‘1 Staple8zFan0y Goods R. HUSTETTER'S numrrous, friends wlll plenso nccqpt hni sincere thanks 101 their liberal puronage and prompt payment. And would announce that he will c‘cmmue to devote (“a whole-of his attention. to the prac- tic: of Modicmo.» Surgery and Midwi'ery. All calia, (night or day,) promptly amended to. Elgin gums, October 5. 1886. Stoves and Agricultural Furnaces Tnde for Wood. or Cash paid. Toronto, Oct. ‘. 1866. THE . CHEAPEST - WANTED. HA-IB’RNH 301’ '1' W331] ! HflRW ESS .' In order to get it Richmond Hill, Oct. [8. 1866. THE LARGEST W. HARRISON’S, lst Prize Harness Establishment, . RICHMOND HILL. A set of Single Harness $9.00 A set of Buulyle Harness 16.00 A set single SilVer moun’dlï¬m He wants “whey and is these W. H: MYERS EXTREMELY [0W PRICES! HARNESS Cheap for Cash or ShOrt Credit. G. A. Barnard’s I‘VE EXOUND 11-. Fachry Cottons at 6d. per yard. Heavy and ï¬ne makes ol Factory really superior from 75d to 9d. per yard Good Dark Yard wide Prints from 65d per yard. A Splendid article of Madder prints from 75 per yard. Blue Dennim from Md. per vard. Colored Rool Linings from 5; per yard. Good Winceys in all colors from mid to 1â€"105d per yard. All Wool French Merinoes in choice colours from 23 6d to 33 9d. Colored Mohair and Cobourg from 10¢] Lo ls 3d. Scarlet All Wool Flannel from ls Md to 23 6d per yard. Union Tweed for Boys wear, from ls 3d to 3s 9d per yard. Heavy Full Cloth and all wool Tweed from 33 6d to 53 peryard. All Wool Pilot Cloth from 35 9d per yard. Fine Union 52AM wool 6â€"4 Black Mantle Cloth, from 55 to 75. 6d per yd, a; with an emollent assortment of Men’s Pants, Vests, Over and Under Coats, nel a-nd Tweed shirts, from 53 7; 'each, the laro'est. stock on Richmond Hill manufacture, good large sizes and well made. In Old and Young vaon am! Black Teas,at 2s 6d pel lb Moyune and Young llysnu Tea, at 45 per lb.â€"â€"lhe best BVerything in Pure and Unadulluraled Pod. Sherry and Mulnga \Vim-s. Branding, Holland Gin, Jamaica Rum, Old Tom, Bottled Ale and Porter. Normand HiIIï¬OMober 5, 1866. Ladios' Ménï¬is and the newest styles in ovary variety, with the bent general assortment of Dry Godds to be found in the neighborhood. GROCERIES! SHELF & HEAVY HARDWARE. PURE, SW] HO has now rieeEvcd FFAL‘L' STUCK UF (x‘UUDb' winch have bve’n purchasvd as cheap me any house can do. and shall sell on as small a proï¬t as my olher man can do. The Stock us well assorted in V ____.___... ï¬nd is the Laï¬est and most Varird aï¬sortment to be [mind on Bichmond Hi". I quote a few pl ices to let l'ue puhhc know that The Cheapest Goods A: the ...__~â€"_-\__.____._..â€"â€"_â€"___~__~._____ “am on menurr.†7 THE PLACE ".‘o PUY SINGLE AND DOUBLE BEST, PHCE NIX FOUNDRY, Down with the Gauntlet AND CONSEQUENTLY IS TO BE FOUND AT .. S. POLLOCK’S, ha: nn- FBI-n;fl.(' Mg L‘AT l um:qu [\12‘ 1‘. u\l\‘_- ‘ . l STOCK, THE ASSORTMENT 0F Competition is the Life of Trade. GREATEST BARGAINS And every utheTClass ofGoods that any body wants. NOT To BE UNDERSOLD, Ill; SELbS 9] Yonge Street, Toronto. IS AT is selling them 03 in SET, FRESH TEAS! MAY BE HAD A'l‘ nu; \Jnuuy uulu us lU (3.0(1 per yu, aplenma value, ‘ants, Vests, Over and Under Coats, Fancy Flan- . . ... . A AND With all the latest improvements. and in ‘also prepared to repair almost every description ol’ Thrashng Machines. particularly Hall's oi Oshawa. Having evorv description of Casting that may be required he has every facility for manufaclur‘rng and repairing Slum Enginen. and every kind of Mill work win he carefuliy attended to, and lame! wt with derpaxch at reasonable prices. Bradford. Sept. 27, 1865. And reduce the priéewuflbout one-third} 53; Ploughs that Were sold for$[9. he now oï¬'er: for $13. He in also manufacturing extensively (in an extensive scale, and having tried the credit system, he ï¬nds that it is neithon advan- tngous to himself or his customers that are willing to pav, as he has been obliged to charge about one-third more for his I’luughs than he could inlaid to sell for, in order to cover the u‘penses of peddling. collecting, and bad debt.- He has now come lathe determination to $1131- SASK, AN]! CASH ONLY! Wood Sawing Machines Steel mould-hoard Pluughs ! WM. R. PRINCE, Flushing. New York, fnr (“Hears progrietor of Illa Linnaenn NIH- .eries. hos discovered roam“: cunts for the above, and for all Inheriterland Chronic Dis. eases. Dupepsiu Nervqus 'chility. Rheu- matism, all Female Mahdi“. and when: rev :‘ulllng from impuritv of the lilm-d, hilhprlo incurable. Exylanilory circular, one slnlnp. Truth on all dlseubei. 20 cents. 584 IN EVERY VARIETY, AT SCO'I‘T’S RfCHMOND HILL Plain Sc Fancy Staiionm‘y Village Property At Richmond Hill. For particulars apply to the pmpriwtor. : A. WRIGHT. .l lowing )ropelt} :â€" ' Part of Lot No 30, on 2nd Con. Vaughan. inllqillill'g 62: acres; also. Richmond Hill. Sept. 2:. {366. (WATA RRâ€. Bronchitis Scrofula. Liver and _/ Kldncy Dumas“. Nature's Rolnodials from P ams. V 7 [LL be taken at (“nets on the dollar, pav- nhloin Dry Goat's, Grocerirs or Hard. Warn. which willho said as cheap as any hour. on Yungu Sweet. M Wm. S. Pollocks. hue. a. A. uAnNAkD, LAND FOR SALE; 0 BE $0141) on reasonable terms. t lowing vronelt‘, :â€" CANADIAN CHEESE I‘ Richmo..d Hm, Sept. us. m'ccl CHEESE 2 Hank nf‘Uppey Kannada HMS Br'adfoi‘d' Fouudry ! UST RECEIVED. and will be The undersigned is now manufacturing chc'np. I Prime [0! of 6d [16! lb â€"-sp|€'ndid value ; suporinr -lhe best in [his neighborhood, with A: WILLIAM ATKINS ()N’S Cheap Provision Store. ck on Richmond Hilly of 0111' owh 55 to _7§.'6d‘ peiyd, apkndid value on reasonable terms. the fol- Richmond Hill. Oct. 1866. g9 BUTTER FIELD. 70-30. said 69' 4 Vur) 134 KING STREET EAST, Opposite, the Mal-kc t,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . I OMPRISING Trench Merinoes from 63 ’ Cobourgs, Thibets, Lustres, Winceys from $1 50 each. Skirtings, Shawls. Silks, Ribbons, Man'lleg, Flannels, Blankets, and OF EVERY DESC RIP'I‘ION. Importiag my'Goods direct, customers will receive the full ad- vantage of the recent fall of prices and reduction in duties. 135' King-St. East, Toronto, Sept. 21, 1866. WILLIAM MITQHEM’S THE MOST ATTRACTIVE DISPLAY Imported this Season,â€"â€"tlne best v’ulue ever shown in this Toronto Sept. 21, 1866. MILLINERY, ’u‘ ‘ ‘llu " 1 «A "‘ . 1 ‘ 'c‘ , ‘ ‘5‘ ‘ m H ' ‘1, , «q _ ‘ Ir,._ ‘ m‘ ‘ . in ,I.‘ u- I“ l. ‘ 1 :;_ u I ‘ w ‘ ,, 4‘ “1 um ï¬mn Wm “Mi Wm Wm: «m M “mm "11mm Mum“ "waxmw "‘lmx Wl‘xm “mum “Um! “'hich, for quality and lowness of pnice, Is secoua to none. .' C. 8!. S. would direct niacin! notice to their stock of DRY GQODS, SPECIAL OTICE 2 MR. PRICE’S OLD STAND. N returning thanks to his 1nenrls, and the Public [or the very liberal sup {Sort he has I enjnyrd smce commeming business on Richmond Hill, begs llo infonli 'lhem lllul he has leased the more cqmmndiulls and central prcmlses ownied and formerly oeuupied by J. K‘ Falcanbridge Esq., and will open flbout the [st of October newt, My motto is Small Proï¬ts and Quick Returns Richmond Hill, Sept. 13,1866. DICKS’ON, OF A WFORD & SMITH, FREEBIES, PRBUISIHNS, ERï¬EKï¬BYi; BEWARE; DRY.GOODS! And in fact endeavour m mak» his Establishment the Mart Where everything is to be found that is usually kept in a ï¬rsbcluss Has .Removed I To which he cordiallj invités the ét’rentioa of his old friends‘ Richmond Ill", September 97. 1866. 69 DRY GOODS? MONDA Y, the 8th October. FIRE ! FIRE! ! I FIRE‘!‘!T! 81.0.. Sic. He also wnuld intimate that he will In addition have a choice stock of EG rekneetluhy to call the attention of the inhabitants ol the County to their very large and well assorted stuck ol gvueral . . V EGS to announce to his numerous Friends that he has' survival his Immense loss by the late Fire, and that he wi!l ‘ ' NEW GOODS 2 Extraordinary STOCK of GOODS! Rc-mem} er the Placeâ€"sâ€"Flood & Priéc’s 01d Stand. Hardwm'c, Gro’cérieg “CVROCKERY, sac. ‘ APLE GOODï¬ 91 King Street East. I'ORONTO, GRAND RE-OPENING ! WILLIAM ATKINSON Bought fcr Cash,â€"in the best [Vlarkqts,â€"Comprismg BLACK MLKS ! With an rutire new stock of select In his New Brick Store, on IS AT WITH AN TO . .Toronto, cents per yard! Fancy Dressas Bonnets, Hats, market. 68-31?) 6 7-tf Which will nï¬'ord passengers more time in {he- Cilv, and keeping attentive and accommodat- ing Drivers, I trust. to merit llle patronage 01 the gvnï¬rul public. ROBERT RAYMOND, Richmond Hill, Aug. 13. ’65, Toronto. at 4 o’clock, p.m. A†Parcels or Luggage left at Best's Bav Horse Hotel. Yonge Smasher at Lemon‘s Hotel. Nelson Strum. Toronto. “'11le delivered with punctu- ality aod at moderate charges. Uavmg de- termined to run the Stage ' E AVING purchased the} Rlchmond ll'xll Line nfSIages from Mr. Thomas (700k. 1 will run {has same from my Hotel, Mich- moud Hill, to Toroum. stalling at half-putt 7 o’clock, 3,111. and returning will leave “Better Time, An early alien 'a_nce i‘s most desirable, [hat the rn-furmaliuu of the Classes may not be delayed. Mr. lmfl'eilv has fo‘rmod a Carma“ Class in addilion Lnthuse 01' Ranch, Classics, &c.. affording pupils H' rare (ppm-mum tn obtain a film-class educn'inn‘ :md, it'lhey desire it. to prepan for Mutnculaliun in any of the Uui~ versiues. Richmond H's". Aug. 8 1865; Lemon’s Hotel, Nelson St†STAGE S. 'l‘o pupils residing within me School Section, The whoh) lnslimlinn i§ lindci the Head mnsteiship ofA. M. LAFFER'IV Y; Esq.. RA, a Graduth and Silver Medalist in‘ Clas:.":cs and Madmmutics. of the Toronto Ulliifersit)’, assisted by Mr, G. H. Punter and Miss I. A, "mes. Grammar School Department Free, Common School Department Free (TESL [In MONDAY, l3lh AUGUST; ’ HE Farm helnngingto the Estate of the late Mr. Wi'h’am Sums-Non. comaining [HO Acres of Good Farming Land. 90 01' which are cleared. There iéa large Brick House, \Vuod Shed. and mixer cnnvaniencas . a guqd Frame Barn, Stables Sheds and Root Huuse. The nbuve {mm is ‘ And is we†adaptgd for a Dairy Farm, as it is wr-lered 'wiih a never failing stream running across It. There ;s also two Wells with Pumps. and a good Orchard and Fruit Trees. Gardun, 51c, » ’ For further pirï¬culars apply to ELIZABETH SANDEKSON, HuHonviHe. ()r 10 ED. SANDERSON, Lot 20pm; Con. V, ~'ANTED Immediately. a lad aheut 15 \" years of age, as an amnemice, lo lha Printing business. Apply at “ York Herald†utï¬ue, Richmond Hill. BE RIB-OPENED FARM FOR SALE. Lot No. l4,'3rd Eon. Markham, Markham. Sept. 17. 1866. ’I‘HE Undersigned is instructed by the pre- _ V smgtpmnriamr to offer FOR. SALE or ‘10 LLI‘. th Viinagu Lot and Buildmgs 10r- mar‘y nw- ed and ner‘unied by Mr. JOSEPH KELLER. '1 here Is ï¬ve-flights m" an Acts of Linux}. a pouiuu of which is Gardvn. The “weiiingvhnhse is in good m‘dcr and vecy r'nnvon‘wnt; ‘n cnmaius a I’m-Mr. Dining room. Kuchen‘,Slore-ruom and ï¬ns Bud-moms"â€" Theâ€! me ~ also cummudiuus Hum-buildings, Stahhng. 6am,- and a good supply of Hard and Soft water on the prsnlises. EUR S'ME UH WllL BE LET! “ROM 50 to I00 Cords of Green and Dry Beech and Maple, to be delivered in 'I‘m’ onto during the winter. Appiy at the Humid Ofï¬ce. [Lehmand um. 09 AT SCOT‘T’S RICHMOND HILL DESIRABLE RESIDENCE Richmond Hill. June R3. 1556 Wood. Wanted. Photographs for socts doz. OF ENGLISH NOTABLES, RICHMOND HILL For Terms, apply 10 .‘ .‘JN to all pupils rnsiding within the Unit-d Counties of York and Peel. Richmond Hill, M. TEEFY, Secretary 82 Treasuler of Board 01' Trustees. AT R TC H M 0ND HI LL, Boy “'an ted WlLL A T M. 'I‘EVF‘V. Land A! helm ral Agent. Pro prietor. 3m 54-1." 68-3111 I umld' as, A few more County Rights for sale. THEE iNDEMELE PENCIL When ordering please state depth of We†or Cisvprn MTEET SWENG PUMPS SOLD AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES. A good assortment of Trunks always on hand, Please remember, that S In the most Fashionable Styles, And of (he. hPst Material and Workrnnmhip. AU Wurk is Warranted to give pvrfect satisfac- liun, We ale couclamly adding to .ur Slock ol'Bouls and Shoes of our manufacture, which will be QC? 133 Yonge Street, Two Doors South [of Best’s Hotel, Torento‘ ADAPTEE) FOR ALL DEPTHS; ELGIN MILLS, SEPT. 13, 1866 Opposite Temperance St. TORONTQ‘ Ple to announce to the inhabi‘ants of the County of York and llmse in the neighborhood of Richmond 11111 in particular, that he has added '0 his i lock of MEN’S, WOMEN’S AND CHILDREN’S BUDTS AND SHOES T'Weeds, Plain and Fancy Flannels, Worsteds, Winseys, Blankets, Shawls, Hosiery To “Inch he invites public altcmiun. FOR MARKING LINI<JN.FOR SALE AT THE “HERALD†BOOK STORE, RICHMOND IIILL‘ The Elam Mifls Store Stock of Goods. suitable for the Season BOOTS "AND SHOES,’ [Clam Consisting ofâ€"â€" Cnbourgs, Fancy Shirtii‘lgs. “’n'nzeys, ( anada 'l‘wocds, Plaids and Tartans, Shawls and Skirtings, ‘ottons. Prints, ' L ISEéDY‘MADE CLOTHING, w, (Emmi-1559 Prints, $10.â€, & A. NEW’TQN’S Styles for FALL AND'WINTER wéar. '1‘01;10,\'1‘o, Eopt. 13, 1866 Mil's September i, 1966. 50k] much below last year’s prices. Also, A large uasurlment of“ [Culpmxs Trail " Hoop Skirts, N9, 133 Yongc Street, The Subscribers have jun recogived a large [Ia-s Just Received a Complete Stock of And is prepared to make to oruar all kinds of A complete assortment of the IimSt desqublo anderson SELLS CHEAP at All orwhich will be. CHARLES PO‘VELLy CONSISTING 09' Doeskins, Woolen Yarns, Plaids and Tartans, Gobourgs. and Gloves, Nu bias, Patentm? and Proprzetor. NEWTON BROOK, CJV 51-3"!