Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

York Herald, 19 Oct 1866, p. 1

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LI'CENSED AUCTIONEER for the coun- ties of York and Feel; Collector of Notes. Accounts. 624;. Small charges and plenty to do Lnskay. March ‘2nd 1865. 39- Henry Smelser; _ THOMAS sanMA-m- éi’l‘riage and rWaggO'li' .. ~‘ MAKIZ'IR. r ,n UN‘DEERTAKER ,&c. 6‘9. &c. Resifle‘n‘ééQNearly oppOSiLH the Poét Oflice‘ Richmond Hill. MAB, MURRAY &fiEKE§f‘ ‘ ‘ Bafiristers & Attol'n‘cys-at-Lmv Sblicitors in Chanceryfi H ' . CONVEX‘ANCEBS, &c. ~ ‘ 6fFICE%In‘ the Court House, . .TORONTQ‘ Augdsi' 1, 18661 , 59 OEFICEâ€"In the “York Herald” Buildings1 Richmond Hill. AGREEMENTS, Bonds, Deeds, Mortgngfi. Wills,’ &c , &c., drawn ,wigh auemion gnd prqmfiljp‘ude. Tfszjms moderate. *i' 77“" 7' H" “"’“"’~ é'oMM’is‘smNER IN THE QUEEN’S BENCH, , , CONVEyANCER. AND . g DIVISIQN COURT AGENT. .063 4 I. 'I'droxitd. ‘ . 15.511.113.319; go. | J.A. BOYD. EBA May 7. l866. 40-tf BABHISTEB, MUWHHEW. 7‘7; King S'lreet 13.25:, {ow} 'I'hzoln‘pséln’s E'ast Ipdia Hausa) ‘ I . READ & BOYD, garristers, Attorneys at I,an Solicitors in Chancgfy,&c., _, V ‘GEQ. B.‘ NICOL, Cat'sh- ‘ ‘ ‘ â€" 'l‘hgyxflfill. June 9, 1865 REFUTM. can; or vans; AND CDLBUBNE 873;, 'rfiouxu ILL. ‘ ILL gqnpraflf}, he féht’ffl at home before half-1313318 21.111 and from 1 to 2 p‘.m. 5,, All fiarfiesmving Dr. J. Langstafi‘nr'e)‘ expect- qd to call and pay promptly. as h's has .pay- menu now that must be Ingat. “I, .- July, 5th. 1866. _, Consultationsiin the office omlhe morningg {f Tuesduvs. Tluusdays and‘Samrduys. B 10 "La. m. “TA” consultations in' the office. Richmond Hi”, Ju'ne 9,1865. 1 [FT Residenceâ€"Near the Church of England Reference pcvmitted «:0. S. Winstanley. Esq. glamb. Royal College of Sfil‘geonsL Engn o‘nge St. Toronto, and' 'l‘hom'fis U. Savage, Esq. M 1)., Memb. Roy. Coll. Surgeons, Eng._ Thistletnu. DR. JAS. LANGSTAFF, . P. J. MUTER. M. 0.. Phy~ician, Surgeon & Accoucheur H Thornhill. Member of the Royal College of surgeons 7 England, rt; mum; (Public, V uddqn‘ififlnedfi Puklisfied for a less period {ban on}? “1911;”, must be paid for in advance. “All [‘et'iers addressed to the Editor must be final-paid“. “I I. . PiNo‘piaper discontinued ddtil g1} drrearnge‘s are plid : and panies refusing papars without éuyiug uptwill be held accountable for the E}: bscription . _ ,, , , . . «.n «mam. Hummus.) .. .4 .; -- . . A”1 transntorv advertisements, from strangers u.’ ' 9r irragular customers. must he paid for when handgd in for inser‘ion. Ft; linggslnnd undenkfigst insertioh.. . .3300 50 Eralch subsequent in'se.rtion.... .. . . . ; . . 00 [3 Ten lines and under. first insertiufi. . '. . 00 75 Eggh‘subseqdent insertion" ; .- 3. . . . . .. 00 20 fiylove ten lines. first insertion. per line. 00 07 Epgh subsequent ilnslolzlion. per line. . . . 00 02 Unis Cotinr‘r‘mjger Mpx'w months. . . ... . 50 00 flnlf a co‘Ilum‘nl do ‘ do . . . 30 00 Quorter ofu Collin?!) pertwelvo months. 20 00 One colun‘I‘o Ra] Six months" . . . . . . . . 40 00 flnlf_ogolfim11 do ......._...‘25 00 Quanqu ofa column per six months. . . . 18 00 A of ten lines, for one year. . . . . . 4 00 K cord gtfifteon lines. do . . . . . .. 5 ‘25 A cord offlgpfily lilies, do . . . . . . . 6 50 _ fiAdng-fisel'fiems without written 'directions #1501651 fill farbid. and charged accox'dingiy iclunoud Hivll, Juné. 1965 flnlf a co‘le'l‘ml‘n' do ‘ do . . . .. . Quarter ofu collu'n‘iil per twelve months 03180011!!!an RE) Six months. . . . . . . . . Hulffigoh‘xmu do .......... Quanqu ofa column per six months. . . yin. Si; linfislfind undenpfigst insertiofi.. .. Eralch subsequent iyise.rtion.... .. . . . ; . Ten lines and under. firstinsertiufi. . figgh‘subseqlient insertion" ; .- 3. . . . . . {\ylove ten lines. first insertion. per line Epgh subsequent ilnsglzlion. per line. . . Que qunr‘qnjper who‘ve months. . . . . . And diapatqhed to subscrlbéi‘svb} the earliest ' mails. or other conveyance; when so desired; 'i'lle YORK HEllALD ‘will always be found rd containllho latest mid most important?orélgu : bud Pfovincyi‘al News and Markeiq, and the grefie'st care will be tgi‘keriito refider it ac- ceptable to the man ofbusiness. and a valu- 1 flile Family Newspaper: I . i 1 TERMS :â€";â€"_0ne Dollar per annum, pf Ag). yuan: islnogpgid within Two Months, One Dollar and Fifty éénts will be glinrged. | June 9, 1865. Opposite the Elginâ€"MUIS, RACHMONDJKILL POST OFFICE. Solicitor in "Chancery, NVEYANCE R, &c, &c., &c EVERY FRIDAY MORNiNG; mitfimifi? fiiicttdré. RATES OF ADVERTISING DR. HOSTETTER, El): 1.9m firmly LAW/ CARDS. IS PUBLISHED RICHMOND HILL. RAVE TRBHGHS. WATER SPUTS, CIST‘RONS. AND PUMPS 1 Langstaff‘; January IS, .1866. HE Subscriber begs to inform his friends and the public generally, that he has opened an HOTEL in the Village of Maple. 41h Con. Vaughan, where he hopes.,.b§: attenâ€" tion to the comforts of the travelling commu- nily. to merilfnnshare of their patronage and gupport. G’c‘od Stabling. &c. . \. _ . w, H l . a . OOD accommodation fog .Travellprs -â€" T WinesI Liquor: and Clears oidhmhest brand alwayséon ,hand. . Gooif Staang and attentive Hostler in attendance. » Raflré’ad Hotel, Maple?! ROBERT RUMBLETPi‘Oprietor. Maple, Jan [86(‘. I 1368 leave to notify the pnbhc that he has . purchased the business and good will of J. Ilayward’s nstablishment. ,and that he is prepared to furnish BREAD and FANCY CAKES to those who may honor him with their patronage“ , , Jfic-Nic parties and Tea Meetings .supplied at the Imygst p‘ossible rates and on the shortest nmice. a p re, .13: 01:61 I. AH erets strictly‘attendod to. Richmond Hill, June,18651 r Richmofid Hill BakéBT! W. S. POLLOCK, Ham fitflISElHT BAKER GEO. McPHI‘LtrPS‘sL SON, Provincial Lani} Sliri'cyors, S‘EAFORTH’. C. w. Residenceâ€"Lot 40 Yonge Street, Vaughan. EDMUND séifi‘am, Provincial Land Surveyor, 8m RXCHMOND HILL. Ii ESIINCNCEâ€"Lot 9.6. 7nd Con. Markham ; on (he Elgin Mins Plank Road. A large Stock ofS'rAvHs and SHINGLES. kept constantly on hand.and snld af the [063681 Prices IL? Call and examine Stock before purchas- [Hg elsewhere. ' r DAVID' EYER, Juh.,‘ Slave & Shingle Manufacturer Post. Office Addressâ€"Richmond Hill. June 1865 june 7, l865. CKNOWLEDGED by 800 Farmers, Pro- fessional Gentlemen and others (who have them working in Wells, varying in depth from H) to 133 foot), to be the EASIES'I‘ W ‘RKED. MUST DURABLV” " ‘ ""3"- N'l‘wtlfbfiefi‘dw ’u mane." * ‘ flifiPri'c'é'G'D dents pe'r foot. Nb e‘xt‘ra‘ch‘a‘rga for Top. .,,A 9.,‘.‘. Every; Pump .fl‘arra‘zi’féil,’ Orders for these Pumps uddresssed to‘ . c. POWELL. Newgon Brook. C.W.' Will receive prompt attention. _ > CANADIAN SWING PHMPS‘! June 7, 1865;- The Best is. Alwyajy‘s the Cheapest. P 0 w E 1. L ’ s January IS. 1866. At the lowest. possible rates. Saw Mill on I6: 25, 2nd Con. Markham, 2; mlllos eustof Richmond Hlll by the Plank Road Richmond Hill, Juné ‘26, 1865. 4-ly Kept on hand. SAWING done promptly ; also Planed Lumber, Flooring, &c. Lumber Ton gued 8; Groved LUMBHRING! One of the oldsst and cheapest houses in the trade. Egix‘re ohn a call when in Town. 'I'orbnlo. De c. 1865. PLVANEiR'SG To bimER, Manufacturer and Dealer in all kinds ofMen‘s Women’s and Children’s BGOTS 8b SHOES, JAMES BOWMAN. Issuer M Marriage Licenses, ALMIRA MILLS, Markham, Nov. 1, 1865. LOOK AT THIS. VI. VII. No. 20. EGS respectfully to inform his cus‘tomers and the public that he is prepared to do Manufactured ’and for SaXe by NEW SERIES. In any quantity. and on short notice. 38 West MarketSquare. 2 doors south of King Street, STEAM MILLS. THORNHILL JOHN BARRONi ABRAHAM EYER RICHARD VAILEs; 32-13! TORONTO. Itf l-tf l-tf He visited the place of his birth and upbringing, and revealed himâ€" selves -to his old friend Hugh M’Guire. His Mother: had died several years before. having receiv- ed to the tastuthev greatest kindness from own early fi‘ien‘d.’ Macrae “resolved to express to the utmost of his ability a sense ~of_:tl| the, benefits which ,haiiibee'n; eontet‘rerl on his‘ mother and himself by the wheel- wrightxa‘fiflaflddler. ‘ His “first act was to purchase and to prosedt to' him the tarm of Drum- dow. Finding that two good-look-~ ing daughters had been born to his friend, probany by. a marriage‘ made late in life, he. with the‘ (Sheeriii'i consent oftheir parents, sentthem to the best boarding- school he could find‘. . [Ieglso gave to both handsome {bnunesJâ€"W'e are no; vaUdiIHF‘d withlhe subsequent histmy of lhe youngest, but that of the eldest Elizabeth, is wee! .known. She It turned mil that Macrae, ‘eillmr in this country or in Ilnd‘ih, enlisted as a soldier, and had risen [mm the ranks by his own bravery to be a field officer; that he had after- wards held a high and very lucra- tive .Oflice in thewcommlssariat, and finally, having amassed a large fortun‘é,‘become Governor of Madras. 1 About, the year 1733 the town of ’s Ayr Wa‘si‘al'l asti‘t‘e, and" local dignitaries. with the neighboring - gentry, were assembled in. gala costume to do honor to “ an old lndian,” who was the Governor of Madras, and had amassed an im- m'etts’t fortune. He was for some reason or other about to honor Ayr Ewith a. visit, and a grand reception was to be given to the great man, and the freedom ofthe City botOW- ed upon him. All this was done, and the name name accordingly of‘ " James Macrae, late Governor of Madras,” stands recorded among] the burgesses of Ayr. M lit.‘,‘izs said. however, that all this honor was arranged without his consent hav- ing been asked or given. and from an eager desire on the part of the authorities to claim the great and rich man as their ovvnli,;all they ‘could ascertain about his origin having been that he was an Ayr- shire man. Tradition also states that he refused an interview re- quested by the magistrates, in rather stern and ___deeided' terms. He alone had remembered the vvhipping and its probable injustice. Be that as it may, the same James‘ Macrae, who left Ayr as a poor criminal, returned to it as a rich Governor! wwâ€"ffiâ€"vâ€"n . I lstence almost foregnf. Hitherto the boy, having lost his father, had been brough up in the retired parish of Ochiltree, in Ayr- shire, a Hugh M’Guire, who oe- cupi‘ed his busy hours as a maker oil“ spinning-wheel, which in those days whirred by every fireside. while his art as a fiddler made his presence essential at every m'erry- meeting in' the district. He was a kind-hearted man. and faithfully discharged the duties of a foster- father to Macrae, to whom he gave the best education whie‘h; the parish Could" ‘ affordg. } The only charge which tradition has preserved against his protege is, that he had ‘a restless spirit, and was “ always getting into scrapes.’ B‘nt what] precise scrape led to hislbeing flog-I ged is notknownâ€"prp’bahly I noth- ing more serious than his haVing perhaps robbed the Provost’s garâ€" den. or something of the same sort which in these days V would have met less pulic and more [lenient treatment, Macrae was too much ashamed to rem‘m' to his‘pzatron in"~ Oachiltree, b'u't dis‘iamaeared.a no one knew whilher.â€"â€"Every trace Ifthat “ auld teen" in the days of Burns was entitled to the praise \vhtch he bestows upon it, as hav- ing been unsurpatsed in “honest men and bonnie lasses,” the hero of our narrative did not thus ap- pear to be the “father of the man" who would eV‘er contribute to the lame at its honesty. James Macrae entered on public life by being Whippod through the streets of Ayr. RICHMOND HILL, FRIDAY, OCTOBE “ Let Sound Reason weigh more with Franrlclernt ~MedicaliDiplomas.â€"-The ail thorities cf't‘he Royal College of Surgeons lmveflirected the attention of th‘e’American minister to a practice. which, it'not check ed, may tend to cast ,disorwlit on the medi~ eml'profESsion and inflict deep injury on the [public generally. An advertisement is in- serted in some of the leading journals con< tainrjr this announcement :â€"‘ Diploma. (me- dical) to be disposed ofâ€"a bargain.’ It is l-Snpposed that many of these arein the mar- ket, and that, anyperson so disposed, wheth' er he have any medical knowledge or not may set up as a medical practitioner by the purchase ufone of them. It has been asâ€" certained that the diploma advertised is from an institution in New York. that it is dilly attested, and is signed by ‘Examiners.’ A Space for the name of the purchaser, 0“ any nominee who may be desirous of medi-J cal honors, is left; blank, so that any of the' quaeks who infest the metropolis, 01‘ any other person. may at once convert the dip-l loma‘into into his duly certified medical qualification, and (lo irreparable misehiefto the ignorant people who may he unfortu-i mate enough to place themselves in his‘; hands.~ ~ n J H V.- was erected, far less hls hlstory , .... vu..uuuuubu them there. Strango to say, this is the' only statné in Scotland or Engia'tnd‘erecited to him of “im- merIaT memory.” A Latin inscrip-r tion on the base of the ,statufé [in- forms‘ us, among oxher‘things, that ‘it was erected in 1734 by “ Jacobus Macrale, Gubernator [Ma'drrsii t”â€" The Governoi', from his admirath ofthe great “ Orangean ” furo- sentréd this statue, at a cost of £3,- 000, to the city of Gasgow, and thus unwittingly reared the only monument. as {up we , know,~ which extsts bearing his own worthy name. H a I . .\Ve mav add that this word ‘0! art was the only one of the kind known, for more than a century. to the peasantry pf ,the. West High- lands,~ The first object on reach- ing Glasgow which the Highlander} went to see was “ [he him-t: h'xren . Anotiier memorial of James Macrae, and one which will ever ‘cmmect him with Glasgow, and, we shall bring our short notioe of in] In a closé. Tlié traveler who visits Glasgow and takesthe tronblé of walking along‘theTiougale, which w0uld be afice street in any cttv, will notice near “the Cross” at its eastern extremity an ‘c‘q’uest‘tian statue ofnp meanvalue as a work olet‘l,and he will also discern two old guns protruding their small rvsty muzzles above the ground near its base. Those guns blazed at the battle of the Boyne, and they now 100k up to King William 111., who commanded qss Vmav be: traced to the" impres- sions fields on" hé’r young and lhoughtful mind when tending her cows “ along the mopnjtain sid’e‘” and when keenly apprecigtingjfihg blessings of good grass f<€r_ them, 3nd good schooling,“wixja,.a'k- com- fo'rta‘blé home {0)- hersglf Samgch: L“. “.4 7 “ f ‘ ‘ ’01: t1]? gpoq married William, thirteenth Earl lol' Glencairn. in I744, the Governor . having purchased forher the estate of Ochiltreein' her native parish land for which he paid £100,000? The marriag‘ctnrned out a very happy oae. Their son, with whom = the title bCCame extinct, was the Lord Glencelrn so much esteede by Robert Burns and his true friend when such friends were few. We may also state that the me- mory of Elizabeth, Countess of Glencairn‘, is still remembered and greatly revered in the district where she had once herded cattle as a_ poor girl, and . afterward lived in state as the Lady of the Manor. She seems to have poss- essed admirable sense and genuine piety. Her very life was devoted to the good ofall around her, chiefly perty. She introduced clover and leases Were secured to them at comparatively small rents. Longe before the Sunday Schools were ele\vhere known, the COUDIE‘SS had a flourishing one. She had also, what was then rare, and Industri- al School for girls, in which spinn- ing was taught. and the proceeds of the labor of scholars expended. one-hall in‘ premiuns and the rest kept as a small dowry for marriage. Her patronage of the parish was exercised in the most admirable manner, her sole aim being the ap- poin‘trrf'ent or the best clergyman she could find. Much of her ex- ofthe tenants on her large pro- . cellenee and usefulness as a Uount- us than Popular Opinion.” Eillies, 27yearé 01d; sfx‘ exixtries, lgst John Crawford 3d, 2nd Peter Lapp 2 d. 3rd Allen McKinnon 1 d. Flllies, 3 years old, two .ontrics, 185 W. Ash 3d, 21rd W’iliiam‘ D‘oynton 2 d. Draft Brood Mares, with ford by» their side, eight entries, 1513 John Cyawfm'd 3 d,"2nd John Crawford 2 (1, 3rd“ Jas. I. Davidson 1 d. Stallions, Spring 1866;, six; eniriés, lst John Crawfor 3 (1, 2nd Wm. Craw- f01‘d’2 (1, 3rd \Vm. Brown 1 d. Stallions, 1- yéar 01d; three enltries, 15%, John R. Tm‘rence 3 d, 2nd James I Davidson 2 d, 3rd Arch. S. Thompson 1 d. M‘StanonSG'y‘eaf entr’y‘, lgst Jhcmas Martm 3 d. Stallions, 2 yeaas oldI,‘i oné enti‘j, list Cap’p W. Armstrbng 3 d. 5 Draft, Canadian Breed, Stallions aged one entry,1st Donald McKenzie 3 d1 r'Fillies, Spring 1866, severr'entrigs, 11st Thomns‘Lawson 3,,.d,v2ndv John Reesor, 2 (1, 3rd John Beesor 1 d. . IMPORTED DRAFT Hon'sné'.‘ Imported Draft Stallions, four entries, lstJoseph Tompson 3d, 3nd Johz‘? Si '- derson 2 d, 3rd John Sanderson 1 d. Fillies, 3 years old, four' entries; first Peter Lapp 3 (1,} 2nd Wm. Robinson 2 d. :Eillies,‘ Z'yezm's 0H; t'hirteen' c’nfiri‘cs, 1:st Hé’rbert Spencer 3 d, 2nd Martin Rage- row 2 d, 3rd James Patton 1 d. Fillies, 1 year old, six entfiéé, 1s; Adam Hood: 3 ‘d, 2nd John Reesor 2 (1, 3rd John Hunter 1 (i. 'Brood Mare, with foal by her side, nine entries, lst John Morrison 3 (1, 2nd \Vm. Brown, “Whitby, 2 (1,31‘d Geo. Miller 1 d. 2-:St'allfohs, I year 01d,.\scven entries, lst W. VVheler 3 (1. 2nd Wm Atkinson 2 d, 3rd Henry Eby 1 d. . ; Stallions, Spring 1866,; wing. entriesx lgtVZVVféEak‘infi d,,.2nd W. Calvert 2' d, 3'rclTh'os Martin 1 d. . . , , ‘ Jacob Sti'vér 2: d; 2nd! Thos. Harding 2 d‘. .‘ . s . ‘ ~ : ‘ Stallions, 3 ye‘ai‘srold, tWo entries, 1st “Tm. Young 3’6, 27nd David Johnston 2 d. General Purpose Stallion; aged, 2 en- tries, lat Alex. Brown 3 d. 3 Saddle Horses, :fotjlzfpen: fifties; gist Samuel Wells 3 (1“,. 2nd Buttth 2 d. QENEIL‘A‘L PURPOSE Drawn" Honszs.‘ JUDGESâ€"Wm Shert; James Patton: John Coxwofth‘,‘ J 01m ‘Brown and J alries Weir. Bugfgy Horses; tw'elve entries; lst Robt. Reesor3 500ts, 2nd John Ray- mer 2 d. Span carriage Horses, 8 entries; 1st J." E. Davis 3 (1, 2nd Wm Findley 2 d, 3rd Jonathan Leffibn 1' d. . . : _ ” 'o, ' rvgeéen‘ , 1st William Mlller 3 (1, 2nd ’Simon Beatfie 2 (1, 3rd H C. Marr‘l d. Fillies, years o'ldr, s'ix enltriefi,‘ 1st Robb. Armsti gng3 (1, 2nd Josiah Shiver 2 d7 3rd C; W. Matthews 1 d. W '- ~ , F i‘lliég, 11 yeaf 0161, two entries, Isfi lek; VP. 3 "i 1/ I Brood Marc; With foal 13y bet 6 entries, 1st H. C. Marr 3 d. 2nd Joseph Lehman 2 d, 3rd Simon Reattie 1 d. Fostgr Hemfningwa '3 d, ; 2nd 0., \V. MatthevrsZ (1, 3rd ’qhn Mfillerl (I. Stallions, Spring 1866, thfee entfieé, 11st Jos.‘Stiver3 d, 2nd Major Button 2 d,. 3rd Philip Wideman 1 d. _ Stallions, two years old, six énfrfés, 1513 Joseph Lehman 3 d, 2nd Philip Wideman 2 d, 3rd John Height 1 d. B‘Tood Fillies, 1 year (31a, ms éx’lt'riés 1st W. Robinson, 3 6 2nd W[ Robinson 2 d. ‘ Stallions, 1 year (Shim four entries, 1‘svt;Geo. Graham 3 (1, 2nd James Mc- CO'Wan 2 (1, 3rd W'. L’. Stotté 1 d2- ‘ Blood Fillies, 2 years old, two elitrieé! 1515 Nelson Gates 3 d. Stallions aged, two‘ entries, Ist M. B Crosby 3 d. StAallrions, 2 years 91d) two entries,.1st Blood: Filly, 3 years 0M, 0H0, thl'y,' Major W. M. Button 3 d. Blood Colts, Spring 1866, four en- tries, lst, W. Robinson 3d, 2nd, N. Button 2d, 3rd, W. Robinson 1d. Blood Brood Mare with Foal by her side, three entries, 1st, W. Robinson 3d, 2M1 W. Robinédu‘ 2d, 3rd. N; Button 1d. Blood Stallions, 1 year old, one entry, Ist Nelson Gates 3d. BLOOD; sA’h‘D'fiE AN’D CAIi‘IiIAdfiLfORSES, JUDGESâ€"Ira Carpenter, C. W. Matt- , Vhews, and Thos. Crone. Blood Stalhons, 3 years old, OSC- en- try.â€"1st. Simon Beattie 3d. Fillies, ygars old,Af'o_ur _en_trigs,~ Is‘t CR 19, 1866. Ram Lamb; 1866, 22 entries, lst Den F Johnston 3 d7 Eminent-y Jennings 2 (1, 3rd Henry Jennings 1 d. {EWE‘SJLQNL eight entries} Ist G‘eoi‘ge: Miller 3 d,‘ 2nd Ea Sanderson 2 a,‘ 3rd Henry Jennings 1 d. Ram' one sheaf, ske'veh enfijies, 1st John Boyntun I"; 6, 2nd James Tmnn 2 d, 3rd George Miller 1 d. Heifers, Spring 1865, one: entry, Ist W Robin§0n3,. ,,( , LEICESTER AND Cowswom SHEEP. JUDGES-Wm Story, George Milne, and F - Smith. ‘ Leicester Ram; aged, seven enh-xos; Isf- Geo Miller 3 (1, 2nd Ed. Sanderson Z’d, 3i‘d’ Capt Armstrong 1: d. Heifers” 2 years old, a whim, Ist Geo Graham 3 (1, 2nd T A Milne} d. ’ ”Heif'ers, Spring 1866. four entries, Ist James Lawrie 3 (1, 2nd \V Whaler 2 d, 3rd James Lawrie 1 d. . .. Bulls, 1 yeai‘ old; oixé ent‘ry, Ist W Robinson 3 d. Milch Cows giving milk, two entries, 1st George Graham 3 d. . GuHowéjf' 735313,} 2-years old, one entry, Ist George Graham 3 d. ~ Héifers, 1 year QTdtgtyvo entries, lst W Wheler 3 a; M w \4 heler 2 A. Heifers 2 years old, four entries; 1st \V Whelcr 3 d, 2nd W Wheler 2 (1, 3rd J R Terrence l d. ( Bulls, 2 yet;ng old;7 two entries, list: Johll R Torrance 3 (1. Runs, Spring 1866, m3 (games; 1s£ W Wheler 3 d, 2nd W Wheler 2 d Milch Cows giving ,mil‘k. eight ngfésj lst W Wheler 3 (1, 2nd Y7 Whaler 2 d, 3rd W Whaler 1 d. . . AyrST1ife Bulls, ‘agéd,‘=t.x'vo entirvi‘eslrlst «V \\ heler 3 d, 2nd John Crawford, 2 d. , ., , - U ,1 r Heifers, 2 years old, two entries, 1st Geo. M. Davidson3 (1, 2nd Capt Arm- strgggfl d. h ‘ w ‘ Heifers, 1 year old, twé éfizii'e‘s, Isl: Geo M Davidson 3 d. I ) Heifers, Spring 1866, two entries, 1312 Capt Armstrong 3 d. 3 qu’lgi‘ng'QV-xen, entities, Jalfiés Lawrie 3d, 2nd Jas Lawrie 2 (1, 3rd Capt W Armstrong 1 d. A DEVON, Amsmms on GALIIOfiéA'i CATTLE. ‘ J UDGEsâ€"Wm Robinson, W Bbw‘eS‘and‘ James Dickson; g Devqn Buns, aged, one entry, lst Capt Armstrong 3 d, w ‘ Bulls, 2' years old, one entry, 185 H. C. Marr. ‘ [W )5 a Miléh Dows, giving milllrf, two entries 1st Capt. Armstrong 3 d. p ‘ Fat Q;,,I;S,t{e‘r';r,“Cov§ Heifer; ni’rle entries. lst Robert; Armsu'opg‘ d, 2nd W 1h Thompso 211; 3rd Hobbit; Arniâ€" strong 1 d. , a ; I-Ieiferzzz,Sqfnri‘n‘g;1866,~ élefé‘lfi" 1st Wm Thompson 3 d, 2nd John Mill- er 2 d, 3rd wm ’Phpmpson3 d. ‘ Bulls, '1 year old, n26 eotr‘ies, Janies'LawtieB d, 2116. \Vm Boyntoh Buns; spring 1‘86’6, sex>en‘ ep‘yrigg; "Is: H' 0. Map? 3 d,'2nd James Trann Z’d,’ 3rd Wm Puget 1 d." I I .. I MilchCowsggi‘ving mini, 14 entries, 1st: M" «Thomlison _,.3 d,.i 2nd. .“ m ThOmso'n 2 3rd‘ Wm Thompson 1 d. ‘ ‘ a .. ‘, , .- t I; v. _ Heifers, years old ‘ fiftee . e’r'ffjrites,‘ e“? "fawn? Ant; 1"; I'u- . 2 d, 3rd Jobn Bmoyg'u‘oni d. A . Hoifdfi; f ton e‘n‘tfi‘és‘,‘ VIzst; “7131 Thompson 3 d, 2nd John ‘Miller 2‘ d; 3rd William Miller 1 d. ‘ ., i ‘.l k‘ w. “v‘~ I Heifers; Spring 1866, fi‘vme‘néri’es lst John Miller 3 6; 2nd JOhn M; Bell 2 (1, 3rd George Mill'cr 1 d. W GRADE Quinn: .) A x 2 J , - ‘ : Bull, 2 years old, five entries, Ist James Patton 3 d, 2nd Thomas Rivis 2 (1, 3rd Wm Paget 1 Durhzim‘Hcffer’i‘; 2 fe'afs old, 8‘ £11,â€" tries, Isfi Jolm 'Miller 3 d, 2nd Geo. Miller 2 (1, 3rd John M. Bell I d. > , Heifers 1 yeai‘ ,xold; . \six entries 1st John Miner 3‘ a, 2nd. wm Miller 2 d, 3rd; John M Bell 1 d; _ _ [Drurhafim‘ Milch Cowsfgixvin'g milk, 7 entrips, Isthohn Miller 3 (1, 2nd John M Bell 2 (1, 3rd Jo'hn Millef 1 d.' ‘ ,Dfirham fSGG,‘ gm tricsLlst John M Bell 3 d. 2nd Henry Jengings 2 6, 3rd George Miller I d. Durham Bulls, 2 old; {W65 gn- trieg,’ Ist John Miller 3 (1, 2nd James Allison 2' d.‘ , 1 Span Heavy Draft Horses; 7 envériieé; lst James (Trann, 3 (1. 2nd James Lawrie 2d, 3rd John Morrison 1 d. m) Span General Pu‘rposfle Horses, 13) (.m- trips, 1st Robb Reesor 3d, 2nd George Sharp‘ 2 d, 3rd Chafles McCarty 1 (I. DURHAM, (13.41512; AND FAjr' Curing. JUDGES-Johfi B'ellwood, Th'émas An- ! I ' nan,_and Wm Crowie.’ V V ‘ Durham B‘uHs‘ aged; one (Entry; 151: George Miller 3 d; > TERMS $1 00 In Adx'ranéé. Whole No.332. 50 cts. . Can-ots, Long oanang‘e, eTqvon éntriét}, m1) Johnston rd; *2nd‘ AVery Mine-J Swede Turnim, 15 entries,’ 131: Jam'éé Dimma 1 d, 2nd James King 50'cts.' ’ Carrots, white, .27 entries, lst F Bell] d,' 2nd D J’oh’nst‘on '50cfs. Beets eight entries, lst Henry Robson 1 (1, 2nd Joseph Pypher 50 cts. ¢ ' ~Mange1 Wurtzel, 1'}!ch se‘gen‘ entries, 'lét D'r Vfueegnlr (1, 2nd M Gleeson 50 cts. Phrnififpsffivel entries lst Joseph King 1 d, 2nd F Bell 50 cts. :Mafigle wuétzvaéi L’fig Red or Yellow, 9' onvtnins, lst Avery Miller] (1, 2nd J'ob'fi Patterson 50 eta”. Roma. 5 Potatom, nine entries; lst J nm'és‘ Ylonng" 1 (1, 2nd D thluston 50 (its; “ ’ Indian Corn, 11 entries lst W L ‘Sfotts‘ l d, 2nd Lutin Miller 50 cts: I ' * “‘1': ' P “' l‘ .1 ,l . Barley, elexge'n entries, lst P‘ Barthn‘n- meg; 2d, 21161 W Thompson East. Whitby Id. 1 r:yy,‘,.v,,t Tax‘os. two entries, H Sharp 1‘ d‘, Z’nd‘ G'eo' Shag) 50 cts. ‘ _ i I ,‘ White: Beans, night entries'iat‘N Button‘ 1 (1,» 2nd Lutin:Miller,50 .qt’sg, u: y. , alluUVllll ununuuu L u . Ppas.,1\faryowf‘at, 4 entxgias,h,lst;P Barifi'o‘. lomev 2 (1, 2nd Capt Armstrqng‘ l Peas ~5mall. five ‘entries; list Thomas Gibson 2 (1, 2nd \V Fonfiav ,1 d; K 03115,me en'tries,,1st Phiiip ws'dex'nan‘ 2 d,_2nd John Dickson 1 d. ‘ ; :3 a,” 771:“ ww.â€"_‘.,.y,-‘..y.v.fl_t)my,“ 03-” ‘ 1.0 pounds Flax 'in strawffotir éntfiesfil‘si: James Dimma.2 d, 2nd Geptgefiharp 1 d. I I! Clover. Seed, 1st P Bartholoméw 2 d, James Mgddyl d. . ‘ Flax Seed, five entries, ljrfst- fiiélisbn’ 2 dm‘gndflP Barthoibffi’ewfidym i 1-2114 Midge Pr'oof, [one- efitrfi IR! recommended. ‘ ‘ A I v . _ ,1, Spring wheat, eight Qntries, lst ThompsomEast Whitby 2 d, 2116 'Jphn Ma‘xr‘jsonhl d. , ‘ . ) thj Tifimolhv‘Seed, two enMes,*lst.,3P Birthoi lomew 2 (L, 2nd James Medd l d, ; .',., , zqFaleheat. fiix entries, ,1 at W ‘ East Whitby 2 (1, 2nd meMgaill ; GRASS: 813129593!) 11.05%; i J (mansâ€"S Green, W Helliwell and Crosby. - ~- Bread, eight entriest,‘ lst Mrmillr, Eato- terson 1 d, 2nd Mrs J J Thongpggfl‘igg‘cts." Honey in 'thewcomh, mm entri " 71: st Rgdgers ahd' Webster 1 (1, 2nd S B efrier“ 50 cté. “Cheese,- fourteen entries: ‘l‘st . .Th‘pa mTimo? thy 57d, 2nd Mrs Roh't, Ouanlnghanxn. 4 6; 3rd Jas Pattonfi‘duffth'Mrs Jas Robertson 2 d, 5th Mrs Patton ‘1 d. 'v I . . _ and Whité. H 1.: 1 A 1 Butter 26 entries, 1st Mrs Wm Ehg-fatfi'd 2nd Mrs Jas Dimma‘4 d.:~3rd~st‘.aFIFa§ton 3 d, 4th Mrs J Canning 2 d, uh Mrs 14: But- tonl d._ , ‘ , V,“ .. j Gamerforfi; efiiriesb,‘ 1's}: J'th 2nd;J Beecher 50 cts. > ‘ ,d - t , 1 “Pen of ,Pqultry, six" entries,” 13% Geoiige’ik Sharp 1 d, 2nd Jas Thompson ‘50ctia 2;. xx; 3’ MW ~ DAIRY .Enonuclgl- ' 'H m, JUbéESÂ¥Hobtl Buchanan, Wm‘Stl‘ac‘flnd j Gamerfoa} entries; lit johnl 2nd;J Beecher 60 cts. > ‘ “Pen of ,Pqultry, six" entries,” Sharp 1 d, 2nd {askThpmpsonr " Shws; breed, eigh'ti‘entripét-glia‘t m' Forfar 3 d, 2nd W Puget 2d, Bra Capt Armstrong 1 d. .~ ' . ‘ ' , ‘ W ‘ 5‘ “A L-a, {33“ ‘ J Sows,,large feu'r entries; 1‘8}, _Wm Armstrong 3.d. 4 f =, "‘ » - 4 ‘ ’._' ‘ ' - Bears, small‘breed, fourteen en‘trjfiat-Ir lst G500 Weldrake 3 d\, 2nd W Miller ‘2 ti,“ 3rd Edgandéysvpn, 1d. U . ._ ‘ 1 .: Ewes one~Shear, in -enttiés;;%§t§f§6nbo Spencer 3 (1‘ 2nd \ Vféheler f d,'3i‘daA é Fenwick 1.511.: g; gr _; flay, I .. I Ewe. L‘am'hs,‘ 1866, elven entxtigsi'slfi W. Whaler 3d, 32nd A H; Fenwick' 241,5 3rd '1‘ A'Milne 1 d. . _ V 5- ' -~' ' ' I .1 ' z FatSoecp, six entries, v lgt Job; ' inte 3 .d. \an Ggogge Millgr _2 d,_ éeo’rge Weldrake 1 d. - V1111|Ivu1 _; u- i . ; , I t“ .5“ 'Ram Lama 1’865,» thirteen?“ aéfidh; .Isé EobtsAx-mstrong 3- d; 2'nd H :Speficer 2 d, 3yd Jos_Wicl'(§ozr’1 .J, 3“; "W; ’ ‘E'wes‘,va‘<,zéd, 9 er‘ltries, lst W Wheler 3 (f; n yrrn ‘E'wes‘,'a‘<,zé'dv, 9' ant 20de Spencqr ‘2‘d. ,Ram‘si-on'e Shear, s2; Wheler 3 d. 2nd H Spencer H.- Spenc‘erld. ‘ i” _ ' , " A9,»... _ f i ,. d ;, Bonny.“ h, gm; 'UDGEs-é-W; McCarty @1751“; 71'1an 616 Big . _, :_ Wm Maj0r._ u 7 .1 ' ‘ So‘UTl‘i Dowxé} ‘ ‘n v ' ’ .. it _ _ V ‘ I, . Ram aged, tsix entries; ‘,j,st ‘AflfLFeni wick 2 (1, 2nd Herbet S'pghQér 21d? 1 V Ewe Limbsh 18593,;‘thréé39bfi33; 15¢ George Miller; 3 (1,12nd Herbet’ gppncer2 ,‘ 3rd Joseph Wipkon l d. \ ’ 4 ~ a:Ewéfi; d‘n’é Shear, threeien-t'rIéQ-lts‘tg Gén Miller 3 (1. 2nd Jésqph Wicksqu ’2 (1) 3rd Herbet Spencer Ld. , “H t I T.‘L,,~ 1", I ‘ ‘7 LIV” -‘ ' 1nrn .5 Miller I d. ‘ Ewe-s; aged,» four e‘ntri‘e's‘“ is; Hen-heft Spencer 3 d, 2nd Jos Wixson 2 d, 3rd Ged 11:11 1‘ ,1 .; Ramio‘ne Shear“ th‘re‘efl, J ilégj' is: If Spencer,3 d, 2nd H Spender 2 d.:_ "f. -_ ngarfi'3Ldmb 1866. eight entriey‘ Ist Millenfl‘d, ,an H Spencer 2'd, 3rd Jos Wickson 1 d. ‘ ' u l1 Miller 1; d. I w. H; H, ' Suhéfi' My), S'vviun,_’;(:.i" ‘â€" v JUbGlcsâ€"Jas‘Trann. J ohh Cartél find, Robt fiax£béfiiréajncf SiropshjrejRg 4 - ixsod entries, lat H Spencer 3 6, 2nd 2b? 2 «1,. 3rd Jos Wixson 1 d. _ _ k LVLIIIUK .l v u, w a .' I H r . \ I ‘ V: I 1 , Eweethmbs, five entries. In job?! ‘Bovn- tonr3 (1, 2nd Geo Mill‘er 2 d,~3rd Jain; Mill- erld.. ~l - ‘ ‘ {’hv I Hmrsfiifiié, SfllanTgfmi 14:25» soua‘n' Down :Duymon 1 a. ,1 e . " 3-42 Um "' Cotswold gm aged,- fiyzo hides, ‘Dst Wm Boynton 3 d,_2nd v Gporge; y2 (1, 3rd Ben H Johnsfiqg 1,1}.r a ,5: 1‘ 1 Cotswold Ram. 11 Skleauzjfiyggnaentries, 19 ’John Mlllor 3 d, 2nd John ’Milbrv 21d, 31: :W Comgliusl d. g , V1 ’3‘. . ~ Ram Lhmli, 1866, 12? enkiefi» zlsb A H pellwick 3 d, 2nd; wm B0ynt9n,23, 3rd G69 ‘Yleque‘tl _ , W x . " VI; 7 _: Ewes, two Sheajrs and .ofit entries, lstv orm Miller 3 d,‘ 2nd George Ming: 2,d, 3rd v Geo Miller 1 d. 1 f5? 1' ‘.«Ewes:;6pe"Sbedr ébi fing ‘r’ §_ eorcre Mguer q,‘ 2nd Joim ‘ inere?a.‘ ‘33 ago 3 "Evir'e's; dfie» 'ilfééfi'jfiéFM Fgfltries, 1‘stJvolmi Mine; 3 d. 2nd George Malenazd, 3rd Geo' Weldmke 1 d. - 3 \ Fwy fiémysfifléfien‘phfyje‘s" igtjyd Sander- \ b‘wg Lambswlemen phtrile‘sggifit Ed Sander- 30m 3 d,-, ,nd Hbfii'yfiemfingsjfiid, Sid John Boymon 151., r : _j I -' A .E r OH entries gm .023). 1,“ st ‘ekiil 11'}? 13

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