and Butler Knives, PicklerForrRsLNapkin Rings, Match Safes, and Children’s Cup: in Sterling Silver. 'Elccmro-Plat'ed ‘Wat-c. I I Tea Setts, Salvers, Dish Covers, Cruets, Bulter, Fruit. and Jelly Dishes. Ice Pilcllers,Commumon Sells. Card. and Cake Baskets, Claret Jugs, Liquor frames. and Flasks, Cups, Syrup Jugs, Call Bells, Napkin Rings, Salt, Egg, 'Pickle and b’auce blunds, Knives and Forks, with Pearl, ivory, and Silver Handles; in Boxes ofG and 1‘2 pairs. Spoon and Forks, BY 81. C Q:iality, in Lilly, Threéded, and Fiddle Pallel'rs, Ice cream. Fruit, Egg, Gravy, Muslmd, laynd Sail I'blpoons,’ Soup. 'l‘oddy, and Sauce Ladies, Asparagus Tongs and Eaters, Salad Tongs, Crumb, and Cheese Scops, Knife liesls, Sugar Sifters, Sliga‘r Crushers, ‘Vineynhd' Chainpngne S'ynllons’, Spirit Corks. &c., Eye Glasses, and Spectacles in Gold, filed and Sh'ellClasp Buck- les in Silver, Gilt, Steel and Jet Fans. Porte' Monaies. lvol’y' Tablets; Combs in Silver, Steel. Gilt, and Rubb'er,‘Joseph Rodgers 8:. Sons Cullery, ailine" assortment' of Meerscl-xaum pipes, 8:43., &C., &c. 11 King St. East, Toronto, Sept. 5, 1866'. To our Customers and Others in “Richmondhill CONS‘STING 01" v Setts, Bracelets, Brooches, Necklels. Ear Rings, Lockets, Charms. Pencil Cases, Scarf Pins, Solitaires, Shirt Studs, Sleeve Buttons and Links, Diamond, Gem. Signet, Guard and Plain Rings. Jet. Rubber, Bog Oak, Ivory, Agate, Sleel, SILVER AND COLOURED 'ERENCH‘ JE'WELLREY. ANTED) AMEMZGAN @U’ODS, Superior Gold and Silver \Valches, Ormulo, Bronze, Marble, Cuckoo and Travelling Clocks, Bronze Figures and Ornamental Vasps, 7 Gold and Silver Guards, Alberts and Victoria Chalns. FINE ‘GOLD JEWELLERY, ” Kiaggsgfsét Bof" TORONTO Sold much below last yeLa‘lfsflpriges. WATCHMAKERS AND JEWELLERS, JOHN G. BERNARD’S Direct Importers from [he Manufacturers and Dealers in He offers the remainder of his Stock ol Dress SALES MADE FOR CASH ONLY. The Subscribers have just received alarge CAN BE HAD A'l‘ All of which will be CHARLES PO‘YELL', Pateqnpe and Proprwlbr. _ NEWTON BROOK, C.W C ONSISTING OP CONSISTING 0F IN TOfiONTO. 55c" and will make it n poirit to keep a sales/l stock of Goods for the Season, He therefore respectfully invites hisiild friends' and their:- iehabitnms of the neighborhood to enll and in. spec! his Stock. feeling confident he cannot lie undermld, nor surpassed by any ' house 110th of Toronto. > ‘ ~ ‘ Farm Produce. taker. in exchange. Richmond llill,Apri16. 1866. IN returning thanks to his numerous friends and customers for their liberal support sinco he commenced business, begs to inform them that he has removed to Richmond Hill to the Store immediately north of the And bwnod$ occupied by Mr. McNai'. whuro. owing to_ increased accommodation, he he has greatly jlycrgnsed his Stock of GR‘OCERIES, .H ARDW A. R Half-way House, Hithmnnd Hill, THE Undersigned is inslructed by the pre- sent proprietor to offer FOR SALE or TO LET. the Village Lot and Buildings for- merly owned and occupied by Mr. JOSEPH KELLER. There is five-eighths of an Acre of Land. 1: portion of which is Garden. The Dwelling-house is' in good ordar and very con- venient: it contains u'l’arlor, Diningâ€"room, Kitchen, Store-room and five Bad-rooms..â€" There .are also commodious Out-buildings, Sinbling, &.c.. and a' geod supply of Hurd'and Soft Water on ihevpromises. NflTIEE flF BEMWAL. Land 8: Gene in] Agent Richmond Hill. lufie [3. IBM. 54-tf. Purses, &c. &c. DESIRABLE RESIDENCE FOR SALE UH Wlll BE [EH AT .SCOTT’D‘ RICHMOND HILL. AT SCOTT’S RICHMOND HILL. Day quks, Miscellaneous Books 2 RichmBh‘tFHHl; My :2, moi AT SCOTT’S RICHMOND HILL. SCHOOLCBOOKS I Cdnlaln’s 60 acres af'lhe 'very best of land. al Iwarly cleared. Ou'the premises are erected a two slory brick house, with a frame ham. stable, cow home, and piggery, and- every other convenience. Also a large appls arch.- ard and plum and pear ,orchard, and currunls in abundance. H I For terms, apply persé’nufly to '. . GEORGE ARKSEY. ' - "011 {he pr'omisesr as v "..a~-.-A. c ‘ ch .34.. JOHN WATERHOUSE, In the Township of Vaughan. within half a mile of 1 onge Street. and Fifteen froin ‘l‘bron. m; the Mill contains [we run of Burr Stones, m‘erchant and country bolts, driven by a never (tiling stream of watér. . FOR SALE; that valuble Mill Properw, ' 'known as the ‘ .r. RICHMOND HILL MILLS, Grist Mill & Farm Toronto, April 26. 1866, Of the bes‘ desrription and newest designs. Carefui" nuanrir‘u given to the repairing of Watchas-mx’r‘ Glncks Jewelry manufactured and Rauuil'fl'i. The Intention of'he Public is imvted to their Stock, censisting of a great variety of ' For'Terms. apply to CHOICE AND FANCY GOODS N0. ll. angSlreel East. 6 doors east of Yonge Slrnet. ‘ Watches, Blacks, and ‘JeWeliy.' HE Subscriber, in returning thanks to his numerous Customers nnd Friends for their liberal support during the past nine years, would beg to intimate that he is prepared to manufacture Boots and Shoes of every descrip- [ions from the best materials. and after the most fashionable style. He hopes by strict al- lentinn to business, combined wilh ,modernle prices to ensure a continuance of their favour All orders'allended to promptly. ' ' Work warranted, Residence 6 doors north of- Mr. Ceoshys law. stand. _ l V ‘ JAMES VERNEY. Richmond Hill, June 154 1866. 5:2 3m W. WHARIN & CC). Support Home Manufaciures! Alwaysoh handflzgd for sale at modeâ€"mté priCes.’ A cull is respectfully solicil'éd. 'BONN‘ETS AND HATS Cleaned, Altéred and Trimmed in the latest styles ; also a choice assortment of Mil'fliAn'e'r ‘&"s‘traw Bonnet Maker. RICHMOND HILL. " 'MRs’:uw.“H..MYERs,._ ELEC'l‘RO-PLATED \VARE, CUTLERY, &c., &c. THE .FARM FOR SALE. RICHMOND HILL, Journals and A NICE ASSORTMENT. IN EVERY VA RLETY IN GREAT VARIETY, upon'rmns AND uE’Ames'm Pass Bobks; Pocket Baok‘s, Wallets, Flowers, _ ' Trimmings, M, TEEFY, 43-“ IA FRESH LOT OF ENGLISH BOOKS GIFTS & PRESENTS CALLINSPECT ANDâ€"ePURC HASE. SGOTTS mchmo-ndi-Hm .' With a' General Assortment of Alithles in Con- " nection with the Tradegm k HHST PRIZE ‘ " . _ " HARNESS ESTABLISHMENT! THE LOWEST PossIBin‘gmcns; Admitted by all to be the best and finest flavored, ever offered on the Hill. Remember the placeâ€"adjoinifig Ambler’s Hall. ne'- FARM PRODUCE TAKEN IN EXCHANGE. w Richmond Hill, May 3, 1866. ' . 4R-“ STOCK iOI ATISINSUN’S, RICHMOND HILL, q " * ?@@W£S£@N3§f Crockery;Glassware,” Of all Descriptions, 820. &c. SEC. J V To which he invites the attentiOn the public. TORONTO, July 27, 1866. @ W3N$M® 1© mg 2 GREATLY REDUCED WILLIAM MIT‘fiHELL To make mom for purchas‘es' now-being made in I the British Markets. . ” ' ' ‘MEN’S,-WUMEN'S AND CHILDREN’S BUDTHND SHDES And of the but Material and Workmnnship. All Work is tion, We ate connamly adding to .ur stock ofBooxs and will be ‘ Pleaée remember that S; Great :Reductianf‘ fih‘ffilfiffiécs ' BOOTS AND pposite Temperance St. ' ' " 0 R O N T 0, EGS to announce to the inhabflants of the County of York those in I! neighborhood of Richmond HI“ in particular, that he has added,_lo his lock 134 KING STREET EAST, , . Opposite the Marke t, . . . . . . . . . . . . fToronto, E32] 5 E©m smmmm mom SUfi‘flZ‘flER WEAR! SOLD AT THE LOWEST POSSIB‘LEV'PRICES Richmond Hill, May' 9, i866. good assortment of Tr‘uiiks'alwdysonhand Where you can 'procnre anything reqliired, at W. A. would call particular attefit'iéfivtzdzhis HAS BEEN RECEIVED, AND WILLA‘BE SQLD‘ cgmp FOR EVERY THIN GIN: :WKAY G ()flers the whole of his present large Sto-ck-‘at- COMPRISINGâ€"â€"- ' ' Silks, Shawls, Mantles, - Bonnets, Hats, Parasols, Dress Goods, Shirtiags, Sheetings, Prints, Hosiery; Gloves, Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers, Cotton Warp, No. 133 Yonge Strait, ,. And. is prepared to make to onmr all kids of Sanderson SE E SlellEâ€"fiSâ€"fl N. In the most Fasfiionable' Styleé, complete assortment of the most desirable SUITABLE F0 H. MAY BE FOUND 0N 76'6" is a} All Work is “’arrnnfiid to five perfect snliofam oquols und'Shoeg ofotr3‘ménufuctpro; which 3’1", _. I In 49-ft. 48-tf

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