Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 7 Sep 1866, p. 4

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I ‘ away». nnhmm,, .mrmirmvrrrfirmmmm " JOHN CARTER. lCENSlCD ‘AUCTIONEER ‘ '(lll, the Counties of York, l‘cnl and 0n- l [HULL limiomme. Lot H, 6111 concess on blullxlimn. l’u.t(lillceâ€"Unlonvrlle. . l Ii: S T Y L E THE YORK HERALD“; llllll, ll‘ll‘lllllllll ' . . . "- .. .~ ~,. .. '\’r‘ a, . : . AND - - suppr of lirnl-ciusc Liquors. (Sic. As [his In00117018l0“ «if E?" :3}- Chan WV, L1 mules attended on tho :lioi.e.~t notice apd Chm! lb“ 50 Becumly Chum!” lIOUuO passesxes (ivory occoniinooalioii 'l‘ra- L 7 3' U- ii rcosounhlv 'utrms. 3" OK" U U ll 1%. 7, [‘30de Exchange, Clubhb’l. and at l E k). ii it ~ lllll‘l iii 0 1d That every House wants. are those .°°l.ll’..".$§.§....'lfilg'*7 lllllfll ll! '3lttlrt. Life‘s Progress. HE Subscriber begs to inform the Public that he has leased lhu :ihore llolol. whorch willlreepconstantly on Ii:.ii(l n good ti 1 4!. -’ 5:0. , 1M! 7 [Lil]. 14/ p...â€" To thy mother’s side, And thine min zirourd her flingest, CHEAP velers con desire. these who wish lONiu)‘ where they can [ind ever) comlort uro respecll'tlll} lll- 0,. , . . FANCY @TOREJ Ill’lNG be]! appointed Agciit fir llilxi W I N D O W i - .;.- .3 Lest some harm betidel Thou who art so arclily smiling, Void of céréithy blov; ' Ho wrong thou ht thy soul defilingm Child, who 01 art thou? And the child look’d up with a face of glee, Which beam’d with a. smile of ccstucy ; But bioliapiuiz tongue no words expi'css'd A: he closer clung to his mother’s breast 5 And the guilelcso glance of that. siiiloss 0 8 Wu all the innocent one’s reply. Bo l that mournfnl‘iy art creeping 'llo thy tasks to diiy, And to-morrow high art leaping A On thy joyous way ; Thou whose every thought is bounded By the present now 9 Thfi prospects all by hope zurrounded, 0}, how old art thou ? And the boy nnswer’d hanghtily, And hi1 booom swell’d pi-ecepiibly :â€" “ Call me not Boy-I am in my teens, And long have forgotten my Childhood’s scenes ; And five briefyears will soon be gone, Then hail i all hail to twenty-one! Hurnh l for the day that shall set me free, When none shall dare to dictate to me 1' Man l that through the crowedod city Powell in thy piiiiie, Doling forth superfluous pity To the sons of Time; Thou, whose hiilf'of lit'o inwasted, Unredecm’d thy vow ; Ileligion's wntcm scarcely tastedâ€"- Man, who old urt thon? l I And the man replied abstractodly. In a voice that sounded remorse-fully :- “Oh ! ask me notâ€"the days'arc past, That I \‘ttinly thought for iiye would lustl The plans that I torm’d in my early years, Have brought to me only gricfs and tears , I And those Whom in youth I did most do- spine, I Have been lit"th up in the nation’s eyes, Whilst, unimproved, the powerful uwuy Of my forty summers hath pass'd away l’ l . l Greyhoir’d, old l that totter‘cst weakly Cross thy chamber floor, bringing sounds. beniin and moelrly, Soon thou’lt hear no more : Thou whom ‘ iiieic oblivion shroudetli, Whose last days are now, Ere ‘suns speccli’ upon three. crowdcth, Say, how old urt thou ‘1 Andithe grcyvhair’d ninn csrny'd lo SllC‘llK, And a tear pass 'd over his wilher'd chock But there came no soundâ€"Jul bow'd his headâ€"- His ago untold, he was With the dcndl miilrlluninlw. ‘ The Tumongong of Johore has arrived in this country.’-â€"-.Vcwspapcr Paragraph Arrived. indeedl pray toll me What. , This ’l‘umongoiig may beâ€" A bird, a. bout, a plant, a ship, A fossil, or a tree ? A prince. some say, but to no man Can such a name belong; I'd not consent, on any terms, To be a TumOiigongl If it‘s a prince, it can’t be wrong 'l At him and his to stare Is there a Otto. . ,. And is she dork .oi fgir 'l i no. i n n' n ’anrl ruollr “mm.- 1 ‘Yxti‘cltv‘j‘iist ii little more; So tell me What‘s a Tuniongong, And where on earth’s Johore? The best of men tire but men at. the best. Poverty, Luxury, and Avarice.â€"~Poverty wants some, luxury many, and avarice all. Our powers owe much of their energy to our hopes. Physic, for the most part. is but a sub; dilute for exercise or temperance. ' The gate of heaven is not to be broku n open with :1 golden hammer. The world is God's volume, in which every creature lb :1. letter, and every day it new page. ‘ Well-arranged time is the surest marl: cf 0 Ii'cll’arranscd mind. i c. l l l Poverty and pride are inconvenient com- pardons, but when idleness unites with the depth of wretclicdncss is attained. If you would enjoy your meals, be good- mtnrcd, An angry mun cannot tell wheth- er he is eating boiled cabbage or slowed umbrellas» l HOPE. None without hope o‘er leved the brightest 7 fair; But love can hope where reason would dos: pair. Vim: SHOULD BE Siitfxxhn For. Yrs 0\\.\" Earnâ€"Vice should excite shame for its own sake, and not for the censure which it may incur from others. The virtue of him who is guarded from tcii'iplzitioii only , by the fear of the world nod the probability of detmction, it; certainly fortified by feeble defences. TRY AGAIN. The coldest hours are close upon the morn Nightever urgarct'h day: Up. 1mm ! and wresth t'ct again with scorn ; Each footstcp is a full-anew on thv way! Tn: a tin! l I l l Ia bullied beaten ? Will. the hero tail Filing down heiieiith a wall 7 Another ladder l Let our comrades sculo The top o’er us piled stnirvlilrc as no full l Try again l Q‘pre‘forlornest, mashed like Despair! , - Truth must some day suceccd. Thy failure proves What ‘? Thy once, failiogvthelc. ' Fail-*yo'o'oguin if there be m artyr need l‘ r:l'ry- nguin‘ ‘ Vegclnblc pills i’ exclaimed an old lady. 'DOu't tall; to me of such skill. The host ggmoblopitl 'cvc‘: mode is of}; male (lump- ‘jiugwsfor«doélroying n {J‘Bflwlltgw in ‘ Morgen there isnvithing like it; if can i‘anys be iielied on.’ y. _, M 'A‘ Swarmn LovnvhmrnkuMay the I my dear mis t'-â€"-â€"-i have takeuthe peasu at wriph‘ting a few linsto you *Hiope you are 713i i am very poorly this week i think you are in a great. horrev to get mnrrid-i iiiiist . W." ’ D it up in a manner second to none on lung- Lil ' whore ho \viliheepconstantly onlmnd u ,4» supply ol'firslâ€"c'usx Liquors, the. v AuroraJuuo l .565. vited lo givo him u cull. GIDEUN DULMAGE. l’rrprictor. Richmond Hill. Dec. 1565. Bid-ti Elli! 'E‘CH hit. it“ Us E!) E AURORA. AVll‘l l‘:lcl.E()l) beg:- to announce that he bus Lenwrl the nhove Hole] and filled 4i lulu llo'. prism-sous every accommodation 'l‘ '. desire, those who \\'l.~ll 1o ~la_\‘ illici; v. . ll E‘id every outiil'orl Hlt‘ rnspectl'illly 1.....rnl to put up at this Bxlllltllslllllfilll. i. Sly/t L L FA [if FOR SALE ON BET. YONGE STE lll‘l Advertiser For Sole hi< lacrin, ‘ r]. of fill acres. on \oiiga St‘wl, Hlmlll hull- war bot-neon Richmond Hill and 'l h .1 lllllll or be will Sell 46 acres with tho but iii Home and Fill”) Buildings. 'lEllMS :«A sinull pnt‘iiient down, and n l'ng lime to pay the balance it rcqulred. WHERE-«For the 46 notes. \vllli Farm House niid huimlfiigs. $68 dollars an new. l’orscakion can be hurl on_ lat April. 1566. ll.-â€"A BAY MARE, 6 years old for Sale. (on time ii” required.) J F. PEARCE. Lot 39, ls‘. Con. Vaughan. 66. ( 7n / , i March 16th, 18 RICHMOND HILL Cabinet Establishment. rpm .4. (lillAS (‘UGHLAN begs to ln‘olm llll‘ inhabitants of llicbmund llvll rciiiillil'g country. that be to. lclisvtl. number of \nmn. the "alliticl Shop Hull .‘itnie l‘rulii Mr \Vrbber. where he Wlli iii:inuliiotuiv liiid lu‘cp on llilltll a pond insultilit‘til ol‘ Houschold E’uriiiturc, Olnairg. Tables, Redslends. inlcnus, Clipboards. lbw-inn; Stands, doc . which he oil'ors lit cxlreiiioly low pIiL‘eH. Also ll large N.‘~h(llilll(‘lll ol llmiiii l’nper, llol'dcriutz. \\ bile Loud, Paint" rind ( olor. Row and liolled Lincoi‘d Nil. \lnctiiim Oil. look Oil. Varnish. 'J‘urpeiiliiic. l?» 'ZZUIH‘. Gloss. Polly, Glno, &c., the iiig. l’uporiug, or Painting their houscs, Will do well to null before purchasing elsbwbiro. nml hlll" Ill 11 Ho would also cull fillt'llllol‘l to his FLOUR, FEED, Provision ll: d Grocery Slorc. \Vliora he will linep‘ on hand Flour, Shorts, Brim, Unis. l’oase, ()rzzinmil. Cornmenl. Buck \vliozit, Bacon. Harris. (Thrwse, Flill. and done l l'tll Groceries of the “cal Quality. for sale. at l Prices that cannot be surpassed. Richmond Hil‘, Jan. [2, lefib. 3i-6m. DRT‘N. ABC-K, SQRJQEON DENTIST l (harm-n his little ol \‘lf‘lllnflllll‘ linvlowlng' places, and ul'tt-rlhii. dole Will be (Sundae-w excepted) in .Stouilvrllc . . . ... lr‘lb of'oncli month llmugli'iin “Will “ " Mtiikhniii Village-u . . . . . ..‘J"llh " " llrouu'hCuritels..........2lit " ' Tiioiiiliill.._...'l ......‘.Ilnl “ " Richmond Hill . . . . . lli " “ Maple... . . . . . . .. .. h ” " lluruiolr ... .......'2‘lh " " Kloiuburu... ....‘.lelli " “ Nublcton......,.........5l’lll " ‘ thhlit‘y . . . . . . ... ... null“ '4 “ Aurora . . . . . . . . . . . . . lot ” " Stilton...” ......... 3d " Wth ho \vill nth-lid lu n'iy b”)'ll‘l“8.‘l lvclv mining to only brunch of his put ll. Aurora, June 7. 186.7. l if liliMlll‘l’fi Phillth Tho siil‘est and heel Morin-inns in line in Canada. .G.A.BAnnnnn W AS been appriilili-ii nor-pl, lm llit- (ioiilll‘. of York, for the "have vnliml-lii \li-ili. cities. which have. been beta o [be (‘nmirliun public lor the pun! sm‘nii \i'fil“. min ll'l\'~‘ ylvi'li universal :cnti<l'ar'lioli~â€"liu l‘ltll‘iltl‘llilull‘ Witt) colilirleiico. rm-oumm-iid (hnndwd- ol Truth-“Ii Ilialu could be glvmi if l't‘llll‘rfill. .‘ul'llu ii-g liq. benefit ilciivcd lborehot:r,) llltll‘ use for their wrci'iil vrilL’u': . iii: CUN’S MlliYVl‘)(il'l'ABl.El’ll.l.H Act golitlv yo! cll‘cclunlly: may be when dur- ing on)" rmplnviiicnl, at any time, and even .‘I l.i ‘ bv the most (lt‘lltihlfl Female. lllCACON'S S'l'UM/U‘HlC liI'l‘Tl‘IltS. At: n Lronclnl Tonic. or sll‘l‘nglhening Mud.- cilio to blow and irivlgumtc tho fruine. units“ can he l'lillor. lllCA(‘().‘i'S l‘llf‘: "MYTH 351‘. A nonlliilllz rind [\Flllllgjt‘lll npplrt'umii: rind. n< tar :is on ‘ll‘it‘lllltlllltlll can 1e 0" our k‘hvll‘v. mom \U"llllllg and ltlllt'll more mliiiigi-n! tbnn "ll‘; bulimto pulpmnri 'l'iiti liinjoi'ity of cases fivhl speedy roll-rt bi its nw. VEGl'l‘AlllJ'l ()lt lll'lAl, A|.I.. An excellent remedy for Rheumatism. lit-rm Tiiiiint, and Vlhlfllll‘hl :iiilza' lll lilwli or Sidt‘. the oil'ect»: of th ileril All it] llll'l i'illlIVH c, mm are ,aslouisliing, ficqnonily rcliioving nil pnin 3;: ii, ,iew bums. DEAFQN’S VEGITABIJ: COUCH l’ll.l.$ “no or lwrv l)(‘(~€bi pcncrnl'y rcniovo llin imlil. UEAC()l\’S Mixture for Cholera. llinrilvveu, fllKltSlllntl'lUl‘ (Tniiiplainls, cipnil in if no: i; tor lllllll our other l'|\‘(l|('ll|0 iimiiu. ‘DHACUN'S t:lttl1‘:illl'd~L‘onyii B ‘ll-‘Rl‘n. for Coughs, Colds, Coiiuuniplion. .Ao'tif‘ifll. k l)l‘i;’i(‘(/."C’S Antihi'llions l‘llld l :1: bet“ tcrin use. DEACQN’S L‘li‘llh'llili'l'. _ For Cuts, (,‘J'al'ltpd. He'ols, land all hindo 01 5.0er u . Hark-ifs and Cattle. f= ‘ DlCM‘t‘l'Wr" raj.” hin’d ol'sltiii .Iimnscs. " ' ill BIBLE sortsrr its ‘tlSlTOltl’ Rlcmzmsp “1! L. August in lFllifi. get conga iclose'hcfori got moridi an; gone , {algae s‘tedy you have. «lithcredâ€" my lie-«ll SCOTT’S BOOK STORE. Richmond Elill, “June 18 (i5 l'ni’ticv il‘llrlllrlll- r mnicox‘s WORKING MAN’S FRIEND " violin. Sll‘hll'l“. rBl'anf‘g, (Hits. (liii'hbiiun. t‘o'e ‘ plivo G‘inlniciit tor. all' (:Ulllillllll',0tll\ ol' two Uldlfnl. nlld moot Will‘th Ll'llll‘ll Command-5.1 will lmlmppy l :ln all. N ti--~Ul‘:li::o ngmrnt Loss or diillitige ll») Flu-.mpoii may (it‘NHljlllUtl ul‘ ". . wir- m l,‘ De. ‘m l the E10“ lihl h'tti.’i§:§5hiiih HATES” \vllll llltllll diulc pm liiL-lil m .'lll l.!ln».~f‘n’. 1Eor Nou‘inurlrct, Aurora. .l‘ultli‘lilllellalld llicliinoud llill. Killiinonll Hill. March 1411. w. (3. nurture, u. o. 95 King Stroot East, Toronto, hlIAK l'llUkt H b'llll F'l. ‘ S proporth to Wall upon M|]\' \tlio need bi- l plollsulll’lltl newton.“ lll mdr'l'tu ])lt‘.‘it‘l'\'l' their lt‘l'lll. or re eve Milli-ling mid sup ily llt‘V. teeth in the lumen :1p;:li)\ vdsl) lo. ’\l.â€"»o lo regu- late the lm-tli ol lliovi Wltn not-d it. (‘Ullrllltwllllll ll't'U litld :il! u'ork warranted. , Jllll“. 156.3 ‘Jl-y ! m, ,. , __,._~_.w l '- ‘ w *‘r V r r ~ G I!) 3/515; 5} Fl". I”? 535‘? 3.5;! X 03» (1 ti tarp“ M5,. J 05- Gaby, Proprietor. (Lute 'l'lioilili- Comes.) Good Ftnhilng and on nilcntive hos u flllalltlultllt‘. Februalt' 5. lc‘CG. uln'ujn 1‘16 DR. '1‘. (l. (TULVER‘S DlCAL DIEPENSARY. Over liill. King Millet ll}. Two), in! lilG cum ol' lmnadlmd l: ta M p And Hll l‘uumll’» Clllllllitil to. l UNFORTUN KTIES REA}? 3' 70U‘NG MEN who mu li'lviihlvd \ri‘li v.9uii'ic» gent-till}, i‘ailwd h“- li hurl habit in youth. which pim. .\ run-ril-itE-nizil [iultlllll' you can roil' on our ll‘Jtt‘ilii‘J‘, {in we have llt‘ltlr‘tl ovi-r lil':\ tllr ll.‘ltl.(l piiliruils‘. and We guuriiulco u [Jf‘lll‘L'L on c, in oil (H‘L‘S' lMPtlll'l‘AN'l‘ l't) li'lllll Our Poliorizwnl drop; will bring on the monthly bll'lilltNS, in all claws ol‘ ob»lrnvtlmn from nin Cutler, and izl’lm rill olhni' returning.- of tho liind. ll't'l)l‘(‘lll|i1llllt\’l1lll. lev lit“ Hill‘s AND (‘t'mzs â€"â€"-l"or S\pl~iln.~i Hlll<'lltl('S. .‘H‘lttllt':l \i‘ualtlie ~ *. in tho joints, trill-crimp; ol' the kidneys. diseases ot'lhe bend. throat, nose 'olid shin. :inil rill those (lltkndl'ill illl“C‘|(lilS zti'i~i'iig from n sci'rt‘t ‘liizliit usutilli. 'iVllllill pHHllH'CH i'niis‘itul Oil-\l A“. l l)!’l('l( .heend de~llo_\s Mill boil} and llllllll. The li'wiliiieiil we adopt i~ lllil rt still of llltulnltlh ol lhiltv your: I‘Xllellcllllt‘ and rliccessl'ul practice in lllul'opc and AllILH'IK'lI. East, "‘uronto, C \V. May 7, lotili, AG E‘ifi'fi,‘i’d VF .h 31'5" it E}. u A lemornn» nl'(‘xu:irl:i ii“ the llllllll’H’I‘ll t‘lll‘ lltl\[17i|l lie \1! li (mull H-il lll 71f~(‘l\‘l|t!:lll‘ll‘l'll?“ l1 (‘ht‘r ill lmllnii lIUlI“'. plttsoddlld I‘1 am :i ii U\"lt’lllll down ll lll‘i Ilt i. ro.i‘l'.‘ womb $.‘il it the llll“‘~l sillzx lelll lilii~lili~ mil: ’0‘ mph Ski. in iizivl'niiillv. Ill: , mid l l lirpt ll] Il'iltlll' f l‘l‘ ril' l‘llz’tllji‘ for lllri-n ‘. 1* l.“- a I:‘*ll Illill'l‘llll‘K‘ wild lll ('zil'u it :im m the r‘o-npulrt‘r l much G. A. BAEENARD, Agent , ‘ rm; “3 a": r i no "it? , in rzoifisig‘s... no, philial llt‘ll‘lllV, H‘lldxlll,‘ llllel'Htle' iniposwblu. and in: Addressâ€"Dr. l‘. C. Culver. 139. King St. 'i'lll’. (llt\.\lTl'i S'l'i'l‘l’. Foiiii’y Eleni“; .\lr|(1lilllt‘ i no“! pwrr-n'r'!’ lo lllc pt‘upli “'lll itl‘l'UllltlllEâ€"‘ll I‘Vl‘l’l' |it“\‘.llllll'}il UI towing livvr- tllt‘I‘llllll‘ wulmnlol .ilsil Illrllllllld‘llllf‘ liliil'lllfllcl‘li v in 'l‘m. The Commercial Hotel. Nelson Street, Toronto. ’ll. Llfil‘v‘lON, PROPRIETOR. . I First class Sinbliiig and careful attendance.â€" l‘criiis llllulc‘rult‘. . l'l'orunzo. Feb. (3, 1866. l 36 EDVV. SANDERSON. EN SED A UCTIONEER.‘ Fl R Tl”. Uhl'lt'l.) In b hi i l E llzuixlonl‘onlmt ‘30, nor oi'Bid (‘llltct‘fi‘loll of :\lnllillllll|. l’.0.;\dihosrâ€"â€"Butlnnvillo. ‘ l’iillius lt-qlililllg Mr Sitlldersoxi’s services l'Hll iiiulte arrangement.» at tho llMtALt) ullice. inntinry 4. 1355. 31 :i‘oiiiittcs of York and Pcclu . CASTELL nlANUl‘AQTCRHH HF ‘ l l l l ’Ulll‘l AA D UXADUl/l ERATICD l to 383 Yonge Street, Toronto. \V. G. C. culls (it all the Store: between I‘m-mili- and Richmond Hill every two Weeks. will Mil p'lvs Conl‘ectionary of all kinds at the you've-t \\ lltllt‘b'dl“ prices. l ‘I l‘oroiilo, July :30, 1:155. GORMLEY a; FEREIS Licciis r“ .t. uctioncors I n .L/ Sta/es (i/lcuded to with prompt/tuck. .l. GOlllllJ‘lY. J. l“l‘.lilil.\‘. Gor'idm'. l’.(). L nionvillc. l’.O. \lurltbum, Jun. 4. 1565. 3i 5 'NEW CHEAP, AND FASHIONABLE Eu" "Elie Largest, Cheapest, and Best ‘ Selected Stocks in tho Neigborhood, M, S, l‘l)l,l.UCK in now removing llln Spring éloclt \xhiith \\ ill be lulllltl one of Consisting in part of lloyle’s New ltlld beanii~ l'iii l’iliiln. lich rind elegant. Ih-lmiios. \lohnii's. mid l’ollle do blmvre lbwsrtem (liglihiii~,5liii’l- .iiirjs. “touched n‘id l'uclorx‘ Curious. Delirium, lllue 11nd honey Vallid‘l’h: Drill. 'l'owelliug. Uresietl and "flown lJo‘lrizld, Ems” sniiiincr 'l‘wecds. batinutln, UUPHH'IS, (iaiiibv- on. Russell curd. Mons" Smoclh, Utcl‘li itils. Long (ilolli, lle‘getlzi. Fltllltb 'l‘wnutl lt|ltl Flannel chills rilld Hundrv'iindi Homing. Willi {be Best :i<.~‘t|l‘tllreiit ol',\leli:s. “omens (Ll d Chilli- lti'tia' Soc-ha. l \ .. . / . ' . litter llllri'cd tn llll‘llllllhl} llllJ. lii t‘\'(\l_\' size. colour and make. him. a “ICU vnrcly HI' billk. Lisle and Cotton Cluvu; l’urn- ‘Ith. Geiiln’ l ilten and Paper Collins. Fiiiicg' Sill. Neck Ties. Unit-cs, AK: . Which will be Sold for ‘ Lush or Short, Credit, *As Cheap as any House north of Toronto. Lute n. BARNAR l l i l D. ./ ‘ -._.___._~_..__' _.._~._.....‘ , rims a. GHEBREN’S‘SHAKERS, Fillcult Dozcnin while und Fancy Comm.» ioi‘siiie chenp :it Wm. S. Pollock’s. lute G. A. BARNARD. l , , I'l‘l ill 'nhhnhhMBmm iosr: moms & CiLDnirx? .5 . > I l l mu). .‘lin; la \lwliliiw, ivl it full pl'lulcd 1 il- ‘L‘l'llvlll‘. N'lll (writ-s llfll‘ mi lt‘ltn‘lp ‘ » i. t V i . . . '7 ‘ 3 I r gal 51:) Ill 7: ’t-‘L'l‘ lwv-zl lf‘lll‘l‘. l‘ ii‘l riiizilr-i‘l \‘l h '“ 1‘- I‘llllll'b'fil, l” DDUHBllll‘. -\p'll lilil’l‘Pllllll" " «'mli 1‘7‘l'll ilinti'illtr‘. :n ‘lli'bli \1‘,‘“' "ml l 9! hull-.1” the II(‘\"I>‘Nl and Mimi illl‘al :i ( llllil l"it CHM» ill" war cull lvnl'll “‘1 ““W‘m'l’m “ll”. nllrl Will be sold Iil l'ul'uiilo :'..ull{lll|1‘ :lll'l't'rr‘lllilt‘ l!) a slim". tulip. And (I... , _" “‘“u “'llll an le>0"lt‘;"ul. of Hi vier and ,‘or roll I'll l l‘ “mil ('UndS. [Jim ' . . ,, ‘ l ‘ .. ,, . ,. . . , .. C.” l or W, W... . ., (1 A BPl \ ~ ,The (hands more 5J3??ng illolnlllt‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ “ ARD' ‘v , . l (Janina. y, ~~~~~~-~~â€"â€"‘~ R. T‘. llllSll .‘v t W. l ('18. ll Kin: ('rtii' do lilfilltlrttflllll‘ Silver ljlfil. 'l‘m'onlo. l'.W i . . . . . . \ll!‘;.l§l 1‘ll'(\lll.‘l|(ll‘lill l)’ll?llli :irlrl (murmur. ligated firewood. , l millnli. l’i wrl will. (il: wow illuii‘l'c .l mm o 4,,“ WW h ‘ r- 1 ‘ 3 An excellent assortment of P C lO-l iigclilu \\'l“ill‘ll in [wow port 0 ‘lm l'rililili't m tvliimi \‘xi'l twill 4 kill lo .‘3. f-ll tic)" ii til’ili. ll 2. l.‘.l,_’t' (mini. Tv-rlils lo i'l,‘jl.‘1".h‘ vi... l} r. i o to tiioso \'l.'lb.tlll.‘_‘ Silurllllll‘fl. l Toronto, illnzrxh Qflid lSl‘f. 444v ‘ V“ '\ V ‘ Pilllf‘ullll. il‘ljol 0? THE FlCllMOI‘ID HILL lllllllllllll llll. lllllllllll i l]- WHERTZHS these exists in the ncizblv . "SH; ll‘. plijrlll I llllillll tis.ili3li' l‘ l . nlmuld lint obtain it it ll] P able that o IE. I}. Since in the opinion cl” many well quali- licd to judge, SIGNS GUCI’Htl'ZlJlIlD' chit nl'runrluiicr: on or ‘t of (rumbles. Hill, to sink n neil there. ‘ lVE.\‘ll":llllG ll’Tl' !‘ l: l rm, it is proposed {iii-S lto. 'll'il .. Thc Laud can be cliluined for ten year for one-tonili of tho Oil. Ton acres; ll:‘.\C ‘ itll'Ff‘il’lV bran l l to scour llic site. 'ilm probable nostril birthing the null “ill be iabout $2,000, about 0ii(.~li:ilf-'if which will I be required to procure inolcrxil, and {,0 on with the worlr. ' The capital of the Company is to he £32,000, in 4G shores of 5‘50 each; two di .;, n a , sham; entitlcn any member to become 1 recmr. ' ' As the successful PI'OSPCUllCl] of the on ~terprise will coni'cr untold advantugos of lWCHlll] and prosperity on our village and neighborhood, it ishopcd tlioteullicienl stir» . l lpm‘t and encouragement may he 51%;: it) "VIE:de its orozoontiou. lIZKthmJ Y ll ‘n' ~... ..-.. J _ n 2 ‘.' . v 0, USE. .H . . Minn ll 'Ylll hood very strong indications that Oil. ‘ ecvclnlloculi- \ 011,1 PHD)" ‘ to lest the mutter, and 0? Oil. of ti inc-fit c.\i.».l in the aremwsl l}, miles" long the place most 3 nor-363nm S l . . . ‘1)lt‘0. Vic .\10 \Vizlm', and Arrow Rout, at l‘oroiito l’llt’CS.flL W. S. l’(»l l (N K’S. G. A. BARNA RD. {kitten Moeicry \lnn‘c White and Coloured Merino Socks. u nll pub-5.. \II‘lt‘h it own and Gron Cotton Sucks, Wuiiwn‘s White. Grey. Black and B (‘lllitllh in all lll’llfON. \Vmiwus' llliliiiorul iiiid French brown Girls, White and Grey Cotton pl‘tCPS. Bots” While. Gi'ev. i‘or'lig ii all prices. lull/nth" White and Ilaliiimnl Sll’ipn Cotton {locks in all prices, and m: chi-up ‘ns mp he bought \V. S. PULLOI' K's, into G. A. B A RNARD. l l . (lo “we in and Brown Cotton l ; E’taro Fine Elliiwmrcd FY Young'HysdnTenâ€"E’s 6d ll), uiually‘snld u l 35 lgd l do do 35 0d do out Sliorg do 35 6d do Extra Fine Flavored 4: 0a to 45 3d With some excellent brandy of Java. Japan, and Black 'l'nas. at Pollock’s, lute ‘ G. A. BARNARD. R1 "*“nond ilill April, 6'2 1868 / Tlll‘liC'l‘lUNAllY I. ll) .’\bm‘l!t’lh\’. Soda. Wine. Prince of Wales“ SHADES 'l' but are now Richmond llill, 33? “7.1). RE “I. Which for Nominees ulr’l Tl“ Cannot.» be 1.;oolled :, llv nu)- iiow in use I' [LT All orders promptly rllondi-d to S] w. r. moilnm l). lichmond lllil. Mn)‘ 18. lBUG. 5ll-tl‘ I Hlflllurflclllll‘d Hi ,3, END. slum, ....; r R 5' . M é.th l :4 V“; g EMPL‘JYMEHT' FUR EVERYBQDY. Agents wanted throughout the United Stall and Cnnadus. 800,000 VVntt-l‘cs. (brains. bils ul .lcuoby, HiilgHJ’in l l . l l l Bracelets. Sleeve Buttons. SilverSpoons and Forks. Cups. Cnlzo Baskets, doc. worth Eighl Hundred lbou- i mind Dollars. The Entire Stock ol' a large lniyoiu‘lso Hover. t‘etJ'flig li‘OlII business. For the purpose of closing out the. stock a. the earliest possible dale, tho undersigned have ldPCidl‘d on a gzl'ehtdistrrhulion made us follows. ‘nAtn AM) nvmiv .in‘i‘lci.i.. no MA'l'lER How l \‘Alonnmc. til-1K6 sou) iron $1. l A Certificate of each article with its value grinned upon it. is placed in an envelope and ,zlunleilâ€" thew envelopes aio thoroughly mixed ‘ and sold Dr ’l'woutgfivc Cents eachâ€"the per- :soii receiving Olin of these olivelupns is («milled 110 the nrnulo IlfllHFrfl therein In returning the (ifil'llfiC-llt‘ In Us with one dollnr and that article. no mutter how vulnnblz ll um} be, will be- for- warded .0 llllll or her nl olive. Tlh‘lfi are no .13 unit Certificates and {hurt-thre- every one ii: sure lo got. at least. lbo full value of “in or be: money. Should the lirlic o named on the Per Minute not}' olllt‘r much he iiiny select of tile some value will be >ltllbllllll0ll. We sell the certificates as It'llnws: One for 95 cts.. five ‘0" fit. 3lr~ven for $9 thirty tor $5, aixlyfiie lo: pill). one llllll'llt‘ll ll'or Sill}. This distribution Jrllllltlh a fine up 351; T ,JqJâ€"iM,-u put “up. “I. Inn Wt not invest 1'\vl.,\'rv t'l\.|, rm [5 W”). H Pm," pool of getting livo liundmd or u thousand times as much. \ll nrtloru must he. addrcuod to us at our old stand No l5 .llciiduii liniio, New York. LIST 0 F A R'l‘lCIJ‘IS. l ALI. or wuicri ARV. To in; sow FUR $1 mm. 300 Ueum' Gold Hunting Case \anirhes.. ........... 550 to $15l .‘lllll Lad es’Guldund Enameled- CnseWntcliiw........... 35 " 7 (ECU (ielils’ ll lilting-Cunt» Sil- verWatclics............ 3i " 7 'Jl‘ll llinmoiid l{|1123.-.. 5H " lll' 3.1m“ Gold \’o.~tiiiid Neck t‘hnilis 15 -' I} {won -- - H 4 u n 3 Hi () Gold ()vnl liniid Bracelets. 4 " P‘ 4 “ll” l'lmxrn (Sold Ilinz'oli t. 5 “ Ill ‘2 DH“ 1 howls-lie (lhiiin: rind Humid('liwinn........... 5 " 2!) (fillilll Solitaire and Hold Bron tier. 4 " Ill ,‘JJIU" 1 "vi and Florentine .......... 4 " b 2_(l=:(} (Toral. ()pnl nnd Emcrnld lii'um-lms.... .,,....... 4 l0 9 2,000 Muslim. Ji-t. Laws. and Florentine [for Drops .... ll, " ‘3 4.500 (luriil. Uplil and Emerald l’iailllopu 4‘ h 4.“! ll Culiloinm Diamond llrmist I’nis...................Q5n ” Ill ,3,(lllll Gold lfuli and Vest Vl/utrzli Ki‘}'.\......-......--.....Q50" 8 4.000 but) and Ves‘ Ribbon Sides 3 " 4.000 5M5 ol Sulllmre “leave Butâ€" tolrs..\lllds.ctc........... 3 “ H 3.000 Gold 'l'hliiihles. l’encilsmlc 4 ” 7 (Ltlllll Miliinriiw i.m‘llets........ 250 “ 5 4.00.3 [\lllll’d‘ - Locketsâ€"Ringgit: Spill?» 3 “ ‘20 3,000 Gold ~ its. (Trusses. elr‘, . .. , . . . - . . . . . . . 2 ” 8 5.000 l"l3|'ll(rt.(1 i-‘i;"-......... 4 “ ll 5.000 (Tliaswl (i -d II‘ttt‘. . . . . . 4 “ ll HJZMI Sumo Sol nod 4Igilet Ring« Q fill “ Ill 8AM)“ ‘lvfllllklllllll lllnn-uml RI us. '2 " l“ 7.50” St'lS lmdll‘a’ J” \‘t'llWâ€"wJG‘ and lilllll... . . . . . .. 5 " l5 6.0“0 $913 [mil es’ Jewelryâ€".â€" (Hi-.wo.l‘ehil.eti-....... 4 " 15 6,00“ Goo l’ttllh.6ll\’8l' Extension Holders .‘ilizl i'i'lli'llF. . ..- . 4 ” “l (Llth (iolil l‘i-ns Hllll Gold Mutin- it‘d lllilrli-l‘s............. 3 " 5.llllO Gold Pens- and Gold Exten- sion iloliims............ G " 10 5.00.) Silver Goblets and Drink- i»g (‘ups.............. 5 " 50 3,ll(lll'Silvui‘(.nstvis.... ........ l5 " 5G '2.((lll Silver Fruit and Coke “riotous...”............. 20 “ 50 PER 1101‘“ 5970“ Dozen Silver 'l‘c:i~Spoons. $lll to 342+ 5,0! l‘ -- “ Tzilile Spoons , and Forlts............... 20 “Mil AG iNTSâ€"WVB .vant agents in every regi- Iii'leiit. and iii ovary town and county in the In :i‘llll'y, and those acting as such will he allow- (>110 cents on evel‘y Conificate ordered by them. provided thcil remittance amounts to one dollar. Agents will collect 95 cents for every Certificate. and remit 15 cents to us. W‘Vl'ite plainly. say only what l5 necesohry ‘ and boproinpt. Addless. ' GIKARD W. DEVAUGH & CO.. No.15 Mcidon Low, New York. June 3, 18G5. r-(lrxi l s mu Orders for, the am‘ oi undormentioued descrip- tion or PLAIN llllllllll lllB Willi Will '-0 promptly ultendi dito S»?- BOOKS: FANCY BILLS. BUSINESS CARDS; Clucungtits’; NEW Lisr or BOOKS SCIENCE. nurtures, revisit MEDICINE AND MUSIC. _.._._ HE Proprietor of the above Establishment begs to cull the l'llellllolt ol' the llllll‘ibllg anti-i of th Hill and neighborhood. to [he rec-mar additions made to his Monk of Interesting and Readable Books. being a superior class of liter riiuie by lhc most e-iniiwul authors of well- lsuown reputation and popularity. God’s Glory in the lleavei|5~ Br “'1”. lieltch. l'iiiimpzil of Queen’s College, Canada, $1.5m timid i\urd.~1~â€"vtils. {or 186] and 1862. $1.5?” ea h. 3 Mid “lurkingâ€"Hy Rev. \‘Vm. Steven- :tI-t. b75115. nl‘let‘thl Experience ~Bv Rev. Dr. Nigel. HT; cls‘ ' Wipersâ€"“By Norman hi] cia‘. I , The (hover Thoughts ot’u Country Parsonâ€"- 67% ms. ‘ L Blirns’ l’uutiin, Igloo. :tlcitii. gilt edgesâ€"500m. The New Lilo »-‘ll'\‘ Bushuull. |2mu clo'h. 40m: The Book of Funilly \\ or:»liipâ€"l,l) Rev. \‘l‘. H. Clark. fillets. . ‘. Forty You”. l'lxpi-rience in a Sunday School-i By 'l'yng, ~lllcl< Buchliii’s l)(llllt*:tll: Medicine. ehenp edition. only 5“ cts. , The Canadian Sulphur School “collarâ€"l0 cts. it Hi) and his l“:i{-ml~â€"li czs. llniil'un'u Pilgrims l’lugleHfiâ€"flll rls. The §cotlish l‘snlliiotly, iii 'l‘oiilc Solfa Nolan, ioii--‘2;’icls. ‘ Song}; ol‘ Zion. with Tonic Sulfa Notationâ€"l . ms. 'l'bolilrou’s Loud and the lluokâ€" 1-. Church l’myor Books, lillllcs. 'llcslnmur‘ttu'. all pr-‘t-es. Adrettlurrs in tho Gold Fieldsâ€"~95 Nu. L ..i:".-:i McLeod, D.D., ’ . 1N FICTION. The “’nvorl} Novels-Attica. Tm) “'ri i'lr .\sliui'4'â€"â€"-}ll (list. The Rm Ing l‘ilighaliiimnâ€"mfl5 cm, The “Olllhlict‘ ol (folitlnou l.ifi:--5l“(‘.u-. The l“0!l'-"-l-I\'l' (iiisillsmoiiâ€"â€"5ll cm. The \\ mi, in Volt-w t'l‘nni the RankNâ€"i‘s ct» ulllt‘lllt‘ll and “libsâ€"«325 cls. FANCY S'l‘ATlONER'l. Albums {0| ,l Zml'tll tinitn. :lU ctu. Albums lUl' 24 l’ol'lrnils. 55!. Albums for 24 l’ulti'nils. (Cope Morocco.) $l. Albums for :34 Portraits. (Morocco? 331’. Gent’s Walkingr (Vltllt‘h. from 40 lo fillets. l’cii Knivcs, with 1 blade, from 1.5 to Qllots. Clasp do. do. do. 51. cls. (bouulitully‘ liiiislit‘ll) htrong Clasp Knife. 1 blade. 25mm. Scissors. ill (:15. ' Dressing Cate-s $1.55 to $9; Marking l-ik. 1.3 cts. lridiu llubbct Hulls. locm.’ Slate l'iclures. 1.3 ctu. .) 03" l’uriodicnls Supplied Weekly or Monthly. 43‘ Richmond Hill. Mlt' 26..’65. ) ON NERVOUS RELAXATION and EX HAUnTlON. New editions «Marga-ii to 19 pages, illuslrulr-d h_\' IOU Anatomical Coloro bligrnviiigs on Steel. Justpnblisliod,pricol IIE SILENT Mimi), thelgrentesl non. cnl Work ot'lhe Age. on Youthful indis- cmlions and consequent liiipediiiienta tn Mur- ringe, describing the Anatomy of the Ilepl'O» ductive S}t‘lt'lll in health and disease, and pointing out the surr- riionns of perfect l'(‘."'l0|'n‘ . tion to manhood: with “I' Essa“; on Single and Married Life, “(omitting a l’rcshriptloii known as the l’revculive lmlioir. precluding" lhe‘pos sibility of culilniiililnlioti. . Also to be hurl ti'oiiiull Agents irrall [mm of lhe inn-iii. liX'l‘lt/lUTS FROM 'l'HE'Sllilliv’T FRIEND. price. 61)., which colitaindé‘d'iiectiouu 1(ll'lllt‘ guidniifte ol pnlienls. _ . Messrs. R. & Ii. l’izniir dL Co. nre‘onlv to he consult: d at their iesidonce, No.19. Seniors l l LAW nouns: BILL HEADS BLANK CHECKS, DRA FTS. PA MPlILE'l‘S AND ‘1’ LARGE AND SMALL POSTERS, And every other kind of Letter-Press Printing. U'th.ASSO RTM ENT 0F l§ llll ‘llh‘ill is entirely new' and of 'the lam-l irvu ii i. larga'vaiiety of new“ For Cnrds., 61c just received. or ORDERS Paonrtiv‘txrttliin7 4:0 (street. (lit-lord Sreo’. London, 115 they never, under pity ctrouiiistnlioen, travel either at home . or abroad. anl thov burth caution the Public ngnliist any pars-on using their name. and an a further prconulioii against fraud. the Public is notified lhnt norm of their medicines are uiiirie. unless the snhjoilied five-Jill! nignntura is aittached to lpol‘s. * . g”- I I I _ the 01' their their util6T”',Zi wrap- Gicmciun‘lvn AND .\ lm‘tULAh l‘uwnh Randal) Br 1 ME um; or Perry's Cordial Balm of Synacum Established ltonrl)‘ n rzoiiturx. and known throughout the world on the (i ll EA‘! lliS'l‘ ti IC- GEN ERATUII, n n'wcr-lailnp remedy for.- b‘pernmtorrhm;loss (ill iiinnb pow: r. p odured hymn iiidiscrclinns. or on} cause.â€" l'. enriches the principal vil «l llllltlr _. crinlihiig_ those ulio have (learnt-d llllllllrl'l-HV ‘Illl'llrfllllfl. Ht H1100 to fulfil the Hunt Sillj‘l‘vl'l iibl patrons in iiinrricd lilo. l‘liw‘ ll.< l-r lllc or tour. qunnlilies Ill one. 333.. “‘llll h sove- lls : wild in £5 bottles. rill-cling ii >‘11\'ll|g w Ll IQs. l’l‘illRY’S CONCENTRA’I IaD DETER- SlVl‘i ESSENCE. n l'('HI£‘(l_\' tin Sniliills in all its tram“. Hl>tl tor purillyulgtbe S\>ll‘lll from noitlmiiimilioii. H‘ltulltltlt‘llll' (i for snrrviitirr)‘ NVIIIlIlnllh. hlmrbiw on the lie-ad Hull thus. 9n» lzirgeiiii-nl ol Ille- 1lironl. Iousils. a'iid uvuln; benelit'iul Influence on the svslniii is u ulcni- olliux ll ,4 it}. able Pric IL». and 33s. per bottle; ilno v. saving (ll Us, . I ’, V l’FRl‘Y’S‘ l’ATlCVT CONCEN'l RATED Ex‘Sl".\'(3lC ()l“ ((ll’.\ll’..SUGAllâ€"(WAlED GLOBE . the most speedy Rein-«h known The (liohules. poli- lniuing the Qiil..ti bfit'lll'f‘ ol (‘opuibm (phobia Blinlin, (he... at or m- cure, \ llltOl'l' llu- pmmbi. lily of iodine. Gonorihozn. ob~linalo (v‘leet. Strinuii'e. etc . iillim'dinlcly hilbiluing all in- fiamotory belinn; Enclosed in sugar. free- from table or smell, 4s. lid. nod [15. per box llmi.1:i'i,)i:mrcns urns l’uui: [loomâ€"- l’l‘ZRRY’S PURIFYJNG Sl’liOlFlC PILLS. an iiilallible cure for all, discusbe theokin such as Scurvy. Scrofulu, Ulcers, Boil: Blotches,Piniples on the face and body. &(‘_, ' Price 11F. and 335. per box 1 Sold lit. ‘Mossrs. R. dz .L. T’ERRY Co’l Wholesale Depot, No. 19, Burners Street. Ox- ford Street London, Agents: BARCLAY & Cu, 75. Faulrtdo Street, London. {'3‘ 26.1865 ' i’\l\'ll WM, .Li. (_ l bf“

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