Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 12 Oct 1866, p. 3

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-B1E{@T, iIXTflE‘MElY LBW FRIEES! In order to go! it I ififéh‘lgbfi't‘i 11111, Oct. [8. 1866. Sto‘iigjfind Agkibfilmral Fum R, HUSTE'I'TER’S “HIDE‘I‘OUH friands -wlll please accept Ins sing-11% thunl‘is {or (heir liberal patronage ,al]d prompt payment, and wolIId announce me! he will continue to devote-fie wlwle of his atmnlion to the prac- tice, of'Medicule. Surgery nnd Midwifery, AH enlin, (night. on day,) promptly unaudud 10. Elgin Mills, October 5. 1865". ‘ ‘ WANTED, AWN m 1 War Single Earnings 89.8% $ sew!" Double Harness 1%”.09 i set single Silver moun'dlfi.00 Oc‘tobeiv 5: "e wgm'a Indnéj' and And evury uthrr Class ofGomls that any body wants. for 0.312111 or ShOrt Credit “ ammw ififiréva 11" HARNESS THE LARGEST STUCK , THE THE -' CHEAPEST; 113R»)? Efi'fi' .' W; V HARRI’SCL.’’ES,~ T 15% 131%qu . Harness Estabiisjunent, RICHMOND HILL. SHELF & HEAVY HARDWARE, . leies' Mexi’s andChiIdreu’s Huts & Cups of" Hm nmvost sfflcs in ovmyvuricfy, with the tent general assortment of Dry Goods to be fuund in the Imizlfimrhood. XII-0M gn‘d‘nY‘o‘Ing Hv'fonla‘n'! thk Teas, :1th 6d pm lb â€"â€"xple-ndid value; superior Moyune 6nd Yodng Uj'SOn Tea, at 4-5 per [hfâ€"'Iie best in this nvighborlmod, with everything in Alli bake Largest and mo.=t Varied asmrlmont to bevlound on Richmond llill. I ' quote a few pllCCS to let the public know that NOT To BE UNDERSOLD, Factrry Cottons at Gd. pc-r ym-d. Benjy andifine makes of Factory rmlly superior from 7&1 to 9d. per yard. Good DarkIYzird wide Prints from Gill pm’ pm]. A Splendid article' of Madder prints from 7; per yard. Blue Dennim from 7§tl. per yard. ~Colored Rool Linings from 55 per yard. Good Winceys in all colors from 101,11 to 1â€"1031 per yard. All W'ool French Murinoosin ('lmivo colours from 25 Gd to 35 9d. Colored Mohair and Colmnrg from 10d to 15 flll. Schilét‘All Wool Flannel from In 45d tr) 23 ($11 1101‘ yard. Uliio‘n’lTwood for Boys wear, from ls 3d to 33 EM [lCl‘ yard. Heavy Full Cloth and all wool Twoer from 25 (Ed to {is perym‘d. All Wool Pilot Cloth from 3s 9d pm' yard. . , . Fine Union &All wool G~4 Elm-k Mm»th Cl »1lx, fmm 55 to 7x Gil pm-yil, splonditl mlnv, with an excellent assortment of Mvn’s l’unts, Vests, Over mnl Under Cnats, Fancy Flaw #el and Tweed shirté; from 5.5 Tirfzwh, the largest stock on Richmond llill of our own manufacture, good large sizos and wall mmlv. GRGQEREESE PURE, SWEET, FRESH TEAS! " HO has now received I}: PALE STUCK 0F noon; winch have lure?» ’ purchased as cheap a= any lmnse can do, and shall sell on as small a profit poplar man can do. The Stock IS wvll assorted in "Trnfled for Wood, or Cash paid 'oront_n. Oct, 4. Z'éGG. Staple&Fm1ay Gmdfis TeCheafiest mm me" ’urc and Unadulturaled Poll, Sherry and Mulaga Wines, Bramllcs, Holland Gin ’ ’ ' Jan'mlcii Rum, Old Tom, Botlletl Ale and l’ortvr. ._ ‘ THE PLAPE To my SINGLE AND DOUBLE NIX FOUNDRY, Dom wiils £135 Gauntfd. AND CONSEQUENTLY IS TO BE FOUND KT 2: S. POLLOQKF’Q, has novy received his FALL STUCK OF (9001335 which have lwen ASSORTMENT 0F Cbmpetition is the Life of, Trade. GREATEST BARGAINS HF. V‘ZILS 91 Yonge Slrcol, Tumn‘u IJ AT is selling them ofT MAY BE HA D AT 1mm» 'IIEICSS 2m at AND Sisal mould-hoard Fluughs! ‘Villagc 13333033 arty At Richmond Hill. For particulars apply to 11m propriotor. z A. WRIGHT. Plain 5; Fancy Stationery AT SCOTT’S RICHMOND HILL Cu an “XU‘IIS‘iVe sm'e, and having hind thn (:rod'n sislr‘m. lw finds that it is nr‘ilhor advan- tagnufi to” himself or his nustmnm-s that HY'O willing: to 111' as hv Ins lwen ohhgm] In charge nhmu mmflhirrl mm'o for his l’hmghs than he could alimd to so” for, in orer to cover the expenses ot'peddhng, collecting, and had (101m He has now home to tho dotm‘mhmiinn m And reduce 1110 priéa-ahr‘n‘ mm third: 5' Plonghs that were sold for $11). 110 now ofl'ms for $13}. > He is also m'umfncluring oxfnnsivnlv \Vith all the latest improvements, and is nlsn prepared to ropnir nlmost ovnrv rlnscrlwinn ol' Thu-fishian Machines, pnrtlnnlarlv llarll's ol Oshawa. llnvlng (wary rlmr‘rimim] nf C sling llmt mm‘ lm required Lo lms nverv fnrilm: for manufacturng and renairing Sly/mm lCnginnc‘ and ovary kind of Mill Work} .1 lm mrofnliy ntlmnled to. and tumc( ant'with (lwpnlch at reasonable prices. Richmond Hill Sept. 21.1866 (\ATARRHJ3rnnchi1is Surnfifln. Liver nm‘. / Kuhn-y Diseases, Nature’s Rumedink‘ nm 1’ WW. \VM. R. E’ HNCE, Fills'zins‘. New Yurk, for (EU )0an propflrrmr of Kim Linlmonn Nur- mrics. has discnvorod POFHH'E cx. '91'0' 1h:- :1!mve,and fora“ Inherited and Chronic Dis- eases, Dyspnpsin Nervous l)rhflily. Rho" mnlism. all annM ,‘anladius, :md Olhm‘s re- 'uhingfi‘om impurih~ 01' Hm hlm‘d. hillu-x'tn inr'nrahln. Explnnimrv (:ircllim', one stamp. T'culis on all disease ‘20 camé. 58-4 Wood Sawing Machines Biadfurd, Supt. 2 SELL E Richmond HIH, St-f‘vl: 18 Bank of Uppar Kannada BiHs w Puff nl' Ln unwilling (5 Bradford Foundry ! CST liliCEIVEI). and will be sou! VL-r) C‘mnp. :1 Prime lot of The undersigned is now manufacturing ANADIAN CHEESE 0 H3} SOLD on rmsonnhlo 10mm, the ft)" lowing n-opmtj :â€" ’ art of Ln! No 3-7. on 51nd Con. mehmv (5 um: ILL ho taken at 90cls on [he dollar. pay- alfluin Dry Gum‘s, Grnnel'ips or Hard» w’xir-h \ViH ho MM as cheap as any home Inga Start, at \Vm. S. l‘uilnuks. lute. G, A [H KNARD, At “'UJJA ‘vT ATKKXS ()N’S LAND FOR SALE. IN EVERY VARIETY Richmond Hi6]. ()c ‘(SU Ms , and having Hind 11m that it is nr‘ilhor advan- his nustmnm's that are S lwen 01)“ng In charge (Thump Provision Stern L‘KHL CS 4,, RUMTIZ'T FIIILY). 69 51nd Con. Vaughan 7O 3m 1966 Toronto Sébt.‘21, 1806. THE MOE”? ATTRACTIVE DISPLAY EEILLINERY, “a w * cg. MWRKE “7" I In" m » {1 «mm “(mm "mum ‘umumu W Mm ‘nmwun Hum WV “mum m “um? “m “1 nu “qu Skirtings, Shawls, Silks, Ribbons, Mzuules, Flunncls, Blankets; and @PE‘OEAL NQTICE 2 017 EVLu ’LY DESCRHYIVION. Il’)1pOT_Ki:1f_§ my 800315 fdircct, cust01nm‘s will receive the fill] ad- vnntagn of the 1'('(,'CHI full ofprlccs and rcd’ucti’b‘n i‘n dtitil‘s. 13L King 15m, Toronto, SW. ‘21, 1866. My motto is Small Profits and Quick Returns Richmond Hill, Sept. 13’ 1866 GENERAL @TO‘RE. B R GGQDS! MCKSON, CRAWFORD & SMITH, 91 King Street East. PORONTO,‘ , N rvhn'ning thanks to his Irwnrh, and the Public for the wry liberal suppmt he has I enjoyed Since commenring business on Richmond Hill, lugs to inform lhpm that he has lmsnd the more commodious‘and ccnhal prormses owned and formerly occupied by J. K, Fulcanbritlge Esq., and will open Add in fact endeavour to make his Estabtishmpnt the Mart whérje‘eve'fi'thihg is to be fmmd that is usually kept in a first-class ‘ w STAND: fiéaui NM £85 @f $650502“ newt, gfififififiifig, FEWISEWS, fififlfiKEi’iY, HAREWAHE; emoved Z To which he cordially invites the éttentjoa of his old friends- Richmond Hm, September 27. 1866. ' 69 9V1- the 8th October; NEV7GQODSE mmm 3%ngqu ERRED 1 FREE ! ! FIRE !! ! gwfikphm GOOD'S &c., &c. He also would intimate that he will In addition have a choice stock of EG respeefluhy to call the attention of the inhabitants of the County to their very large and well assorted slouk of general EGS to announce to hi5 nixmcrous Friends that 1 loss by the late Fire, and that be M” Remch er the Pluce.â€"Flood 8L Price’s Old Stand; Extraordinary STQCK 0f SGOGDS f Impnflcd this Suas0n,â€"â€"the best value evar shown in this market wanhi direct speciaI notice to their stock of :4 . - n - Efiardwmm, grocemes’, MCROCKERY, 8LC. * thich, for qunhty and lowncss of price, IS second to none. EVILLIAI‘K ATKINSON GRAND ,RE-"OPENING '! Bought fcr Cashâ€"in the best Marketsrâ€"Comprisiifg REACH @ELKS ! 134 K I N G STREET EA S'I‘ “'20: an Pntire new stock of selject In his New Brick Store, on WITH AN . . . . . . . . . . . » . .Toronto, has survived his immense cents per- yard, Fancy Dresses Bo'nncfs,‘ HMS, 68 3m 67-tf VI‘HE Farm belonging to the Estate of the late Mr. VVi'limn Sawdarson, cnntaining 100 Acres of Good Farming Land. 9” of which are cleared. There isu largo Brie}: House, Wood Shed. and ollmr conveniences. :1 guod Frmnu Barn, Smhhm Sheds and Root House. The above farm is And is we“ adaptgd for 3 Dairy Farm, as it i.~ wrtered Wiih a never failing stream running across It. Thnre ?s also two Wells wit| Pumps, and a good Orchard and Fruit Trees. Garden, {‘10, For further particulars gpply to ELIZ \BETH SANDERS‘ON, Butténville Or 10 ED. SANDERSON, Lol 20,41!) Con [at NH. [4, 3rd Con. Markham, Markham, Sept. 17. 1866. E1 AVING pnrclmsad the Richmond “lll 1 Line omegos from Mr. Thomas Cook. 1 will run the same lrom my Hotel, Rich- mond Hil|,lo Toy-mum, starting at half-past 7 o‘clock. a,m. and returnng will leave L sent proprietor [c ofl'cr FOR, SALE or TO LET. tha Viilage Lot and Buildings for- merIy 0W_|'ed and occupied by Mr. JOSEPH KELLER. There is five-eighzs of an Acre of Mind. 3 pmtiuu of which is Garden. The Dwelling-home is in. good un’or and vmy convenient; it contains a Parlor. Dining room. Kitchen,SIoreâ€"room and fiv'e Bod-rooms.â€" There are also commodious Out'-buildings, Stahhng. &c., and a good sixpply of Hard and Soft Water on the prsmises. FOR-SALE. Richménd Hm’, June 13, 1866. Hull.) Raw Linseed Oil, dd do Machine Qoal Oil, - Elephant Oil, Seal Oil, Nozdsfoot Oil, Fish or Tanner's Oil. With the Best and Cheapest Pensylvania & lunadirm Ruck Oil horth of Toronto, from 7d per quart or 23 per gallon at William S. Pollo’cks, late HE Underside is ins’fiucffid by the pro- sont provuriulur [c ofl'cr FOR. SALE or Toronto. at 4 o’clnck, p,m. All Parcels or Luggage left at Best’s an Horse Hutelt Yuuge Stl'aat,.or at Lumon's Hotel. Nelson Strum, 'l‘urontn. willlm delivered with punctuâ€" ality and at moderate charges. Havmg do. Ierminod to run [he Slage On Better Time, Boiled Linseed Oil, (Blandclls and Spence, FOR SALE UH WILL BE [EH STAGE 8'. Which will afford passengers nim‘e time in the City, and keeping mtcptive and urognmmodub ing Drivqrs, “just to merit the palronnge of the gcnuml public. ROBERT RAYMOND, Oils! Oils! ! Oils!!! Lcmon’s Ilotel, Nelson Sh,- Lady’s Lace Boots for} ; 20 And all other Boots am} Sh'nes at the éhme LOW'PRICES. Richmond Hill, Oct. 4. 1866. Photographs for 506ts (102. OF ENGLISH NOTABLES, AT SCOTT’S INCHMOND HILL DESIRABLE RESIDENC E Everybody rushirngfprocure some Gr'dut Bargains, flflME AND 1.3an51 THE Goons Men’s Long Boots for. . .552 60' ‘N. H. M Y E Tremendous Bargains IN‘ BOGTS' Richmond Hill, Aug List Of Letters EMAINING mum Richmond Hill Post, ‘ ~Office. on lst Oct. 1866 : Ahderson. VVm' Allen. Dlwid. Ambler. Wm. . Atkinson. James. Ballriqk, Edwin. Bakjer, B. (2) Baker. J. ' Baker, M. Bowman. Thomas. ,Beard. Thomas, .Bnltrick. Gimrles. Bernard. H. G Cosgrove. Bernard. Coher. Peter. . . Collins. Timothy. Cooper. Wm .(3) Cook. Francis. 1 Clifford. James- Carlton. J. Duncan..V.Vm. Dyer. John. Ellis, Samuel A. Elliott Rohert. Fox, Wm. Gray, Catherine . (2) Grant, George. (8) G ancey, James, Glass, Daniel. : Hogartv, Wm _,, Ha‘Ty, Barney." Hunter, Mm J. Hopkins, J. D. Jcfl'ury Mrs. Mary. .lefl'urson, Mrs. W. Johnson, Toni. Klinck Family, , Kennedy,Charleé. . Langslafl', Dr. James lmnd,James. . « Morden.Jaeob. 5 Mathieson‘. Donald. McDonald, James. McKay. Miss. MCGaw. Ruben, McGee John. O‘Connor. M. A I’omeroy. Elizabeth. [folk-age, Henry. l’qui,.Alox.- ' fiumble. John. (4) Simpson. James. (4,) 'l'rench. Wm. Junr. Velie,_Jplm junr. \Vies. Milton. Williams, Willin‘m \‘Vebber. E. (2) Wooten; David 'A v \Nillinnlson, Matthew Wilson, R, ‘ AM the Prices. and fpu‘ are sure to buy at Fm” Terms, apply (‘0‘ RICHMOND HILL CUSTO ME RS ASTONISHED R ICII MDND IIILL, Richmond HiI-L Oct. 4, 1866. "to SEE 01m Yrs Land AND M. TEEFY, ; Land 61 Gene m] Agent. A. BARNARD MordemJaeob. 5 Mathiesofi. Donald. McDonald, James. McKay. Miss. MCGaw. Ruben, McGee John. O‘Connor. M. A I’umeroy. Elizahsth. Ewing's, Huxu'y. 1’q30I1,;Alox.- ' fiumble. John. (4) Simpson. James. 'l'reuch. Wm. Junr. Ve!ie,Jphn junr. \Vies. Milton. Williams, Willin‘m \‘Vebber. E. (2) Wooten; David '1 \leli‘unson, Matthew Wilson, R, ‘ Hunter, Mm J. Hopkins, J. D. Jcfl'ury Mrs. Many. Jefl'urson, Mrs. W. Johnson, Tom. Klinck Fannly, I , Kennedy,CharEea. ‘ Langsmfl', Dr. James M. ’I‘EEFYi P.M. 54- u'.‘ Proprietor , 3m of the Please rgnl‘ember that Sanderson SELLS C’HEAP at And oF'liie bagt Material and ‘Workn‘mI‘H-‘hiip‘: Al‘ll is Veramed to gk'nfi' poffécl gafisfnc: (ion, \Vo are commntly adding to .ur slack ofBools and Shoes oforr manufacture, which will be ‘ ‘- " ‘ ' ‘ SOLD’ AT ‘fidsSIBLE PRICES} A gddd asvéof‘éfifénf 6f .thififié 181663373 611‘ lia'z’ia; mm SWING-PUMPS 0C? 19:3 Yon‘ge‘ Stryeey TQO floors: S’ontfi of Best’s HofeI,’ Tofefifg, MEN'S, wumm's Arm fiHIlBHEN’S Bums AND‘ smmi Oppositechm‘pyéffinbé St. , w ’ ~ {11‘ ,w EGS tp announce to JR; jgn‘llzbj‘apts 9f ,the :County of YOIrk-and‘lliloée,.in “the, nvi'ghborhood of Rich'moudllx’ll in ‘particfilar, that he has fidded to. his t tpck :of To which“ he invites pnblip attention. Coboufg's'i L ‘ 1?éiricy'*,SI/§i1'tii1g§,' \Vinceys,':“ “ ‘ (fi'adada TWeedS? - Paids’ ah’d Tan‘taiisj,{§S.Hay{/XS aifd Skirting-SJ; COiioné"; Iffintfsfg; ' \ . GLOTHIE 21%,, A few more County Rights for sale ELGIN MILLS, SEPT. 13', 1866; Wiién Orderin 3ease state de lb of Well or Cigérn. g P P A , x 3001‘s" SHOES? ' 3 'x:'~ ::."'u "w 3'! )VTU; ‘ l 77', J" 20 Haif'fl érrelslrSaIngoanrout and -VVlilfia filih at $3 50. Excellcng llernngs. rm“ ,fi I , . ,v -. consgsnm TWee’ds, ~ - - '-‘ Plain and Fancy Flannels, Worsteds,. I _ . I - Winsé'ys, ., » -. - ' Blankets, Shawls; Hosiery The Elgih Mills Stmr'e 'i‘HE INDEL’IBLE PENCIL Stoclz‘ofIfmodvgilsf ’Sfiitablefor the Seam E\gm Mills Septembér (1866. AD APTED FOR ALL”; DEPTHS; Cottons, “PrintS, Haw FA mm H. & A; NEWTON“ I FOR MARKING LIN1<;N,Fon SALE AT THE “HERALD” BOOK STORE, RICHMOND HILL; Styles for FAL’L‘ AND WINTER Wear; TORONrro,ӤofizL 1‘33 £866; Sold muchybeloiw lla‘s‘tv ygqr’s priéfi‘léi .Also, A‘ large assqrhnedt of“ Empress Trail” Hoop Skirts, 'fl'éféet‘? . ' ‘ 33 Yonge - :32 3 ‘ RIVER". ’r‘x' 'w; I l'\.0. l_. The Sphsgpificrfs have just received a large “us Just Iléléeifedwé; Confpléte Sylock of And is prepared to make to oluor all ‘kinds of A complete ussoitmen; {if the most desirahle we 519:.“ Fashionable §t§1駧 All of which will be CHARLES RO‘WELL, Cb‘fiéistqu' of- CORSJSFTING or‘ Doe‘skins Woolen Yarns, ' Plaids and Tartans, Cobourgs. 5 . _ . and aGloves',‘ Nubigi's, . "’ " ,‘,//,/,, Patcntcc and Proprietor. NEWT‘ON Briobk, 51-3:- ‘46

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