Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 28 Sep 1866, p. 3

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A fifi‘llqsfiindelfled to the Suhéribnr. oiHmr w - by.Nu(e or Bouk account, w.” plnase Befi‘lle the same- hy me ls( of October, other- wise they will be put Eli Coufi (of (fol 0mm). A w . , , ,. ,‘J-ZA.OVI’S Victoria Square. Sam. 14, 1860 GE A N]! in order to get eiaoughio pay 'nv ‘ Fall ‘billsl have concluded to sellout my Mock of A set of Single Harness $9‘00 A set of Double Harness 16.00 A set single Silver moun’disflo The Stock is Largelan lhe“ Puclic would do -. ’ ' well to sfrom Plants: HARNESS MONDAY, the 8% October, 0 BE. SQLD on renstmablo terms. the fol- lofiiving’ )rop'ou)‘ :â€"- . PartofLot No 3!), on 2nd Con. Vaughan; containing 63 acres ; also. Village Property _ At Richmond Hill. For particulars apply to the proprietoyj. z A. WRIGHT. NOW OR NEVER. rl‘HF. Undarsigund is inMrnch‘d h',‘ the pro,» SBfiYIII‘OIHiPIUl' l0 nH'er FUR, SALE 01 TI) LET..the Vallngzn Lu! and Buildings 10r- morly uwx ed and occupied by Mr. JUHICI'H KELLER. There is live-eiglus of an Acu- of Land. :1 pmtiun of which is Garden. The Dwelling-house is in [land Mrrr and ve>y canveuieni: ircnntuhm a l’arlur. Dining room. Kitchen.Slm'o-room m‘d fiw- Bed rooms,â€" There' am also commodious ()ut~luli!(lings. Stflhllllg‘. &c,, and a grand supply of Hard and 5‘0“ water on tho prsmis a. GALE-11L- BUY To which Vhe'vcgrdiallf invites the'éttentioa ofhis old friends. Richmond Hill. Sept. 91,1866 6 ~ V , F YOU wish to secure unparalleled Bar- gains in B0 OT S .. . Lo 0 K Men’s Long Boots for. . .352 60 And everything I elm? Richmond Hill, Sept. IS, 1866. .‘Richmond Hill, Sept. 18, 1866‘ Lady’s Lace Boots for. . . $1 20 ‘W. H. M Y- E R DESIRABLE RESIDE‘L TC E Dry' Goods, I’IARDVVARE, Groceries ! ' 'CROCKERY, 8LC. FOR SALE UH WILL BE [EH LARGEST AND BEST! Money Wanted WM. R. PRINCE, Flushing. New Ym-kfl :for 60 years propriexorlof xhe Linnaean Nur- ,,eries. has discovered POSITIVE CURES for the ,above, and for a" Inherited and Chronic Dis- .cases, Dyspepsia Nervous nobility. Rheu- matism, aix Female Maladies, and others 1'0- Fllllil‘lg from impuritv of the blood. hitherto incurable. Explnnitmy circnim, one stamp. Trealis on all diseases. ‘20 ceuls. 5&4 F1 RE I *flFmEfi if! mm}: 2 Richmond I1§11,'sgpgember 27. 1866‘. CHEESE 2 CANADIAN CHEESE I AT SCOT-T’s R_ICI_I-1V10ND HILL. Plain & Fancy Stationery ' IN EVERY VARIETY; v Place To SaveMoney xichdggpd mu, Sept. 13. 1866. '> Land fi/ Gelm rfil Agent ichmon'} Hill. Xu'l‘e 13. “466. 544V. For Terms, apply to UST RECEIVED‘ and will be sold very cheap. I: Prime 101053 ATARRH, Bronchitis. Scrofnla. Liver and _thncy Diseases, Nature’s Remediais Ev‘er nflhrcd north of Torunto EGS to announce to his numerous Friends that he has survived his immense loss hy the late Fire, and mat he wiH PUBLIC- NOTICE. mm$ LAND FOR SALE. A: WILL-1AM ATKINS ON’S Cheap Provision Store. Al the fo‘lowihg 'LoW-Prices: Extraordinary STOCK of GOODS! RICHMOND H I LL‘ CR 0 S BY, GRAND IRE-OPENING ! also in proportion, The Stock is the Bought for Cash,â€"in the best Markets,â€"â€"-â€"Comprising Yes ! and AND M. TEEFY, In his New Brick Store, on In fact W'ITH AN Exp}? Joseph (9) McKav Miss Glnmv James McAflhI-y Maggi Gmnble'W Humble John Gray, Charles Ri‘ey 'l lmnms Grav‘CrHlmrinp Summon James Hi1]; Jeremiah Tracy Mr. Hafris J. Valve Mr. R. A Ucflélip 'i'hnmas \Vise Henry King Thomas Waliou Sarah Kennedy Mrs. Chai‘ies‘v’ebbér aniu Langstafi‘ John . 3rd,â€"'l‘hnt horéafier all those claiming? r'ev-y gislxmion in Upper Cnimda from L‘owzr (Inna- dian Institutions. will he required to have pass- ed lhe same mavticulntiun examination as that exacted from students in Uppar Canada. For fm'tlmrparlirulars. apply In the "on, Dr. Ralph. Dva oflho Facu 113', No. 4. Ger- rzud street. 'lmontn, 'I'ornnlo, Sépt, 6 1866 . ’ l4 GRADUATION zâ€"Spnng and Fa". when the I‘Ixumiuulious will be both written and oral. fln'd ~Exjr‘ry Student, whn had hnen vcglflar- 1y engaged in the study of medicine and haâ€" nwrtivnlzm-d het'me Ihe First day of'Mav. |867 shall he held to have complied \vnh Hie require mems of the said Act. and othis Act, as re- gards such marticul'xtiou. Richmond Ull' S», : 6,1866 UV (he nmondments to thé"MeréfiT ‘lig‘t hf Upper Canada, passed at (he "Jul. Seszifin 0f Parlimnent, n is provided 'â€" ist â€"Nn Fmde nf Mmliciner‘having been 1) regular attendance (711 Medical Lerlures. in am‘ Canadme Universin befnre Hw First day 0' MM. W37. shnli be compelled to pass any Mher Mulriuulntitm examination. or pursue any olhcrcu-- -nlnm man sucluné was mqnirod m Ihe mind» he éommenced his auezidance on such lectures. LOhY .-HINL John Ralph M.R.(1.S.. Eng. Geikie, M.D, CHEMISTRY AND BOTANY zâ€"Jolm Herbert, Sangslor, M.A.. M1). SURGERY AND SURGICAL PATHOâ€" LOGY "4â€"335 Newcor’nbe Ml).l M.R.C.S., EngU Physician 10 Torofito General Hospital, 7 ANATOMY, DESCRH’TIVE. ANI) SUR- AND SURGERY : John King. M.B.. MRS 0.8.. Eng, I’hys‘cian to Toronto Gone rl, Hospital and Physician to the House of Pro- vidcnco. The Dmnonztratnrrwll}attend as usual in the Disecling Room, MATERIA MEDICA AND THERAPEU- TICS â€"â€"Charle,s V,.Bex_r)‘man, M. 1),, M.A., and Physician to Toronto General Hospital. GlCAL :â€"Jnhn Fulton MJLCSA, England. L.R.C,P.. London. Rolph, M l)‘ M EDICAI. V. Uex'ryman YORKVILLE, TORONTO J commence on tho lst day of October. 1866, and end on the 3!s_1 day of March, 1867. INS [‘ITUTES OF MEDICINE :â€"John M. Ried M. D. VViHinms CURATOR’UF I‘HE MUSEUM zâ€"S. I’ May, NJ). Neutralist MIDWJFEKY AND DISEASES OF WOMEN AND CHILDREN :-â€"~\\’ulter B. University of Victoria College MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. ASSOCIATE IN CLINICAL MEDICINE MEDICAL; FACULTY , MIuDlCiNE AND MEDICAL PATHO- GIGV I‘IRAL PATHOLOGY :«Hon John 'INEST CANADIAN “'J’\L ()[L m_45 aeutsper gallen, at W, S, Pollnck‘9,1ate HF. SESSION of 1866 and 1867. will »h, M 1),. LL,1)., M.R.C.S., Eng. EDICAL JURISPRUUENCE,â€" Charles Serryman, MJ) , MA. PIRAC'F!(?AL ANATOMY ,â€"J, A CQAL OIL ! Gi‘Aa'BA'R'NARD. TEEF‘Y. RM. 69 My motto is Small befits" aan Quick Return‘s‘. Remem‘r-e-r the Placeâ€"Flood 8L Pri'ce’S‘OIHEStgandf.’ DRY G300 D'S! Richmond Hill, Sept. 13, 1866. y d t} ,Public for the v‘ery libe‘ral Wgt he has enjr'nyrd si'nce comme‘nring 5‘ ‘ " I Vichinond Hillfbegs (Winfqu than‘fllat He has leased the more comrnodioul’an‘tcéfifial premgses Owned and formerly occupied by J. K, Falcnnbn’dge Esq., and willropen‘" . 1N rekgrrlninglbanks to 13's friend ; Jilm'ui the lsfiif October newt, Efiflflfifiifis, PHWISHINS, BREKEBY, HARDWARE, And in fact endaavour to make his Establishment the Mart where everything is to be found that is usually kept in a first-class SILVER AND COLOURED FRENCH JEWELLREY. Knile, For}:th Spdon: in case”, Fruit-and Butter Knives, Pickle'fiorkég Napkin Rings, Match Safes, and Children’s. Cups in Stelling Silver.“ Tela Setté,' Sulvers, Dlsl: Covers, Cruets, Bg‘tler, Fruit anvl. Jelly Dishes, Icei Pitcllers,Communwn.Sells. Card. and Calm Baskets, Claret .legs, Liquor ‘frjmes, and Flasks, Cups, Syrup J‘ugs, Cull 8011s,. Napkin Rings, .Salt," ~Piigklegfimuj Sauce Stands, Knives and Forks, will] Pearl, lvo‘ry, and Silver Handles, .in, Boxes‘ of 6 and 1‘2 pairs. Spoon and Forks? B &-C Quality, in Lilly, Threadgd, 51nd Fiddle Patterrs,_lce cream, Fruit, Egg, Gravy, Mus‘ard, and'Sa|§"Spoons,--f§gun' ' addhi and Sauce Ladles. Asparagu‘! Tongs and l‘jpters,__Sala{l1:'Ij§ngs ‘ermfi, and A beesé Scops, Knife ReslsLSugar Sifters, Sugar Crushers, Wine, anti Champagne Syphons, MILLINERY, NWIGE 0F. REMOVAL i . _ CONS'IS'IING OI“ Sejls, Bracdets, Brooches, Necklets. Ear Rings, Lockets, Charms, Pencil Cases, Sca'if Pins, Solitaires, Shirt Sluds. Sleeve Buttons and Links, Di.:imond,.-Gém. Signet. Guard and Plain Rings. Jet. Rnbher, Bog Oak, Ivory, Agate! Sieel, STAPLE GOODS GF EVIL RY ‘ DESCRIPTION. Importiag my_G00ds dirpgt, (gust-OUICI‘S \yill yeceive the full ad- Spirit Corks. &c.. Eye Glasses, and Spectacles in Gold, Steel and Sll'ell-‘Clasfi Buck-- les in Silver, Gilt, Steel and Jet Fans, Porte Monaies. Ivory Tablets. Cqmbs, in Silver, Steel. Gilt, and Rubber, .luséph Rodgers 8L Sons Cutlery, a fin: assérhnenf ofMeersc'rmum pipes, Sag, &c., &c. 7 ' EG respeettuhy to call the attention of the inhabitants of the County to their ' very large and well assorted stouk of general fl D. C. 8:. S. would direct special nofice to their stock of THE MOST ATTRACTIVE "DISPLAY ’ r 134 KING STREET EAST, 0ppOsite the Markeg. .< a . . . .’ .‘ . ..' . . . ()MPRISING Tfienéhlfleriryoe's’ from 63 Cobourgs, Thibets, Lustres'; Wi’n’ceys from $1 50 each. Skirtings, Shawls, Silks,‘ Ribbons, Mantlés,» Flannels, Blankets, and And Vicinity, who intend visiting the Provincnal Ezhibition, we wish to inform them that we have largely increased our stock in every department, and have now on hand an Assortment of Goods unsurpassed by any house in We trade. and at Imported this Seasonfi-the best value ever slmwn in this market. Toronto Septfll, 1866. ._ J I .9 .. v ' MITGHELL’S, To our Customers and Others in Richmondhill Superior Gold and Silver Watches, Ormulo, Bronze, Marble, Cuckoo and Travelling Clocks, .ljrouze Figures and Ornamenlal Vasés, . , J“ V Gold and Silver Guards, Alberta and Vicécria C’lial‘ns. SPECIAL _ vantage of the recent fall of prices and reduction in duties Lu .. 13% King St. East, Toronto, Sept. 21, 1866. I 5 _ DICKSON, CRAWFORD &_\ SMITH, 1‘ 'Kiagfitiash' W. Wharinéz Go. “ fiat-East 87.0., &c. He also would intimate that iigyill m addition have a choice stock of King St, East,Toronto, Sept. 5, 1866 TORONTO FIIQ'E GOLD JEWELLERY, NEW .GOODS‘ VVATCHMAKERS AND JEWELLERS, Which, for quality and Iowness of price, IS second to none. Direct- Imporlers from the Manufacturers and Dealers 91 Kiiig Street East. POPCONTO; WILLIAM ATKINSON BLACK SELKS !' Electra-Plated Ware. With an Pntire new stock of select CONSISTING 0F IS AT .' .‘TOronto, cerifé‘ p’e'f j'ard, Fancy Dresses fidfi‘héfé, “flats: TOEONTO. @3523?! 674i" HAVING purchased flimKiehmofid 1Hi” Line of Stagesâ€"flow) Mb, Thomas Cook. 1 will run lJm-érame lrmfi m5, Hole}, Richâ€" “mond Hi". to‘WoFamo.’ starting :1 hair-pa“ 7 46'c[§¢k. a,m. and returning will 10va ifiv’. ‘8'. fiifie’lfiffi}; 7‘ An early attendance in mostdesimb’e. Him the l'e-fotmalion of tho Classes may not be delayed. At w. s. Pollock“; 'Im Toronto. at g afclock, p..m. All Parcels or Luggage lbft"at Best's Bay Horse Hotel, :Yong‘e Street,or at Lemon's Hotel. Nelson Strnel. Torqnto, wille delivered with punctu- ality aod nt- making-charges. Haring de- wrmined to run the Stage 4 - Good Common Vinegar Good Malt (10. Has; Malt do Mr. Lnfiarty huxformed a Garman. Class in addition In those 'of French, 34 Cinema-file" affording pupils n raremppermnity to obtain a first-class oducu'ion, and, if they desire it. to prepare for Matriculation in any of the Uni‘ vm‘silies. Richmond Hill, flnv MONDAY; |31h AUGUST. On Better .J Mangfnclnio'dip 4 a from page Giorgi: , ‘a'LaIAl'e lbw)“ prii “AS-7r Good 65 thap Vlnégar Bordeaux do Best White Wine do I PEN touafluplizpi‘lf maxing mm the y Ulvitgtf-Qogl‘mi‘é? of York unfiP§er. . . Comhxonlééh‘fibl Department; Free "I‘o pupils residing within {pp Sehaol Section, ' The whole lnslhution as \meH the Heid- mnstemhlp of A. M. LAFFER'I Y.‘ Enq..‘ B,A. a Graduate and Silver Medalist in Clasuip's and Mathe’mnticm of the 'l‘ororito‘;er_-i~;y’ersfiy." assisted by Mr. G. H. Po‘rlar and Miss l. A. 00m. "' In: -2m -‘ ‘1 ‘ u ’ .- Richmond Hill, Aug. 8 1865. STA;GE S995 Whléh will afford passengers mvré lime in the City, nnd keeping attentive and accommodat- ing‘ Drivers, I trust to merit the patronage of the generulpublic. ' ‘ ’ ' ROBERT RAYMOND, Richmond Hill. Aug. 9. Richmond Hill Aug. 9} BE IRE-OPENED ‘Gfdfihmar SchoofBepartmént Free, Léinoi'fls Hutelfnels'b‘n Sm Capadl’iin Obtain ‘fARM’FOfisAILE. Boat: Lubyicali’fig Machine Cba] @359. East Efépham Oil .’ . . u .. A: W. S. hflock'a, latg' at: A; mtfififififis ......... by US'I' Received seylerar’Quargqr_‘,Caskg “I: 2: Purb‘i‘rench Pgm and Shirrf‘Wines‘ and Bundles. 'of the 56le brandsâ€"cg)!“ (6 any in the Erovincn,gnd can be thoro‘llgli’ly re‘cb‘m'. mended ; also. 6 Cases of London Dock Old Crusted Port Wines. with sevérul Cases of Bottled French Brfiudies.’ Holland Gin rand pure Jamacia Ruin ; also Harvest. Heépellers. Toddy Rye, and malt Whisky from 35 6d per gallon. well rectified and“unadulmyatrd at Wm. S. Pollock Intel 1 -G- A; ‘BARNARD. Ridhlp‘on‘d Hill, Angz’ 13. ’66. office, Richmond Hill; -‘ HE Farm belonging to the Estate of the ImoMr. Wi'lia’m' Sandamm. oon'taiuing 100 Acrerot‘ Good Farming Land. 9" of which no cleared. There in a large Brick Houso,,qud Shed. and other conveniences . a guodFrame Barnusxablea, Shedsmnd Rant Housmr The above farm is ‘ And'is well adapted for a’Dhiry Farm, as i‘ in watered wiih a never failing stream running )3th fl” . Therg is. .also two ADJ-6"» with. 7' pi. ugh! a gbo‘d‘Gichm-d and Fruit Trees. Markfiarn'. Sept. 17.18“. W’ANTED Immediatelyrmlad Jim 15 years of age, as an nppmntice, to the Pljnfingbpsinesg. “‘AAhpply at " York Hamid" lot In. |4,’3td (Inn. Markham, In lb. Rolls, at w, S.,Po|!o§k'.. late PURE WINES. A‘flfl 'BBANDIES Wifl be given for any quantity of Good: ransnnummiq SUG- ABS, SUGARS! 10; lbs. Good Sagan-for $1, . 10 lbs. Refined do _for $1. 9 lbs. do exli'a‘B 'ighl ‘do for $1. 7 lstL‘baf Sugar, fair $1. I Try our 4s.|Young ITysrm Teaâ€"«the best to be had in Canada for line price, at W.. SI’VollqfisJale‘ J ‘ z 7 H _ ,4 I G- - Barhawwfiéa Ric}:de Han. Aug. 2- 10%;. PER, - Pour: ELIzAmfiH s‘xnondéénfifiwifiiié. Or to ED. SANDERSON, Lot 20', gm Cop. fiJoh, @c‘ For fur-the 'Usl’ Rggoiyofi.lin gqgmgfiom‘s' a :9. “4.1:, RICHMOND HILL SCHOOLS MEDICINggL .‘PURPb’SES. further particulars apply to M, TE’EFY, SrLretnry‘tQ Trensfiref of Board af'i‘rusteen, Méchiifé G. A. BAR NAR’S. Boy “'51: ted. i}. A. BARNARD’S. WILL for! iii... -v'v’oo -I’FW ;,aal-_1d "ls-3d 1“on . . Is 86 z: ' .329 0d “ Proprietor; ND 3- m 68-3m' N m. A {my moré County Rigfits Tor Stock of Goods Suitable forth-986336117; .LWUGuu ._ 3. a“: yucnnuuo, a ~ ‘ Plain and fancy Flannelg,» 1 oolen Yarns; . « 4., A Wprate” It‘s; , '- Plaidsiartdf Tammi; Wmsgysn ‘. _ GobouI'g‘s. , Cottofig 8:01; EIgin' Mills" September-T, ' 1866. “TEN *?"TSWIN-G PS THE: INDEMMJE“RENO-ms When ordering-pléésé Sta-xéidépHiOfaWéIl or C'is‘gern. . . (ETTA IIJL'ES PO‘VE L L9 SOLD‘AT THE LQWEST 'PQSSI‘BLE PRICES: » . 5. «.1 ¢>_â€",v‘.’- . : ‘ "v' . A gopd‘ alv‘vays mi hafiéi; Please reménIber th‘alt Sahdéis‘on at ‘ W. ' ‘ “ .' “.1 .‘ r: r. 1' :0 “’5‘ 1E: To winch he Inyltes ['mfbllc attenhoq, ELGIN MILps; SEEK-13’; {86¢ Opp‘bsite Temperance Set; ‘. '1 '. ~ : ' ‘- 3 ' Q T or, EGS to announce to"; lbc'. inl‘ubi‘nnts of We County oerork' an'dwthose ,in’ Wine neighborhoodof Richmond in particular, that he has added to his filo'ck of And m" Um he?! v1.3} 60", We are com :1 will he A D’i}\P'.l.‘,131D-TT [FOR ‘ ALL "' DEPTHS: Cbbdufig‘s‘}; ffjj“; Shirtings; , -. “A _W(‘a1f)'ada TWeeds, r Flaids amt Téfifi'ftiiin‘vs, SE13 WIS and Skil‘tiifg‘é, - Cfott'tOI-{gg fl“ ' ', ,. Pints, ' , ED; SHOES-g MEN’S; END" S‘HUES: Yon‘ge .Tfi’flomgs’wS‘mith” of Bés“t’s Hotel; beéxf’éb; ‘ * Sofit. 8,1866. 1 ' I v . 5113’“. ~ . FOR MARKlNGvLINyE‘Bi-aFOWSABE AT' «. a, ,. THE HERALD BOOK STORE, RICHMOND HILL Styles forrgypgmfiwm’mflweafi; Tweeds’, 301d much below last year’s prices; The Slibgc’hibrcrs-Imvé'justy fic‘ceiyet} zi‘hirge, N0». 133:1?01150 gimch lyncizflb‘g toiugiamck 01' Boot Has Just‘Béceivéd a Cofilplcté Stack of binrfilextg gis‘sflartlfien't of (hi! most desfiablo iivé‘gpalj‘pd‘mtmkljrélé (gr-up]: :1“ kinds of All ofwhich will be _‘C_onsiq1;bzg;vpf- Ass-5' a CONSXS’I‘ING 0P salé 5 “Doeskins: fiblfa St“ Patcnzcc 'm'vd I’roprzelor, 7 , NEWTON BROOK, C.W ifiiofiofifi‘b‘; LE ‘mgivepr‘lzfed sat ififfiflg; forr p'nanuchture, which 46

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