Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 5 Oct 1866, p. 4

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BERLIN, Sept. l&.â€"-ltfi'1§'fimmced that Prussia will not allow the King of Saxony to take art in the formation of the North German - ’nfederation. 4 An old maid, speaking a] marriage, pays it is like any other diseaseuwhile there's life there's hope. Fatal Accident on Mon! Blbncg~5ir George Young, with two brothers and a cousin, successfully reached the summit on Mount Blancefiviflhout guides, on Wednesday last, and were descending to the grand plant/elm, when a mass of snow gave away precipitating the younger brother down a frightful slope of snow. The body was re- covered uext day.- A correspondent of Land and Wafer sends a story of a horse which works the stable-pumps with is mouth, and then drinks from the ump-mouth. Mr. Buckland says the on y pendant to this story is that of a donkey, who used to make his tongue as small-nu Eossmle, thrust it through the usual hole in t e door, and pushing up the latch, open the door, ahdmake hiu escape“. - ' A woman named Korwan committed su?‘ cide in New York a day or two since. Be‘ fore committing the act, she made mourn ing dsesses for her children, bound her husband’s hatywith crape, and laid out her own burial clothes. During an attack of cholera, typus fever, or any maladay depressing the nervous system, the patient who has the least. fear of dying has the best. chance of living. I Conundrum Far Convocation.â€"-â€"A remand gentleman, the Canon of ? Cathedral, 1m! his pocket picked. Why was this canon like an Armstrong guna 0! course, because he was rifled. “ place" of forty-five {housand acres in Iro- quois county, beside more land. Mm, Alexr under will “stock” the “'farmmimmefiinte- I wiéhumee thousand-or more head of cattle go will ship five hundred per week to max-- e: from thiér point. We “ farm-"out here, and (104 business generally, on- a large scale. Sweetening one’s coffee is generally thefirst'stirring event of the day. SAL: or In Lmnnsr Fun: is ILLxxoxs- -An Illinois paper- snys :â€"A few days since Michael L. Sullivan,- sold his farm of. Wen: Iy-two thousand acres ,‘l iug 3m tic- Uen miles south of thisplace, to w. Alexander, of Morgan county, for $17 per acre ;. or $2.74 000 cash. Mr. Alexander also bought the stock, grain, hay, and farming utensils on the lace of Mr. Sullivan, which made the whole amount of purchase money nearly or quite $500,090; Mr. [Sullivan has yet a~ “ nlnnn” nf‘ Fnr-lvfiun thndanr‘ obi-nu in T.n, There were 5,011 Garibaldim volunteers killed and- wounded in- the campaigns in the '1‘wa ' Pieces of hem en re a recovered from. t'l'se wreck of the fioyal eorge, after near- lya century of_aubmergence, were quite sound. According to n covrespond'enfi of {die TIM' the exports of coalli'a' 9,000,000 tons, repre- senting one-tenth art of all that is wrought and raised in the Enited Kingdoma. Gristjlill Harm “I FOR SALE. Propeifing “81' Bepefling Pencil, R SALE, thfl valublo Min Pmpem, known as tho RICHMOND HILL MILLS, .In the Township of Vaughan. within half a Iniie 9f [99gb Squet. and Fifteen from Town. al- to . the Milréogiiih; tvio run of Burr Stones, merchant and country bolls, drivan by a never hiling stream of water. Contillns 60 acres of the very best of land. al nearly cleared. 0n the premises are erected a 'two story brick house, with n Irnme barn. shble. cow house, and piggery, and every mher convenience. Also a large apple orch- ard Ind pIum and pear orchard, and currents in abundance. . l“ or terms, apply persmully to W. WHARIN 8:00. The nthntion of rho Public is him-ed to their Stock, censiat'mg of a great variety «I Cnrofu‘ aunminn given to the répairing of Watches and Clocks Jewelry manufactmod and Repaira'l. No‘ II. King Street East. 6 doors on! of Yonge Slrnet. With Holder & Knife, ATSCOTT'S, RICHMOND HILL Watches, Blacks, and Jewelry. A'l‘ SCOTT’S,RICHMOND HILL. Family 85 Church Bibles CHOICE AND FANCY GOODS, AT-SCOTT’S RICHMOND HILL. Support Home Manufactures! ‘ HE Subscriber, in relurning thanks to his numerous Customers and Friends For their Iibeml support‘during the pest nine years, would beg to intimate that he is prepared lo manufacture Boots and Shoes of every descrip- tions from the best materials. end after the most fashionable style. :He hopes by strict al- tenlion to business, combined with moderate prices to ensure a continuance of their favour. All orders' attended to promptly. Work warranted. Residence 6 doors north of Mr. Ceosbys late stand. r Toronto, April 26. 1866. SCHOOL BOOKS ! Richmond Hill, July 12,1866. JAMES Riehmond Hi”, Jane lat 186$, 0f the has? desrription and new est designs. Pieces ’of' Bern: ELECTED-PLATED WARE, CUTLERY, &c., &c. 593E FARM In PORTERS AND DEALIBI ll Mifirrllnmmw, IN EVERY vuzm'rv, AT LOW PRICES, GEORGE ARKSEY. A h A _ _ 9n the premises, MES VERNEY recovered from. 52 3m Residenceâ€"Lot 20, rear of 3rd Concession of Markham. P.O.Addreuâ€"Butlonviile. Partial requiring Mr. Sanderson’s services can make arrangement: at the film“ office. January 4. 1865. 3-] Incorporate In Royal Charter in a 1’7 20. v ' W. G. OABTELL 383 Yonge Street, Toronto. W. G. 0. cells at all the Stores between Toronto and Richmond Hill every two week. end auppliee Confectienery of III kind. at the Lowest Wholesale prices. Sales attendedjo with promptitude. J, GORMLEY. J. FERRIS, EDW. SANDERSON. LICENSED AUCTIONEER, Counties of York and Peel. CONFECTIONARY ! Toronto, J III, 20, 1865. AVING been appoimed Agent for this Company,m of tho alien! and moan reliable English UmpuuiuJ will bohappy lo afi'octusunnco a nit-It be» a damage by Fire. upon only d'ewriplion of The Lowest PossIBLE RATES, H. LEMON, PROPRIETOR. londnn FireAssumnce Bumpany, G. A.'BARNARD, Agent AT SCOTT'S RICHMOND HILL. JO H N C A RT 2 R'. LICENSED AUCTIONEER The Commercial Hotel. Fin! chm Subling and cumin! attendance.â€" Termo moderate. Terence, Feb. 6, D866» 9,03me 5; 933318 Licensed Auctioneers : GmmlvyJYD. Unhmillo. P.0. Markham, Jun. 4, 1865. 31 8w. &c. For Newmarkgt! AurqrfimMarkham and R the Cumin of York. l‘ocl Ind 0n- tuio. Bosidonce 1 Lot 8, 6th concomon Markham. l’on Ofiicoâ€"Uniolnilk. Richmond Hill. Riihmvnd Hill. March 14m. DENTISTRY. 95 King Street East, Toronto. REAR cnuncu nun, IS prepared to wait upon any who need his professional services in order to preserve their teeth, or relieve suffering and supply new teeth in the most epprovedstyle. Also to regu- late the teeth of those who need it. Consultation free. and all work warranted. GLO (ICES TE" H0 USE, YONGE STREET. .1034 Gaby, Proprietor. w. c. ADAMS, o. o. s-, AGENTS WANTED. $15OWPER MONTH. HE GRANITE STATE Family Sewing Machine is now presented to the people ofCanada. possessing all the improvements that can be well confined in a sewingmachine. It will accomplish every description of sewing except l-ntton holes. from an overcoat down to the finest eile and mission. This machine sells for only $l5, and is really werth-350, in any family. Every mechi-ne warranted and kept in repair free of charge for three years.â€" All machines sold in Canada are manufacture at the company’s branch manufactory in Tor- onto. Single Machines, with full printed directions. snnt express free on receipt of$l5 in a registered letter. Full printed directions accompany each] machine.» plain that a child iwoh-e years of age can learn to work one successfully in a short time. Address or call on The Granite State Sewing Machine Company, P. S,â€" Good a cute wanted in onrv put 0- the country to wfiom will paid a sulhry from $50 to $150 per momh, or a large commission. Terms to agents sent free be those wishing agencres. Good Stabling and n attentive hop always :1 uttondnnco. Februmv 5. 1865. R. T. BUSH 5:, 00., Cnmdu Manufactur- ers. M King Street East. Toronto, C. W. Hone Ofllces ‘m in Great Britain and Canada, London. England. Ghsgw, Mormon! and Toronto. Day Books, sales nuanded on the chute» nobicr I“ n reasonablo terms. 35 Wilh immad‘ma minem of nil Lassen. No. 7, Royal Exchange, C'ornhill. and No. 7, Pall Mall, Landau. ’ June. 1865. Toronm, March 23rd. {1866. PURE ' AND UNADULTERATED Journals and Led gets, all sizes. Pass Books, Pocket Baoks, Wallets, Purses, Nelson Street, Toronto. IN GREAT VAR’ETI, (Lute 1110mm Contes.) IANUFACTURER 0!‘ FOR THE "N [TED {My March 16th, 1866. AVID McLEOD begs to announce the! he has Leased the above Hotel and filled it up-inn mrnner second to none on Yonge St. wZ-ei'e he \r Ill keep conetnnmly on hand a good enfmly or 5. l-clase Liquors, &c. This house per are: every accommodmion Travellers can desire, those who wish to slay where they can find every comfort are respectfully invited to put up II this establishment TERMS :â€"A “small payment down, and 3 him Lil-[IO to__puy {he b_a_lanco- if muggy-ed; PRUICE:-â€"For' the 46 acres, \(rilh Farm House and build‘ngs. $68 dollars an acre. Possession can be had on In April, 1866. N. B.â€"â€"A BAY MARE, 6 years old for Sale. (on timeNif Ifqgjred.) RICHMOND HILL Cabinet Establishment. Bedeteada, Bureaus, Cupboards. Drening Stands, he . which he offers at eklremely low ricel. Also a large assortment of Roqm apor, Bordbfin . White Lend.. Paints and Color. Raw and fioiled hiheeed Uil, Machine Oil. Rock Oil. Varnish. Turpentine. Benzene. Glass. Putty, Glue, &c., Jw Parties Furniah~ ing. Papering, or Painting their houses. will do well to call before purchasing elsewhere. Whom he will keep on hand Flour, Sham, Bran. Oats. Posse, Oatmeal. Cornmeal. Buck wheat, Bacon. Hams. CheosorFish, and Gene' ral Grocerias of the Best Quality, for sale. at Prices that cannot be surpassed. Richmond Hill‘, Jan. 12, 1866. .l. of 50 news, on Yongo Sheet, about half: way between Richmond Hill and Thor nhill or he wifl sell 46 acne with the Farm House angEyILBuildjngs, .I. inhabitants of Richmond Hill and nut- rounding country. Ihnt he has leased, for a number of years, the Cabinot Shop and Store from Mr. Webbor. where he will! manufacture and keep on hand a good assortment of FLOUR, FEED, Provision and Grocery Store, YON GE STREET. THE Ao‘vortiaer elem For Sale hi- Eerm, of 50 news, on Yonzo Sheet. about half- HOMAS COGHLAN begs to inform lha inhabitants of Richmond Hill and nut- DR. N. J. PECK, SURGEON DENTIST ! ESI’EC'I'FULLY announces that he has changed his time of ‘viaitingflno following places, and after this date will be (Sundays excopled) in_ toufi‘villo ...... ’lBlh ofeach month. Brougham "0...... - “1th “ " Markham Village" . . . . . ..20th " " Brown’s Corners..........2!st " “ Tholnhill.......... ......23rd 'l " Richmond Hill. . . ... . . . . . 24th " ’ N Mafia...”........,.....%xh " " Burwi'c'k................28lh " “ Kleinhurg..............-29!h ” “ Nobleton................30th " °" Laskey..;.......--.... .3lst " ” Aurora........ ‘° " Sutton...u . Whego'ho will {malnde I‘qu buginqaa por- LATE VAN NOSTRAND’S, BE Subsesibe) begs to inform the Public that, he has leased the above Hotel. when he willkeep constantly on~hsnd a good supply of first-class Liquors. dc. As this house possesses every accommodation Tra- vellers csn desire. those who wish tostay where they can find every comfort are respectfully in- vited to give him a call. Aurora J m l .855. GIDEON DOLMAGE. Proprietor. Richmond Hill. Dec. 1865. 2841‘ tai'ning to any'brnuch of hi; profession: Aurora, Juno 7, 1865. l- DRAGONS FAMILY MEBIEINBS Household Furniture, _ Chagrs. Tables, HAS been appointed agent. for the County of York, for the above valuable Medi- cines. which have been before the Canadian public for the past seven years. and have glven universal satisfactionâ€"he can therefore. with confidence. recommend (hundreds of Testimo- nials could be given if required, skewing the benefit derived therefrom.) their use for their several virtues. The safest and best Medicines in us; in Canada. Ac! gently yet effectually: may be taken dur- ing any employment, at any time. and even by the most delicate female. BITTERS. As a general Tonic, or Strengthening Medi- cine to brace and invigorate the frame. no!" can be better. ‘ 0R HEAL ALL. An exeel‘len-t remedy for Rheumatism, Erysi- pains. Strains. Bruises. Cuts, Chilblains, Sore Throat. and violenrsl’ain In Back or Side. lhu effects of the Real All in the above) cases are astonishing, frequently removing a” pain in a few lmors. « -' ' ‘ SMALL FARM! G. A. BARNARD DEACON'S PILE OINTMENT. A soothing and astringent appfication ; and; al far as an application can be of any service, more soothing and much more astringent. than any hitherto prepared. The majur'rty of can. find speedy relief by its use. DEACON’S WORKING MAN'S FRIEND DEACON’S unrivaled Cough Balsam, {of Coughs, Colds. Cansumption. Asthma. 6w. DEACON’S Antibilliols Pius. Non bet- terin use. DEACON’S LINIMENT, For Cuts, Cracked Hook, and all bimbo! sores on Horses and Cattl‘o. DEACON'S FAMILY VEGITABLE PILLS DEACON'S STpMApHIC VEGITABLE DEACON'S VEGITABLE COUGH PILLS One or two Doses generally remove the cold. DEACON’S Mixture for Cholera, Dinrrluu, and Summer Complaints, equal to if not but. tor (Lulu any who! medlcine made. Â¥ DEACON’S' Emplive Ointment for a] kind of skin diseases. , Rlcmnon oiling. fiugust )0 £865. BIB-LE SOCIETY DEPOSITMIY SCOTT’S BOOK STORE. MITCHEL HOUSE 2 AURORA. DOLMAGE'S HOTEL, He would also call' attention to his . Ricmnond Hill 1865. FOR SALE ON G. JIF. PEARCE. Lot 39, lst Con. Vdughan. Ell-Sm. l-tf Ordou for the am oi Indemntionad dump- llon ‘ot mum J “B WIIIIK BOOKS, FANCY BILLS, TheYork. ‘flerld BQQK PRINTING PAMPHLETS AND or? WEEKS FROMWlY EXELUYE $0 LARGE AND SMALL POSTERS, FAWN TYPEMWJBRS %%% %%%% F" Caréo.,|&c jugfireceivgd. I: entirely newlandfofmhe latest pntlems. lug. valion a! new " ‘ > Letter-Press Printing. ESTABLISHENT. BUSINESS CARDS Will '19 prompliy attended to :â€" OUR ASSORTMENT 0F JOB CHEAP PLAIN And only othn kind of CIRCULARS, BLANK CHECKS, LAW FORMS, AND AND DRAFTS, BILL HEADS The O'wuqr is requested 'to prove 'prbperty.’ pay oxygnaes and: lake' them'hwny. ' THOMAS CLIFFORD. July 25. 1866. CAME into the uremises of thé Subscriber, Lot No. 22. in- ‘the '3rd- concession of Mnrkham. about the middle of July last, Mum-mm, Augi III; "66. A Ewe and a Ram Lamb AND'ISA POSITIVE PREVENTIVE OF ASIATIO CHOLEIRA1 YELLOW FEVER, SMALL-POX AND OTHER PESTILENCES! V mas Eaéfiggmgs - As an ANTI-SEPTIC, DISINFECTANT,. ANTI-SPASMODIC, COUNTER- IRRITANT, DIFFUSIVE STIMULANT, RUBEFACIEN T, NERVINE, VANODYNE, SUDORIFIC, FEBRIFUGE. 0f Dianhma,.vDysent1:y, Cholera Morbus, Inflammation of the Bowels, Cholic, Cramps, Spasms, Vomiting, Sick Headache, Cold Chills, Fever and Ague, Sore Throat, CoughsLColds, Influenza, Neuralgia, &c.â€"-One tea-spoonful in a glass of water will correct all derangements of athe stomach, bowels and liver, and instantly atop the most severe pains. RADWAY’SP READY RELIEF!!! In violent diseases; instant relief is required. ASIATIC CHOLERA., INFLAMMATION OF THE BOWELS, CHOLIC, FITS, SHIP FEVER, GROUP, DIPTHERIA may prove fatal within an hour or two, if not checked by a powerful antidote like RADWAY’S READY RELIEF rand all acute and inflammatory maladies, whether Rheumatism, N euralgia, Inflam- mation of the Kidne ’s, Bladder, Urinal difficulties, Inflammation of the Womb, and, in fact, all diseases fraught Wit immedipte danger, yield at onee~t0 this commanding curative. ‘# n,_ __..‘-____ n» Y. - , H, ,.-_, .' Certificates of startling cures of the most violent and den;le diseases are on record at DB. RADWAY’S OFFICES in the Cities of New York and Montree , emanating from the highest authorities in the world. There is not a Town or City of importance (except a few in China.) on the Globe but that RADWAY’S MEDICINES have cured the-:sick when all other remedial agents failed, and this is vouched for by high dignitaries in'Church and State, both by letters written direct to Dr.- Radway, and through the U. S. Ministers and Consuls abroad. ‘ > Gout, Lumbago, ‘Sciatica, Pain in the Side or Back,‘ Limbs or Joints, Spine or Muscles, Toothache, Strains, Sprains, &c.â€"â€"One application will afiord immediate ease and comfort,’a‘nd a few times rubbing will complete the cure. gun. “v... “nun . n... w“, “~. One of our sisters zzhad the Rheumatism in her head ,for a great many years-rimming taken a‘ few spoonfulls of Relief in Water, and rubbing her head t'wieerit'h the same medicine, she was perfectly cured and never felt it"sinee. I always use it for dyspepsiaan'd for colds, and always with suecess. . It is very uceful for sore throats, coughs, influenza, diptheria, &e. It has a good effect in flatulence or wind cholie. I use it for foul breath and it produces a. marvelous effect. In short it procures relie’f altogether remarkable to our invalids.; - u, «..u\w., J us-.. “v . is ,V... V Ella-£1. . is as sudden in “solidi-512511 :ds-7111-shiurflsdfiifisclf". It 'is‘more active than the virus of the most swift and deadly gpldemic. Wlth tlns Remedy at hand to moon the first'svmntom of pqin and, uneasiness, :16 person need suffer an hour sickness. ‘> . sags'rERs; <5]? M33017, . DORCHESTER STREET, MONTREAL, C. E., HOSPITAL OF THE SISTERS 0F MERCY. DR. RADWAYrâ€"I certify that your Ready Relief has cured OVER ONE HUNDRED of our sick {rum cpills, vomiting! hgaflpchgensz intequ patinsz &c._, &c. ' ' . :- ,,. ,,,,,, ,AAfl- n.-_9___ . N. BPBeware of eounterfeits and imitations, have nothing to do with the (leeler that will endeavour to persuuxle you to take some other in place of the Radway's.â€"-The country is flooded with counterfeits and imitations of Radwey’s Ready Relief. Dealerspurchase these worthless mixtures at less than half price the are charged for Radwey’s', yet charge the ublie the same nice our agents sell you Radwey’s on (Pfiee 25 cents per bottle.) The imita ions and coun- terfeits are. sold at 5 to 10 cents per bottle to dealers ;. deer. atthet price. . In purchasing-Ready Belief, see that there are two signatures of Radwey 85.00. on the labels, and the words R. R. R. Rsflwey it Go. blpwn in the glass. A MAN ’l‘HAT WILL SELL YOU A FALSE MEDICINE will chéat you whenever he iias an opportunity. . on: Firstâ€"class Freéhold _Sepup;ty. Awiyto" V -‘I "z Sisters of More: at Dorchesgq; Street Hospital, applying Dr. Badway‘s Remedies to the sick. W Sold by Druggists and Country Merchants. STE-1 Y SHEEP. Money to Lend, 57 THE UNIVERSAL REMEDY I Agenits for the sale ofqudway’s Re‘ady Relief, ;.P;‘QROSBY, Richmond Hill," ‘ ' THOS. ALLISON, Victoria Square, “ CHAS. DOAN, Aurora. - ‘ ' ‘ , f I Mr. ROWE and 'Mrs’.’ROWE, King St. s IT HAS NO EQUAL IN THE MATERIA MEDlCA, GEO, 3.519%,- If seized With Rheumatism, Bun-inter; &.c.r 'R'lclnnond Hill. 60-3m Instant Help Needed CURES PAIN IN STANTLYI~ PR‘fCE, 25 cents gnome, In sudden Attacks, All "Around the Globe. JOHN nprAv, M. 0., & co.; ’ 7 . v -y N -Y03'K 7 and Goldman-cute... And 8 MNden Lane' EW 6,000 Sets Ludi'es’ Jewelry-â€" Radway’s Ready Relief, ‘ Cameo,l’earl.etc.... .... PnCfiOSBY Richmond Hi"; ' - 6,000 (ifItiiPens.gihéer‘Exlenéion ,‘3 .. I ’ , . . _ H 0 am an encils. . . . . . l VlctOfla Square, 6.000 Gold pens and Gopd Moun_ CHAS. DOAN, Aurora. - ' ‘ , f ted Holders...~. .... . . . . . ML ROWE and 'Mrs’f ROWE, King St, 1 5.000 Gold'l’el‘is and'Gold Exten- ‘ r I ' ‘ “_ sipn Hokiera....-..'...‘.-.; .- k " 5.000 Silver Go‘bms and Drink- . _ ‘ ihg Cups..“.'..."..‘r.....‘~.. f - v ‘ ~ 43,0008] c t J. SEGSWORTH‘; {2.000}, 180:2: “3‘33: and” Calm Baskéu....‘......‘....u IMPORTEB pl“ ,. ' - J ‘. . - . _ I 5,000 Dozen Sifve? TeaISpoons. '1: ‘AND FINE JEWELRY. 5-0“ “ ' " Tam“ 59”” and Forks. ...‘.‘.:.€;... . .. 113’ YONGE St'! TORONTOI ‘ACENTSâ€"We wanl‘azonld in .LL pagti‘evsv‘ipdgbwqigw thaandgys‘igned ’aro . ’2 ref; estedou Lpii'y up ilfim‘a'diately [0 Mr. P. CmsbyLR‘ichmpnd Hivll‘ _ I " - '. B‘an‘io Aug. ‘24»: 86$, "made to order‘ . n fl‘lqronto, Any}: QTf‘Iqufi‘A SISTER MARY DE BONSECOURS. 513,:11’1i1‘51’5‘8t5pau1 Street, MONTREAL, v And 87 Maiden Lane, NEW-YORK Masonic» and other. Emblem-.1}; J. HENDERSON, and Fr'rks....'.‘.:.i.';..'.... S0 “ 100 ‘AGENTSâ€"We vignl‘agonld in ovary ugh. mbn’t. tm'd ix; ‘SYW '1an had .county in. the countryqund those acting as such will be nllowi e]! 10 cents on every Cerzificnte ordered’ by Ilien}. -_ provided their,_ remittance, amounts to one dollnn Agents will collect 25 cents for évery Certificate. and remit 15 cents to us; where Slockholdprs and others may u‘ocuw BOOKS avery Friday afternoon. from, “0 8 0 lack. PM, gr - FWrit‘e,quinBv,’say77Ԥin what is'nggeiu'ry agglflbeprgmpti‘yk , : ‘-' ‘ " Address. ms ASSOClinONihusfi‘ffimferred their LIBRARY to. the ‘ HERALD-’1’ Book Store > ’ " ' Tm Boa-4N.» 5,000 Dozen Silvef Tea-Spoons. $10 to $2) 5.000 “ ‘ " Table Spoons New annnns AND, Qurcx Guamâ€"For Syphilis etrictures, seminal weakness. pains in thejomrs, affections of the kidneys. diseases of the head, throat, ~nose and: 'skin; and all those dreadful affections ‘arisirr‘g from a secret habit of youth, which produces constitutional debility, renders muriage impossible, and in the end destroys borh body and mind. The treatinth we adopt is the result of upwards of thirty years experience and successful practice In Europe and America. Strangers visiting Toronto, Who are in need of a Medical adviser.=huving no time I3‘10 ro- mnin in the city to be cured. can have Medi- cine to take with them. A safe and reliable cure guaranteed. Patients living at a distanee can procunc Dr. C's remedies. sent (secure and free from ob- servation) to any part of the Provinne. with plain and full directions for use, by wr zhting, stating case,s'. mptoms 5w. DR. T. C.CULVE§R’S MEDIQA}: PISPENSARY. OUNG MEN who are troubled with’ weakness generally. caused by a bad habit inyouth. which produces constitutional debllily. you can rely on our remediesffor we have treated over fifty thousand patients. an? we guarantee a perfect cure in all cues. . IMPORTANT 'I‘O LADIES. Our Periodical drop; will bring em the monthly sickness. in all cases of olyplfuction fsom any cause, and after all other’remedies of the kind have been tried in vain. Chronic and Secret fliseases. A FOEUNE! nm‘mmm run xvnnmnv. For the purpose of closing out the stiack n. the earliest possible date, the undersigngd hava A .54.”! A“ .. ._._»_. j‘, A Certificate of each article with its value ‘prinled upon it. is placed in an envelope and sealedâ€"these envelopes are thoroughly mixed and sold fon, 'l'wcnty-fivc Clam“ ‘eachâ€"the p‘er- 83h receiving one of th as envelopes is entitled to the article named t erein by returnin tying; Certificate to us with o Adolltu'. and thramc . no matter how valuabl it may he, will’be for- Wnrdod tonhim oi- her at once. There are no Blank Ceftificutes and theroioro ever}! one is sure to get. at least. the fill] value alanis or her money. Should the article named‘on the-cer- tificute not suit,any othar which he ml >soloc of the same value will be substitutod. ' e no the certificates as follows: ‘ ' " Spring .‘... .... ... .... . 3,000 Gold Toothpicks. Crosses. 3 etc.................... 2 5,000 Plain Gold Rings..,... . . . 4 4 5.000 Chused Gold Rings, . . . . . . 8.000 Stone Set and Signal Rings 2 50 8.000 California Diamond Rings. 2 7g500'Sets lmdies’ Jewalryâ€"Jet n“... ruuclulk‘ uum, |IIU ulluurslgllea nave ‘. czded on a grealdistribulion mude‘as follows. IACH AM) Evnnv ARTICLE, no MATH“! HOW VALvAm mum; sou) FOR $1. One for 25 cts.. five for $1, eleven for $9 thirty for $5, sixty-five for 9:”), one hundred for $15. This distribution affords a fine oppor- tunity for Agents. as what lady or' gentleman will not invest TWENTY-FINE cum-s with a pro» pact of gelling five hundred or a; thousand times as much. All orders must be addressed to us at our old stand No- 15 Maiden Lane, New York. Case Watches...; nu . . . 600 Gents' Ruining-Case Sil- ver Watches......... .... 200 Diamond Rings“ .. .. . . . . 3.000 Gpld V951 and Neck Chains u u u 3,000 Gold Oval Band Bracelets. 4.000 Chu’sed Gold Braceletx .. . . 2.000 Chatelaine Chains and _35 35 50 15 4 4 5 Brooches............... 4 2.000 Coral. Opal and Emerald Brooches......._...;... 4 2.000 Mosaic. Jet. Lava. and ' Florohtine Ear Drops .. . . 4 4.500 Coral. 0pal._ and Emerald ' Eur Drama-m..."wig" 4 4,000 Cnliforniu Diamond Breast 3,000 GoId P05 :and Vest Watch “ Keys-"(unu'n5...,” 4.000 Fob-and Vest Ribbo‘ni 'sudes 4.000 Sela of Solitaire Sleeve Bul- Addressâ€"Dr. T..C. Culver, 139. King St; East, Toronto, C. W. May 7, 1866. 49-Iy Watches. Chains, Sets of Jewelry, RingsJ’in Bracelets. Sleeve Buttons, Silver Spoons and Forks. Cups. Cake Bpskets, in. worth Eight Hundred '1 Iron. sand Dollhrs. The Entire Stock oi‘a iarge IMPOR'HNO Housn retiring from buninnss. Guard Chains. . .. .... ... 6,000 Solitaire and Gold Brooches 2.000 V Lava and Florentine tons,SLuds.eic.... "'3 3.000 Gold Thimbles, Pencils.etc 4 6.000 Miniature'Lockets. . . . u. . 2 50 4.000 Miniature Locketsâ€"Maglc Agents wantevdL'throughout the Uniled_Sluh; and Canudns. Allvconsu'lationls at the‘ office free but strictly confidential All. or wmcn nu: To an sow FOR 5! men. Gents’ Gold Hunting Cage Watches .... .. .. . ...... $50 to $15 300'Go]d and Enameled- « mum: w, DEV'AflG-H 41:00.. " ’ No. 15 Maid'en Lam, NdwlY‘prk. Juno 9,.1865- L’: . .. ‘. 33m. RICHMOND _IIILL LIBRARY ASSOCMZI'ION. TOZE-‘LpN_TO, 313F9ng angina? .00).... Over 139, King Street East, And all Female Complai' m. Otfico hours from 8 A.M to 8 P; M. LIST 0]“ ARTICLES. 800,000 For the'cure of A. scorn; (maria... 4m [I $150 70 100 30 'IO l5

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