0n M0lflAY,’ 13th wens}; Mr. Lafl’eny has formed a German Class in Iddilion (0 those of Punch, Cluliu, &c3.‘ wording pupils a ram oppormnhyto’obuil . ï¬lm-ell. education, and, if they denim it. u‘ prepare for Mnuimiluli’on in‘ any of the Uni- vonitio-u » -' g. "Kgï¬ilyr- m‘endanco is most dumb“; that- tho loom-lion of the Cl!!!" may noun delved.) a “Jo/III pupils, residing'ï¬wmï¬l the United Comme- of York out Peel. _ » Oomx'non School Department Free To plpile residing within the School Sec‘ionl“ {bit-dun.“ und'SilvorMednlist in Class-id- in} Muhulllï¬cn of I the Toronto .Uni-mafly.; sci-tog‘! Mt. G. H. Portot‘uld Min [.45 men." 4 The who]. limit-tint: in under tho and: new» of Lawnmmu BA: Richmond Hill. Aug. 8 1866. Grammar School Depot-uncut has, I! . 33-021}sz aristniuum on, SALE, glutuublq Mill l’uportv, knowi u’tho RICHMOND HILL j MILLS, In tho Township of Vaughan. within half a mile of Tonga Stroot. and Fifteel'from Town. to 3 the Mill conlnim We run offlurr Sunni, marchunund counuy bolu, driven by t never {tiling stream 9f mm. - h THE 5 Pmpelling & Bep'elling Pencil, Contnlna 60 acre: of the very bgstpl'kpdunl hourly clenrod. On the promises are created a two-Italy brick» house, r with» Q tum. bum ntahlo. cow: holsa, In] «piggï¬ï¬l g’n‘d‘ envy other nonunion“. Also I Inger-pp!» "chm urd Ind plum Ind pour orohud, and entrant; in abundance. 1 F0! terms, apply per-onully to GEORGE ARKBEY. ' On the pnmison. Wood. Wanted. ’ With Holder 8: Knife, AT SCOTT'S, RICHMOND HILL W. WHARIN 8; CO. v ROM 50to-100 Cord. of Gun Ind 'ny Beach and anlo,lo be delivered in Tol- onto, during the wimor. Appiy u the Hortld Ofï¬ce. Riahmandx Hill. . 69 The nnonlion of tho in, inivted to 01-1! Stock, consisting of_t gnu! vuiuy of ; Richmond um, July 12,1866. Watches,::|';cks: ï¬jewelry: careful attnnlien [in]! to: the "pairing of Watch" “6:0th Jowclry mannfnolumd and Remind. ’ ’ GHOIGE AND FANCY GOODS, w" R0: Ll. King Smotnms 6: doors out of Yonge Simon ‘ a: church. ms, AT SCOTT’S , RICHMOND. H'l‘ILL. SCHOOL IBWKSA M swarms mauMonu) mm... Toronto, April 26. 1866;, 3W “WWW ‘ HE Subrcribor.. in "turning thank: to his numerout (Shots/mm and Friends '{hr their liberal Mlppofl dwing‘v the} put- nine years, would beg to intimate that he is prepared to manufactura BootamndShooa of every descrip- tions‘fromthe best materials, a11d~nfter the most fashionable style, He hnpu by strict at- tention to business',_comï¬nedl with. modbralo prices to ensure a continuance of-thair favour. All'nrders attended to promptly. Work warranted. Residence 6 doors north of Mr; Coosbyu l‘ato stand. 0! the bes? dolnipï¬onmnd newest design, JAMES VERNBV. Riahmond Hill, June 1511856. 52.3115 .OHOOL. ELECTRO-PLA’I‘ED WARE, cvwwnvï¬uh ac. Mammoan H1113" FOR SALE. M. TEEFY, «Suntan-lb Trainer of Board of III-unto“. IN IVE!!! vuunr. AT LOW PRICES, W!“- A'l‘ AT * SCOTT'S, RICHMOND HILL; . Purses, &c. 8m. ‘ R “I. Cbuï¬dib' Yo‘rk, ‘l‘oél {ad Olf- 7 ‘_ yrio,‘ {loci-121150 1 1:9: _8, 6!!! concession Residenceâ€"Lot 20, rear of 3rd Concession of Medina. P.O. Addrouâ€"Bnttonville. Pardon requiring Mr. Sanderson’s services can make arrangements at the HKRALD ofï¬ce. q “JOHNCARTLR. ., LiCENSED AUCTIONEER uric. Residence 1 Lot 3, 6th concoulou Mékflum" Pelt Oï¬eoâ€"Unionvillo. The Commercial Hotel. H. LEMON, PROPRIETOR. l'imduo Stubling Ind careful mundane.â€" Torml moderator Toma“, Fob. 6, 1866. ‘nnw. szmnnnson. LICENSED ‘AUCTIONEER, Counties of York and Peel. Junuuy 4. 1865. E ; 863 Yongo street, Toronto. #â€" W. G. C. Cl“. at c" the sum batwoen Toronto and Richmond Hill every two nooks. Ind supplies Confectionuy of all kinds at the Lowell Wholesale prices. Toronto, July 20, 1865. 7 Day Books, CONFECTIONARY ! Sale: attended to with promptitude. J. GORMLEY. J. FERRIS. l . GOBHLEY & FERBIS- . Licensed Auctioneers: 'zy'o.‘ 7, Row Excitange, own. and 1&3. 7’, Fall Hall, Landau. ob b 30 do: or in mm" Wm!» m - HAVING B-ei appoimed Agcnt for thin Con'npuy, no of 1b. afloat and mon rolinhlo Engliuh L‘qmpauiuJ will be happy h Ifl'ocl unique nguinlt Loss or damage by Frumpon ovuy dosctiption of Gotmloy.;P.0. “nib-m, Jun. 4. 1865. tendon Fire Assurance Company, The Lowgst rossmm nuns, G. A. BA’RNA’RD, Agent For Newmarket, Aurora, Markham and Richmond‘Hill.- Kitï¬mand Hill; Nani: Nth. ISpppsred «a wait upon any who need‘his professional services in order to preserve their teeth, or relieve suffering and supply new mgh' in the mom uppmednyh. Also to regu- lnte the tée‘h of thee. who heed it. “ †Conéultnxien free. and ell work warranted. inï¬N T (I S ’1‘ RY . Subs moulded u the thorn-f .nothii‘ and Ixouonnhlo toms. . V .35 W.'C.."ADAI!S, o. o. s-, GLO (ICES T121: I10 USE, YONGE STREET. 103* l Gaby; Preprietor. Good Stabling and an attentive ha! always n ntlondnnco. AGENTS WANTED. $15.0,PERI-I MONTH. Fobnuu 5. 1866. With immediate pnymont of all Losses. HE: GIMNI’BEI “aflélll'amllyv Sewing :"Jflmhi'ne i'a now ' od 10- the en lo omemda: possessingl Vh'ï¬rth’er imprmregnmpnsI thalmuu‘ be well conï¬ll‘ddlï¬ n-sewingmzxchinu; It will accomplish evefrï¬gcription of sewing except button hokcr4m‘uï¬â€˜overcont down to the ï¬nest:uilko‘dn&nyglhwit - Thin machine sells for only $15, aï¬Ã©uhmlly worth $50, in any fatally.» Ewryfljwnhï¬w‘warmuted,qud: kept in. repair (YesAof' ahar'gg' br;lhree All landlines sold in Wéï¬d mnlxnlï¬iblhie‘ It Ibo-oompnny’s branch "mnufaotory inETpr-r ohm; Si'nglb Machine-5nth fulll’fm'med direction†anntt exp Que-31700! om‘3 ipigeipl of $15 hr 3 raginero abhor. L Eullkpriifled» of 315' i‘n- - rogifleréé?hflvr. ; Eullkpiiiuéd» directions ncc'ompunyi‘Mf. maghihï¬lco’i plain that a child inVG‘ymgxd. mfé'wmhuh‘ to work one unMflWtJhbfl than: "Address or call ’on_ The .Gnanife Statééflnwing Machine Sompany, R, T. BUSHH‘JGOK, Canada Mhnufnchlra- us, 14 King Sti-eet' Ens“ 'l‘oronto,, C. W. Heac'Offlcen in in Great Britain and Canada, London. Engiand, Glasgow, Mbntrea! and Toronto. P. S.- Goodfaggnts wanted ilI-everv»pnrt o- tho country to whom wi" pnidia- salary from $50 to $150 per month, or a large commission.- Torma to ageuw seuL free to those wishing. Agencies. June. 1865. 95 King Street East, Totomo. PURB'AND UNADULTERATED Tatum/5 “arch 23rd. 1866 '. G.'oA.s-rEL;L. Hanan gtgqqt, Toronto; Joumalsva’nd: Ledgem, all sizes; Pass, BOoks, Pocket Books, Wallets, )3 Gun} vuunr, (Late Thoma: Cotton.) IIAB CHURCH I‘I’RIIT, IAIUI‘AC‘X‘UREB or ’0]! I‘ll "I “'10 Unionvillo.‘ P0. 31 ‘21-; 44-1y 4143' [ .HE Subscriber‘bega to inform the Public j' ‘ that he hug Ieasodv the, above Hotel. where he wiilkeep constantly on hand a good athly of ï¬rst-clog Liquors, 6L0. As this house possesses every accommodation Tre- vellqrs candeeire, those who wish iostuy where they can ï¬nd every comfort are respectfully in. vited to give him a‘cali. » AVID McLEOD begs to announce the! he has Leased the above Hotel and ï¬tted it up in s rnnnner second to none on Yonge St. where he will keep constantly on hand a good supply ofï¬rst-clnss Liquors, &c. This house possesses every accommodation Travellers can desire, those who wish to stay where they can ï¬nd every“ comfort are respectfully invited to put up at this establishment. ‘4 PRHICEzâ€"Flor' the 46 acres. V‘Vilh Farm House and build‘ngs. $68 dollars an acre. Possession can be had on 151 April, 1866. N. B.â€"A BAY MARE, 6 years old {o} Sale. (on tiuie~if 133qyjred.) - GIDEON DOLMAGE. Proprietor. Richmond Hill. Dec. 1865. 28-“ HE Advortiser offers For Sula his Eerm, of 50 acres, on Yonge Stveel, about half- way between Rxchmond Hill and 'l'hornhill or he will sell 46 acrvs with the Farm House and Farm Buildings, TERMS :â€"A “small payment down, and 3 I311]; Ellie loflpuy Fhe b‘afllunce if rcqqued'.‘ March 16th, 1866. YONGE STREET. Axirorn June 1 .865. RICHMOND HILL Cabinet Establishment. HOMAS COGHLAN begs to inform the inhabitants of Richmond Hill and sur- rounding coumry. {hat he has leased. 'or a number of years. the Cabinet Shop and Store from Mr. Webber. where he will manufacture and keep on hand a good assortment of Bedsteeds, Bureaus, Cupboards. Dressing Stands, &c . which he offers at extremely low prices. Also a. large assortment of Room Paper, Bordering. White Lead. Paints and (Tolor, Raw and Boiled Linseed Uil, Machine Oil. Rock Oil. Varnish. Turpemine. Benzene. Glass; Pully, Glue, &c., &.c Parties Furnish- ing. Bapering, or Painting their houses. will do well to call before purchasing elsewhere. FLOUR, FEED, Provision and Grocery Store, Where he will keep on hand “our, Sham. Bran. Oats. Pause, Oatmeal. Cornmenl. Buck- wheat, Bacon. Hams. Cheese, Fish. and Gone. ral Groceries of the Best Quality. for salo. at Prices that cannot be surpassed. MITCHEL HOUSE ! SMALL FARM .’ Richmond Hill, Jun. 12, 1866. DR. N. J. PEGK, DOLMAG E’S HOTEL, HOusehold Furniture, Chairs. Tables, SURGEON DENTIST ! E‘Sl'ECTFULLY announces that he hu- . changed his time of visitingtho following pineal, ’amd after Ihiu date will be (Sunday: - excepted) in Stouï¬â€™ï¬lle.. . . . :. . 'JSKh of each month. Brougham..........r ..19th Markham Village. . . . . . . "20"} Brown’sCorners..........2lat Thomhill....g.........r..23rd Richmond Hill; .. . . . .24th Maple........... ......26th Burwick................28lh "Kleinburgu..-..........99lh Nobleton................301h Laskay................ .3lst Aurora.......';’ .3...---- lst Sutton..." .........r. 3rd u u in u n u u u u u u u u e. M I. H I. M '0 cl 0. u Where he will attend to any business per- taining to any branch of his profession. DEAflflN’S FAMILY MBIIIGINBS Aurora, June 7, 1865. The safest and best Medicines in use in Canada. HAS been appointed agent. for the County of York, for the above valuahh Medi- cines. which haw: been before the Canadian public for the pam seven years, and have given universal satisfactionâ€"he can therefore. with conï¬dence, recommend (hundreds of Testimo< niuls could be given if required, showing the beneï¬t derived therefrom.) their use for their several virtuex. G.‘ ‘A. BARNARD DEACON’S STOMACH‘IC VEGITABLE BITTERS, As a goneral'Tonic, or Strengthening Medi' cine to brace and‘ invigorate the frame, none can be better. DEACON'S FAMILY VEGITABLE PILLS Act gently yet effectually: may ho taken dur- ing anyemployment, at any time. and even by the most delicate female. A soothing and astringent application : and; v far asanvapplication can be of any sorvico, more sontliing‘and‘muchmore astringent. than any hitherto prepared! The majority of cases ï¬nd speedy relief by its 1158;. DEAEON’EF WORKING' MAN‘S FRIEND ‘ (5R8 H‘EALL MEL. An excellent remedy fur Rheumatism, Emi- pelas, Strains. Bruises. Cuts, Chi'bï¬xins. Sure Throat, and violenrél’aina m Buck or Sidts’. tho effects of the Real All in xho above cuéex are astoï¬ishingg. frequently» removing all pain in a few huor’s». VDEACON’S'VEGITA‘BLE COUGH‘PILLS One or two Doses generally remove the cold, DEACON'S Mixture for Cholem,.l)iarrhma, nnd'Summer Complaints, equal'tO' if‘ not bet- ter than {my other medicine mada‘. WDEACO'N‘S unrivalled Cough Bï¬l'sum',‘fcr Coughs, Colds. Cbnsumplion. Asthma. &c. DEACON’S'Antibillious Pills. Nona bel- terin use. EEACON’S LINIMENT. For Chas, Cracked Heels. and‘ all kinds of sores on Horsesand‘cmtlo. DEA 3ON’S Ernptive Ointment' fur all kind ofr'skin diseases. BIBLE SWIETY DE'POSITORE SCOTT’S BOOK STORE. RICHMOND WM), August 10 1865. He would also call attention to his Rich moud Hill 1865. LATE VAN NOSTRAND’S; DEACON’S‘ l’I'LE' OIN‘TMENTL >Iw....... In... J um.... .7 ..1 lm Village.........i sCorners.......... ‘ ill....;.........r..: md Hill." lrg..... ‘n................- .u... Ila-Orion . FOR SALE ON G. J.‘F. PEARCE. _ » ‘Ijot 39, lst Con. Vaughan. AURORA. SI-Gm. l-tf The York Herld Orders for the my of undermomionod descrip- tion 01 BQQK J O B PRINTING £01.01!“ NEW“ BOOKS, FANCY BILLS, PAMPHLE'I‘S AND LARGE AND SMALL POSTERS, Letter-Press Printing. @ï¬ï¬ ls entirely nawlandfomth'a latest frttems. lhrgo valiaty or new Vt? ORDERS PHDMPTIY EXELUTE e223 Ft: (Cindi.- ,IBec jusï¬recu’lei ESTABLISEENT. BUSINESS 0mm, Will 50 prompdy attended lo :â€" CHEAP OUR? ASSORTMEN '1‘ (9? PLAIN And every other kind of CIRCULARS, BLANK CHECKS, LAW FORMS, AND AND DRAFTS, BILL HEADS AND'ISA POSITIV M PREVENTIVE 01F ASTATIC CIIOLERA, YELLOW FEVER, SMALL-POX AND OTHER PESTILENCESI RADWAV’$ @EAQV RENE? ! E! As an ANTI-SEPTIC; DISINFECTANT, ANTI-SPASMODIC, COUNTER- IRRITANT, DIFFUSIVE STIMULANT, RUBEFACIENT, NERVlNE, ANODYNE, SUDORIFIC, FEBRIFUGE. Of Diarrhoea, Dysentry, Cholera Morbus, Inflammation of the Bowels, Gliolic, Cramps, Spasms, Vomiting, Sick Headache, Cold Chills, Fever and Ague, Sore Throat, Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Neuralgiu, &cL~â€"Onc towspoonful’ in a glass of water will correct all dorangomonts of the stomach, bowels and liver, and instantly atop the mesh severe pains. July 26, 1806 Gout, Lumbago, Sciatica, Pain in the Side or Back, Limbs or Joints, Spine or Muscles, Toothache, Strains, Sprains, &c.â€"~One application will afford immediate ease and comfort, and a few times rubbing Wlll complete the cure. The Owner is rewinded m prove prupmly, pay expenses and tulw’ them away, Tum DU W 12115, but/141x», I lit), nun; .l .u v .4“, Vin†. ,.,.,., {UMAUU 71,. V . ._ within an hour or two, if not chockvd by “a, powerinl :mhdnic 111:0 HAD“ A\ ’b‘ READY RELIEF ;‘ and all acute and. inflzunmntm‘y mnlfldim, w-hmhor.Khulfmunslp, Koumlgip, Influm. mation of the Kidneys, D1adda1’,-Urilml(hillculncs, Illflaummtwn oi the \V omb, :mdgn 1am, aw disensesi"nug11t wiih immediate (1:111gl't‘i', yivld :IL mm: to 1111s (‘mxmmndmg curative; The READY RELIEF if as sudden in 1m.opmguj<mr51s UN", 1":\l:;<l_\"i1.\‘vll'. .[L if; more notlvo‘ Hum Hm virm nl‘ Hm mmt 9 ‘L and (Ufaldlv (mx‘mnnu. \\ 1th 1111; l{«- “my (it/11111.1( ‘to use on the‘ The READY RELII‘I L†is as Sudden in 1:2; 01w than the virus 01' the Inmt swift and (heudly upidm ï¬rst svmptom of pain and meanness, nu pvl‘suu m: CAME in“) tho nrrlmisvs (71" (I10 Silhim'ihnr. Lot No. 5272, in tho 3n] ('ul]k'u>si0ll 01' Markham. about 11m middle of J uly hm, Inviolent diseases, imtmltroliof in required. ASHTIO CUOLERA, TNI’LAMMATION‘ OF THE BOWELS, UHOLIQ, FITS, SH 1‘1" FEV 151:, Cl‘iOI'l’n,lHl’TflEJilA may provo' fatal n . nuv . \V!,\ nu A‘l\v A Ewe and a Ram Lam!) 5101; Hour (51mm, \Ulllullly‘, ummuuuu‘, Alllhlllul 11mm», um, My. One of our sisters had the. Rheumatism in her head for a great many yearsâ€"having taken a. few spoonfulls of Belief in water, and rubbing her head twice with the some medicine, she was perfectly nod and ncvor felt it (since. I always use it for dyspepsia and for colds, and- ulwnys with sneer 4. It is. very useful for Sore ihroutn, coughs, influenza, (lipthcria, &c. It has: a good effect in flatulence or wind cholic. 1 use it for foul breath and it produces LL marvelous effect. In short it procuros rclief altogether remarkable to our invalids. ' SISTER MARY DE BONSECOURS. N. B.â€"Bcwarc of counterfeits and imitations, have nothing to do With the dealer that will 0m eavour to persuade you to take, some other in place. of the 1Ea(lway’s.â€"The country is flooded with countcri'eits and imitations of liiulwuy’s Ready Relief. Dealers purchase these worthless mixtures at less than half price they aro charged for lladway’s, yet charge the public the same uriec our agents sell you Rutlwuy’s for. (.l’rico 25 cents per bottle.) The imitations and coun- terfeits are sold at 5 to 10 cents yer bottle to dealers; dear at that price. In purchasing Ready Relief, see that there are two sitrnaturca of Railway & Co. on tho labels, and the words R. R. R. Rzulway &; GO. blown in the glass. A MAN THAT “ELL SELL YOU A FALSE MEDICINE will cheat you whenever he has an opportunity. SISTERS OF MERCY, ‘ DORCHESTER STREET, MONTREAL, C. 13., HOSPITAL OF THE SISTERS 0F MERCï¬' DR. RADWAY,â€"I certify that your Ready IMqu has cured OVER ONE HUNDRED of 0111’ sick from chills, vomiting, hcndgmhgsg intomlfl pajh (i'c:y 1&0. ‘ n A ,, ",7 __AA_. L.._!__ Certiï¬cates of startling euros of the mom; Yiolï¬nt and deadly diseases are on record at DR. BADTVAY’S OFFICES in the Cities 01' lx'mv York and Montreal, emanating from the highest nuthon‘tics in the world. There is not a van or City Of importance (except a, few in China) on the Globe but that; IlAlHVZXY’S MEDLCINICS llfLYO cured the sick when all other remedial agents failed, and this is vouched for by 13:11 dignitaries in Church and State, both by letters Written direct to Dr. liadway, and through the U , S. Ministers and Consuls abroad. Sisters of Mercy at Eorchester Street Hospital, appEying Dr. Radway‘s Remedies to Lhasick, Firstâ€"class: Freehold Security. Aï¬mlyto 111mm, Aug. 13, "5' [3? Sold by Dmggists and Country Merchants S T1? .IE 31" AVA)? 12E 1’. Money to Lend“, m =:;nrflwzamm mmwz gents for the 5310 01' Radway'ï¬w Ready Relief, 1’. (,‘I’LUSBY. Richmowd IIill, THUR. 1\T.Ll>‘()N,Victoriu Square, CHA UOAN, Aurora. Mr.1’.O\VE and Mrs. RO\VE , King St. IT HAS NO EQUAL IN "Ki-IE MATERIA MEDICA. If seized wï¬ï¬h Rheumaï¬ssmg GEO, B, N (COL, '1' I lOMAS (JLIFFOR D, 0N Iamtmat Eï¬cï¬p Needed. Bitll'iQtUl‘, &(-,, Richmond Hill (EU-3m CURES PAIN 1N STANTLYK m smï¬ï¬ma ï¬ï¬‚zï¬meï¬m PRHCE, $4}; «Jung; :1 Bottle. my, :44...â€" A51 Around the Glebe. mun Laud sufl'cr :111 hour JOHN RADWAY, M. 0., 6L 00., 3:41,?“ fllrmum'c and other Emblems‘ mar/r: 3r) (JHZH’. Toronto, Anrri 27, 1806. 47. \ Ll; parties indebted to the Undersigne‘fl'hrd j l'oquskb‘dou lpny up iu’nhe‘diutely tb' Mr. 1’. Closby, Richm 0nd llilI. Barrie Aug. ‘24 1866, \VATUH ES, GEOCKS, AND FINE JEWELRY. 113, YONGE St, TORONTO NOTICE; 513 and 515 St. Paul Street, MONTREAL, And 67 Maiden Lane. NEW-YORK. J. SE GSWO‘RTHR. IMI’UIITI‘IR' 0F Jv. HENDERSON; r HIS ASSOCIATIONhuf LIBRARY to the ‘,‘H;RKL , wh'ere Stockholders nndlo'lhefl! Wk-oeurd BOOKS every Friday nfzemqon; (to ~ ulouk. P .Il. ‘ 5 ‘ """“ ‘ ‘8‘ DR. '1‘. C. CULVER'S' I MEDICAL DlSPENSARY; Chronic and 'Secr’éf‘ OUNG MEN who are troubled with‘ weakness generally, caused.‘by‘ I “lg-(1', habit in youth. which produces .coxiggjlugionll' delullity. you can rely on' our remedies, {of ya have treated over ï¬fty thousand‘ pullout-ï¬lm! we guarantee a porfeetcu'roin all can; i IMPORTANT '1‘0 LADIES. N nw menws um QurctngIjnï¬Ã©-Pbl“ Syphilia utrictures,seminnl 'we’ak’iiosa. painc‘ III 11m jouns, affections of the kidneys, disc-M oflhe head. thrqnt,, lib'ae mid thin. It'ld ill’ those dreadful uï¬'eciions arising‘ from a Metal? habit of yomli, which produces cannimtionnl‘ debility, rendars ninxriago impmfliï¬io’,‘ and ih' he and destroys borh body and mind. The tremment we adopt is :‘he rosuil of upward. of’ thirty years expel-hands and su‘ccdas'l'iil pnctico' xu hiurupe and America. ' . . .s and Gold.... .... nu... 6.000 Sets Ladies' Jewelry-,- Cnmeo, Pearl. etc . . . . .. . . 6,000 Gold Pens,Sllver Exaniuw Holders and Pencill. .. .. . 6.000 Gold Pens and Gold Moun- ted Holders.... .... .... . I 5,000 Gold Pens and Gold Exten- l nion Holders............ H.000 Silver Goblets and Drink- | ing Cups............... {3,000 Silver Calderon†[2.000' Silver Fruit and Cake _ -,..._r‘. “.H. _ n--. Strangers visning Toronto, who are in nnd' of a Medical adviser. having. no time {to ro-‘ main in the city to be cured: can havo Modi-‘ cine to rake with xh'em. A‘ sail! mid roii‘blo’ cum gnaranteed', Putients living†at n dislnneb can procure Dr; C’s remedins. s‘ent (secure and fr'oe from pbo' \arvnlion) to any purl of the Provinno. with‘ plain and full directions for use, by wrzhling,‘ sunng case, a: mploms, &c‘.: Our Periodical drops will bring on V “10' monthly sick-nous. in all Cases of obdgrnction From any cause, and amt a’ll othrfenmdki of the kind have been tried in vain: , ‘ ;. Allaconsu'lution's at the ofï¬ce free but atrictly‘ cenlidominl. A rogtmm EMPLWMBM’ PER “RHYMEâ€; For the purpono of closi‘nfl'dflt tho flock ‘1' the eurlie‘st possible date, \he undonignod h-vd' decided on n grenldislribution mude .- Inflow-g “cu AND r.me An'ncu, ud'n‘l‘r‘rflh’d‘oï¬â€˜ VALUAULE. mum: sou) row ‘I. Ofï¬ce hours from 8 A.M to 8 P-J‘. Addressâ€"IN. 'l‘. C. Culver, 139. King St.“ East, ".‘oromu, C W.- - 2 May 7, 1866. . 49-], The Entire Siocli of n largelhlronnhd'flflhiv retiring from bIIuiness. ' Agelitk W’nmed throughout the Unite‘d.8tflo and Canada; Watc’Hes. Chains, 8615"“ Jewoiry, fliht‘lfifl’ Brucbloll. sumo Button-3.6"“: Spoou' and Forks. Clips. Clko Buhll, lid; WorllYEizht Hundred '1 ho:- mind Dollnri. A Certiï¬cate of each article with it! thgd’ printed upon ii. is placed in II) ol'iloptï¬ sealedâ€"these envelop" Ire thoroughly mi and sold for ’l'wmty-flh Cum ouch-8th- râ€: non receiving 6nd o'l' thou onnlupea is out nod, to (in: article named therein by running tho' Ceruï¬c‘nto to us with one doling. dd thl quick? no matter how vuluabln it may M‘h, ill M for" wnrdod lo hilh or bar at onto. Ther If. no" Blank Curtiï¬cath‘u‘ and then-oh)» way no ii†sure to gel. at le'nst: lhd full vnluof nit hihfl’ money. Should tho u'rtic'lu an d on (hint? tiï¬uate not nuit,nny othnr wine 'Hl’mn uloc' {ofthe same value will be Inbntilulod. _ ‘d u" ‘the ce’rliï¬calu u follows: ' ' ' and Wait. . .:;. din†.'.-. 90 "106' AGENTSâ€"We want agents in any jig‘o' mom. and in every town and co‘u'n't’v‘ ii?! 8‘ country, and those acting as such vii" Ha ."yvï¬' ed 10 cents dfl‘ ovary Conâ€:ch drd‘n‘d by them. provided their tomittuie'é' g‘tï¬onu: g." on“ will coflemï¬dbï¬h' one dollar. Ag ,every Certiï¬cate. un‘d'tomit 15 cum to II. up.-. IS'flOO Dazsu' Silk! Ten-Spognl. 5,009 "A 4‘ J“ Table Spoons [1:7'Write pmmsyny' ouls- wh'u is u‘c’omxi‘ aud‘Hd'prompt. ‘ .A‘iflfasfla . - " “" dummy-w; wacm 4% 665* No. 1‘5 Maid": Luorï¬ov tori. June 9. 1885. ~3n uulity for Anon“, as what lady or [ohlï¬ï¬‚l’lfl‘ will not invut TWENTY-Ian can: with I prob-Z pact of gelling ï¬vle hundred or n (hum-d times as mucli.‘ All qrmm mm! In swan/i! m an m our old «Hull! N‘dJ ['5' Mull!“ Li“? {New Y‘dtk. LIST or‘ï¬R’n'cLEs; Tor $15. This disiribmiou afford. . ï¬n. Qï¬p’p‘F uulity for Anon“, as what lady or goitfl'ofll'lfl‘ Wax'dï¬w ._'. . . . . .. .°».-.-.'.,-.;. , 300 La‘dles‘Gold and clamor-a- Cnso Watclloa.... .... . .. 600 Genu' Hunting-Cue Bilé‘ ver Watches.... .... .... 200 Diamond'mllgs.... ... 3,000 Gold Vast'und Noc'k huinl 3'000 u u «I 3.000 Gold Oval Band Bmcololi.‘ L000 Cllased Gold Bracelet; .. . . 2,000 Chatelaine China and 3;; a; 1.11;, 31:; "MERE? 1lhtru' fo’r' q RICHMOND _ LIBRARY . Assocm'x‘lorzi Guard Chnihs“. .'.‘. .Y'.'.'. .3.‘. 6,000 Sohtaire and Gold Bmoem 2.000 Lava and Florentino Brooches ........ ....... 2,000 (10ml. Opal and Emorhlfl‘ Brooches"... .....-.... 2.000 Mosaic. Jet. Lava. and Florentine Ear Drops .... 4,500 Coral. Opal. and Emerald Ear Drops.... .... ...... 4,00017nlifomin Diamond Brent 3,000 Gold Fob and Vest. Watch Koys.... ........ -...... 2 50 4,000 F oh and Vest Ribbon Slidu 3 4.000 Sms of Solitaire bloevo But- tons,Studs.etc....nu... 3 3.000 Gold Thimbles, Pencils.ele i 6.000 Miniature Lockels.. .. .. .-. 9 50 4,000 Miniature Locketsâ€"Maglc Spring"??? .12."... 3 3,000 Gold Toothpicks. Cross", etc .......,............ 5.000 Plain Gold Rings" . .. . . . . 5.000 Chased Gold Rings;. . .. . . $000 Stone Sol and Signet Ring: 8.000 California Diamond Ringa. 7.500 Sets Ladies’ Jewelryâ€"Jot Am or wmcu All! to 3: son) ran. 8| n‘cl". 300 Ghnlg'lGold Hnnling Cue " One for Q5 cta.. ï¬ve for "I, 9"“ l (of n-lv frir' £5 lillr-ï¬vn fnr ll" nn'.‘ UH). 5303937er, UNFORTUN am“ READ! Pius-.- om 139, King Sage: Em, And all Fen-:10 Complain-II. 300,066 For the cure) of A. SCOTT, Librarian; .. m; 850 to 3153' l5 4' lb 15