YORKVILLE, TORONTO 7 "E SESSION of I865 and l867. will ‘ cuumeuce on tho Isl (la) of October. 1866. and and on (In: 3Isl day of March, 1807. .Dr. L. 0. Montez’ Carrolia, the greatest stimulator in the world, will force Whiskers or Mustaches to grow on the smoothest face or chin ; never known to fail. Sample for trial sent free to any one desirous of testing its merits. Address, REEVES & Co., 'I 8 Nassau St.,N.Y. No letters taken unless repaid. V‘vANTED lxnmedimoly. a lad about I5 yams of age, as an apprentice, lo the Printing hlwinass. Appl) at " York Herald†btï¬ce, Richmond Hill. o . MIDVVIFEILY AND DYQEASES OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN ;â€"-Wulter B. Geikle, M.D. MATERIA MEDICA AND THERAPEUâ€" ‘I‘ICS â€"Clmr|es V. Bern-man, M. D., M.A., hnd Physician to Toronto Genernl “capital. :Monday. September 17, ’66 MECHANICS’ INSTITUTE THE Third Re-nnion in connexion with the Richmond Hill Mt‘rtllnnios’ Inuixm. mm | A! the Temperancu “all. The enteriainman will consist of various Literary and Musical aeloctions b3! Local amau’ur performers. Admissiun Foeâ€"w Doors open at 7 o'clonk mchmohd Hill, Sept. :3. 1866 MEDICAL FACULTY MEDICINE AND MED‘ICAL PATHO- LOhY .â€"Hon. John Rulph. L.L.L).. M.D., 1V],R.C.S., Eng. SURGERY AND SURGICAL PATHO- OG Y .â€"â€".las Nevpnmhe M D., M.R.C.S., Eng., Physician to Toronto General Hosplml. ASSOCIATE IN CLINICAL MEDICINE AND SURGERY .:_ Joinâ€: Igug. M.B.. mus I‘D 1-: _, .. ~v.-\....__ - . uvuu lung. "1.1).. "All: (3.8.. Eng, Physhian f0 Toronla Gene rl‘ llqspilal and I’ll) sician to the Home of Pro Vidence. THE Third Re-nnion in connexion with the Richmond Hill Mcchuuics’ Institute, w?†lake place on ANATOMY,DEmnurmvE.ANDéum GICAL zâ€"John Fulton D1;R.C,S., England. Lmquwmm Williams. M. D. The Drmoflstrnlm" will attend as the Disrcling Robin. A Clergvlmm, while residing in South Am- erica as a missionary. diecovered a safe and éimple remedy for the Cure of Nervous Weak- ilen. Early Decay. Diseases of tho Urinary and Siminnl Organs, and the whole train of disoriers brought on by bnneful and viv'ions hhbnl- Great numbers have been cured by {Me nob'e remedy, Prompted by a deeire to beneï¬itha nï¬limod and unfortunate, lwill send the recipe for preparing and using this medicine. in a sealed envelope. to any one whra needs it, Free of Charge. "nu urcua u, rum 0/ LILll-Tg'fl. Please enclose an envelope addressed to yourself. Tuesday Ev’g next, the 1§th Sept: Exclusivelyfor Ladise, An invahml 'e unlit-c of 1H? rapes. by Dr. Harvey. published for the beneï¬t oflhe sex On receipt. of Twenty cums, it Will bé sent posf paid. in n 8311186 _61'Ivelopi-. to all who ap- ply for n. . Addreqs. Dr. J BRYAN. 619 Broad- Wé)‘ New York. Box 5071) 5-25, University of Victoria cm go Herbert, Saugsler, M.A., M D? GRADUATION :â€"Sprmg and Fall. when the Examinalions Will be bull: writlel‘l ahd oral; By the amenflmenfs to the Mm'hca! Act of Upper Canada, passed a! the Just ‘Sesu'on 0‘ Parliament, it is provided :â€"‘ lstâ€"Nu Slhdont of Medirine having been in regular nllvndflnt'o on Media! Lectures. in any ('anndugn Unhersily before the First day of an. 1867. shnge corrpelled tn pass any other Matriculation eXamiuation. or pursue any other curriculum than such as wins ï¬equixed at lhg ume he commented his attendance on such lbclures. THE ERIVATE MEDIEAL ADVISER GENERAL PATHOLOGY :._Hon John Rolpll. M 1).. LL,l)., M;R.C 8., Eng. MEDICAL .IURISPRUUENCE,â€"~Charles V. Bern-mun, M.D, MA. FRACTIQAL ANA1'0MY,â€"J, A Iv-n- CUBATOR or 'rHE MUSEUM May. Ml). Neutralist linc'rvm: IsI.â€"Napoleon Ill. the Inï¬del Auti- Chrisl. will be givan in Hue 2nd â€"vay Student who had been regular- 1y engaged in the Nady of medicine a‘nd ha- hmrticulnléd lvefr-vo the his! day ofMa‘v. 1967 shall be held to have coinplibd wuh the require menu: of the sn‘d Act. and of this Act, as re- gards such marticuhtion. Accompanying the Coming of Christ, 3rd,,â€"Thal hereafler all those claiming re- gistratlon in Upper Canada from Lowu" (Julia'- dian Institutions. will be required to have pass- ed the‘ same marticulalion examination as tlnal exacted from Nudean in Upper Canada. For further particulars, apply to the Hon. Dr. Rnlph. Dean of the Faculty, No.4. Ger- .-.A -.__ ,A Toronto, Sept, 6 1866 Presbyterian Church, Richmond Hillv On the evening of tinny-es, For further particulars, Dr. Rnlph. Dean of the 1' ï¬nd street. 'l‘oronlo, Richmond Hm, st, , s, 1366. ï¬rm ahï¬crti‘mmmm WWW Lectures an Prophecy Good Common Vinegar Good Malt do Best Mall do Bordeaux do Best White Wine do At W.- S. Pollock’s. late Good & Cheap Vinegar Richmond HI†Aug. 2,~ MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. INSI‘ITUTES OF MEDICINE . Ried M. D. CHEMISTRY AND BOT ANY .WHISKERS. WHiSKERs. COAL OIL ‘iNEST' CANADIAN ("ML NEST“ «:Aï¬XlflNvf‘vTAT on, at 45 éé'ms $6! gallon, at W, S. Pollock's, Lute '. REYNOLDS. A Card to In valids. A! Seven o'clock. 'ohobtion will be taken up to defray ex REGARDING THE GREAT EVENTS Address, Boy “'antcd. G. A. BAP I"! F. JOSEPH 'r. YNMAN Will bq given by STATION D. BIBLE Hbum. New-York city‘ 3‘}: A; BARNARD. non-members, lOcés. 1 3d gallon‘ 15 8d “ 2s Ud “ 525 6d " 38 lid " usual in :-â€"â€"Jol|n : -â€"Johu M 0n MONDAY, |3ih AUGUST. Common School Department Free To pupils residing within uw School Section, The whole Institution! is under the Head mastership of A. M. LAFI‘ Elm Y. Esq. BA. :1 Gradnam and Silver Medalist in Classics and Mathéihiil'ics', 0f the 'l'urouto Uni‘versily. assisted by Mr. G. II. Porter and Miss I. A. Oates. Mr. Lnfl'erty has formed a German Class in addition to those of French, Classics, &c.. aï¬â€™ording pnpi!s a rare cpperlunit) to obtain a ï¬rst-class educa'ion, and, ifthey desire it. to prepare for Matriculation in any of the Uni- versilies. An early attendance is most desirable, that the re-formalion of the Classes may not be delayed. Richmond Hill, Aug. 8, 1866. Grammar School Department Free, Which will aï¬â€™ord passengers mr‘re time in the City, and keeping anemive and accommodat- ing Drivers, I trust to merit tho patronage of the general public. ROBERT RAYMOND, BE RIB-OPENED HAVING purchased the Ritihmond Hill V Hue pfSla’ges from Mr. Thomas Cook. 1 will run the flame from my Hotel, Rich- mond Hill, to Toronto. starting at halfvpast 7 o’clock. mm. and returning will lerve Lemon’s Hotel, Nelqon Stu Toronto. at 4 o’clock, p.m. All Parcels or Luggage left at Best’s Bay Horse Hotel, Yonge Street, or at Len'ion’s Hotel, Nelson Stu-net, Toronto. willbe delivered with punctu- ality am] at moderate charges. Huvmg de- terlninéd it) ruh‘ the Stage Better Time, Richmon’d Hill. Aug. 8 was EMAIN'NG in'the Rwiumond H'in Post Ofï¬ce}. on Isl Aug’ 1866 : Atkinson James Manley P. L. Camgbell Jane McWiHiams James Espy Joseph (2) McKay Miss Glantv M‘mes McAï¬'ery Maggie Gamble W Bumble John Gray Chaflés Ri‘ey 'I hmnns Grév Catherine‘ Slmnson Jam‘es Hilts Je‘remiah Tracy Mr. ‘ Harris J. Vefle Mr, R, A, Heslip 'l'hnmas Wise Henry King Thomas \Val‘,on Sarah Kennedv Mrs. Charles‘n’ebber anin Langstaï¬' John JUST Received several Quarler Casks of [fife French Port and Sherry Wines and Brandles. of the best brandsâ€"equal to any in [he Province,and can be thoroughly recom- mended ; also, 6 Cases of London Dock Uld Crusted Port \‘Vinos, with several Cases 01 Bottled French Brandies. Holland Gin and pure Jamacia Rum ; aho Hurvust Hespellers, Toddy Rye, and malt Whisky from 35 6d pvr gallon. well recuï¬ed and mmdulleratud at Wm. S. Pollock late. G. A. BARNARD. ELEAEINE HUT SALE! BOOTS & SHOES Richmond Hill, Aug. 13. ‘66. SUGâ€" SUGARS! PURE WINES AND BHANUIES NOTICE. LL persons indebted 10 JOHN N, REID. M.D. ’l‘homhl‘l, will please‘ call and settle their accounts by the 15', of October next. HENRY REID, Agent, Thornlu'll, August 9. £860. STAGE 8. BOOTS [03, lbs. Good Sugar, (or $1. 10 lbs. Refined do for $1. 9 lbs. do exu‘a Bright do For $1. 7 lbs. Loaf Sugar, {or $1. Try our 45. Young H’rsnu Teaâ€"41w best 10 be had in Canada for the price, at \N. S. Pollock’s, late (3-. A. Barnard’s. 111 lb. Rolls, at W. S. Pol4ock’s, late FRESH BUTTER! 10%(1. PER POUND RICHMOND HILL FA LL GOODS! PEN lo "all pupils roxiding within the United Counties of York and Peel. Will be given for any quantitv of Good GREAT BARGAINS SCHOOLS GOOD AND CHEAP MEDICINAL PU ITOSES. Richmond Iiill, M. TEEFY, Secretary & Treasurer of Board of Trustees. Remember the place for List of Letters To make room for the G. A. BARNARD’S IS AT WILL AND AT M. TEEFY. 15.111.- Pfo'piietor. 3m Oppmite Temperance St. T 0 R O N T 0, EGS In announce to the inhabitants of the County of York and those in the‘ lwighburhoud of Richmond 11111 in particular, that he has added to his {lock of ELGilN MILLS, SEPT. 13, 1866. S. M,» SANDERSON, And of the bes! Material and Workmnnship. All Work is Whrranléd to give perfect S'atisfac- (inn, We are conatantly adding to .ur slpck oanols and Shoes of on manufaclui’é, which will be Tea Sells, Salvers, Dish Covers, Cruets, Butter, Fruit and Jelly Uisli‘téS, Ice Pitcllers,CommunIon Setts. Card, and Cake Baskets, Claret Jugs, Liquor frames, and Flasks. Cups, Syrup Jugs, Call Bells, Napkin Rings, Salt, Egg, Pickle and Sauce Stands, Knives and Forks, wilh Pearl, Ivory, and Silver Handles, in Boxes of 6 and 1‘). pairs, Spoon and Forks. B 81: C Quality, in Dilly, Threaded, and Fiddle Patterrs, Ice cream, Fruit, Egg, Gra‘Vy, Mustard, and Salt Spoons, Soup, Teddy, and Sauce Ladles, Asparagus Tongs arid Eaters, Salad Tongs, Crumb, and Cheese Sco‘ps, Knile Rests, SI]ng Sifters, Sugar Crushers, Wine, and Cliam'pagn'e Syulmns, Spirit Corks, &c.. Eye Glasses, and Spectacles in Gold, Steela'nil Shell Clasp Buck- les in Silver, Gilé, Steel and Jet; Fans, Porte Monaies, Ivory Tablets. Combs in Silver, Steel, Gilt, and Rubber, Joseph Rodgers 8&- Sons Cutlery, a ï¬ne assortment of Meerschau‘m pipes, 860., 810., 81c. To which he invites public attention A good assortment of Trunks always on hand, EN©lESEZ, ARIE AEJEEREGA‘ATN @©©i®§, MEN’S, WOMEN’S NNN NHNNNEN’S NUNTS ANN SHNES r CONSISTING 01" ‘ Setts, Bracelets, Brooches, Neckle'ts, Ear Rings, Lockets, Charms, Pencil Cases, Scarf Pins, Solitaires, Shin Stinds, SIeeVe Bmmus and Links, Diamond, Gem, Signet. Gdard a‘nd Plain Rings. Jet. Rubber, Bog Oak, Ivory, Agate, Steel, SILVER AND COLOURED FRENCH JEWELLREY. Knile, Fork and Spoon in case, Funk and Butler Knives, Pickle Forks, Napkin Rings, Match Safus, and Children’s Cups in Slclling Silver; To our Customers and Others in Richmondhfll And Vicinily, who intend visiling the Provinch Ezhibilion we wish to inform them that we have largely increased our stock in every depattmeï¬lt, andvhave now On IIanJ an Assortment of Goods unsurpassed by any house in the trade, and at EDREGEHS VJ" @aQNRWQE UNEERS©L®a 11 King St.- Eust,’l‘oronm, Sept. 5, 1866. > 4. NOTIGE OP REMOVAL ! N returning thanks to his lrwnds, and the Public for the very liberal sup‘po‘rt he has enjoyed s‘ane commencing l)u.~'iness on Richmond Hill, begs to inform lhrlm that he has leased the more Catï¬modious and cenual premises owned and formerly occupied by J'. K. Falcanbridge E:q.‘ and will open GHflERRIES, PHUVISIIIN Please remember (hat Sanderson SELLS CHEA P at Saperiox‘ Gold and Sili‘er \Valchvs, , Orinqu, Bronze, Marble, Cuckoo and Travelling Clocks, Bronze Figures and Ornamental Vases, Gold and Silver Guards, Alberts and Victoria Chains ï¬baué Me Is: of Ociebcr 2365535, BOOTS AND SHOES, FALL GODS? Consisting of-â€" (‘obourgs, Fancy Sllirtings,‘ ‘Winceys, (‘anuda TWeedS, Plaids and Tartans, Shawls and Skirtings, Coltons. Prints, READY-MADE CLOTHING, &C., My motto is Small Proï¬ts and Quick Returns. Rememl er the Placeâ€"Flood & Price’s 01d Stand. Richmond Hill, Sept. 13, 1866. The Elgin Mills Store DRY GOODS! Am] in fact endeavour to make his Estubï¬shment the Mart where everything is to be found that is usually kept in a ï¬rst-class GENERAL STORE. || King-st East W. Wharinét Go. †Kii‘gï¬f'iasiu mr\ nn‘Tmn Styléé for FALL- AND WINTER Wear. &c., 8w. He also would ifllimale that he will In addition have a choice stock of SOLD AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. To'aoNTo 9 133 Yonge Street, Two Doors South of Bestâ€™ï¬ Hotel, Tomato, TORONTO, Sept. 13, 1866. 51:3.“ FIN E GOLD J W ELLERY, ’/WATCHMAKERS AND JEWELLERS, Direct Importers from the Manufacturers and Dealers m WILLIAM ATKINSON N0. 133 Yonge Street, Has Just Received a Complete Stock 9f And is prepared to make to other all kinds of A complete assortment of the mast desuable Electra-Plated Ware. In the most Fashionable Styles, Rh an entire new stock oflsele‘ct CONSISTING or ES, ERHEKERY, HAHIEWARE, TORONTO. 67-tf i sent prophieto'r to offer FUR-SALE or TO LET. the Village Lot and Buildings for. merly owned and oncuyied by Mr. JOSEPH KELLER. There is ï¬ve-einhihs of an Acre of Land. 11 [Yoriiorl of which is Garden. The Dwelling-house is in good order and very cou- venian it conlaius a Parlor. Dining-room, Kitchen, Store-room and ï¬ve Bed-rooms.â€" There are also commodiou: Out-buildings. S’mhling, &c., and :1 20nd supp‘y of Hardf and Soft Water on the prémises. Richmond Hill. Mme (51,3866; FANCY GOODS ! Toronto, April 26. 1866, Family 85 Church Bibles THE Undersigned is ‘ustructed by the pre- sent proprieto'r to offer FOR SALE or DESIRABLE RESIDENCE FUR SALE OR WILL BE [EH Miscellaneous Books A'I‘ SCOTT’S,RICï¬MOND HILL. 1n the Town‘ship of Vaughan. within half a mile of 1 onge Strdet. and Fifteen from Toron- ,(o z the MM contains two run of Burr Stones, merchantnud country bolts, driver by a never failing stream of wuter. Contalus 60 acres of the very best of land. al nearly cleaied. On the premises are erected a two story brick house, with a lrame barn. stable. cow house, and piggory, and every other convenience. Also a large apple orch- ard and plum and pear orchard, and currents in abundance. For terms, apply personally to GEORGE ARKSEY. On the premises, The attonlion of'he PuhEic is inivted to their Stock, censisting of a great variety of Cmef‘u‘ air-mion given to the repairing of Watches 311-4 Cfncks Jewelry manufactured and Rupuirpd. AT SCOTT’S RICHMOND HILL. Watches, Blocks, and Jewelry. Grist Mill & Farm FOR SALE. FGR SALE, um valuon Mil! Properlw known as the RICHMOND HILL MILLS; HE Snbrcriber, in returning thanks to his numerous Cllslm'nnrs and Friands f0: their liberal suppnri (lulu-g 1he past nine yearsy Would beg to imimme ihal he is prepared 10 ï¬nanufnclure Boois aml Shoes of ovary desmip- (ion: from the best mnlmials. and after the most fashionable slyle. He hopes by auicl at lentil)“ to businebs, combined winh moderate pucos to e‘nshre a c‘dnllmmncn of the‘: favour All nrdei‘s ntfenrled to promptly. Work wawanled, liesidcnce 6 doars north of Mr. Ceoshs‘s late stand. AT SCOTT’S RICHMOND HILL No: 1 1. King Street East, 6 doors east of Yonge Slrnet. UST Received, in all Nos. from 5 to 10,â€" Manuractumd at Dundas Cotton Mill mun puw Georgia Cotton, at the km on pxicea A! W. S. Pollock’s. late CHOICE AND FANCY GOODS, Richmond Hm‘, my 12,1866. Bosf Lnb'ricating Machine Coal Oil, 35 ï¬nal Elephant Oil . ..'.. . .. ..... . . 6 At W. S. l’ollucx’s. lulu Canadian Cotton Yarn; W. VVHA BIN & C 0. Richmond Hill. Avg. 2. Support Hume Manufactures! JAMES VERNEY. Richmond Hi11,June Isl mm". 52 3m SCHOOL BOOKS =1 Always on hand, and for sale at moderate prices. A call is respectfully solicited. Plain & Fancy Stationery IN EVERY VARIETY; Pmpelling 8: Repelling Pencil, AT SCOT'I"S RICHMOND HILL. BONNETS AND HATS Bonnets, Hats, Milliner Miraw Bonnet Maker.- Cleaned: Alfored and Trimmed in the latest styles; also a cho'ue armchment of " G, A. BARNARD’S Richmond Hm, Aug, 2- Of the bes‘ desvriptiun and newest deï¬gns. With Holder & Knife, AT SCOTT’S, RICHMOND HILL For Terms. apply to ELEC'l‘ROâ€"PLA'I‘ED WARE, ' CUTLERY, &c., m. MRS.W. H. MYERS, THE FARM RICHMOND HILL, IMPOR’I‘ERS AND DEALERS IN Machine 011s.~ A NICE ASSORTMENT. IN GREA T VARIETY, IN EVERY VARIETY, RiCHMON D HILL‘ AT Low PRICES, Flowers, Trimmings, G. A. BARNARD’S; RIC IIM ON D HILL M. TEEFY, hand (VI, Gene mtg}:th 6d gal ; 3a ' z: THE ENDELEBLE PENCIL “Tim a General Assortment of Articles in Con- nection with the 'i‘reulc. CALL, INSPECT ANDâ€"~I’URC HASE. '\â€" HBST PRIZE HARNESS ESTABLISHMENT ! Oi'all Descriptions, 8w. 81c. 8L0. To which he invites thé" attention of the public. TORONTO, July 27, 1866. @®©fl3! ta, A few more Coun’1y Rights for sale; Stock efï¬eods; suiiakle for the Season ,T'Weeds, Doeskins', Plain and Fancy Flannels, Woolen Yarns, Worsteéls,~ Plaids and Tartans, Winseys, Cobourgs‘ . N ew afl * oods H.& A NéWTON’S To make room for purchases now being made in ‘ the British Markets. GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, WELMAMMITWELL; FOR MARKING LTNEN,FOR SALE AT THE “HERALD†BOOK STORE, RICHMOND HILL “filer; ordering phrase state deplh of Wall or C‘Nern. CIIARLES“ PO‘VELL’ Patentec am! Propnetor. NEWTON BROOK, C.W Cm‘tons, Prints, FATE?†?§MPS EYig'm Mins Séptember i, ADAPTED FOR ALL DEPTHS. Great Red’uciwn 5% Prices .' 134 KING STREET EAST, Opposite the Market. 4 . .. s . a . u a .1 Richmond Hill, May 9, 3866. Sold mach below last year’s prices. Offers the whole of his present large Stack at The Sub‘sérib‘crs have ju:<t received a l9rge‘ COMPRISINGâ€"- Silks, Shawls, Mantles, Bonnets, Hats, Parasois, Dress Goods, Shirtiags, Sh eelings, Prints, Hosiery, Gloves, Ribbons, Flowers, Feathers, Cotton Warp, 1866. MAY BE FOUND 0N AM of which will be coNsISTnd on? . . « .Toronto, 49-ft.