Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 14 Sep 1866, p. 2

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“than “3“”? Of Canada} Mail Truin......;... Inna-3.... .......,. v , , “min"...u ‘ N ew Advoifllements. Â¥pll 9nd Winter Goods.â€"S. M. Sanderson- nfl 'and Winter Goods.â€"J. G. Bernard. Notice of RemovaLâ€"W- Atkinson. Infine.â€"G._ Reynoldg. Now that the season is approaching when farmers will commence to take their produce to market, we consider first itis our duty to caution them against accepting American Silver at par, in payment for their grain and other ugricultuml productions. When the Binks will not take it, why should far- me“ show themselves to be imposed upon? "It is a well known fact, that dealers in produce purchase silver from the hrokers, at a discount of three and a :Nfiiper cent, and make a gmd thing sii'fiifit by paying it out at par to farm gig-In operation which is calculated in keep American Silver in extensive cireu‘stion throughout the country, and cause our own coin to be kept locked up .15. theBank vaults, to the serious de- mgement of business. If farmers will but insist upon 'bcing paid in current horny, such as Bank paper or Canadian nilver, the evil will be put a stop manor“) mu? inn TABLE lounu no}; u. lcfie-Uniunâ€"Mechaics‘ Institute. oal Oilâ€"G. A, Barcard {Exdway's Read{\Relief mpoflationIâ€"x '. Whariu & Co. _ sunscww: FOR The You: Herald, $1,00 a year RICHMOND HILL, SEPT. 14. 1866 We congratulate the electoreof West York upon the fact that our represen- tative is d1 facto Minister of Finimcev It is not yet publicly announced who will be his suecexor in the Po=t Olficc Department, but we have no doubt satis- factory arrangement? will be made with- out delay. Mr. Howland’s large experi- ence, as a merchant, rs calculated to iii him for the discharge of the onerous duties which be has now assumed. We consider the position of M? ulster of Fi nuncc is the most important in the Ad- ‘ ministration; requiring more thm ordi- ‘ nary business capacity, combined with a thorough knowledge of financial science, -â€"-these qua!ifications, we believe, are possessed by the memberfon West York. We do not know of another so comyetent (who is in a position to assume the duties) to be the successor of the Hon Mr. Gait. m; we trust they w‘“ bear this, in mind, and act upon our sugges- Another nuisance, in this connection, is‘the oid copper sud penny coins,-â€"so111e- thing’ihfiuid be done, now that there is an fibiiiidatfide of Canadian cents in c' r- oihtion, to protect the public from the ‘muénienoe of the circulation of the gig!- 9opper coin , so long l8 both c0;- pfl and you}: no in circulation, pem 10 in Bum make it n. pragtioe ot taking them It theft-inc value, but take good one not to' pay“ them out "1 the lame way, as they carefu‘iy sepa~ai 3 them,a”nd make a profit of twenty per can". upon all the cent coins taken in this way. Fnrmers should hear ‘n mind that five cents is a legal tender for three vpenee,’ and is equal to six coppers ; they will do well to notice that no merchant, in making changc,gives 51': cent co '15 in- stead of six coppers, than why should they (the farmers) be expected to do so. flp-m remedy rests with them â€"1f‘ they ‘M upon their legal rights, and refine t i submit to the application of the ra1o1', - \7'l soon be rid of the nuisvnoe. For the past month the (Pie has been publishing John A. Macdonald as a person whose habits unfit him for the position he holds as a gMinister of the Crow .1. The Hon. Mr. McGee, ven~ tured to say comething in favor of his colleague the other day, :"ld dot. .1 comes the Globe upon him, accusing the hon. gentleman of being worse than John A. W'e would not be surprised. to find him, premently, aceus‘mg Fergcsson Blair of being a harder case than either,â€"-â€"in fact, Mr. Brown's silen'ec mmt he pm chased, or he will not sfop until he“ fixings Messrs. Macdougzil' and Howland in?) the messâ€"-and, possibly, wind up with his Excellency. From a‘l‘b‘mt we can ham,~ we are inclined to think that Mr. Brown can be asâ€" social as his late col- 11:391.;st he is only permitted Wham his (Murray inbrewing, and dealing out the lush, ~but to be shut- out in the cold, is more than he is willing to submit to.- "l‘he Silver Nuisance Again I GD): 19th firralb. New Minister of Phantom. What Next. ? IOVIIG [‘00 I'll c ...,./............455 P. .,-./...;.....7 55 A." ............8 H r. n ...........933.A. I The Second Annual Sabbath School Pic-N10. A Union Pic Nic will take plncei on Thursday the 20th of this month, to which the fi)llowing Stubbath Schools have been invited, Wesleyan Methodist and! Presbyterian Schools, Richmond Hill; Union School, Patterson; Wesleyâ€" an Methodist and Presbyterian Schools. Thomhill; Union, Victoria Square; Union, 6th Con. of Markham ; “'esleyan Methodist, Buttonvillc; Episcopal Meâ€" thodist, Headford; Methodist and ‘Presbyierian, Maple; Episcopalian, T'ehmond Hill; and Union School“ 5 Q 'ville, A procession will be formed: at the Methodist Churchfiichmond Hill, at 10 o'clock precisely, which Will pro- eecda short distance north on Yonge Street, headed by the Patterson Brass Band, and will return to the Village of Patterson, where the grove belonging to the firm Patterson and Bro. has been suitably prepared by the proprietors for the reception of a large company. “ Cuimcvmv SiTTims.-The next sittiRâ€"g's of this Cuurt is advertised to take place at the Couit House, in this town, on Thursday .next, 12th inst, before his honor the Chancellot , but inasmuch as there are no cases to be heard. there will he no sittinr and consequeufly hlS honor will not come." The Comet is a. funny fellow, and ha,q ¢w4y of his own, that harms no- oneH and pleases himseii'. i II' the day should prove favorable we have no doubt that each school will be well represented. We are very much pleased to see the Interest which is mm- ifesting itself in our Sabbath Schools ; there certainly has, in the past, been too much apathy, save by a faithful few, in regard to this important part of our church organization. The pub‘ic at large ought to take a. more lively interest in matters connected with the Sabbath Schools in its lespective localities. There are these (who are real benefac- tors of' their race) who labor, year uf'er yea", for the children of 'those who scarcelv ever reward them with a smile of approbation; to such, an annual celebra- tion, whether in individual schools, or as in the one about to take place. a number combined is an incentive to presever- ance which Is not easily forgotten, and results in the realization of the fact that they are indentified With an institution which occasionally gains a portion of public attention. The present move- lent, which commenced last year, we hope will be sustained by its promoters for years to come. The design of gath- ering all the Sabbath School childzen in the surrounding loeclities together at least once a year, for the purpose of en- joying themselves, and enabling both children and teachers *0 become acquaint- ‘ ed with each other, is one which cannot fail to meet the approbation of all who take an interest in the success of Sabâ€" bath Schools. All celebrations of this nature, being on a. larger scale than or- dinary ones, are undertakings which re- quire the aid of others beside the ofiicers and teachers belonging to the various schools ; thus their attention is arrested, the v wants of the school discovered, means devised for the supply of those ‘ wants, encouragement given to the teach- lcrs, and life and animation inqucd into the whole. “ 2 That it shall not be necessazy for any J"stice or Justices, befiure whom-any conviction may he had, to make an imde - ate return theleof, but. that it shall in all cases be sufficient. ifthe return now :‘cquil- elby law he made to the next, Genera; Quarter Sessions ofthe Peace to which an ‘Lppenl against such conviction: can. by law be made." The Owen Sound Comct, of the 7th Sept, lets ofl" the folowing :â€" ”'1‘. appear in me Uldel, decision or coawict‘ou returnu-d to such Sesaious; my diai‘ect whether of fan m 01‘ subs , Ice, and the said Com-t may ordvr the same no be amended foxthwith thereat. to :- - l“ An Act to amend the Law respecting Appeals 1 1 cases of Summarv Convic.i0ns and Remrns thereo by Justices of the Peaee in Upper Canada. ” Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and Assembly of Canada, enacts as follows.- “ 1. In all cases in which a person, Com- plainant or Defendant, appeals from the o der, decision or convic'ion made or had hefoue any Justice or Justices of the Peace for Upper Canada ; upon the requi.emenus by law being complied with; the Court oi Quarter Sessiox s, to which- such appeal is made, shall hear and dc “mine the multi- of such appeal. notwithstanding were may Considerable interest has been mani- fested in this interesting case. Mr. Waterhouse and his fiiends were in ert on Tuesday, in full folce, deter- mined to prosecute the appeal from Mr. Law’s conviction forfielling Whiskey, for two years past, without License. We learn that the appeal. is ordered to lay over until the next Quaiter Sessions, in order that Mr. Wallbridge’s Act may be consulted, which was passed at the last Session of Parliament. Through the courtesy of the Member for East York: we are enabled to lay it before our readers, in advance. There is no doubt but the conviction will be confirmed at the next sitting of the Quarter Sessions. which will take place on Tuesday, the 11th December next. The Whiskey Case at the Court of Quarter Sessions. The following is the‘Statutc referred 61137171706 ! By referring to our advertising columns,it will be seen that the members of the Mechanics’ Institute intend hold- ing their third lie-Union at the Temperâ€" ance Hall, on Tuesday evening next, at half-past 7 o’clock. The Oflicers,in con- nection with the Institute, have availed themselves of the best local amateur ta- lent that could be procured, and, we have no doubt, that the entertainment will be of' such a character as to be in- teresting and acceptable to all. The R fn‘m Ina true are to have n. bazaar m the Spring . maid of their funds. Every season our neighbors complain loudly of these pests, who are constantly prowling about, at night, and entering the gardens surrounding the village, for the purpose of stealing fruit and vegetables. Examples must be made to put a stop to the depredations of these fellows,» the nuisance is increasing, and has beâ€" come insutferable. was of gum) percha, laid on in three cover~ ings; weight 261 lb. per nautical mile. The outer coat was composed of 18 strands of charcoal iron wire, each strand made of seven wires, twisted six around one, laid equally alound the core, which had pre- viously been padded With a serving of tarr- ed hemp. Breaking strain, three tons five cwt. Capable of bearing its own weight- in a trifle less than five miles' depth or wa- ter. Length of cable, 2147 nautical miles In the cable of1865 the conductor was a copper strand of seven wires.six laid a: ound one: weight 300 lbs. per nautical miles. Embedded in Chatteriou’s compound. In- sulation was elfectcd with gutta percha and hutteiton's compound. Weight, 400 lbs. per naulicai mile. The outer coat was 40 , solid wires, d'awti from Webster and Hors- l'all’s homogeneous iron, each wire surround ed Wlilll'iad‘led- Manilla rope, and the whole luid spirally around the core, which had 1 \JHU l.) ll|lIUu D'JHWE hU UUIIUI‘di-Ull 101' £11611 manufacture. BERLIN, Sept. 11 â€"A report is cur- rents in Government circles that the King of Prussiahas decided to place the Prince I{oval of Prussia over the late kingdom of Hanover, as Viceroy, and that his Highness will soon take up his residence at the Palace in the city of Hanover. VIENNA. Sept. Illâ€"~A decree has been issued bv the Empei-ior, ordering the whole Austrian army to be place upon a peace footing. Tm: TROOPS FOR TORONTo.â€"-Sever- a1 Government of? fieials were in the city yesterday examining the capacity of the Crystal Palace building, for the accomâ€" larred ju.e yam. Breaking strain, seven tons l5 cwt.. Capable of bearing its own' weight in 11 milcr: depth of water. Length 01‘ cable, 2300 nautical miles. The present loable has for w conductoraécoppcu strand ci 1 provmu.y been padded with a serving of.- seven wires-5 si'x laidjaround’ one; weight,. 1300 lb. per nautical mile.- Embedded’ for! solidity in Chattertonfe compound. The insulator is four lays of gutta percha laid on alternately with thinner layegsot‘ Chaiter- ‘ton’s compound; weight 400 lb.» per nauti- ‘cal mile. The outer coat is 10 solid wires €drawn from»Webstcr dKHorsfall’s homogeae . ous iron, and galvanized, each wire sur- rounded sepcrately with five strands of 1 white Manilla yarn, and the whole laid , spirally around the core, which had pre- viously been padded with a scrvmg of tarred Isent being provided for. modation. of a portion of the troops shortly expected to arrive in Canada. A plan of the buikling. was obtained by Lieut. 0‘01. Hagard, R E. and. it was thought the building: would be admira- bly adapted: for the purpose intended. Ch'e‘reasorr among others being the ex- cellent for horses on the ground. Thrce squadroons 0" the 13th Hussars, about 300 men, is the quota of troops at pres Those, with any others sent here, will probably be stationed under canvas until after the Ex.hibition.â€"Globc. hemp. The bleaking strain is“ eight tons two cwt., and is capable of bearing its own weight in 12 miles depth of water. This length of cable is 2730 nautical miles, pa2t of which is to be used for COIHPlUlng the cable that parted last year. l The returns of the Atlantic Cable Company show their receipts from mes sages to be at the rate of £900,000 per am am- 1: H ,,. Provincial Exhibitionâ€"The annual exhibition of the Provincial Agricultural Association will be held in the City of Toronto, on the 25th, 26th, 27th,’and 28th, of September. To the Editor of the York IIerald. SIRâ€"I am delighted with the state of Yonge street road. Travellers have a lively hoist every rod or two by a ditch dug across the side tract ; these ditches are an improvement upon the homespun plan of 11:. king the road slop ing, that the water may run off, and a very convenient test, likewise, of the springs and timbers of a buggy, or of the back and sides of a human being ; these cross ditches are the chief pride and de light of our “ County Engineer.” mm are sent along the road, at stated inter: vals, regulated by the barometer, to pre- serve these cross ditches, at a goodidepth, in order to keep waggous- avid buggies in a. lively state of motion. Each man is directed to take out of the bottom of the holes exactly one sixteenth of an itch,â€" the rule being to It"; dirt light and pay heavy. It may necessaiily be supposed ‘that our ”County Engineer,” employs ‘quite a large gang of skill‘ul labourers l to keep these jolt geters at the rulable depth. The number of men employed I have not yet ascertained, but their wages are no doubt respectable â€"public pay,â€" There is, likewise, another process carried on, in keeping Yonge street road in re- pair ; this consists of raking across the waggon tracks to keep the sides smooth as an onion bed,â€"â€"what may be called giving the finishing touch. That, too, requires respectable pay. Our township pa‘rhmasters might get valuable infor- mation by observing how a “ County En- gineer” makes a road on scientific prin- leiples,â€"-hollow in the middle and trim- cd with jolt ditches. But should the pathmasters be unwilling to learn, then let us have “ Township Engineers” ap- pointed to keep them in order. Yours truly, Our $5600 “ County Engineer" Road. Yonge St., Sep. 12, 1866. Tun Tam-1w. ATLANTIC CABLES.~â€"~NOW that the third Atlantic cable is in working order, and the second one, we hope, being grappled for, it may be interestinv: to give panicnlars of the three cables. The cable of1858 had for a conductor a copper strand of seven wires, six laid around one; weight 107 lb. per nautioal rnile. The insulator Garden Thieves. Third Eta-”Union. ONE WHO PAYS Tm: TROOPS FOR TORONTo.â€"-Sever- a1 Government of? fieials were in the city 1yesterday examining the capacity of the .- Crystal Palace building, for the accomâ€" modation. of a portion of the troops 'shortly expected to arrive in Canada. A plan of the buikling‘ was obtained by * Lientr- 0‘01. Hagan}, RE FL and. it was thought the building: would be admira- bly adapted: for the purpose intended. Qh'e‘reasorr among others being the ex- cellent for horses on the ground. Thue squedroons 0" the 13th Hussars, aBout 300 men, is the quota of troops at pre- :sent being provided for. Those, with» any others sent here, will probably he LONDON, Sept 10 ,éIt iw reported that the cable tariff 15 to bc fedfice one half. VIENNA, Sept. 10. â€"The Gazzctte publ‘shcs ‘a gcly signed declaracio 1 in favour of the lcyal t-y and independence by the Saxcns. BERLIN; Sept. 10.â€"The number of troops in the Duch1es has been ordered to be .mduccd to a peace footing. ‘PERIS, Sept. 10.â€"â€"â€"A circular may be soon expected from the Emperor, wherein he will take ground emphati- cally against the violent sentiment. of European questions growing out of the recent war. More than four thousand dollars has already been paid in Canada for des« 14-21mm; though the NJ anus Cable.- QUEENSTON, Sep. 10.â€"â€"The 0in of Paris arrived to-day. LIVERPOOL, Sept. 10.â€"Cotten stea- dy. Midd‘ing at 13d. BreadsLuTs firm. Provisions generally unchanged. LONDON, Sep b. 10,â€"Consols 89‘ - United Sta-Les 5 20’ s, 72â€"; , 111. (1,781, Erie, 45. LOXDON, Monday, Sept. 10, Even- ingâ€"The Eastern question seems to be looming in the future. Russia shows slgns of moving once more to obtain the control of the Danubian Principalilics, and probably, eventually of Constun'uino- ple. VIENNA. Monday, Sept. 10, p. In. â€"â€"An order has been issm-cd by the M‘nister 03Wa1', that the regiments of the Austrian army, named after the King and Pfincess of Prussia, the Duke of Baden and some others, shall cease to be so named. PARIS, Monday Evening Sept. 10 _ Gen.l Mesquiuz, am] will go out pto Mexii co to organize an {umy for service after the French cvacualionZof the country. The Porte has determined to recog‘ nizc Prince Charles of Hohenzolleru as Hospoder of the Principalities, LONDUV, Tuesdav, Sept. 11. ~â€"The T’imcs Pa is leLLer, ,pub'ixhcd to- day says "hat the Empero Max' 1:i1i.n is expechd to return Lom Mexico to Europe by war simmer. LIVERPOOL, Monday Evening, Sept 10.â€"The breadstuifs market is firm Pravisioanarkct quite. Pork dull. Europe by war steamer. LLONDONLEREW, ‘Sept. 11 â€"T‘he $1 :a'rxrshp Nova, Scotia. from Qubec on the 1515, arrived Here this forcnoon, aud' saiied for Liverpool. MADRID, Sept 11.â€"The Estafl‘ctte, ofLO-day, says t‘lat the Ft-ench troops must. be withdraw from Mex‘co Wit}! the utmost caution, unless mmcable rela- tions are previous! established with Presidentm. kw,‘ VIENNA. Sept. 111â€"~A decree has been issued bv the Empe1 101' ordering the whole Austrian a1my to be place upon a peace footing. ViENNA, Sept. ll.â€"â€"â€"T}?e Austrian Mih'i‘sfiefof'fllie M'ari'ne has ordered the Adriatic fibet now at Trieste to proceed to P013 axrd' Giunie, the‘ Austrian naval statium, 00 be d?sarmed.« It is reported in consequences of‘ the success: "ul result trialts of 1cccnt frills 01"Amc1ican small :11 ms by the military commisg ioucrs appointed for the pu1pose by the Portc, that the Turkish almy is about to be armcd entirely with 01111111109 of American manufacture. Agents of the Government are about to leave for the United States to contract for their manufacture. BERLIN, Sept. 11 â€"A report is cu“- rents in Government circles that the King of Prussiahas decided *0 place the Prince Roval of Prussia over the late kingdom of Hanover, as Viceroy, and that his Highness will soon take up his residence at the Palace in the city of Hanover. BERLIN, Sept, 11.â€"T'Ee' chmna'tt'oe‘ of the Chamber at Deputies persist in‘ the design of reducing the amount of the loan which Government asked authm-ii y to od’min by issue of treasury noies from sixty millions of thulem. The Minisier of Finance has protcster] in a ,speech against such a reduction and exâ€" ‘pressed the hope that the Camber would pass the bill in its orginal from. CONSTANTINOPLE, Sept. 11.â€"The Su'tan of' Turkey increased with i mpor- tancc of being in diplomatic communica- tion with the United States. has decided to establish an embassy in the American capitol. In accordance with this deci- sion, the Sublime P01 te is about selec- ting an influential member offhis Govern- ment to proceed to Washington as Minis ter resident and plenipotentiary of Tur- key. LIVERPOOL, Sep‘. 11â€"-The anxiety as to Blitlsh grain crops increasing. The weather is very wet and prices hight in all markets Cotton quite but steady; sales today about 8,000 bales middling uplands at 13d. Latest; from Europe. Twenfy-one Reasons for the Failure of mo Fort Exie Campaign. “ A Veteran ” correspondent of a West- ern paper, after diligent aLLeulmn and much research, supplies the followmg “ reasons for the failure of our trdops tu capture the Feuiuns at Fort Erie ” during the raid in June last, assigning 10 each authority its proper credlt :â€" Gan. Napv'ar's Reasons. 1. Because the 13th Battalion went it“? action without have.s:xcks. Col. I’cacocke‘fi Reasons. 2. Because Col. Booker got up too early iJ the morning. 10. Because Col. Dennis landed at Fox-l Erie without orders, Mn away without justifica‘uiuu, hid himself in the pig stye will] out delicacy, and shaved himself without, soap. 3. Because the 13th and Queen’s Own had no business to fight. 4. Because the Volunéeers were not up to the mark of " mastculy mac-Away.” 5. Because there was only one railway to Fort Erie, from Chippewa. 6. Because them might have been some Obsmetiou in the way. 7. Because the bridwcs mi ght, could would or should have' won desuowd b) the Fenians. At Hie Mancfiester Police Court on Tues- day, Patrick Wnod the Secref my of the Lancashhe and Queensland Emimafion Society (Limited) “as commited for t11al fu1 embezzlement. The magishale 1em:1: k ed that Wood anpenred to how '0 been chain- mam secretary, manager, bankc r, and everything for the socienyr 8. Because the Fenians might have stood their ground. 0. Because the Bay Batfel‘y might have been 11. Because Capt. Akers undevtook to carry on an independent, campaign. 12. Becausu there was not a topographi cal map of Lunes'uoue Ridge and Line " Smuggler s Home. ” Roya‘ Canadian Bank v.5 Cot11fnny.â€"~An act on on a. p1 ommmrv 11nIe.UanoI‘endan. Veidict for pla IIiIfs, $130 82. Ml. Ia te1snn f01 pIamIiIT. Plant vs. Worthington â€"-An action on a promissmy note Verdict for pluintifl', $309 4'5. McMfichaeryFlemiug. 13. Because here was not uniformity in the statements of the residents. 14. Because by advancing on Fort Ezie the eJemy might be driven with desperation and despair to make a fight. Brown \s \thhinrrton. hAn action on a promzssonv note. Veidiet for plaintiff. $201 52. Mi. Osler for plaintiff. 15. Because d‘soretion is undoubtedly the better part Of Vulin‘. The Reason of {he Regulars. 16.. Because the lGlh had to maintain their well earned rcpumeimx of being always " Too late.” Royal Canadian Bank vs. Ballsâ€"An tion on a promisseiy nnfe. Verdict plaintiff's, $121 02. Mr. Patterson plainiiffsz Davis vs. Co kindale. -â€"â€"An action on :1 promissory n00.1‘7erdict for plaintiff, $456 03. Smith for plaintiff. 17. Because there was no engine on the Erie and Niagara Railway, and no one knew the road. 118. Because Gordon Brown was admitted in line cuunuil of war at New Germany, to the exclusion of the military commanders. Mljor Dennison's Reasons. 19. Because the cavalry were not Ordew ed out soon enough to surround the Fe- niuus. 20. Because General Napier did not an percede instead ofdis‘nissing him. (701. Dennis” Reason. 2!. Because the Feuians would not wait, for the devulopmeuts ul' my plans, but. :va- tuckcd us mommurcly, CHHUHI')‘ to all the modem rules of civilized wax fate. mIssorv note. Veu‘iof for ,n] 67'. Mr. Morphy for plainfiff. Smith vs. Minkâ€"An aciinn for rent uw der lease. Vexdict for plaintxfl“, $230 06. Mr. D. A. Sampson for plaintiff. King vs. NichoIIS.â€"An action Pon a. pro” The following undeferuled issues werv tllen disposed of: - Nivin vs. McNeigh.â€"An Action on n m-nmisqmv nnl'". Verdict for nlaintill', 5.384741. M". Chadwick for plaintiff. Detmclly vs. McLeotLâ€"An action on a promissory note. Verdict. for plaintiff, $306 71. Mr. Clmdwit-k for plaintif’fi Wright vs. anan. â€"An action on a r» a missorv note. Verdict f0: nlmntifl $223 02. Mr. John Ley s [01 plaimii}. County Court and Quarter Ses sions. Charlesworth vs. Matheson,â€"â€"â€"An action on a pmmiSa‘ory Imie. Vm‘dict for plaintiff {410 60. Ml. Chadwick for p1aintiff. Lewes vs. B’Tllrray.â€"/\n aminn on an a!» count. Vm‘diot For T‘Iaintiff, $72 30. Mr. Chadwick for plaintiH“. hri Cnunt'y Cont and Quarlor Sessions of' the I’vacn'fo'r the United Countit-s of York and P’ehi npméfl :11‘ the C yurr House yeaieiday. His Hmmur Judge IIm'x-isnn pi'esiviinvr. The (himinal busiuéss before (he 0011 't is light, there being: only eight prisoners in gnoluwnipin: trial. These are Ellen Burton, vagrancy ; Robert J ihnsmn, assanit with intent to commit rape; Mur- garet Muioney, 1w- Ceny; Harriot Aim 'l'eho. d0; A'm Glover, d0; L‘lvinia mefu (land Rose McCarthy, trespass. About thirty civil suits we on the caiendzw for t'ial at the Cmmtv Court, but many of those are undefended issues. The followiuyr nrenllempn compose tlm grand Ju-y. â€"Cl1111les Kcmwell, fo1e1nan; Nobel’u Beaiy, James Boyd Joshua Baum-.1 J11mesC11l1lwoll.Alexaurle1(amemn anrn Cla1ke,]s1ael Hennis, Charles H. K3117 James Miéchell, D1v11lMur1v. Dannld Mc Donald Thos Smiih W 111 Stauelt, W111. Shields. J 11111 Taylm, Rmhzud T 110111.,13 and 'l‘hnmas Watson. His Henourin 111's 1111111chle the Gmnd Tmy, p1io1'10 their 10111111310 consider flu- bIHS to he laid nefu'e them 1e1e11'cd to the nahne ofthe CEiRIGS 011 the calendar, ex- plaining each in a. clear 11ml lucid numner. He a". ev-wards roll): zed t") the necesshy for thuh visiting the gwl and reporting upon its eondi‘.1on.and assured them of every assimanee f1 0m 111110an and 1110 County Jrown Atfiorney, Ma'. John McNub. ‘rom the Granby Gazette. The Leader’s Reasons. C'ul. Booker’s Reasons. The Globe’s Reason. Vex (Wot for plaintiff, $224 ac- for for General: Meredith again introduced the President, who was received with a few groans, humus for Johnson, cries for General Grant, and some rude remarks. The President said :â€" FPLLOW 0mm s :’â€"'â€"(Cries . for Grant.) It is not my in‘fi'ntion (cries of “ stop,” “ go on ”) to make a long speech. If you give me your‘ a‘t‘tentiofl for five minutes ((-21 ies of “'Go ori'!‘ ‘ Stop!’ ‘No, no ; we wrmt nothinf: to do with traitors,’ “Grant, Grant 1" "Johnson? and groaiis’.) ' I.w0uld like to say to this crowd here tonightâ€"{cries of “ hut up! We don’t want to hear you." “Johnson !” “Grant‘!” “ John- ‘SUU !" “ Grant i.” “ Grant i” ‘ The President paused a few meme,“ : and than retired from the balcony. . HO'I David Kilgorc wont to the 901‘- tice to try his power of persuasion ‘ Keep order,’ he said~ “ for one 1110mm“ hear me ['7 (5N0! no!” Cries for “ Grant" anri groans) “ Let 1110 3}" Deal in You, citizens of‘ Tndianmfills “Pd ["(‘llflnal‘ The confusion still contln: “0‘"- ‘Lct me appeal to you n‘filin! 1"” the crowd wee unrelenting and would not be quiet. Tho gentleman r0â€" vaod from the portico and the excnrtion- ism Wonf to WOW (iiwwvn 'l‘ho diei'ur- bum in the crowd continued to groan and make other distractino: noises. Several disturbances occurred, with lamnnhihlo results. Pistol shots warn firm]. bV which one mm was Wounded in tho eye, :mrl another in his knee. Acâ€" cording to the best information obtaina- hlfin nmrshal on horseback was seen ridin': along the line of march and ovi- vinntlv nivinz directions, as the men soon thereafter strefchod' out their ranks. Pomona wore obSO‘verl knor’king down wifh clulw. sevpral of the tronsnwrnnfâ€" «in; one ofwhich l'mre ‘hr‘ inem'in‘ion Flour "f9 hll ...............$fi Fall What «bushel........ l Swing “mm; do 1 La'luv do 0 Venue do 0 flats d‘o . 0 Polavoes do 0 HavZflHnn......... 7 Straw dn ........ ......... H Bnltnrfiglb ....... ......... U Egrs {filloz ......... ....... 0 Applos {9 hr! .... .. ......... l “ J nhnmn. welcome ! The Prouidont ’ The homer of' fins frnn'pm-(‘ncv W3q thrown down. 9114 :1 shot fired at him. A 1 ionic/$11110 inhis relief and fired at tho nemfl-mf. ’U 1(1an :1 (107.911 01' r1010, .41an war". fired 111 (111111; snomumn The 10111“ 1.4 111.1% one man was shot in the heart and several woundeJ. Yellow Fever. Shin Fever. Fever and [\gue Typhoid Fever, me niaiurious diseases, aml il' people when either of these pestilenees prevail will use Radway’s Ready Relief, as a preventive, their systems will be made malzuia preol. This agleeable diffusive, stimulant, :mzl [lisinleetn‘m lv'rmes the whole phvsiqye and more than doubles the energy inl'm-iiuns elemenis in film air, and water 01" unhea» thy iu‘éiuns. \Vlielever in- tieimilient 01~ remiilent fevers are periodical visitzmts, or the soil and climate are such as to invite febrile epidemics, this genial vegetable tonic should he laken as a. pre- veni‘ive. As: tie Cholera md Yellow Fever in nine'eaees out uf‘ion will not infested the system purified and sustained by this in- valuable invigoraut. In the tropics a eomse Of'itlfl a'iiicipution of the sickly season, will be Found' a sulel' proteelion against malarious fever, than vaccination is against the Small-Pox. The Fragment received. a 1'3“? friends and reth'cd to had at an early hour. The crowd finanv dispnvqod from be- f'om Hm 110nt at about 10 nclock, at which time the city was quiet A mrnh‘er of young Garmam cngnj‘ed in con‘mmciu‘. pm arts are now crim- Del‘etl “a JflYQWd orders to join the P1 assian aha armies. Livenmul, der:l.r()\"n-; £200,W)0 \vn-th m" pmpm'fv. was ammo-med on Tuesday 11012 years’ penal S'Brvl’uudn. A Nnvm. wam 1W1. Tn1fl1:.â€":\ smart swiudliug1 trick is 1011111'1cd 111 111111.11 ap- 11111113111111 some rascal 111011011 1151111: 0fg1113>1 in (‘10 window 01'11 11'11r1es111m1 S 81101) 111 1110 11011'111101‘h00d of Prospect sl11'1ret,a1111 1111 11111114! stnmwd' my 11111 <1m'11me111111 11199111111011 infinimfion. 111111 11101111011111‘91111'111111 110 111111 done was 111111011111'1101111111131. He however :lllerrml 111111 11r1 was (1111111 \\ 1111111" 1011111 [01 the damanres 13111, he had 110 changeâ€"unh- mgr but 112% note. T110 11211101111111 offered Lumect the case by taking the note 511111 1'1v111'r (11111117111, which 110 did;a11d verv soon afier 111a 1111101111 had ,Lrnne‘ it was (11 Flerlmivk Potier a w aichmn‘ m at How ton. hnsdiod {'1 nm mhflinq the fumes of cyanide of nomss‘um which he used 111 con- vmcuon with the business. DENSITY or l’oPi'LATioN. The new m1nmo of the Board of Trend ‘ “1111 1110111 T21111’cs ”111113111 11: fo110wiuq 3111101110111; of Um 110111114111011 of c01111t1ies with more 1111111 10 000 000111111111i1m1ts, accmdiitfz 10‘ the most monnt census -â€"-1,'11i€ W1 Linndnm, 258 sue; 1111.11}. 22.) ; 11151111213, 180 . Prussia, 18".); Ausii'ia, 155; S‘IIL1J, (.11111 11111011110 Ts1and‘), 84; ’anknv, 19: 17ni€ed V{111,118.11 ; Russia. 9 ; Hquin in Europe, :11; Mail, 3. The 11011111111111- Of' 01111 ahwn-nmne States ()“118 Old World exceeds covered LhuL the note was forged one. 17111111101111 «”hvk; 01"}111101112 play; 111:1” hours 5101111 11111] (“:ht 811111111 "3 ;1 day is t‘no 1110111) 01 2111 fissOL-ihtlon of 110173112111 111 Tmncashuc To the wrfm‘h‘m'wise Hm f'oHowinz‘ prov; nosiins will be acceptable :â€"-â€"\Vl\(m the hares are fat, or ants and earthworms hur- rmvdnanintn the soils. or ‘whon cher pillars spinxthick wohs around thoh' bodies, and take mm‘o than a Icafm‘ hm to cover themsélvds'with. we may expect asuvere winter, mmdk-onweisely. 270,000,000 Swenfinz. who set firn to "(Human House The President’s Progress. GREAT R’cw IN I'NfifAE-N'Afioud. TO RON'l‘O M A RK E’I‘S. Toronto, Sept. [3. ASIA TIC CHOLE RA. Saxon :6 75 l 41) l 33 0 60 0 (I0 0 33 Since the commencement of the manu- f‘ncfnre oflneomoiives in Newcastle, nearly 3000 of them Lave been made in that dis- trict. Taking the average coast at £2000 each, the value ofihis bmuch of 'uluuufub Lure to NewcasLle alone has not been less Khan £6,000,000. Ara warm ted in' all clises. f'Ur the sfpeedy Qand-pdrmnent chm of all (likeness nrislngi from s=‘fi'i~rl eXcosges of Youthful indiscrelimi' Seminal inns. Nightly Emissions, and Senrval’ Dream". : Genital, l’hysical and Neryons Dé-’- ".Ili y. lnipntence,~Sexunl Diseases; &c.. dim:- No Change of Diet is Neoeasagy. They Cmr ho‘_u‘<ed wi'lmut Hawaiian, and' never." 31 to efl'ecl a‘ cn‘re. if used according to msmw "ans. BELL’S SPECIFIC PILLS" 13 A gentleman who suffered for years from Neurons and Genital Dubi‘. Ity. Nightly Em'J. sums, and seminal ‘Veukness, the result of yo‘IIIII'uI indisnretion, and cnme near andinq II s (lava: In hopeless mi.~el'\', will; for [he saka‘ ()I sufi'ering man. send to [my one a filicled,1he sImpIa moans used by him, which affected a cum III II 13w weuks. aIIeI the failure of 1mâ€" memus mch Ic'vmxs. Send a dimclvd envelope and ten conls and it will cost. )ou IIoIhIng. Addxuss, Emma 'IRELMIN, Station L. 128m“ “\ew Ymk Ultyu L'Hs 25 If you wish Bryan's Life Pills, and cannot get them of mar druggisl. dont take any other, buL send Twmny-fiva dents in a letter to the propriezor, and you will get them by return 0: mail. Address, Dr. J. BRYAN, 619 Broadway.- New York. Box 5079. ly-25 BELL’S SPECIFIC REMEDIES l’l‘icr One Dollar per an; of Six llnxas fdi- Five DoHnrs ' al<o larms boxes, containing (our small. price three dollars. From. four to six hnxes are generally requir- vd to cure an ordinal) cases 01 Smuiual Weak- nus‘ and Emissions, though benefit is- derivbd (min using 3, smqu bux. In Chrmlic (taseS. mid pniticularh‘ when Im- pmence m- Genital Dehiliw wiih Nervous l'rov‘ Iration has efl'ecled the system. Bryan’s Life Pills, are ndrmted fér all agus and constitutions. Thev are comnmod of [he waive nrincinles of Herbs and Roms, culled from 0‘1‘ iie’kia and forests. They are mild but contain in their Operalionâ€"produci-Ig neither cramps, Ri‘ipiflg.‘ pains or sickness. They may be tnken by a!“ «gas; sexes or conditions without feai‘l B'rymi's Life Pills. Cure Headache, Bryan‘s Lfr: I’vlls. Cure Sick Stomach: Bryan's Life Pills. Cure Giddiness. Bryan’s Life Pills, Purify the Blood. A Box of Bryan's Life Pills will cost lint‘ TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. and will accom- plish all that is reprpsented. . 'l' ncy are elegantly put up by the proprielor, the inventor of Bryan's Pulmonia Wufcras. medivine 101m and favorably known to: the American Nation, 11 gives st anglh to the Organs, and wnh Iho Pills. wilhestore them no their normal con: diLiou. v A Pamplnst of mm hnndied pages, on the Errors ol Yomh. (It-s gued as a l. ecturo and‘ ’Iaulion to Young Mon, fiUML fmu. leu Cmfls‘ >equ|wd 10 pay poslage. ' Are recommended as the most eflicncioué. ro' juvinaung and Invigorating Remudy, ilrt’ho world. Price two dollars. suffice!“ for a month, ciul‘ be used tJ good advantage; A Package prica five dollars. will last a month. and is generally sufficient. ‘ The above Remedies have now fiefili'fiofdf‘d‘ IIIe t’IIIII'Ic mI-Im wars; and théh‘grént success In (he alluvialinn of human miser). has excito‘d‘ Ihe cn'vid'n} ol svvmul parlies who use“ the‘ name a Specific PINS.” co JV my labkaa. u’ifl- nula s‘a d advertistlmenls. sometimes Word .tur wmd. andgpm up worlhless compounds that di's’hppuin‘l lhejilst expectations of ma pur- clIase’r, Bryan’s Life Pills, Entxrely Vegetable, we admil'od to he the Best Family Mulicin for Veneralnsn,l’nrifying1he Wood and cleaml iug me system .rom uH Impurity. rognlnie the Stomach. Liver and Billinr}V Se- cral'uns, which is He chief cause of Nan/ons- uesa, (fiddine. s. Himness ni‘Sight, Headache, Sick Smmnch Md nthor kindred complainis. lf-you cm'mot purchase Bell’s a‘ecific HB- med’es ol'your druggist, take no difibr. We send the money direct la. ' Nu m -‘ Kc. H'. e r chaun.“ ’ \' kin-9g film-- In: n‘u- x-som. Tho‘saxm ( ' lso‘rs who . mm s ‘ 0 ed for _\'c.:.'..~ PV‘L . .011 \9 '(ms other =a‘red‘e‘3-n w‘ ,nz'a 1- e {FV'MO'H'G'II‘ houllh and gluing“) w o .0 e efficiuv of . . . A sure anildote for alckness, and a' refuge from Sommw, PH : auJ DISEASE, Thaw have been user} bv :housands with succe‘sa In extreme cases of Debility and Impotehcé inLL’b‘ EX l‘ELLNAL REMEDY, A Pn-V‘Arm (‘mrumn to Lama? with' fine anatomical‘e.uv;.nviuv;w. sa‘m free on receipt or dimmed e-zvelage’ am! 5 amp. 03'0“. this art 3!" ma desire Dr. Burvo‘y’i l’ll's. and if vo ! dim :n‘b’u‘are them cryonr hug-gist, do no . Ker-"j" when Tm some‘ deal. ”,5 vs Llu P a u ‘ "‘11! IZe‘d‘vIH :ecommend oiher Female PHI“, are; c ml "min: affliaigzvr profit on mm)! o c'ow »' )e Inc-m" an'd pend (“ng Io ' ‘1 . J. Drvaw. Chum-Lily Fin‘s'cmu, Box‘ 50 9. UH) Buomh‘nnv. New Yum. and yon Will‘receivo hem sucuwl; seaied .rum obsorv: Jung- 53:50- mri'. The Greatest Medicine of the Age. 'l‘l‘e mosl influlflfle and ponular remedy ever known for all diseases 0-" Ma l'unmlo sex They. .mve teen useu .Iu mum thousand cases wi1h v:- wii-l Humansâ€"mum may ht relied on in eve ‘\ or. n im- whicu .hev ara‘ recmmuemlué .. 1d pa .ico‘wly in all cases arisingfromv Obstruction or Stoppage of Nature, no writer f-u'n wbn: cause it Hi2 '7.‘ in??? Dr. Harvey’s Golden Pills. A rem‘euy 101‘ specml case's. four dv gross summer than {he above , price Five Dollars 1 er box. Uuusumpg Hus cian. V, 819'Uéoadwn), Now Y‘ork; and you will rem-We them by return of "1319; {est paid, and fret: from observation. Dr‘ Fawey’ 5 Female P3113: Thev aw I“ new harmless on tho .systamf mm be 12.: 3’: II“-I\ thne \ iIh Im- .‘eclsnlelv: \I'IIZ If , Kw 1:“le Klugcs II! I’rugnuncy ”my "Iqu II’ rut .91; [HI I, In a mixw 'IIIIgc IILI’1/ b8 IBIcsI-lt. '11 Im now: 0 use am sckness. 'pr'u 03' (Mu-SS. Eanu by}; com aims 60 PINS. Price 0 e IIoIYA‘“, Dr- Harvey’s Fem €110 Pills Important to LdflIES. Hundreds of Certificates can be Shown SPECIAL NOTICES; W‘W GLAD NEVV’s ERRORS OF YOUTH. 05TH: ‘n' ‘u 11‘s.!) -imy w 1* 31* cm \ 'flrL- Hess, Bryan’s Life Pills, L’u riiy the Blood; BELL’S TONIC PILLS, Dn. JA MES um A’N‘. FOR THE UNFORTUNATE- CAUTION. Ol‘Sl‘l' r 5'9 'Jl r" rad (MN-Ii; w‘vo new}; v, Uter-

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