“ an thi‘r’r‘, is'noti‘xing in tiios‘o 15111118 to in TE“? them in doubt or uncertainty, The simple qunsticn ‘is whvther those mun or any mhhem outmod'br continued within this ï¬r‘mince conï¬rmy t0 the provisions ofthosc Stenntes; In those 011309, an in all others whiyro the 'intrmt'is ï¬â€˜~mmf0riul quostion, it may b0 proved by declarations of intention, Crninfurrcrl from (WIS, fur the general prin- cipaLis, that a man intended m do what he 1m dine . Oh M'ondily‘ lest, the 8th insti, the A‘ssizcs for the United Counties of York and Peel‘wcre opened by Mr. Justice John Wilson: K's there are about ninety prisoners new in (hot awaitihg their trial, as Fenians, we have no doubt that considerable interest will be taken in the proceedinzs during the sittings of the court; the Judge's charge to the Grand Jury is commonâ€"sense and moder- ate, and as there are particular points in it deserving of special notice, we copy them from the Globe of Tuesday, for the beneï¬t of-our readers. “’0 have no doubt» but: that these misguided men, who are now awaiting their. trial, will have justice done them; and if proved guilty of the charges, they must abide the omseqnences of their own acts. As Judge W‘ilson very properly says “ the law presumes these men are inno_ “ cent," and directs the Grand- Jury to consider them so too “until, by legal evidence, their guilt appears," we fer- bear making any comment until the evidence is given, and our legal tribunals have ï¬xed their guilt or innocence be- yond a doubt,â€"if guilty we say let the‘ law‘talre its course, for the lives and; and property of our citizens must be protected, at all hazard’t; and no threats from the other side of the line forty-ï¬ve, quires has been fulminated by the Rochester Union, should deter our au- thorities-tromrmaking. examples of men: who maybe provodl' guilty of invading our peaceful andv'happy homes. “ Professing, as the Ameiiemx people do, to be a people 11 he respect themselves- oâ€"profelsing to be :1. nation whith respects national r1 rhis â€"-it seems a matter of 1111.170- ment that this conspnucy. whose obieets have been loudly proclaimed has not been frowned upon by the Ame1icnn people, and denounced by their press as 1111 atrocity es pecially upon us, which 11:15 110 parallel in ancient or 11101163111 times, and as one dangerous to their own pmiee - for an or- gammtmmt‘brmed +1) commit' atrocities in one place, may bV-sm easy transition, be- come one to commit outrages in another pla‘ce, tO‘whicli its directions may be turn- ed. “ The counsel {131‘ the Crbwn 1111131 'p‘rovo 11 ywur satisfaction that wm 11111.: levied. 11nd men 11010 in 1111115 a min»! [Iv-r M 1jvst1', (‘on- tme to the 31311110, and 11111 the panics 80- 0 sad wme engn gcd m i1 01- 115300121th with those who “are. “ Thm‘ are clmrrvotl ix'itlii’luwivig fenloni- only entered 11-3111 1 C1n1d1 011 the ï¬rst and ancond (1:151; '1‘ :lé111ol:1<t,\111l1 intent to lev wu- am 11 l Hvr 1ll: 155:1}; fwd with being found 1n arms against Her Majesty here:j As you will presently see. U105 mi rl1t 11110 bebn tried byn Mlln‘ia Com! Mhrtm‘l, but is} in better (hey sliouk} he tried how, by 1110, O‘dinar5 0011150 of lu‘w for {'X'ccphng tlm late invasions. and the continued threats of their r‘potition, we 11119, and -:l111re l11>e11vin a1 slate of profound poaco.- .‘slornm or wa’r. - itsuswm nnrl tribunals are alien alike to 0111' nvm-ulim r1.l and commnrci: 11 people who 51' ')ul(l hme hoen shocked \1 hon t‘l105‘ reflected upon it, that men should have suffemfl (1011.111 upon the sentence 01‘ 1140111111 Martialm. v The following are the extraom from the Judge's charge/fa) which we have re- fer-raw?“ RICHMOND II'ILL‘ OCT. LE. 1866 ‘andâ€"The Misses Cooper A I‘lemovnlu-Joen Waterhouse Bear on Medufl' down with the' gauntletâ€"‘ A. Barnard. . Wood “mutedâ€"thnix Foundcry Oil Oil, Oil,â€"G- A. Barnard I've fuund it.~ W. H. Myers. Tremendous Bargainsâ€"W. II. Myers. Cheap HnrnnHS.â€"-â€"\V. IIm-ris’nn.‘ Bradford Foundry.â€"â€"L. Butterï¬cld. Fire Fire.â€"P. Crosby. Express... Mail. . . . .. New A‘d‘v'ertisementa piners'VVanted.â€"Pntters\0u 4i; Bro. Neticeâ€"-Vuyghan Tï¬ownship RICHMOND HILL TIME TABLE Mail Train†Express. . .. H (Earthen: Railway 0f (:ana(1.v.. SUBSChnflS FOR The York Herald, $1,00 a year ï¬ll): 1)qu ï¬cmlk. In case they are charged a: .‘nnericuu Fall Assizes. NOV 15!} NORTH. MOVING scum-1‘. ' ..8 MW. .9 33. A. .......‘.‘.' ,....... A petition was laid before the Council from Dr Rees of Toronto, spraying the Council to establish certain streets as Public ROME-4, such streets at present farming part of Village plan at the Biclimofld Hill Reilrénd Statinn, The Council then‘tbok up th'e F’etii ‘tion of John Brown’flm'compensation for the damage sustni‘ï¬ed§ By him by the filling of the bl'iilgé‘over tï¬e H'umb'er. The second semi-annual tc’rm’ of the) above mentioned society having expired on the 156 Oct. the election of the Oï¬icers and Committee will take place m‘xt Tuesday eveningat half past7 o’c‘nck at the Tempmancc Hall A tull- attendance of members Is r<qucstod as som‘c change in the By- Laws of the Institute IS cnntemplatcd The "U‘DI‘O 'of blacklend pencils made in Ka-swick is about 25,000 pvr wet-k, that is about thirteen mlllion per annum. Dr. Langstaff moved, seconded by Mr. Graham, that ninety dollars be paid to John Brown for Horse, \Vaggon and Harness, from accidentally [breaking through abridge in this Township, and that the Treasurer be authorised to pay the same.- A public meeting wi ] be held next 1‘11011d.»y evening, at h: [If-p ast 7 o clock at Mr. Robt. Raymond s Hotel for the pufp‘osc‘ of dcvi'sihg mean's for the crec†tion' ‘nf‘zm ‘En'fine UHbu‘sc, ant! 'to' takb mm cunsiéémtmn' 32%;" 115-3 ters inf enunccmn" He Engï¬x‘lé." The Council th'en'adjiourncd t8 nt'éet-‘t’ on? the 2nd Monday in Nowember‘ av Curried. M‘r. Graham moved, sécondlzdlby Mr. Raeman, that the Treasurer be authoris- ed to deduct from the Roll of Collector of the 3rd “Yard $15 25, being the amount of back Taxes imposed upon John Elliot, erroneouslyâ€"Carried. Mr. Graham moved, seconded by Mr ‘Vcbstcr, that the Reeve be authorised to see as to the most advisable way of relieving the Tanship flow the sup- p01t of Tho. Dkll‘c an ih‘digcnt person‘râ€" Carried. . Tim Council d‘ec’tiiicd' tb‘ ‘ thk'e' ac‘tibn in the matter. A report from Mess’rs Gimsagc' and Wnéiworth Provincial Tiand‘ Sï¬rvéyors, was submitted to tï¬e Cbunci’l for the purpose of establishing portion? 0'9 tï¬c’ 5th and 6th Concessiéï¬â€˜lincs. Mr. Graham moved, seconded by Mr. Raemzm, that the Treaaurcr be authoris: ed to pay the following accom.ts :'â€"3â€"~ T158 CbunciI met at the Town Hall, on Monday, 8th Octoï¬er, 18667. All the members present. The' minutes of previous meeting were read and approved. By Law No. 136 was then passed, ap- pointing Duniel Kilt'nio, collector of Taxes for Ward, 2 for: the current year in place of Geo. VVilscn, who had reâ€" signed in consequence of ill health. “You wiil now retire, and I am conï¬- dent thm you will enquire earnostly and seriouaiy into every case submitted to you. “‘I shall abstain from alluding to what was done after war was levied, for except as affording evid‘e‘xicc' of intention, it, 2‘3 113‘!) 1118 substantive offence charged upon these’ prisoners mld‘your feelinge ought not to be excited by unnecessary detail, lest- yfom be unï¬tted‘for calm enquiry. “ In this way alone can you acquit your- sejves witlrcredit and approbation, in the sight of good men, and satisfy your Own consciences, in the sight of H-im before whom-all hearts are open.» “ In these cases, as in all othersr, the crown undertakes to bhng bofme yon evi- d'enoe to satisfy you of the guilt: of every mnn' accused. It it does not, iun‘om the bills Du 110thesitate a moment. Better (:11 the guilty escape than the innocent sntler ; better that no trial take place, which would 1esult 111 acquittal or that the admin- istmtion 0t c1iminnljustice should be ten- nishcd with the stain of a conviction which the law would not sustain. “ As the good people and true from among whom you came were above the meanness off'cur, when in the midest of danger and conflict, and were ready sternly to defend their homes, and to repel aggres- Alon). so now let the feeling of resentment tind' nn place in your minds, in the enquiries upon which vou me about to enter; and thus SllOW Lhat you can administer law in ixs pure and benign spirit. citizens,- there 15111121 be evidence wh'fch 1511111111113 you #11031 are such“ ci‘tizehs.lftl1by me charmed 1101: as Aulbxiczm citizens, thE p1esumption 15 that they me Her Majesty ’3’ Subjects 111117111110 COUIltldly (11)I)Cal's.311d 1t will nonprobubly be deniLd that- they are subjncfs of Her Maljest). do do Hiram \Nhité ..... 4 20 o‘cv do Arch Campbei-i..}?'8 0'0 Ward No. 2~ Dhï¬d Murray. . . . 5 00 do do Wm. Crudllbck..~. 3 50 do do Wm. Dént‘on. . . . ,32‘ 651 do do J‘. M‘ Rupert. . .-.11 00 W are No. 3 Jaflm Strong ...... 25 00 do é‘n JMm A-ylin-rg. 8 00 “’ard V0. 4 Gibson Jéwill. . . .16 75 \Vard N0. 5 J )hn Abel ...... ,_ 8 00 do do Frns. Bunt. 7> 60 (10 db’ Gbo. Lnn rhozme furxepair of Shovel 07 755 )' Mr. Homer for quarters support of Bastian A7- _(a~r. .35 00 David Withersp com for THO Baker. 10 00 Tho. Graham forT.Underhi11.. .10 05* Alex. Scott for printing 80c ....... 27 10 Dr. Reid for Medical attendance 0: on Roberï¬. Emov ........... 8 oo Trustees of Toronto Hospital fees for R‘oliervmliot ............ 'F 23‘ The Mechanic's Institut‘c The Flire Engine. Vaughan Council. 3 50 32‘ 61 11 00 25 00 8 00 16 75 8 00 7> 60 4, ,fl :1 ,7 , term" 1110 horrowm'hmw chm-god by' 1119 0110505 to $111111is 011'11300101)‘, 1110. Whole cnnvcmm :1, and 31110111 1111111 p1"111cipu the ’ n'.‘ï¬(1<,1.110 rates‘and 1111101‘031: may be 110W 1372;11ng 11y thedlsolmrg‘od by :111 :111- 911(1011' 1110111v11m1g1‘1111u11 payment 1101} 11111011101 c153 01' 111: 11 charged by p1iva111~ 110111 p1i110111:11 :1nd 11 ’émst 111:11' 1,, (11 011315101111) an :1111‘111:11 C:1111‘1a1i.c for 1111111‘m1 Daymï¬m vorv 111110 ‘111‘r11‘(1r\.0. 1110'1111111111111011 excms (11‘111:11c11.111r11 311111111ng 01" .1115 svs- 11y {1111:1111 (111111311313‘10111 (11 1011:11'1110111111 1'01'111101081n10110. Thctlm gmat 111311111111 (11 \111d11111110d advnmngos‘horrmvm's 1111:1111, m1 of 1111s Wsn‘m of re-‘11111111,110 31111919111 111 paymom, to 1110 greatjevery CflEC. majority of borrowers" must, we 11111111, be 1111-1 parent to (:1'01'11‘011911‘ A retm £1 11: IS just been published “hicl shows that since 183} the amount of taxvs repealed and uduced 111 (mat Bnlzlin am Ireland was Dwr £30,000,000. The most sntist‘actlSCPT- 27, ’66: my evidence of the in. creasing monetary wealth of the co1111t11' is afforded by the fact, that 0111' local loaning1 institutionsare enabled to reduce their rates ot interest, and can now at'ford to advance men ey on as favomhle terms as those which procure their capital frdtï¬ England; B1 far the lziiwest Cami dian companyâ€"the? Canada Permanent Rni‘ding and Saving Societyrot‘ Toronto, :1 highly respectable in: stitntion, has adopted the plan now so popn 1:11- in Europe, espeei ally among agrichltm- alists of accepting re payment by small ï¬xed instalments spread over :1 long' term ot years. It is in feet the realization of 1h: The most satisfac- tory evidence of the inmeasmr: monetmy 110:1 'th ofthe. con11t1)‘ is atfmdt d by the fact » that our local loanilngzr institutions .11eenz11 led to reduce then 1:1tes of in‘erest, and can no11 afford tb ad1 once mm» ey on as favorable terms as those which 11roc1‘1re their capital {111m England. By .1r tlie la1grest Cami- rtian mmpany â€"â€" the Canada. l’crmnnei’... linildihg and Savihg Society ot'Toronto. :1 'ighly' respectable i11- .§tituti0n, has: adopted the plan now so popu lar 111 Europe espeei .1 wily among agrieliltur- ists of aeceptinvv re pavment by small fixed insrahnents s smead 11er :1 long term (it wears; It. is in fact landed cred1tâ€" or cred the. reali/ation of the it fancier 33.3te1n,witl ’:111ded eredit‘â€"â€"or med which it is identit' al11 it fancier s te1n 11itl1 all essential partien vh' 1: l1 it, is identienl 111 lars. There can b all essential p:11ti(11 no question that th: 1:1'.s 'lhere can be. r’reatdfliLnltv e\pe11 10 question {111.1119 enced hv horro11e1 rie'11 d1fï¬L11lt1' experi- whose ï¬nancial re need by honowers sourcrs are limited i1 whose ï¬nancial re- tb meet the principal ources :1r‘e' limited is money when it be 0 meet the p 111c1p'11 he- c‘omes due, and thi. .1o11ey when it (iiï¬eultv' not 1111f11' -omes due, and this quently leads to th: liilicnlty is obviated '1c'ritiee ofthe properâ€". .tiy 1ed11eing the pr inci 1 nde1 the s1 stem pal into f1 .1<t1o11s pm- 11: 11f ve'nly or ; 1y. adopt? 111)} this societylahle this diflit 1ilt1 is oh1i11-l1e'1rly snread 0101 any ted Ly redneinrr the term the hon 1111 or p1 ineipal into haetions chooses to suit his own pavnhle half-yearly 01:eon1enienee and :11 yearly sfnead overam t'he mode‘mte rates 1901 reolnim himself proved unavailing, At, length he sought the advice of 1m emi- nent pliysici11n,~wl10 gave him :1 prescrip- biouw which he followed faithfully for sev- en months and at the end of th 1t time had lost ali desi1e io1 liquors,altho11gh he had been for many yeais led captive by a most debusmg appetite. The recipe which he afterwards published7 and by which so many other drunknrds h we been assisted to reform; is as follows :â€"“ fu’l- phate of iion, 5 grains; magnesia IO "rains; peppermint water 111 drachms ,~ spirit of nutmeg-,1 draehni; twice a day. This p1eparatiori nets as a- Sonic and a stimulant, and 30* par-tidly supplies the place of the accustomed liquor and pre- vents bha“ absolute physical and moral prestration that follow a sudden breaking off from the use of stimulating drinks. Of ï¬dubtful Parentage ~â€"Ver like Twins! We do" not know that any of offr' sub: scribers are so unfortunate as to be in need of the following rcm’edy, but sliOuld‘ they htwe any dear friend “ hose appetite for strong drink is such as to cause them to fear that habits of drunkenness are like- ly to be contracted, we earnestly implore them to ranks one more effort to save ï¬li‘éi‘r friend from going d‘own‘to the grave ofa drunkurd. We linbw {flint there {ï¬re persons, who indu‘lge‘fx'éely,tliat would gladly quit the practice if they couldâ€"but with them the desire for alstimulztnt has become a chronic disease, and, alt-hou'g‘h- they are not willing to own itbtliey must feel'wi'tl1~' in themselves that they are dru'nlmrds, â€"they think the world does not know it, perhaps they would scorn to enter a bar room and call for {a glass, for fearâ€"of what, gentle reader? Wtheir neigh- bors might get to know that they drank! but it is useless to attempt to indulge in drinking spirituous liquors and suppose that your neighbors will not know it,â€"-it tells upon itself, the drunknrd’s eye tells on him,â€"~â€"his face tells on him, his whole appearance and manner tell on him, he cannot hide it even though he never were seen by his neighbors in a state of intoxiâ€" cation. There is a famous prescription in use in England, says The Sjningï¬cld qubâ€" Iican, for the cure of drunkenness, by which thousands are said to have been assisted in recovering themselves. The recipe came into noturiety through the efforts of John Vine Ilall,father of the Rev Newman Hall, and Capt. Vine Hull commander of the Great Eastern steam- ship: He had fallen into such habitual drunkenness that his most earnest efforts From the Olimz'm Elitonid. 0F1h Time.†Sept 14 18(1(1.-‘7mm Eonomzst The most sntisf'zxc’nsclfl 271")“- ‘Vc trust that our readers will preâ€" serve the following reccipt, and recom- mend? its use to all such as they think are in need of it. \Vc copy it from an exchange:â€" 0mm FOR. DRUNKENNESS. fags it Round ! ‘ The‘Britim steamer Queen Victoria thundered at sea on the 4th inst , (luringr the recent storm in’ lat. 33 o 3, long. 70 o 30. The passengers and crew were picked up yes-iterday by the brig Pemf‘ret from N ew, Yerk. .CPhirty-ï¬ve Were transferred this morniaig‘te'fl‘e steamer lames Carry, from \Vilmingten to Balti- nore which arriied 111 Chesapeake Bay his afternoon. The engineer died from ixposure anti the mate was washed over-4 ward. The storm eeminenï¬'ed 0n the :econd and the'stea111er“sprang a leak on’ he mormrg ol‘the third.’ LATEST DES? \TCII. New York Oct 9. ~Among the pas- scnge‘s 011 the Evening Star were the op ru. troup of Paul Arhaisu which ar- med here just before the sailing of' the honing Star on the steamer Ville de Raris from France; There were ï¬fty- lillC members of the troupe. 111' I 1‘paulrling’s circus company' 01' ilhiiiy‘ muons also took passage on the Evenvl moy Sta l ‘Thc schooner S. J. W .1r11w fmm New Yelk for Apnl:1chicol',1 put in dis- tress, having thrown 0vc1h1md part of the deck load 'lhe \Varing brought, the chief enmnecr purser two pas's‘cnfr- ms and six of the (3ch of the steamm iLvoning'Stm, picked up at son. A doé‘patcï¬ ï¬'o‘m F'of-trcss Monroe of the same dzitb says 2â€"- "LATEnlâ€"The boat fmm'the stenmer Evening Star has arrived at Fernandina. [tlef't the steamer with eighteen per- son; including Captain Knapp one ladand 8. Child. The boat was capsized nine times. [is the steamer“ Sylvan Show left Fernandina; 1.‘ limit was re pmth to be coming: in \\ 1th the pnrser and engineer of the Evening 8 Ever Fun) boats left the stenimr as she wank. The other tm are supposed to have been swamped. ‘The steamer Evening Star flom New lork bound for New 0110:1115 foundered one hundxed and eighty miles: elstchybce with two lx‘imdred and 11ftypns<engcrs and ï¬fty of the mew. Five of’the crew and Frank Gerrard, a passenger, were saved. m ciflgmm ï¬c'm Savahnhï¬ G211, (1.1th the 8th, annmmccs a terrible disastel at sea. by which neariy three hundred lives wow lost:â€" TumbA‘f, O‘ct. 2:31:0de sale of Stock 830., on Lot No. 24', 41!) ‘Con. Mal-khan), the property of PI-ter Rumuhr: Sale at onc’p.m‘i, Ed Sanderson Auctioneer. THI'RSDAY, Oct. 25 â€"-8_hle of chhfoe Stool-z &'c., on But No. 227 4th' Cnn“. Markham, the property of Mir. Thus. Martin. Sale at 10 (1.111; Ed Sanderson Auctioneer. Finn“; Oct. 2G.â€"Credit Sale ofStock & n, on Lot No. 58, 2nd Con. Vaughan, the property of Mr. Thns. Thompson. Sale ax-ll a.m. Ed. Sanderson Auctioneer. 53?)“ To be borne in mind.â€" Public Meetings of' the electors in each Township (under the new Municipal Law) Will be held on the last Monday but one in December, (the 24th) to no- minate candidates for the ofï¬ces of Ream7 Deputy Reeve, and Councillors to serve for the year 1867. Dob not neglect to pay your taxes before the 16th Decemboriquyou' cannot vote I A as Weeks ago we announced to our readers that the Govelnment 11: 1d decided upon erecting a Drill Shed 1n the County onork, and, Very naturally, concluded from the central position in which Richâ€" mend Hill is located, that this Would be the point selected. For some reason or or otherâ€"it may be partially wing to ; the absence of a little wholesome pressure being put forth by the inhabitantsâ€"â€" Aurora was selected, to, which we did not feel inclined to raise any very serious objection. We are now taken by sme- pris‘e to“ ï¬nd that Aurora. is to be put to one side (is well aseurselves, and New- 111(1111ct Is to be selected fbt the purpose â€"â€"â€"a:t‘ arranmem‘lntI that mu be exceedâ€" ingly unpopular, and calculated to create general dissatisfaction. In by gent: days we recollect, Y5 was.r the annual custom of the Newmarket folk to hoist the Ameri- can flag e1 cry fem th of July, as a symbo1 of their Republican proclivities,â€" and when we chanced to {5131a casual visit to that Obscure spot, we felt that our loyalty to British institutions was in’ an uncongenial atmosphere; now that it pays to be loyal, we ï¬nd their Republicanism is suppressed, and favours showered upon them, to which their past history gives them no claim. “70 learn that Mr. \Vclls the member for North York, is the person to whom Newmarkct is indebted for throwing Aurora overboard,but we cannot understand what the representatives for East and “Test York have been doing to let the influence of one M.P_P. seize the prize from their graspâ€"for we feel morally certain that, it'Mr. “fright and the Minister of Finance had brought their influence to bear, Richmond Hill would have been selected in preference to either of the other places,â€"-as being the most central part of the countyâ€"as wel as the most healthy. “7e expect that something will yet be done to prevent the D1ill Shed from being placed so far_ flow the centre. 1 l NEARLY THREE HUNDRED LIVES LOST. Terriï¬le Bisaéterq at Sea The Drill Shed Again. Austin Sales Whv are inkus lim‘ nuts? licause the JIFCr they a e the bct' c. the) era 'w! Great Britain lows Ly Ireland in money about “£104,000 “your. A mm'rn just [whif- ed, relming to the mvvnne of Ireland, SHOW the-net income from that portinn of H10 kingdom to be £3,815.5180, and the yearly oxdt-ndimre £3,$h(l,8€\'7. These are the ï¬gures ’t'orflm yozu'ending with the Blst' of March ‘ 1806“ ‘ P2111 weathcï¬ 11118 '11111‘1)’ 11101111103 011' 1110 Continent! 111 Paris frequent 1111118 and high winds. 1 111 11111} the $111110 so that the \i11(1s $111111 011101 1: 11111 of 1111111100 are so backward as to c: 111% 11110115111058 ; 111 Switz- erland the 50115011 111 18 110011 most 11115111151110- to1y both for 1111111515 111111 1101cl-keepo111. A COS'I‘LY MI<'1111<11:.~â€"()11 Mundiy 1:151. Mr. D. K011} 111111111111. of P1115 c1111 11:111 01:- CMion to p: .iy M1. W1111s, 11\(1111111(1 11111k11r .31'10111 sil1',131‘ 1110 11111131 11 (5111111151 1111.1 11:11 1'11' .1305 \1i11inntop11ning 1111 m. :13 is his 11511.11] practice in 111111511111 11115 111111 11115111035 1111.111 (11 11:0 town. Shortly :111111 11111115 Mr. 1\111V 1115601 011ml 111111 01113 0111111 (1:1(‘1\‘.1"0S 110 had paid 101‘? \V1-11s 1'01 ‘71:) in si11e1' 1111111111111 containing $100 111 £0111, 1111111; 1111111 1111 111' twentyï¬ï¬') pieu‘s. 0n 1in11i111: out his mis take 1111, lost 1111 mm in 111111111111; it known to Mr. Wo11s: but 1111.1 1:111111' 111111 (16110 11011311101. 111110111151111353'111 1.110 11111simin1'3, 111111113111 :11- 11021111) 11221111 11111111 1110 11111111111 1111, 11:11] :01 1'10111 '111'.1\e11} 1.110 1r1111111111-1':111<':11r13 i1‘1 guinrr. .1si' came 1'01 in \111 LI‘ All 1111111115 101111110111, 11110 1730111114111 it. 1:11.111 1111111111l111i111, and 11n~ less it happens? 51') 11:1.1111 121111311 into 11113 11.1.1115 ofan 11011119? 1111111 M1. 1(11111m:1y 111.111?) 11]) his 11111111 10 b11111 111111 11111 best gimme 11115514 1110 what must. 11:1. 11:9 1:15.111]. .18 .1 111:1y 111.111- tious if not serous 111m. DUNDAS, 051. 9 A 111011111311 accident occurred at - 1,111: railroad bridge, 110.211‘ the Grant Western railway station 11010 lust'niWht between 711ml 8 0 13111011, to a hunt and “1111:1011 ‘cnntuininrr two 1101111511 and 1110 chiid lion T110 Waggon WIS 10111111 with unplcs‘. T110 horse took 111;:11t1 :1111 1:111 n'uimt t11cb1i11ge 111%},01111 11m “Wig: ‘ 211111 throwing them 1111111111, kil1ing 111113, 11-114 111'11. and ci1ttinj: the ("1101‘s 11s:1rfu11y. One woman, it is, supposed, wiIl n1111 1'11} cnvcr. Thctwn children 111111 the 111111'1" woman were recovering 51111111] a“; $7155 accounta. ‘- An irresistible powerâ€"can we re- gret it ? â€" inipels the peoples to unite- themselves in grand masses and is cans ing the disapperance of secondary states This tendency springs from the (lisire to place general interests under the most eflieneions of'gnamntees. I’usnihly it is inspired by a kind at providentizll threâ€" Siqht of the distiniea‘ of the world. While the Oltl p:\pnl:1ti0ns of the can tinentt increase slowly in their restricted territories ll11<si1 and the republic 01" the United St: ites may 0: 1eh within the next lin‘a'rhod years nninhxrn hund ea millionq 0 men. Although the progress of these two great empires is int for us‘ :1 suhjeet, 0T snlieimde, while r~1ther we applaud their generous: eï¬brts in “ â€xvnm of centrnl litwnpe nht to remain brol on up into little states without either force 01- publie spirit.†“ A11 Europe more strongly constitut- ed, and more homogcncnus by bottcr d1» fined territorialdiv,isions is a guarantee r'or the peace of the continent, and is neither :1 p~111 m1 m1 i11j111y to (1111 m1- tion.F1a11cc with Airr‘1111will man number 40 000, 000 in11:111if:'1nts:Gm 1117111", 37 (100000 of Whom ‘29 ,000, 0(‘0 will be 111 the conf’c 101 :1ti0n of the 11(111h and 8,000,000 in that of the South; Auctrin‘, 353000.000 ; Italy, 26,000,000 Spain‘ 18,000,000. \Vha‘t is there to disturb us in this distribution of Europe- .-m forces? The gist of the Circular 01" the Em- peror of the French addressed to [Camp can powers is given in two paragraphs, both excocdingly signiï¬cant, :mrl likely to provoke comment. His Imperial Majesty says :â€"~ There is mfhing further, as yet, to re port in regard to the duï¬mte and ï¬na‘. settlement of accounts and territorial boundarics between Austria and Itnly. But the whnie tendency of cvenfs is to- wards a paciï¬c adjustment of affairs. T110 Kin" 01' Pruwia 111d issued : letter expressing lehks for 1110 numerâ€" ous and w 1051111 avsumm‘es 01' ï¬dehtv devotion n11r110:1<11111‘.ss for every SI 11 ï¬co for King: and cmmhy 11111011 have been :1d11osse11 to 1115 ‘1: Ijes‘fy 110111 :11] 1111311013; 011 ovcneion 01' the 11111101111119 commusion 011110 Wnr T110 letter (11:- 0111109 thaf’che unmistnkubh 11111011 11‘1- twccn the soverbign 31111 tho pmpb f .1111] 111 1,110 new 0110011 (3611101‘113119, 1111 (131101' encns 11nd 1111 oppositimnc, 111111 111111 1110111 to advantage 111.10ve 1111' 1110 conunon futhurlund 111111 the accmnpï¬shment 01' the Prussian 1111951011 111 Germany. United States FiveTwonties \Imve do- clhred‘OVer two per cent. on Had London E‘xchnngje during the past week. tia. Some settlement has also been made with respect_ to tlv‘ roctiï¬c1tion of the fxonlim of' the Trent dishict though pmlmps not Such as to remove all Causes of future d1ssension. The Italians will have Rivaf and all the north- ern shore of Luke Gnrda, but will lose ground or. flu) mountain passes above Bergamo, Brcsciu and Viccnza. The Liverpool Chamber of 00111- 1110100 had voted an address 01' (301113131;- 1111111011 {0 Capt. Andu 9011 of tho Great Eastern and his coudjuio 0s, and had lcsohed t0 {rive them a gland bun- quet. Sir Staiford Northmt’, P11351- denf of the Board of Trade, was 111111011 to prcs'ide aminot boilw 1:11) to do so befme the 131; onctoboi,tl1e banquet had been ï¬xed to take place 021 that day. The 11011de Thï¬rs says: Owing t6 the ï¬rm attitude of Plussia the peace. negotiations between Austrm and Italgy‘ have made important progror‘s. The Italians anree 1:0 pay 73 000 fumes on account of the A‘ustlian debt for Vene- BaitdSt from Eur 136. \o. ACGIDENT AT; DUNDAES LL; On! this out if you '(IPuAe D12 Tln‘vnf’s Pills, and ' if you cannot, prom! a llzéln of your dlnqgist, do not Inlm :mv other. for some dual- vrs who are unprincipled \VIH‘I‘E‘CEWUHTIOHd (\tlmr Female L‘i||~'y “my (31m make a largnr proï¬t on â€"â€"l‘«*nt enclosa the- mdnay and 80nd (In-eat to Dr. J. Brwm.-()nusuliingl‘hy .mu,‘ Box 5t! S) 611‘ Broadway, New York, and you will rr‘cnivu rlmm sdcurely seak-d from observation, by re- 1- 1y >25 A l’mvu'm CIRFI'YAR to Ladies with ï¬no almlmnicnl evngravmge, snut free on meal†of (“I'PC(('(I.9!IV61(I])6 and stamp.‘ A rumndy for spacial caseu. four di‘grons 'trongar Ihmi the above; [II‘ICG Five Dollars [ae' ‘mx. n . .. .. .. They aw, porflxnll)‘ harmless 0n the «ystoxn; may lm when at nm‘ time with perfect smmy: but during 1/11: mrljj sir 30.6 If l’r/gn/L'nrgl â€my .v/mIAM not bu lnkrn’, 07‘ (L ‘misntnriugu mug/I1â€? Um Tum/5L 'l'heï¬' m-vor cause any sickim pain or distress. Each box‘comains 60 H Price one dollar. no manor from \vhaf,‘ muse it ariws. "l'hnv urn nï¬l-nlnnl in rovlmi-fi: In hf‘HIII: : vah/v'ar‘e sum-ling: from‘ \thkm‘h :nlduhuhiliu', Urnr. ilm INHEhHIth, Nurvh 'SS, N12, «V; .. L\'(3., and {hay “ AM I a r:h:\r‘ln.†in strnngtlmu- ing thn sx'stmn. ’|‘hnnwmdn of Indivs who have snï¬'érvd for years and [rind v'nrions other remedies in vnin. owe a rmwwal 0" their hunhh and strength wholly to tho uflivacv uf The nrwl infalli'flo and popular mner-r r-vm- known. for n†disensm 01' Hun t'e-male st"): ’fhoy hnva been nsvtl in many lllou‘saml Laws with unfailing successâ€"and may be rnlf‘érf on in 3“ I'm' which .hey are reconn.wnJéd n V 1* l‘)‘ mmm “ Slier'iï¬c Pills.†l'npy my labivs. cir- unlmsa d adelhenmnta, .‘mnvlinH-s word l'ur v, d, mug, Ill up \\’r>!'lh'4'>\' 1‘().v|]mllll(l~ lhu disnpp 1m the just expectations of [ho pur- chasm". I,’\'n'u â€'anwnl pnrrhnsn R-‘H’v S N‘iï¬!‘ mv'dws of \‘um' (huggisl. luku no ulhur, «ml the: â€mum (“V'Fl'l l0. wary ms“ Im‘ \w 1nd particularly Cbsï¬ruction Th» almvr Runwrlinw hnvt- now lwnn hnrm'n tho l’uhliu Innm‘ Vuarw, and tln-ir yrs-m nuw't-ss in tho alluvimiun of human miswylms excited cu daily (\I' smwrnl paw-(1m. who nan Hm Uunsnllmg l’hvsnn'mn. 5H) Nondvs‘n), va York, and yonwm rvcvivn Uanhy rmunl of mail, post paid, and free hum ohservaï¬ou. Vl‘ir‘u lwn dulluw. Fnflh‘A-nl for H month bu uscd [J gum! ndvnm'nyn. ll Qk'us xtmngm tn the Orgnns, and. WM] the l':lls, WI†re~tnre them to xheir normuI cun- .lixion. A l’mnphmc "I one hundred parlor“, on lhn Errors ul Yuurh. dquued as n Lemme and ‘7nu‘iun 10 Young Mun. soul flee. 'l'en Cont." :‘vquired lu pu)‘ pnslnge. l’ricr One Dollar par 1; x; or Six llnxna for 'v0 Dollars : aka lnt'gu lmxrw, containing l'uur tunaâ€, pncu thrr-a dollars. me {our to aix lmxon are gv-nrrnlly rnqmr- rd to cum nu md-nmycns-os nt'Sl-nmml Wonk- ness and Emissions. though beuoln is dm'ivml from using a a Ingle box In Chronic f‘aQR‘. and pnrlivlllurh’ when Im- [)(HI'IICB or Gav‘hnl |)x-hi|'l\' with Norvous l’ros- zraiiml has v-ï¬'wrtm‘l [he M‘slolll. A [’ackngn win". ï¬va d'VH'U'fl‘ monlh. and ik genurnlh' suml-iunt A H} \v. anlnd in a†(mum. {Ur {he Fpnmh‘ xndpnrmnnem cure of all disoameï¬nriï¬ng from mxmd exam-s05 of Ynu'hf'nl indimretinn \W'miuzfl IAN Dream-,4: Vlghtl)’ If} ni<sian~u :md .‘OIYS‘H‘II ("(HHIHI, Plus (5:11 and Nervous D0- ‘nhly, lumotancu, Snxual Diwaws, QM: . 6156. No Change ofDict is Necessary. T'm_v mm lm med wilhnut â€Necli'm. and .xever fail to cfl'ccl a cu'u. 11' used ucrordmg m instrnc‘icns. mews SPECIFIC PILLS Arr‘ ropommondori 7m Hm mow! um ~ t-inlw iuvinleing and luvigurnlmg RcIuc-dy. in BELLE EX I‘ICRN Ah . s tlIQ- nmlnd‘y ilsz‘elf; Rndway’s Randy Rplicl‘ is more antivelhan the virus of the mosf swift and deadly epidemic. Fastertllzm disease 73m mine it counï¬or mines, soothing iglniri,-§lxsperi(ling inflamma- tinn, nmm'nlizing the DOISUH ()l iiilbflliflii, :mll [lill'using ‘L new resistant powm' tlzmngh the whole system. Thus the moat malig» mml ni‘ilurimw ï¬ti’ey may lull} le"l a‘ buy, until tlxi (L: is“ liml- {0‘ :m :iwriunt and al- (em'iwto (mornto and complete :1 cure. Br ml: flicisfi‘cngth of tlio disarm wifh’ tho RHliOl‘uml you mm t‘lmn oxpul evnrv polio, of it from the system with Liudwuy’s' Regu- lating Pills. D1. L. 01.111111“ 1 (711)".7‘07111 1110 â€10111031 511111111: 11m in 1110 \1'0111], “111 10106 Whiskers 111‘ Must 11-11†m mow 011 1110 smnoihost 1:100 01' 011111; 1111\01 1(1111‘vn to 13111. 8111111111 ' .' “ ““" U 1"" for trial sent free to 1111'," mm (Insirons ,of' Ipsiing its merits. Address, Rmavns & (30., 78 N isnu St.,N.Y‘. Nu letters taken unless prepaid. In violent diseases instant help is needed. Aalatic Cholc 'u or Yellow Fever, for ex‘ ample. may prove mortal withip an hnnr, if not click-lied‘l'iv a potent anï¬rlotc. -, The ï¬rsf thing is to mppt the inunmliute1 danger and [lug can only be Gone by wlmixtm‘ing a remedy as sudrlv'n is Its ogwei'atinxl 3 HM: malady ilfl‘elf; Bunk 'ayls 1).â€â€˜JN 1) 7',(" l~ ‘ ‘ . ‘ Méjdg DOR1i§ was ’in 'toWn 111? other day, 33nd “fa ï¬â€™Ã©'Fcï¬ieased tie 1{verécivet’tlmt he has been able 130’ nvorcnme i2 fear of recogni- ti< n, and has strengthenough leftmiter his exertions at Fort Erie on the 2nd of June to grow his whiskers2 which now. look as Wave and“ udformidhhle as before'the cele- brated tripfln _tho, ,R‘ohb ‘ng-«i’subseqiwnt éscapade \Wï¬) The†Feilifln.,. "1'50 Mujdr has le‘qirue‘d anew rindiflit‘ yulgbe; Aqo‘ypljiug for his s\w0rd.-]4'ram the Barrie Examiner of 27th. Sep't. ’667; ' ‘ TheS’alisbuH} Journal announces the death of' M154. Lent stepmothex to Con stance Kent, and mothm to the murdmcd hny. 1“]5. I\on_t died at Unngo]1en,.;Norfh Wales, where Mr. Ken? has nnï¬ppomtm‘cut as Government Inepéotor of'b‘uctorics. RELL’S SE‘ECE EEC EEEEEFEKE MAJOR Da'mm. ~â€"â€"Thie ofï¬cer who 15 said to 'uwe shown the whi-tc feather during the F011 {1‘11 raid at l1mt Eric,11as been b1ou1rht 5011110 (1' 11m: rt of 1311111111 v, consistintr of C1118. 1111115111? and Shnnly m1d\1211m ‘1V.1]lacc.ll!e 01113121111 the 111111111 1]: .1y at 111111 E1111 but 111th 11 but 111511111 1110:1111 ()1 11111111311 unable to say. The St. 0:1111111105 Join/ml whose editor 1s a 100111.111 sort ot a MYOW, hits 011' {navé Dennis thus: â€"- Fmpartant t0 Ila/EIF‘IES‘ In extreme (mum of “ability and [Inputnnm \VHISKERSJ VJHISKERS I“ EV: Harvby’s Female I’ills. Dr, Harvey’s Golden Pills. BI‘ILL‘S TONIC I‘HJ. THE‘CRITICA'L MOMENT i. A i); N as W g 1)l{.J'\ w m “mm \1 'ri'v FUR 'I'H FORTUNATP. ,4 ch'fle Pills CAUI‘IO'N. in all cases mm lzï¬lrmh or S‘ Lop ' rv‘ " ‘ pace of Fat . ure ’ HQ \1 I'll “7 will last n in Um hut A H 11nr155‘ 111011191110 ma eithér '01‘ N911» or Rook amount are lemiastad to pny1_l10 sumo. forthwith to Mr W. [1. \lxms Richmond Hill “1101s amhoximd to grant metipls. Ha llInIflof‘uIn invites hxs Old rrinndn and the in: inh: Ihilnms "I" [he unighhmlmml In cull and In. speck his Slack, foolmg ImIIï¬dPnt he cnu‘im, be undersold IIOI surpasmd by any hams north of 'I'omIIIo. Mup‘e. October 1'3. 1866. JOHN WATERHQUSEf Where hn will keep {\vnrjfscloci stock Ff N rnhnninn‘thanhs (n his numerous a and customers to] their lihornl snppo‘rt "‘rnce he cmnmenrmd business, bugs to iuforln limm Ihnt hc has removed 10 the Store formerly owuéd and pccupied by Mr‘ James Dick. ii} The Village ofï¬iglijlc, "ww mmulm "M > 'Mman “«‘.u1)ui"“auwlv GROCERIES,’ «@wa &%%§Wg% EQTEEE ï¬ï¬ . Fiï¬-WAL- H A R I) W A R E {FQKNERE WANTED. . Nmice i9 Hereby giwn, that an pnrfios inâ€" th-stvdl, and any who have objections to urgv, :1'10 required to attend and state the Hm? i‘rilmmw Hm' m“? mu [YEG 10mm In announce lo the inhabitants! ) of Richmond Hill and surrounding cannery. that Ihov hnvn commenced hrucmem. m the Shop one door north of Mn Barnard? (Irenm'al S'me, in [his village, as llelA W will he snhniittvd ih tho ‘ Muniuiyal lonncil of the 'J ownship of Vaughan. at thoir next sitting. on the 12â€: day quuwmhnr next. for 1lm purpose of vsluhlisliin;v a profane-(l deviation froinjhe Sideline thw-n Lots 2;â€) a: (l 26. in H10 91}! Concessinn, and on the ï¬lth Concussion line, nlm-t‘ling on the said lnts. ' Vaughan, Oohlfl‘m} 9.11, 1966 Nam ICE. Ahd Impmhy Ediligant nHe-nlion tn buf‘ipfs'. .he Sula nnd (h-uumeneus of thur “'ork, to‘ mm'il a sham- ofpuhlir: patronage. Slréw. do â€IIIIPT 15) m l’A'l'TERSON (RBIKO. Patterson. RU ,Oct. 10. 1(566. a.7_fl.l Milliuers, Mantle (fa Dress Makers Richmond Hill, 01:! Hm" 1? brI. ........ ."nH Wham if} bushel *priug: ‘9‘ hell: do? â€ark-v d5 Phase (70 Wm; do i‘rilmmw (r0 Egg“ ‘1') do]. \pplt-s ' hrl \Vonl, ‘ I wanted imnwdhau-Yy, at th- Agricu'lrirurrll Works 01' the subscribers. A geuth-man who sllflfl'nd 'fnr year? from, Vervnnv and Genital â€virility. Nightly. Emiaz‘ \ionc. and smninnl \"Vonknesw, 1118- remind)? Youthful iIHIisv-rmiun, and cnma near ending his duvs in 'mpelew. minery, will. for, the: sakq‘ of snï¬â€˜nring mum send In :mv mm :3 midnd. Ills" «implu mmmi med hv him, $413011 eï¬i‘ctad I; "am in n few \vnvk’k'al'to’r" Hm faHnre of _f|_nI-_ HIPV'IVHS medicihpa: Sirmi n direct-“d gn‘velbpa and [em cams and M will (:an vezgr xmï¬jvï¬g'u’ii Address“ Mum R 'l'mtmuk, Station jg 1&3 ,Sewqu'kchV 4 , . . )v ‘ 1' i “‘3' an a 14116 (“IQL‘M “,i . nre udnpwd tor all ages and ablmlï¬gtions‘fl They are nnrhpmed of tho amix're' {Iflï¬ï¬ï¬leé of Herbs and Ruolstcnlled fr'om’onr ï¬ï¬rkï¬ .yanrf, forests. They are miid ~but »'uémai|1 571‘); lheii“ ‘npermionâ€"rproducing usiglmr, crampawg’iiping, pains nr sickness. 'l‘lmy mnv J)0;)L:5k¢u’b§‘ a†ages, sum: or nnnditinns without fear. ' il \on wielv Huan’ s Lira Pills and cannot gm llmi‘» of x ‘dmggist dnnt mire a'ii' llml send â€'wlumil) five cents: in a letter tolho pinnrie; or and will will vet them in reliljn nt’ mail Atldrr-ss. Dy. J. Bxyw ()19 Bimdwm. New York. menl'79. . ' .' lv- 25 Ti“"R"' 93mg EILAL Aiiiizsigie Exclusively for Ladise, An hum-flu: b'pmniwaH‘ 17;â€. 'h Pr, llarvm', publiehv d’ m the be! (ï¬t of â€19‘3â€: Orr rm‘ninr of’]‘ warm 0mm: it wi‘H be 5‘ I post pa (1, in n soah d qnvelnpe to a†who ap- pl} ior it. Audmm. J Brawn. 619 Blond- \vn_\ \ew York, BOND 5079 ly-‘JS. 'l‘hoy are Plegm'nly pm my hv the pmmï¬afbr, 1.119 iuvg’nlor Of B'yun's ,I’ulmrmic qu/{BZ‘K/ n. medU-ine 10115 and l'avurably 15110va 19,341)» A Ium'li‘an lum. ages, sum: or nnnditinnsr without fear: lily/7171‘s Lift; I’f/ls'. Cum Unhdmflmé- [in/â€71‘s lire: Pills ( um b 'nk Sit-much. Bil/mu 3 Life l’i’ls (lure (r‘iddllmss. Hryrlu' 3 If: Pills l_’mi1\ me Blcod. \ Box of" Bryn/1’s {if}: Pills will'c‘nst hut TWI N I' Y [1V in (JEN {‘S and win aécom- pliuh all 1'1"stI’t‘pl'090lllé‘d disordsrsï¬roï¬gflfl 611 by hmIéf'ul and viniou‘s. habits. ' Gi'nnt nmï¬béx-s'hnéé 'bévn' cu'v‘efl .bY. ‘thiSrngble mmady; Promph'd by a ‘desiho o: bgneï¬l tho ‘ aï¬iicwd mm ugt‘ornlnute,,~;1 wil send thga recipe furl nréparing andusing V‘lhis‘ medicinapin z! saalé‘d- swamps; t‘b (am 0: whu needs it, ["7150 of Charge. ' ' 7 â€Fry/male Life A†193, d" reglflale Um Stomach. Liver 41116 I iHiï¬TV‘Sph arr-lions, which is we (‘hicfcause uf Nervous-r noss7 (y‘uldiness, Himlmss of szgll‘lt’gagwiwhop. Sick Stomach and other» k'md‘rod‘ comp aims. Hundreds of Certiï¬cates can be Shara I‘lwy have been nsnd lw hnumï¬gflh bu’éï¬oss uv 41,. ~ from Sumww PAH: and DISK am .44! Bryan. 3 Life Pills. EntwekyWflg'lflzï¬tblet;q are admitted to he the Best hunih Multan for gonoml use ,l‘nriï¬inglhe Blood udcldnnl_ Rug [he 53316111110)" all impurilv j; l_,.'â€,. ;. erica as a missionary. ‘dircovéfï¬d a safe _and simpï¬! remedy for the Curevéf Nï¬rwus' -VV63k'â€" neés, Eafly Dewy." Diseziéas“ 6'?†tlfe Urinary and Simian! ‘Og'gans, and the .whole (min of; dis 6er “rails-ht 611 [w hnuel'ul and vinimm Pleape ,enclosa an envelope ‘addneasddonp AV'Iouxselt « . The Greatest Médiginq'pfï¬ï¬gï¬ge , . , v .-_r A sure antidote for sinkmï¬wfl,~a’ï¬ï¬‚ a fag‘ from Sunuojw. PAlN and »D;s_r:.am ' ‘ ‘ vie ï¬rm at ,. , _, ,, VA, v.~ug."?f7f}" _. >A Clergvman, whiie rqéid’ingf'fiyï¬Sbuth-Ame; ‘I-j‘l or FWTICEN GOOD .TOINERS', The Migsgts‘ cooper: ERzitbRs OF' voo?ili Purify tï¬c’L'ï¬Ilsode TO [101V 1‘6" M‘ M: K E’I‘S Address. ' ’ ‘- " ‘ ’ Joann-r». VNMAN I - ..S’umu D. Binkainus’?‘ r; Jch- Y kzn'ty. 'M“ Pé‘Xa91§¥ife P9112; ‘arfl 't‘oz' Ilflriiï¬déi G. J. F. PEARCE. hacrtiï¬zmw‘m; 18H} Turnnto , Oct H Township Clerk. 033k» 1 41ft; (3,1 I 40 @ , 0 59 ï¬g 0 67 U 55 @; 0 70 (i2 @. o 30 0:4 ((3 ,0 45 7 00 @ mm 6 00-@_,_B 00' 70- 391 ?0 I1,‘ 2 00 o as